HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCr� JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LVCIE COUNTY FILE # 4548714 OR HOOK 4250 PAGE 2816, Re Corded 04/02/2019 03:26:37 PM SCANNED N NOCE OF COMMENCEMNT B 1E lb bemmpleted Whfn�[romt�be[t/onwlue caoee4$S,EPo.PO(RemrdetlmDYneeds ro besubmRKdee fhp perms Beg W) St. Lucie County PEeMrg• ^ DM TIUt FOL1ON STATE OF FLO ID COUNTY OF IVuvmN Tha undersigned hereby CWea notice that impmuamentwlll be made to mrmin read property, and In atmmanm with Chapter 71 ,Fledda SteteteA the felloufng InfemenUon k provided In this NeOCeof Commentemem. IEGAL OESCRIRION OF PROPERTY (AND STRFFTADDROM, IF AVAIIABLth NETTLES ISUwa IN AawN EC[ION II PARCE11343 PMTA6I1101EIN WMMIXi F1EMENiemRa5m3f198)taU NGrr:Pe DILV0.JE .BSMH.FL GENERAL INUMPTION OF IMPROVEMENn REMOVING OLD TRAILER AND BUILDING NEW TWOSTORY CBS HOME OWNER INFORIVh4T10N OR LESSEE INFORMATION, IF THE LESSEE CONTRACTED FOR THE IMPROVEMENn Name: YaLEtaORETCHnlawt6 Addretn BBeInNE'.IEMOHGmyEEMMAUa, PA 1aBrB Intwast In Property: OWNER Name and address effee, simple dde holder (If different from Owner listed above): CONaWCTOR'S NAME•MEd.RY C0NSTRUC710N Phone No.:772-2295439 Addree: 109V S. OCEAN DRIVE JENSEN BEACH. FL 34957 SURETY COMPANY (If apPllobla, a mW of the payment band is attached): Name and address: Phone No.: Bond ..aunt LENDERS NAME• Phone No. AEdreu: Person, within the State of Fbrlda designated browner uponwhom Mdrea eratherdecumems may be served es provided by xalen73g33 11) (a) 7, Florida Statutes: Name: Phone No In addldo0 to himself or herself, owner designates oI to real. a copy of the Uame. Nola ea prodded in Seat.. 713.13(3)(b), Florida Statues. Phone number ofperson or emit, dealMated by Owner: UPlretton date of Notlee of rdmmentem me (the mmiraden deft may Poll be below, the mmplatbn W comerutdon mW anal payment to the contraRer, but will be 1 yearfrom the date of recording unless adifere,rt date Is spadNed)• fora In R ore true to the beat of my know4dge and beget. before me rht� dayof TTTTT�� (Pdnt.TYPa, wS1wnPCommZTdffed'ge71r ADA Aceeasibllity Disclosure Statement — This document may be reproduced upon request in an alternative format by contacting the County ADA Coordinator (772) 3203131, the County Administration Office (772) 288-5400, Florida Relay 711, or by completing our accessibility feedback form at yvww.martin.fi.us/accessibility-feedback. Rev. OS-19 Digitally signed by The Honorable Joseph E. Smith .moo//snt�nsrm/fovumcRNmvoNamR Date: 20Elect on 15:20: Certified Reason: Electronically 04-04 :00 Copy � o Location: 201 South Indian River Dr, Fort Pierce, FL 34950