HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBMITTED PAPERWORKt LtVAI,1VN L;CH I INVHI t EXPIRES �JUNE 301990 - FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM This form is to be used for. 1) Post -FIRM construction only when the base flood Information Is available for the building site; and 2) Pre -FIRM buildings rated using Post -FIRM rules.. Instructions for completing this form can be found on the reverse side. Scott MiG,Zer BUILDING OWNER'S NAME 2455 Midway Rd. STREET ADDRESS SCANNED : A Apt/Unit-U Suite-S/Bldg: B — — NO. ROUTE B I BOX NUMB R _ OTHER DESCRIPTION (Black and lot numbers., etc.) St Lude rolinty Ft.Pierce, F'6or-bda 34950 CITY STATE ZIP CODE This form is to be completed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect who is authorized by state law to certify elevation information when the elevation information for zones Al-A30, AE, AH, A(with BFE), Vl-V30, VE, and V(with BFE) is required. In the case of zone AO, the building official, the property owner, or the owner's representative should complete the information in Section I and may also complete the certification. Community officials who are authorized by local law or ordinance to provide floodplain management information may also complete this form. SECTION I BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION 1. Using the Flood Insurance Manual or the NFIP Flood Insurance Application —Part 2 Worksheet, indicate the proper diagram number_ 2. FIRM Zones Al-A30, AE, AH, and A (with BFE). The top of the reference level floor from the selected diagram is at an elevation of 10 - 7 7 feet NGVD. (or other datum -see #5) 3. FIRM Zones V1430, VE, and V (with BFE). The bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the reference level floor from the selected diagram is at an elevation of feet NGVD (or other datum -see #5). . 4. FIRM Zone AO. The floor used as the reference level from the selected diagram is wfeet above highest natural grade next to the building (also enter in line 8). This value must be equal to or greater than the AO Zone flood depth number listed below. If no flood depth number is available, is the building's lowest floor (or reference level) elevated in accordance with the community's , floodplain management ordinances? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown 5. Indicate the elevation datum system used in determining the above reference level elevations:® NGVD [I Other (describe on back) 6. Indicate the elevation datum system used on the FIRM for base flood elevations: NGVD El Other (describe on back) (ATTENTION: If the elevation datum used in measuring the elevations is different than that used on the FIRM, then the elevations provided must be converted to the datum system used on the FIRM.) 7. Is the reference level based on actual construction? Yes El No' A "No" answer is only valid if the building does not have the reference level floor in place. Fill in the elevation based on construc- tion drawings and do not complete question #8. If "No" is checked, this certification will be valid only for buildings in the course of construction. After construction of the reference level floor is completed, a post -construction elevation certificate will be required for continued flood insurance coverage. 8. Provide the following measurements using the natural grade next to the building (round to the nearest foot). a. The reference level is: b. The garage floor (if applicable) is: wfeet El above ❑below (check one) the highest grade. wfeet El above El below (check one) the highest grade. ❑Jfeet ❑above ❑below (check one) the lowest grade. W feet ❑above ❑ below (check one) the lowest grade. SECTION II FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP INFORMATION Provide the following from the proper FIRM (see Instructions on back -Date of FIRM) and accompanying insurance application: COMMUNITY NO. PANEL NO. SUFFIX DATE OF FIRM FIRM ZONE BASE FLOOD ELEV. MMUNITY ESTIMATED BASE FLOG (In AO Zone; use depth) ELEVATION ESTABLISHED FOR ZONE A 120285 0280 B 1/5/64 A-6 11 r OR ZONE V, IF AVAILABLE Elevation reference mark used appears on FIRM UYes ❑ No (See reverse side for details) SECTION III CERTIFICATION This certification is to be signed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect who is authorized by state law to certify elevation information when the elevation information for zones Al-A30, AE, AH, A(with BFE), V1-1/30, VE, and V(with BFE) is required. In the case of zone AO, the building official, the property owner, or the owner's representative can sign the certification. Community officials who are authorized by local law or ordinance to provide floodplain management information, may also sign the certification. 1 certify that the information on this certificate represents my best efforts to interpret the data available. I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under 18 U.S. Code, Section 1001. James A. Kirby III 2391 CERTIFIER'S NAME LICENSE NUMBER (or Affix Seal) Registered Land Surveyor James A. Kirby III Registered Land Surveyor TITLE COMPANY NAME 1921 Orange Ave. Ft.Pierce, Florida 34954 ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP � f' -!L� 4-20-90 464-9621 SIGN TUIle DATE PHONE The Insurance agent should attach line oripinal copy of the completes form to the flood insurance policy application. The second. Copy should be supplied to the policyholder and the th rd copy retained by t e agent. The fourth copy Is for the local community permit office, if required. THIS FORM MAY BE REPRODUCED. FOROPTIONAL COMM�IITY USE: Is the reference level also the lowest'floor under the community's floodplain management ordinances? ❑ YES ❑ NO I the elevation of the lowest floor is feet NGVD. ..... —.....-..._ 593-117 (6/87) - INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE ELEVATION CERTIFICATE The Flood Insurance Manual and the Flood Insurance Application —Part 2 Worksheet contains a series of diagramslhat are to be used to determine the reference level for the specific structure in question. The diagrams are available through local insurance agents or the National Flood Insurance Program. .. - - " "Natural grade" is defined as the "grade unaffected by construction techniques such as fill, landscaping, or berming." A reference level is shown in each of the worksheet diagrams of the various building types. For property locations in zones A1-A30 AE, AH, and A(wittFBFE)-Line 2 of-the=Elevation Certificate indicates that the -elevation -should -be __ measured from the top of the reference level floor. For property locations in zones V1430, VE, and V (with BFE), Line 3 of the Elevation Certificate indicates that the elevation should be measured from the bottom of the -lowest horizontal _ structural member of the reference level floor.' I— .. The insured will determine the measurements using the "top of floor' from the Flood Insurance -Part 2 Worksheet diagrams. ON WITH ON SLAB BASEMENT PIERS The diagram, right, demonstrates A V the differences between the point A V A. ZONES ZONES ZONES that be measured ZONES ZONES REFERENCE elevations should LEVEL from In A zones and V zones. REFERENCE REFERENCE LEVEL WINDOW LEVEL " Elevations for all A zones should be measured from the top of the reference level floor. • Elevations for all V zones Should BASE • • NATURAL GRADE NATURAL BASE FLOOD be measured from the bottom of ELE EFLOLEVATION RE LEVELCE GRADE ELEVATION the lowest horizontal structural member of the reference level floor. 7;�;7 ELEVATION OF REFERENCE LEVEL ' IF NOT FLOOOPROOFED The reference level elevation may be reported to the same level of precision used to. report base flood elevation on the FIRM (e.g., if the base flood elevation is shown to the nearest half foot, the reference level may be reported to the nearest half foot). Base flood elevations are shown on the community's Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for zones Al-A30, AH, AE, V1-V30, and VE. Base flood elevations may also be on file with the community for zones A and V for all subdivisions and other new developments greater than 50 lots or 5 acres, whichever is the lesser, if the start of construction was after December 31. 1974. Base flood depth numbers are shown on the community's Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for zone AO. These depth numbers should be used to compare with the height of the reference level floor above highest natural grade in Line 8 of the. Elevation Certificate. Elevation reference marks other than those shown on the FIRM may be used for reference level elevation determinations. In areas experiencing ground subsidence, the most recently adjusted reference mark elevations available must be used for elevation determinations. If a reference mark not shown on the FIRM is used, identify the reference mark used in the comment section. Date of FIRM used in Section II of the Elevation Certificate can be either the date of the FIRM in effect when the certification is being provided or the data of the FIRM that was in effect �t the time the building was constructed. COMMENTS: NC1E TO INSURANCE AGENTS AND COMMUNITY OFFICIALS: In all A zones, the reference level is the top of the lowest flodr,andin V zones the - reference level is the bottom of the slab/horizontal support. Agents should refer to the flood insurance manual for instruction on lowest floor definition. 593-117-2 (6187) April 20, 1990 Mr. Terry Virta Community Development Director St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Re: Certification of Elevation Party Time Pizza, 2455 Midway Rd. Dear Mr. Virta: Consulting Engineers • Land Surveyors 805 Virginia Avenue, Suite 15 . P.O. Box 1449 Ft. Pierce, FL 34954 . (407) 464-3537 Job No. 8778 SCANNED BY St. Lucie County The Contractor for Party Time Pizza inadvertently constructed the floor slab below the 11.00 NGVD required by building permit No. 51998. During design, I calculated the minimum finished floor elevation for the 100 year, 3 day storm event to be 10.70 NGVD. F.I.R.M Map Panel No. 120285 0280 B of January 5, 1984 shown the subject parcel between the 10.00 and 11.00 flood contours. The Flood Insurance Study of February 17, 1981 page 01P shows the 100 year flood curve to be 10.7 NGVD for this location. The newly received Flood Insurance Study (preliminary) on page 02P shows the 100 year flood curve to be 8.2 NGVD for this location (a decrease of 2.5 feet from the previous flood map. A field survey gave the center line elevation of Midway Rd. to be 9.2 NGVD. Therefore, the design elevation of 10.70 NGVD is the required 18 inches above center line and matches the 1981 Flood Map 100 year storm elevation prediction of 10.7 NGVD and, to the best of my knowledge, meets or exceeds the 100 year flood requirements. The actual floor elevation was surveyed at 10.77 NGVD. Sincerely, CULPPF.R - TER PENING, INC: Vaug"I_an C. Weayar, P.E. P.E. No. 21723 VCW/mjh cc: Jerry James i �'� 5{-t-e Pt4✓l - ST. �L%UGCIE COUNTY PE IT NO. / J CODE # PERMIT APPLICATIOI .3 SEWAGE PERM T NO. man / APPLICATION FOR PEVMW V= 9217,WRUCT_ / IR JOB LOCATION/ADDRES 4UED r- -` VVV Yes o LEGAL DESCRIPTION .4Tr ATiAtI/C" Date :7 Init. V SCANNED PROPERTY TAX ID # ?1103 ,SOZ oo90 o20 /z Ry St. Lucie County N SITE PLAN , NAME FLOOD ZONEd_6_ELEV_/ L S/D Z-,',vise, ez?X S�D Sa/TC�/ Dk.3T LOT n BLK UNIT SEC �J= _ TWP .S RGE '�/J� ZONE C,%Z GMPP �G LOT SIZE/DIMENSIONS Isle, x /rD ASx /t/6 rz IY9 &c/�����9 &, V6ET BACKS: FRONT S.S6S REAR SS SIDE dg SIDE Z S --_ ---- 9ya BP VALUE RADON V taUu 1; LIVING AREA }- /.ADD -kCCESSORY z Pam— ._��,y,� 7�uZAnJd'O R.tiA .PHONE1/o7 39s 96Sel 3/S Co.6diFa/ a E CTY apCA 7.97dd ST_e5� ZIP / 1TE RM/CERT # CB Coc//bSb/ COUNTY CERT # 97 1E -e A mieeEZ CON6Taue'o.✓ PHONE 4-66 6Z6$ ' IP0a0X /782 CTY FT/�i tl ST FG ZIP 3Y96 1E 4:r2,9., > le nrr PHONE Ve / Z 9 Go CTY Fs 7�,erRe., STZIP STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF STD LUCIE Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared, Scary A. v7,rne. who upon being duly sworn, deposes and says that the information contained in the foregoing application is true and correct. Sworn to and subscribed before 19 Notary Public, State of FL at Lange' My commission expires_L - 7-%; APPLICANT C." . me this _ t!,- day of �p o1L W 6 ll-gN1V\t\C� >2-4-89 SCHOOL IMPACT ROAD IMPACT Req_yes_✓no Re, yes no Amt Pd Dist��j`��( Lcn�(e u S1,+e ST. LUCIE , t PERMIT NO. APPLICATION F JOB LOCATION/ Ptavn - — COUNTY CODE # Pe<ty'm i z7-,9 N PERMIT APPLICATIO �� 7 /O /// — SEWAGE PERM T NO. Z5036 L17/// ___-LEGAL_ DESCRIPTION--- SCE ,pTTAliIt�D - DRIVEEWAY PERMIT SCANNED /-Pi- OPERTY TAX ID # �f03 S02 op9ly►eg r�zo St Lucie County V/ SITE PLAN - NAME„pg 7y-T;,e .,yyg MAP #[� FLOOD ,dj� ELEV-1-L S/D_/aNis6 ez*T 41Z SNr-tn! 7�e-Ar LOT BLK UNIT SEC TWP RGE/� IONS C%z GMPP �[ / / LOT SIZE/DIMENSIONS 13 4.8ET BACKS: FRONT .SS � REAR SS SIDE SIDE LB � EST COST_ _ /on. poo BP VALUE RADON r SQ FT BUILDINGS: LIVING AREA -- CCESSORY 0 v ARCHITECT: NAME �,� 7juZAiJL'o �$A PHONE e/ 39 & bf4/ 07 S a. sT_ 3is �a,/✓��.i . oQ CTY .ag6eA 7 ,-jST—,6��__ZIP 4L CONTRACTOR: STATE RAP,/CERT# e,3 GOU/.FS/i COUNTY CERT #_%� v NAME-! A,enleeE2 62,Vs7Rue72o.✓ 920 PHONE C/6�G2G� p ST ;P0Bo( y982 CTY FTPe�7eer ST FG ZIP OWNER OF. NAME , Js PHONE ✓& / a s oo PROPERTY: ST Z// Y ,?'40'�-ReerT CTY ZIP 1 STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ST, LUCIE Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared, 5eor-r 4- who upon, being duly sworn, deposes and says that the information contained in the foregoing application is true and correct. Swo�n to and subscribed-- I~efgre 11.J/-y 11.e .1 19 U� i4 r} \ �• 1. 4 r . Notary Public, State of FL at Larc11, 7e' My commission expires�y =7 _ nr l�IN I r.-n\ - me_ this .14 i_ day of �LqN\V\tJC� \z-4-89 SCHOOL IMPACT ROAD I ACT Req_yes_✓no, Req yes AO Amt Pd Dist Date Pd Zone• Fe �r 7J CHECK LIST PR89 - 3718 FAtSCcTrfsue: PARTY TIME PIZZA - RESTAURANT (TAKE-OUT) Architect: JOHN DURANKO Ph: (407) 395-8684 (BO.A) Contractor: S. A. MILLER CONSTRUCTION CO. Ph: 466-6268 Owner: GERALD JAMES Ph: 461-2500 Address: 2455 MIDWAY RD. FT. PIERCE. FL 34982 Occupancy Classification: SCANNED '2 r e County Type of Conatruction: St. Luc- Height and Area: 12-cc> T Occupancy Requirements per Chapter IV: DeLiyer j rAeo L%±j �r� SAft'o V Gres T'9A'je 7"n 6e s' - Con truction Requirements: A. Fire Protection: B. Egress Requireoents: Other TRequiremeuta: /J A- Elevators l� Sprinklers 6 Standpipes 4, Caabuatible Materiala - Interior Roof Coverings Light - Ventilation - Sanitation _Shcswda/ Handicap Requirements Plans sent to Fire Dept. - Date: Approved: Plot Plan Check Hater Energy Code r Sewer Paving 6 Drainage approval by Engineering Dept. Special Conditions prior to iasusnce Threshold Affidavit/before Ionuance Affidavit • I• - SCANNED BY St. Lucie County - - - - -- -- i-- Z4,OC / R a}ter O< 'Iurricor.e Eroc^ ;a I/2 Bolt 4�oc Joist Strad ea. Truss 1� —,— • 'i ��' C J,+r �,. ' lo„ 2z8 P.T. Gcly. Metal or 90ASlate r•d'' StripUnder ea Truss _�y`;lll --�'z12,,Cone. " 4' •�;, 2�7Q Re Bars Cont. ;: Dp71 q. ' Y!'4 �5 Qccm. f2 Courses H. Blocks .. ;o Nletal Cavity Cc, n- ' Cavity Cup 5 - h it �5 Re Bar of oil Corners u 1 a Min of 16' O.C.Thfu II out Wall. ALTERNATE BEAM ;I f 4 Dowell at all Corners •. I Allow 30 Die. Lap 6z6- 10 Ga. Rd. Mesh II4 P�1 -"-5 Re Bar Waterproof Membrane „n I'-/7 Or W.P. Concrete 11ii .' it 1 :'p . e :.G-.; P.?q o?•:; � ,I �I , I yG r--tee i��---- I�; - MQDowell T7 If ICI - 1:1 Tamped Fill ..o...-o .r. :-_{ n.o':.•-2,..L EEIII F c, '. 5r"o .,i ,.; `-",. �i._? h IO��z 18 Ftq }l-3- 4c+� ..••A `�-, �, D. .? Cont. ILI"•r.�.. ate, y..•. Continuous FP1rVIEWEED T.LUCIECOUNTY IB MONOLITHIC UILDING DIVISION TYPICAL SECTION FOR REVIEWED MASONRY CONST. OR COMP BY v,�TE 0 '\ PUANS AND PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON JOB OR �. NO INSPECTION WILL BE MADE JDI NN DyUANKO ea• oatrfei. F ORI�VE BOARD COUNTY` COMMISSIONERS IMPORTANT 9T. LUCIE COUNTY FLOOD HAZARD NOTICE BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER 51998 CONTRACTOR S. A. Miller Construction Co. OWNER Gerald James NOTICE DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR TERRY L. % ARTA SCANNED BY St. Lucie County THIS NOTICE IS TO INFORM YOU THAT YOUR PROPERTY IS IN A FLOOD HAZARD ZONE. THIS MEANS THAT THE ELEVATION OF THE FIRST FLOOR MUST BE SET AT 11 FEET, NGVD (MEAN SEA LEVEL), OR 18" ABOVE THE CROWN OF THE ROAD, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. NO CONSTRUCTION IS TO PROCEED BEYOND THE 1ST FLOOR/SLAB INSPECTION, OR JUST PRIOR TO THE SECOND FLOOR POUR OF A MULTI —STORY STRUCTURE, UNTIL THE REQUIRED ELEVATION CERTIFICATION HAS BEEN COMPLETED BY A REGISTERED SURVEYOR, AND RECEIVED AND APPROVED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION OF THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY COMMUNITY 'DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. THE ELEVATION CERTIFICATION MAY BE SUBMITTED ANY TIME WITHIN 21 CALENDAR DAYS FROM THE ABOVE; HOWEVER, NO .FURTHER CONSTRUCTION SHOULD TARE PLACE, NOR WILL ANY INSPECTIONS BE MADE UNTIL THE REQUIRED CERTIFICATION APPROVED. HAS"BEEN RECEIVED AND r SIGNATURE - - DATE HWIRT LFENN Disttq: No 1 • 1UDY CU:7ERcER DwnC: No. 2 •JACK KR$GER Dnm;: No 3 • R D.:LE ':.Er`Ch(y Googly AQ(ili:'ll j(: •31 fJ' -- k'EWON (E _15 2300 Vugini6 Avenue 6 Fc)rr Ple•ce. k 34932-5652 Duector (407) 4681590 0 Duiid.ng 1401) 468 1553 0 Plinn-j '407 403.1570 Zon,ng (407 4081553aCcd� E^lor;rmenr �.:��7. ;fg.;g7• s BUILDING PLAN CHECK LUCIE COUNTY- FORT PIERCE FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA StANNE® TELEPHONE 465-6655 BY St. Lucie County' PROJECT NAME: PARTY TIME PIZZA f11969 PLAN NUMBER DATE RECEIVED 12-12-89 'CONTRACTOR: S. A Miller onS a inn PHONE NUMBER: 466-626D ARCHITECT: John Duranko PHONE NUMBER:995-8684' OWNER: PARTY TIME PIZZA Gerald James LOCATION: 2455 Midway Rd. 50 persons TYPE OF OCCUPANCY: Class ."C" Mercantile TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: SIZE OF BUILDING: ,1,200 sq. `ft• NUMBER'OF FLOORS: REQUIREMENTS: 1. .Provide" fill piping for bumper protection around LP gas tank. A separate permit is required for the LP tank and plumbing installation. •2. If"any deep fat fryers or if a grill is to be used, a complete hood duct and fire ,suppression system will have to be installed. Note to Building Department: The exterior mansard is not considered architpcturAl trim and W it is part of the roof truss assembly, therefore it is not necessary to draft Stan every - 20 feet. 3. Provide,a 4A-40BC rated•extinguisher for the kitchen area CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY BUREAU ON ALL INSPECTIONS . , '� 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED ON ALL INSPECTIONS REVIEWED BY: DATE SIGNAT E 4 ''STATE OF FLORIDA -'.4 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE'SERVICES ����� ONSITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION PERN[IT.' ---------------PART I - SYSTEM Treatment Tank Septic tank or aerobic unit�gallbns Septic tank or aerobic unit gallons Graywater • ' tank gallons Laundry waste tank gallons Authority: Chapter381, FS Chapter 1 OD-6, FAC r. Permit Number IFICATIONS-AND CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL =-................ t Minimum Draintrench OR Minimum Absorption Size BedSize_ Grease ��^ interceptor 75u gallons Dosing'tankm gallons Square Feet Square•Feet Square Feet Square Feet " Square Feet yoYi Square Feet Square Feet Square Feet - Other Requirements: SCANNED. . gY (a) Installation must be in accord with requirements of chapter 10Q-6, FAC. t Wde-Countjf (b) A system construction permit is valid for a period of one calendar year from date of issu ' (c) Final installation inspection and approval is required before the sy te�i is covered. �2 ` (d) Invert of stub -out for T AIULIW to be �E iAkMK5CaVDAL benchmark Invert of stub -out for to be benchmark Invert of stub -out for to be benchmark Invert of stub -out for to be benchmark r (e) Fill quality and quantity: EXCAVATION MUST BE:CHECKED gy SAT4' DRPARTMFNT PRTOR Tn DRAINFIELD INSTALLATION, (f):Other: "IF AREA 99 DRAI FIELD 19 SUBjEC£.T9 ATURATION FR0M.R90F DRAINAGE, ROOF MUST BE GUTTERED PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL. System design and spec Construction authorized my Public Health Unit If Title CIS Date o Note: Completed copieV this form,will be provide'd.to the applicant, installer and the building department. - - `56600 AUDIT CONTROL"NO. SQUARE MILE_ HRS-H Form 4016, Feb 85 (Obsoletes previous editions which may not be used) ' (Stock Number. 5744-001-4016-0) ' Page of , f 0-,�t M E M O R A N DFI TO: Party Pizza i e FROM: Dennis Mulr sSCANNED DATE: Fe'bruary'19 90 BY St. Lucie County SUBJECT: Issuance of Building Permit (PR-8973718) The County Attorney's office has- a deed for the right-of-way .dedication as required as,a condition of site plan approval. TKis deed and apprdda'ls will be forthcoming. is to be assessed upon issuance of building permit. A-F-F-EB'T-t will be given for the dedication of, "ten. feet (10') of right-of-way. By handling this matter in this: , ,,manner, no 11 refund by the County will be necessary. -The issuance of the building permit for this project is, approved by me. r: DJM/JDB/jb � a SCANNED, BY St. Lucie County ST :.ROAO IMPACT FEEICAL�U�ATION.FORM Nerve Of Feepe er Address Date — Road Benefit and. -Coll cticn Zone ;?he; i.pict fee calculated :hares h s. the fee achsdula-adopted in St. been determir6ed based an cif County:Dsdinanea /5-10, I effective February 1, 1986. "r_ T i f TrNp USE FEE PER TOTAL I T • [rFA T I / UNITS • SQ FT (1000).J.�....... PARKING SPACES ....... , d STUDEWS .... (z i 15,e_ cat+r ,,Cheri Waiver CBECA LIST PR89 - .37 18 PRtSCar mama: PARTY TIME PIZZA - RESTAURANT (TAKE-OUT) Architect: JOHN DURANKO Ph: (407) 395-8684 (BOCA) Contractor: S. A. MILLER CONSTRUCTION CO. Ph: 4664268 Opener: GERALD JAMES Ph: 461-2500 Address: 2455_MIDWAY RD. FT. PIERCE FL 34982SamED B Occupancy Classification: /}? St. Lucje County Type of Construction: ,1l Height and Area: " cc t Occupancy Requirements per Chapter IV: 1. L%ver rA� t U% s�ss+�w TAgb + Gass .7-gaAr 7-0 je Con truction Requirementa: 4 A. Fire Protection: B. Egress Requireumnts: Other Requirements: �A- Elevators Sprinklers 6 Standpipes Coobuatfble Materials - Interior Roof Coverings Light - Ventilation - Sanitation Randicap Require=nts Plans sent to"Fire Dept. - Date: -7-3 /Approved: Plot Plan Check Water Server Energy Code . Paving &-Drainage approval by Engineering Dept. Special Conditions prior to issuance Threshold Affidavit/Beforo Issuance Affidavit BUILDING PLAN CHECK .4 ST. LUCIE COUNTY- FORT PIERCE .FIRE FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA rt TELEPHONE 465-6655 PREVENTION BUREAU SCANNED BY -- St. Lucie County PROJECT NAME: PARTY TIME PIZZA #1969 PLAN NUMBER DATE RECEIVED 12-12-89 CONTRACTOR: S. A. Miller Constrnrtinn PHONE NUMBER: 466_6268 " ARCHITECT: John Duranko PHONE NUMBER: 199-86R4 , OWNER: PARTY TIME PIZZA Gerald James LOCATION: 2455 Midway Rd. 50 persons TYPE OF OCCUPANCY: Class "C" Mercantile TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:IT nn SIZE OF BUILDING: 1,200 sq. ft. NUMBER OF FLOORS: REQUIREMENTS: 1. Provide 4" fill piping for bumper protection around LP required for the LP tank and plumbing installation. 2. If any deep fat fryers or if a grill is to be used, a complete hood duct and fire suppression system will have to be installed. Note to Building Department: The exterior mansard is not considered architectural trim and it is part of the roof truss assembly, therefore, it is not necessary to draft stop every 20 feet. 3. Provide a 4A-40BC rated extinguisher for the kitchen area. y CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY BUREAU ON ALL INSPECTIONS a 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED ON ALL INSPECTIONS REVIEWED BY: `—��� `�' y"` DATE SIGNATU E