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82/28/24 ST. LnCZE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE FZABWADR WARRANT LIST #26- 23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-3024 FUND SUMMARY FUND TITLE E:PKN3K3 PAYROLL OUI General Fund 265,151.68 922,981.78 001.001. Recreation Special Events 34,4I7.20 4,315.03 001-009 Gen -one Time Funding 8,180.50 0.00 001409 FCTD Planning Grant 3FY2024 0.00 373.82 001427 FL Div of Emecg Mgt (EMYD) 23I.63 0.00 001492 FoEp Cypress Creek 8ehydzaticm I3,399.00 0.00 001497 ;DOT SUN Trail Network Pzo9 0.00 2,293.01 001.630 U3 Tz*aaozy American 8eonne Plan 6,060.38 0.00 00I632 O3 Treasury 2muz. Rental Aaoio\ 2 0.00 1,829.29 00165I y8& tbzu FDOT SEC 113 Mg0/F8WA 26,979.00 10,040.20 001652 FHA Surface Trans Block Grant 0.00 3,648.56 001659 FHA Cozooavizuo Deoyoune a 8olio± 4,500.00 2,354.63 001660 Comm 3voo Block Grant FY 23-24 0.00 4,654.58 001834 TCERoA 4,562.05 3,127.20 001835 Artificial- Reef Program 0.00 2,492.80 101 Transportation Trust Fund 31,672.90 147,825.91 I0I001 Transportation Trust Iotnzlnrala I8.70 3,067.20 102 Unincorporated Services Fund 5,557.05 89,016.34 10200I Stozmwotaz MSTD 152,225.77 31,222.21 I02819 IRL Council 3bezaLoo Plaza 2,902.50 8.00 107 Fine a Forfeiture Food 99,938.83 231,391.42 107001 Fine a Fuzfoitozo Fund -Wireless Sur 25,022.09 19,306.53 I07002 Fine a Forfeiture Foud-D9I1 Surobaz 7,444.51 2,I48.58 107003 Fine & Forfeiture Fund-800 Mbz Opez 2,627.93 0.00 107006 FaF Fund -Court Related Technology 136,502.32 21,309.87 107508 U3D0J Equitable Share Program 13,500.00 0.00 I30 3LC Public Transit MScO 753.16 1,739.65 130142 F7A FFY 5307 a 5339 Super Grant 368.62 2,421.25 130144 FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant 130.68 2,263.65 I30146 PTD 5310 Enhanced Mobility 130.68 6,694.65 130242 Fo0T Public Transit Svc Development 8,153.28 0.80 130249 FCTD Innovative Service oev. Grant 8,638.69 0.00 132 Culvert M3BU I2,400.00 0.00 140 Airport Fond 2,219.I8 24,568.39 140001 Port Fund 296.84 6,787.20 I40417 yD0T Aerowoot Taxiway Design 17,025.00 0.00 1404I8 FD0T Taxiway BuC Realignment 3I,9I6.70 0.00 150 Impact Fee Collections 2,248.80 2,294.88 1.60 Plan Maintenance BAD Fund 1,044.09 2,924.80 183 CL AdmioioLratuz-19tb Judicial Ciz II1,281.40 15,40.62 183006 Guardian Ad Litom Fund 54,908.23 0.00 184235 Ft Pierce Beach Shore Protection Yz 1,836.00 0.00 I85021 FoFC 38Zp FY2021-2022 0.00 90.87 185023 F8FC S8Z2 FY2022-2023 0.00 1,435.85 185024 FoFC S8Z2 2023-2024 0.00 308.61 189117 HUD 3LC HOME CooanzCiom rY2020 32.54 0.00 1891I9 U3 HUD HOME PARTNERSHIP 22 280.28 2,758.79 l9O Sports Complex Fund 1 28,806.48 58,443.69 03/28/24 FZABWARR FUND TITLE 194486 310010 310011 310012 310013 310014 310017 310018 316 317 319 362 401 418 471 478 479 491 505 505001 611 625 630 801 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD WARRANT LIST #26- 23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND SUMMARY FDEP South SLC Beach Nourishment Impact Fees -Library "North" Impact Fees -Library "South" Impact Fees -Park "North" Impact Fees -Park "Central" Impact Fees -Park "South" Impact Fees-Transportation"Central" Impact Fees -Transportation "South" County Capital County Capital -St Revenue Share Bnd Infrastructure Surtax Capital Sports Complex Improv Fund Sanitary Landfill Fund Golf Course Fund Water & Sewer District Operations Water & Sewer District R&R Water & Sewer Dist. -Cap Facilities Building Code Fund Health Insurance Fund Risk Management Fund Tourist Development Trust-Adv Fund Law Library Medical Examiner Agency Fund Bank Fund GRAND TOTAL EXPENSES 79,939.38 429.41 45.28 8,472.50 302.50 7,290.00 2,000.00 6,102.50 168,852.19 2,891.25 73,402.50 5, 625.50 395,707.39 7,140.81 30,352.35 820.81 1,200.00 25,746.86 1,427,59V.78 1,682.07 17,100.00 28.00 7,034.14 31,336.62 3,424,464.52 PAGE 2 PAYROLL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 118,369.87 11,076.89 76,856.07 0.00 3,475.20 84,172.63 5,508.80 5,660.00 9,744.00 0.00 56,795.60 0.00 2,004,169.84 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST 426- 23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND SUMMARY- MOSQUITO FUND TITLE EXPENSES 145 Mosquito Fund 20,257.75 147 Bear Point Mitigation Fund 242.00 GRAND TOTAL: 20,499.75 PAGE 1 PAYROLL 55,887.14 0.00 55,887.14 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26- 23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND SUMMARY- EROSION FUND TITLE EXPENSES 184 Erosion Control Operating Fund 296.84 GRAND TOTAL: 296.84 PAGE 1 PAYROLL 5,403.20 5,403.20 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 001 -General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056022 Apicella, Crystal Educational Programing 240.00 !0056026 Lilley, Sr, Robert B Educational Programming 333.50 Educational Programming 348.00 CHECK TOTAL: 681.50 !0056027 Persons, William E GNP Programming 318.75 !0056028 Phillips, Emily M Educational Programs 620.00 !0056029 Rice, Aaron Rice/Las Vegas/Check Point Ann 406.35 !0056030 Velarde, Juan M Educational Programing, as per 540.00 !0056032 Allied Universal Corporation Swimming pool chlorination & c 801.46 Swimming pool chlorination & c 721.32 Swimming pool chlorination & c 601.10 CHECK TOTAL: 2,123.88 !0056033 Alsco Inc Shop Towels/Floor Mat Cleaning 39.53 !0056038 Brady Industries of Florida LL Janitorial Supplies-Fairground 710.17 Janitorial Supplies-Savannas 48.48 Janitorial Supplies-Savannas 775.21 Operating Supplies -Multiple 1,535.53 Operating Supplies -Multiple 127.74 CHECK TOTAL: 3,197.13 !0056052 EdTrek Inc Participation in the Superviso 2,850.00 Synch training 2/23/24 for Com 2,200.00 CHECK TOTAL: 5,050.00 !0056054 Famoso Inc Laborers (Common Labor) 67.68 Non-Clerical Staffing for Even 690.90 Non-Clerical Staffing for Even 350.39 Temporary/Non-Clerical Staffin 774.80 Temporary/Non-Clerical Staffin 2,168.93 CHECK TOTAL: 4,052.70 !0056056 Gemmcon Corporation Washer/Dryer Maintenance and R 150.00 !0056057 Government Revenue Solutions H Remote RDBA Services 2,470.00 !0056058 Graybar Electric Company Inc Maintenance Electrical Equipme 137.91 Maintenance Electrical Equipme 657.13 Maintenance & Repair 52.92 CHECK TOTAL: 847.96 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 2 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 001 -General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056064 Kimley Horn and Associates Inc Engineering 1,880.00 !0056074 Ricoh USA Inc PO incorporates agreement for 215.00 PO incorporates agreement for 152.00 Copier Rental/Lease 1,394.98 Ricoh IMC2500 Lease 172.10 PO incorporates agreement for 229.33 Copier Rental/Lease 119.00 CHECK TOTAL: 2,282.41 !0056076 Sirsi Corporation St Lucie County Library System 87,986.06 Contract line 21 & 22 2,088.70- CHECK TOTAL: 85,897.36 !0056085 Toshiba America Business Solut This PO Incorporates the Agree 279.97 Copies Full Service Maintenanc 109.26 CHECK TOTAL: 389.23 !0056086 Treasure Coast Courier Service Courier Services 500.00 !0056090 Universal Cabling Systems Inc Materials/labor for cabling ne 12,103.43 !0056091 Veterans Security Corps of Ame Security Guards 996.82 09854276 A+ Property Mgmt Utility Deposit Refund 85.00 09854277 AmeriGas Propane LP Propane Fuel -Fenn Center & S 1,661.19 09854278 Baker Donelson Bearman Cald C16-01-024 Professional Legal 2,185.00 09854279 City of Port St Lucie Acct# 0178395222062 Library 234.43 09854282 ECO Land and Wildlife LLC Exotic treatment and removal - 3,200.00 09854283 Fla Dept of Management Service A34-432104277 02/24 62.32 A34-278621670 02/24 73.29 CHECK TOTAL: 135.61 09854285 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 31275-62381/ Parks SF 32.00 09854287 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 05407-34167 LIB 8,544.71 09854288 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 21835-79537/Parks RG 13,901.48 09854291 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 48894-52340 Svc Garage 243.28 09854292 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 55615-58007/ERD 611.00 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 3 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 001 -General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09854293 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 64200-50327 IT 5,185.69 09854294 Florida Power & Light Company Acct#76225-50502 Parks SF 2,743.27 09854295 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 34137-92445 AG 1,355.47 09854297 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 10032-87289/FAC 13,926.40 Acct# 38017-54593 Public Safet 7,883.78 Acct# 54284-74356 Fairgrounds 26,739.13 CHECK TOTAL: 48,549.31 09854301 Guardian Solar Reservation #4268 Security Dep 159.00 09854306 MET Systems Ent Inc Emergency Battery Backup Inspe 1,200.00 09854308 Ricoh USA Inc I&P Copier Lease 152.00 09854316 Westside Terraces LLC Rent for Sean Hardy 04/24 4,845.98 C0032412 All Points Direct Corporation Other Contractual Services 700.00 C0032413 Allied Diversified Inc Annual ATU Maintenance 250.00 C0032416 Bluetriton Brands Inc Hot/Cold Water Cooler Rental 2.99 Water and Supplies 44.93 Bottled Water Supplies 59.91 Cooler Rent C16-12-691 5.98 Water & Cups 20.97 Water Delivery Service -Platt 55.92 CHECK TOTAL: 190.70 C0032417 Brodart Company Books for Libraries 119.56 Books for Libraries 241.81 CHECK TOTAL: 361.37 C0032418 Carlon Inc Tanks: CO2 Tank and Backup tan 274.00 C0032420 City Electric Supply Company Operating Supplies 55.56 Operating Supplies 1,170.00 Electrical Supplies 914.10 CHECK TOTAL: 2,139.66 C0032421 Clean Harbors Enviro Services Building Maintenance 2,478.06 C0032422 Comcast Comcast Business Acct Ending # 398.12 Acct #8535 11 512 0458313 150.79 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 4 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 001 -General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0032422 -Continued Internet service for Security 81.64 CHECK TOTAL: 630.55 C0032425 East Coast Recycling Inc Wood Chips And Bark: Composted 225.00 Wood Chips And Bark: Composted 225.00 CHECK TOTAL: 450.00 C0032426 Fastenal Company Irrigation Maintenance 50.67 C0032427 Florida Golf Service Unlimited Parking Lot IMP. 1,850.00 C0032428 Heritage Landscape Supply Grou Chemical and Fertilizers -Law 427.82 C0032429 Horizon Distributors Inc Grounds Maint. Supplies 136.70 C0032430 Ingram Library Services Inc Books for all Library 582.22 C0032431 James E Matula Electrical Cont Building Maintenance 1925 1,120.10 Building Maintenance 1926 270.35 Building Maintenance 1930 316.55 Building Maintenance 1931 159.10 Building Maintenance 1929 281.70 CHECK TOTAL: 2,147.80 C0032432 Kauff's of Ft Pierce Inc Other Contractual Services -T 165.00 Other Contractual Services -T 165.00 Other Contractual Services -T 165.00 Other Contractual Services -T 165.00 Other Contractual Services -T 165.00 CHECK TOTAL: 825.00 C0032441 SiteOne Landscape Supply Holdi Chemicals (Not Otherwise Class 731.47 Chemicals (Not Otherwise Class 470.67 Chemicals (Not Otherwise Class 816.56 Chemicals (Not Otherwise Class 813.71 CHECK TOTAL: 2,832.41 C0032445 The ADT Security Corporation Security and Camera Access Sys 98.00 Security and Camera Access Sys 58.00 Security and Camera Access Sys 64.00 Security and Camera Access Sys 78.00 Security and Camera Access Sys 92.00 CHECK TOTAL: 390.00 C0032446 Thomas E Richmond Electric Inc Building Maintenance 1,828.50 C0032447 Toshiba Business Solutions (US Copier Rental/Lease 298.76 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 5 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 001 -General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0032447 -Continued Color and B/W Copies 250.37 Copies 13.54 Copier Rental/Lease 216.08 Copies -B/W and Color 462.29 Copier Machine Rental/Lease 217.05 Equipment Rental 104.53 Operating Supplies 8.60 CHECK TOTAL: 1,571.22 C0032450 UniFirst Corporation Floor Mat Cleaning Service -L 30.50 H0004874 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 4,400.78 V0022985 Anderson, Chad M Maintenance Improvement 2,297.32 V0022988 AT&T Acct #772 V16-6606 001 7,031.45 V0022990 AT&T Acct #772 337-5626 950 982.53 V0022991 AT&T Acct #772 V41-6175 175 496.91 V0022993 AT&T Acct #772 V41-0430 247 163.06 V0022994 AT&T Acct #772 V98-6028 028 87.48 V0022995 AT&T Acct #772 V41-1824 824 62.27 V0022996 AT&T Acct #831-000-5909 997 2,337.29 V0022997 AT&T Acct #831-000-6594 504 971.00 V0023003 DEH Kingdom Management Inc Test Mowing Cycle ERD Preserve 4,767.00 V0023011 Smarsh Inc Platform Professional Archive 615.00 V0023017 Carolina Filters Inc Operating Supplies 85.50 V0023018 Comcast Ethernet Svc Transmit Televise 895.44 FUND TOTAL: 265,151.68 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 6 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 001001-Recreation Special Events CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056059 GTE Partners LLC Ventrac Tractor KN 4520P 29,058.20 Mower Attachment 5,359.00 CHECK TOTAL: 34,417.20 FUND TOTAL: 34,417.20 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 7 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 001009-Gen-One Time Funding CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056064 Kimley Horn and Associates Inc Engineering 5,662.50 C0032427 Florida Golf Service Unlimited Parking Lot Improvements-ADM Z 2,518.00 FUND TOTAL: 8,180.50 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 8 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 001427-FL Div of Emerg Mgt (EMPA) CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056038 Brady Industries of Florida LL Misc. Janitorial Supplies 210.31 Misc. Janitorial Supplies 21.32 CHECK TOTAL: 231.63 FUND TOTAL: 231.63 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 9 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 001492-FDEP Cypress Creek Rehydration CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056041 CAPTEC Engineering Inc Professional Stormwater Manage 13,399.00 FUND TOTAL: 13,399.00 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 10 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 001630-US Treasury American Rescue Plan CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056064 Kimley Horn and Associates Inc Infrastructure 6,060.38 FUND TOTAL: 6,060.38 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 11 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 001651-FHA thru FDOT SEC 112 MPO/FHWA CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056064 Kimley Horn and Associates Inc Professional Services 26,979.00 FUND TOTAL: 26,979.00 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 12 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 001659-FHA Coronavirus Response & Relief CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056067 MARLIN Engineering Inc Professional Services 4,500.00 FUND TOTAL: 4,500.00 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 13 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 001834-TCERDA CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056054 Famoso Inc Sunshine Kitchen Staff Mainten 902.40 09854285 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 14678-41316/TCERDA 693.44 Acct# 38860-51279/ TCERDA 33.02 Acct# 43684-74575/TCERDA 26.97 Acct# 58870-61314/TCERDA 368.06 Acct# 71788-10102/TCERDA 1,076.75 Acct# 92754-31311/TCERDA 205.06 CHECK TOTAL: 2,403.30 C0032416 Bluetriton Brands Inc Bottle water and cooler rental 41.94 Bottler Water and cooler renta 2.99 CHECK TOTAL: 44.93 C0032450 UniFirst Corporation Rug service for the Sunshine K 31.42 V0023008 Extreme Cleaning Inc SK Hood Cleaning 875.00 V0023009 Extreme Cleaning Inc SK Grease Containment Box Inst 305.00 FUND TOTAL: 4,562.05 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 14 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 101 -Transportation Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056050 Day Dreams Uniforms Inc Filed Staff Uniforms 5,466.11 Office Staff Shirts 251.50 Supervisor Uniforms 1,171.01 CHECK TOTAL: 6,888.62 !0056072 Ranger Construction Industries Asphalt 94.50 Asphalt 146.70 CHECK TOTAL: 241.20 !0056074 Ricoh USA Inc Equipment Lease 212.14 Equipment Lease 198.57 CHECK TOTAL: 410.71 !0056081 Stewart Materials LLC Road Material 649.11 09854284 Florida East Coast Railway LLC FEC Crossing Maintenance and L 1,967.00 09854297 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 32796-85253/R&B 12,663.35 C0032416 Bluetriton Brands Inc Water 52.80 C0032434 McCain Sales of Florida Inc Sign Material 7,875.00 C0032450 UniFirst Corporation Uniform Rentals 39.78 Rental of rags for Heavy Equip 39.70 CHECK TOTAL: 79.48 H0004874 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 604.66 V0023004 EFE Inc Heavy Equipment Parts / Repair 240.97 FUND TOTAL: 31,672.90 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 15 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 101001-Transportation Trust Interlocals CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0004874 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 18.70 FUND TOTAL: 18.70 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 16 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 102 -Unincorporated Services Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056024 Chavarria Sanchez, Jennifer Sea Turtle Education 360.00 !0056040 Calvin Giordano & Associates I C20-01-124 WA# 11 468.00 !0056062 Jack Krieger PA C95-09-636 765.00 !0056070 Neill Griffin Marquis PLLC C22-12-984 705.00 !0056075 Sheriff St Lucie County Purchase of Vehicle Strobes Li 1,707.76 !0056085 Toshiba America Business Solut COPIES 237.87 CONTRACT # 140604 223.74 CHECK TOTAL: 461.61 C0032439 Seaway Veterinary Hospital PLL Spay/Neuter Services Asistance 530.00 H0004874 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 559.68 FUND TOTAL: 5,557.05 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 17 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 102001-Stormwater MSTU CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056053 Environmental Land Development Swale Maintenance / Culvert Cl 32,824.86 Swale Maintenance / Culvert Cl 36,526.32 Swale Maintenance / Culvert Cl 57,397.09 Swale Maintenance / Culvert Cl 22,445.11 CHECK TOTAL: 149,193.38 09854286 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 01763-63174 WQ 2,768.82 C0032447 Toshiba Business Solutions (US Copies 29.38 Copier Rental 193.20 CHECK TOTAL: 222.58 V0023000 AT&T Mobility Acct #287272770043 40.99 FUND TOTAL: 152,225.77 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 18 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 102819-IRL Council Sheraton Plaza CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056064 Kimley Horn and Associates Inc Engineering 2,902.50 FUND TOTAL: 2,902.50 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 19 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 107 -Fine & Forfeiture Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056038 Brady Industries of Florida LL Misc. Janitorial Supplies 420.64 Misc. Janitorial Supplies 42.65 CHECK TOTAL: 463.29 !0056085 Toshiba America Business Solut Copier Rental/Lease 156.21 Copies 18.86 CHECK TOTAL: 175.07 !0056087 Triad Security Group Maintenance -Security System 5,835.00 Maintenance -Security System 2,070.00 CHECK TOTAL: 7,905.00 09854289 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 25534-00199 Fac-Sher 8,445.98 09854297 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 10032-87289/FAC 5,351.08 Acct# 10032-87289/FAC 71,541.01 CHECK TOTAL: 76,892.09 C0032414 Americas Office Source Inc Misc Operating Supplies 76.49 Misc Operating Supplies 108.36 CHECK TOTAL: 184.85 C0032433 Konica Minolta Business System Copier Rental/Lease 151.95 Copies 152.22 Copier Rental/Lease 108.30 Copies 1.01 Copies 7.23 Copier Rental/Lease 117.80 Copies 1.62 Copier Rental/Lease 116.56 CHECK TOTAL: 656.69 C0032435 Medtox Laboratories Inc. Drug Screening Services -FTP 71.00 Drug Screening Services -FTP 55.66 Drug Screening Services -Okee 55.66 CHECK TOTAL: 182.32 C0032436 Morivalous Cleaning Inc Janitorial Services for the Ly 187.00 C0032449 Uline Inc Office Furniture 3,327.47 H0004874 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 512.00 V0023012 St Lucie West Services Distric Acct #14-05128-00/250 NW Count 703.34 V0023014 Trilogy MedWaste Southeast LLC Waste Recycling of Drug Testin 303.72 FUND TOTAL: 99,938.82 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 20 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 107001-Fine & Forfeiture Fund-Wireless Sur CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056061 Intrado Life & Safety Inc Cust #08673 March 2024 8,051.15 !0056073 Replay Systems Inc Q&A Services 9,000.00 Q&A Service Program -Service 6,000.00 CHECK TOTAL: 15,000.00 09854297 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 38017-54593 Public Safet 1,970.94 FUND TOTAL: 25,022.09 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 21 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 107002-Fine & Forfeiture Fund-E911 Surchar CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056061 Intrado Life & Safety Inc Cust #08673 March 2024 3,500.00 C0032440 Sencommunications Inc Freight 19.43 Cord 1,320.00 Freight -Shipping & Handling 21.28 HEADSETS REPAIRS AND MAINTENAN 240.00 CHECK TOTAL: 1,600.71 V0022987 AT&T Acct #561 N10-0064 064 2,343.80 FUND TOTAL: 7,444.51 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 22 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 107003-Fine & Forfeiture Fund-800 Mhz Oper CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09854297 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 38017-54593 Public Safet 2,627.93 FUND TOTAL: 2,627.93 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 23 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 107006-F&F Fund-Court Related Technology CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056045 CDW Government Inc Microsoft 4-Year Complete 298.39 Microsoft 4-Year Complete for 2,983.90 CHECK TOTAL: 3,282.29 !0056060 Indian River County Board of C Reimbursement of Court Admin & 48,299.76 Reimbursement of Court Admin & 2,372.88 CHECK TOTAL: 50,672.64 !0056068 Martin County Board of County Reimbursement of Court Admin & 2,476.04 Reimbursement of Court Admin & 51,840.04 CHECK TOTAL: 54,316.08 !0056071 Okeechobee Board Of County Com Reimbursement of Court Admin & 12,599.63 Reimbursement of Court Admin & 619.02 CHECK TOTAL: 13,218.65 09854281 Dell Marketing LP OptiPlex Micro 7010 w/accessor 13,300.00 C0032414 Americas Office Source Inc Misc Office Supplies -Compute 766.76 Misc Office Supplies -Compute 945.90 CHECK TOTAL: 1,712.66 FUND TOTAL: 136,502.32 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 24 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 107508-USDOJ Equitable Share Program CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056075 Sheriff St Lucie County SLC Sheriff Purchase of K9 13,500.00 FUND TOTAL: 13,500.00 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 25 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 130 -SLC Public Transit MSTU CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056054 Famoso Inc Contract Labor 422.25 C0032416 Bluetriton Brands Inc Water 25.96 Water Cooler Rental 2.99 CHECK TOTAL: 28.95 C0032452 Xerox Corporation Copies 48.15 Copier Lease 166.69 CHECK TOTAL: 214.84 H0004874 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 87.12 FUND TOTAL: 753.16 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 26 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 130142-FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056054 Famoso Inc Contract Labor 281.50 H0004874 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 87.12 FUND TOTAL: 368.62 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 27 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 130144-FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0004874 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 130.68 FUND TOTAL: 130.68 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 28 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 130146-FTA 5310 Enhanced Mobility CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0004874 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 130.68 FUND TOTAL: 130.68 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 29 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 130242-FDOT Public Transit Svc Development CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056088 Turbo Images Inc Bus System Rebranding 7,010.00 V0023016 Aramsco Inc Bus Stop Signs and U Channel P 150.40 Bus Stop Signs and U Channel P 244.80 Bus Stop Signs and U Channel P 286.08 Bus Stop Signs and U Channel P 462.00 CHECK TOTAL: 1,143.28 FUND TOTAL: 8,153.28 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 30 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 130249-FCTD Innovative Service Dev. Grant CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056035 An Answer to Care Inc Direct Connect Trips 8,638.69 FUND TOTAL: 8,638.69 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 31 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 132 -Culvert MSBU CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056025 Crouch, Jake T Culvert contractor payment-Mer 7,000.00 !0056078 South Florida Concrete Service Culvert contractor payment-Rie 5,400.00 FUND TOTAL: 12,400.00 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 32 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 140 -Airport Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056054 Famoso Inc Contract labor -Clerical 993.60 Contract labor -Janitorial 507.60 CHECK TOTAL: 1,501.20 !0056065 Life Safety Systems Inc of the Other Contractual -Monthly fi 100.00 09854285 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 47143-36312 Airport 36.29 C0032416 Bluetriton Brands Inc Operating Supplies-water, cup 41.94 C0032419 Cintas Corporation No 2 Operating Supplies -Mats, rag 55.11 H0004874 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 484.64 FUND TOTAL: 2,219.18 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 33 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 140001-Port Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0004874 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 296.84 FUND TOTAL: 296.84 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 34 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 140417-FDOT Aerowest Taxiway Design CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056039 C&S Engineers Inc Infrastructure 17,025.00 FUND TOTAL: 17,025.00 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 35 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 140418-FDOT Taxiway B&C Realignment CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056031 AECOM Technical Services Inc Infrastructure 31,916.70 FUND TOTAL: 31,916.70 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 36 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 145 -Mosquito Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056037 Apple Machine & Supply Co Aluminum & metal services for 1,080.90 !0056083 The Transit Group Inc Water Quality Sampling -Impou 2,109.00 09854296 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 76397-09018 MQ 385.41 Acct# 76397-09018 MQ 380.36 Acct# 76397-09018 MQ 365.91 CHECK TOTAL: 1,131.68 09854300 GPI Geospatial Inc 2024 Annual Aerial Photography 5,400.00 09854315 United Rentals (North America) Excavator -Line#8 Bid award fo 4,590.00 H0004874 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 464.56 V0023015 Verizon Wireless Services LLC Acct #723709239-00001 782.73 V0023020 Fletcher, Leslie Stainless steel plates for Imp 4,698.88 FUND TOTAL: 20,257.75 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 37 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 147 -Bear Point Mitigation Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056083 The Transit Group Inc Water Quality Sampling Bear Po 192.00 V0023015 Verizon Wireless Services LLC Acct #723709239-00001 50.00 FUND TOTAL: 242.00 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 38 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 150 -Impact Fee Collections CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056054 Famoso Inc C22-09-710 1,124.40 C22-09-710 1,124.40 CHECK TOTAL: 2,248.80 FUND TOTAL: 2,248.80 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 39 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 160 -Plan Maintenance RAD Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056038 Brady Industries of Florida LL Misc. Janitorial Supplies 210.32 Misc. Janitorial Supplies 21.33 CHECK TOTAL: 231.65 !0056085 Toshiba America Business Solut Copier Rental/Lease 152.36 Copies 3.10 CHECK TOTAL: 155.46 09854297 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 38017-54593 Public Safet 656.98 FUND TOTAL: 1,044.09 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 40 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 183 -Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056060 Indian River County Board of C Reimbursement of Court Admin & 585.66 Reimbursement of Court Admin & 14,193.60 CHECK TOTAL: 14,779.26 !0056068 Martin County Board of County Reimbursement of Court Admin & 11,602.97 Reimbursement of Court Admin & 49,267.62 CHECK TOTAL: 60,870.59 !0056071 Okeechobee Board Of County Com Reimbursement of Court Admin & 152.43 Reimbursement of Court Admin & 32,144.31 CHECK TOTAL: 32,296.74 C0032416 Bluetriton Brands Inc Water Cooler Rental 5.98 Bottled Water & Supplies 128.81 Water Cooler Rental 2.99 Bottled Water & Supplies 86.87 CHECK TOTAL: 224.65 V0023001 Comcast Acct #934577712 1,578.06 V0023002 Comcast Acct #934577712 1,532.10 FUND TOTAL: 111,281.40 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 41 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 183006-Guardian Ad Litem Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056060 Indian River County Board of C Reimbursement of Court Admin & 23,667.57 !0056068 Martin County Board of County Reimbursement of Court Admin & 24,697.16 !0056071 Okeechobee Board Of County Com Reimbursement of Court Admin & 6,174.54 09854314 Tyco Fire and Security Managme Annual Monitoring of Alarm Sys 368.96 FUND TOTAL: 54,908.23 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 42 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 184 -Erosion Control Operating Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0004874 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 296.84 FUND TOTAL: 296.84 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 43 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 184235-Ft Pierce Beach Shore Protection Pr CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056082 Taylor Engineering Inc Ft Pierce Shore Protection 1,836.00 FUND TOTAL: 1,836.00 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 44 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 189117-HUD SLC HOME Consortium FY2020 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09854312 St Lucie Harmony Housing LLC Rent for Sharon White 04/24 32.54 FUND TOTAL: 32.54 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 45 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 189119-US HUD HOME PARTNERSHIP FY22 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09854299 Gannett Media Corp St Lucie County Housing/Acct# 280.28 FUND TOTAL: 280.28 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 46 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 190 -Sports Complex Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056038 Brady Industries of Florida LL Contract#C19-11-1015 1,011.63 Contract#C19-11-1015 26.62 CHECK TOTAL: 1,038.25 !0056047 Clean Space Inc Per Contract C24-02-128 12,879.36 !0056054 Famoso Inc Per Contract C22-08-706 2,088.63 !0056084 The Ware Group LLC Parts for Refrigeration, Ice M 119.96 C0032428 Heritage Landscape Supply Grou Contract C23-06-416 668.52 Contract C23-06-416 1,690.00 CHECK TOTAL: 2,358.52 C0032444 Systematic Services Inc -East T/S 1/30 Sustain Motor replace 864.18 T/S 1/30 Sustain Motor replace 476.60 CHECK TOTAL: 1,340.78 V0022986 Armadillo Dirt Works LLC Replace leaking 4" back flow v 2,849.00 V0022989 AT&T Acct #772 785-6878 022 2,523.50 V0023019 Ewing Irrigation Products Inc Bagged Proslide Prof Red 3,608.48 FUND TOTAL: 28,806.48 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 47 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 194486-FDEP South SLC Beach Nourishment CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056048 Coastal Technology Corporation Engineering 79,464.38 !0056055 G.E.C. Inc Prof Svc RE Coastal Storm Mgmt 475.00 FUND TOTAL: 79,939.38 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 48 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 310010-Impact Fees-Library "North" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056069 Midwest Tape LLC A/V for Library 39.17 A/V for Library 10.49 A/V for Library 90.96 A/V for Library 176.28 CHECK TOTAL: 316.90 09854298 Gale Group Books for all branches 48.00 C0032430 Ingram Library Services Inc Books for all Library 64.51 FUND TOTAL: 429.41 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 49 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 310011-Impact Fees-Library "South" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056069 Midwest Tape LLC A/V Processing Service 3.44 A/V Processing Service 11.36 A/V Processing Service 30.48 CHECK TOTAL: 45.28 FUND TOTAL: 45.28 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 50 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 310012-Impact Fees-Park "North" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056041 CAPTEC Engineering Inc Impact Fees 302.50 !0056077 Socal Shaker Plates & Construc Lake Indrio Improvements 8,600.00 Retainage 430.00- CHECK TOTAL: 8,170.00 FUND TOTAL: 8,472.50 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 51 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 310013-Impact Fees-Park "Central" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056041 CAPTEC Engineering Inc C14-09-397 Amend 3 WA 3 302.50 FUND TOTAL: 302.50 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 52 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 310014-Impact Fees-Park "South" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056064 Kimley Horn and Associates Inc Post Design Services 3,950.00 !0056080 Stephen Cooper P.E. & Associat Engineering 3,340.00 FUND TOTAL: 7,290.00 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 53 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 310017-Impact Fees-Transportation"Central" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056051 Dredging & Marine Consultants Property Acquisitions 2,000.00 FUND TOTAL: 2,000.00 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 54 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 310018-Impact Fees-Transportation "South" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056064 Kimley Horn and Associates Inc Engineering 6,102.50 FUND TOTAL: 6,102.50 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 55 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 316 -County Capital CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056039 C&S Engineers Inc Maint. Improvement; Commercial 28,957.50 !0056087 Triad Security Group CH Security Upgrade 56,539.71 09854313 Trane U.S. Inc Equipment 83,354.98 FUND TOTAL: 168,852.19 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 56 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 317 -County Capital-St Revenue Share Bnd CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056064 Kimley Horn and Associates Inc Provide Consultation services 2,891.25 FUND TOTAL: 2,891.25 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 57 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 319 -Infrastructure Surtax Capital CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056036 Andersen Andre Consulting Engi Geotechnical Engineering and T 10,136.50 !0056049 Culpepper & Terpening Inc Engineering 11,315.00 !0056064 Kimley Horn and Associates Inc Engineering 4,125.00 Melville Phase II Design 3,151.00 Melville Phase II Design 24,581.00 CHECK TOTAL: 31,857.00 09854284 Florida East Coast Railway LLC Engineering 1,344.00 Engineering 4,410.00 Engineering 14,340.00 CHECK TOTAL: 20,094.00 FUND TOTAL: 73,402.50 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 58 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 362 -Sports Complex Improv Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056066 Lost Fabrication LLC Contract #C23-09-729 5,014.25 Return Retainage 611.25 CHECK TOTAL: 5,625.50 FUND TOTAL: 5,625.50 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 59 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 401 -Sanitary Landfill Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056042 Caterpillar Financial Services D5 track type lease 5,482.38 962-14 wheel loader lease 10,343.66 962m lease 6,071.95 930 m w/ grapple 5,674.68 962m med wheel loader 8,153.12 826K lease 10,755.62 966-14XE lease 9,685.93 CHECK TOTAL: 56,167.34 !0056043 CDM Smith Inc WA 23 emergency compliance ass 16,427.87 !0056044 CDM Smith Inc WA #22 Phase II reopening 3,390.00 Cell V design, permitting, and 83,413.50 year 5 0f 5 Task 7 12,780.00 WA 1 year 5 of 5 Task 1-6 84,772.50 CHECK TOTAL: 184,356.00 !0056046 City Of Port St Lucie Monthly Revenue Sharing per IL 104,000.00 !0056065 Life Safety Systems Inc of the Alarm and fire at Single Strea 209.85 Alarm and fire inspection @ op 209.85 Alarm and fire inspection @ op 104.85 CHECK TOTAL: 524.55 09854280 Conlan Tire Co LLC off road tires for CAT equipme 4,121.80 off road tires for CAT equipme 470.24 off road tires for CAT equipme 4,131.80 CHECK TOTAL: 8,723.84 09854309 Saint Lucie County Dart Associ SLCDA State Team/ Solid Waste 250.00 C0032411 All Contractor Services Inc 2x weekly pump out of portable 125.00 2x weekly pump out of portable 125.00 2x weekly pump out of portable 125.00 2x weekly pump out of portable 1,678.52 2x weekly pump out of portable 125.00 2x weekly pump out of portable 125.00 2x weekly pump out of portable 125.00 2x weekly pump out of portable 125.00 2x weekly pump out of portable 125.00 CHECK TOTAL: 2,678.52 C0032424 DKJJ Battery Co Batteries as needed 334.85 Batteries as needed 539.80 Batteries as needed 823.80 CHECK TOTAL: 1,698.45 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 60 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 401 -Sanitary Landfill Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0032438 Palmdale Oil Company Inc LANDFILL-INV/GAS(141550) 15,507.90 LANDFILL-INV/GAS(141550) 2,974.06 CHECK TOTAL: 18,481.96 C0032442 Specialty Fire Suppression In safety inspections/fire system 608.65 C0032447 Toshiba Business Solutions (US copies as needed 10.53 Copier at Maintenance and Supp 127.26 CHECK TOTAL: 137.79 C0032448 Total Truck Parts Inc parts/repairs as needed for op 1,023.67 H0004874 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 451.97 V0023023 Safety-Kleen Systems Inc parts washer unit and solvent 176.78 FUND TOTAL: 395,707.39 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 61 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 418 -Golf Course Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056054 Famoso Inc Temporary Labor 452.97 09854310 Sharon Young Inc Golf Course General Ledger Nov 1,503.28 Golf Course General Ledger Nov 1,531.85 CHECK TOTAL: 3,035.13 C0032411 All Contractor Services Inc Lift station 443.69 V0022984 Acushnet Company Golf Course General Ledger Nov 1,313.87 Golf Course General Ledger Nov 295.96 Golf Course General Ledger Nov 240.51 CHECK TOTAL: 1,850.34 V0023005 Global Golf Sales Inc Golf Course General Ledger Nov 698.87 V0023006 Global Golf Sales Inc Supplies 15.16 V0023010 Singer Capital Investments LLC Golf Course General Ledger Nov 644.65 FUND TOTAL: 7,140.81 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 62 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 471 -Water & Sewer District Operations CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09854290 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 40875-14180/Utilities 16,161.24 09854297 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 73775-54188 Utils 7,151.30 Acct# 74838-64455 Utils 403.31 Acct# 28398-32546 Utils 5,368.32 CHECK TOTAL: 12,922.93 C0032423 Core & Main LP Maintenance-Utilities Fieldwor 79.10 Maintenance-Utilities Fieldwor 67.36 CHECK TOTAL: 146.46 C0032451 Vero Chemical Dist Inc Chemicals 640.00 H0004874 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 112.99 V0022992 AT&T Acct #772 V10-2140 140 223.05 V0022999 AT&T Mobility Acct #287304751585 64.88 V0023007 HD Supply Inc Supplies & Equipment 44.90 Supplies & Equipment 35.90 CHECK TOTAL: 80.80 FUND TOTAL: 30,352.35 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 63 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 478 -Water & Sewer District R&R CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0032437 Napa Auto Parts General Parts/Maintenance Truc 820.81 FUND TOTAL: 820.81 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 64 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 479 -Water & Sewer Dist.-Cap Facilities CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056034 American Government Services C Title Commitment & Deed 1,200.00 FUND TOTAL: 1,200.00 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 65 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 491 -Building Code Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056054 Famoso Inc C22-09-710 1,048.80 C22-09-710 982.56 CHECK TOTAL: 2,031.36 !0056063 Joe Payne Inc C23-10-797 22,400.00 09854303 LEB Demolition & Consulting Co Refund for Permit SLC BLDR-230 134.00 09854304 LEB Demolition & Consulting Co Refund for Abandonment Permit 950.00 C0032415 Baldrige Group LLC C22-08-601 64.00 C0032447 Toshiba Business Solutions (US COPIES 6.73 CONTRACT 140604 160.77 CHECK TOTAL: 167.50 FUND TOTAL: 25,746.86 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 66 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 505 -Health Insurance Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056065 Life Safety Systems Inc of the Quarterly Fire Monitoring 105.00 !0056074 Ricoh USA Inc Copier Rental/Lease 217.73 09854297 Florida Power & Light Company Acct# 10032-87289/FAC 904.26 09854305 Medical Cost Containment Servi Monthly Cobra Admin. Fee 273.00 09854307 PrudentRx LLC Feb 2024 PrudentRx 4,977.50 H0004873 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Invoice#1000070647 3.31- Invoice#1000070647 15,913.34 Invoice#1000070647 53,584.36 Invoice#1000070647 62,474.96 Invoice#1000070647 211,869.50 Invoice#1000070647 2,925.84 Invoice#1000070647 542,344.69 Invoice#1000070647 1,007.70 Invoice#1000070647 28,868.19 CHECK TOTAL: 918,985.27 H0004874 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 49.61 H0004875 Aetna Behavioral Health LLC EAP $2.89 ACCT 0846079 3,191.42 H0004876 Fidelity Security Life Insuran Vision Acct 9671496 849.05 Vision Acct 9671496 6,722.70 CHECK TOTAL: 7,571.75 H0004877 Florida Blue Group Ancillary Dental: 03K712/Medical: 68060 8,503.06 Dental: 03K712/Medical: 68060 61,582.88 CHECK TOTAL: 70,085.94 H0004878 Symetra Life Insurance Company Monthly Stop Loss Premium #16- 10,840.50 Monthly Stop Loss Premium #16- 4,577.10 Monthly Stop Loss Premium #16- 240.90 Monthly Stop Loss Premium #16- 164,775.60 Monthly Stop Loss Premium #16- 30,353.40 Monthly Stop Loss Premium #16- 2,649.90 Monthly Stop Loss Premium #16- 14,213.10 CHECK TOTAL: 227,650.50 H0004879 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Admin Fee group #68060 700.70 Admin Fee group #68060 8,026.20 Admin Fee group #68060 43,570.80 Admin Fee group #68060 63.70 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 67 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 505 -Health Insurance Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0004879 -Continued Admin Fee group #68060 2,866.50 Admin Fee group #68060 1,210.30 Admin Fee group #68060 3,758.30 Admin Fee group #68060 63.70- Admin Fee group #68060 127.40- Admin Fee group #68060 63.70- CHECK TOTAL: 59,941.70 H0004880 RxBenefits Inc INV221574-INV221579 3,645.73 INV221574-INV221579 39.37 INV221574-INV221579 106,552.47 INV221574-INV221579 17,101.23 INV221574-INV221579 2,544.50 INV221574-INV221579 3,760.80 CHECK TOTAL: 133,644.10 FUND TOTAL: 1,427,597.78 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 68 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 505001-Risk Management Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056054 Famoso Inc Temp Services to assist Risk M 1,682.07 FUND TOTAL: 1,682.07 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 69 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 611 -Tourist Development Trust-Adv Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL V0023022 Miles Partnership LLLP 2024 Visit Florida Magazine Ad 17,100.00 FUND TOTAL: 17,100.00 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 70 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 625 -Law Library CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0032443 Stuart Business Systems Inc Photocopier maintenance 28.00 FUND TOTAL: 28.00 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 71 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 630 -Medical Examiner Agency Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056023 Bollinger, Barbara K Contracted Associate Medical E 1,500.00 Contracted Associate Medical E 1,500.00 CHECK TOTAL: 3,000.00 !0056079 Southland Medical LLC Morgue Supplies 84.65 V0022998 AT&T Acct #772 464-1738 455 0451 158.99 V0023013 Trilogy MedWaste Southeast LLC Medical Waste Services 1,489.39 V0023021 Fort Pierce Utility Authority Acct #61586430-255175/Medical 2,301.11 FUND TOTAL: 7,034.14 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 72 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 801 -Bank Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056089 United Way of St Lucie County United Way 437.00 09854302 Internal Revenue Service Robert Yardan #072-72-0535 80.50 09854311 Social Security Administration L Orianville #5915093581995121 10.00 H0004874 The Lincoln National Life Insu 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 27,180.96 457 (b) Plan Contributions/Loa 3,628.16 CHECK TOTAL: 30,809.12 FUND TOTAL: 31,336.62 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 001 -General Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 11101 511000 Executive Salaries 110000 3,853.00 512000 Salaries 110000 2,962.40 11102 511000 Executive Salaries 110000 3,853.00 512000 Salaries 110000 2,880.00 11103 511000 Executive Salaries 110000 3,853.00 512000 Salaries 110000 3,045.60 11104 511000 Executive Salaries 110000 3,853.00 512000 Salaries 110000 2,423.08 11105 511000 Executive Salaries 110000 3,853.00 512000 Salaries 110000 2,912.80 1210 512000 Salaries 120000 25,475.16 512000 Salaries 130000 13,384.80 514000 Overtime 120000 87.66 515000 Special Pay 120000 600.00 515000 Special Pay 130000 300.00 1211 512000 Salaries 120000 3,578.40 1225 512000 Salaries 120000 16,469.60 514000 Overtime 120000 141.03 515000 Special Pay 120000 300.00 1301 512000 Salaries 130000 21,469.60 515000 Special Pay 130000 300.00 1320 512000 Salaries 130000 10,329.60 1330 512000 Salaries 130000 16,868.38 515000 Special Pay 130000 270.00 1350 512000 Salaries 130000 4,007.20 513100 Salaries-Temporary Employees 130000 3,461.54 1410 512000 Salaries 140000 42,383.20 1420 512000 Salaries 140000 4,002.40 1510 512000 Salaries 150000 976.56 1920 512000 Salaries 190000 2,843.20 1925 512000 Salaries 190000 9,434.41 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 190000 7,172.52 514000 Overtime 190000 25.97 1926 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 190000 126.59 1929 512000 Salaries 190000 2,128.80 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 190000 1,170.84 1930 512000 Salaries 190000 26,812.03 514000 Overtime 190000 556.64 19301 512000 Salaries 190000 30,867.17 515000 Special Pay 190000 300.00 1931 512000 Salaries 190000 6,734.40 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 190000 774.90 1955 512000 Salaries 190000 214.87 512000 Salaries 190000 111,521.42 513100 Salaries-Temporary Employees 190000 2,240.00 514000 Overtime 190000 1,512.62 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 2 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 001 -General Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1955 515000 Special Pay 190000 300.00 2300 512000 Salaries 230000 6,853.40 2360 512000 Salaries 230000 10,392.80 2510 512000 Salaries 250000 9,174.40 514000 Overtime 250000 125.24 2920 512000 Salaries 290000 12,740.00 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 290000 3,925.44 514000 Overtime 290000 2,027.16 3715 512000 Salaries 370000 21,440.81 515000 Special Pay 370000 300.00 3720 512000 Salaries 370000 1,617.84 3920 512000 Salaries 370000 21,474.78 3921 512000 Salaries 370000 12,947.20 514000 Overtime 370000 10.70 5310 512000 Salaries 530000 17,880.64 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 530000 4,662.77 5420 512000 Salaries 540000 1,475.00 512000 Salaries 6919 618.86 6420 512000 Salaries 640000 52,561.96 7110 512000 Salaries 710000 127,408.58 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 710000 2,141.20 515000 Special Pay 710000 300.00 7210 512000 Salaries 7144 38,880.40 512000 Salaries 7145 3,976.00 512000 Salaries 720000 35,470.57 512000 Salaries 7270 3,239.86 512000 Salaries 7511 17,170.72 512000 Salaries 7515 1,640.80 512000 Salaries 7516 1,696.70 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 7144 950.40 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 720000 417.83 514000 Overtime 7144 879.84 514000 Overtime 720000 15,273.91 514000 Overtime 7515 1,215.22 514000 Overtime 7516 150.15 72101 512000 Salaries 720000 11,152.00 7215 512000 Salaries 7102 5,762.40 512000 Salaries 7106 5,753.12 512000 Salaries 720000 3,376.00 512000 Salaries 720000 9,588.42 512000 Salaries 7220 3,618.41 512000 Salaries 7420 7,624.72 512000 Salaries 7510 7,991.60 512000 Salaries 7910 1,716.01 512000 Salaries 7914 1,941.60 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 7102 1,756.97 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 3 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 001 -General Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 7215 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 71022 749.25 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 720000 5,231.86 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 7914 1,641.89 513100 Salaries-Temporary Employees 71022 602.00 513100 Salaries-Temporary Employees 7106 7,361.13 514000 Overtime 7102 6.12 514000 Overtime 7106 648.90 514000 Overtime 720000 85.43 514000 Overtime 7420 774.58 514000 Overtime 7914 18.20 7912 512000 Salaries 790000 11,909.60 FUND TOTAL: 922,981.78 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 4 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 001001-Recreation Special Events ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 7210 512000 Salaries 7511 1,764.01 7215 512000 Salaries 71028 2,272.00 514000 Overtime 71028 277.02 FUND TOTAL: 4,313.03 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 5 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 001409-FCTD Planning Grant SFY2024 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1540 512000 Salaries 150000 373.82 FUND TOTAL: 373.82 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 6 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 001497-FDOT SUN Trail Network Prog ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1540 512000 Salaries 150000 2,293.01 FUND TOTAL: 2,293.01 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 7 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 001632-US Treasury Emer. Rental Assist 2 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 5420 512000 Salaries 540000 1,829.29 FUND TOTAL: 1,829.29 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 8 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 001651-FHA thru FDOT SEC 112 MPO/FHWA ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1540 512000 Salaries 150000 10,040.20 FUND TOTAL: 10,040.20 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 9 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 001652-FHA Surface Trans Block Grant ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1540 512000 Salaries 150000 3,648.56 FUND TOTAL: 3,648.56 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 10 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 001659-FHA Coronavirus Response & Relief ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1540 512000 Salaries 150000 2,254.63 FUND TOTAL: 2,254.63 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 11 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 001660-Comm Svcs Block Grant FY 23-24 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 6420 512000 Salaries 640000 4,654.50 FUND TOTAL: 4,654.50 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 12 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 001834-TCERDA ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3716 512000 Salaries 370000 3,127.20 FUND TOTAL: 3,127.20 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 13 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 001835-Artificial Reef Program ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4117 512000 Salaries 410000 2,492.80 FUND TOTAL: 2,492.80 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 14 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 101 -Transportation Trust Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4110 512000 Salaries 410000 88,051.67 514000 Overtime 410000 27.36 4115 512000 Salaries 410000 48,047.62 514000 Overtime 410000 328.86 4117 512000 Salaries 410000 11,079.40 515000 Special Pay 410000 291.00 FUND TOTAL: 147,825.91 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 15 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 101001-Transportation Trust Interlocals ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4115 512000 Salaries 410000 3,058.20 515000 Special Pay 410000 9.00 FUND TOTAL: 3,067.20 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 16 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 102 -Unincorporated Services Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1510 512000 Salaries 150000 29,946.79 514000 Overtime 150000 128.52 15101 512000 Salaries 150000 9,956.71 515000 Special Pay 150000 300.00 2415 512000 Salaries 240000 19,619.65 514000 Overtime 240000 422.57 3922 512000 Salaries 370000 15,401.60 6240 512000 Salaries 240000 13,045.54 514000 Overtime 240000 194.96 FUND TOTAL: 89,016.34 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 17 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 102001-Stormwater MSTU ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3715 512000 Salaries 370000 1,824.00 3725 512000 Salaries 370000 27,460.01 514000 Overtime 370000 766.20 7912 512000 Salaries 790000 1,172.00 FUND TOTAL: 31,222.21 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 18 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 107 -Fine & Forfeiture Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1926 512000 Salaries 190000 7,352.80 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 190000 1,859.48 1929 512000 Salaries 190000 3,594.40 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 190000 799.00 1940 512000 Salaries 190000 14,057.60 514000 Overtime 190000 524.04 2120 512000 Salaries 210000 114,095.85 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 210000 4,109.39 514000 Overtime 210000 18,806.67 2360 512000 Salaries 2053 9,384.75 512000 Salaries 2054 2,940.85 512000 Salaries 230000 34,402.47 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 2053 2,846.11 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 2054 163.23 719 512000 Salaries 719 10,922.40 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 719 4,856.34 514000 Overtime 719 676.04 FUND TOTAL: 231,391.42 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 19 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 107001-Fine & Forfeiture Fund-Wireless Sur ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 2120 512000 Salaries 210000 16,145.89 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 210000 1,234.93 514000 Overtime 210000 1,925.71 FUND TOTAL: 19,306.53 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 20 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 107002-Fine & Forfeiture Fund-E911 Surchar ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 2120 512000 Salaries 210000 2,006.64 514000 Overtime 210000 141.94 FUND TOTAL: 2,148.58 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 21 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 107006-F&F Fund-Court Related Technology ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 601 512000 Salaries 601 21,309.87 FUND TOTAL: 21,309.87 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 22 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 130 -SLC Public Transit MSTU ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4410 512000 Salaries 440000 1,678.20 514000 Overtime 440000 1.45 515000 Special Pay 440000 60.00 FUND TOTAL: 1,739.65 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 23 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 130142-FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4410 512000 Salaries 440000 2,359.80 514000 Overtime 440000 1.45 515000 Special Pay 440000 60.00 FUND TOTAL: 2,421.25 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 24 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 130144-FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4410 512000 Salaries 440000 3,172.20 514000 Overtime 440000 1.45 515000 Special Pay 440000 90.00 FUND TOTAL: 3,263.65 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 25 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 130146-FTA 5310 Enhanced Mobility ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4410 512000 Salaries 440000 6,581.80 514000 Overtime 440000 22.85 515000 Special Pay 440000 90.00 FUND TOTAL: 6,694.65 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 26 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 140 -Airport Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4210 512000 Salaries 420000 23,074.64 514000 Overtime 420000 1,193.75 515000 Special Pay 420000 300.00 FUND TOTAL: 24,568.39 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 27 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 140001-Port Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4310 512000 Salaries 430000 6,637.20 515000 Special Pay 430000 150.00 FUND TOTAL: 6,787.20 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 28 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 145 -Mosquito Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 6230 512000 Salaries 620000 12,555.21 515000 Special Pay 620000 300.00 6233 512000 Salaries 620000 14,957.60 514000 Overtime 620000 302.76 6234 512000 Salaries 620000 24,843.21 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 620000 2,811.16 514000 Overtime 620000 117.20 FUND TOTAL: 55,887.14 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 29 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 150 -Impact Fee Collections ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1350 512000 Salaries 130000 2,294.88 FUND TOTAL: 2,294.88 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 30 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 160 -Plan Maintenance RAD Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 2570 512000 Salaries 250000 2,924.80 FUND TOTAL: 2,924.80 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 31 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 183 -Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 601 512000 Salaries 601 6,643.00 512000 Salaries 605 8,273.45 515000 Special Pay 601 565.17 FUND TOTAL: 15,481.62 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 32 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 184 -Erosion Control Operating Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3710 512000 Salaries 370000 5,253.20 515000 Special Pay 370000 150.00 FUND TOTAL: 5,403.20 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 33 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 185021-FHFC SHIP FY2021-2022 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 5420 512000 Salaries 540000 90.87 FUND TOTAL: 90.87 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 34 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 185023-FHFC SHIP FY2022-2023 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 5420 512000 Salaries 540000 1,435.85 FUND TOTAL: 1,435.85 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 35 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 185024-FHFC SHIP 2023-2024 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 5420 512000 Salaries 540000 308.61 FUND TOTAL: 308.61 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 36 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 189119-US HUD HOME PARTNERSHIP FY22 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 5420 512000 Salaries 540000 2,758.79 FUND TOTAL: 2,758.79 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 37 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 190 -Sports Complex Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 7220 512000 Salaries 75201 32,439.52 514000 Overtime 75201 26,004.17 FUND TOTAL: 58,443.69 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 38 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 401 -Sanitary Landfill Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3410 512000 Salaries 340000 90,429.15 512000 Salaries 39011 19,326.35 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 340000 1,221.74 514000 Overtime 340000 3,246.63 514000 Overtime 39011 4,146.00 FUND TOTAL: 118,369.87 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 39 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 418 -Golf Course Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 7260 512000 Salaries 720000 8,426.40 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 720000 2,650.49 FUND TOTAL: 11,076.89 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 40 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 471 -Water & Sewer District Operations ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3600 512000 Salaries 360000 43,466.52 514000 Overtime 360000 1,578.03 3604 512000 Salaries 360000 31,811.52 FUND TOTAL: 76,856.07 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 41 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 479 -Water & Sewer Dist.-Cap Facilities ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3600 512000 Salaries 360000 3,475.20 FUND TOTAL: 3,475.20 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 42 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 491 -Building Code Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 2415 512000 Salaries 240000 78,428.21 514000 Overtime 240000 5,744.42 FUND TOTAL: 84,172.63 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 43 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 505 -Health Insurance Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1902 512000 Salaries 190000 5,478.80 515000 Special Pay 190000 30.00 FUND TOTAL: 5,508.80 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 44 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 505001-Risk Management Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1331 512000 Salaries 130000 5,660.00 FUND TOTAL: 5,660.00 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 45 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 611 -Tourist Development Trust-Adv Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 5210 512000 Salaries 520000 9,744.00 FUND TOTAL: 9,744.00 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 46 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 630 -Medical Examiner Agency Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 2710 512000 Salaries 270000 56,795.60 FUND TOTAL: 56,795.60 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND SUMMARY FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 001 General Fund 265,151.68 922,981.78 001001 Recreation Special Events 34,417.20 4,313.03 001009 Gen-One Time Funding 8,180.50 0.00 001409 FCTD Planning Grant SFY2024 0.00 373.82 001427 FL Div of Emerg Mgt (EMPA) 231.63 0.00 001492 FDEP Cypress Creek Rehydration 13,399.00 0.00 001497 FDOT SUN Trail Network Prog 0.00 2,293.01 001630 US Treasury American Rescue Plan 6,060.38 0.00 001632 US Treasury Emer. Rental Assist 2 0.00 1,829.29 001651 FHA thru FDOT SEC 112 MPO/FHWA 26,979.00 10,040.20 001652 FHA Surface Trans Block Grant 0.00 3,648.56 001659 FHA Coronavirus Response & Relief 4,500.00 2,254.63 001660 Comm Svcs Block Grant FY 23-24 0.00 4,654.50 001834 TCERDA 4,562.05 3,127.20 001835 Artificial Reef Program 0.00 2,492.80 101 Transportation Trust Fund 31,672.90 147,825.91 101001 Transportation Trust Interlocals 18.70 3,067.20 102 Unincorporated Services Fund 5,557.05 89,016.34 102001 Stormwater MSTU 152,225.77 31,222.21 102819 IRL Council Sheraton Plaza 2,902.50 0.00 107 Fine & Forfeiture Fund 99,938.82 231,391.42 107001 Fine & Forfeiture Fund-Wireless Sur 25,022.09 19,306.53 107002 Fine & Forfeiture Fund-E911 Surchar 7,444.51 2,148.58 107003 Fine & Forfeiture Fund-800 Mhz Oper 2,627.93 0.00 107006 F&F Fund-Court Related Technology 136,502.32 21,309.87 107508 USDOJ Equitable Share Program 13,500.00 0.00 130 SLC Public Transit MSTU 753.16 1,739.65 130142 FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant 368.62 2,421.25 130144 FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant 130.68 3,263.65 130146 FTA 5310 Enhanced Mobility 130.68 6,694.65 130242 FDOT Public Transit Svc Development 8,153.28 0.00 130249 FCTD Innovative Service Dev. Grant 8,638.69 0.00 132 Culvert MSBU 12,400.00 0.00 140 Airport Fund 2,219.18 24,568.39 140001 Port Fund 296.84 6,787.20 140417 FDOT Aerowest Taxiway Design 17,025.00 0.00 140418 FDOT Taxiway B&C Realignment 31,916.70 0.00 150 Impact Fee Collections 2,248.80 2,294.88 160 Plan Maintenance RAD Fund 1,044.09 2,924.80 183 Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir 111,281.40 15,481.62 183006 Guardian Ad Litem Fund 54,908.23 0.00 184235 Ft Pierce Beach Shore Protection Pr 1,836.00 0.00 185021 FHFC SHIP FY2021-2022 0.00 90.87 185023 FHFC SHIP FY2022-2023 0.00 1,435.85 185024 FHFC SHIP 2023-2024 0.00 308.61 189117 HUD SLC HOME Consortium FY2020 32.54 0.00 189119 US HUD HOME PARTNERSHIP FY22 280.28 2,758.79 190 Sports Complex Fund 28,806.48 58,443.69 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 2 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND SUMMARY FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 194486 FDEP South SLC Beach Nourishment 79,939.38 0.00 310010 Impact Fees-Library "North" 429.41 0.00 310011 Impact Fees-Library "South" 45.28 0.00 310012 Impact Fees-Park "North" 8,472.50 0.00 310013 Impact Fees-Park "Central" 302.50 0.00 310014 Impact Fees-Park "South" 7,290.00 0.00 310017 Impact Fees-Transportation"Central" 2,000.00 0.00 310018 Impact Fees-Transportation "South" 6,102.50 0.00 316 County Capital 168,852.19 0.00 317 County Capital-St Revenue Share Bnd 2,891.25 0.00 319 Infrastructure Surtax Capital 73,402.50 0.00 362 Sports Complex Improv Fund 5,625.50 0.00 401 Sanitary Landfill Fund 395,707.39 118,369.87 418 Golf Course Fund 7,140.81 11,076.89 471 Water & Sewer District Operations 30,352.35 76,856.07 478 Water & Sewer District R&R 820.81 0.00 479 Water & Sewer Dist.-Cap Facilities 1,200.00 3,475.20 491 Building Code Fund 25,746.86 84,172.63 505 Health Insurance Fund 1,427,597.78 5,508.80 505001 Risk Management Fund 1,682.07 5,660.00 611 Tourist Development Trust-Adv Fund 17,100.00 9,744.00 625 Law Library 28.00 0.00 630 Medical Examiner Agency Fund 7,034.14 56,795.60 801 Bank Fund 31,336.62 0.00 GRAND TOTAL: 3,424,464.52 2,004,169.84 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND SUMMARY-MOSQUITO FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 145 Mosquito Fund 20,257.75 55,887.14 147 Bear Point Mitigation Fund 242.00 0.00 GRAND TOTAL: 20,499.75 55,887.14 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND SUMMARY-EROSION FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 184 Erosion Control Operating Fund 296.84 5,403.20 GRAND TOTAL: 296.84 5,403.20 03/28/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY -BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR VOID LIST# 26-23-MAR-2024 TO 28-MAR-2024 FUND: 471 -Water & Sewer District Operations CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09853601 South Florida Water Management 8,500.00 FUND TOTAL: 8,500.00