HomeMy WebLinkAboutMISC LETTERSState Cerlfied Commda CBW2954 • Commercial Budding Construction • Custom Re"a ial Construction • Rediml / Dental / Retail Mines • Tenant lmprorementr • Construction Managemem • Connmaion Consulting CONSTRUCTION GROUP A D' sion of RPD Cnlmnldbn Sra m Inc Telephone7/2/220-0065 • FAX772/MM7 • bodemo@demorestmnstrudoo.mm 2336 S EastOrean—Bli d • Box 321 • Stuart, Florida- - 34996-3310 eWW.dem orestronstrudion.com DEMOREST CONSTRUCTION GROUP • FAX TRANSMITTAL FORM To: Mr. Tony Giardino : Plans Examiner From: Robert Demorest Company Name: St. Lucie Couunty Building Dept. Telephone Number: 220-0065 Address: Fax Telephone Number: 220-0227 Date: 10/31/02 Re: Pemmi # 22100170 Telephone Number: 772-462-1553 SGANNED Cc: BY Fax Telephone Number: 772-462-1735 Note: St. Lucie Count Pages: (Including Cover Page_0 1 Urgent _XX_ FYI _ Please Comment Please Relay _ Please Quote _XX_ Per Your Request Important Information: Dear Tony, Please find attached the response to the plan review comments for permit # 22100170. 1 will bring you 3 sealed copies as requested. Sincerely, Bob Demorest STATUS NO `2B 02 10:O1a ST. LUCIE COUNT`! CHECKLIST SUNMARY L*22100170*PrAn,BL BUILDING DIVISITON CHECKLISY DATE OP ID DESCRIPTION / COMMENTS 10/28/02 BLD34 3. Building Department Review Complete 10/2 COMMENT Building Zoning SLC 561 462 1735 p.1 8/02 1-NEED ATTACHMENT DETAIL FOR (2) 2 X 10 LEDGER CONNECTED TO 2 X 6 WAI,L. 2-NEED :TOTE STATING 6068 DOOR IS RATMD FOR 1 HOUR WALL. 3-NEED MORE INFO ON HOLDING TANK, FBC 2001(2201.8.5) STORAGE AND DISPLAY. pr tisr '® P / N ,� dot/ EKOEERSON o■DEMcN ■DNGRour uu-R-eN HONKM=MN - - - - -- "PLANS FOR YOU DREAM" 10/29/02 Fort Pierce Building Dept. To Whom It May Concern Re: Homer X. Press Project Indrio Industrial Park Fort Pierce 1) AC Pan to drain out to East side of Existing Bldg. If you should have any questions please contact me @ 335-7095 Thank You: Steve Roberson Roberson Design Group SCANNED BY St. Lucie County 3017 S.E. Overbrook Drive, Port St. Lucie, FI. 34952 Phone $tax (772) 335-7095 E-Mail rdgl@adelphia.net WALTER KARPINIA, P.E. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER November 1, 2002 SCANNED — - - - BY To: To Whom It May Concern St. Lucie County City of Ft. Pierce Building Department Re: Construction Details at: Horner X Press Renovation Permit # application I have previously certified plans for the structure referenced above. I write to provide additional detail. 1. The (2) 2 X 10 ledger is to be attached to each 2 X 6 vertical stud with (2) 3/8" diameter 2" embedment lag screws. 1" diameter 1/8" thick washers each lag screw. 2. 6068 door must have a 1 hr minimum fire rating. If you have any questions or would like any additional information regarding this matter please contact me. By My Hand 6111!,to a -pin' P.E. 11406 172nd PI. North • Jupiter, FL 33478 (561) 743-1400 Home/Fax (561) 556-0196 Pager ■RORMSON "PLANS FOR YOU DREAM" 10/29/02 Fort Pierce Building Dept. To Whom It May Concern Re: Horner X. Press Project Indrio Industrial Park Fort Pierce 1) AC Pan to drain out to East side of Existing Bldg. If you should have any questions please contact me @ 335-7095 Thank You: Steve Roberson Roberson Design Group C r1 SCANNED BY St. Lucie County 3017 S.E. Overbrook Drive, Port St. Lucie, FI.34952 Phone &fax (772) 335-7095 E-Mail rdgl@adelphia.net l YYAL.I Ct{ MAKYINIA, r.=ff PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER �S November 1 20 02 To: To Whom It May Concern City of Ft. Pierce Building Department Re: Construction Details at: SCANNED Horner X Press Renovation BY Permit # application St. Lucie County I have previously certified plans for the structure referenced above. I write to provide additional detail. 1. The (2) 2 X 10 ledger is to be attached to each 2 X 6 vertical stud with (2) 3/811 diameter 21, embedment lag screws. 111 diameter 1/811 thick washers each lag screw. 2. 6068 door must have a 1 hr minimum fire rating. If you have any questions or would like any additional information regarding this matter please contact me. By My Hand 11406 172nd PI. North • Jupiter, FL 33478 (561) 743-1400 Home/Fax (561) 556-0196 Pager 10/28/2002 15:43 3058854671 ALLIED UNIVERSAL PAGE 01 To: Tony Giardino — City of Ft. Pierce (Planning & Zoning Dept) Fax: (772)462-1735 FROM: Elizabeth Cumbie DATE: October 28, 2002 Per our conversation, enclosed is the section_that exem tsSSodium ground storage tank requiremen1L a ion'62"76113001(2) g z Please call me if you have any questions Q (305) 888-2623 ext.160. SCANNED BY ISt. Lucie County from the above HP Fax Series 900 Plain Paper Fax/Copier Fax I-fistdry Report for Building Zoning SLC 561 462 1735 Oct 28 2002 10:02am Last Fax Date- Time Type Identification - Duration --Pages - Result Oct 28 10:O1am Sent 817722200227 Result: OK - black and white fax 1:00 1 OK SCANNED BY St. Lucie County FROM :RPD CDNST SERVICES INC FAX NO. : Oct 20 02 10:01e Building GonlMg bLL Oct. 31 2002 09:12AM P3 ST. LUCIE COUNTY CHECKLIST SUMMARY L'22100170*PLAN.BL - Sli=-.DING DIVIS=ON CHECKLIST SCANNED STATUS DATE OP ID DESCRIPTION / COMMENTS BY NO 10/28/02 Bi➢34 3. auil3ing Departmar.[ Rev;ew CompleteSt. Lucie County COMMENT 10/28/02 1-NEED ATTACHMENT DETAIL FOR (2) 2 X 10 1,ED3PA CONNEC';ED TO 2 X G wAr.L. 2-NEED NOTE STATING GC68 DOOR IS RA73D FOR 1 HOUR WALL. 3-NEED MORE INFO ON HOLDING TANK. FBC 20C1.i22n_.8.51 STORAGE AND DISPLAY. FROM :RPD CONST SERUICES INC FAX NO. : Oct. 31 2002 09:11AM P1 Yam rmtisef (enneaQ®(Af'B54 � • rmr_unencaf p_uAdinp gmpuMur • m °�d °^ COMMON GROUP =l,� ulr ul da ADWenoIRPD(cldwtfW ar 51rL 1arrfla7rma�a�t --a�mrtumarWnapemem" - YaleyMee7)t/tt(«dbS-eFdY7T1r -fiodemon�S mormtmmeuman.iom SCANNED •f°mnucian (nnmhinp-M6&fm1Gww6hd•8^c321•-Shnrt,0aridd• 34n063311) BY mn.demorrKtrarmrusiasmm St. Lucie County To: Mr. Tony Oiardino : Plans Examiner From: Robert Demorest Company Name. St. Lucie Couunty Building Dept Telephone Number: 220-0005 Address: Fax Telephone Number. 220-0227 Date: 10/31/02 Re: Permit#22100170 Telephone Number: 772-462-1553 Cc; Fax Telephone Number: 772-462-1735 Note: -- — - — Pages: (Including Cover Page._0__ Lrgant _XX_ FYI _ Please Comment _ Please Relay _ Please Quote _XX_ Per Your Request Important Information: Dear Tony, Please find.attached.the-response to the Plan review comments for permit # 22100170. twill bring you 3 sealed copies as requested. Sincerely, Bob Demorest 11/01/02 1U:17 YAA 617 222 655U CARTER & BURGESS 10001 Carterwgurgess FAX TRANSMITTAL PROJECT: Ft. Pierce Project P TO: Tony Giardino FROM: J. Kenneth Hou hton C&B Telephone Number (917) 222-8500 777 Main Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102 P.O. Box 901082 Fort Worth Texas 76101-2082 Phone: 817.222,8500 Fax: 817.222,8550 1 .c-b.mrn PROJECT NO: 290446 FAX*_(661) 462-1735 SCANNED By DATE: 11/01/02 ucle Ounty C&B Fax Number: (817) 222-8780 Total number of pages transmitted, including this page REMARKS: Telephone Report from our conversation on 10/29/02 I Copy as indicated below Copy as attached Return Originals to Sender Mail Original to Address cc: Correspondence e\Wr4MNWOrI W[me\Cb.a[�Q[,y�'lys5\Twr U40M,Ja Carter A Burgess. Inc. Carter & Surgoss Corlsullant8, Inc. Naon & laird Arehltoctu/Engineers, P.C. Nixon & Latrd ArchRecle/Engincers, Inc. C&B Nevada, Inc 117uiiuz iu:ir me oir zzz o55u UARIEN & BURUE55 WJ uuz CarternBurgess TELEPHONE REPORT 777 Moln Si,o F0 hox v01082 r.,i worth, lexos 76101.2082 A....; 917.222,8500 to.: 817,222,8550 --c-b.conn SCANNED BY St.-Lucie-Eounty PROJECT: Ft. Pierce Project P PROJECT NO.: 290446 FROM: Kenny Houghton WITH: Carter & Burgess, Inc. DATE: 10/29/02 TO: Tony Giardino WITH: St. Lucie County TIME: 10:00 am PHONE: (561) 462-1100 The following is our understanding of the subject matter covered in this conversation. If this differs from your understanding, please notify us within (5) working days. 1. Carter & Burgess contacted St. Lucie County's Plan Review Department to verify the wind speed to use for the design of this project. Carter & Burgess explained that the project was located immediately east of the intersection of Interstate 95 and State Hwy 91 (Florida Turnpike). Mr. Giardino stated the wind speed for this location was 130 mph. REPORTED BY: J. Kenneth Houghton /�W JKHlags s1P.ne�tsv.n_w aroreAwaw�:M*.ar>:.smas cc: Correspondence Randy Ofrill Ed Hess Jim Emerson Jason Williamson Robert Ballew EDMS The company Tim Johnson vie E-Mail / EDMS Joe Loethen via E-Mail / EDMS St Lucie County Tony Giardino via Fax (561) 462.1735 Dennis Murphy via E-Mail: Dennismtaco.st-lucie fl us Carter 8 B.rye_.., lee Carter & Bargee Archile is/Enginm,:, Inc. Caner & BurgrM CensUheale, Ine. CBB Archilecls/Engineer:, Inc. C&B Aichhach/pngineen, P.C. C&B No+ad% hie. Nlxon & laird Archilws/Engincv% P.C. ST. LUCI$ COUNTY CHECKLIST SUMMARY L*22100170*PLAN.BL BUILDING DIVISION CHECKLIST STATUS DATE OP ID DESCRIPTION / COMMENTS BY I St. Lucie County NO 10/28/02 BLD34 3. Building Department Review Complete COMMENT 10/28/02 FOR ATTACHMENTWALL. (2) 2 X 10 LEDGER CONNECTEDTO 2-NEED NOTE STATING 6068 DOOR IS RATED FOR 1 HOUR WALL. 3-NEED MORE INFO ON HOLDING TANK. 2201.8.5) STORAGE AND DISPLAY. / f flae-�,�/ go