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12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE.- 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST. #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND SUMMARY FUND' TITLE EXPENSES., PAYROLL 001 General..Fund 803,67.8'.61 858,769.98 :001001 Recreation Special Events 3,443.17 2,555.49 001409 FCTD Planning. Grant SFY2024 - 94.08 1,279.81. .001497 FDOT SUN Trail Network Prog 0.00 275.58 001630 US Treasury American Rescue.Plan 6,400.00 0.00 .001651 FHA thru FDOT SEC 112 MPO/FHWA 474.47 13,815.58 00165.2- FHA Surface Trans Block Grant. 0.00, 21114.51.. 001658 US HUD Continuum of Care -Family 3,077.00 0..00 001659 FHA Coronavirus Response &.Relief- 0.00 1,124.74 001660 Comm Svcs Block Grant FY 23-24 7,139.81 6,023.52 001834 TCERDA. 4,511.40 3,127.20 001835 Artificial Reef Program 0.00 2,492.80. 101 Transportation Trust Fund 52,313.24 :.158,067.29 101001 Transportation Trust Interlocals 1,690.:69 1,172.57 102.. ,Unincorporated Services Fund 9,350.69 .88,101.95 102001 Stormwater MSTU 17,250.77 33,542.78.: 107 Fine & Forfeiture Fund 191582.90 274,070.48 107001 Fine & Forfeiture: -Fund -Wireless Sur 10,380..9.5 21,407.38 107002 Fine & Forfeiture Fund-E911 Surchar 3,500.00 2,478.21 107003 Fine & Forfeiture Fund-800 Mhz Oper 2,8.40.98 0.00 107006 F&F:Fund-Court Related Technology 99,908.30.. ::21,309.86 107009 F&F One -Time Funding 922,656.00 0.00 Ill River Park I Fund „ 3,957.90 0.00 112 River Park II Fund 947.22 0.00. 113. Harmony Heights 3 Fund 276.94 0.00 114 Harmony. Heights 4 Fund 685.81 0.00 116 Sunland-Gardens Fund 762.75 0.00 117 Sunrise Park Fund 171.21 0.00. 119' Holiday Pines. -Fund -- .935.13 0.0.0. 120. The.Grove Fund 299.57 0_00 122: Indian River Estates Fund.:: 1,233.60 0.00 123 Queens Cove Lighting Dist#13 Fund 454.53 0.00 126- Southern Oak Estates Lighting 196.45 0.00 127. Pine Hollow Street Lighting MSTU 662.92 0.00- 128 Kings Hwy Industrial Park .Lighting' 746.01 0.00 129 Parks MSTU Fund 255,699.00 0.00 130. SLC Public Transit MSTU 4,249.50 2,066.08 ' 130142 FTA FEY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant 108.91. 3,203.95: 130144 FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant 13,0.68 3,421..75 130146 FTA 5310 Enhanced Mobility 87A 5,507.86 130246 FDOT Micro -Transit Exp.. Zone 2 800.00 0.00 132 Culvert MSBU. 7.,.874.86 0.00 136 Monte Carlo Lighting MSTU#4:Fund 2,800.63 0.00' 138. Palm Lake Gardens MSTU Fund 373.2.6 0.00 139 Palm Grove Fund 1,33.5.15 0.00 140 Airport Fund 20,630.23 24,.722.42 140001 Port Fund 358.61 6,561.20. 150 Impaclee Collections 0.00 4,589.76 e-js trrDEPT D�� �,� Goa 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 2 F,ZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023' FUND SUMMARY FUND TITLE EXPENSES 160 Plan Maintenance RAD Fund 1,413.53 183 Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir 19,666.83 183006 Guardian Ad Litem Fund 3,750.00 184231 Fort Pierce IMP 18SL1 88;987.00 185023 FHFC SHIP FY2022-2023 0.00 189116 St. Lucie HOME Consortium FY 2019 18,936.76 189118 HUD SLC HOME -Consortium FY2021 0.00, 190 Sports Complex Fund 51,697.42 310.011 Impact Fees -Library "South" 29,900.8.0 310012 Impact Fees -Park "North". 98.3.:12 310013 Impact'Fees-Park "Central" 983.13 310014 Impact Fees -Park "South" 60;000.00 310016 Impact Fees -Transportation "North" 5,607.30 310018 Impact Fees -Transportation "South" 1,821,407.12 316 County Capital 44,688.81 . 316001. 5th Cent Fuel -Capital - 974.72. 319 Infrastructure Surtax Capital 5151813.78 319100 FHA Edwards Road.Reconstruction 92,593..2.3 362 Sports Complex.Improv Fund 2,488:76 401 Sanitary Landfill Fund 187,2.70.72 418 Golf.Course.Fund 2.,838.20. 471 Water & Sewer District Operations 32,975.69 478 Water & Sewer District R&R 173.53 479 - Water & Sewer Dist. -Cap Facilities 228;687.50 491 Building Code Fund 10,960.77 505 Health Insurance Fund 170,47.5.98 505001 Risk Management Fund 1y680,693.27 611 Tourist Development..Trust-Adv Fund - 57.10 620 Law Enforcement Trust Fund 79,0.14.00 625 Law Library 13;723.67 630 Medical Examiner Agency Fund 11,411.47 655 Insurance. Agency ._Fund 209,006..61 666 SLC Economic Development Trust Fund 50,0.00.00 801 Bank Fund 26,747.11 GRAND TOTAL. 7,737,998.96 2 PAYROLL 5,151.20 14,916.45 0.00 0.00 4,021.42 0.00 2,362.81 30,479.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 137,182.98 11,348.80, 83,819.67 0.00 6,433.60 88,198.68 7,763.99 5,244.00 11,197.68. 0.00 0.00 58,576.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 ,008,500.02 r , 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST.410- 02-DEC-2023 TO 0.8-DEC-20.23- FUND-SUMMARY- EROSION . FUND, TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 184 Erosion Control Operating Fund 29'6.8-4 5,177.20 GRAND TOTAL: :296.84 .. 5,177.20 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 001 - General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054361 Apicella, Crystal Educational Programing !0054364 Bott, Gerald GNP Programming !0054368 Fusco, Kirk Guided Nature Programs !0054369 Garrity, Jennifer Garrity/Fort Myers/FGFOA Class !0054372 Jones, William DOH Rent/1103 N 37th St !0054375 Lilley, Sr, Robert B Educational Programming !0054376 Oxendine, Jacquelyn !0054377 Parker, Lakeishia !0054378 Persons, William E !0054379 Phillips, Emily M !0054380 Ries, Irene -Eva !0054383 Simpson, Helen !0054385 Surmont, Emily !0054386 Vincens, Jose W !0054387 Walton, Jake !0054391 Allied Universal Corporation !0054392 Alsco Inc !0054394 Anfield Consulting Group Inc Educational Programming CHECK TOTAL: Oxendine/Safety Harbor/ CVSOA Parker/Safety Harbor/CVSOA Cer GNP Programming Educational Programs Guided Nature Programs Guided Nature Programs CHECK TOTAL: Simpson/Safety Harbor/CVSOA Ce Guided Nature Programs Vincens/Safety Harbor/CVSOA Ce Walton/Safety Harbor/CVAOA Cer Swimming pool chlorination & c Swimming pool chlorination & c Swimming pool chlorination & c CHECK TOTAL: Shop Towels/Floor Mat Cleaning Shop Towels/Floor Mat Cleaning Shop Towels/Floor Mat Cleaning Shop Towels/Floor Mat Cleaning CHECK TOTAL: Consulting and Lobbying Servic PAGE 1 TOTAL 410.00 162.50 87.50 267.45 800.00 348.00 333.50 681.50 170.00 170.00 137.50 600.00 591.50 602.75 1,194.25 170.00 511.25 170.00 170.00 551.01 300.55 420.77 1, 272 . 33 39.50 39.50 39.50 39.50 158.00 5, 000 . 00 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 001 - General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054395 Apple Industrial Supply Co Maintenance & Repair !0054403 Carahsoft Technology Corporati Premier Support 150 of Recurri Docusign Business Pro Edition Access Managmement w/SSO per E CHECK TOTAL: !0054405 Caterpillar Financial Services 2023 FL Property Ta SLC - CAT !0054409 CivicPlus LLC Admin Supp Fee & Online Code H !0054411 Correctional Risk Services Inc Inmate Medical Expenses C17-10 Inmate Medical Expenses C17-10 CHECK TOTAL: !0054413 Day Dreams Uniforms Inc BOCC LST650 SPORT TEK MICROPIQ !0054418 Famoso Inc Non -Clerical Staffing for Even Non -Clerical Staffing for Even Non -Clerical Staffing for Even CHECK TOTAL: !0054420 Florida Property Reports LLC Title Search - 809 North 9th !0054423 Glover Oil Co Inc Petroleum and Fuel !0054424 Government Revenue Solutions H Banner Software Support/Mainte !0054425 Graybar Electric Company Inc Building Maintenance Operating Supplies - LED Photo Maintenance & Repair CHECK TOTAL: !0054431 IRL Council SLC Funding Contribution FY24 !0054433 Johnson Mirmiran & Thompson I Engineering !0054435 KAM Powersports LLC ATV !0054436 Kaplan Kirsch & Rockwell LLP C18-03-182 Legal Professional !0054437 Kelly Tractor Co Heavy Equipment Repairs !0054443 Michelle R Miller Clerk of Ci Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 PAGE 2 TOTAL 20.00 6,418.55 38, 090 . 00 4,810.00 49,318.55 5,530.09 525.00 135r543.53 164, 909.28 300,452.81 473.00 541.44 473.76 541.44 1, 556. 64 75.00 25,117.22 134,905.00 137.20 67.76 48.05 253.01 50,000.00 1, 080 . 00 8r388.49 10,230.00 704.94 27.00 52.50 27.00 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 001 - General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054443 - Continued Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 CHECK TOTAL: !0054448 RA -Bus Corp Professional Services for Valu !0054453 Ricoh USA Inc Equipment Rental Operating Supplies Equipment Rental Copies Equipment Rental Equipment Rental Equipment Rental CHECK TOTAL: !0054459 St Lucie County Health Access Grant Funding FY24 HANDS Clini !0054463 Thorn Run Partners LLC Federal Lobbying: Energy, Envi Federal Lobbying: Health & Hum CHECK TOTAL: !0054464 Toshiba America Business Solut Overage Charges on Copier Mete Copier Rental/Lease This PO Incorporates the Agree Copies Full Service Maintenanc Copier Rental/Lease - $83.65/m Copies Copier Rental/Lease - Recreati Copies - Black/White and Color CHECK TOTAL: !0054465 Treasure Coast Courier Service Courier Services !0054470 Veterans Security Corps of Ame Security Guards !0054472 Weiss Serota Helfman Cole & Bi C23-07-516 - Professional Lega C23-07-516 - Professional Lega C23-07-516 - Professional Lega C15-09-426 Professional Legal C15-09-426 Professional Legal CHECK TOTAL: !0054473 Wellpath LLC Services for Inmate Medical PAGE 3 TOTAL 52.50 35.50 3.00 27.00 27.00 35.50 287.00 1, 170 . 00 208.46 19.25 208.46 1, 739.52 208.00 208.00 208.00 2f799.69 75,000.00 2, 000 . 00 833.33 2r833.33 221.21 268.76 279.97 143.63 83.65 5.88 141.15 58.58 1,202.83 240.00 1, 007.37 2r560.00 5r400.00 4r320.00 2r675.00 4r000.00 18,955.00 24r852.90 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 001 - General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 09853606 Baker Donelson Bearman Cald C16-01-024 Professional Legal 09853616 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #10199-20584/Parks SF Acct #10239-29589/Parks SF CHECK TOTAL: 09853617 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #38017-54593 Public Safet 09853618 Gale Group Books for all branches Books for all branches CHECK TOTAL: 09853620 Graber Manufacturing Inc 20 Custom Bike Racks and ancho 09853630 Jamie Mells Payroll Variance 10/22/23-11/0 09853631 Jamie Mells JR Payroll Variance 10/22/23-11/0 09853644 Levine Kellogg Lehman Schneide C21-10-660 Professional Legal 09853656 Sam's Club County Sam's Membership County Sam's Membership County Sam's Membership County Sam's Membership County Sam's Membership County Sam's Membership County Sam's Membership County Sam's Membership LPCC Operating Supplies as Nee CHECK TOTAL: 09853670 Treasure Coast Fire Chiefs Ass Annual TCFCA Dues 09853673 Velarde, Juan M Educational Programing, as per C0031650 All Contractor Services Inc Lawnwood Pipe Line Repair Sewer Maintenance & Repair CHECK TOTAL: C0031655 AT&T Acct #772 429-5307 001 0451 C0031657 Baker & Taylor Inc Books for Libraries Books for Libraries Books for Libraries Books for Libraries Books for Libraries PAGE 4 TOTAL 397.50 36.77 47.12 83.89 8f522.93 508.66 579.00 1,087.66 10, 175 . 80 69.88 177.69 250.00 90.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 110.00 90.00 309.66 824.66 25.00 680.00 772.50 2,860.00 3,632.50 3,661.15 87.67 882.12 111.46 161.04 524.83 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 001 - General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE C0031657 - Continued Books for Libraries Books for Libraries Books for Libraries Books for Libraries Books for Libraries Books for Libraries Books for Libraries CHECK TOTAL: C0031658 Bluetriton Brands Inc Bottled Water Cooler Rent C16-12-691 Water & Cups Hot/Cold Water Cooler Rental Water and Supplies Water Delivery/Supplies - Fenn Water & Cups Cooler Rental C16-12-691 Bottled Water Delivery CHECK TOTAL: C0031659 Brodart Company Books for Libraries Books for Libraries Books for Libraries Books for Libraries CHECK TOTAL: C0031661 Carlon Inc Tanks: CO2 Tank and Backup tan Tanks: CO2 Tank and Backup tan Tanks: CO2 Tank and Backup tan CHECK TOTAL: C0031664 Comcast Xfinity Cable TV Acct Ending # Acct #8535 11 485 1178232 CHECK TOTAL: C0031666 Fastenal Company Building Maintenance Maintenance - Electrical Equip Irrigation Maintenance Safety Supplies Irrigation Maintenance Safety Supplies CHECK TOTAL: C0031667 Federal Express Corporation Acct #6448-5479-5 C0031670 Fort Pierce Alternator and Sta Light Fleet Parts & Repairs PAGE 5 TOTAL 6.05 1, 183.07 343.23 575.62 58.19 633.75 36.20 4, 603 .23 20.97 5.98 20.97 2.99 18.97 46.93 16.97 2.99 34.95 171.72 1,087.02 1,653.16 430.63 207.54 3r378.35 106.05 202.00 212.10 520.15 249.95 245.85 495.80 521.79 521.80 521.79 654.98 206.25 79.56 2, 506. 17 9.31 143.49 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 6 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 001 - General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0031674 Heritage Landscape Supply Grou Chemicals and Fertilizers - Ou 4,814.64 C0031675 Horizon Distributors Inc Plumbing & Irrigation parts & 31.08 Plumbing & Irrigation parts & 14.00 CHECK TOTAL: 45.08 C0031676 Ingram Library Services Inc Books for all Library 83.40 Books for all Library 1,722.54 Books for all Library 64.84 Books for all Library 42.14 CHECK TOTAL: 1r912.92 C0031678 J W Automotive Inc Light Fleet Parts & Repairs 77.63 Light Fleet Parts & Repairs 217.69 Light Fleet Parts & Repairs 46.47 Light Fleet Parts & Repairs 270.29 Light Fleet Parts & Repairs 3,053.62 Light Fleet Parts & Repairs 1,625.01 Light Fleet Parts & Repairs 1,285.15 Light Fleet Parts & Repairs 659.12 Light Fleet Parts & Repairs 114.77 Light Fleet Parts & Repairs 38.99 Light Fleet Parts & Repairs 343.38 Light Fleet Parts & Repairs 128.44 Light Fleet Parts & Repairs 115.29 Light Fleet Parts & Repairs 870.15 Light Fleet Parts & Repairs 104.86 CHECK TOTAL: 8,950.86 C0031679 James E Matula Electrical Cont Building Maintenance 4,351.30 Building Maintenance 1925 385.00 Labor and materials to install 1,540.00 CHECK TOTAL: 6,276.30 C0031680 Kauff's of Ft Pierce Inc Towing Service for County Ligh 55.00 Other Contractual Services - T 330.00 Towing Service for County Ligh 55.00 CHECK TOTAL: 440.00 C0031686 Nature's Keeper Inc Sod, Grass 834.75 C0031693 Tiresoles of Broward Inc Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa 509.80 Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa 776.00 Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa 22.00 Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa 22.00 Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa 22.00 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 001 - General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE C0031693 - Continued Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa CHECK TOTAL: C0031694 Toshiba Business Solutions (US Copies Copier Rental/Lease CHECK TOTAL: C0031696 UniFirst Corporation Floor Mat Cleaning Service - L Floor Mat Cleaning Service - L Floor Mat Cleaning Service - F CHECK TOTAL: H0004767 FL Retirement System ER Delinquent Fees H0006765 TIAA/CREF Financial Services 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan FUND TOTAL: PAGE 7 TOTAL 22.00 106.31 289.00 22.00 22.00 399.70 249.18 106.31 22.00 2r590.30 43.74 216.08 259.82 30.50 30.50 30.50 91.50 2,377.75 4,557.66 803r678.61 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 001001- Recreation Special Events CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE C0031689 Pierce AFL VF LLC Vehicle repair as per quote FUND TOTAL: PAGE 8 TOTAL 3,443.17 3,443.17 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 9 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 001409- FCTD Planning Grant SFY2024 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09853619 Gannett Media Corp St Lucie TPO Acct #1126016 94.08 FUND TOTAL: 94.08 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 001630- US Treasury American Rescue Plan CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 09853649 North St Lucie River Water Con S Header Canal Phase 1 Canal 7 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 10 TOTAL 6, 400 . 00 6, 400 . 00 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 11 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 001651- FHA thru FDOT SEC 112 MPO/FHWA CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0054365 Buchwald, Peter Buchwald/Tampa/Ped-Bike Safety 264.47 !0054374 Lane, Teresa S Other Contractual Services 210.00 FUND TOTAL: 474.47 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 001658- US HUD Continuum of Care -Family CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054397 BG 510 Texas Ct LLC PSH-RA/Rent - 510 Texas Court !0054434 Julia 808 North 17th LLC PSH-RA/Rent 808 N 17th St Unit 09853662 SREIT Lexington Club LLC PSH-RA/Rent 6885 20th St #365C FUND TOTAL: PAGE 12 TOTAL 1, 320 . 00 1, 100 . 00 657.00 3,077.00 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 001660- Comm Svcs Block Grant FY 23-24 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054381 Riggins, Calandra Sec Dep - October & November 6 !0054445 Okeechobee Board Of County Com Family And Social Services FUND TOTAL: PAGE 13 TOTAL 3, 600.00 3, 539. 81 7, 139. 81 12/08/23 FZABWARR FUND: 001834- TCERDA CHECK VENDOR !0054418 Famoso Inc ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 09853656 Sam's Club C0031658 Bluetriton Brands Inc PURPOSE Sunshine Kitchen Staff Clerica Sunshine Kitchen Staff Mainten Sunshine Kitchen Staff Clerica Sunshine Kitchen Staff Mainten Sunshine Kitchen Staff Clerica Sunshine Kitchen Staff Mainten CHECK TOTAL: County Sam's Membership Bottler Water and cooler renta Bottle water and cooler rental CHECK TOTAL: PAGE 14 TOTAL 662.40 902.40 728.64 936.24 264.96 902.40 4r397.04 45.00 2.99 34.95 37.94 C0031696 UniFirst Corporation Rug service for the Sunshine K 31.42 FUND TOTAL: 4,511.40 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 101 - Transportation Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054396 Batallan Enterprises Inc Subdivision 2 Mowing !0054437 Kelly Tractor Co Heavy Equipment Parts / Repair !0054450 Ranger Construction Industries Asphalt !0054451 Rechtien International Trucks Credit on invoice #150970F Heavy Equipment Parts / Repair CHECK TOTAL: 09853617 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #68446-36206 R&B Maint Acct #32796-85253 R&B Traffic CHECK TOTAL: C0031660 Brooker Equipment LLC Tree Trimming / Removal C0031662 Cintas Corporation No 2 Rental Uniforms C0031671 Gerelco Traffic Controls Inc Signal Maintenance / repairs Signal Maintenance / repairs Signal Maintenance / repairs CHECK TOTAL: C0031696 UniFirst Corporation Rental of rags for Heavy Equip H0004764 Internal Revenue Service Group #50041851 USABLE Employe Group #50041851 USABLE Employe CHECK TOTAL: H0006765 TIAA/CREF Financial Services 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan FUND TOTAL: PAGE 15 TOTAL 10r050.26 1, 391. 70 139.73 10.69- 226.16 215.47 1, 112. 66 12,318.99 13,431.65 325.00 48.63 20,422.50 2,138.20 3,450.00 26, 010 . 70 39.70 45.17 10.56 55.73 604.67 52,313.24 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 101001- Transportation Trust Interlocals CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054443 Michelle R Miller Clerk of Ci Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 CHECK TOTAL: H0006765 TIAA/CREF Financial Services 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan FUND TOTAL: PAGE 16 TOTAL 628.50 1, 043 . 50 1, 672 . 00 18.69 1,690.69 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 17 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 102 - Unincorporated Services Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0054367 Dorton, Scott Dorton/Rockledge/Marine Resour 32.00 !0054443 Michelle R Miller Clerk of Ci Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 27.00 Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 61.00 Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 112.00 Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 61.00 Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 284.00 Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 35.50 Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 253.50 Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 130.50 Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 61.00 Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 130.50 Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 52.50 Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 18.50 Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 44.00 Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 61.00 Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 35.50 Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 384.50 CHECK TOTAL: 1,752.00 !0054454 Sheriff St Lucie County SECURITY 262.50 09853603 AAPEX Electric Inc Applied for a commercial permi 0.42 09853619 Gannett Media Corp Growth Mgmt Acct #1126024 470.40 Acct #1126667 Planning &Develo 4,542.82 CHECK TOTAL: 5,013.22 09853653 Quadient Leasing USA Inc FL CONTRACT # 44102100-17-1 947.73 C0031667 Federal Express Corporation Acct #6448-5479-5 60.02 C0031673 Haisley-Hobbs Funeral Home Inc Monthly Cremation Services 211.00 C0031694 Toshiba Business Solutions (US COPIES 89.19 CONTRACT 140604 305.98 CHECK TOTAL: 395.17 H0004764 Internal Revenue Service Group #50041851 USABLE Employe 94.79 Group #50041851 USABLE Employe 22.16 CHECK TOTAL: 116.95 H0006765 TIAA/CREF Financial Services 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan 559.68 FUND TOTAL: 9,350.69 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 102001- Stormwater MSTU CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054430 Inwood Consulting Engineers In Engineering !0054468 Underwater Engineering Service Engineering C0031656 AT&T Mobility Acct #287272770043 C0031684 MWI Corporation Emergency Pump Rental Emergency Pump Rental CHECK TOTAL: C0031686 Nature's Keeper Inc Sod Engineering CHECK TOTAL: C0031694 Toshiba Business Solutions (US Copier Rental Copies CHECK TOTAL: FUND TOTAL: PAGE 18 TOTAL 3,409.16 3, 900.00 40.99 1, 557 . 90 4,150.00 5,707.90 877.20 3, 105 . 00 3,982.20 193.20 17.32 210.52 17,250.77 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 107 - Fine & Forfeiture Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054389 Advanced Computer Technologies 3rd Party Billing - Okeechobee 3rd Party Billing for Microgen CHECK TOTAL: !0054404 Carpets Etc Inc Building Maintenance !0054428 I -Con Systems Inc Building Maintenance !0054458 Southern Janitor Supply Inc Operating Supplies 107 1926 !0054461 State Attorney 19th County Acc County obligations for State A County obligations for State A CHECK TOTAL: 09853616 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #89121-72411/FAC 09853656 Sam's Club County Sam's Membership C0031653 Americas Office Source Inc Misc Operating Supplies C0031669 Florida Golf Service Unlimited Pipe Repair - COC Parking Lot Building Maintenance CHECK TOTAL: C0031682 Mercedes Medical LLC Drug Testing Supplies SLC C0031691 Sparkle Express Car Wash LLC Car Wash for Pretrial Fleet H0006765 TIAA/CREF Financial Services 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan FUND TOTAL: PAGE 19 TOTAL 234.61 913.74 1, 148 . 35 580.00 4f757.29 351.78 1,644.93 91.55 1, 736.48 476.23 45.00 61.52 4r880.00 4r683.25 9, 563.25 288.00 63.00 512.00 19r582.90 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 107001- Fine & Forfeiture Fund -Wireless Sur CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054429 Intrado Life & Safety Inc Cust #08673 November 2023 09853615 Florida Department of Health 911 PST Initial Application 09853617 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #38017-54593 Public Safet FUND TOTAL: PAGE 20 TOTAL 8,200.21 50.00 2,130.74 10,380.95 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 107002- Fine & Forfeiture Fund-E911 Surchar CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054429 Intrado Life & Safety Inc Cust #08673 November 2023 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 21 TOTAL 3, 500 . 00 3, 500 . 00 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 107003- Fine & Forfeiture Fund-800 Mhz Oper CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 09853617 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #38017-54593 Public Safet FUND TOTAL: PAGE 22 TOTAL 2r840.98 2r840.98 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 107006- F&F Fund -Court Related Technology CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054362 Barrios, Sandy O Barrios/Local Travel !0054410 CloudGavel LLC Electric Warrants !0054455 SHI International Corp Patch My PC Enterprise Subscri !0054461 State Attorney 19th County Acc County obligations for State A County obligations for State A CHECK TOTAL: 09853604 Amazon Web Services Inc Overage Storage C0031694 Toshiba Business Solutions (US Maintenance & Copies Copier Rental/Lease F29099 CHECK TOTAL: FUND TOTAL: PAGE 23 TOTAL 158.31 70,000.00 1, 420.46 108.55- 27, 716.40 27,607.85 559.57 28.66 133.45 162.11 99, 908 .30 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 107009- F&F One -Time Funding CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054454 Sheriff St Lucie County 4th Year payment for body came FUND TOTAL: PAGE 24 TOTAL 922, 656. 00 922, 656. 00 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: ill - River Park I Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 09853617 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #73069-76197/ENG FUND TOTAL: PAGE 25 TOTAL 3,957.90 3,957.90 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 112 - River Park II Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 09853617 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #73069-76197/ENG FUND TOTAL: PAGE 2 6 TOTAL 947.22 947.22 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 113 - Harmony Heights 3 Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 09853617 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #73069-76197/ENG FUND TOTAL: PAGE 27 TOTAL 276.94 276.94 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 114 - Harmony Heights 4 Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 09853617 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #73069-76197/ENG FUND TOTAL: PAGE 28 TOTAL 685.81 685.81 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 29 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 116 - Sunland Gardens Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09853617 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #73069-76197/ENG 762.75 FUND TOTAL: 762.75 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 30 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 117 - Sunrise Park Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09853617 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #73069-76197/ENG 171.21 FUND TOTAL: 171.21 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 119 - Holiday Pines Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 09853617 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #73069-76197/ENG FUND TOTAL: PAGE 31 TOTAL 935.13 935.13 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 120 - The Grove Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 09853617 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #73069-76197/ENG FUND TOTAL: PAGE 32 TOTAL 299.57 299.57 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 122 - Indian River Estates Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 09853617 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #73069-76197/ENG FUND TOTAL: PAGE 33 TOTAL 1, 233. 60 1, 233. 60 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 123 - Queens Cove Lighting Dist#13 Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 09853617 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #73069-76197/ENG FUND TOTAL: PAGE 34 TOTAL 454.53 454.53 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 35 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 126 - Southern Oak Estates Lighting CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09853617 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #73069-76197/ENG 196.45 FUND TOTAL: 196.45 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 36 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 127 - Pine Hollow Street Lighting MSTU CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09853617 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #73069-76197/ENG 662.92 FUND TOTAL: 662.92 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 128 - Kings Hwy Industrial Park Lighting CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 09853617 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #73069-76197/ENG FUND TOTAL: PAGE 37 TOTAL 746.01 746.01 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 129 - Parks MSTU Fund CHECK VENDOR !0054407 City of Fort Pierce !0054408 City Of Port St Lucie !0054460 St Lucie Village 09853669 The LandTek Group Inc PURPOSE FY23 Parks Proceeds per Interl FY23 Parks Proceeds per Interl FY23 Parks Proceeds per Interl Lawnwood Softball Renovation FUND TOTAL: PAGE 38 TOTAL 19,140.00 83f491.00 498.00 152,570.00 255,699.00 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 130 - SLC Public Transit MSTU CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054366 Demons, Glejuanda Demons/Orlando/APTA & FPTA Tra !0054471 Via Transportation Inc Microtransit Software C0031699 Xerox Corporation Copier Lease Copies CHECK TOTAL: H0006765 TIAA/CREF Financial Services 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan FUND TOTAL: PAGE 3 9 TOTAL 189.56 3r400.00 166.69 384.34 551.03 108.91 4, 249.50 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 40 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 130142- FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0006765 TIAA/CREF Financial Services 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan 108.91 FUND TOTAL: 108.91 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 41 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 130144- FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0006765 TIAA/CREF Financial Services 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan 130.68 FUND TOTAL: 130.68 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 42 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 130146- FTA 5310 Enhanced Mobility CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0006765 TIAA/CREF Financial Services 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan 87.10 FUND TOTAL: 87.10 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 43 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 130246- FDOT Micro -Transit Exp. Zone 2 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0054471 Via Transportation Inc Microtransit Software 800.00 FUND TOTAL: 800.00 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 132 - Culvert MSBU CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054443 Michelle R Miller Clerk of Ci Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 09853612 DiNola LLC Culvert contractor payment-Wil FUND TOTAL: PAGE 44 TOTAL 629.50 7r245.36 7,874.86 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 136 - Monte Carlo Lighting MSTU#4 Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 09853617 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #73069-76197/ENG FUND TOTAL: PAGE 45 TOTAL 2, 800 . 63 2, 800 . 63 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 138 - Palm Lake Gardens MSTU Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 09853617 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #73069-76197/ENG FUND TOTAL: PAGE 4 6 TOTAL 373.26 373.26 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 139 - Palm Grove Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 09853617 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #73069-76197/ENG FUND TOTAL: PAGE 47 TOTAL 1,335.15 1,335.15 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 140 - Airport Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054418 Famoso Inc Contract labor - Clerical !0054456 Signal Connections Equipment Maintenance-ILS 09853616 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #07058-18474 Acct #07058-18474 Airport CHECK TOTAL: 09853672 U.S. Customs and Border Protec Communications -Data Comm Custo C0031651 Allen Enterprises Inc Grounds Maintenance -Airfield 1 C0031662 Cintas Corporation No 2 Uniforms - Airport staff Operating Supplies - Mats, rag CHECK TOTAL: H0006765 TIAA/CREF Financial Services 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan FUND TOTAL: PAGE 48 TOTAL 794.88 2r368.75 27.03 27.30 54.33 7r339.87 9, 515 . 70 18.66 53.40 72.06 484.64 20,630.23 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 49 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 140001- Port Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0054443 Michelle R Miller Clerk of Ci Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 53.20 C0031667 Federal Express Corporation Acct #6448-5479-5 8.57 H0006765 TIAA/CREF Financial Services 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan 296.84 FUND TOTAL: 358.61 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 145 - Mosquito Fund CHECK VENDOR !0054371 Jackson, Sandra !0054440 Leading Edge Associates Inc C0031658 Bluetriton Brands Inc C0031662 Cintas Corporation No 2 C0031667 Federal Express Corporation C0031690 Quikrete Holdings Inc H0006765 TIAA/CREF Financial Services PURPOSE Jackson/Cape Coral/Mosquito Co Monthly Fleetvision Connectivi Bottled water service for MC o Bottled water service for Insp CHECK TOTAL: Uniform Rental - Impoundment Uniform Rental - Inspection Di CHECK TOTAL: CHECK TOTAL: Aluminum pipe & PVC pipe for p 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan FUND TOTAL: PAGE 50 TOTAL 54.00 1, 125. 55 137.32 91.55 228.87 63.39 85.22 148.61 10.53 11.57 22.10 6,586.80 464.56 8r630.49 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 160 - Plan Maintenance RAD Fund CHECK VENDOR 09853617 Florida Power & Light Company C0031655 AT&T PURPOSE Acct #38017-54593 Public Safet Acct #772 462-2305 001 0450 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 51 TOTAL 710.25 703.28 1,413.53 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 183 - Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054399 Bryan T Deering Jr Outpatient Treatment Outpatient Treatment Outpatient Treatment CHECK TOTAL: !0054462 Substance Abuse Center of Indi Outpatient Treatment Outpatient Treatment CHECK TOTAL: C0031658 Bluetriton Brands Inc Water Cooler Rental C0031664 Comcast Acct #8535 11 493 0054685 C0031677 Interstate Express Courier Services FUND TOTAL: PAGE 52 TOTAL 7,857.00 6,857.00 4r000.00 18,714.00 210.00 50.00 260.00 2.99 397.40 292.44 19, 666. 83 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 183006- Guardian Ad Litem Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054407 City of Fort Pierce Monthly Rent FUND TOTAL: PAGE 53 TOTAL 3,750.00 3,750.00 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 54 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 184 - Erosion Control Operating Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0006765 TIAA/CREF Financial Services 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan 296.84 FUND TOTAL: 296.84 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 184231- Fort Pierce IMP 18SL1 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 09853651 Olsen Associates Inc Professional Services FUND TOTAL: PAGE 55 TOTAL 88,987.00 88,987.00 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 189116- St. Lucie HOME Consortium FY 2019 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054370 Holland, Michael J Rent for Elizabeth Benning - J !0054382 Seibring, Clyde Rent for Lenora Adjuder - Janu !0054384 Smith, Lisa H Rent for Carolyn Theriault - J !0054412 Creative Choice Homes XX LTD Rent for Mary Raymond - Januar !0054426 Hopen Properties LLC TBRA for Delphine Musgrove - J !0054432 JLAS LLC Rent for Michael Mayo - Januar 09853625 Harbour Breeze LLC January 2024 rent for Debbie J 09853628 Ingangi, David Rent for Gary & Joanne Malacho 09853640 KDL Holdings LLC Rent for Susan Radell January 09853643 Lennard Road Partners Ltd Rent for Rosita Fox January 20 09853657 Sanctuary at Winterlakes LLC Rent for Gerald Malio January 09853661 SP Crossings LLC Rent for Gladys Camacho Januar Rent for Lydia Hernandez 01/24 Rent for Jacqueline Newton Jan Rent for Maria Hernandez Decem Rent for Pilar Pena January 20 CHECK TOTAL: 09853663 St Lucie Harmony Housing LLC Rent for Sharon White January 09853664 St Lucie Harmony Housing LLC Rent for Coreen Zeller January 09853667 The Cove at St Andrews Partner Rent for Donna Jones January 2 09853674 Zambo, Aaron Rent for Scott Duncan January FUND TOTAL: PAGE 5 6 TOTAL 1,132.90 1, 740 . 39 583.40 798.40 2r000.00 1,209.40 1, 009.25 505.13 1, 121. 90 1,057.98 415.73 676.89 678.38 670.83 375.07 940.99 3,342.16 766.37 826.93 660.08 1, 766.74 18, 936.76 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 190 - Sports Complex Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054401 C&H Baseball Inc Net Drop and Rehand !0054404 Carpets Etc Inc Rubber Flooring !0054423 Glover Oil Co Inc Contract C18-07-472 09853617 Florida Power & Light Company C0031658 Bluetriton Brands Inc C0031672 Golf Specialties Inc C0031687 nexAir LLC Contract C18-07-472 CHECK TOTAL: Acct #20716-99439 Rental of Hot/Cold water coole Top Dressing Rental of Oxygen FUND TOTAL: PAGE 57 TOTAL 3, 900.00 4f988.48 2,250.63 643.41 2,894.04 38, 145 . 70 6.97 1, 722 . 06 40.17 51,697.42 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 310011- Impact Fees -Library "South" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054457 Song and Associates Inc Architect Services, Profession Amendment to Contract C22-03-6 Architect Services, Profession Amendment to Contract C22-03-6 CHECK TOTAL: C0031657 Baker & Taylor Inc VAS Processing VAS Processing VAS Processing VAS Processing VAS Processing VAS Processing VAS Processing VAS Processing VAS Processing VAS Processing VAS Processing VAS Processing CHECK TOTAL: PAGE 58 TOTAL 7,391.85 4f752.00 l5, 4 96 . 85 1, 188 . 00 28,828.70 21.30 195.25 28.40 39.05 102.95 3.55 287.55 88.75 131.35 10.65 156.20 7.10 1,072.10 FUND TOTAL: 2 9, 9 0 0. 8 0 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 59 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 310012- Impact Fees -Park "North" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0054402 CAPTEC Engineering Inc Impact Fees 983.12 FUND TOTAL: 983.12 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 60 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 310013- Impact Fees -Park "Central" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0054402 CAPTEC Engineering Inc C14-09-397 Amend 3 WA 3 983.13 FUND TOTAL: 983.13 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 310014- Impact Fees -Park "South" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054441 Leesburg Concrete Company Inc Precast Concrete Restroom FUND TOTAL: PAGE 61 TOTAL 60,000.00 60,000.00 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 310016- Impact Fees -Transportation "North" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 09853633 Johnson Development Assoc. Inc Partial refund for updated Imp FUND TOTAL: PAGE 62 TOTAL 5, 607 . 30 5, 607 . 30 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 63 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 310018- Impact Fees -Transportation "South" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0054408 City Of Port St Lucie Funding Agreement - Peacock Bl 1,500,000.00 !0054430 Inwood Consulting Engineers In Engineering 54,845.00 Engineering 10,820.90 CHECK TOTAL: 65,665.90 !0054447 PRP Construction Group LLC Engineering 268,047.60 Retainage 13,402.38- CHECK TOTAL: 254,645.22 C0031654 Ardaman & Associates Inc Engineering lr096.00 FUND TOTAL: 1,821,407.12 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 316 - County Capital CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054398 Bozard Ford Co Ford F-150 XL Super Cab 4x4 X1 !0054405 Caterpillar Financial Services CAT D5 Lease FUND TOTAL: PAGE 64 TOTAL 39,074.00 5,614.81 44,688.81 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 316001- 5th Cent Fuel -Capital CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054430 Inwood Consulting Engineers In Engineering Engineering Engineering CHECK TOTAL: FUND TOTAL: PAGE 65 TOTAL 353.44 391.83 229.45 974.72 974.72 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 319 - Infrastructure Surtax Capital CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054438 Kimley Horn and Associates Inc Engineering Engineering CHECK TOTAL: !0054447 PRP Construction Group LLC Engineering Retainage CHECK TOTAL: !0054450 Ranger Construction Industries Engineering Retainage CHECK TOTAL: FUND TOTAL: PAGE 66 TOTAL 14,362.50 2f750.00 17,112.50 308,848.09 15,442.40 293, 405. 69 216, 100 . 62 10r805.03 205,295.59 515, 813 . 78 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 319100- FHA Edwards Road Reconstruction CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054450 Ranger Construction Industries Engineering Retainage CHECK TOTAL: FUND TOTAL: PAGE 67 TOTAL 97, 466.56 4, 873 . 33- 92,593.23 92,593.23 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 362 - Sports Complex Improv Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 09853609 Campany Roof Maintenance LLC Repair Loose membrane FUND TOTAL: PAGE 68 TOTAL 2,488.76 2,488.76 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 401 - Sanitary Landfill Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054388 Accent Packaging Inc parts and repairs @ single str !0054395 Apple Industrial Supply Co Hydraulic hoses and fittings Hydraulic hoses and fittings Hydraulic hoses and fittings Hydraulic hoses and fittings Hydraulic hoses and fittings Hydraulic hoses and fittings Hydraulic hoses and fittings CHECK TOTAL: !0054405 Caterpillar Financial Services 745-04 lease 930 m w/ grapple 962m med wheel loader 826K lease 966-14XE lease D6 lease CHECK TOTAL: !0054406 CDM Smith Inc WA #22 Phase II reopening !0054415 eFactor3 LLC 24 month agreement for work on 24 month agreement for Metso S CHECK TOTAL: !0054421 FPR II LLC Contracted labor @ operations contracted labor at single str CHECK TOTAL: !0054422 Gardner Bist Bowden Bush D legal services at operations !0054437 Kelly Tractor Co Parts and services for CAT equ Parts and services for CAT equ Parts and services for CAT equ Parts and services for CAT equ Parts and services for CAT equ Parts and services for CAT equ Parts and services for CAT equ Parts and services for CAT equ CHECK TOTAL: !0054458 Southern Janitor Supply Inc janitorial supplies 09853656 Sam's Club County Sam's Membership C0031652 American Portable Toilets Inc 52 wks cleaning of portable to PAGE 69 TOTAL 2, 739.20 96.77 50.36 181.01 280.18 100.47 163.41 27.94 900.14 12r639.65 5,958.41 8f560.78 10r755.62 10,170.23 13r708.77 61, 793 . 46 2,852.50 6,250.00 6r625.00 12,875.00 5,742.48 45r927.03 51,669.51 1, 072.50 409.82 1,970.86 1,687.94 695.50 2,766.08 315.42 254.39 30.42 8,130.43 428.21 45.00 302.28 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 401 - Sanitary Landfill Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE C0031662 Cintas Corporation No 2 Single Stream uniforms C0031663 Cloud 9 Services Group LLC C0031681 Liberty Tire Recycling LLC C0031683 Midwest Motor Supply Co Inc C0031686 Nature's Keeper Inc C0031695 Total Truck Parts Inc Operations uniforms rugs/mats rugs/mats Operations uniforms rugs/mats Single Stream uniforms Operations uniforms rugs/mats Single Stream uniforms rugs/mats CHECK TOTAL: Vac truck services at the land Tire removal and disposal Operation misc parts and suppl Operation misc parts and suppl CHECK TOTAL: side slope mowing no more than supply and install sod @ landf CHECK TOTAL: parts/repairs as needed for op parts/repairs as needed for op CHECK TOTAL: PAGE 70 TOTAL 192.07 376.77 108.19 202.06 416.04 110.40 195.99 407.72 108.19 161.12 169.41 2,447.96 2f450.00 2,538.20 337.51 416.09 753.60 18,150.00 17, 366.40 35, 516.40 233.42 70.94 304.36 H0006765 TIAA/CREF Financial Services 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan 451.97 FUND TOTAL: 187,270.72 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 418 - Golf Course Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054427 Hulett Environmental Services Pest Control 09853659 Skechers USA Inc Golf Course General Ledger Nov Golf Course General Ledger Nov CHECK TOTAL: FUND TOTAL: PAGE 71 TOTAL 30.00 1,347.10 1, 461. 10 2,808.20 2,838.20 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 471 - Water & Sewer District Operations CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054395 Apple Industrial Supply Co Equipment Maintenance !0054416 ENCO Utility Services Florida Mailing Services (Including Co !0054443 Michelle R Miller Clerk of Ci Escrow Agent Activity 10/1/23 !0054458 Southern Janitor Supply Inc Chemicals 09853602 1132 FL LLC Utility Deposit Refund 09853607 Barbara Dell Aquilia Utility Deposit Refund 09853608 Brett Hemminger Utility Deposit Refund 09853610 Daniel Rusu Utility Deposit Refund 09853611 Dasschinka Storani Utility Deposit Refund 09853613 Elizabeth Reyes Utility Deposit Refund 09853617 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #74838-64455 Acct #73775-54188 Utils Acct #28398-32546/Utils CHECK TOTAL: 09853621 Grande Construction Inc Utility Deposit Refund 09853622 Grande Construction Inc Utility Deposit Refund 09853623 Groza Builders Inc Utility Deposit Refund 09853624 Hach Company AS950 Basic controller for ref 09853626 Hi Land Properties Utility Deposit Refund 09853627 Homecrete Homes Inc Utility Deposit Refund 09853632 Jason Rios Utility Deposit Refund 09853634 K. Hovnanian Aspire At Waterst Utility Deposit Refund 09853635 K. Hovnanian Aspire At Waterst Utility Deposit Refund 09853636 K. Hovnanian Aspire At Waterst Utility Deposit Refund 09853637 K. Hovnanian Aspire At Waterst Utility Deposit Refund PAGE 72 TOTAL 122.83 1,142.84 10.00 149.40 40.38 48.84 140.23 88.01 11.81 39.29 399.05 6,960.68 6, 023 . 38 13,383.11 72.64 46.80 75.46 4,162.00 61.45 31.29 127.98 31.75 88.28 75.52 71.22 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 471 - Water & Sewer District Operations CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 09853638 K. Hovnanian Aspire At Waterst Utility Deposit Refund 09853639 K. Hovnanian Aspire At Waterst Utility Deposit Refund 09853641 Keith Storey Utility Deposit Refund 09853642 Leif Durham Utility Deposit Refund 09853646 Nathan Oberle Utility Deposit Refund 09853647 Nicholas Monroy Utility Deposit Refund 09853648 Nick Steigerwalt Utility Deposit Refund 09853650 Odell Colon Utility Deposit Refund 09853652 Peter Kasin Utility Deposit Refund 09853654 Richard Woodin Utility Deposit Refund 09853655 Robert Scarpati Utility Deposit Refund 09853658 Sergio Do Rosario Utility Deposit Refund 09853665 Susan Rua Utility Deposit Refund 09853666 Susan Sanders St Lucie Injury Utility Deposit Refund 09853671 Turner Industrial Supply Co Hoses & Parts C0031648 Alarm Partners Alarm Services C0031649 Alarm Partners Alarm Services C0031658 Bluetriton Brands Inc Drinking Water, Delivered C0031664 Comcast Acct #8535 11 514 0502397 C0031665 Core & Main LP Maintenance -Utilities Fieldwor Maintenance -Utilities Fieldwor CHECK TOTAL: C0031675 Horizon Distributors Inc Irrigation Parts C0031678 J W Automotive Inc Equipment Maintenance C0031688 Pace Analytical Services Inc Lab Testing Services PAGE 73 TOTAL 102.06 105.85 13.79 12.27 121.00 174.00 166.12 21.62 79.79 75.18 74.94 77.10 11.05 174.54 244.54 31.04 60.31 34.95 313.35 125.47 74.38 199.85 280.07 1,320.21 2, 185 . 00 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 471 - Water & Sewer District Operations CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE C0031688 - Continued Lab Testing Services Lab Testing Services CHECK TOTAL: C0031693 Tiresoles of Broward Inc Tire, Repairs, Parts and Servi C0031697 Vero Chemical Dist Inc Chemicals Chemicals CHECK TOTAL: H0006765 TIAA/CREF Financial Services 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan FUND TOTAL: PAGE 74 TOTAL 2,732.00 462.00 5r379.00 206.94 1,918.00 1,644.00 3,562.00 112.99 32, 975. 69 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 478 - Water & Sewer District R&R CHECK VENDOR C0031668 Ferguson Enterprises LLC C0031685 Napa Auto Parts PURPOSE Maintenance -Utilities Fieldwor General Parts/Maintenance Truc General Parts/Maintenance Truc CHECK TOTAL: FUND TOTAL: PAGE 75 TOTAL 49.32 77.74 46.47 124.21 173.53 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 479 - Water & Sewer Dist. -Cap Facilities CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054439 Lawrence Lee Construction Sery Infrastructure Retainage CHECK TOTAL: !0054449 Raftelis Financial Consultants Professional Services C0031668 Ferguson Enterprises LLC New Meter Combo for new prems FUND TOTAL: PAGE 7 6 TOTAL 210,000.00 10,500.00- 199,500.00 17,712.50 11, 475 . 00 228,687.50 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 491 - Building Code Fund CHECK VENDOR 09853603 AAPEX Electric Inc PURPOSE Applied for a commercial permi Applied for a commercial permi Applied for a commercial permi Applied for a commercial permi CHECK TOTAL: 09853605 Bacchus & Co Inc 2883 COOLIDGE RD C0031694 Toshiba Business Solutions (US CONTRACT 140604 COPIES COPIES C0031698 Visual Edge Inc H0004764 Internal Revenue Service CHECK TOTAL: PLOTTER HP DESIGNJET T2600 Group #50041851 USABLE Employe Group #50041851 USABLE Employe CHECK TOTAL: FUND TOTAL: PAGE 77 TOTAL 2.03 1.80 5.00 225.00 233.83 10,200.00 160.77 4.53 16.58 181.88 ��IZ:�IyI 31.60 7.39 38.99 10,960.77 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 505 - Health Insurance Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054390 Aetna Behavioral Health LLC EAP $2.89 ACCT 0846079 !0054393 American Family Life Assurance Cancer Indemnity Acct HQJ55 Cancer Indemnity Acct HQJ55 Cancer Indemnity Acct HQJ55 Cancer Indemnity Acct HQJ55 Cancer Indemnity Acct HQJ55 CHECK TOTAL: !0054419 Fidelity Security Life Insuran Vision Acct 9671496 Vision Acct 9671496 CHECK TOTAL: !0054442 Legal Access Consulting LLC Legal Ease Acct #1000251 Legal Ease Acct #1000251 Legal Ease Acct #1000251 CHECK TOTAL: !0054444 NortonLifeLock Inc Norton Lifelock Norton Lifelock Norton Lifelock Norton Lifelock CHECK TOTAL: !0054446 Pet Assure Corp Pet Benefits Acct 3807 Pet Benefits Acct 3807 Pet Benefits Acct 3807 Pet Benefits Acct 3807 Pet Benefits Acct 3807 Pet Benefits Acct 3807 Pet Benefits Acct 3807 Pet Benefits Acct 3807 Pet Benefits Acct 3807 CHECK TOTAL: !0054452 Regenerative Medical Group Flo Wellness Contract with RMG - C !0054453 Ricoh USA Inc Copies !0054467 Trustmark Voluntary Benefit So Trustmark Acct BG00003979 Trustmark Acct BG00003979 Trustmark Acct BG00003979 Trustmark Acct BG00003979 CHECK TOTAL: 09853614 Florida Blue Group Ancillary Dental: 03K728/Medical 68060 PAGE 78 TOTAL 3,105.97 237.12 245.36 79.04 44.60 1, 420 . 42 2, 026.54 4r906.69 630.80 5f537.49 393.36 17.88 53.64 464.88 100.46 539.18 12.00 35.98 687.62 142.55 15.02 11.26 11.26 19.00 19.00 8.00 41.00 227.00 494.09 70, 010 . 00 49.86 2,610.68 2,818.14 9, 569.53 3,723.60 18,721.95 57, 806. 70 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 505 - Health Insurance Fund CHECK VENDOR 09853614 - Continued 09853668 The Hartford H0004766 HealthEquity Inc H0006765 TIAA/CREF Financial Services PURPOSE Dental: 03K728/Medical 68060 CHECK TOTAL: AD&D Insurance Acct 83094231 Nov 23 FSA Admin Fee Client ID 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan FUND TOTAL: PAGE 7 9 TOTAL 7,871.60 65,678.30 2f788.82 860.85 49.61 170r475.98 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 505001- Risk Management Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054466 TRICO 2023/2024 Property Casualty In 2023/2024 Property Casualty In CHECK TOTAL: FUND TOTAL: PAGE 80 TOTAL 1, 092 f 450 . 63 588,242.64 1, 680, 693.27 1, 680, 693.27 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 81 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 611 - Tourist Development Trust-Adv Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0031667 Federal Express Corporation Acct #6448-5479-5 57.10 FUND TOTAL: 57.10 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 620 - Law Enforcement Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR !0054454 Sheriff St Lucie County PURPOSE Distribution from Law Enforcem FUND TOTAL: PAGE 82 TOTAL 79,014.00 79,014.00 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 625 - Law Library CHECK VENDOR !0054373 Knowles, Gale M !0054417 Everlove & Associates PURPOSE Secretarial Svcs Law Library D Law Library Services for Decem Law Library Services for Decem CHECK TOTAL: FUND TOTAL: PAGE 83 TOTAL 875.00 250.00 12r598.67 12r848.67 13,723.67 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 630 - Medical Examiner Agency Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054363 Bollinger, Barbara K Contracted Associate Medical E !0054400 Buckets and Bows Inc Office Cleaning Services C0031662 Cintas Corporation No 2 Rug Sanitation C0031692 Steward Rockledge Hospital Inc Toxicology/Histology Services FUND TOTAL: PAGE 84 TOTAL 1, 500 . 00 450.00 34.76 9, 42 6. 71 11,411.47 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 655 - Insurance Agency Fund CHECK VENDOR !0054466 TRICO PURPOSE 2023/2024 Property Casualty In FUND TOTAL: PAGE 85 TOTAL 209,006.61 209,006.61 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 666 - SLC Economic Development Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054414 Economic Development Council o EDC Matching Grant fund for FY FUND TOTAL: PAGE 86 TOTAL 50,000.00 50,000.00 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 801 - Bank Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054469 United Way of St Lucie County United Way 09853629 Internal Revenue Service Robert Yardan #072-72-0535 09853645 Lloyd & McDaniel PLC C Williams #400314227 09853660 Social Security Administration L Orianville #5915093581995121 H0006765 TIAA/CREF Financial Services 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan 457(b) Plan Contributions/Loan CHECK TOTAL: FUND TOTAL: PAGE 87 TOTAL 592.25 80.50 458.20 10.00 22,443.76 3, 162 . 40 25, 606. 16 26f747.11 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 001 - General Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 11101 511000 Executive Salaries 110000 3,853.00 512000 Salaries 110000 2,962.40 11102 511000 Executive Salaries 110000 3,853.00 512000 Salaries 110000 2,473.60 11103 511000 Executive Salaries 110000 3,853.00 512000 Salaries 110000 3,045.60 11104 511000 Executive Salaries 110000 3,853.00 512000 Salaries 110000 2,228.00 11105 511000 Executive Salaries 110000 3,853.00 512000 Salaries 110000 2,912.80 1210 512000 Salaries 120000 22,883.15 512000 Salaries 130000 10,904.00 1211 512000 Salaries 120000 6,125.60 1225 512000 Salaries 120000 16,227.21 1301 512000 Salaries 130000 21,469.60 1320 512000 Salaries 130000 11,588.80 1330 512000 Salaries 130000 22,154.35 1350 512000 Salaries 130000 4,007.20 1410 512000 Salaries 140000 42,627.75 1420 512000 Salaries 140000 4,002.40 1510 512000 Salaries 150000 2,597.60 1920 512000 Salaries 190000 2,843.20 1925 512000 Salaries 190000 9,357.60 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 190000 7,549.36 514000 Overtime 190000 152.86 1926 512000 Salaries 190000 2,349.60 1929 512000 Salaries 190000 1, 673. 60 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 190000 922.50 1930 512000 Salaries 190000 28,505.04 514000 Overtime 190000 460.89 19301 512000 Salaries 190000 29,033.33 1931 512000 Salaries 190000 6,734.40 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 190000 756.45 1955 512000 Salaries 190000 99,379.62 514000 Overtime 190000 1, 626.45 2360 512000 Salaries 230000 10,392.80 2510 512000 Salaries 250000 12,562.40 514000 Overtime 250000 397.62 2920 512000 Salaries 290000 l6, 543.20 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 290000 2,802.72 514000 Overtime 290000 1,416.60 514500 Overtime -Holiday Pay 290000 3,329.52 3715 512000 Salaries 370000 27,364.98 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 370000 1,157.52 3720 512000 Salaries 370000 1,617.84 3920 512000 Salaries 370000 18,505.70 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 2 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 001 - General Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3921 512000 Salaries 370000 12,947.20 5310 512000 Salaries 530000 17,724.70 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 530000 3,934.85 514000 Overtime 530000 173.38 5420 512000 Salaries 540000 746.97 6420 512000 Salaries 640000 14,383.52 514000 Overtime 640000 82.35 7110 512000 Salaries 710000 124,569.83 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 710000 2,141.20 7210 512000 Salaries 7144 40f669.30 512000 Salaries 7145 4,998.80 512000 Salaries 720000 34,755.67 512000 Salaries 7270 3,159.20 512000 Salaries 7511 374.88 512000 Salaries 7511 3,260.80 512000 Salaries 7511 3,260.80 512000 Salaries 7511 15,569.23 512000 Salaries 7515 1,121.12 512000 Salaries 7515 1,601.60 512000 Salaries 7515 1,640.81 512000 Salaries 7516 480.48 512000 Salaries 7516 1,601.61 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 7144 2,205.61 514000 Overtime 7144 1,032.26 514000 Overtime 720000 8.44 514000 Overtime 7511 86.01 514500 Overtime -Holiday Pay 7144 117.23 72101 512000 Salaries 720000 11,152.00 514000 Overtime 720000 10.01 7215 512000 Salaries 7102 3,938.40 512000 Salaries 7106 7,670.47 512000 Salaries 720000 7,973.08 512000 Salaries 7220 5,202.40 512000 Salaries 7420 8,437.41 512000 Salaries 7510 7,679.16 512000 Salaries 7910 1,716.00 512000 Salaries 7914 2,524.08 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 7102 2,055.45 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 71022 601.77 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 720000 76.92 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 720000 4,027.39 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 7914 1,703.61 513100 Salaries -Temporary Employees 7106 3,215.21 514000 Overtime 720000 8.11 514000 Overtime 7220 19.79 514000 Overtime 7420 13.19 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 3 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 001 - General Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 7215 514000 Overtime 7510 44.91 514500 Overtime -Holiday Pay 720000 842.31 514500 Overtime -Holiday Pay 7914 390.00 7912 512000 Salaries 790000 11,909.60 FUND TOTAL: 858,769.98 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 001001- Recreation Special Events ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 7210 514000 Overtime 71028 7215 512000 Salaries 71028 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 4 AMOUNT 283.49 2,272.00 2,555.49 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 001409- FCTD Planning Grant SFY2024 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 1540 512000 Salaries 150000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 5 AMOUNT 1, 279. 81 1, 279. 81 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 6 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 001497- FDOT SUN Trail Network Prog ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1540 512000 Salaries 150000 275.58 FUND TOTAL: 275.58 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 001651- FHA thru FDOT SEC 112 MPO/FHWA ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 1540 512000 Salaries 150000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 7 AMOUNT 13,815.58 13,815.58 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 001652- FHA Surface Trans Block Grant ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 1540 512000 Salaries 150000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 8 AMOUNT 2, 114. 51 2, 114. 51 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 001659- FHA Coronavirus Response & Relief ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 1540 512000 Salaries 150000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 9 AMOUNT 1,124.74 1,124.74 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 001660- Comm Svcs Block Grant FY 23-24 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 6420 512000 Salaries 640000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 10 AMOUNT 6,023.52 6,023.52 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 001834- TCERDA ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 3716 512000 Salaries 370000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 11 AMOUNT 3,127.20 3,127.20 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 001835- Artificial Reef Program ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 4117 512000 Salaries 410000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 12 AMOUNT 2, 492 . 80 2, 492 . 80 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 101 - Transportation Trust Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 1410 512000 Salaries 140000 4110 512000 Salaries 410000 4115 512000 Salaries 410000 4117 512000 Salaries 410000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 13 AMOUNT 1, 724 . 00 94, 547 . 06 49,387.24 12,408.99 158, 067.29 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 101001- Transportation Trust Interlocals ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 4115 512000 Salaries 410000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 14 AMOUNT 1,172.57 1,172.57 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 102 - Unincorporated Services Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 1510 512000 Salaries 150000 514000 Overtime 150000 15101 512000 Salaries 150000 2415 512000 Salaries 240000 514000 Overtime 240000 3922 512000 Salaries 370000 514000 Overtime 370000 6240 512000 Salaries 240000 514000 Overtime 240000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 15 AMOUNT 2 9, 116. 68 17.89 9, 966. 72 20, 068 . 04 301.40 15, 401 . 60 9.92 12, 929.40 290.30 88,101.95 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 102001- Stormwater MSTU ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 3715 512000 Salaries 370000 3725 512000 Salaries 370000 514000 Overtime 370000 4117 512000 Salaries 410000 7912 512000 Salaries 790000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 16 AMOUNT 1, 824 . 00 27, 216. 81 891.57 2, 438 . 40 1, 172 . 00 33,542.78 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 107 - Fine & Forfeiture Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 1926 512000 Salaries 190000 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 190000 1929 512000 Salaries 190000 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 190000 1940 512000 Salaries 190000 514000 Overtime 190000 2120 512000 Salaries 210000 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 210000 514000 Overtime 210000 514500 Overtime -Holiday Pay 210000 2360 512000 Salaries 2053 512000 Salaries 2054 512000 Salaries 230000 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 2053 514500 Overtime -Holiday Pay 230000 719 512000 Salaries 719 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 719 514000 Overtime 719 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 17 AMOUNT 4,744.00 2,978.20 4, 403.20 1,767.00 16,133.86 760.98 110,668.97 4, 390 . 91 37r880.63 21,422.33 9, 752 . 36 2,573.24 36,483.04 2, 927.72 723.56 9, 794.88 6,458.42 207.18 274,070.48 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 107001- Fine & Forfeiture Fund -Wireless Sur ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 2120 512000 Salaries 210000 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 210000 514000 Overtime 210000 514500 Overtime -Holiday Pay 210000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 18 AMOUNT 14,200.21 1, 114 . 64 3, 876. 19 2, 216 . 34 21,407.38 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 107002- Fine & Forfeiture Fund-E911 Surchar ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 2120 512000 Salaries 210000 514000 Overtime 210000 514500 Overtime -Holiday Pay 210000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 19 AMOUNT 2r006.64 302.96 168.61 2,478.21 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 107006- F&F Fund -Court Related Technology ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 601 512000 Salaries 601 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 20 AMOUNT 21, 309. 86 21, 309. 86 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 130 - SLC Public Transit MSTU ORGN ACCOUNT 4410 512000 Salaries 514000 Overtime PAGE 21 PROG AMOUNT 440000 2,045.60 440000 20.48 FUND TOTAL: 2,066.08 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 130142- FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 4410 512000 Salaries 440000 514000 Overtime 440000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 22 AMOUNT 3, 163 . 00 40.95 3,203.95 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 130144- FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 4410 512000 Salaries 440000 514000 Overtime 440000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 23 AMOUNT 3, 380 . 80 40.95 3,421.75 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 130146- FTA 5310 Enhanced Mobility ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 4410 512000 Salaries 440000 514000 Overtime 440000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 24 AMOUNT 5, 202 . 60 305.26 5,507.86 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 140 - Airport Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 4210 512000 Salaries 420000 512000 Salaries 420000 514000 Overtime 420000 514500 Overtime -Holiday Pay 420000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 25 AMOUNT 96.97 22,775.37 1,477.94 372.14 24,722.42 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 140001- Port Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 4310 512000 Salaries 130000 512000 Salaries 430000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 2 6 AMOUNT 2f968.40 3,592.80 6, 561 .20 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 145 - Mosquito Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 6230 512000 Salaries 620000 6233 512000 Salaries 620000 6234 512000 Salaries 620000 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 620000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 27 AMOUNT 12,555.20 16, 486.33 21,652.96 1, 886.31 52,580.80 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 150 - Impact Fee Collections ORGN ACCOUNT 1350 512000 Salaries PAGE 28 PROG AMOUNT 130000 4,589.76 FUND TOTAL: 4,589.76 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 160 - Plan Maintenance RAD Fund ORGN ACCOUNT 2570 512000 Salaries PAGE 2 9 PROG AMOUNT 250000 5,151.20 FUND TOTAL: 5,151.20 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 183 - Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 601 512000 Salaries 601 512000 Salaries 605 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 30 AMOUNT 6, 643 . 00 8f273.45 14, 916.45 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 184 - Erosion Control Operating Fund ORGN ACCOUNT 3710 512000 Salaries PAGE 31 PROG AMOUNT 370000 5,177.20 FUND TOTAL: 5,177.20 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 185023- FHFC SHIP FY2022-2023 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 5420 512000 Salaries 540000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 32 AMOUNT 4, 021 . 42 4, 021 . 42 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 189118- HUD SLC HOME Consortium FY2021 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 5420 512000 Salaries 540000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 33 AMOUNT 2,362.81 2,362.81 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 190 - Sports Complex Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 7220 512000 Salaries 75201 514000 Overtime 75201 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 34 AMOUNT 30, 399. 34 80.64 30, 479. 98 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 401 - Sanitary Landfill Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 3410 512000 Salaries 340000 512000 Salaries 39011 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 340000 514000 Overtime 340000 514000 Overtime 39011 514500 Overtime -Holiday Pay 340000 514500 Overtime -Holiday Pay 39011 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 35 AMOUNT 90,218.73 2 6, 864 . 81 1,202.50 7, 072 . 89 3, 82 9.23 5, 110 . 72 2, 884 . 10 137,182.98 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 418 - Golf Course Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 7260 512000 Salaries 720000 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 720000 514500 Overtime -Holiday Pay 720000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 3 6 AMOUNT 8, 289.52 2,853.96 205.32 11, 348 . 80 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 471 - Water & Sewer District Operations ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 3600 512000 Salaries 360000 514000 Overtime 360000 514500 Overtime -Holiday Pay 360000 3604 512000 Salaries 360000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 37 AMOUNT 43, 619. 11 2,411.24 5, 599. 88 32, 189.44 83, 819. 67 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 479 - Water & Sewer Dist. -Cap Facilities ORGN ACCOUNT 3600 512000 Salaries PAGE 38 PROG AMOUNT 360000 6, 433 . 60 FUND TOTAL: 6,433.60 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 491 - Building Code Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 2415 512000 Salaries 240000 514000 Overtime 240000 514500 Overtime -Holiday Pay 240000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 3 9 AMOUNT 82,301.37 5,833.50 63.81 88, 198 . 68 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 505 - Health Insurance Fund ORGN ACCOUNT 1902 512000 Salaries PAGE 40 PROG AMOUNT 190000 7, 763. 99 FUND TOTAL: 7,763.99 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 505001- Risk Management Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 1331 512000 Salaries 130000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 41 AMOUNT 5f244.00 5f244.00 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 611 - Tourist Development Trust-Adv Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 5210 512000 Salaries 520000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 42 AMOUNT 11, 197 . 68 11, 197 . 68 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 630 - Medical Examiner Agency Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 2710 512000 Salaries 270000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 43 AMOUNT 58, 576. 01 58, 576. 01 12/08/23 FZABWARR FUND TITLE 001 001001 001409 001497 001630 001651 001652 001658 001659 001660 001834 001835 101 101001 102 102001 107 107001 107002 107003 107006 107009 ill 112 113 114 116 117 119 120 122 123 126 127 128 129 130 130142 130144 130146 130246 132 136 138 139 140 140001 150 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND SUMMARY General Fund Recreation Special Events FCTD Planning Grant SFY2024 FDOT SUN Trail Network Prog US Treasury American Rescue Plan FHA thru FDOT SEC 112 MPO/FHWA FHA Surface Trans Block Grant US HUD Continuum of Care -Family FHA Coronavirus Response & Relief Comm Svcs Block Grant FY 23-24 TCERDA Artificial Reef Program Transportation Trust Fund Transportation Trust Interlocals Unincorporated Services Fund Stormwater MSTU Fine & Forfeiture Fund Fine & Forfeiture Fund -Wireless Sur Fine & Forfeiture Fund-E911 Surchar Fine & Forfeiture Fund-800 Mhz Oper F&F Fund -Court Related Technology F&F One -Time Funding River Park I Fund River Park II Fund Harmony Heights 3 Fund Harmony Heights 4 Fund Sunland Gardens Fund Sunrise Park Fund Holiday Pines Fund The Grove Fund Indian River Estates Fund Queens Cove Lighting Dist#13 Fund Southern Oak Estates Lighting Pine Hollow Street Lighting MSTU Kings Hwy Industrial Park Lighting Parks MSTU Fund SLC Public Transit MSTU FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant FTA 5310 Enhanced Mobility FDOT Micro -Transit Exp. Zone 2 Culvert MSBU Monte Carlo Lighting MSTU#4 Fund Palm Lake Gardens MSTU Fund Palm Grove Fund Airport Fund Port Fund Impact Fee Collections EXPENSES 803r678.61 3,443.17 94.08 0.00 6r400.00 474.47 0.00 3,077.00 0.00 7, 139. 81 4, 511 . 40 0.00 52,313.24 1,690.69 9,350.69 17,250.77 l9, 582 . 90 10,380.95 3r500.00 2r840.98 99, 908 .30 922, 656. 00 3,957.90 947.22 276.94 685.81 762.75 171.21 935.13 299.57 1, 233 . 60 454.53 196.45 662.92 746.01 255,699.00 4, 249.50 108.91 130.68 87.10 800.00 7,874.86 2, 800 . 63 373.26 1,335.15 20r 630.23 358.61 0.00 PAGE 1 PAYROLL 858, 769. 98 2,555.49 1, 279. 81 275.58 0.00 13,815.58 2, 114 . 51 0.00 1,124.74 6,023.52 3,127.20 2, 492 .80 158, 067.29 if172.57 88,101.95 33,542.78 274,070.48 21,407.38 2,478.21 0.00 21, 309. 86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,066.08 3,203.95 3,421.75 5,507.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24,722.42 6, 561 .20 4, 589.76 12/08/23 FZABWARR FUND TITLE 160 183 183006 184231 185023 189116 189118 190 310011 310012 310013 310014 310016 310018 316 316001 319 319100 362 401 418 471 478 479 491 505 505001 611 620 625 630 655 666 801 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND SUMMARY Plan Maintenance RAD Fund Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir Guardian Ad Litem Fund Fort Pierce IMP 18SL1 FHFC SHIP FY2022-2023 St. Lucie HOME Consortium FY 2019 HUD SLC HOME Consortium FY2021 Sports Complex Fund Impact Fees -Library "South" Impact Fees -Park "North" Impact Fees -Park "Central" Impact Fees -Park "South" Impact Fees -Transportation "North" Impact Fees -Transportation "South" County Capital 5th Cent Fuel -Capital Infrastructure Surtax Capital FHA Edwards Road Reconstruction Sports Complex Improv Fund Sanitary Landfill Fund Golf Course Fund Water & Sewer District Operations Water & Sewer District R&R Water & Sewer Dist. -Cap Facilities Building Code Fund Health Insurance Fund Risk Management Fund Tourist Development Trust-Adv Fund Law Enforcement Trust Fund Law Library Medical Examiner Agency Fund Insurance Agency Fund SLC Economic Development Trust Fund Bank Fund GRAND TOTAL: EXPENSES 1,413.53 19, 666. 83 3,750.00 88,987.00 0.00 18, 936.76 0.00 51,697.42 29, 900.80 983.12 983.13 60,000.00 5, 607 . 30 1, 821, 407.12 44,688.81 974.72 515, 813 . 78 92,593.23 2,488.76 187,270.72 2,838.20 32, 975. 69 173.53 228,687.50 10,960.77 170r475.98 1, 680, 693.27 57.10 79,014.00 13,723.67 11,411.47 209,006.61 50,000.00 26f747.11 7,737,998.96 PAGE 2 PAYROLL 5, 151 . 20 14, 916.45 0.00 0.00 4, 021 . 42 0.00 2,362.81 30, 479. 98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 137,182.98 11, 348 . 80 83, 819. 67 0.00 6,433.60 88, 198 . 68 7,763.99 5f244.00 11, 197 . 68 0.00 0.00 58, 576. 01 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,008,500.02 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND SUMMARY- MOSQUITO FUND TITLE EXPENSES 145 Mosquito Fund 8,630.49 GRAND TOTAL: 8,630.49 PAGE 1 PAYROLL 52,580.80 52,580.80 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND SUMMARY- EROSION FUND TITLE EXPENSES 184 Erosion Control Operating Fund 296.84 GRAND TOTAL: 296.84 PAGE 1 PAYROLL 5,177.20 5,177.20 12/08/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR VOID LIST# 10- 02-DEC-2023 TO 08-DEC-2023 FUND: 001 - General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09853450 Jamie Mells 247.57 FUND TOTAL: 247.57