HomeMy WebLinkAboutENGINEERING PAPERWORKMECAWind Version per ASCE 7-10 SCANNED naoai^..e.r tie 1 . '^--'Qesr Znc. Copyright 2014 m .mecaentezprises. cam BY Date Zuhair M. Jalloul REFlorida Consulting En 'veers; inc Project No. St. Lucie County gn 134 NW 16th Street, Suite 1 designed By . :SAND DOLLAR SHORES CONDOMINIUM . Description star: customer Name : 7430 South Ocean Drive, Jenson Beach, Florida Boca Raton,, Florida- 33432 Pro3 Location - - Me Phone: (561) 353-1152 nit.mnd . DiredU65EF Psoce re All Heights Building (Ch.27 Part 1) All pressures shown are based upon ASD Design, with a Load Factor of .6 Basic Wind Speed(V) = 170.00 mph Structural Category = II Exposure Category D Natural Frequency = N/A Flexible Structure No Importance Factor 1.00 Kd Directional Factor = 0.85 Damping Ratio (beta) = 0.01 Alpha = 11.50 Zg = 700.00 ft At 0.09 Bt = 1.07 A = 0.11 BM = 0.80 Co = 0.15 1 = 650.00 ft Epsilon = 0.13 Zmin = 7.00 ft Slope of Roof = 0 : 12 Slope of Roof(Theta) _ .00 Deg Ht: Mean Roof Ht = 70.00 ft Type of Roof = Monoslope REt: Ridge Ht = 70.06 ft Eht: gave Height = 70.00 ft OH: Roof Overhang at Eave= .00 ft Roof Area = 7200.00 ft^ 2' Bldg Length Along Ridge = 160.00 ft Bldg Width Across Ridge= 45.00 ft Gust Factor Category I Rigid Structures - Simplified Method Gustl: For Rigid -Structures (Nat. Freq.>1 Hz) use 0.85 = 0.85 Gust Factor Category II Rigid Structures - Complete Analysis Zm: 0.6*Ht = 42.00 ft lzm: Cc*(33/Zm)^0.167 = 0.14 Lzm: 1*(Zm/33)^Epsilon = 669.89 ft Q:(1/(1+0.63*((B+Ht)/Lzm)^0.63))^0.5 = 0.91 Gust2: 0.925*((1+1.7*lzm*3.4*Q)/(1+1.7*3.4*lzm)) = 0.89 Gust Factor summary Not a Flexible Structure use the Lessor of Gustl or Gust2 = 0.85 Table 26.11-1 Internal Pressure Coefficients for Buildings, GCpi. GCPi : Internal Pressure Coefficient =-+%-0:18 Figure 27.4-1 External Pressure Coefficients Cp - Loads on Main Mind -Form Resisting Systems mac. r+'1 3 Wig- - Zuhair M. Jalloul, F:r-. �Florida Consulting Engineers, Inc. � 134 NIN 16th Street, suite 1 Boca Raton, Florida 33432 Phone. (561) 353-1152 I, K� I: Kh: 2.01*(Ht/Zg)A(2/Alpha) Kht: Topographic Factor (Figure 6-4) Qh: .00256*(V)A2*I*Kh*Kht*Kd CPWW: Windward Wall Cp(Ref Fig 6-6) Roof Area Reduction Factor based on Roof Area SAND DOLLAR SHORES CONDOMINIUM 161 1.35 1.00 50.81 psf 0.80 = 7200.00 ftA2 0.80 MWFRS-Wall Pressures for Wind Normal to 160 :Et wall (Normal to Ridge) Wall CP Pressure Pressure --------------- ---- +Gcpi (Psf) -------�-- -GC151 (Psf) Leeward Wall -0.50 -30.74 ----------- -12.45 Side Walls -0.70 -39.38 -21.09 Wall alev Rz Rat qz Press Press Total. --- - -------- -- ft ------ ---- --"- POE --'-"- +GCPi -GCPi +/-GCpi Windward 70.00 1.35 1.00 ----- 50.81 25.41 ------- 43.70 --------- 56.15 Windward 70.00 1.35 1.00 50.82 25.41 43.70 56.15 Windward 68.00 1.34 1.00 50.56 25.23 43.53 55.98 Windward 66.00 1.33 1.00 50.30 25.06 43.35 55.80 Windward 64.00 1.33. 1.00 50.03 24.87 43.17 55.62 Windward 62.00 1.32 1.00 49.75 24.69 42.98 55.43 Windward 60.00 1.31 1.00 49.47. 24.49 42.79 55.24 Windward 58.00 1.30 1.00 49.18 24.30 42.59 55.04 Windward 56.00 1.30 1.00 48.88 24.09 42.39 54.84 Windward 54.00,. 1.29 1.00 48.57 23.88 42.18 54.63 Windward 52.00 1.28 1.00 48.25 23.67 41.96 - 54.41 Windward 50.00 1.27 1.00 47.93 23.44 41.74 54.19 Windward 48.00 1.26 2.00 47:59 23.21 41.51 53.96 Windward 44.00 1.25 1.00 46.87 22.73 41.02 53.72 Windward 94.00 1.24 1.00 46.87 22.73 91.02 53.97 Windward 42.00 1.23 1.00 46.50 22.47 40.76 53.21 Windward 40.00 1.22 1.00 46.10 22.20 40.50 52.95 Windward 38.00 1.21 1.00 45.69 21.92 40.22 52,.67 Windward 36.00 1.20 1.00 45.27 21.63 39.93 . 52.38 Windward 34.00 1.19 1.00 44.82 21.33 39.62 52:D7 Windward 32.00 1.18 1.00 44.35 21.01 39.30 51.15 J FIO(Itl8 consulting Engine Inc. 134 NVU 16thStree54 , , 7' Boca Raton, Florida �i �2 Phone:(561) 3353-1152 Windward 3D.00 1.16 1.00 43.85 Windward 28.00 1.15 1.00 43.33 Windward 26.00 1.13 1.00 42.77 Windward 24.00 1.22 1.00 42.18 Windward 22.00 1.10 1.00 41.55 Windward 20.00 1.08 1.00 40.87 Windward 18.00 1.06 1.00 40.22 Windward 16.00 1.04 1.00. 39.31 Windward 14.00 1.03 1.00 38.87 Note: 1) Total = Leeward GCPi + Windward GCPi Roof - Diet from Windward Edge 0.0 ft to 35.0 ft 35.0 ft to 45.0 ft SAND DOLLAR SH' i CONDOMINIUM 7430 South Ocean Drive, Jenson Beach, Florida 20.67 38.97 51.42 20.32 38.61 51.06 19.94 38.23 50.68 19.54 37.83 50.28- 19.11 37:40 49.85 18.64 36.94 49.39 18.14 36.43 48.88 17.58--35.88 48-.33 17.29 35.58 48.03 Cp Piessare Presume ' +GOpi(psf) -GCpi(psf) -1.04 -54:07 r-35.77 -0.70 -39.38 -21.09 MWERS-Wall Pressures for. Wind Normal to 45 ft mall (Along Ridge) Wall Leeward Wall Side Walls Wall. Windward Windward windward Windward Windward Windward Windward Windward Windward Windward Windward Windward Windward Windward Windward Windward Windward Windward Windward Windward Windward Windward Windward Windward Windward Windward Windward Windward Windward Windward Cp Pressure Pressure +GCpi Uwfl -GCpi. (PSE) -0.22-18.75� �-0.45 -0.70 -39.38 -21.09 Blow Sz Ezt qz ft Psf 70.00 1.35 2.00 50.81 70.00 1.35 1.00 50.81 69.00 1.34 1.00 50.56 66.00 1.33 1.00 50.30 64.00 1.33 1.00 50.03 62.00 1.32 1.00 49.75. 60.00 1.31 1.00 49.47 58.00 1.30 1.00 49.18 56.00 1.30 1.00 48.88 54.00 1.29 1.00 48.57 52.00 1.28 1.00 48.25 50.00 1.27 1.00 47.93 -48.00 1.26 .1.00 47.59 46.00 1.25 1.00 47.24 44.00 1.24 1.00 46..87 42.00 1.23 1.00 46.50 40.00 1.22 1:00 46.10 39.00 1.21 1.00 45.69 36.00 1.20 1.00 45.27 34.00 1.19 1.00 44.82 32.00 1.18 1.00 44.35 30.00 1.16 1.00 43.85 28.00 1.15 1.00 43.33 26.00 1.13 2.00 42.77 24.00 1.12 1.00 42.18 22.00 1.10 1.00 41.55 20.00 1.08 2.00 40.87 18.00 1.06 1.00 40.12 16.00 1.04 1.00 39.31 14.00 1.03 1.06 38.87 Note: 1) Total = Leeward GCPi + Windward GCPi hoof - Dist from Windward Edge 0.0 ft to 35.0 ft 35.0 ft to 70.0 ft 70.0 ft to 140.0 ft Press Press Total +G6pi - ---- -GCpi ------- +/-GOpi --------- 25.41 43.70 44.15 25.41 43.7D 44.15 25.23 43.53 43.98 25.06 43.35 43.80 24.87- 43.17 43.62 24.69 42.98 43.43 24.49 42.79 43.24 24.30 42.59 43.04 24.09 42.39 42.84 23.88 42.18 42.63 23.67 41.96 42.41 23.44 41.74 42.19 23.21 42.51 41.96 22.97 41.27 41.72 22.73 41.02 42.47 22.47 40.76 41.22 22.20 40.50 40.95 21.92 40.22 40.67 21.63 39.93 40.38 21.33 39.62 40.07 21.01 39.30 39.75 20.67 38.97 39.42 20.32 38.61 39.06 19.94 38.23 38.69 19.54 37.83 38.2E 15.11 37.40 37.85 18.64 36.94 37.39 18.14 36.43 36.88 17.58 35.88 36.33 17.29 35.59 36.03 cp Pressure Pressure +Gcpi (pst7 -GCpi (psf) p -0.90 -48.02 -29.73 -0.90 -48.02 -29.73 -0.50 -30.74 -12.45 f'L rlonaa c:oneumng t:ngineers � 134NW 16th Street, SUiti SAND DOLLARSHOl :ONDOMINI -M `v Boil Raton, Florida 334 Phone: (561) 353-1152 7430 South Ocean Drive, Jenson Bea#h, Aorida 140.0 ft to 160.0 ft -0.40 -22.10 -3.81 Parapet: Qp: Pressure at Top of Parapet = 51 19 psf Type of Parapet = Solid Top Elev. of Parapet = 3.00 £t Parapet -Windward - 76.78 psf Parapet -Leeward Press = -51.19 psf _ NECAWind Version ASCE 7-10 Developed by MECA Enterprises, inc. Copyright 2014 vw .mecaentemrises. com Date Project No.. an Zuhair M. Jalloul; P.E. Designed By Addy Florida Consulting Engineers, Inc. Description •SAND DOLLAR SHORES state 134 NW 16th Street, Suite 1 customer Name Fa� Location = 7430 South Ocean OrivE Boca Raton, Florida 33432 t•°'nd Phone: 561) 353-1152 a PAI ------ --- ---' 3 2 (. ' '2 , ' -►i a , 3 1 2. 3 WAS Heieht> 60 & Roof Wind Pressure on Components and Cladding (Ch 30 Part All pressures shown are based upon 4SD Design, with a Load Factor Width of Pressure Coefficient Zone Pan = 4.5 £t Description Width Span Area Sono Maz Min Maz P Min P Elev ' -''__---_-------------- £t £t £t^2 . Ccp acp peg psf ft Zone 1 10,00 -------------------------------------------------- 2.00 20.0 1 .00 -1.31 16.00 -75.79 70.0 Zone 2 10.00 2.00 20.0 2 .00 -2.18 26.00-119.72 70.0 Zone 3 20.00 2.00 20.0 3 .00 -2.18 16.00-119.72 70.0 Zone 4 10.00 2.00 20.0 4 0.90 -0.90 54.88 -54.88 70.0 Zone 5 10.00 2.00 20.0 5 0.90 -1.80 54.88-100.61 70.0 WIEDONS 3.00 3.10 9.3 4 0.96 -0.90 54.88 -54.88 70.0 WINDONS 3.00 3.10 9.3 5 0.90 -1.80 54.88-100.61 70.0 DOORS 3.00 6.70 20.1 4 0.90 -0.90 54.86 -54.86 70.0 DOORS 3.00 6.70 20.1 5 0.90 -1.80 54.86-100.55 70.0 Khcc:Comp. & Clad. Table 6-3 Case 1 1.3. Qhcc:.00256*V^2*Khcc*l(ht*Kd 50.8 Parapets Components 6 Cladding (Ch 30 Part 4, Para 30.7.1 Pressures taken from Table 30.:7-2 at top of Parapet and multiplied by Expose: Adjustment Factor (RAF-1.147), Topographic Factor (Kzt = 1.00) and Reductio (RF = 1.0). The effective area for the parapet is 10 sq f;to:] conservative, which makes the Reduction Factor 1. 0 .6 psf Factor c.unair)n. ,)anoui, r.t:. Florida Consulting Engine nd. to134 NW 16thStreet, suite ,: — BOW Raton, Florida 33432 Phone. (561) 353-1162 Load CMA=pgg Ih N SAND DOLLAR SHORT= )NDOMINIUM 7430 South Ocean Drive. Jenson Beach Florida Leeward Load Cam � Top ofjruapet Load Case A - Apply Positive Wall Pressure to Front and negative roof pressure to back. pl: Positive Wall Pressure on Front of Parapet (Zone 4) = 63.59 psf PI: Positive Wall Pressure on Front of Parapet (Zone 5) - 63.59 psf p2: Negative Roof Pressure on Back of Parapet (Zone 2) _-127.53 psf p2: Negative Roof Pressure on Back of Parapet (Zone 3) _-173.84 psf Zoad Case B - Apply Positive Wall Pressure to Back and Negative Wall Pressure to the front. p3: Positive Wall Pressure on Back of Parapet (Zone 4) p3: Positive Wall Pressure on Back of Parapet (Zone 5) p4: Negative Wall Pressure on Back of Parapet (Zone 4) p4: Negative Wall Pressure on Back of Parapet (Zone 5) 63.59 psf 63.59 psf -55.52 psf _-101.83 psf . ��r4?v`f� FL, I.r<.,YY 3aWC b33CAA1'ind Version ASCE 7-10 DevelePed by MM Snterprisas, Inc. Copyright 2014 www.mecaeatemrises.�m °� J AheirM. OU1, P.E. Protect Ro" Adds Dedigned 8y City Florida Conaulft E(Eineets, hic. Description state 134-NW IM -customer tame : SAND DOLLAR SHORES CONDOMINIUM FileIo 8tfida�_1 tt� cation 7430South Ocean DrimJensonBeadyRo-7riia Baca Raton, Florida 33432 _ P one: (56) 1152 i In 3a 2 3 ----------------- 2a r 2 ' '2 ' , --►i a 1 3---r------------------- 3 I i 1 2, WAS Rnuf Wind P=w8=6 on CamPonants and Cladding (Ch 30 1 Part,!3) A11 pressures shown are based upon ASD Design, with a Load Factor Width of Pressure 00e8210ient Zone nav - 4.5 ft I- owmiption Width Span Area Zone Mm Mn Yds a Min P 31ev j ft ft ft^2 QCp 6'Cp paf paf ft.. zone--------'-----'--'-'--'-_'----- Sono 1 I0.00 2.00 20'-.0---^---------------1 ..00 -1.31' 16.00 -75.79 70.0 Zone Z 10.00 2.00 20.0 2 .00 -2.18 16.00-229.72 70.0 i Zone 3 10.00 2.00 .20.0 3 .00 -2.18 16.00-119.72 70.0.1 Za,e4 10.00 2.00 `20.0 4 0.90 -0.90 54.88 -54.88 70.0 Zone 5 10.00 2.00 20.0 5 0.90 -1.80 54.80-100.61 70.0 ; wnwow3 3.06 3.10 9.3 4 0.90 -0.90 54. e8 -54.88 70.0 WINDOWS 3.00 3.10 9.3 5 0:90 -1.80 54.88-100.61 70.0 :- DOORS 3.00 6.70. 20.1 4 0.90 -0.90 54.86. -54.86 70.0 DOORS 3.00 6.70 20.1 5 0.90 -1.80 . 54.86-100.55 70.0 i Khcc:Comp, a Clad. Table 6-3 Case 1 1.3� Qhcc:.00256*"2*Khcc*Kiit*Kd = 50.81 psf Parapets Components a Cladding (Ch 30 Part 4, Para 30.7.112) Pressures taken from Table 30.7-2 at top of Parapet .and multiplied. by. Ezposuz]e - Adjustment Factor (6AF-1.147), Topographic Factor (Kzt = 1.00) oaId ReduqtiorI Factor (RF - 1.0). The effective area for the parapet is 10 aq ft [Qa)J28 q tie conservative, which makes the Reduction Factor I. Zu1Wr M. Jalloul, P.E. Florida Consultlng Enginee�nc� 134 wVV Imn atrm OUIM 1 Boca Raton, Radda 33432 Phone. 853-1152 Wtudsmnl (rargc( -Load CmwA Fr N SAND DOLLAR SHORES CONDOMINIUM 700 South Ocean Orivve,e lenson.eeach, Florida Leeaablpar�et LoadCameB 7bpof • Load Case A - Apply Positive Wall Pressure to Front and negative roof pzeasnre to back. pl: Positive Wall Pressure on Front of Parapet (Zone 4) = 63.59 psf pl: Positive Wall Pressure on Front of Parapet (Zone 5) = 63.59 psf p2: Negative Roof Pressure on Back of Parapet (Zone 2) _-127.53 psf p2: Negative Roof Pressure on Back of Parapet (Zone 3) _-173.64 paf Load Case B - Apply Positive Wall Pressure to Back and Negative Wall Pressure to the front. p3: Positive Wall Pressure on Back of Parapet (Zone 4) = 63.59 psf p3: Positive Wall Pressure on Back of Parapet (Zone 5) = 63.59 psf p4: Negative Wall Pressure on Back of Parapet (Zone 4) _ -55.52 paf p4: Negative Wall Pressure on Back of Parapet (Zone 5) _-101.83 psf �L. • < i c. � 3S�f/6 REMWind Version 2-1-1.4 PDX 4SCE 7i10 rmw7.1-.w I Inc. 0flFMdght 2014 ww.zeca btellia8eh.com Hate zd*a Jellow, P.E. ccepa Florida Coneu ftg- Designed By aware104 NWSerest, Su�9.1__ Description SAND DOLLAR SHORES CONDOMINIUM Cjiym Castamer-game 7430 South OCean Drive, Jenson BeaCh, Florida But( Boca Ratan.-PoldaI3432 PJ:0j Ldmtiap Met oa ult.wnd All 8"Otl Building (Ch 27 ft 1) A-11 rt pressures shown are based:UVOn ASD Design, with a Load Factor of .6 Basic wind Speed(V) 176.00 mph Structural category z 11 . Exposure Category D Natural Frequency N/A: Flexible Structure No IMport'MFactor 1.60 Ed.Directional Factor Danpim7 Ratio (beta) 0.01 0.85 Alpha 11450 Eg At 0.09 St 700.60 ft Am 0.11 Bm 1.07. 0.80 cc OAS 1 650.00 ft Epsilon 0,13 Min Slope of Roof 0 :*12 Slope Of Roof 7;00 ft Ht: Mean Roof Ht .00 Deg 70 00 ft e of Roof Monoslope Rat; Ridge Ht 70:00 ft Type Eave Height 70.00 ft OR: Roof Overhang at. Eave= .00 ft Roof Area 1 2 7200.00 ftA Bldg Length Along Ridge = 160.00 ft Bldg Width Across Ridge- 45.00 ft Gust Factor Category I Rigid Structures Simplified Method : Gustl: For Rigid Structures (Nat. Fr8q.>1 HE) use 0.95 = 0.85 Gest F&at*c Category 11 Rigid Structures - Complete Analysis zm: 0. 6*Ht lzm" Cc*(33/ZM)A0.167 42..00 ft 014 Lim* l*(Zm/33)AEpsilon 669.89 ft 0: (1/ (1+0. 63* ( (B+Ht) /Lzm) ^0. 63) ) AO. 5 = 0.91 Gust2: 0. 925* ( (1+1. 7 *Izm*3. 4*Q) (1+1. 7*3. 4*lzm) 0.89 Gust Pactor Summary Not a Flexible Structure use the Lessor Of Gustl or Gust2 = 0.85 Table 26.11-1 internal Pressure C0QfEiCdQntG fox- Buildings, GCk3,i GCPi : latezlftal Pzesm=e Coefficient . - +/-0.18 Figure 27.4-1. External pressure Coefficients Cp - LOMAD CM I&I" WilMd-Force Mai ting System Honda consulting Enginw- nd. 134 NW 16th Sbmt, SI -_ , . Boca Raton, Florida 13 .w FMG. (561) 353-1152 Windward 30.00 1.16 1.00 Windward 28.00 1.15 1.00 Windward 26.00 1.23 1.00 Windward 24.00 1.22 1.00 Windward 22.00 1.10 1.00 Windward 20.00 1.00 1.00 Windward 18.00 1.06 1.00 Windward 26.00 1.04 1.00 Windward 14.00 1.03 1.00 SAND DOLLAR SHO CONDOMINIUM 74305outfi.9cean or)Mlenson.Beach. Florida 43.85 20.67 38.97 51.42 43.33 20.32- 38.61 51.06 42.77 19.94 38.23 50.68 42.28 29.54 37.93 50.28- 41.55 19.11 37.0 49.85 40.87 18.64 36.94 49.39 40.22 18.14 36.43 48.88 39.31 17.58 35.88 48.33 30.87 17.29 35.58 48.03 Note: 1) Total - Leeward GCK + Windward GCPi Roof - Diet from Windward. Rd9e 0.0 ft to 35.0 ft 35.0 ft to 45.0 ft CP PsrBoara Prosmae -1.04 -54.07 M-35.77 -0.70 -39.38 -21.09 f MEM Nall Pressures for Wind Normal. to 45 £t mall (Along Ridge) Wall CP Pressure Prawns +GCpi 07sf) -G6P1 (Psf) Leeward Wall -0.22 --18.75 ~-0.45 Side Walls -0.70 -39.38 -21.09 Wall slow Ez Act 4r Press Pram Total ' ft Pat +GCpi -(,tip' +/-GCpi ---------------- Windward ------ 70.00 ---^ 1.35 "--- 2.00 "----- ------- 50.81 25.41 ------- 43.70 ----"--- 44.15 Windward 70.00 1.35 1.00 50.81 25.41 43.70 44.15 Windward 68.00 1.34 1.00 50.56 25.23 43.53 43.98 Windward 66.00 1.33 1.00 50.30 25.06 43.35 43.80 Windward 64.00 1.33 1.00 50.03 24.87 43.17 43.62 Windward 62.00 1.32 1.00 49.75 24.69 42.98 43.43 Windward 60.00 1.31 1.00 49.47 24.49 42.79 43.24 Windward 58.00 1.30 1.00 49.10 24.30 42.59 43.04 Windward 56.00 1.30 1.00 49.88 24.09 42.39 42.84 Windward 54.00 1.29 1.00 48.57 23.88 42.18 42.63 Windward 52.00 1.28 1.00 48.25 23.67 41.96 42.41 Windward - 50.00 1.27 1.00 47.93 23.44 41.74 42.19 Windward 48.00 1.26 1.00 47.59 23.21 41.51 41.96 Windward 46.00 1.25 1.00 47.24 22.97 41.27 41.72 Windward 44.00 1.24 1.00 46.87 22.73 41.02 41.47 Windward 42.00 1.23 1.00 46.50 22.47 40.76 41.22 Windward 40.00 1.22 1.00 46.10 22.20 40.50 40.95 Windward 38.00 1.21 1.00 45.69 21.92 40.22 40.67 Windward 36.00 1.20 1.00 45.21 21.63 39.93 40.30 Windward 34.00 1.19 1.00 44.82 ' 21.33 39.62 40.07 Windward 32.00 1.18 1.00 44.35 21.01 39.30 39.75 Windward 30.00 1.16 1.00 43.95 20.67 38.97 39.42 Windward 28.00 1.15 1.00 43.33 20.32 38.61 39.06 Windward 26.00 1.13 1.00 42.77 19.94 38.23 39.69 38.28 Windward 24.00 1.12 1.10 1.00 1.00 42.18 41.55 19.54 19.11 37.83 37.40 37.95 Windward Windward 22.00 20.00 1.08 1.00 40.87 1B:64 36.94 37.39 Windward 10.00 1.06 1.00 40.12 10.14 36.43 36.88 38.87 17.29 35.58 36.03 Windward 14.00 2.03 1.00 Note: 1) Total - Leeward GCPi + Windward GCPi Roo£ - Dist from Windward Edge Cp Pressure +GCPi(pa) Psesame -GCPS(Paf) ---------------- 0.0 ft to 35.0 ft ------ -0.90 - ---- --- -48.02 ---------- -29.73 35.0 ft to 70.0 ft -0.90 -48.02 -29.73 70.0 ft to 140.0 ft -0.50 -30.74 -12.45 Florida Consulting Engineer -)c. 134 NW 161h She% Stfil Bow RMm,flodda 334�4 SAND DOLLAR Vt�- :ONDOMINIUM PhonrU561)353-IM-2 7430 South Ocean Drive, Jenson •Radda 140.0 ft to 160.0 ft -0.30 -22.10 -3.01 Qp: Pressure at TOP of Parapet 5 l'i ! 19 psf Type of Parapet Solid TOP Elev. of Parapet: 3.00�ft - Parapet -Windward = 76.78 P . sf Parapet-Imeward Press m -51.19 psf 40- I