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12/29/23 Sc. LnczE CoOmzz - BOARD PAGE FZABWanR WARRANT LIST #l]- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-oEC-2023 Fn0o SUMMARY FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 001 General Fund 579,808.21 0.00 001001 Recreation Special Epauto 82,373.16 0.00 001009 Geo-0oe Time Funding 10,606.50 0.00 001409 FcTD Planning Grant 3Fy2024 76.44 0.00 001497 Fw]c SUN Trail Network 2rog 18,600.00 0.00 001630 o8 rrnaoozy American Deoone Plan I09,679.86 0.00 00165I FDA thzo Fo0r SEC 112 Me0/FoWA 4,200.00 0.00 001660 Comm Svcs Block Grant FY 23-24 3,389.30 0.00 001834 zcEaoa 3,000.00 0.00 10I Transportation Trust Food 11,768.14 0,00 101001 Transportation zzosL zuterlooaIo 18.70 0.00 102 Unincorporated 3ezniomo Fund 9,574.64 0.00 I0200I 3tozmwatez M3TU 119,500.04 0.00 107 Fine a Forfeiture Food I66,864.91 0.00 107002 Fine a Forfeiture Fuod-E9I1 onrobar 2,343.80 0.00 130 SLC Public Transit M3TU 487,538.25 0.00 I3014I FTA American Deoone Plan act rFr-2I 162,413.65 0.00 130142 FTA FFY 5507 a 5359 Super Grant 87.I2 0.00 130143 rzA/FoOT 5311 CRRSAA SFY2023 22,805.81 0.00 130I44 rT& FFY 5307 a 5339 Super Grant 130.68 0.00 I30I45 rT8 5310 - Travel Training 13,436.21 0.00 I30146 cT8 5310 Enhanced Mobility 130,68 0.00 130245 FoOT Fx2023 Block Grant 71,081.94 0.00 130246 FDpT Micro -Transit Exp. Zone 2 28,610,8I 0.00 I30248 FCTD 3Y2024 Trip a Equipment 62,879.73 0.00 140 Airport Fund 2,553,66 0.00 140001 Port roud 296.84 0.00 1404I6 co0T Security Perimeter Fencing P2 6,556,25 0.00 183 ct Acmioistcator-19tb Judicial Clz 8,609.I7 0.00 190 Sports Complex Fond 50,9I9.01 0.00 310011 Impact Fees -Library "South" 3,174.50 0.00 3100I4 Impact Fees -Park "South" 7,584.75 0.00 3I6001 51b Cent Fuel -Capital 431,717.9I 0.00 319 Infrastructure Surtax Capital 6I,215.25 0.00 40I Sanitary Landfill Food 250,398.35 0.00 418 Golf Cnnzoe Food 17,467.9I 0.00 471 Water & Sonnz District Operations 30,042.21 0.00 491 Building Code rnud 32,552.72 0.00 505 Health Zoaoraone Food 1,022,690.00 0.00 50500I Risk Management Food 27,932.56 0.00 625 Law Library 1,774.33 0.00 630 Medical Examiner Agency Fund 5,858.83 0.00 801 Bank Food 509,777.97 0.00 0 � GRAND TOTAL: 4,440,030.80 0.00 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND SUMMARY- MOSQUITO FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 145 Mosquito Fund 3,116.03 0.00 147 Bear Point Mitigation Fund 3,387.00 0.00 GRAND TOTAL: 6,503.03 0.00 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND SUMMARY- EROSION FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 184 Erosion Control Operating Fund 296.84 0.00 GRAND TOTAL: 296.84 0.00 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 001 - General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054700 Brenovil, Zulia CHECK TOTAL: DOH Rent/2711 Avenue F Leet/Tampa/Legislative Confere Leet/Local Travel CHECK TOTAL: DOH Rent/4707 Oleander Ave Educational Programming Educational Programming CHECK TOTAL: !0054705 Persons, William E GNP Programming !0054706 Phillips, Emily M Educational Programs !0054707 Rouer, Brandon T CHECK TOTAL: !0054708 Salt, Abbie R !0054724 Famoso Inc Laborers (Common Labor) Temporary/Non-Clerical Staffin CHECK TOTAL: !0054727 Georgia King LLC CHECK TOTAL: !0054739 Octazon Management LLC !0054745 Ricoh USA Inc Copier Rental/Lease PAGE 1 TOTAL 858.00 858.00 1, 716. 00 1, 236. 00 299.42 15.65 315.07 958.00 275.50 333.50 609.00 175.00 330.00 904.00 1, 355 . 00 2,259.00 584.00 897.00 67.68 409.61 477.29 892.00 1,664.00 1, 900. 00 1,392.00 4,956.00 1,041.40 1, 040.00 955.00 198.57 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 001 - General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054745 - Continued Operating Supplies Ricoh IMC2500 Lease CHECK TOTAL: !0054747 SGHK Forgione Holdings LLC CHECK TOTAL: !0054750 Southern Janitor Supply Inc !0054752 Thorn Run Partners LLC Supplies Operating Supplies - Lawnwood Janitorial Supplies CHECK TOTAL: Federal Lobbying: Health & Hum Federal Lobbying: Energy, Envi CHECK TOTAL: !0054753 Toshiba America Business Solut Copies Copier Rental/Lease - $83.65/m CHECK TOTAL: !0054755 Treasure Coast Courier Service Courier Services !0054758 W & F Financial Services LLC CHECK TOTAL: !0054760 Yarron John Benmoshe DOH Rent/3101 Kingsley Dr 09853743 City of Port St Lucie Acct #0874055044879 Parks SF Acct #0759464044881 Library Acct #0874055100636 Oxbow Acct #0874055287868 Parks SF Acct #0874055307541 Parks SF CHECK TOTAL: 09853744 Copeland, Barbara J 09853747 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #11710-83155 ERD Acct #15346-00240 Parks SF Acct #57720-36470 ERD Acct #99585-52342 Oxbow CHECK TOTAL: 09853751 SREIT Lexington Club LLC DOH Rent/ 6855 20th St PAGE 2 TOTAL 19.46 172.10 390.13 1, 099. 00 1, 088 . 00 2, 187.00 710.16 1, 709.63 86.99 2, 506.78 833.33 2r000.00 2r833.33 3.49 83.65 87.14 WIIIMIII 2, 600 . 00 2, 000 . 00 4, 600.00 1, 400. 00 961.97 143.86 136.77 31.15 156.42 1,430.17 805.00 1, 385 . 00 27.22 32.70 125.95 271.86 457.73 782.00 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 001 - General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 09853753 Summerland Apartments of Stuar DOH Rent/4630 Summerland Pl #1 C0031798 Baker & Taylor Inc Books for Libraries Books for Libraries Books for Libraries Books for Libraries Books for Libraries CHECK TOTAL: C0031799 Bluetriton Brands Inc Cooler Rental Bottled Water Cooler Rental Hot/Cold Water Cooler Rental Water and Supplies Bottled Water Delivery Cooler Rental C16-12-691 Bottled Water Delivery Water & Cups Cooler Rental C16-12-691 CHECK TOTAL: C0031801 Brodart Company Books for Libraries Books for Libraries Books for Libraries Books for Libraries CHECK TOTAL: C0031802 Chibas Painting Contractors In Building Maintenance C0031806 Fastenal Company Maintenance - Electrical Equip C0031811 Genserve LLC Equipment Maintenance Equipment Maintenance Equipment Maintenance Equipment Maintenance Equipment Maintenance CHECK TOTAL: C0031812 Guardian Alarm of Florida LLC Alarm Maintenance & Repairs C0031813 Heritage Landscape Supply Grou Chemicals and Fertilizers - Ou Chemicals and Fertilizers - Ou Chemical and Fertilizers - Law Chemical and Fertilizers - Law South County Stadium - Ryegras Lawnwood Stadium - Ryegrass Se PAGE 3 TOTAL 578.00 292.28 10.29 109.56 19.36 2, 276. 16 2, 707.65 2.99 34.95 2.99 2.99 56.91 27.96 2.99 34.95 20.97 2.99 190.69 1, 469.90 2, 311 . 64 456.48 387.62 4r625.64 250.00 24.57 135.00 135.00 470.00 135.00 130.00 1, 005 . 00 165.00 2, 063.05 1, 009.57 44.38 1,664.00 2,196.00 2,196.00 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 001 - General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE C0031813 - Continued Ground Maintenance - Ryeurass C0031814 Horizon Distributors Inc C0031815 Ingram Library Services Inc C0031817 J W Automotive Inc C0031822 OverDrive Inc C0031825 Tiresoles of Broward Inc CHECK TOTAL: Parks - Fields Irrigation Main Grounds Maintenance - Drying A Grounds Maint. Supplies CHECK TOTAL: Books for all Library Books for all Library Books for all Library CHECK TOTAL: Light Fleet Parts & Repairs Light Fleet Parts & Repairs Light Fleet Parts & Repairs Light Fleet Parts & Repairs Light Fleet Parts & Repairs Light Fleet Parts & Repairs Light Fleet Parts & Repairs Light Fleet Parts & Repairs Light Fleet Parts & Repairs Light Fleet Parts & Repairs Light Fleet Parts & Repairs Light Fleet Parts & Repairs Light Fleet Parts & Repairs Light Fleet Parts & Repairs Light Fleet Parts & Repairs Light Fleet Parts & Repairs Light Fleet Parts & Repairs CHECK TOTAL: E-Books Subscription Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa Light Fleet Misc. Tires & Repa CHECK TOTAL: PAGE 4 TOTAL 30r988.00 40,161.00 591.90 5,983.20 16.78 6,591.88 347.63 71.45 611.62 1,030.70 58.99 146.34 38.99 1, 896.43 558.98 218.14 50.67 1, 616. 95 200.04 160.90 58.97 39.96 20.00 39.96 1,510.71 514.51 188.00 7, 318 . 54 15, 000 . 00 268.86 589.40 22.00 304.70 274.26 609.40 196.00 278.52 431.22 44.00 107.00 3, 125 . 36 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 001 - General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE C0031826 Toshiba Business Solutions (US Copies Copier Rental/Lease CHECK TOTAL: C0031828 UniFirst Corporation Floor Mat Cleaning Service - F Floor Mat Cleaning Service - L CHECK TOTAL: H0004780 Florida Department of Revenue December 2023 Medicaid Program H0004784 TIAA/CREF Financial Services 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa V0022253 AT&T Acct #772 871-5302 300 V0022256 DEH Kingdom Management Inc Test Mowing Cycle ERD Preserve V0022259 Florida Dept Environmental Pro Upland Agency 23/24 Fee-Raccoo V0022265 Matthew Bender & Company Inc Various Subscriptions V0022267 Quadient Leasing USA Inc Postage Machine Lease V0022273 AT&T Acct #561 N10-0045 045 V0022277 AT&T Acct #831-000-5909 997 V0022278 AT&T Acct #831-000-6594 504 V0022280 Comcast Xfinity Cable TV Acct Ending # V0022281 Comcast Ethernet Svc Transmit Televise V0022285 Reed Elsevier Inc C22-09-684 Online Research V0022286 Reed Elsevier Inc License for Public Record Sear V0022288 W W Grainger Inc Building Maintenance FUND TOTAL: PAGE 5 TOTAL 29.60 216.08 245.68 30.50 30.50 61.00 437,514.00 4, 097 . 90 1,622.07 4,767.00 300.00 319.31 426.27 4,119.09 2, 337.29 971.00 249.95 895.48 712.00 218.00 473.10 579,808.21 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 001001- Recreation Special Events CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE V0022292 Florida Coast Equipment Inc Purchase of Kubota Excavator U FUND TOTAL: PAGE 6 TOTAL 82,373.16 82,373.16 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 001009- Gen -One Time Funding CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054717 Carahsoft Technology Corporati Professional Services for Easy FUND TOTAL: PAGE 7 TOTAL 10, 606.50 10, 606.50 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 8 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 001409- FCTD Planning Grant SFY2024 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09853749 Gannett Media Corp St Lucie TPO Acct #1126016 76.44 FUND TOTAL: 76.44 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 001497- FDOT SUN Trail Network Prog CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054735 Kimley Horn and Associates Inc Professional Services FUND TOTAL: PAGE 9 TOTAL 18,600.00 18,600.00 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 001630- US Treasury American Rescue Plan CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054731 Inwood Consulting Engineers In Engineering !0054749 South Florida Engineering and Engineering Engineering !0054759 Water Resources Management Ass Engineering CHECK TOTAL: FUND TOTAL: PAGE 10 TOTAL 6, 073 . 08 79,211.78 5,210.00 84,421.78 19,185.00 109,679.86 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 001651- FHA thru FDOT SEC 112 MPO/FHWA CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054743 PlaceVision Inc Other Contractual Services FUND TOTAL: PAGE 11 TOTAL 4, 200 . 00 4, 200 . 00 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 001660- Comm Svcs Block Grant FY 23-24 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054740 Okeechobee Board Of County Com Family And Social Services !0054746 Septentrion Market Inc January Rent for Vilsaint Beli FUND TOTAL: PAGE 12 TOTAL 2, 639.30 750.00 3, 389.30 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 001834- TCERDA CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 09853750 Indian River State College Culinary Scholarship / Cook -Of 09853752 St Lucie County Education Foun Culinary Scholarship / Cook -Of FUND TOTAL: PAGE 13 TOTAL 1, 500 . 00 1, 500 . 00 3, 000 . 00 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 101 - Transportation Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054710 Andersen Andre Consulting Engi Construction Material Testing !0054724 Famoso Inc Temp Labor !0054730 Hulett Environmental Services Pest Control Services Pest Control Services Pest Control Services Pest Control Services CHECK TOTAL: !0054733 Kelly Tractor Co Heavy Equipment Parts / Repair !0054744 Ranger Construction Industries Asphalt Asphalt CHECK TOTAL: !0054745 Ricoh USA Inc Equipment Lease !0054753 Toshiba America Business Solut Copies - Road & Bridge Main Of Copier Rental - Road & Bridge CHECK TOTAL: C0031799 Bluetriton Brands Inc Water C0031803 Cintas Corporation No 2 Rental Uniforms C0031810 Fort Pierce Alternator and Sta Alternators, Batteries and Sta Alternators, Batteries and Sta CHECK TOTAL: C0031821 Nature's Keeper Inc Sod C0031825 Tiresoles of Broward Inc Tires Equipment Repairs and parts CHECK TOTAL: C0031828 UniFirst Corporation Rental of rags for Heavy Equip H0004784 TIAA/CREF Financial Services 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa V0022257 EFE Inc Heavy Equipment Parts / Repair V0022263 Grimco Inc Sign fabricating software V0022291 Directv Inc Acct #075993849 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 14 TOTAL 937.00 4f229.30 20.00 30.00 24.00 20.00 94.00 92.60 145.96 145.96 291.92 212.14 93.83 227.37 321.20 69.90 48.63 476.98 278.98 755.96 306.00 212.62 260.00 472.62 39.70 604.66 1, 775 . 52 1, 479. 00 37.99 11, 768 . 14 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 15 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 101001- Transportation Trust Interlocals CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0004784 TIAA/CREF Financial Services 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 18.70 FUND TOTAL: 18.70 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 102 - Unincorporated Services Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054716 Calvin Giordano & Associates I C20-01-124 WA# 11 !0054724 Famoso Inc C22-09-710 09853749 Gannett Media Corp SLC Planning & Development LEG H0004784 TIAA/CREF Financial Services 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa V0022285 Reed Elsevier Inc Online Research FUND TOTAL: PAGE 16 TOTAL 2,028.00 794.88 5r942.08 559.68 250.00 9r574.64 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 102001- Stormwater MSTU CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054723 Environmental Land Development Swale Maintenance / Culvert Cl Swale Maintenance / Culvert Cl Swale Maintenance / Culvert Cl Swale Maintenance / Culvert Cl Swale Maintenance / Culvert Cl CHECK TOTAL: !0054730 Hulett Environmental Services Pest Control !0054734 Kerner LLC Aquatic Vegetation Control !0054759 Water Resources Management Ass SLC Stmwtr. Management Design C0031823 Shenandoah General Constructio Drainage / Road Right-of-way M Drainage / Road Right-of-way M CHECK TOTAL: C0031826 Toshiba Business Solutions (US Copies Copier Rental CHECK TOTAL: V0022264 Ixom Watercare Inc Aerator Maintenance FUND TOTAL: PAGE 17 TOTAL 24, 106. 66 22, 079. 02 36,706.67 7,115.72 7, 024 . 57 97, 032 . 64 WIMIII 14,722.54 1,410.00 653.50 2,359.00 3,012.50 22.16 193.20 215.36 3, 087 . 00 119,500.04 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 107 - Fine & Forfeiture Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054725 Florida Dept of Juvenile Justi County & State Juvenile Detent !0054756 Triad Security Group Maintenance -Security System C0031797 Americas Office Source Inc Misc Operating Supplies C0031799 Bluetriton Brands Inc Cooler Rental Cooler Rental Bottled Water Delivery Cooler Rental Bottled Water Delivery CHECK TOTAL: C0031811 Genserve LLC Equipment Maintenance H0004784 TIAA/CREF Financial Services 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa FUND TOTAL: PAGE 18 TOTAL 164r664.70 878.05 377.27 2.99 2.99 13.98 2.99 39.94 62.89 370.00 512.00 166r864.91 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 107002- Fine & Forfeiture Fund-E911 Surchar CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE V0022274 AT&T Acct #561 N10-0064 064 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 19 TOTAL 2r343.80 2r343.80 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 20 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 130 - SLC Public Transit MSTU CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0054738 MV Contract Transportation Inc Vehicle Maintence 13,453.67 Fixed Route, Microtransit & Pa 473,973.71 CHECK TOTAL: 487,427.38 C0031799 Bluetriton Brands Inc Water 20.76 Water Cooler Rental 2.99 CHECK TOTAL: 23.75 H0004784 TIAA/CREF Financial Services 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 87.12 FUND TOTAL: 487,538.25 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 130141- FTA American Rescue Plan Act FFY-21 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054738 MV Contract Transportation Inc Non Fixed Route ADA Emergency Relief Operating Ass CHECK TOTAL: FUND TOTAL: PAGE 21 TOTAL 46r837.65 115r576.00 162, 413 . 65 162, 413 . 65 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 22 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 130142- FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0004784 TIAA/CREF Financial Services 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 87.12 FUND TOTAL: 87.12 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 23 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 130143- FTA/FDOT 5311 CRRSAA SFY2023 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0054738 MV Contract Transportation Inc 5311 Rural Operating-CRRSAA 22,805.81 FUND TOTAL: 22,805.81 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 24 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 130144- FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0004784 TIAA/CREF Financial Services 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 130.68 FUND TOTAL: 130.68 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 130145- FTA 5310 - Travel Training CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054738 MV Contract Transportation Inc Assist for seniors & individua FUND TOTAL: PAGE 25 TOTAL 13, 436.21 13, 436.21 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 26 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 130146- FTA 5310 Enhanced Mobility CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0004784 TIAA/CREF Financial Services 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 130.68 FUND TOTAL: 130.68 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 130245- FDOT FY2023 Block Grant CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054738 MV Contract Transportation Inc FDOT Block Grant G2F90 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 27 TOTAL 71,081.94 71,081.94 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 130246- FDOT Micro -Transit Exp. Zone 2 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054738 MV Contract Transportation Inc Microtransit FUND TOTAL: PAGE 28 TOTAL 28,610.81 28,610.81 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 130248- FCTD SY2024 Trip & Equipment CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054738 MV Contract Transportation Inc TD Trips FUND TOTAL: PAGE 2 9 TOTAL 62, 879. 73 62, 879. 73 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 140 - Airport Fund CHECK VENDOR !0054724 Famoso Inc C0031794 1st Fire & Security Inc C0031803 Cintas Corporation No 2 H0004784 TIAA/CREF Financial Services PURPOSE Contract labor - Clerical Contract labor - Janitorial CHECK TOTAL: Equipment Maintenance -Gate Rep Uniforms - Airport staff Operating Supplies - Mats, rag CHECK TOTAL: 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa FUND TOTAL: PAGE 30 TOTAL 993.60 338.40 1, 332 . 00 667.00 16.62 53.40 70.02 484.64 2,553.66 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 31 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 140001- Port Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0004784 TIAA/CREF Financial Services 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 296.84 FUND TOTAL: 296.84 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 140416- FDOT Security Perimeter Fencing P2 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054713 Atkins North America Inc Infrastructure FUND TOTAL: PAGE 32 TOTAL 6, 556.25 6, 556.25 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 145 - Mosquito Fund CHECK VENDOR !0054720 Day Dreams Uniforms Inc !0054730 Hulett Environmental Services !0054751 The Transit Group Inc H0004784 TIAA/CREF Financial Services V0022293 Verizon Wireless Services LLC PURPOSE Shirts, hats, j acket-T . Brother Shirts for Administrative Staf CHECK TOTAL: Pest Control Services Water Quality Sampling - Impou 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa Acct #723709239-00001 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 33 TOTAL 153.00 46.00 199.00 34.00 2,109.00 464.56 309.47 3, 116.03 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 147 - Bear Point Mitigation Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054729 Hobe Sound Environmental Consu Bear Point Mitigation Bank QMS !0054751 The Transit Group Inc Water Quality Sampling - Bear V0022293 Verizon Wireless Services LLC Acct #723709239-00001 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 34 TOTAL 3, 145 . 00 192.00 50.00 3,387.00 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 183 - Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054754 Tradewinds Enrichment Solution Outpatient Treatment 09853746 Fla Dept of Management Service Acct #2X-19375 11/23 C0031799 Bluetriton Brands Inc Water Cooler Rental Bottled Water & Supplies CHECK TOTAL: C0031816 Interstate Express C0031824 Tactical Digital Corp V0022254 AT&T Mobility V0022275 AT&T V0022290 Comcast Courier Services Courier Services CHECK TOTAL: Fax2mail hosted fax service 20 Acct #287315098582 Acct #561 N10-0039 039 Acct #8535 11 493 0054685 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 35 TOTAL 320.00 2r869.60 5.98 65.90 71.88 365.55 365.55 731.10 236.96 1,847.13 2, 135. 10 397.40 8, 609. 17 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 36 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 184 - Erosion Control Operating Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0004784 TIAA/CREF Financial Services 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 296.84 FUND TOTAL: 296.84 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 190 - Sports Complex Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054724 Famoso Inc Per Contract C22-08-706 !0054757 United Refrigeration Inc of Pe A/C - Ice Machine Part and Sup A/C - Ice Machine Part and Sup A/C - Ice Machine Part and Sup CHECK TOTAL: C0031808 Florida Coast Equipment Inc Contract - Agriculture and Law V0022276 AT&T Acct #772 785-6878 022 V0022287 Sportsfield Specialities Inc. BaseAone Field Wall Pads V0022289 Armadillo Dirt Works LLC Emergency Main Irrigation repa FUND TOTAL: PAGE 37 TOTAL 1,421.28 95.28 329.19 67.30 491.77 35,823.11 2,522.85 3,860.00 6, 800 . 00 50, 919. 01 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 310011- Impact Fees -Library "South" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054748 Song and Associates Inc Architect Services, Profession C0031798 Baker & Taylor Inc VAS Processing VAS Processing VAS Processing VAS Processing VAS Processing CHECK TOTAL: FUND TOTAL: PAGE 38 TOTAL 2, 500 . 00 81.65 3.55 24.85 3.55 560.90 674.50 3, 174 . 50 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 310014- Impact Fees -Park "South" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE C0031809 Florida Golf Service Unlimited Parking Lot Proj brush removal Parking Lot Project Light inst CHECK TOTAL: FUND TOTAL: PAGE 3 9 TOTAL 3,250.00 4,334.75 7,584.75 7,584.75 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 316001- 5th Cent Fuel -Capital CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054712 Asphalt Paving Systems Inc Annual Milling Annual Chip Seal CHECK TOTAL: !0054731 Inwood Consulting Engineers In Engineering Engineering CHECK TOTAL: FUND TOTAL: PAGE 40 TOTAL 172,229.20 250,000.00 422,229.20 3,867.15 5,621.56 9, 488 . 71 431,717.91 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 319 - Infrastructure Surtax Capital CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054719 Culpepper & Terpening Inc CEI Services CEI Services CHECK TOTAL: !0054721 Econolite Control Products Inc Signal Cabinets FUND TOTAL: PAGE 41 TOTAL 2, 466.25 905.00 3, 371 .25 57r844.00 61, 215 .25 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 42 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 401 - Sanitary Landfill Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0054711 Apple Industrial Supply Co Hydraulic hoses and fittings 316.22 !0054718 Caterpillar Financial Services 962m med wheel loader 8,561.32 !0054726 FPR II LLC Contracted labor @ operations 5,771.81 contracted labor at single str 45,508.55 Contracted labor @ operations 5,718.39 contracted labor at single str 47,079.92 Contracted labor @ operations 5,889.35 contracted labor at single str 46,304.66 contracted labor at single str 48,345.37 Contracted labor @ operations 4,997.47 CHECK TOTAL: 209,615.52 !0054736 Life Safety Systems Inc of the Alarm and fire inspection @ op 104.85 Alarm and fire at Single Strea 209.85 Alarm and fire inspection @ op 209.85 CHECK TOTAL: 524.55 09853743 City of Port St Lucie Acct #0874055080388 SW 328.39 Acct #0874055400277 SW 244.35 CHECK TOTAL: 572.74 09853748 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #91139-43535 SW 4,938.58 Acct #91139-43535 SW 9,484.07 Acct #91139-43535 SW 7,316.18 CHECK TOTAL: 21,738.83 09853749 Gannett Media Corp SLC Solid Waste Acct #1081106 1,000.00 SLC Solid Waste Acct #1081106 2,975.00 CHECK TOTAL: 3,975.00 C0031795 All Contractor Services Inc 2x weekly pump out of portable 125.00 2x weekly pump out of portable 125.00 CHECK TOTAL: 250.00 C0031803 Cintas Corporation No 2 rugs/mats 172.87 Operations uniforms 374.89 rugs/mats 108.19 Single Stream uniforms 161.12 rugs/mats 169.41 Single Stream uniforms 161.12 rugs/mats 108.19 Operations uniforms 374.89 CHECK TOTAL: 1,630.68 C0031827 Total Truck Parts Inc parts/repairs as needed for op 103.25 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 401 - Sanitary Landfill Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE H0004784 TIAA/CREF Financial Services 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa V0022262 Genserve LLC Generator Maintenance & Servic V0022266 PB Parent Holdco LP fire extinguisher services V0022268 Safety-Kleen Systems Inc parts washer unit and solvent V0022282 Driven Brands Holdings Inc Windshield repairs for operati FUND TOTAL: PAGE 43 TOTAL 451.97 135.00 1, 988 . 50 178.77 350.00 250r392.35 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 418 - Golf Course Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054724 Famoso Inc Temporary Labor C0031800 Bridgestone Golf Inc Golf Course General Ledger Nov C0031805 E-Z-GO Textron Golf Cart Lease V0022271 Acushnet Company V0022272 Acushnet Company Golf Cart Lease CHECK TOTAL: Golf Course General Ledger Nov Golf Course General Ledger Nov FUND TOTAL: PAGE 44 TOTAL 660.27 1, 087 . 55 7, 100.00 7, 100.00 14,200.00 516.37 1, 003 . 72 17, 467 . 91 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 471 - Water & Sewer District Operations CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054714 Barney's Pumps Inc 56-URAI Blower, Universal thre !0054720 Day Dreams Uniforms Inc BOCC 482L Hanes 50+ UVF Tees !0054722 ENCO Utility Services Florida Mailing Services (Including Co !0054730 Hulett Environmental Services PEST CONTROL !0054750 Southern Janitor Supply Inc Janitorial & Field Supplies C0031796 American Portable Toilets Inc Portable Toilets Portable Toilets CHECK TOTAL: C0031803 Cintas Corporation No 2 Uniform Rentals C0031804 Core & Main LP Maintenance -Utilities Fieldwor Maintenance -Utilities Fieldwor Maintenance -Utilities Fieldwor Maintenance -Utilities Fieldwor Maintenance -Utilities Fieldwor Maintenance -Utilities Fieldwor CHECK TOTAL: C0031807 Ferguson Enterprises LLC W/WWTP Parts and Supplies C0031818 Kauff's of Ft Pierce Inc 2012 Ford F-150 Tow to Will Fe C0031820 Meeks Plumbing Inc Underground Services Underground Services Underground Services CHECK TOTAL: C0031825 Tiresoles of Broward Inc Tire, Repairs, Parts and Servi Tire, Repairs, Parts and Servi CHECK TOTAL: C0031829 Vero Chemical Dist Inc Chemicals Chemicals Chemicals CHECK TOTAL: H0004784 TIAA/CREF Financial Services 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa V0022258 Family Gutters LLC Professional Services V0022260 Florida Dept Environmental Pro South Hutchinson Island Annual PAGE 45 TOTAL 3, 979.00 1,050.75 1,283.10 18.00 26.31 70.84 70.84 141.68 175.94 1, 245 . 16 111.39 117.40 31.51 379.00 1, 565 . 76 3f450.22 669.77 55.00 640.00 1, 600 . 00 892.40 3,132.40 373.22 561.80 935.02 2, 508 . 00 1,644.00 1,644.00 5f796.00 88.18 795.00 5r625.00 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 471 - Water & Sewer District Operations CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE V0022261 Florida Dept Environmental Pro SLC Fairgrounds Annual Fee V0022270 Verizon Wireless Services LLC Acct #442358647-00001 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 4 6 TOTAL 2, 300 . 00 520.84 30,042.21 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 491 - Building Code Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054724 Famoso Inc C22-09-710 !0054732 Joe Payne Inc C23-06-400 C23-10-797 CHECK TOTAL: FUND TOTAL: PAGE 47 TOTAL 983.25 22, 609.47 8,960.00 31, 569.47 32,552.72 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 505 - Health Insurance Fund CHECK VENDOR !0054699 Abramowicz, Joyce !0054715 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of !0054730 Hulett Environmental Services !0054737 Medical Risk Solutions LLC !0054761 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of 09853754 USAble Life H0004784 TIAA/CREF Financial Services H0004785 HealthEquity Inc V0022255 Comcast PURPOSE C23-07-522 Specialist Agreemen Admin Fee Group#68060 Admin Fee Group#68060 Admin Fee Group#68060 Admin Fee Group#68060 Admin Fee Group#68060 Admin Fee Group#68060 Admin Fee Group#68060 Admin Fee discrepancies Group# Admin Fee discrepancies Group# Admin Fee discrepancies Group# Admin Fee discrepancies Group# CHECK TOTAL: Pest Control for CareHere Cent Monthly Program Fees for SLC B INV#1000070208 INV#1000070208 INV#1000070208 INV#1000070208 INV#1000070208 INV#1000070208 INV#1000070208 CHECK TOTAL: Basic Life/Supplemental Life/R Basic Life/Supplemental Life/R Basic Life/Supplemental Life/R CHECK TOTAL: 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa RA Prefunding 2024 HCRA Client Cable TV FUND TOTAL: PAGE 48 TOTAL 1, 500 . 00 1, 274 . 00 63.70 43, 316. 00 7, 835 . 10 2, 739. 10 3,630.90 700.70 63.70 63.70 63.70 63.70- 5 9, 68 6. 90 68.00 58,491.42 40,727.81 8,630.43 138, 959.43 580,232.56 14, 909. 19 13,254.97 31.41 796,745.80 24,999.11 11,321.66 19, 791 . 99 56,112.76 74.42 50,000.00 10.70 1, 022, 690.00 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 505001- Risk Management Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0054724 Famoso Inc Temp Services to assist Risk M 09853754 USAble Life FCL LT & ST Disability Premium FUND TOTAL: PAGE 4 9 TOTAL 1, 380 . 16 26r552.40 27f932.56 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 625 - Law Library CHECK VENDOR V0022284 Reed Elsevier Inc PURPOSE Acct #422MBJ3LV November 2023 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 50 TOTAL 1, 774. 33 1, 774. 33 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 630 - Medical Examiner Agency Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE C0031803 Cintas Corporation No 2 Rug Sanitation C0031819 Medtech Forensics Inc Morgue Supplies V0022269 Tyco Fire and Security Managme Annual Security Contract Renew V0022279 AT&T Acct #772 464-1738 455 0451 V0022283 Federal Express Corporation Delivery Services FUND TOTAL: PAGE 51 TOTAL 34.76 235.00 3r370.79 173.91 40.37 3,854.83 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND: 801 - Bank Fund CHECK VENDOR H0004781 Florida Department of State H0004782 HealthEquity Inc H0004783 Internal Revenue Service H0004784 TIAA/CREF Financial Services PURPOSE State of FL Child Support Disb State of FL Child Support Disb CHECK TOTAL: Flexible Spending and Dep Care Flexible Spending and Dep Care CHECK TOTAL: IRS Payroll Tax Payment IRS Payroll Tax Payment IRS Payroll Tax Payment CHECK TOTAL: 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa CHECK TOTAL: FUND TOTAL: PAGE 52 TOTAL 4, 103 . 84 21.00 4,124.84 11, 631. 64 834.01 l2 , 4 65 . 65 227,828.84 185, 789.23 56,203.57 469r821. 64 20,207.84 3,158.00 23r365.84 509r777.97 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND SUMMARY FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 001 General Fund 579,808.21 0.00 001001 Recreation Special Events 82,373.16 0.00 001009 Gen -One Time Funding 10,606.50 0.00 001409 FCTD Planning Grant SFY2024 76.44 0.00 001497 FDOT SUN Trail Network Prog 18,600.00 0.00 001630 US Treasury American Rescue Plan 109,679.86 0.00 001651 FHA thru FDOT SEC 112 MPO/FHWA 4,200.00 0.00 001660 Comm Svcs Block Grant FY 23-24 3,389.30 0.00 001834 TCERDA 3,000.00 0.00 101 Transportation Trust Fund 11,768.14 0.00 101001 Transportation Trust Interlocals 18.70 0.00 102 Unincorporated Services Fund 9,574.64 0.00 102001 Stormwater MSTU 119,500.04 0.00 107 Fine & Forfeiture Fund 166,864.91 0.00 107002 Fine & Forfeiture Fund-E911 Surchar 2,343.80 0.00 130 SLC Public Transit MSTU 487,538.25 0.00 130141 FTA American Rescue Plan Act FFY-21 162,413.65 0.00 130142 FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant 87.12 0.00 130143 FTA/FDOT 5311 CRRSAA SFY2023 22,805.81 0.00 130144 FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant 130.68 0.00 130145 FTA 5310 - Travel Training 13,436.21 0.00 130146 FTA 5310 Enhanced Mobility 130.68 0.00 130245 FDOT FY2023 Block Grant 71,081.94 0.00 130246 FDOT Micro -Transit Exp. Zone 2 28,610.81 0.00 130248 FCTD SY2024 Trip & Equipment 62,879.73 0.00 140 Airport Fund 2,553.66 0.00 140001 Port Fund 296.84 0.00 140416 FDOT Security Perimeter Fencing P2 6,556.25 0.00 183 Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir 8,609.17 0.00 190 Sports Complex Fund 50,919.01 0.00 310011 Impact Fees -Library "South" 3,174.50 0.00 310014 Impact Fees -Park "South" 7,584.75 0.00 316001 5th Cent Fuel -Capital 431,717.91 0.00 319 Infrastructure Surtax Capital 61,215.25 0.00 401 Sanitary Landfill Fund 250r392.35 0.00 418 Golf Course Fund 17,467.91 0.00 471 Water & Sewer District Operations 30rO42.21 0.00 491 Building Code Fund 32,552.72 0.00 505 Health Insurance Fund lf022r690.00 0.00 505001 Risk Management Fund 27,932.56 0.00 625 Law Library 1,774.33 0.00 630 Medical Examiner Agency Fund 3,854.83 0.00 801 Bank Fund 509,777.97 0.00 GRAND TOTAL: 4,440,030.80 0.00 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND SUMMARY- MOSQUITO FUND TITLE EXPENSES 145 Mosquito Fund 3,116.03 147 Bear Point Mitigation Fund 3,387.00 GRAND TOTAL: 6,503.03 PAGE 1 PAYROLL 0.00 0.00 0.00 12/29/23 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #13- 22-DEC-2023 TO 29-DEC-2023 FUND SUMMARY- EROSION FUND TITLE EXPENSES 184 Erosion Control Operating Fund 296.84 GRAND TOTAL: 296.84 PAGE 1 PAYROLL 0.00 0.00