HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUMMARY SHEETGENERAL NOTES NOTAS GENERALES Trusses are not marked in any way to identify Los trusses no estan marrados de ningun modo qua the frequency or location of temporary lateral iden6fique la frecuendao localizad6n de resWco6n lateral restraint and diagonal bracing. Follow the y anfostre diagoml tempoales. Use las recomendadones recommendations for handling, Installing and de manejo, instalation, reemod6n y amosne temporal de temporary restraining and bracing of trusses dos trusses. Vea el folleto BCSI Gum de Buena Pacta Refer Do BCSI Guide to Good Practice for No all Maisie. Inattlackin. Restriccidn v Amostne de I Hand no Install no. Restrairring & Bracing of Tmssns de Madera Conectudoes ran Places de Metal pat Metal Plate ConnEEbbj Wood T Sera for more information mas detallada. detailed inkrtnaMn' Losdibujosded!sefiodelostrusses puedenespedficarlas Truss Desian Dmwfnas may sneciN locations of Ioallreddnesda reitrlflinn Mreml rwmnarvini refuerm individual muss members. Refer N the BCSLB3 resumer KELD3 - Rest, a 6n/An'mtre Peananente de Summary Sheet - Permanent Cuerdas v MI mbro Swindledos pare mas infnnaddn. ofChords&WebMembers for moreinformation. El rego de lips dice -nos de amostres permanentes on IS All other permanent among design is the responsab!Iidad del Dise,5ador del Edilli responsibility of the Building Designer. QThe consequences of improper handling, erect- ing, installing, restraining and bracing an result in a collapse of the structure, or worse, serious Personal injury or death. -B resultado de un manejo, levenamiento, instalai restrioon y armotre incomedo puede ser la Saida de IS estructum o ai peor, heridos o muertos. QBantling and truss plates have sharp edges. Wear gloves when handling and safety glasses when �regn cutting banding. Empaques y pleas es metal linen hordes affladicome It Use rques. s y lentes protectores cuantlo k mite lips empaques. HANDLING - MANEJO a Avoid lateral bending. - Evite Is Flexion lateral. ' Q Use special are in windy weather or near power lines and amports. 8 The contractor is responsible for properly receiving, unloading and storing the trusses at the jobsite. El contratista lien la responsabflidad de recibir, descrargar y almacenar adectada- mente los musses an IS obra. RY� t � � ✓ l w QIf trusses are to be stored horizontally, place blocking of sufficient height beneath the stack of trusses at 8'to Won center. For trusses stored for more than one week, cover bundles to prevent moisture gain but allow far ventilation. Refer to BCSI Guide to Good Practice for Handfirm Installing Restalnimn & smi of Metal Plate Connect for more detailed Information pertaining to handling and jobsite storage of trusses. Si Its musses Galardi guardados horizon- talmnte, pangs, bloqueando de aitum suridente det3'as de la Pilo de lots busses. Pam trusses guardados par mas de una samara, crime dos Paquetes Pam prevnir aumento de humbled pero permita vent. lation. Vea el folleto EM Quiet de Buena Pract'cA e el manejo y almacenado de area de trabajo. Udlice mldado especial an dias ventosos o era de cables elkirims o de aeropuertos. Spreader bar for truss " " O O QUse proper rig- Use equipo apropfado ging and Misting paal9ewmar In equipment Improviser. Do not stare No almacene unbaced bundles vertialmente Ira upright. trusses suelms. HOISTING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TRUSS BUNDLES RECOMENDACIONES PARA LEVANTAR PAQUETES DE TRUSSE QWarning! Doi overload the cane. iAdvertencial No sobrearga la gnia! Never use banding alone m lift a bundle. Do not lift a group of individually banded bundles. Nunes use solo Its empaques pare levantar un paquere. No levante un grupo the empaques individuales. „r - 21 A single lift point may be used for bundles with trusses up to 45'. TwoliR polntsmaybeused -for-bundles with - trusses up W W Q Warning! Do not over load supporting Use at least 3 IIft points for bundles with structure with truss bundle. trusses greater than 6W.. iAdvertencial No sobrecargue Is estrucbxra Puede user un solo lugar de le rantar pans apoyada con el paquete de trusses. paquetes IS trusses hasty 45 pies. Puede user dos punters de levantar par Mace truss bundles in stable position. paqueteds mas the 60 pies, Puse paquetes de trusses n una position Use por to mends time punters de levantar pare estable. paquetes mas de 60 pies. INSTALLATION OF SINGLE TRUSSES BY HAND INSTALACION FOR LA MANO DE TRUSSES INDMDUALES Trusses 20' ` Trusses 30' or or less, sup- f less, support at r port at peak. quarter points. levante Levame de del pica lips Ids marine trusses de de tramo lips 20 pies o I Trusssses hastasses; up 20 pi 20'i t plea a m nocle s. �Trusssses hasses sta30Dens memos. )OISTING OF SINGLE TRUSSES - LEVANTAMIENTO DE TRUSSES INDIVIDUALES Hold each truss in position with the erection equipment until top chord temporary lateral restraint is installed and the buss is fastened to the bearing points. Sonelli ada truss an position con equipo de 9r6a hasta que la resWcd6n lateral temporal de IS cuerda superior est6 instalado y at buss EEO asegurado en los soportee Q Warning! Using a single pick -point at the peak an damage the muss. iAdvertenda! B use de un solo lugar parr levantar en el Dim puede hacer dano al truss. HOISTING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SINGLE TRUSSES co' or less RECOMENDACIONES PARA LEVANTAR TRUSSES INDIVIDUALES aglire TSSESpTOao• _ header bar raussEsH AsrA3o vlEs Tyr ,In AlEtCh irate Spreaderte 10 of Spreader bar l2 to above or suff ack max I`� ss 2r3 times length . mNaneight Taghrx raeFS up To so• + musses NASTA so PIss � SpreederbergLito &4 Was length —� ZU!o SHAsrAYsdBRE tie PIES TEMPORARY RESTRAINT & BRACING RESTRICCION Y ARRIOSTRE TEMPORAL Refer to BCSI-82 Summary Sheet -Truss a Installation& Temooary Restmint/Bracfna for*L&MI Chord Temporary Restraint more Information LR)Vea el resumen BCSI B2-Restrlttf6n/min.' Anfostre Temporal Instalation de lipsTrusses y pare mas informs kin. Locate ground braces for first truss direNy in line with all rows of top chord temporary lat- eral restraint (see table in the next column). Coloque Its annostres de be" paa el primer truss direchimente n lines, ran ada una de Brace first muss has files de restriction lateral temporal de to ���+++pppE—securely before cuerda superior (vea IS table an IS Proxima /® Direction of additionalcolumn). / n trusses. c Do not walk on unbraced trusses. ® No amine an busses suehos. STEPS TO SETTING TRUSSES LAS MEDIDAS DE LA INSTALLACIUN DE LOS TRUSSES R1I) Install ground bracing. 2) Set first truss and attach securely to ground bracing. 3) Set next 4 trusses with short member temporary lateral restraint (see below). 4) Install top chord diagonal bracing (see below), 5) Install web member plane diagonal bung to stabilize the first five busses (see below). 6) Install bottom chord temporary lateral restraint and diagonal bracing (see below). 7) Repeat practise on groups of four busses until all mosses are set. 1) Iristale lips amostres de Dena. 2) Instale el primero no y ate segu2meme al amostre de tierce. 3) Instale lips pr6xfma cuatro trusses ran re5tncrf6n lateral temporal de mfembro mrto as abajo). 4) Instale el ariashm diagonal de IS Guardia superior (vea abajo). 5) Instale arri ¢are diagonal paa lips planers de los miembms secundaricsDeal estable Jos primeros dnco tries (vea abajo), 6) Instale IS restriction lateral temporal y amostre diagonal pare la cuerda Inferior (vea abajo). 7) Repita iste procediminto em grupos de cuatro busses hasta que [odds lips trusses esten instalados. Q Refer to OCSI-B2 Summa,h r for more Information. Vea el resllmen BCSI-B2 - InstalInsfelacifin de Juslasi v Arlostre Ternmral pare mayor informaci6n. RESTRAINT/BRACING FOR ALL PLANES OF TRUSSES EL RESTRICCIUN/ARRIOSTRE EN TODOS PLANES DE TRUSSES. This restraint & bracing method is for all trusses except 3x2 and 4x2 parallel chord trusses. Este method de restriction y amostre es pans tddo mosses excepro trusses de cuerdas paalelas 3x2 y 4x2. 1) TOP CHORD- CUERDA SUPERIOR Truss Span Top Chord Temporary lateral Restraint (TC LR) Spacing Lon itud de Trams Espadamiento del Arnostre Temporal de IS Carbide Superior Up to 30' 10' D.C. max. - HasmW 30 in- 10 pies maximo 30' to 45' 8' D.E. max. 30 a 45 pies B Pass maximo 45' W 60' V o.c. max. 45 a 60 pies 6 pies maximo 60, to 801* 4' o.c. max. 60 a 80 pies* 9 pies maximo *Consult a Professional Engineer for trusses longer than 60'. "Consult¢ a un ingeniem pans busses de mas de 60 pies. / 21 See BC4.B2 for TCT R options. Vea el BCSI-82 pare las opdones de TCTLR. Refer to BCSI-B3 SUM - mary Sheet -Permanent Resbani ng of Chords & Web Members for Gable End Frame r=t/bmcing/ reinforcement information. Pam mformad6n sabre ' resM¢p6n/anicstre/refuerzo - Repeat diagonal pam armai de hastial vea braces for each set of al resumen BCSI-133 - Re- 4 trusses. striod6n/Arriostre Ground bracing not shown for clarity. Repita loss amsotres Permanents de Clmrdas v diagonales pam ada Miembros Secundadds. grout, Me 4 musses. 2) WEB MEMBER PLANE - PLANO DE LOS MIEMBROS SECUNDARIOS agonal LATERAL RESTRAINT Bracing & DIAGONAL BRACING WED Members ARE VERY IMPORTANT iLA RESTRICCION LATERAL Y EL ARRIOSTRE DIASON Bo omchores MUAL SON MUY IMP.ORTANTES! Diagonal Braces every 10 truss spaces (20' max.) Q_ L 10'-15' max. Same spacing as bottom chord Lateral Restraint Some chord and web members not shown for clarity. 3) BOTTOM CHORD - CUERDA INFERIOR mute al Restraints - 2x4xl2' or greater lapped over two busses. Diagonal Braces every 10 truss spaces (20' max.) 10'-15' \ 'I /Some chord and web members max. \V not shown for clarity. RESTRAINT & BRACING FOR 3x2 AND 4x2 PARALLEL CHORD TRUSSES LA RESTRICC16N Y EL ARRIOSTRE PARA TRUSSES DE CUERDAS PARALELAS 3X2 Y 4X2 Refer W B6I-e] Diagonal Bracing Summary Sheet 10' dr 15"�Repeat Diagonal Bracing oarv&Per- _L 7� R every l5truss spaces (30') mane -Ternm Restraint/ Brac'no for Parallel Chord Truss es for more information. ' Vera el resumer Apply Diagonal Brace to B I -BBC ]�-R sd'14, vertical webs at end of cidnvraly a Temonumlcantilever and at beating AIILateral Restraints Permanent¢ de locations. lapped at least two trusses. Trusses de Cuerdas *Top chord Temporary Lateral Restraint spacing shall be Pangele pans mas 1U o.c. max. for 3x2 chords and 15' o.c. for 4,2 chords. informacf6n. INSTALLING - INSTALACION IC7C.fPlan. Tolerances for Out -of -Plane. Tolemncias pare Fuera-de-Plano. Max. Bow FF.S.B. Length --CIA/ LB^9�' ~M Max Bpv 1 Length p Plumb -ca fo`. kb TOuemfnPlumbr TOlerandas pare D/W mat Fuera-de-Plomada. - CONSTRUCTION LOADING - CARGA DE CONSTRUCCION LOutof P]pmb ••.D(R).. Max. Bow Truss Length 0150 314' 12S' 1/4' 1' ]IB' 14.6' 1n" 2• 1' 16]' 3l4' 3' 1-1I8" 18.8` 4' 1-1/4" 20.8' i-tl4" 5' 1-t12" 6'z t-irz•• 25..0 tv 13/4" 292' 2' a33.3' Do not proceed with construction until all lateral restraint and bracing is securely and properly in place. No procetla con IS construcci6n haste que bodes has restric- clones lateralas y lips arriostres asten coloca dos en forma apropfada y segum. Do not Exceed maximum stack heights. Refer m BCSI-134 Summary Sheet - [onstmction Loading for more information. No ecceda pas maxfmas altums recomendadas. Vea el res6men BCSI-B4 Cato, de Construccicin pare mayor infonnaci6n. �Max um Sfe�THwpht fpffAalalldlynTrY53-ea� Material Height- Gypsum Board 1T- PlynoodorOSB 16' Asphalt Shingles 2bundles Canoe@Block W Clay Tile 3i tiles high Do not overload small groups or single busses. No sobreargue pequenos 9mpos o musses individuales. GNever stack materials near a peak. Nunes amontone material cera del pico. Place Inds over as many busses as possible. Coloque las argas sabre tantm trusses como sea posible. QPosition loads over load bearing walls. Coloque las argas sabre has paredes soporlantes. Truss mating not ALTERATIONS -ALTERACION ES shaven fai lanty aRefer to D . Vea el resumer Do not cut, alter, or drill any structural member of a muss unless speofially permitted by the Truss Design Drawing. No mite, altere o perfore ningun mlembro estructural de Its trusses, a marine que este especifiamente perimbdo n el diti del disefio del truss. Q Trusses, that have been overloaded during construction or altered without the Truss Manufacturer's prior approval may rentler the Truss Manufacturers limited warranty null and void. Trusses que se han sobteargado dumnte Is cone nrcd6n o han sido alterados sin una autoriracdn Drava del Fabriante de Trusses, pueden reducir o eliminar IS gamntia del Fabdante de Trusses. N01e: TM Tnss Manufacturer am Taua Designer j'ontMpresumption thic tM Cmmeter and vane oPrEta(f applloWe)are pref¢Aones Win f11e roach, to Model Me vmtk they hare mimed m tb an any husen poned. If Mae contactor bell a needs aa'aime In some asPH of Me ran.. ptalgC It sMNd seek asiffirre ten a rani ¢mat ra,. Ttle medeair and puwa]urts alNllxV in this Moment are lnteMN m ensure thatbre Disease m Cmtlbn trMniques enteral urill put ire imaes irrta data WELY. These uavmmeMatiore fen handling. imhlling, reaf2lNng and bead, buses are based upon the mllcmre expmcna of leading resomet Imalvtdwith buss desen, ntnufamure aria lnffindiren, but nW, due mCa nature of resputL[Jalg Imo idle, W presented and, as a GUIDE far use bra qualifier Wilding Designer a Conbacta. It Is not Wendell Mat base rttommenYtbns he InRrWHed a$ Superior Nfor Building Essighers dad, speilbdon fs hurdling, under restraining and bear, t erataM It does not Poi Me use of odw appraised, meMads for ueNairrgN2[ ng and prwH're pai for Meroen; mWmny naps, rods, and all Me indam aged Mxbnd bullrig farmsteads as determined!by Me combine, Thus, whi and hut express, astlm aarty mr ear billy her, damage, andig from Me me, appNa�edor ue-a as an Me hxnmmendadon and InfemMar aden Laed MPn n°rre"°s^en^ AM - TRUSS PLATE 63M Sharpness, lane, Madison, col 53719 218 N. tee St, Ste. 312 • Ne aria, VA 22314 608/2149e99 • wwwsWMuhmourn 703/683-1010 • vmvi.t enal 20x6II1S