HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOC1] 0 Ti O U d fs D JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4548029 OR BOOK 4250 PAGE 595, Recorclecl 04/01/2019 02:15:54 PM SCANNED A..Ilrosmnyr'_aanatst l r-- BY St. Lucie County taysnrvtteraea, � Ta6sp.w r,,.,,.,,,n r.. ma..r„� u.. J i NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Theo Idersignel hereby given notice that improvement will be made to cenain real property, and in accordance with Chapccr 713. Fladdq xta tteas din following infommtton is provided in the Notice of o mmencemem. I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Legal description and stmc[ addmss) TAX FOLIO NUMBER: 2435-113-0001-000-6 SUDDMSION nLOCK TRACT LOT BLDG - UNIT W 3540 S 12D FT OF N 860 FT OFE In OF NE 1144.ESS RD AND RR- (8) (OR 1533-1014) 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT. RenovaOon Kitchen 3. OWNER INFORMATION: a. Name Clark A Hodges Ill and Sylvia Hodges b. Addr as 4115 S Indian River Drive, FOB Pierce, FL 3 982 c. itumest in pmpcdy Ow ") d. Name and addrr4c of fee simple titleholder (if other than owner) 4.CONTRA47TOR'S NAM$ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: COO"c^"uum"uc°a °°"arexnrswn maaw., c.aa ttzsamas 5. SU114ETYM$ ND '3 NAADDRESS APHONE NUMBER A1VIl BOND AMOUNT: 6. LENDER'S NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 7. Persum withln the State of Fladdq desigoamd by Owner upon whom nad. or other dornmants may be served as p.I&d by S., inn 713.13 (1)(a) 7., Florida Stamm.: NAMB ADDRESS AND PHONE TIUMBERt 8. In nEdillon to himself or herself. Owner designates the following to mceive a copy of die Lienor-s Notice as p,avided in Section 713113 (I)(h),Flodda SmWm.: NAME,ADDRFSS AIID PHONE NUMBER: 9. Exp�m[ion dam of notice of wmmrncemrnt (the axptmtion dote is 1 year from the dart of mcertlinS unless n different dnte ix apeeiRed) =,20_ or Print S THWOIBce 46f- The fo�mgoA ' sto t wan afclmowlcdgcd bcfom me this l r day of {!/�avG/i , 20 / 9 _ By die C-QSci as BWtly� (NAmd.fpc n) (fypoaf¢othattty...e.g. er, mnes¢wxtec, au.mcy in fact) For_ I SGfrs� (Name of pony on behalf ¢!whom in;tmment was exccumd) Pertonally Known_or produced the following t"c of ID: Nolary Public - State at 1`I011aa Commission 0 GG 24467 Under penalties of pc0ury, i declare that I have read the foregoing and that the facts in it ¢ belief(section92252S,Flodda Stamens). �sn e t roranh Qn�asW1.(s)o170.W.)¢r Ovvner(s)' Authorized OMmrMimclor/Porsn Managerlihosignedabove: BY: BY Digitally signed by The Honorable Joseph E. Smith vmr xms//snwrozaxrmt/ vttm�rz ices oomawr Date: 2019.04. 01 14:17:39 -04:00 In,. Reason: Electronically Certified Copy Location: 201 South Indian River Dr, Fort Pierce, FL 34950