HomeMy WebLinkAboutPROJECT SUMMARYr y1w 4'7c- V-Vc>y-CA-Z y ' - wrightsoft° Pro ect Summa 1. ry Job S MOOA07 Data: 4/14/2019 Addition sr. ADC All Year Cooling & Heating, Inc 1345 NE4 Am, Port Lauderdale, FL 33304 Phone:13M752-5245 Licenw:=58159 Project• • For. Susan Moms PECEIVttD 11647 Twin Creeks Drive, Fort Pierce, FL Phone: 772�89�041 APR 15 2019 Notes: SCANNED BY ST. Lucie County, Permitting St. Lucie County Design Information Fort Pierce, FL, US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db 42 OF Outside db 90 OF Insidedb 70 OF Insidedb 75 OF Design TD 28 OF Design TD 15 OF Daily range M Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 61 gr/lb Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 2315 Btuh Structure 1085 Btuh Ducts 149 Btrrh Ducts 167 Btuh Central vent (3 crm) 81 Btuh Central vent (3 ctn1) 43 Btuh Outside air Outside air Humidification 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Piping 0 Btuh Equipment load 2545 Btuh Use manufacturer's data y Rate/swingg multiplier 1.00 Infiltration Equipmentsensible load 1296 Btuh Method simplified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Construction quality Semi -tight Fireplaces 0 Structure 185 Btuh ntral Btuh Cenvent (3 dm) 109 Btuh Heating Goofirnrgg Outside air Area(ft2) 168 168 Equipment latent load 331 Btuh Volume (fF) 1210 1210 Airchanges/hour 0.41 0.22 Equipment Total Load (Sen+Lat) 1627 Btuh Equilr AVF (dm) 8 4 Req. total capacity at 0.70 SHR 0.2 ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make York Make York Trade Electric Heat Strips Trade SplitVSystem Model 9.6kw Cond YCE48B21 AHRI ref Coil AE481321 AHRI ref Efficiency 100AFUE E"aenoy 16.5 SEER Heating input 9.6 kW Sensible cooling 32200 Btuh Heating output 34130 Btuh Latent cooling 13800 Btuh Temperature rise 543 OF Total cooling 46000 Btuh Actual airflow 57 cim Actual airflow 57 din Airflowfactor 0.023 cfm/Btuh Airflowfactor 0.046 dmBtuh Static pressure 0 in H2O Static pressure 0 in H2O Space thermostat Heat/Cool Load sensible heat ratio 0.80 Calculations aooroved bvACCA to meetall requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. -rl.- wrrgh.. RghtSuite®lllireral201919A.01 RSW1795 Q— t��E sLi [i Cs %" 142PageI C.WSa %dcPD=ment lRghtJJ°bs19N00e07i p Calc=M18 Front D°°rfam N FILE IF71 SG..d, CUP Component Constructions Date: 9Im00 Wrightsofttaat P a: a+az019,9 Addition er. Aoc All Year Cooling & Heating, Inc 1345NE4Ae,FertLauderdale,FL333WPh°ne:909-7523245 Lirense:CAC958159 •ject Intormation For. Susan Moms 11647 Twin Creeks Drive, Fort Pierce, FL Phone:772-4893041 Location: Indoor. Heating Cooling Fort Pierce, FL, US Indoortemperature (°F) 70 75 Elevation: 25 T Design TD CF) 28 15 Latitude: 27°N Relative humidity (°/a) 30 50 Outdoor Heating Cooling Moisture difference(grllb) 1.1 61.5 Dry bulbCF) 42 90 Infiltration: Daily range (°F) - 20 (M) Method Simplified Wet bulb (°F) - 78 Consbuction quality Semi -tight Wind speed (mph) 15.0 7.5 Fireplaces 0 Construction descriptions or Area U valua ntsur R HN HIM toss Clg H,M Gain R BNNR'F IWRBh 8h Bh Bh Bhh WAS 1212-01aw Fon utall, bdc4" ext, 318" vood shth, r-19 rav ins, 1/2" gypsum n 86 0.068 19.0 1.90 164 0.78 67 board int fnsh, 2k6" wood firm, 24" o.c stud s 46 0.068 19.0 1.90 88 0.78 36 w 84 0.068 19.0 1.90 160 0.78 65 all 216 0.068 19.0 1.90 411 0.78 167 Partitions (none) Windows 10Ab: 1 glazing, heat abs gtz, m0 Avbrk fnn mat, 114" tW WRC rated s 40 0.300 0 8.40 336 4.99 199 (8Fr,C-0.17); 50°% brmds 45% medium; 30 ft overhang (6.67 ft window ht, 0 it sep.); 6.67 it head ht 1A-ttob: 1 glazing, heat abs gtz, mtlAvbrkfrm mat, 1/4"thlr; NFRC rated w 16 0.310 0 8.68 139 12.4 199 (SHGC=0.22); 50°% blinds 45", medium; 50% outdoor insect screen; 2.5 It overhang (3 it vdndowht, 0.27 ft sep.); 6.67 ft head ht Doors (none) Ceilings 16B38ad: Attic ceiling, asphalt shingles roof mat, r-08 cell ins, 12" 168 0.026 38.0 0.73 122 1.30 218 gypsum board int fish Floors 22A4pt Bg floor, fight dry sod, on grade depth 38 0.989 0 27.7 1052 0 0 t Wr79hi50fi^ Rig306 htSulte®INhersa1201919AA1 RS1bPage 1795 2019-0Fr-1420ageI 7 C:Wsers�adcPD°armenSVSghtJ JobslAW0a07Jup Cale=Ml9 FmntD°orfa°ee: N wrightsoft- Right-M Worksheet Addition All Year Cooling & Heating, Inc 1345 NE Are. Fort Lauderdale. FL 33304 Phone: 888-752-6245 Lioense:CPLY158159 Job: 91m00A07 Date: 4114/2019 ADC 1 2 3 4 5 Roomname wag Raan height Raom dimensions. Rawnarea Addition 38.0 0 72 it d 168.0 fF Closet 38.0 R 72 8 healbd 12.0 x 14D 8 168.0 fF Ty Consham number U-value (BLhAF-°F) Or HTM (6fuhlfPl Am (fF) a pennWw (ff) Load (Btuh) Ana (fF) a perimeter (IQ Load (BhA) Heat Cod Cmss NJPJS Heat Cod Gross NIPS Heat Cod e . 11 Wri.._.. lSJ �G 1l55JJ.'_ ;L--C C F,.,. , 12E-0bw__. : .._ 12C--0hxr 10A-b 12E-0bw ;1ALtob_.._--..,. _ 16B-38ad 22h0,.:.�.: s_. ...,.._ ,_._..,.:0068_n_�,_.::_1.90 0.300 0.300 �0.068 _ ,—; 0.310 0.026 e 0.989 s s 1.90 _ .M. 0.78 4.99 4.99 '"' 0.78 — 1242 1.30 �...� A.00 — .._. tt88 88 336 __ ...,,...:-.:-67 36 36 199 -.65 218 ..,.._.„;'.0 .,__: ._..86:<.__.46 86 40 46 _— ._.,. _788 336 36 -: 160 _, -- 139 122 . -; 105'1 ��_.�36 36 199 65 —.,,_ —199 218 -------0 _a._...86 86 40 100 _,--16 168 _._...._166 _ ... __<_46 46 40 w w_. - _ _:, 12() �190 _-SW 0.73 a27.69 100 18 168 �.-168 �"84 M '19 168 _ 38 84 168 .., x_38 160 ___..._.139 122 _ 'r_1052 6 o)AM exmrsion 228 zo EnAWe los igain 2061 1012 2081 1012 12 a) Infiltration b) Roomlenfilafim 254 0 73 0 254 0 73 0 13 Internal gains Oompards@ 230 Applia ceaM r 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subbtel(lines6fo13) 2315 1085 2315 1085 14 15 L.eQeaffimal bad Lesstansfer Redsinbution Subm4U Ductloads 6% 15% 0 0 0 2315 149 0 0 0 1085 167 6% 15% 0 0 0 2315 149 0 0 0 1085 197 Total room load Airrequired(rhn) 2464 57 1253 57 2464 57 1253 67 Calculations approved bvACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. _ wrlghtso. R- 20191pr.1420:13A8 f89htSuife®Uni.ersd 201919AD1 RS1101795 Page 1 CVJsenrladcfl0ommentMghtJ.bbOr000a071up Celc=MI6 Fmnt Doorfam%N Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation Residential Building Thermal Envelope Approach FORM R402-2017 R-Value Computation Method Climate Zone 2 Scope: Compliance with Section R402.2(1) of the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, shall be demonstrated by the use of Forth R402 for single and multiple -family residences of three stories or less in height, additions to existing residential buildings, renovations, and building systems in existing buildings, as applicable. To comply, a building must meet or exceed all of the energy efficiency requirements on Table R402A and all applicable mandatory requirements summarized in Table R402B of this form. If a building does not comply with this. method, or by the UA Alternative method, it may still comply under Section R405 of the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation. PROJECT NAME: 9R000A07 BUILDER: AND ADDRESS: 11647 Twin Creeks Drive PERMITTING OFFICE: Fort Pierce Fort Pierce JURISDICTION NUMBER: OWNER: Susan Moms PERMITNUMBER: 661100 General Instructions: 1. Fill in all the applicable spaces of the 'To Be Installed" column on Table R402A with the information requested. All "To Be Installed" values must be equal to or more efficient than the required levels. 2. Complete page 1 based on the "To Be Installed" column information. 3. Read the requirements of Table R402B and check each box to indicate your intent to comply with all applicable items. 4. Read, sign and date the "Prepared By" certification statement at the bottom of page 1. The owner or owner's agent must also sign and date the forth. Area / Values Check 1. New construction, addition, or existing building 1. Addition 2. Single-family detached or multiple -family attached 2. Single Family 3. If multiple -family, number of units covered by this submission 4. Is this a worst case? (yes/no) 5. Conditioned floor area (sq. ft.) 6. Windows type and area: a) U-factor. b) Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC): c) Area: 7. Skylights, type and area: a) U-factor. b) Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC): 8. Floor type, area or perimeter, and insulation: a) Slab-on-grade(R-value) b) Wood, raised (R-value) c) Wood, common (R-value) d) Concrete, raised (R-value) e) Concrete, common (R-value) 9. Wall type, area, and insulation: a) Exterior.. 1. Wood frame (Insulation R-value) 2. Masonry (Insulation R-value) b) Adjacent: 1. Wood frame (Insulation R-value) 2. Masonry (Insulation R-value) 10. Ceiling type, area, and insulation a) Attic (Insulation R-value) b) Single assembly (Insulation R-value) 11. Air distribution system: a) Duct Location, insulation b) AHU location c) Total'Duct Leakage, Test report attached 12. Cooling system: a) type: b) efficiency 13. Heating system: a) type: b) efficiency 14. HVAC sizing calculation: attached 15. Water heating system: a) type b) efficiency 3. 4. No 5. 168 Be. U.31 / U.30 6b. SHGC.22/.17 6c. 56 7a. 7b. Be. 3810 _ Bb. 8c. 8d. Be. gal, R-19/272sgft 9a2. 9bl. 9b2. 10a. R38 / 168 salt 10b. 11 a. Attic /R-8 _ 11b. 11 c. cfm/100s.f Yes_No_ 12a. Central (Existing) 12b. 16.50 SEER _ 13a. Electric (Existing) 13b. 100 14. Yes Yes_No_ 15a. 15b. I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by this Review of plans and specifications covered by this forth indicate form are in compliance with the Florida Building Code, compliance with the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation Energy Conservation. Before conslructign is complete, this building will be inspected for PREPARED BY: Air Design Concepts, Inc Date 4/14/2019 compliance in accordance with Section 553.908, F.S. 1 hereby certify that this building is in compliance with the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation. OWNERIAGENT: Date CODE OFFICIAL: Date TABLE402A BUILDING COMPONENT PRESCRIPTIVE REQUIREMENTS' INSTALLED VALUES Climate Zone 1 Climate Zone 2 Windows U-Factor=NR U-Factor=0.402 U-Factor = .31 /.30 SHGC= 0.25 SHGC= 0.25 SHGC= 22/.17 Skylights U-Factor=0.75 U-Factor = 0.65 U-factor= SHGC= 0.30 SHGC= 0.30 SHGC = ---Doors: Exterior door U-Fador= NR U-Factor = 0.40 3 U-faclor- Floors: Slab -on -Grade NR NR Over unconditioned spaces` R Value = R-13 R-13 Walls': Ext, and adj. Frame R-13 R-13 R-Value= R-19 Mass Insulation on wall interior: R-4 R-6 R-Value= Insulation on wall exterior: R-3 R-4 R-Value = Ceilings' R-30 R-38 R-Value= R-38 Air infiltration: Blower door test is required on the building envelope to Total leakage = ACH .220 verify leakage < 7 ACH; test report provided to code official. Test report attached? Yes No Air distribution system': Air handling unit Not allowed in attic Dud R-Value R-value t R-8 (supply in attics) or t R-6 (all other dud Location: Air Leakages: locations). R-Value= R-8 Duct test Postconstruction Total leakage 54 cfm/100 s.f. Total leakage= Test cfn1100 s.f. Duds in conditioned space Rough -in test Total leakage < 4 clm/100 s.f. (air handler not installed) Test report Attached Total leakage < 3 cfm/100 s.f. Yes _ No _ (air handler not installed) Location: Duct in conditioned space Test not required if all duct and AHU are in conditioned space Air conditioning systems: Minimum federal standard required by NAECAe Central system 5 65,000 Btulh SEER=14.0 SEER= Room unit or PTAC EER = EER [from Table C403.2.3(3)] Other: See tables C403.2.2(1)-(11) Heating systems: Minimum federal standard required by NAECAe HSPF= Heating Pump 5 65,000 Bluth HSPF= 8.2 AFUE _ Gas Furnace, non -weatherized AFUE 80% AFUE = Oil Furnace, non -weatherized Other: AFUE 83% Water heating system Minimum federal standard required by NAECAe (storage type): Gallons = Elecbic:' 40 gallons: EF=0.92 EF = 50 gallons: EF=0.90 Gallons = Gas fired:° 40 gallons: EF=0.59 EF = 50 gallons: EF=.58 Other (describe): NR= No requiremerrt (1) Each component present in the As Proposed home must meet or exceed each of the applicable criteria in order to comply with this code using this method. (2) For impact rated fenestration complying with Section R301.2.1.2 of the Florida building Code, Residential or Section 1609.1.2 of the Florida Building Code, Building the minimum U-factor shall be 0.65 in Climate Zane 2. An area -weighted average of U-factor and SHGC shall be accepted to meet the requirements, or up to 15 square feet of glazed fenestration area are exempted from the U-factor and SHGC requirement based on Section R402.3.1, R402.3.2 and R403.3.3. (3) One side -hinged opaque door assembly up to 24 square feet is exempted from this U-factor requirement. (4) R-values are for insulation material only as applied in accordance with manufacturers' installation instructions. For mass walls the "interior of wail" requirement must be met except if at least 50 percent of the insulation required for the "exterior of wall" is installed exterior of, or integral to, the wall. (5) Ducts & AHU installed "substantially leak free" per Section R403.2.2. Test required by either individuals defined in section 553.993(5) or (7) Florida Statues, or individuals licensed as set forth in section 489.105(3)(f) or O Florida Statutes. The total leakage test is not required for ducts and air handlers located entirely within the thermal envelope. (6) Minimum efficiencies are those set by the National Appliance Energy Conservation Act of 1987 for typical residential equipment and are subject to NAECA miss and regulations. For other types of equipment, see Tables C403.2.3 (1-11) of the Commercial Provisions of the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation. (7) For electric storage volumes minimum. EF=0.97—(0.00132' volume). (8) For natural gas storage volumes minimum. EF = 0.67 — (0.0019' volume). TABLE 402B MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS Component Section I Summary of Requirement(s) Check Air leakage R402.4 To be caulked, gasketed, weather-stripped or otherwise seated per Table R402.4.1.1. Recessed lighting IC -rated as having 5 2.0 chn tested to ASTM E 283. Windows and doors: 0.3 cfrn/sq.fL (swinging doors: 0.5 cfm/sf) when tested to NFRC 400 or AAMANVDMAIDSA 101/I.S. 21A440. Fireplaces: Tight -fitting flue dampers & outdoor combustion air. Programmable thermostat R403.1.2 A programmable thermostat is required for the primary heating or cooling system. Air distribution system R403.3.2 Ducts shall be tested to Section R403.2.2 by either individuals defined in section 553.993(5) or (7) Florida Statues, or individuals licensed as set forth in section 489.105(3)(0 or (i) Florida Statutes. R403.3.4 Air handling units are not allowed in attics. Water heaters R403.5 Comply with efficiencies in Table C404.2. Hot water pipes insulated to >: R-3 to kitchen outlets, other cases. Circulating systems to have an automatic or accessible manual OFF switch. Heat trap required for vertical pipe risers. Swimming pools & spas R403.10 Spas and heated pools must have vapor -retardant covers or a liquid cover or other means proven to reduce heat loss except if 70% of heat from site -recovered energy. Off/timer switch required. Gas heaters minimum thermal efficiency is 82%. Heat pump pool heaters minimum COP is 4.0 Coolinglheating equipment R403.7 Sizing calculation performed & attached. Special occasion cooling or heating capacity requires separate system or variable capacity system. Lighting equipment R404.1 At least 75% of permanently installed lighting fixtures shall be high -efficacy lamps.