HomeMy WebLinkAboutENGINEERS SUMMARY STATEMENTi DF�cT DUNKELBERGER ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC. ENGINEER'S SUMMARY STATEMENT SCANBY St. Lucie Co Project Name: Palm Breezes Club Sheet No.: 1 of 3 Lot No: 7 I St. Lucie County, Florida Block: 1 Project No: 06-10-2267 Date: 10-20-06 Client: Centex Homes— Land Development 3301 Quantum Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 Attn: Mr. Andrew Culpepper Based on the results of our earthwork observations and density testing during the mass grading, and our field exploration program, we believe that the shallow subsoils at the referenced location are suitable to support shallow foundations and a slab -on -grade that are designed for a net soil contact pressure of 2500 pounds per square foot (psf). Based on the results of the in -place density tests (see the attached Soil Density Test Report on Sheet 2), the fill placed to bring the slab subgrade to final construction elevation has been compacted to at least 95 percent of the ASTM D-1557 maximum dry density. cc: Client ... 2 :�raiqy. Dunkelberger, P. JT FL gistration No. 4993 2-4 2006 Notes: The original of this report was signed and sealed by the registered engineer in accordance with Rule 61G15,18.011, of the Florida Administrative Code. This report is submitted as the confidential property of our client and authorization for publicatidrt of statements, conclusion or extracts from or regarding this report is reserved pending our written approval. Building area soils exclude those within the lot front, rear and side set backs. Limitations: The representations made in this report are based on periodic observations and spot testing of completed, mass earthwork. The attached test results reflect conditions at the time the tests were performed at the locations and depths indicated on the data sheets. It should be recognized that soil conditions may differ locally from those shown by our observations and tests, or as a result of weather andlor marl -caused disturbances subsequent to the testing. If differing conditions am -found during construction, DE&T should be notified immediately to determine if a change in foundation recommendations is required. If DE&T is not retained to perform these functions, DE&T will assume no responsibility for the impact of these conditions on the project. DE&T warrants that the findings, recommendations, or professional advice contained herein have been made in accordance with generally accepted professional geotechnical practices in the local area. No other warranties are implied or expressed. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Centex Homes for the specific application to support shallow foundations and a slah-on-evade for home construction within the Palm Breezes Club development in St. Lucie County. my DUNKELBERGER ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC. Project Name: Palm Breezes Club (Lot Certification) Report Date: 10-18-06 Orange Avenue and FL Turnpike Lot No.: 7 St. Lucie County, Florida Block No.: 1 Client Name: Centex Homes — Land Development Project No.: 06-10-2267 3301 Quantum Boulevard Date Tested: 10-17-06 Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 Technician Initials: SM Attn: Mr. Andrew Culpepper Sheet No.: 2 of 3 iatioiato` Pzoctora Field;Tests Y { e , Test No. Probe Depth (in) Maximum Dry Density (ef) Optimum Moisture (%) Dry Density ci) Cone Resistance' tst) Moisture (%) Minimum Required Compaction (%) Percent Maximum Density Test Result 1 12 120 10 116.3 40 10.0 95 96.9 Pass 2 12 120 10 --- 40 --- 95 95+ Pass 3 1 12 120 10 115.0 40 9.5 95 95.8 Pass 4 1 12 120 10 --- 1 40 --- 95 95+ Pass 5 12 120 10 115.9 40 9.0 95 96.6 Pass 6 12 120 10 --- 40 95 95+ Pass Type of Field Density Test: O A5 tM li 1»b tA) ASTM D L9Lt t) � i,.... Minimum Required Compaction Based on: ()Q AASHTO T-180 (ASTM D 1557) Q AASHTO T-99 (ASTM D 698) 1,. _.•__________-_._-.-1 �_—____ --A:-- -;a, Mndel 5.214 hand-held cnne nenetrnmeter. ww Elevaton,, . t Tesf Locatton:`lVmdriff_Grcl 7'Block lho L'ot se a ` 1 2 0-12 Front of lot 2 2 12-24 Front of lot 3 2 0-12 Approximate center of lot 4 2 12-24 Approximate center of lot 5 2 0-12 Back of lot 6 2 12-24 Back of lot Elevation Referenced to: 1V UVU O1v1JL t'k)Vluer s, . 1 Structural Fill cc: Client ... (2) 2 Final Grading Fill 3 Mass Grading Fill 4 Utility Backfill -Sanitary 5 Utility BacicSil -Water � 6 Utility Backfill - Storm 7 Roadway Subgrade 8 Stabilized Subgrade raig E. Dunkelbergs. 9 Base Course FI Registration No. 4 10 Other: [�/�T q 4 age: The original of this report was signed and sealed by a registered engineer in accordance with Rule 61GI5-18.011 of the Flon3a R.1istmti� This report is submitted as the confidential property of our client and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts fror( this report is reserved pending our written approval. The above -referenced testing was performed at the locations and depth interval describe the associated report date. No other warranties with regard to subsurface exploration, recommendations or design are expressed by this firm. on DEE L',. DUNKELBERGER ENGINEERL , & TESTING, INC. Project No.: 06-10-2267 Client: Centex Homes Boring No.: AB-7 Sheet No. 3 of 3 Attn: Mr. Andrew Culpepper Project: Palm Breezes Club -- St. Lucie County, Florida Location of Boring: Lot 7, Block 1 Approximate center of lot Drilled By: DE&T (BP/DC/AB) Boring Started On: 08-16-06 Depth To Groundwater Table: 7.0 feet Depth: 10 feet Completed On: 08-16-06 Ground Elevation: Not Determined Hammer Drop: Not Applicable Weight: Not Applicable Field By: DTY Casing Size: Not Applicable Length: Not Applicable Rev. By: CED DEPTH ft Symbol DESCRIPTION OF SOIL Remarks SP-SM SP-SM SP, SP-SM SP-SM SC 0-3.0' Fill: Gray -brown slightly silty fine to medium SAND, trace shell fragments, trace clay 3.0'-4.0' Dark brown to gray slightly silty fine to medium SAND, trace fine roots 3.0'-6.0' Gray -brown trace to slightly silty fine to medium SAND 6.0'-7.0' Dark brown to gray slightly silty fine to medium SAND, trace fine roots 7.0'-10.0' Gray or brown clayey fine to medium SAND 5 10_ Remarks: The gmundwater levels reported on the boring logs "represent conditions at the time of drilling. The water level meal irementswere made immediately upon completion of the drilling and the water table may not have been fully stabilized at the time. Water table levels on the site are expected to fluctuate throughout the year in response to rainfall, irrigation, drainage and other such factors. The borings are representative of subsurface conditions at the time they were drilled for their respective locations and vertical extents. The boring logs and soil classifications are based on the driller's logs and visual -manual examination of selected soil samples in our laboratory. The delineation between soil types shown on the logs is considered to be approximate. Variations in subsurface conditions may occur between borings. Port St. Lucie • West Palm Beach • Sarasota 22676oring f DIE&T DUNKELBERGER ENGINEERIlV" & TESTING, INC. ;* y, ;PEST REP,ORTt'""'s SOIIi-DE)`iSITY; _.... ,.k,w. Project Name: Momingside Report Date: 04-16-07 St. Lucie County, Florida Lot No.: 107 Client Name: Centex Homes Permit No.: SLC-0701-0350 3301 Quantum Boulevard, First Floor Project No.: 06-10-2402 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Date Tested: 04-16-07 Technician Initials: SM Attn: Mr. David Donvito Sheet No.: 1 of 1 Test N0. Probe Depth (in) �x.I:aborato" ;:Pro4tor,�µ�, Maximum Optimum Dry Density Moisture (ct) % � �, � ,� �� , s. ,sFiel l Tests` •> w r ; 0 �_ R, Dry Density (c Cone Resistance' tsf) Moisture (%) Minimum Required Compaction %) Percent Maximum DensityResult Test 1 12 120.0 10.0 118.6 - - - 10.3 95.0 98.8 Pass 2 12 120.0 10.0 117.9 - - - 9.8 95.0 98.3 Pass 3 12 120.0 10.0 118.2 11.0 95.0 98.5 Pass 4 12 120.0 10.0 119.0 - - - 10.7 95.0 99.2 Pass ucie un Type of Field Density Test: 0 ASTM D 1556 (X) ASTM D 2922 t) .-.o,,., ,. Minimum Required Compaction Based on: (X) AASHTO T-1(ASTM D 1557) () AASHTO T-99 ASTM D 698 _ .1 _ _ _ _ _ __ _�.__ _.__ ___�:__ _L.-: ^^a ..a.[, Mndn1 5-714 hand-held cone 0enetrometer. com aenon Y•' g x;�'est� e[cen[ esnmarea 1 , :Soil � rrom wuc 3'. H td R ���-' w ,�; _Elevl ation,`,_ cucuo, .. A'.i y, l 4g } age`-- .w 4 f» X+f'� y't, 4! i • ry m A ,�., , .� _ -sr' Mt 1p�� -,, ,,, � . ..�> � r•'� �, � w ; x � ` x � I 2 0-12 Lot 107 at approximate center of house slab subgrade) 2 2 0-12 Lot 107 at approximate center of garage (slab subgrade) 3 10 0-12 Lot 107 at east side of house(footing subgrade) 4 10 0-12 Lot 107 at west side of house(footing subgrade) . l-..elow top of shb...I.vnide Elevation Referenced to: O NGVD O MSL (x) Other A °5 ^ -r - Tests 3-0: Inches below top of footing subgrade Final Grading Fill Mass Grading Fill Utility Backfill - Sanitary Utility Backfill - Water Utility Backfill - Storm Roadway Subgrade Stabilized Subgrade Base Course 10 Note: The cc: Centex Homes, David Donvito...(1) Centex Homes, Eric Otto (site trailer)...(2) St. Lucie County, Building Inspecti0 "` I by a registered engineer in accordance with Rule 61G 15-18.011 of the Florida Administrative Code. I n o extracts from or re ardin This report is submitted as the confidential property of our client and authorization for publication of statements, cone us to s r g g this report is reserved pending our written approval. The above -referenced testing was performed at the locations and depth interval described therein on the associated report date. No other warranties with regard to subsurface exploration, recommendations or design are expressed by this £um. DIE&T DUNKELBERGER ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC. 'v3, .ti....1'. .Lyr. W#. %,.'''... t,.-.SOILCDENSITY TEST' OR xr. Project Name: Momingside Report Date: 04-16-07 St. Lucie County, Florida Lot No.: 211 Client Name: Centex Homes Permit No.: SLC-0702-0303 3301 Quantum Boulevard, First Floor Project No.: 06-10-2402 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Date Tested: 04-16-07 Technician Initials: SM Attn: Mr. David Donvito Sheet No.: 1 of 1 ;x'L""aboratti`" Proeto�; 'r' t Vl Test No. Probe Depth (in) Maximum Dry Density (c Optimum Moisture %) Dry Density (cf) Cone Resistance' tsf) Moisture (%) Minimum Required Compaction (%) Percent Maximum Density Test Result 1 12 120.0 10.0 116.3 11.4 95.0 96.9 Pass 2 12 120.0 10.0 118.4 - - - 10.9 95.0 98.7 Pass 3 1 12 120.0 10.0 118.9 - - - 11.5 95.0 99.1 Pass 4 12 1 120.0 10.0 117.5 - - - 11.1 95.0 97.9 Pass SCAN �Fn Type of Field Density Test: () ASTM D 1556 (X) ASTM D 2922 O ASTM D 2937 Minimum Required Compaction Based on: (X) AASHTO T-180 (ASTM D 1557) () AASHTO T-99 (ASTM D 698) 'Cmmnaction percent estimated from cone Denetrometer readine obtained with a Brainard-Kilman Model S-214 hand-held cone penetrometer. 9�7Nest r} jyo ,Soil; T e Elevation Nest Location: tiot 211;-9442 Wtndrift 1 2 0-12 Lot 211 at approximate center of house slab subgrade) 2 2 0-12 Lot 211 at a roximate center of garage (slab subgrade) 3 10 0-12 Lot 211 at east side of house(footing subgrade) 4 10 0-12 Lot 211 at west side of house(footing subgrade) Elevation Referenced to: () NGVD 1 Structural Fill 2 Final Grading Fill 3 Mass Grading Fill 4 Utility Backfill - Sanitary 5 Utility Backfill - Water 6 Utility Backfill - Storm 7 Roadway Subgrade 8 Stabilized Subgrade Base Course () MSL (X) Other Tests 1-2: Inches below top of slab subgmde Tests 3-0: Inches below top of footing subgrade cc: Centex Homes, David Donvito... (1) Centex Homes, Eric Otto (site trailer) ... (2) St. Lucie County, Building Inspections ... (1) - �. Chris L. Mings, .E.." FL Registration No.'61556 Other: Footing Subgrade I APR. 1 6 4gJ The original of this report was signed and sealed by a registered engineer in accordance with Rule 6IGI5-18.011 of the Florida dmmistranve This report is submitted as the confidential property of our client and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding this report is reserved pending our written approval. The above -referenced testing was performed at the locations and depth interval described therein on the associated report date. No other warranties with regard to subsurface exploration, recommendations or design are expressed by this firm. DIE&T DUNKELBERGER ENGINEERING-& TESTING, INC. �%• S u . �" r"" A aL.e w.va nCm,. F 90, OENSI . ST;iREp � „ N s w «F Project Name: Morningside �� Report Date: 04-16-07 St. Lucie County, Florida 40� �l Lot No.: 107 Client Name: Centex Homes jy Permit No.: SLC-0701-0350 3301 Quantum Boulevard, First Floo' �� �� Project No.: 06-10-2402 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 O1> Date Tested: 04-16-07 Technician Initials: SM Attn: Mr. David Donvito Sheet No.: 1 of 1 Laborato`;' Proctor, -` w ss ?.t ;,,Field Tests p : , .<1 . . t Test No. Probe Depth (in) Maximum Dry Density (c Optimum Moisture (%) Dry Density (cf) Cone Resistance' (tsf) Moisture (%) Minimum Required Compaction M Percent Maximum Density Test Result 1 12 120.0 10.0 118.6 - - - 10.3 95.0 98.8 Pass 2 12 120.0 10.0 117.9 - - - 9.8 95.0 98.3 Pass 3 12 120.0 10.0 118.2 - - - 11.0 95.0 98.5 Pass 4 12 120.0 1 10.0 119.0 - - - 10.7 95.0 99.2 Pass Type of Field Density Test: () ASTM D 1556 (X) ASTM D 2922 p AS-1M D 2937 Minimum Required Compaction Based on: (X) AASHTO T-180 (ASTM D 1557) Q AASHTO T-99 (ASTM D 698) 4•,. ... e gyred a., ..,irh a Rra;nard-Kilman Model S-214 hand-held cone penetrometer. ,r,.Na,..a T"e-+ .,°Elevation ��'a ,.% ��,n3,�s`,.�',TestLocandn:Lot?107,9427Wmdrift.Ctrcle.., �"'� .t,. 1 2 0-12 Lot 107 at approximate center of house slab subgrade) 2 2 0-12 Lot 107 at approximate center of garage slab subgrade) 3 10 0-12 Lot 107 at east side of house (footing subgrade) Lucie 4 10 0-12 Lot 107 at west side of house (footing subgrade) Elevation Referenced to: () NGVD Structural Fill Final Grading Fill Mass Grading Fill Utility Backfill - Sanitary Utility Backfill - Water Utility Backfill - Storm Roadway Subgrade Stabilized Subgrade Base Course O MSL (X) Other tests 1-z: mcnes neiow top or stao suogmae Tests 3-4: Inches below top of footing subgrade cc: Centex Homes, David Donvito... (1) Centex Homes, Eric Otto (site trailer) ... (2) St. Lucie County, Building Inspectia ed by a registered engineer in accordance with Rule 61G 15-18.011 of the Flori�verEHdf. This report is submitted as the confidential property of our client and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding this report is reserved pending our written approval. The above -referenced testing was performed at the locations and depth interval described therein on the associated report date. No other warranties with regard to subsurface exploration, recommendations or design are expressed by this Cum.