HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS3 C� 4S1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Resource Protection �OR1Ur' q qDSOSMEMORANDUM TO: Charlie Cangianelli, Code Compliance Man ger FROM: Amy Mott, Resource Protection Coordinate DATE: December 3, 1999 SUBJECT: Bee Electric - Landscape Inspection 1) Phase II landscaping is not complete (should it be?). 2) Three Red Maples shown to be planted in phase I, in Lot 24, are not in. 3) The Wax Myrtle in parking lot island to the west is a 4' tall bush. It needs to be replaced with one that meets the minimum requirements at the time the landscape plan was approved which were 10' in height and a 1.5" trunk diameter measured at 4.5' above ground. 4) The Red Maple planted by the dumpster is less than one foot from the power pole. It should be moved so that it has sufficient room to grow. 5) One of the Bald Cypress is in shock and should recover, but if it does not it will need to be replaced. 6) One of the Live Oaks along Commercial Circle is below grade and should be replaced. (The 4`h tree south from the north entrance) 7) Many of the trees have a spread of less than 5', but should fill out once established. If they remain below spread requirements they should be replaced with adequate trees. 8) Two of the species noted on the approved landscape plan were changed (Dahoon Holly to Bald Cypress and Viburnum to Surinam Cherry), both acceptable. 00 0013084 • P.O. BOX 188 • FT. PIERCE, FLORIDA 34964 ielopment ,uarantee that the Phase I landscaping of the above referenced at may die will be replaced, so long as the death is not the result dition, any items missing from the Phase I landscaping will be t of Section 7.09.04(A) of the St. Lucie County Land N DEC 0 9 1999 St. Lucie County Public Works JRIVER881-778-8188• FAX 881-488-7688•WWW.RKDAVIS.COM ihS DEC-08-99 02:57 PM PLANT HAVEN NURSERY 561 466 0449 P.01 r u PLANT HAVEN WHOLESALE NURSERY, INC. 10300 W. Midway Road U Fort Pierce, Florida 34945 Phone: (561) 466.0801 Fax: (561) 466-0449 Att: Charlie Cangianelli (Code compliance Mgr) Job Bee Electronics Re: King's Hwy Ind Park We Plant Haven Wholesale Nursery will guarantee if your 1 Bald Cypress dies,Plant Haven Wholesale Nursery will replace it. DEC 0 8 1999 Public Works 561 466 0449 P.01 PLANT HAVEN WHOLESALE NURSERY, INC. 10300 W. Midway Road • Fort Pierce, Florida 34945 Phone: (561) 466-0801 Fax: (561) 466-0449 Att: Charlie Cangianelli (Code compliance Mgr) Job: Bee Electronics Re: T<:ing's Hwy Ind Park We Plant Haven Wholesale Nursery will guarantee if your 1 Bald Cypress dies,Plant Haven Wholesale Nursery will replace it. .Thank you 8,2-65 Ah. Mv,1415 g9osos�� PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Martha Schurmann, Building Division FROM: Charles A. Cangianelli, Building and Zoning Manager 0)r DATE: December 9, 1999 SUBJECT: Bee Electronics - Permit-# 9-9 0 C 44 .we -amid F .. Engineering has reviewed the paving and drainage as-builts for this project and are accepting them for completion at this time. If I can be of further assistance to you in this matter, please let me know. CAG:ewc Attachment as noted /^ cc: Donald West, P.E., County Engineer �\ V ern,--777777 5 99-050544 I�ul I DEC 10 1999 St. Lucie County Public Works CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION December 9, 1999 Mr. Charlie Cangianelli Code Compliance Manager, SLC — Dept of Community Development Fort Pierce, Florida 34986 RE: Bee Electronics — Permit #99-050544 Mr. Cangianelli: CO C013084 • P.O. BOX 186 • FT. PIERCE, FLORIDA 34954 Please let this letter serve as a guarantee that the Phase I landscaping of the above referenced project will,live. Any plants that may die will be replaced, so long as the death is not the result of neglect by the Owner. In addition, any items missing from the Phase I landscaping will be added to comply with the intent of Section 7.09.04(A) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. Rob Mullins Project Manager 0 E C 0 9 1999 St. Lucie County Public VJorks' MARTIN 6 ST. LUCIE 681-461-8335 • INDIAN RIVER 561-778-9188 • FAX 681-465-7685 • WWW.RKDAVIS.COM - J< J C CULPEPPER s Consulting Engineers 9 Land Surveyors +Mw- TERPEN I NG, INC. 2980 South 25th street • FL Pierce, FL34981 P.O. Box 13360 • Ft. Pierce, FL 34979.3360 (561) 464-3537 • Fax (661) 464.9497 December 6, 1999 Job No. 97-71 St. Lucie County Engineering Department 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 Att: Mr. Charles Cangianelli — Building and zoning Manager Re: Bee Electronics Certification of Final Completion Dear Mr. Cangianelli, I hereby certify that all of the County required improvements have been completed on the Bee Electronics project and that I have inspected the construction. Inspection was done incrementally in accordance with the requirements of "Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, St. Lucie County, Florida" and we have reviewed the results and certification of the independent testing laboratory. These improvements are in substantial conformance with the development plans and the Standard Specifications as prepared by this office. Please find enclosed two (2) copies, as well as a mylar reproducibles of Sheets 4 and 5 of 9 with the As -built information for the paving. grading and drainage portions of the project indicated, as well as a complete set of density test results as conducted by Fraser Engineering & Testing. If there are any finther questions or comments with regard to these matters, please do not hesitate to contact (hip otPce. -Very,.Truly Yours, -: ti chardM.Jadvlco,, .E. Dir&tor,ofLa>,Id'DP a went Fla. Registrtation �' 4288 cc: Bee Electronics St. Lucie Co. Building Dept. R.K. Davis Const. Component Performance Method for Commercial Buildings Form 40OB-97 ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community Affairs FLA/COM-97 Version 2.2 PROJECT NAME -BEE ELECTRONICS ADDRESS: _FT. PIERCE - OWNER: AGENT: -BEE ELECTRONICS PERMITTING OFFICE: _Fort Pierce - CLIMATE ZONE: _6 PERMIT NO: _99-0000 JURISDICTION NO:_661100 BUILDING TYPE: _Factory - Industrial CONSTRUCTION CONDITION: New construction DESIGN COMPLETION: _Finished Building CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA: _61425 NUMBER OF ZONES: 1 MAX. TONNAGE OF EQUIPMENT.PER SYSTEM: 124 COMPLIANCE CALCULATION: METHOD B DESIGN CRITERIA RESULT ------ ----------------- ENVELOPE PERFORMANCE ------ 41.84 -------- 153.83 PASSES OTHER ENVELOPE REQUIREMENTS PASSES LIGHTING INTERIOR LIGHTING 61000.00 61425.00 PASSES LIGHTING CONTROL REQUIREMENTS PASSES HVAC EQUIPMENT COOLING EQUIPMENT _ 1. EEA 9.80 8.20 PASSES IPLV 7.50 7.50 PASSES HEATING EQUIPMENT FAN SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 1. Variable Air Volume ( 0.61 1.25 PASSES AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM INSULATION REQUIREMENTS 1. Conditioned Space 0.00 0.00 N/A REHEAT SYSTEM TYPES USED NO REHEAT SYSTEM is USED WATER HEATING EQUIPMENT 1. EF 0.90 0.87 PASSES PIPING INSULATION REQUIREMENTS - 1. Non -Circulating w/o H 1.00 0.99 PASSES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by this calcu- lation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code. PREPARED BY: D9% I hereby certify that this building is in compliance with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code. OWNER/AGENT: DATE: Review of the plans and specifica- tions covered by this calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code. Before construction is completed, this building will be inspected for compliance in accordance with Section 553.908, Florida Statutes. BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE, I hereby certify(*) that the system design is in complian w th the Florida Energy Efficiency Code. SYSTEM DESIGNER REGIS ZO / TATS ARCHITECT MECHANICAL: - PLUMBING MORE ELECTRICAL: -POREW. LUCIE, El 34984 i LIGHTING (*) Signature is required where Florida law requires desi be performed by registered design professionals.. Typed names and regist ation numbers may �... -A i i roi n..anr ; nfnrmntion is contained on signed/sealed plans. BUILDING ENVELOPE SYSTEMS COMPLIANCE CHECK 101.------GLAZING--ZONE 1------------------------------------------------ v- 3levation Type U SC VLT Shading Area(Sgft) ------------------------ ---- ---- ---- -------------- ---------- north Commercial 1.31 .01 0 None 375 South— Commercial 1_._31 .01 0 None 12 East Commerciale 1.31 .01 0 None 120 West Commercial 1.31 .01 . 0 None 0 Total Glass Area in Zone 1 = 507 Total Glass Area = 507 402.------WALLS--ZONE 1---------------------------'-------------------- --- Elevation Type U Insul R Gross(Sgft) ----------------------------------------- ----- ------- ----------- North Mtl Bldg wall/R-11 Batt .084 11 3510 South Mtl Bldg wall/R-11 Batt .084 it 3510 East Mtl Bldg wall/R-11 Batt .084 11 5670 West Mtl Bldg wall/R-11 Batt .084 11 5670 Total Wall Area in Zone 1 = 18360 Total Gross Wall Area = 18360 403.------DOORS--ZONE 1---------------------------------------- --- Elevation Type U Area(Sgft) --------------------------------------------------- ----- ---------- North 1-3/4-Steel Door -Solid Urethane foam co 0.40 21 South 1-3/4 Steel Door -Solid Urethane foam co 0.40 21 East 1-3/4 Steel Door -Solid Urethane foam co 0.40 21 West No doors 0.00 0 Total Door Area in Zone 1 = 63 Total Door Area = 63 404.------ROOFS--ZONE. 1------------------------------------------------ --- Type Color U Insul R Area(Sgft) ------------------------------------ ----- ---------------------- Mtl Bldg Roof/R-19 Batt Medium .051 19 61425 Total Roof Area in Zone 1 = 61425 Total Roof Area _= 61425 405.------FLOORS-ZONE 1-------------------- --- Type Insul R Area(Sgft) -------------------------------------------------------- ----- Slab on Grade/Uninsulated 10 61425 Total Floor Area in Zone 1 = 61425 Total Floor Area = 61425 406.------INFILTRATION --------------------------------------------------- --- Infiltration Criteria in 406.1.ABCD have been met. (CHECK . MECHANICAL SYSTEMS CHECK ------------------------------------------------------------ ---- HVAC load sizing has been performed. (407.1.ABCD) 407.------COOLING SYSTEMS --------- -------------------------------------- Type No Efficiency IPLV Tons =--------------------------- ------------- ------------------- 1. Air Cooled ( >= 65,000 Btu/h 1 .9.8 0 123.80 408.------HEATING SYSTEMS----------------------------------------------- Type No Efficiency BTU/hr i. No Heating System 0 0 0 F 409------- VENTILATION=-------------------------------------------------- ICHECK Ventilation Criteria in 409.1.ABCD have been met. 410------ AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM---------------------------------------- ------ CHECK - --------------=-------------------------------------------- Duct sizing and design have been performed. (410.1.ABCD) _AHU Type_ Duct Location_ _ R-value ---------------------------------------------------------------- Variable Air Volume (VAV) Conditioned Space 0 CHECK ------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- Testing and balancing will be performed. (410.1.ABCD) 411.-----PUMPS AND PIPING -ZONE ----------------------------------------- Basic prescriptive requirements in 411.1.ABCD have been met. PLUMBING SYSTEMS 411------ PUMPS AND PIPING -ZONE I --------------------------------------- Type R-value/in Diameter Thickness 1. Non -Circulating w/o Heat 4.2 .5 1 412------ WATER HEATING SYSTEMS -ZONE 1 ---------------------------------- Type Efficiency StandbyLoss InputRate Gallons ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1.. <=12 kW .9 0 4.5 45 ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS CHECK 413.-----ELECTRICAL POWER DISTRIBUTION---------------------------- ----- --- Metering criteria in 413.1.ABCD have been met. 414.-----MOTORS --------------------------------------------------- ----- --- Motor efficiencies in 414.1.ABCD have been met. 415.-----LIGHTING SYSTEMS -ZONE 1--------------------------------------- --- Space Type. No Control Type 1 No Control Type 2 No Watts Area(Sgft) ---------- ----------------- ----------------- --- ------ ---------- Material H 1 On/Off 75 61000 61425 Total Watts for Zone 1 = 61000 Total Area for Zone 1 = 61425 Total Watts = 61000 Total Area = 61425 CHECK Lighting criteria in 415.1.ABCD have been met. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Operation/maintenance manual will be provided to owner.(102.1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;4r PROJECT TITLE BEE ELECTRONICS BUILDING TYPE Factory - Industrial BUILDING LOCATION Fort Pierce BUILDING AREA(ft2): 61425 BUILDING ENVELOPE COMPONENT PERFORMANCE WALL ORIENTATION- WEIGHTED AVER. N NE E SE S SW W NW DESIGN CRITERIA WALL 3510 5670 3510 5670 0.03 0.380 GL 375 120 12 0 WWR WWR SC 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.000 0.01 0.500 PF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 VLT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A Uof 1.310 1.310 1.310 0.000 0.91 1.150 W Uo 0.08 0.08' 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.371 HC 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 Ip 3 3 3 3 3 N/A 9.367 L 0 A D S 12.699 7.949 11.822 TOTA 41.838< 43.828 HEAT COOL 0.000 0.000 0.000. 0.000 0.000< 110.007SU ******** PASSES ******* OTHER ENVELOPE REQUIREMENTS MAXIMUM PERCENTAGE OF ROOF AREA IN SKYLIGHTS: DESIGN CRITERIA Percentage of Roof Area in Skylights MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE Uo: 0.000 = 0.0000 Roof 0.051 < 0.0868 u ******** PASSES ******* PROJECT TITLE BEE ELECTRONICS BUILDING TYPE Factory _ Industrial BUILDING LOCATION : Fort Pierce BUILDING AREA(ft2): 61425 LIGHTING SYSTEM PERFORMANCE BUILDING DESIGN : Interior Lighting Power 61000 W 0.99 W/Gross ft2 Exterior Lighting Power 0 W INTERIOR LIGHTING CRITERIA: Space No. Type Area Clg Ht Spaces AF UPD PB LPB Total LPB 47 61425.0 18.0 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 61425 61425 Unit Power Density 1".00 W/Gross ft2 Interior Lighting Power Allowance 61425 W ******** PASSES EXTERIOR LIGHTING CRITERIA: AREA AREA AREA OR ALLOWANCE CODE DESCRIPTION LENGTH WATTS Exterior Lighting Power Allowance 0.00 W **** Not Applicable **** LrIGHTING SYSTEM CONTROL REQUIREMENTS: TOTAL EQUIVALENT SPACE NO. CONTROLS CONTROL POINTS NO. DESCRIPTION AREA TASKS TYPE 1 NO. TYPE 2 NO. DESIGN CRITERIA 47 Material H 61425.0 1 On/Off 75 0 75 > 40 ******** PASSES ******** PROJECT TITLE BEE ELECTRONICS BUILDING TYPE- Factory - Industrial BUILDING LOCATION : Fort Pierce BUILDING AREA(ft2): 61425 HVA,C SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Cooling System. Type Measure #1 .42 Minim. #1 Minim. #2 System Eff.#1 System Eff.#2 Result for #1 Result for #2 Air Cooled. EER, IPLV 8.20 7.50 9.80 7.50 PASSES PASSES Heating System Measure Minimum Req. Efficiency Result ******** PASSES ******** FAN SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Zone # System Type Maximum W/CFM Design W/CFM Result 1. Variable Air Volume (VAV) 1.25 0.61 PASSES ******** PASSES ******** AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM INSULATION REQUIREMENTS Zone # Duct Location Minimum R=Value Design R-Value Result 1. Conditioned Space 0.00 0.00 N/A **** Not Applicable **** PROJECT TITLE BEE ELECTRONICS BUILDING TYPE BUILDING LOCATION BUILDING AREA(ft2): Factory - Industrial Fort Pierce 61425 WATER HEATING SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS System —Type Measure Minimum EF / Et Maximum SL Design EF / Et Design SL Result Electric <= 12kW EF 0.8710 0.0000 0.900 0.000 PASSES ******** PASSES ******** PIPING INSULATION REQUIREMENTS: Pipe Insulation Thickness(in) System Type O.D.(in) Minimum Req. Design Result Non -Circulating w b.50 0.987 1.00 PASSES ******** PASSES ******** 0 Y'_"( ST. LUCIE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION 2400 RHODE ISLAND AVE. _ _ _ _ TELEPHONE _ (561)-46272312 _ FT. PIERCE, FL. AVE. FAX NO. (561)462-2323 PLAN REVIEW JURISDICTION: St Lucie County OCCUPANCY: Bee Electronics ADDRESS: 7440 Commercial Cir CONTRACTOR: RK Davis Construction CONTRACTORS ADDRESS: P. O. Box 186 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: Linden Pettys BUILDING OWNER: Bee Electronics OCCUPANCY TYPE: Industrial GROSS SQ FT: Phase 164,428 sq. Ft OCCUPANT LOAD: CONSTRUCTION TYPE:( NFPA-220) Type: F.P.B. B-99-22 BUILDING DEPT: 990605" NUMBER OF STORIES: 1 PHONE NO: 561.461-8335 CITY. Ft Pierce, FL ZIP: 34954 PHONE NO: 561562-3813 REVIEW DATE: 6-2-99 AUTOMATIC SP'KLRS: Yes NET SQ FT: BASED ON: SBCCI: Type: IV New Construction: X Automatic Sprinkler: X Contractor: Metro Fin: Sprinklers Tenant Improvement: Fire Alarm System Contractor. Shell Only: Fixed Fire Suppression: Contractor: Addition: Hood & Duct System: Contractor. Renovation: Fuel Storage: Contractor: 1. All revisions must be in compliance before the final inspection, or so noted. 2. The Fire Marshal requires 24 hour notice on all inspections. 3. The Building Department schedule all final inspections by the Fire Marshal. 4. A copy of the required revisions has been mailed to the Architect: _ Contractor: _ Yes _ No X Required Revisions: 1. A separate permit is required for the fire alarm system that is required. 2. A one (1) hour rated separation is required to separate the assembly/employee lunchroom from the remainder of the occupancy. 3. The employee lunch room occupant load is above 50 persons, therefore, it is considered an assembly occupancy. Assembly occupancies require a minimum of two (2) exits. 4. Provide a 3A-40BC rated fire extinguisher for every 75' of travel distance throughout. Bee Electronics 7440 Commercial Cir Page 2 5. See attached HVAC requirements. Reviewed By: -r- Tony Liento Date: June 2, 1999 Jla• 1 PAUL WELCH YNC. Mechanical • Electrical • Civil • Engineering 1984 S.W. Biftmore St. #114 Port St. Lucie, FL 34984 Phone (561) 785-9888 FAX (561) 785-9933 September 28,-1999 Re: Bee Electric Truss Modification To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised of the modification to the GRB Girder Truss for the above reference project per attached detail. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Submitted by: PAUL WELCH INC. slioM ollQnd kuno0 aionl'4S 6689 S Q AON 4866E i3 '31On1 IS AOd V4 IWO "IS 3HOV41118 VS 688I 'ONI HOl3MInVd ,S 668 Z' d 3 S -::)I.2j4-7 -;q-Ia aa9 `,5PzLL-21Q4zll�q azak7 Q21 ;�iIgoH J-'1 lyo {.j � ZI ld NH�1✓�139 Q1 x � tZ a�4a� } d uk/1I ;4 1),,11%)1 Z r r 0/ o cn a X x <- �9FDIS1R��� St. Lucie County Fire District (561) 462-2300 FAX (561) 462-2325 P.O. Box 3030 2400 Rhode Island Ave. Fort Pierce, FL 34948 The requirements for automatic fan shut down in air handling systems are the requirements of the Southern Standard Mechanical Code, 1994 edition, Chapter 406, . and the National Fire Protection Association "Life Safety Code" N.F.P.A. 101. In determining which code to comply with, the following information is necessary. A/C un' make up a system and is referred to in the codes as an air handling system. 2. The N.F.P.A. Life Safety Code, Occupancy Chapters 8 through 31 references Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning and shall comply with Section 101-7-2 of the Life Safety Code. 3. Section 101-7-2 requires air conditioning, heating, ventilating ductwork, and related equipment to be installed in accordance with N.F.P.A. 90 A, Standard For The Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilation Systems, or N.F.P.A 90B, Standard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Systems. 4. N.F.P.A. 90A. Scope: This standard applies to all systems for the movement of environmental air in structures that: (a). Serve spaces over 25,000 cubic feet in total volume, or (b). Serve buildings of Types III, IV, and V construction over three stories in height, regardless of volume. The construction types indicated are in accordance with N.F.P.A. 220. 5. N.F.P.A. 90A. For the purpose of this standard, a space is considered as the entire building or a portion thereof separated from other portions of the building by fire resistance rated construction and whose environmental air does not mix with that of any other space. For spaces not exceeding 25,000 cubic feet in volume, reference the Standard Building Code, Chapter 406. Page 1 of 4 6. For spaces not exceeding 25,000 cubic feet in total volume, compliance to The Standard Mechanical Code, 1994 Edition, shall be in compliance. 7Automatic fan shut own requirements, N.F.P.A. 90A. a. Location: Smoke detectors listed for use in air distribution systems shall be located: (1). Downstream of the air filters and ahead of any branch connections in air supply systems of greater than 2,000 cfm capacity. (2). At each story prior to the connection to a common return and prior to any recirculation or fresh air inlet connection in air return systems over 15.000 cfm capacity. and serving more than . one story.. Exception: No 1: Return systems smoke detectors are not required when the entire space served by the air distribution system is protected by a system of area smoke detectors. Exception No. 2. Fan units whose sole function is to remove air from inside the building to outside the building. b. Function: Required smoke detectors shall automatically stop their respective fan(s) upon detecting the presents of smoke. Exception: Where the return air fan is functioning as pan` of an engineered smoke control,system and a different mode is required. C. Installation! Listed duct type smoke detectors shall be installed in accordance with N.F.P.A: 72,- National Fire Alarm Code. M. When an approved protective signaling system, (fire alarm) is installed in the building, the smoke detectors shall be connected to the protective signaling system in accordance with N.F.P.A. 72 so that activation of any air distribution system smoke detector will cause a supervisory signal to be indicated at a constantly attended location, at will cause an alarm signal. Page 2 of 4 (2). All detection devices used for the operation of smoke dampers, fire dampers, fan control, smoke doors, and fire doors shall be monitored for integrity in accordance with N.F.P.A. 72 -1 - 5.8 where connected to the fire alarm system serving the protected premises. (3). When smoke detectors are installed in a building D9f equipped with an approved protective signaling system shall, (a). cause a visual and audible signal in a normally occupied area, and (b). Smoke detector trouble conditions shall be indicated visually, or audibly in a normally occupied area and shall be identified as air detector trouble. (c). The above signal requirements can be annunciated with a simple Remote Test Station. with a Sounder. 8. Smoke detectors having power supplied separately from the signaling system (fire alarm) for the sole function of stopping fans do not require standby power. 9. Standard Mechanical Code, Automatic Fan Shut Down requirements. , a. Systems serving buildings or spaces less than 25,000 cubic feet in volume shall comply with the requirements of the Standard Mechanical Code, Chapter 406, 1994 Edition. b. Capacity from 2,000 = 15,000 cfm. Recirculating air systems shall automatically shut down when heat within the system becomes excessive, or exceeds 136 F. An automatic control (firestat) shall be in the Le ur air stream prior to any exhausting from the building or mixing with fresh air makeup. An approved smoke detector for duct installation may be used in lieu of the firestat. The Fire Marshal recommends the use of a listed duct type smoke detector be used in lieu of the firestat. A complete building system of smoke detection that is connected to the fan system for automatic fan shut down may be used. C. Capacity less than 2,000 cfm. Recirculating air systems with a fan capacity less than 2,000 cfm, but serving an area used for egress, shall have automatic fan shut down. This would be foyers, lobbies, stairways, corridors and passageways. Page 3 of 4. • 1. 10. Code Conflicts: a. There is some confusion as to the installation of duct type detectors in the supply air or return air systems. The important advantages of detectors being in stalled in the supply air is the supply air is filtered and will be free of dust that can collect on the detector(s). Some manufactures specify the installation in supply air only. b When duct type detectors are connected to a protective signaling system (fire alarm), detectors shall be installed in the supply air in accordance with NFPA 90-A. Fire alarm systems are Uniform Fire Safety Standards and the requirements shall be in accordance with NFPA 101 Life Safety Code and not the Standard Mechanical Code. Page 4 of 4 ST. LUCIE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE •,c� FT. PIERCE, FL. 34982-5652 561-462-1553 DESIGN CERTIFICATION FOR WIND LOAD COMPLIANCE `This Certification is to be completed by the project design architect or engineer. This Certification must be submitted With -all -applications for building permit involving the construction of new residence (single or multi -family), residential addition, any accessory structure requiring a building permit, and any nonresidential structure. This Certification shall not apply to interior renovations (provided that no structural walls, columns or other similar component is being effected) and certain other minor building permits. For further assistance, please contact the Building Inspection Office at 462-1553 or 462-2172. PROJECT NAME $ �^ aer'-fYO (t f0'5 'z,46 OFFICE USE ONLY STREET ADDRESS -71 u4 I G1'rCk- PR NUMBER PERMIT NUMBER q O so 54 OCCP.TYPE CST.TYPE 11 CERTIFICATION STATEMENT: CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO COMPLY WITH THE APPLICABLE STRUCTURAL PORTION OF THE BUILDING CODES CURRENTLY ADOPTED AND ENFORCED BY ST. LUCIE COUNTY. I ALSO CERTIFY THAT STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS DEPICTED ON THESE PLANS PROVIDE ADEQUATE RESISTANCE TO THE WIND LOADS AND FORCES SPECIFIED BY CURRENT CODE PROVISIONS. DESIGN PARAMETERS AND ASSUMPTIONS USED: (please check or complete the auproprite boxl J 1. BUILDING CODE EDITION USED (YEAR) I (/ SBCCI ASCE 7-88 OTHER (SPECIFY) 2. BUILDING DESIGN IS (CHECK ONE) QQ JJ0 ENCLOSED � PARTIALLY ENCLOSED OPEN BUILDING 3. BUILDING HEIGHT: � FT 4. WIND SPEED USED IN BUILDING DESIGN: /fMPH S. WIND EXPOSURE CLASSIFICATION (REFER TO EXPOSURE TABLES IN BUILDING CODE IDENTIFIED IN LINE 01): 6. AVERAGE WIND VELOCITY PRESSURE ON EXTERIOR FACES OF STRUCTURE: 7. PEAK WIND VELOCITY PRESSURE ON EXTERIOR FACES OF STRUCTURE: 8. IMPORTANCEWSE FACTOR (OBTAN FROM BUILDING CODE): too 1} 9. LOADS: FLOOR `D PSF ROORDEAD: !�r_ PSF 10. WERE SHEAR WALLS CONSIDERED FOR STRUCTURE (CHECK ONE) YES explaination) 11. IS A CONTINUOUS LOAD PATH PROVIDED (CHECK ONE) YES NO_ explaination) J2. ARE COMPONENT AND CLADDING DETAILS PROVIDED (CHECK ONE) YES explaination) G PSF PSF ROOF/LIVE: Z'0 PSF NO— If NO, why? (attach NO 13. MINIMUM SOIL BEARING PRESSURE: 7-5"' PSF AS WITNESSED BY MY SEAL, I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION INCLUDED W IS TRUE AND CORRECT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. p NAME: I kuL E L C CERTIFICATION NO: ZCL 41 DESIGN FIRM: QAJL WECO IA I.f13CDATE: MAY Z 5 10'99 If NO, why? (attach If NO, why? (attach FICATI ON SLCCDV FORM NO: 020-00 5614657665 R.K. DAVIS 828 M OCT 04 ' 99 16 / J11?AMXi vMCH XXC. IlMe mk4.61MVIoM - MA • Englno"ng 1004S.W. pftmroSLR114• Pat SL Lam. FL 348" Phone (581) 78"M FAX (501) 7&rr$ 88 Poosgt.-ir Fax Note 7671 Re: Bee Electric Permit No.CE9.0565W4=,!� TO Whom It May Concern: Persuant to the modified GRB Gird September 281 1990 submitted by our certify that the truss system for project will be as structurally designed by Chambers Truss, and will the SBo7c�7 b�m�lt►=wYtirload a�udall reeuirements. er truss detail dated office, this is to the above referenced sound as originally meet Section 1606 of Thank you for your attention to this matter. submitted by: PAUL W =fr XNC. M� Paul Welch, B.E. PW:ns OCT 0 5 1999 St. Lucie County Public Works 5614657665 R.K. DAVIS 805 P01 OCT 01 199 10:38 nwhoo0=1 • Elsoldcol • Civil + Eng(nentng 1984 S.W. B tMw6 St. tt114- Pon St. Lucie, FL 34084 Phone {661) 7e1-rOM FAX (5e1) 7e54 M October 01,1999 Re: Bee Electric Permit No. 990SO544 Post-ir Fax Note 7671 date paM► r '� • From l, Hg coroa� tai co. G'w1a PhunB R Fune q Fax R Fax s To Whom It May Concern: Persuant to the modified GRB Girder truss detail dated September 28, 1999 submitted by our office, this is to certify that the truss system for the above referenced project will be as structurally sound as originally designed by Chambers Truss. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Submitted by: PAUL WELCH INC. Paul welch, F.E. PW:ns 5614657665 R.K. DAVIS 805 P01 OCT 01 '99 10:38 t ��V%'K�rrant II�R4'.. W6bmdd • ENOUl d • ChIl • Engtnsap 19" ILW. BaMnW4 BL 0114• Rats SL LUCK FL 34064 Phone{6W) 786-YMO FAX P51) 7a54M Re: Bee Electric P®rmit No. 99050544 To Whom It May Concern: Post4t• Fax Note 7671 onto oaf 1► IPSM From CoJDapt • 1A r � all �. C i C Prom r Fax Fax r Persuant to the modified GRB Girder true* detail dated September 28, 1999 submitted by our office, this is to certify that the truss system for the above referenced project will be as structurally sound as originally designed by Chambers Truss. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Submitted by: PAUL WELCH INC. Paul Welch, P.B. PW:ns TT o 1�\sD L A® + -np-T- ° -r wlS�i 0 G„ar!✓l � � t \ q q orb 5-4 - m PAUL WELCH INC. Mechanical • Electrical • Civil • Engineering 1984 S.W. BiltmoreSt. #114 Port St. Lucie, FL 34984 Phone (561) 785-9888 FAX (561) 785-9933 September 28, 1999 Re: Bee Electric Truss Modification To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised of the modification to the GRB Girder Truss for the above reference project per attached detail. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Submitted Submitted by: PAUL WELCH INC. S�ov/d f &gel 5zj� G4019&W4 RE 6866E l3 'Mon1 'is 1lIOd g Z d 3 S 1 1I Wins "IS 3HOWlllB 'MIS mI 'ONI H013Minvd --;, I 21.1-s) -;q -I a a a'a 55pz11. 21;R4211>;q QzJ�2 4-aI�jIgoo J.'I fiv ld HaaAft rp ZI - 'a- 112i '<+ 1 a1 n�t2 a�aad + duf'JII "M11 z))2 Y Te Ply Richard K. DavislBee Quality Leather 42377 GRB ,i;= ROOF TRUSS �Qty I ru a Inc., ran vie" r1. 34962.6423 4.032 s Jun 91998 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 1310:27:341999 Page 1 4-2-8 11-4-12 19-6-8 27-6-1 1 33-04 38-6-8 4-2-8 7-24 8-1-12 7-11.8 5-6-4 554 5x6� II,, an 11 III axe 11 Bx10= ._5x6_ 4x8= 4x4- 4x8= 4-2-8 114-12 19.6.8 { 275-1 385-8 4-2-8 7-24 B-1-12 7-11-8 11h7 Plate Offsets ((Y): r2:04-0 0-241 f5:0-2-0 0.5-07 r6'0.14 0.2-81 (14:0S-00-4-81 115:0.1-8 0-SOl LOADING (psl) SPACING 2-0.0 CSI DEFL (i) (oc) Well PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 125 TC 0.97 Vert(LL) 0.67 12.14 >611 M20 2491190 TCDL 5.0 Lumber Increase 125 BC 0.96 Vert(TL) 0.5512-14 -748 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress lncr NO WE 0.96 HorzCrL) -0.135 10 n1a BCDL 2.0 Code SBC/SBCCI (Matrbo 1st LC LL Min Well -360 Weight: 549lb LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP NO2ND BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SYP 240OF 2.OE -Except' 10-13 2 X 6 SYP No.2 WEBS 2 X 4 SYP No.3 *Except• 5-12 2 X 4 SYP No.2ND REACTIONS (blsize) 10=1692/0-4-0, 15=347olD.&O Max Hum 15=538(oad case 2) Max UPIift10=-2179(oad case 2), 15=43330oad case 2) BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-9-15 on center puriin spacing, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 4-10-10 on center bracing. WEBS 1Row at midpt 2-14 FORCES (b) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=-108, 23=-5818, 34=3894, 4-5=.3832, 5-6=-1759, 512=1818, 6-7=-9, 6-8=-1674, &9=-18, 9-10=-125 BOT CHORD 1-15=87, 15-16=87, 14-16=87, 14-17=5465, 13-17=5465, 12-13=S465, 11-12=3548, 10-11=925 WEBS 2-15=3138, 2-14=5472, 3.141061, 3-12=d007, 571=-2436, 6-11=179, 8-11=1462, 8-10=-1776, 5-7=-146 NOTES - 1) 2-ply truss to be connected together with 1Od Common(.148''41 Nails as follows: Tap chords connected with 1 row(s) at 0-94 on center. Bottom chords connected with 2 rmv(a) at 05-0 on center. Webs connected as follows: 2 X 4 -1 row(s) at 0-9-0 on center. 2) This truss has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions. 3) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 140 mph winds at 17 ft above gmund level, using 5.0 psf top ry t -1, chord dead load and 2.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the interior roof zone on an occupancy category II, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per SBCISBCCI If end verticals exist, they are not exposed to wind. If cantilevers exist, I y - I-) they are exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase Is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 4) Except as shown below, special connection(s) required to support concentrated load(s). Design of connection(s) is delegated to the building designer. 5) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water punting. 6) The bottom chord dead load shown is sufficient only to cover the truss weight itself and -doe -not allow for any additional load to be added to the bottom chord. 7) All plates are M20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 8) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 2179 lb uplift at joint 10 and 4333 lb uplift at joint 15. 9) This truss has been designed for both TPI35 and ANSVTPI 1-1995 plating criteria. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular. Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (ph) Vert: 1-2=50.0, 23=50.0, 34=50.0, 4.5=50.0, 6-7=-50.0, 6-8=-50.0, &9=50.0, 1-15=4.0,15-16=4.0, 14.16=-123.2, 14-17=-123.2, 13-17=4.0,12-13=4.0, 11-12=4.0, 10.11=4.0 Concentrated Loads (b) Vert: 17=-1860 S A: o•4f -L t f �� r� PAUL WELCH INC. ®® ��_ Mechanical • Electrical • Civil • Engineering 1984 S.W. Bi@more St. #114 Pon St. Lucie, FL 34984 Phone (561) 785-9888 FAX (561) 785-9933 September 28, 1999 Re: Bee Electric Truss Modification To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised of the modification to the GRB Girder Truss for the above reference project per attached detail. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Submitted by: PAUL WELCH INC. V96VC ld '31on '1S iwod V11 �JMS ''1S 3110VU118 'M-S Mt 'ONI H013MlfiVd 6 6 8 Z d3S "-I-zjA-7 51-1-a ar�`� 55PL J-14zI1�J az1�2 421JIe3 }1 ZI ld 1.13r1N.IH9 I-MZi1D.0 1i�1 pvna 795 ':;41 Q J')I I A N.i1 t1, 2 r i Job Truss Truss Type Ply Richard K. DavlatBee Quality Leather 42377 GRB ROOFTRUSS �Qly 2 2 Chambers Truss Inc., Fort Pieme F1, 349825423 ?t 0 4.0-02 s Jun 91998 MITek Industries, Inc, Mon Sep 13 10:27:34 1999 Page 1 4-2-8 1 114-12 1 19-6-8 1 27-6.1 i 33-0.4 + 38-6-8 i Z, 4-2-8 7-2-45-1-12 7-11-8 6-6-455-4 (,y�,� ' ga 5M9 C ka.'� -'r 3X811 SAO= 5x6= 4xe= 4x4= 4x8= 4_� -V - 4-2-8 11.4-12 1 19-6-8 1 27fr1 1 38-6-8 4-2-8 7-2-4 8-1-12 7-11-8 11.0-7 Plate Offsets (X,Y): 12:0-4-0 0-2-41, f5:0-2-00-5 Q f6:0.14 0-2-81 [14:0-6-00-4-8] 115:0-1-8 0-5-01 LOADING (psi) SPACING 2-0.0 CSI DEFL (tn) 0oc) Odeg PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 125 TC 0.97 Ven(LL) 0.6712-14 -611 M20 249/190 TCDL 5.0 Lumber Increase 125 BC 0.96 Ven(TL) 0.6512-14 -748 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WE 0.96 Horz(rL) -0.05 10 n/a BCDL 2.0 Cade SBCISBCCI Ourbr) 1st LC LL Min Udell = 360 Weight: 549 lb LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2ND BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SYP 2400F 2.OE *Except' 10-13 2 X 6 SYP Not WEBS 2 X 4 SYP No.3'Elmept• 5-12 2 X 4 SYP No2ND REACTIONS (Ih/size) 10=1692/04-0,15=3470/0-8-0 Max Ham 15=5380oad case 2) Max Upl'dt10=-2179(load case 2), 15=4333goad case 2) BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4.9-15 on center purlin spacing, except and verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or4-10-10 on center bracing. WEBS 1 Row at mtdpt 2-14 FORCES (Ib) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=-108, 2-3=-5818, 34=J894, 4S=J832, 5-6=-1769, 512=1818, 6-7=-9, 6-8=-1674, 8-9=18, 9-10�125 BOT CHORD 1-15=87,15.16=87, 14-16=87, 14-17=5465,13-17=5465,12-13=5465,11-12=3548, 1411=925 WEBS 2.15=3138, 2.14=5472, 3-14=1061, 3.12=2007, 5-11=-2436, 6.11=179, 8-11=1462, 8-10=-1776, 57=-146 NOTES 1) 2-ply truss to be connected together with 10d Common(.1489411 Nails as follows: Top chords connected with 1 row(s) at 0-9-0 on center. Bottom chords connected with 2 row(s) at 0-5-0 on center. Webs connected as follows: 2 X 4 -1 mw(s) at D-M on center. 2) This truss has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions. 3) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 140 mph winds at 17 0 above ground level, using 5.0 psf top dead load ly t ry. C 5 (� S A - 3 chord and 2.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the interior roof zone on an occupancy category 11. condition I enclosed ,t. building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per SBC/SBCCI If end verticals exist, they are not exposed to wind. K cantilevers exist, r y - 1-) 0 . 1 '+ a • i X posed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip�- ear the eex 4) Except as shown below, special connection(s) required to support concentrated Ioad(s). Design of connection(s) is delegated .�_I .� p , j O 6 J to the building designer. r . 5) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pondine. _�— z-11 a.a F o NZ 6) The bottom chord dead Toad shown is sufficient Doty to cover that the trulLand -does ndfallow for any additional load to be added to the bottom chard. 7) All plates are M20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 8) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 2179 lb uplift aljoint 10 and 4333 lb uplift at joint 15. - 9) This truss has been designed for both TPI-85 and ANSVTPI 1-190 plating criteria. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1.2=50.0, 2-3=50.0, 34=-50.0, 45=-50.0, 67=50.0, 6-8=-50.0, 8.9=-50.0, 1-15=4.0,15-16--4.0, 14-16=123.2, 14-17=-123.2, 13-17=4.0, 12-13=4.0,11.12=-0.0, 10-11=-4.0 Concentrated Loads (Ib) Vert: 17=1860 t PAIIL WELCH INC. Mechanical • Electrical • Civil • Engineering 1984 S.W. Bi@more St. #114 Port St. Lucie, FL 34984 Phone (561) 785-9888 qD FAX (561) 785-9933 September 28, 1999 Re: Bee Electric Truss Modification To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised of the modification to the GRB Girder Truss for the above reference project per attached detail. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Submitted by: PAUL WELCH INC. 6864E 1j 'wni '1, S 1HOd b« 91111S "IS MOW1118 'M'S MI 'ONI HOl3Minvd d3S, 666 , '---j I zl-�.9 -;1 -1a a a I 55pal_1_. 212421119 aA1�2 a-aIJIaoH k-I i-io +1 Zt ld NaaAAL39 WIZI — 'a•o Jill a Iiv, } au*/II'AM11Z),Z f Job Truss Truss Type C ty Ply Richard K. DavistBee Quality Leather 42377 GRB ROOF TRUSS 2 2 9 1995 M feX Industnes, Inc. Non Sep 13 10:27:34 1999 Page 1 4-2-8 11-412 19-6-8 I 27.61 1 3341-4 38$8 Rq6 4-2-8 7.24 8-1-12 7-11-8 5-6-455-0 M 1 6B4 a„e- 111 3xil ll 8x10= 5x6— 4xe= 4x4= 4x8= 0- 1 4-2-8 1 11-4-12 19-6-8 1 27-&1 I 38-6-8 4-2-8 7-24 B-1-12 7-11-8 Plate Onsets (x Y): 12:0-q-0 a2-41 15'0.2-0135-01 f6:0-1-4 0-2-81 r14 o-5-0 0-0-81 f1s o-1-8 0.5-01 LOADING (pso SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL (in) Doc) Ildell PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 125 TC 0.97 Vert(1) 0.67 12-14 -611 M20 249/190 TCDL 5.0 Lumber Increase 125 SC 0.96 Ved(TL) 0.55 12-14 -748 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.96 Hom(TL) -0.05 10 n/a BCDL 2.0 Cade SBC/SBCCI (Matron) 1st LC LL Min yde0=360 Weight: 649 lb LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2NO BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SYP 2400E 2.OE'Except' 10-13 2 X 6 SYP No.2 WEBS 2 X 4 SYP No.3 *Except- 5-12 2 X 4 SYP No.2NO REACTIONS 0b/size) 10-1692/0-4-0, 15=347WO4I-0 Max Horz 15=53800ad case 2) Max UpliftlD=-217900ad case 2), 15--03330oad case 2) BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-0-15 on center purtin spacing, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 4-10-10 on center bracing. WEBS 1Raw at midpt 2-14 FORCES 0b) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=-108, 23=-5818, 3.4=3894, 4 rwJ832, 5-6=1759, 5.12=1818, &7=9, 6-8=-1674, 8-9=18, 9-10=-125 BOT CHORD 1-15=87,16-16=87, 14-16=87,14.17=5465, 13.17=S465, 12-13=5465,11.12=3S48, 10-11=925 WEBS 2-15=3138, 2-14=5472, 3.14--1061, 3.12=2007, 5.11=-2436, 6.11-179, B-11=1462. 8-10=1776, 57=-146 NOTES - -•,- 1) 2-ply truss to be connected together with 10d Common(.148'M Nails as follows: Top chords connected with 1 mw(s) at 0-9-0 on center. Bottom chords connected with 2 mw(s) at 0-5-0 on center. Webs connected as follows: 2 X 4 -1 mw(s) at D-9-0 on center. 2) This truss has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions. 3) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 140 mph winds at 17 0 above ground level, using 5.0 psf lop chord dead load and 2.0 bottom ME". C 5 (a� c •�- C �� psf roof chord dead load. In the interior of zone on an occupancy category II, condition I enclosed ,l. building, with exposure C ASCE 7.95 per SBC/SBCCI N end verticals exist, they are not exposed to wind. It cantilevers exist, 1 y - 11 O -1 `f o • i S they are exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33. and the plate grip increase is 1.33 4) Except as shown below, special connection(s) required to support concentrated load(s). Design of connection(s) is delegated '� p j p_ ( 0 to the building designer. r 1.. , _I__.. 5) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. - 11 0 • z �- O • 1{'Z ._,_ 6) The bottom chord dead load shown is sufficient Doty to cover the W Ifanddaes'ncl allow for any additional load to be added to the bottom chord. 7) All plates are M20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 8) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to hearing plate capable of withstanding 2179 lb uplift at joint 10 and 4333 lb uplift at joint 15. 9) This truss has been designed for both TPI-85 and ANS9TPI 1-1995 plating criteria. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase 1.25 Uniform Loads (plp Vert: 1.2=SO.0, 23=50.0, 3.4=50.0, 45=-50.0, 57=-50.0, 6-8=-50.0, S-9=50.0, 1-15-4.0,15-16= 1.0, 14-16=-123.2,14-17=-123.2,13-17=-4.0,12.13=-0.0, 11-12=-4.0, 10.11=4.0 Concentrated Loads 0b) Vert: 17=1860 5614657665 R.K. DRVIS 848 P01 OCT 06 199 13:50 P.11= WHIM INC. u.ch nhd • 6(.atAetl) • CbH • . �� eHw, elluro�e SL fi114 Pat SL LueY. FL 349M Phom (M1) MrSa G FAX (M1)'7!6-M= October 06, 1999- Re: Bee Electric Permit 11To..a5 To Whom It May Concern: Poet4t• Fax Note 7671 data pea ► From 00M011. ♦ Co. �CXIj phone N Phare 9 Fax 0 AJ /C,2 Fax 0 Please be advised that our office has. inspected the repair work completed for the modified trusses per our detail dated October 01, 1999 and find that the work is completed in a satisfactory manner and in accordance with our Engineering requirements . Thank you for your attention to this matter. Submitted by Paul Welch Inc. 7— Paul Welch, P.B. PW:pp submitted by: PAUL WRLCH XXC. Paul Welch, P.S. `I OCT`0-6 ,19c9 St Lucie CoUQU2wUjg OK Py TFa 9q o S0 5-44 Component Performance Method for Commercial Buildings Form 400E-97 ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community Affairs FLA/COM-97 Version 2.2 PROJECT NAME_BEE ELECTRONICS PERMITTING OFFICE: ADDRESS: FT�-PIERC — —Fort-Pierce — -- CLIMATE ZONE: _6 OWNER: ELECTRONICS PERMIT NO: _99-0000 AGENT: _BEE JURISDICTION NO:_661100 BUILDING TYPE: _Factory - Industrial CONSTRUCTION CONDITION: New construction DESIGN COMPLETION: Finished Building A CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA: _61425 NUMBER OF ZONES: 1 MAX. TONNAGE OF EQUIPMENT.PER SYSTEM: 124 COMPLIANCE CALCULATION: METHOD B DESIGN CRITERIA -------- RESULT ------ ENVELOPS PERFORMANCE ------ 41.84 153.83 PASSES OTHER ENVELOPE REQUIREMENTS PASSES LIGHTING INTERIOR LIGHTING 61000.00 61425.'00 PASSES LIGHTING CONTROL REQUIREMENTS PASSES' HVAC EQUIPMENT COOLING EQUIPMENT' 9.80 8.20 PASSES 1. SSR 7.50 7.50 PASSES IPLV HEATING EQUIPMENT FAN. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 0.61 1.25 PASSES 1. Variable Air Volume ( AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM INSULATION REQUIREMENTS N/A 1. Conditioned Space 0.00 0.00 REHEAT SYSTEM TYPES USED NO REHEAT SYSTEM is USED WATER HEATING EQUIPMENT 0.90 0.87 PASSES 1 EF PIPING INSULATION REQUIREMENTS 0.99 PASSES 1. Non -Circulating w/o H 1.00 .. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the plans and Review of the plans and specifica- specifications covered by this calcu- tions covered by this calculation lation are in compliance with the indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code. Florida Energy Efficiency Code. PREPARED BY Before construction is completed, Dp this building will be inspected for compliance in accordance with I hereby certify that this building is Section 553.908, Florida Statutes. in compliance with the Florida Energy BUILDING OFFICIAL: Efficiency Code. DATE: OWNER/AGENT: DATE: I hereby certify(*) that the system design is in compliincle�wit the Florida Energy,Efficiency Code. SYSTEM DESIGNER REGISTRATI NIS T8 ARCHITECT 2 MECHANICAL: PAUL WELCH PLUMBING f_np ELECTRICAL; LIGHTING (*) Signature is required where Florida law requires design be performed by registered design professionals. Typed names.and registration numbers may __, _„ .1e Trn., ;nfnrmatinn is contained on signed/sealed plans., BUILDING ENVELOPE SYSTEMS COMPLIANCE CHECK 401.------GLAZING--ZONE 1------------------------------------------------ v- Elevation Type U SC VLT Shading Area(Sgft) ------------------------ ---- ---- ---- -------------- ---------- North Commercial 1.31 .01 0 None 375 South Commercial-1. 31 .01 0 None 12 East Commercial 1.31 .01 0 None 120 West Commercial 1.31 .01 0 None 0 Total Glass Area in Zone 1 = 507 Total Glass Area = 507 402------- WALLS --ZONE 1------------------------------------------------ --- Elevation Type U Insul R Gross(Sgft) ----------------------------------------- ----- ------- ----------- North Mtl Bldg wall/R-11 Batt .084 11 3510 South Mtl Bldg wall/R-'11 Batt .084 11 3510 East Mtl Bldg.wall/R-11 Batt .084 11 5670 West Mtl Bldg wall/R-11 Batt .084 11 5670 Total Wall Area in Zone 1 = 18360 Total Gross Wall Area = 18360 403.------DOORS--ZONE 1------------------------------------------------ --- Elevation Type U Area(Sgft) --------------------------------------------------- ----- ---------- North 1-3/4 Steel Door -Solid Urethane foam co 0.40 21 South 1-3/4 Steel Door -Solid Urethane foam co 0.40 21 East 1-3/4 Steel Door -Solid Urethane foam co 0.40 21 West No doors 0.00 0 Total Door Area in Zone 1 = 63 Total Door Area = 63 404.------ROOFS--ZONE 1------------------------------------------------ --- Type Color U Insul R Area(Sgft) ------------------------------------ ------ ---------------------- Mtl Bldg Roof/R-19 Batt Medium .051 19 61425 Total Roof Area in Zone 1 = 61425 Total Roof Area = 61425 405.------FLOORS-ZONE 1------------------------------------------------ --- Type Insul R Area(Sgft) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Slab on Grade/Uninsulated 0 61425 Total Floor Area in Zone 1 = 61425 Total Floor Area = 61425 406.------INFILTRATION ------------------------------ ----------------- --- --- Infiltration Criteria in 406.1.ABCD have been met. ICHECK MECHANICAL SYSTEMS CHECK - 409------- VENTILATION --------------------------------------------------- I A PLUMBING SYSTEMS 411.-----PUMPS AND PIPING -ZONE 1--------------------------------------- --- Type R-value/in Diameter Thickness --------------------------------------------------- 1. Non -Circulating w/o Heat 4.2 .5 1 412.-----WATER HEATING SYSTEMS -ZONE 1---------------------------------- --- Type Efficiency StandbyLoss InputRate Gallons ------------------------ - - ------ -- 1. <=12 kW .9 0 4.5 45 ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS CHECK 413.-----ELECTRICAL POWER DISTRIBUTION---------------------------- ----- --- Metering criteria in 413.1.ABCD have been met. 414------ MOTORS --------------------------------------------------- ----- --- Motor efficiencies in 414.1.ABCD have been met. 415.-----LIGHTING SYSTEMS -ZONE 1--------------------------------------- --- Space Type No Control Type 1 No Control Type 2 No Watts-Area(Sgft) ---------- ----------------- ----------------- --- ------ ---------- Material H 1 On/Off 75 61000 61425 Total Watts for Zone 1 = 61000 Total Area for Zone 1 = 61425 Total Watts = 61000 Total Area = 61425 CHECK Lighting criteria in 415.1.ABCD have been met. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- --- 16. Operation/maintenance manual will be provided to owner.(102.1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROJECT TITLE BEE ELECTRONICS BUILDING TYPE Factory - Industrial BUILDING LOCATION Fort Pierce BUILDING AREA(ft2): 61425 BUILDING ENVELOPE _ N NE COMPONENT WALL E PERFORMANCE ORIENTATION_ SE S SW W WEIGHTED AVER. NW DESIGN CRITERIA WALL 3510 5670 3510 5670 0.03 0.380 GL 375 120 12 0 WWR WWR SC 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.000 0.01 0.500 PF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 VLT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A Uof 1.310 1.310 1.310 0.000 0.91 1.150 W Uo 0.08 0.08' 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.371 HC 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 IP 3 3 3 3 3 N/A LOAD S TOT HEAT 9.367 12.699 7.949 11.822 41.838< 43.828 COOL 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000< 110.007SU ******** PASSES ******* OTHER ENVELOPE REQUIREMENTS MAXIMUM PERCENTAGE OF ROOF AREA IN SKYLIGHTS: DESIGN CRITERIA Percentage of Roof Area in Skylights MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE Uo: 0.000 = 0.0000 Roof 0.051 < 0.0868 n ******** PASSES ******* PROJECT TITLE BEE ELECTRONICS BUILDING TYPE Factory - Industrial BUILDING LOCATION : Fort Pierce BUILDING AREA(ft2): 61425 LIGHTING SYSTEM PERFORMANCE BUILDING DESIGN : Interior Lighting Power 61000 W 0.99 W/Gross ft2 Exterior Lighting Power 0 W INTERIOR LIGHTING CRITERIA: Space No. Type Area Clg Ht Spaces AF UPD PB LPB Total LPB i 47 61425.0 18.0 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 61425 61425 Unit Power Density 1'.00 W/Gross ft2 Interior Lighting Power Allowance 61425 W ******** PASSES ******** EXTERIOR LIGHTING CRITERIA: AREA AREA AREA OR ALLOWANCE CODE DESCRIPTION LENGTH WATTS Exterior Lighting Power Allowance 0.00 W **** Not Applicable **** LIGHTING SYSTEM CONTROL REQUIREMENTS: TOTAL EQUIVALENT �— SPACE NO. CONTROLS CONTROL POINTS NO. DESCRIPTION AREA TASKS TYPE 1 NO. TYPE 2 NO. DESIGN CRITERIA 47 Material H 61425.0 171 On/Off 75 0 r75 > 40 ******** PASSES ******** PROJECT TITLE BEE ELECTRONICS BUILDING TYPE Factory - Industrial BUILDING LOCATION : Fort Pierce BUILDING AREA(ft2): 61425 HVAC SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Cooling System Type Measure #1 #2 Minim. #1 Minim. #2 System Eff.#1 System Eff.#2 Result for #1 Result for #2 Air Cooled. EER, IPLV 8.20 7.50 9.80 7.50 PASSES PASSES Heating System Measure Minimum Req. Efficiency Result ******** PASSES ******** FAN SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Zone # System Type Maximum W/CFM Design W/CFM Result 1. Variable Air Volume (VAV) 1.25 0.61 PASSES ******** PASSES ******** AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM INSULATION REQUIREMENTS: Zone # Duct Location Minimum R-Value Design R-Value Result 1. Conditioned Space 0.00 0.00 N/A **** Not Applicable **** PROJECT TITLE BEE ELECTRONICS BUILDING TYPE BUILDING LOCATION BUILDING AREA(ft2): Factory - Industr4al Fort Pierce 61425 WATER HEATING SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS System Type Measure Minimum EF / _Et Maximum SL Design EF /_ Et_. Design SL - - Result Electric <= 12kW EF 0.8710 0.0000 1 0.900 0.000 PASSES ******** PASSES ******** PIPING INSULATION REQUIREMENTS: Pipe Insulation Thickness(in) System Type O.D.(in) Minimum Req. Design Result Non -Circulating w 0.50' 0.987 1.00 PASSES ******** PASSES ******** Mg 30 SS 08:18a e ram" Bee Electronics, Inc. 561-468-7466 P.2 101'0 0& a;iil�( a DATE FILED: PLAN REVIE1 BEE ELECTRONICS Y 1 mi MAIN NUMBER: C18o5o�lly VEGETATION PERfWT NUMBER: RECEIPT NUS ST. LUCIE COUNTY 17 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOP ZiOD 1nR(iRAA AVENDE: ROOM 201' . FORT PMFXF- FL 3 4W-M2-lW3 % _W cOMMvyf Z APPLICATION for VEGETATION REMOVAL yTo. DIRECTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL Pleasew -eIe 9,reliesledirdoromfion adahmtslierromme SLurie Cm4 Der;w6ndt dC"" Fortot. FL trierae, Fi 34982 ANappica5orn must be s by tie pf 0" Cade. For necessary for subm'rssbn d e vegetefim wmwal Pend appkao^ P�8 refer toSecEarr 11.QS.Oti. St lode CouNy Land OaveloPrrrad aw4t mw to sdxraM g the appim"% Oease cwd30 the St lrrcie Comely DepxNert d Cans1aa37r Derele0rrruR Initial submissions shag irwhide the following: 1) one (1) original Copy of the completed vegetation re mww pemut application: 2) Two (2) copies of the erosion control Plan: 3) Two (2) copies of the vegetation inventory and survey. - n skmiWww ar drq&at develop leM survey may be A to form ef a Plot Plmr to seam aoo Mmnied by Photographs Of rrrajor WOL" d vegetaftL •. If mt4•fan* «aanw -residen5A say mst be in IM tam Ofan aaia! ar Geld survey. amonva Ted by Phab9� of !"e1a 9 or Am plot plans or savoys rant pearly show the tenoning "MIS= 1. Location and eder - at vegeldlon amsfbK ' 2 Common on or sdmtdit romm of rm)ar OmPs of vegetafi= rr8 (rrrarrbarz of trees a am of lmpaW: 3. Verrubdon desigruted for Prese!� aum romovat, 4. edswv and w0posed siructwes (04 f mmm septc tanks), S. Ddvw ay todiwc E L.oeation of as heel, twAn-the fonaWM minimum d"asneW. whNn all anss of Proposed BrrPravmrreM and vdtidn hveely fad da9 Improvement areas: r�ta+a rar�oac Iw mn�erran� Q. a,r, c a.pc.;w waamc fmv n_® T,m ++mars.maad scco' r ALL APPLICATIONS FOR VEGETATION REMOVAL PERMIT MUST BE COMPLETE AND FILED WITS THE DEPARTMENT BEFORE 430 PM EACH BUSINESS TO MEET APPLICABLE FHJNG DEADLINES. FOR AN APPLICATION SUBMISSION TOBEDECERMINED COMPLETE, ALL REQUIRED MATERIALS MUST BE PRESENT AT THE IT" OF SUBMISSION. - Mgr 30 99 08:18a Bee Electronics, Inc. 561-468-7466 P.3 n ST. LUCIE COUNTY APPLICATION Tw VEGETATION REMOVAL PERMIT PROJECT INFORMATION 1_ PROJECT ADDRESS: COMMERCIAL 'CIRCLE KINGS HIGHWAY INDUSTRIAL PATiK Z, PROJECT NAME: BEE ELECTRONICS - ;. SUBDIVISION: KINGS HIGHWAY TAT: 23-30- BIB A 4. PARCEL SIZE (ACRES OR SQ. Fi-): 5 85 AC (255 000 SFI' 1335-802-0D08-0000 1335-802-0011-0004 1335-802-0014-0005 1335-802-0009-0007 1335-802-00124)001 1335-802-0015-0002 5. PROPERTY TAX ID #- 1335-802-0010-0007 13354024013-ODOB 6. SECT- 35 TWNSHP: 34 RNG 39 MAP# 133_ 55 7. LEGAL DESCRIPTION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY): _ LOTS 23 30 INCLUSIVE OF BLOCK A OF KINGS HIGHWAY INDUSTRIAL PA8K """"r W( AS PER PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 32 AT PAGES 5 AND 5A OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY FLORIDA. $. OWNER NAME: BEE ELEC ADDRESS- 708 FARMERS MARKET ROAD CITY: FORT PIERCE - STATE: FL ZIP- 34982 PHONE #: 561 468-7477 9. APPLICANT NAME: BEE ELECTRONICS INC. ADDRESS: 708 FARMERS MARKET ROAD CITY. FORT PIERCE STATE: FL 2IP:_3496 PHONE #: 561 468-7477 i 10. DATE WORK IS EXPECTED TO BEGIN: 7/98 ` 11. DATE WORK IS EXPECTED TO BE COMPLETE_ 8/98 Mar 30 99 08:19a Bee Electronics, Inc. 561-468-7466 p.4 ST_ LUGfE COUNTY APPur—AMN for VEGETATION REMOVAL PERnnR 12. DESCRIPTION OF VEGETATION REMOVAL ACTIVITY (LAND CLEARING AND/OR TREE REMOVAL): LOTS WILL BE ENTIRELY CLEARED OF EXISTING VEGETATION WHICH CONSISTS OF GRASSES ONLY. 13. NUMBER AND TYPES OF TREES TO BE REMOVED (AS APPLICABLE)- NONE EXISTING 14. PURPOSE OF VEGETATION REMOVAL (DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ACTiVrM: TO CONSTRUCT 15. CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX FOR PROPOSED USE: SINGLE-FAMILY/OUPLE X. () NON-RESIDENTIAL' _ (X) MULTI -FAMILY (). PUBLIC ( ) 16. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: ST of FL FiEGlCERT #: _ ST_ LUCI£ COUNTY CERT R: B=NESS NAME: QUALIFIERS NAME: AOORESS- STATE ZIP CRY: PHONE (OAYMIE): Mar 30 99 08:19a Bee Electronics, Inc. ST l UCIE COUNTY . AppLlfJITION fot VEGETATION R£-MOVAL pETiLLIT MEOSE HAVE_TNE_EOLtAWING. ACIWL01 BX8AB= HUMUZED- ovvmws AFROAVR: 561-468-7466 p.5 1 ` I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE OWNM OF RECORD OF THE ABOVE OESCPAW PROPMTY. I CERTIFY THAT ALL WFORMATION W M = W M THIS APPUrATM IS TRUE ARID CO&VLE E TO THE BEST OF YY 1QLOWTIDGE . , ICERWYTHATA=Twf:ORGOWD TIDN ISACCWA'M VIDTLMTALLVYOWCNtLBE00NEWOOMRJANCEVMALLAPPLSCAME : LAWS REGUTATWG CONSTRUCTION AM ZDX1NM .! caRwuCTaR slGluq� TURF STATE OF FLORIOA . COUNTY OF r1r 1. . Tha fine9� ka� admowlad9ed betels me tlua �i3 day of 19 Y - by lmmwwhohaspmdooed kkafficarm eNFOWC dKdW IWO #W480007 (604 SPATE OF FIORMA COUNTY OP . Mw m pD - L.as edmowledgad betas me Sus of _ - 79y by vda h pasalutfy 130WA to am or do Ms pmdlced. as Ida�Boa ' � of Hday Type of Pnt Ilaln or Hchw _ Titer CanmSoa NmMe7 NOT@ TWO M SGAqZjjWpjM REQUIRE. EACH SIGtiAi M W= BE NOTAN®- MUST f�ERSONALLY /4PPEAR TO SIGN W APPLYING FORTHIS VEGETATION REMOVAL PgWT AS AN OWKSMRMDM THIS APPLICATION W THE OFFICE USUm ON THE PROM OF THIS APPLICATION. APPRWW f'/I DCNED ( 7 DATE: ENMONMENTAL PLANNER: f 7� DATE: SITE INSPECTION: DATE: RNAL INSPECTION- r.- Mar 30 99 08:18a Bee Electronics, Inc. 561-468-7466 P.1 4 Bee Electronics, Inc. 708 Farmers Market Rd Fort Pierce, FL 34982 ❑ Unjud- ® Far Review O Rease Cawwd ❑ Please Rq* O Please Mcyde Per the request of Rob Mullins at RK Davis Construction 1 am faxing you the approved Vegetation Removal Permit If #we are any questions please call roe at 468 7477. i Marc