HomeMy WebLinkAboutLEGACY REPORTb, SCANNED LEGACY REPORT BY NIwR-638 e St. Lucie County RelssuedApM 1. 2003 ICC Evaluation service, Inc. &ffii" 01�' p1 "N°' " � ■ (�) asdmuh off -GOO Monhdav Rand, suBeA B0rh0nghem, Atebatra 55213 r gjgg00 WWW.ICC-es.Or9 R091IM310Sce8401 yvmtFwaemoorf^.opff, coubyCht Ktl elydS6047e.(70e)79s290 Legacy report on the 2000 IrMsrnad anal Betiding Code% the 2000 Intematio/1e1 Residential Code° and the 2002 Accumulative Supplement to the International Codes'. the BOCAF National Building Code/1999, the 1999 Standard Building Codea,1997 (Inform Building CodeTM, and the logs /ntemationat One and Two Family Dwall)ng Codeo DIVISION: 07—THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Section: 07460-.Siding EVALUATION SUBJECT: Alcoa Vinyl Siding and Mastic Vinyl Siding (See Table 1 for Description of Products) MANUFACTURER, ALCOA HOME EXTERIORS, INC. 2800 CAMPBELL ROAD SIDNEY, ON 45365 alan.haying@alcoo.com www.alcoahamos.com 1.0 SUBJECT 1.1 Alcoa Vinyl Siding 1.2 Mastic Vinyl Siding 2.0 PROPERTY FOR WHICH EVALUATION IS BOUGHT 2.1 Exterior Wall Covering 22 Wed Resistance 3.0 DESCRIPTION Alcoa Home Exteriors, Inc. hodzordal and vertical lap vinyl Sidings and horizontal soffits are manufactured from rigid poiyvinyichloride (PVC) compound, which confonnstothe requirements ofABTM DWYSaiiforthe use as an exterior weather Covering. Alcoa Home Exteriors, Inc. sidings and soffits are produced In a minimum thickness o10.040 inch (1.016 mm). AICoa Home Exteriors, Inc, vinyl sidings are available in a variety of Colors and surfece/Wood-grain textures with matching inside and outside comer posts, trim and moldings. A horizontal soffit in a matching color is also available in a vented design. Refer To Table 1 at the end of this repparlfor sddinglsof l characteristics and profiles for each siddngrsotfit style, including the amount of net free area pet linear feat of the perforated soffit. The amount or vented soffits utilized shag be shed in accordance to the Code requirements for ventilation of enclosed attics and rafter spaces. 4.0 INSTALLATION Installation dWl be in cmlformancewithASTM D4758-94, the manufacturers installation Instmctions, entitled Alma Vint'! Siding, Soffit & Designer Amassortet InaWlahm Manual, copyrightdated 2000, and sub)octtothe limitations stated to this report, A Copy of these insbuctions shall be avaiable on the)Cbstta at all times during installation. Siding shall be installed horizontaltyover solid sheathing adadted to framing spaced a maximum le inches (406 mm) on center and covered With a weather -resistive mertduane harder as required by the applicable model code. Fasteners shall bemnosion-resistant nallaw8h a are Inch diameter (8.5 mm) head and 11e inch diameter (32 the tromingaminimum ofIinch 12.7mm).Nallsshaii—be installed through the center of the nailing slots, a mard- mum of 16 Inches (408 mm)on carder, and shall be driven only far enough to hold the elements in place, leading a minimum vaz Inch (0.8 mm) space between the fasteners head and the face of the vinyl nailing rail, so as not to restrict movement due to expansion and Contraction. ONE -HOUR NOHLOAD-BEARING FIRERESISTANCE ASSEMBLY (EXPOSED FROM BOTH SIDES) a One layer of eta In. (15.9 mm) thick Type X Gypsum Wallboard (interior face). a 3 sla in. (92 mm) 0-channel corrosion resistant steel studs spaced 16 In. (406 mm) on center. a 31n. (78.2 mm) thick by 18 in_ (406.4 mm) wide Thermo - fiber Batt Insulation. a One layer of SIB in. (16.9 men) thick Type X Gypsum Sheathing (extedorlace). a 0.040 in. (1.02 mm) thick Double 4 in. (101.6 mm) vinyl sidle. The vinyl siding shall be mechanically fastened To the gypsum sheathing with 0Type 6drytvatscrews, 1 sm In. Q3 rem)) long, spaced 16 in. (408 mm) on center In the and 6 in. (152 mm) on Center along the joints and perimeter. 5.0 IDENTIFICATION Each carton of Moos Home Exteriors, Inc., vinyl, soMt and accessories shall be identlied with the manufacturers name, product name, production code, the statement "Conforms to ASTM Specifcatlon D3879," the statement "Corrfofms to U.B.C. Standard 14-2' and this NES report number. JCC-estizaWF000a ftofmbcemurtr edaemp esent4rgaJvrulerorarryarlw�;eylam,r plr(Jlmltyofdr&+rerl, normenfeyro daronrnyadmm, -�a�waalldewbiecr^Jaortuwrve.e:ow,,.ndai(unJxtaur 7krroi, m ww.xmry eylmayahmeron5wuim. Ma, erprcr� o. tmptbd, atra any Jwft rodarmahsrindb repar4 cratemprpwd,amvnrd{,jrlArnpan. copWtgu02003 PIPS 014 Page 2 of 4 NER-M 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITrw 6.1 Report of Vinyl siding pelfolmancetestsconducted in accordance with ASTM D3678 prepared byArehrteo. turef Testing, Inc., Report No, 01-30641.01, dated January 12,1998. 6.2 Report on windload resistance of vinyl siding in accordance wlthASTM D5206, prepared byArchitec- turW Testing inc., Report No. 01-34037.01, dated February 26. 1999. 6.3 Report on windload resistance of vinyl siding in accordance withASTM D5206, prepared byArahheo• tural Testing Inc Report No. 07-30101,01, dated December 16. 2000. 6.4 Report on windbad resistance of vinyl siding in accordance with ASTM DS208, prepared byArchnec- tural Testing Inc., Report No. 0131653.02, dated May, 11.1998. 6.5 Table of allowable design wind pressures on Alma Vinyl Siding In accordance with ASTM D3679, pre- pared by Architectural Testing Inc., Project No. 01- 40951, dated February 4, 2002. 6.6 Report on fire test in accordance with ASTM E84- 7, Wepared by Southwest Research Instifute, Project No. 01-8361.290d,h,l,p, dated July 16,1997. 6.7 ReportoffiretestinaccordancewMAsTME119-98, Prepared by Southwest Research Insure, Project No. 01-03300-01-001, dated January 2000. 6.9 Report of radiant heat teats prepared by Southwest Research Institute, Project No. 014890-031, dated December 1993. 6.9 Report on flammability characteristic test In accor- dance with the lntermadlafe-Scala Muldstory Test, prepared by Southwest Research Institute, Project No. 01-08300-01-M, dated January 2000. 6.10Rsportolvinyl siding performance tests conducted in accordancewith ASTM D3679, prepared by Polymer Diagnostic Inc., Pro)ectNo. P77456, dated March 19. 188a_ 6,11ManufacWrLre product literature and installation instructions dated January 2001. 7.0 CONDITIONS OF USE The ICC-ES Subcommittee for the National Evaluation Service finds that the Alma Vinyl Siding and the Mastic Vinyl Siding descnbedintfds reportcomplleswiththe 2000 International Budding Codes, the 2000 intemadonal ODde/1999, the 1999 Standard Building Codeo, 1997 Unifomr Building Codem and the 1998 intemadonal one and Two FamilyOWalift Code®, subject to the following: 7.1 Alma and Mastic vinyl siding shall be installed in accordance with ASTM D4766.94 and the marrufeo. turer•s Written Installation Instruction subject to the conditions of this report 7.2 The siding shall be installed over solid sheathing covered with an a minimum ofone layer of a wealner- resistive barrier compiymg with the requirements of the applicable code. 7.3 In jurisdictions adopting the international Bung Code, Ote installation of the Siding shall be in accor- dance With Section 1409.1 of the 2000 lntenrabonel Budd/ngCode, wherethedesign wind pressure on the siding does net exceed the alowable values stated in Table 2. The archgedurat trim shall be llmited to 10 Percent of the exterior wall surface where the fire separation distance is 8 R (15244 mm) or less. Additionally, the architectural trim shall be limited to 40 ft r112.2 m) in heightabove grade when Installed on buildings of Type 1, %-111, and IV construction. 7.4 In jurisdictions adopting the BOCA National Bulking Code, the Installation of the siding shall be limited to areas where the design wind pressure on the siding does not exceed the allowable values stated in Table 2. The architectural trim shall be limited to 10 percent Of the exterior Wall surface where the fire separation distance Is 5 It (15244 mm) or less. Additionally, the architectural trim shall be limited to 40 R (12.2 m) In height above grade when installed on bWidings or Type 1, 2, 3, and 4 construction. 75 In jurisdictions adopting the Standard Building Code the installation of the siding shall be limited to areas, Where the design wind pressure on the siding does notexceed ate allowabievalues stated in Table 2 and Is permitted for use on all construction types. 7.6 In jurisdictions adopting the lntemauenal Residen&I Code. the installation of the siding shall be Installed in accordance with Table R703A and Ilmhed to areas where the basic wind speed does not exceed the allowable values sued in Table 2. 7.7 Exterior walls shall be braced in accordance with the applicable code_ 7.6 Face nailing of the siding panels is prohibited (except Where specifically identified In the manufacturer's Installation instructions). 7.9 Bacidng surfaces shall be noncombustible for all mnafrucdon types, except for buildings of Type 5(V) const action in jurisdictions adopting the BOCA National Building Code, intemadonalBuilding Code, Uniform Building Code ,and Type V1 In judsdictioris adop ft the Standard Building Code. 7.10Mtntmum fire Separation distance for Alcoa and Mastic vbtyf siding Is 15 % (4.5 m). 7,11Thr3 report is subject to periodic reexamination. For information on the current status of this report, con. tact the ICC-ES. This reportis subject to m-examination In one year. Page 3 of 4 MER4M *mm a " Product Product Product Product Product Net Free Name . Code Description Ertposura Thickness Length Area THE FOLLOWING MATERIALS ARE DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE Alcoa Homo Exteriors, Inc. NAME IN THE - "ALCOA SERIES VINYL Saw LINE - Super-V 8" Horizontal AV8T Horizontal square edge lap siding 8' .048' lZ-W NA Super-V Double 4' Horizontal AV44T Horizontal square edge lap siding 84 044" lZ-W NA Super V Double 5• Hprlmnlal AVbST . Horizontal square edge lap siding 10" 044• 12'40 NA 8u aV Double 5" VOYmW PVS10N ertical'1/" grooved lap siding 10" .044' 12-0' NA HlghlatWs Foils Double 4' Horzontal HF40' Horizontal.square edge by siding 8" .0444 12-61 NA Highlands Falls babble 4 -1/2" Dutch Lap Horizontal HFD45 Horizontal Dutch lap siding 9" .044" 12'-1" NA Highlands Falls Double 5` Horizontal HF60 FFO tal square lap siding 10° 1 .044" 12'4` NA Liberty Double 4" Horizontal L44T I-bri mtel square edge lap siding s" .048" 121-8" NA Liberty Double 5• Horizontal L55T orizcnW square edge lap siding 10" .048- 12'-W NA Liberty Double 5" Olde Dutch Lb55T Horizontal Dutch lap siding 10" .0480 12'-W NA Lake Forest Premier Double 4" Horizontal LFP40 _ Horizontal square edge lap siding 8' 044• 12-6" NA Lake Forest Prcmkr Double 4K° Dutch Lap HorizontalHorizontalLFPD45 Horizontal Dutch lap siding g° .044' 12-1" NA Lake Forest Premier Double 5" Vertical LPP10N ua ordeal sqre edge lap siding low .048" 12%0' NA Grand Sierra Double 4" Horizontal G 440 Horizontal square edge lap aiding 8" .048" 121-0" NA Grand Sierra Double 4 %" Dutch Lap GSD45 Horizontal Dutch lap P siding On .046" 12.10 MA Grand Sierra Double 5' Horizontal GS50 Mod=ntal square edge lap siding 10" .C46` 12'-0" . NA Silhouette Triple 3" Horizontal STV3 ntal square edge lap siding g° .044" IZ-0' NA Suhoueft Double 4" Horizontal STV44 orizontal square edge lap siding 8" .044" 12' W NA SOiwuette Double 5° Outolt lap Horizontal ST1055. Horizontal Dutch lap siding 10, -044.. 112t0" NA Silhouette 6-112" Beaded Horizontal S7VB55 orizontal siding 8"1/2" '048" 1"" INA Silhouette e" Horizontal srvno Hotzontal siding B" .048 12' 6" ryq Trademark Double 4' Horizontal TMR40 Horizontal square edge lap siding 9" .040" 12'-6" NA Trademark Double 5" Horizontal TMRSo Horizontal square edge lap siding 10" 040" t2'-0` NA Tredematk Double 4-10 Dutch Lap Horizontal TMRD45 Horizontal Dutch lap siding 91 .040" 12-1- NA Meadowbrook Double 4' Horizontal M340 0rtzontal square edge lap aiding 8• .042" 121-V NA Meadowbrook Double W Horizontal MB60 Horizontal square edge lap siding 10• .042` 12'-0' NA Meadowbrook Double 41/2' Dutch Lap HorizontalMBD45 Horizontal Dutch lap siding 9" .042" 12L1" NA Meadowbrook 8-1/2-Beaded M8965 Horizontal siding 6-1/2". .042` 12�" Nq Mill Creek Double 4' Horizontal MC40 Horizontal Square edge lap siding a" .040" 12'4i• NA NNI Creek Double 4" Dutch Lip Horizontal MCD40 orimrrtal Dutch lap aiding 8" 040° 12'4" NA Mitt Creek Double 5" Horizontal MCfiO Horizontal equate edge lap tiding 10' ,040" 12'-0" NA Mill Creek Double 5" Dutrh Lap Horizontal MCD50 Horizontal Dutch lap siding 10" .040' 12L0" NA Pro-SedTM Soffit and Vertical%wins pg580N Nort Vented soffit and vertical 8" sldi .040P 12'$' zero PrO-Tech Plus® Triple 40 Soffit and VertiraiWainscot Non P7512N -vended soffit and vertical 12" IZW iding .040" zero Pro -Tech Plus@ Triple4" Vented So1Bt PTS12V Triple soffit panel with slotted vents t2° ,04M 17-0" 5ndro per Pro -Fit® Double 8" Non -vended Soffit MVS12N12 Double non -vented soffit care foot panel 12" .040• 12'-0" zero Pro-Fit(l)Double 6" Vented son12.8 MVS12V12 Double vented soffit panel 12" .040• 12'-0" square inches per Pro Select Double S• Soffit PSS10N Double non -vented soffit panel 10' ,ow 12-0` square foot zero Pm -Select Double 5' Venter Soffit PSS10V uble vented soffit panel 10" 046P 12,-W 7.53 are Inches par per care foot Page 4 of 4 HER-638 Timor n 1. ..-_.. Product Product Product Y Product JProcluctj Net Free Nam® Code Description P.itposuro Thickness I Length Area -FOLLOWING THE MATERIALS Aft DISTRIBUTW UNDER THE Alcoa Home E deriom, tne. NAME IN THE - "MASTICTM SERIES VINYL SIDING" LINE Brentwood Double 4" Horizontal BW40 Horizontal square edge lap siding 8° .040" 12'-8• NA Brentwood Double 5' Horizontal BW50 Horzontal square edge lap siding 10" A40• 12'-0° NA Brentwood Dutch Lap Double 4-1/2• Horizontal DBW45 Horizontal Dutch lap siding 9• .0400 12'-1' NA Carvedwmd 2 Double 4' Horizontal C1N240 Horizontal square edge lap siding 8" .0/.42' 12'-6• NA Carvedwood 2 Double 5' Horizontal CW250 Rortzontvl square edge lap siding 10' .042" 12'-0° NA Carvedwood 2 Double 4-1121 Dutch Lap CW21745 HorlmMa! Dutch lap p siding 94 .042• 12,1" NA Carvedwood 2 Triple 3' Horizontal CW2soS Horizontal square edge lap sIdI 9• .042" 12'-1• - NA Carvedwood 2 Double V Hodzotdal 7W240S Horizontal square edge lap sidirm 6• 121-" Carvedwood 6-1/0 Beaded Horizontal CW865 40fizontal siding 6.1l2" 1 .042' .042" 12'4• NA NA T-lckO Barkwood Double 4" Horizontal WGV40 Jorizontal square edge siding 8• 048• 1Y-8" NA - T lokrat Borkvuood Double 5` Horizontal WGV50 Horizontal square ed a siding Cr1 048° tr-o° NA T-bkO tweed Double 5° putch LeD Horizontal zontal DWGV60 Horizontal Dutch lap slding to' - .oar 12'-0• NA T-lokO Barkwood Trpla 2-2/3' Horizontal WGV3266 Horizontal square edge siding 6' .o46• 12lZ NA T-IpkO Barkwood 8• Horizontal WGV90 lap siding 6" 04a" t2'$• NA Quest 3 Doubts4• Horizontal QT40 RIIonkl nal square edge siding 8' 044' 12'�° NA Quest 3 Double 5" Horizontal QT50 fa! square edge siding 10" 044" 1Y-0• VA Quest 3 Double 4-1lL'Horizonte! QTD45 tal square ed a sidf 9' 0q4' 1Y-1° NA Not -to Yable 1. (1)1 inch equals 25A mmhnetem it in. = 26A mm) (2)NA equals Not Applicable TALI e 9 Product Type Locking System Design Test Pressure Allowable Design Wind Pressure Allowable Design Pressure Over Open Studs Over Sheathing") Barkwood T Iok 40Ibr/h' (195 kg/m') - 23.3 psf 1.12 kPa) 46.7 psf (2.24 kpa) - Quest 3 T°l 0k 76 W/W 366 kWfn2) 522 psr (2.5 kPa)104.4 psf (5 kPa) CaAMdWyood Series 2 T'Lok 701bVW (341 kg(m') 36.7psf (1.76 kpa) 73.3 psf (3.5 kPa) Brentwood Took 40 Ibf/fP 195 kg/m') 23.3 psf (1,12, kPa) 46.7 psf 224 kPa) Grand Sierra rLok 76 Wife (366 kg/m') 52.2 psf (2,5 kPa) 104.4 psf (5 kPa) Lake Forest Premier T40k 40 Ibf/I12 (196 kg/m) 23.3 psf (1.12 kPa) 46.7 psf (2.24 kpa) Lbberty Elite T lok 40 IbW (195 kgfe) 23.3 psr (1..12 W2) 46.7 psf (224 kPa) Mill Creek T-lok 40Ibff a (195 wirni) 23.3 psf (1,12 kPa) '46.7 psf (224 kPa) Meadowbrcok T-1ok 40 lKff (195 kg(mz) 23.3 psf (1.12 kPa) 46.7 psf, 224 kPa) Trademark T-krit 40 Ibf/A2 (195 kgfm') 23,3 PSf (1.12 kPa) 46,7 psf (2.24 kPa) SilhouetteT4ok 40 IbtW (195 kgdn2) 23.3 psf (1.12 kPa) 48.7 pef 224 kPa) Highland Falls T-lok 40 I6flfta 19511/q/m=) 23.3 psf (1.12 kPa) 46.7 psf (2.24 kPa) Super-V T-fok to lb►/h2 (195 kg/ma) 23.3 psf (1.12 kPa) 48.7 psf (2.24 kPa) Nn%om fr. T.M. 9. - (1)Thq extedorwall shall be soildlq sheathed with an approved structural sheathing material capable of resisting a transverse design wind load as indicated above. (2)Refer to the manufacturer's Installation instructions for a description of the locking system. AI LOWABL$ D2$10 PRESSIt S IN PSF ALCOA i EA Wl I All IN INCHES SOMFITTYPE 13" 15" is" 21" f IIUMI, Cf t1MINUn1) +93.0 +7.5 +58.1 +48, + 12'.RAL9 SVGSZN?A.6Voin7A -813 .63.3 -525 -43,3 -37.4 T �' NAn5' +93.0 4.71.5 +58.1 +48.9 +413 AL '• -165 -127 -103 -86.7 -74.8 SWG14420144.3VGVJZM44 +78.3 4.60.2 +41.2 + , 4TffMA-0A��' S , -691A +9 .0 -53.4 +71.5 •43A +58.1 -36.5 +48.9 -31.5 +47-3 SAS12219.LPAS12229.5,191MA LCAM2319. LFAS22319 -g2,3 -63.3 -51.5 -43.3 •37A AL 16 , SA516A19. LCA826420, +93.0 . - 3 +71.5 -47.5 r +5 .1 1 38_6 +48.9 +42.3 ALU�ZUARD 1r,_ SAM2216, LPASL216, SA312316. +7.3 2 +4&9 -325 +41.2 -2&1 +35.6 Lc5S12316,LIZAS12316 -69A -53A -43A -365 -315 evsl�v.aysloN. +/� 1,2 W-47.0 +/-38. +-32.2 +/-27.8 10". S HVS10V, HV510N +/-102 +/-7&4 .6 +1-5' .6 a ,4 . Pa ', - PBSSON, Pb560V +' +/-53.5 +/-03 +/-36.6 +1.3C o s B srAPPRS80N Pa iss ssov ' +1-11 +/ 89.1 +/-7L4 +/-60.8 +F52,7 )SD', NAILS PS510N Psslov 44 3.9 +� +1.40.0 +- 7 � - .1 MNYU Iw. " PSS20N,P3310v t1-107 + • 2.1 +/-66.8 +156.1 :H .4 RO. 12•, ; PTS12. P7`S12V. P7512Cv +1-463 +/ 35.6 +/ 29,0 +i-24.4 12", STAlM PTs12td PTs12v, m22cv +T77.0 +159A +/•48.3",+r'-40 +/.35.1 L u , S OVs12N Uvs12.p, PVs12CP +/-41. +/-3Z.1 t- V UVS1'I2N. LVIWM 12, S. UvsW312P. WSMCP +1S .2 +I.4 .4 +1.36.6 +1-31. T 6 AEKSV a 711A151DN,TRM310V +/-35.6 +/-42.8 +/-3a,9 +i-29.3 +/-25 7'RAD6 I 1 IV, APtPS 72LM510N, TRMS10v +F9 .8 +/7YS +/•58.0 +- I +/-421 C ,RAL OAT ,3 1. DESIGN PRESSURES LIS= IN TABL2 ARE BASED ON A COMPARATNE ANALYSES DONE IN HR FNCTDM No , INC. PROJECT 0 SOW4 AND ARE IN CONFQRX NCE WPPH' FLOWDA BUILDING CODE 2004. SECTION 1609 "WIND LOADS-. Fk7Tc"N �vi9l.,.c o Fpsom ,itroop..• aA' • Aiee nerai � scs TAiM , CAI po F'A "mAi A m'rsc,p ! I.- N4/4s W,rl , Amo %A0 Nc Sr•pcss 4•r Z -,m LE6i P e,i its 1At4K , AYaA�1 Begkp /� PAG,1 �J Tt•q OFF 2. MOMDA BUILDING CODE WN DOLS NOT Dn=-rLY MANDATE HR Engineei WIND LOADDESIGNPHESURY380NSOFPiTS.