HomeMy WebLinkAboutTERMITE TREATMENT CERTIFICATESSCANNED BY St. Lucie County Pre -construction ANNA P.O. Box 7519 • Port St. Lucie, FL 34985 St. Lucie 772-344-2847 Pest Management Fax: 772-344-7378 • TOLL FREE 1-888-426-6262 Treatment Date^...4��..l.l�J7Time ............................ Lot ............. /E /..... Block ......................... Section ....................... Subdivision Name ... Street Address (if known) ..C#/....... �_i7......... City/State/Zip.:S\ �`li 5�.�.X'�.t :.•.�J°.. Owner Name (if applicable) ............ It is the responsibility of the contractor to notify HANNAN PEST MANAGEMENT, Ina for all required abutting sprays. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE HANNAN PEST MANAGEMENT, Inc, guarantees the building has received a complete pre-treatment and prevention of subterranean termites. Treatment is in accordance with the rules and laws established by Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. ❑ It this box is checked, the final perimetertreatm�— ent h ben completed and the following certificate of compriance is applicable. Applicators Name (please prinq 0 Termite Treatment For Contractor......"". (_.k !w :...`r...'. au;) ............... Other.......................��............... ........... ............. ............ SLAPTYPE IJ'Mo oli I ABUTMENTS Pat 5t1Driveway (Check box lorapPr[e. PRODUCT TREATINWf.—jNFORN AT—P Treatment Type Initial Under-fj' pplemental ❑ Final �j Bora Care (wood r nt) Product Applied [f !Chloropyrifos ❑ Premise ❑ Demon TC ❑ Bora Care ❑ Other .................................................... Mixed Product Applied ..y. Gallons Concentration ...:.'�i ...% Square Feet Treated .... ZX<Z).. Linear Feet Treated ........................ PLEASE CALL 772-344-2847 FOR INFORMATION ABOUT ADDITIONAL PEST CONTROL SERVICES Aug-14-2006 11:18am From- C- T-061 P.001/001 F-293 PEST CONTROL LICENSE# NOTE: We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above -described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. Square feet of area treated: f $(j I f )'t ct r Chemicals used: Percentage of solution a �-s `�° Total gallons used: 2 Date of treatment: Q_+ 3 I I Time of treatment: 3: t21 a in ❑ Footing ❑ 1 st Treatment ❑ Re -treat Slab ❑ 1st Treatment ❑ Re -treat ❑ Driveway ❑ 1 st Treatment ❑ Re -treat ❑ Pools ❑ 1 st Treatment ❑ Re -treat ❑ Other ❑ lstTreatment ❑ Re -treat *i'e er for FI3C104.2.6 C&Wlkata eflWiectiveTreaunmrforpremadan offtrnd a. Aweather resistantjobsite posting board shall be provided to receive duplicate treatment Certificates as each required prmccrive treatment is completer), providing a copyfor the person the permit is issued to and another copylbr the building permit fries- Me Treatment Certificam shall provide the product used, identity of the applicator, time and date of the treatment, site location, area treated, chemical used, percent concentration and number ofgallons used, to establish a verifiable record ofprotective treatment: If the soil chemical barrier method for termite protection is usect final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to fmal building approval. St. Lucie County requires for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover, listing all the . treatments and dates of applications. Final Inspection Signature of exterminator There must be a completed form for each required truattnenr or re -treatment and this form must be on the job site to be picked up by the inspector at time of each inspection or the scheduled inspection will fail and a re -inspection fee charged