HomeMy WebLinkAbout3004/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND SUMMARY FUND TITLE EXPENSES 001 001001 001009 001409 001427 001497 001630 001632 001651 001652 001656 001657 001658 001659 001660 001834 001835 101 101001 102 102001 10,7 107001 107002 107003 107006 107207 130 130142 1.30143 130144 130145 130146 130245 130246 130248 130249 132 140 140001 140416 140426 150 160 181 183 185021 189119 General Fund Recreation Special Events Gen -One Time Funding FCTD Planning Grant SFY2024 FL Div of Emerg Mgt (EMPA) FDOT SUN Trail Network Prog US Treasury American Rescue Plan US Treasury Emer. Rental Assist 2 FHA thru FDOT SEC 112 MPO/FHWA FHA Surface Trans Block Grant US HUD Continuum of Care -Veterans US HUD Continuum of Care -Chronic US HUD Continuum of Care -Family FHA Coronavirus Response & Relief Comm Svcs Block Grant FY 23-24 TCERDA Artificial Reef Program Transportation Trust Fund Transportation Trust Interlocals Unincorporated Services Fund Stormwater MSTU Fine & Forfeiture Fund Fine & Forfeiture Fund -Wireless Sur Fine & Forfeiture Fund-E911 Surchar Fine & Forfeiture Fund-800 Mhz Oper F&F Fund -Court Related Technology FDMS Region 6 GIS Repository SLC Public Transit MSTU FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super. Grant FTA/FDOT 5311 CRRSAA SFY2023 FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant FTA 5310 - Travel Training FTA 5310 Enhanced Mobility FDOT FY2023 Block Grant FDOT Micro -Transit Exp. Zone 2 FCTD SY2024 Trip & Equipment FCTD Innovative Service Dev. Grant Culvert MSBU Airport Fund Port Fund FDOT Security Perimeter Fencing P2 FDOT 2850 C. King Blvd. Building Impact Fee Collections Plan Maintenance RAD Fund SLC Housing Finance Authority Fund Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir FHFC SHIP FY2021-2022 US HUD HOME PARTD 293,'793.76 0.00 46, 34-7.88 0.00 167.00 0.00 868,362.82 0.00 26,265.27 13,600.50 822.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,514.20 2,321.51 0.00 32,796.79 0.00 5,508.78 61,307.69 182, 109.V5 2,129.53 2,343.80 2,839.37 69,138.66 46, 154.83 727,516.97 0.00 23,010.92 563.00 13,96V.00 0.00 6-7, 042.00 28,792.96 62,880.13 8,877.44 19,500.00 15,491.50 1-41,143.64 10,075.00 20,437.50 1,124.40 709.84 1,000.00 7,564.10 21,150.00 PAGE PAYROLL 932, 160.09 4,310.06 0.00 125.52 0.00 1,938.19 0.00 716.-14 10, 658.28 4,750.21 0.00 268.67 895.05 1,138.02 3,796.91 3,269.23 2,699.38 166, 635.88 3,815.01 96, 122.4-7 33,971.70 247,060.42 20,255.23 2,246.14 0.00 21,309.88 0.00 1,941.02 2,480.79 0.00 3,560.74 0.00 7,940.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26, 684.10 28,858.68 0.00 0.00 2,371.87 3,509.76 0.00 16,722.79 0.00 318.47 04/26/24 FZABWARR FUND TITLE 190 191 240 310010 310014 310016 310017 310018 316 319 37006 37012 382 401 418 471 478 479 491 505 505001 611 630 631 801 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD WARRANT LIST #k30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND SUMMARY Sports Complex Fund SLC Sustainability District Port Taxable NonAdValorem Bond2017A Impact Fees -Library "North" Impact Fees -Park "South" Impact Fees -Transportation "North" Impact Fees-Transportation"Central" Impact Fees -Transportation "South" County Capital Infrastructure Surtax Capital Rainbow Drive I MSBU Rainbow Drive II MSBU Environmental Land Capital Fund Sanitary Landfill Fund Golf Course Fund Water & Sewer District Operations Water & Sewer District R&R Water & Sewer Dist. -Cap Facilities Building Code Fund Health Insurance Fund Risk Management Fund Tourist Development Trust-Adv Fund Medical Examiner Agency Fund Victim Services Agency Fund Bank Fund GRAND TOTAL: EXPENSES 18,244.75 2,288.40 5,026.67 5,230.27 5,361.85 2,100.00 41,127.19 999.48 3,685,341.50 1,566.16 23,655.98 128,365.59 43.17 405,970.77 96,881.54 37,091.67 2,027.42 148,172.00 27,429.55 7,450.86 3,321.01 776.29 4,521.32 24,577.81 486,463.49 8,006,405.28 PAGE PAYROLL 41,248.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 138,667.49 11,868.61 82,286.81 0.00 3,618.68 96,695.61 7,796.66 4,407.26 10,193.60 56,665.16 0.00 0.00 2,105,980.35 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST 430- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND SUMMARY- MOSQUITO FUND TITLE EXPENSES 145 Mosquito Fund 7,700.12 147 Bear Point Mitigation Fund 4,442.00 GRAND TOTAL: 12,142.12 PAGE 1 PAYROLL 63,242.59 0.00 63,242.59 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND SUMMARY- EROSION FUND TITLE EXPENSES 184 Erosion Control Operating Fund 0.00 GRAND TOTAL: 0.00 PAGE 1 PAYROLL 12,918.54 12,918.54 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 001 - General Fund CHECK VENDOR !0056447 Dzadovsky, Christopher P !0056448 Griffin, Amy !0056453 Lilley, Sr, Robert B !0056454 Mast, Carrie !0056460 Williams, Daniel J !0056461 1 Stop Process Service Inc !0056466 Allied Universal Corporation !0056467 Alsco Inc PURPOSE Dzadovsky/ Local Travel Griffin/Deland/Interagency Man Educational Programming Mast/Hollywood/Gartner CIO Lea Williams/ Local Travel Process Service Swimming pool chlorination & c Swimming pool chlorination & c Swimming pool chlorination & c CHECK TOTAL: Shop Towels/Floor Mat Cleaning !0056470 Apple Industrial Supply Co Maintenance & Repair !0056482 CleanPro Services LLC Other Contractual Service Other Contractual Services Other Contractual Service Other Contractual Services Other Contractual Service Other Contractual Service Other Contractual Services - S Other Contractual Services - S CHECK TOTAL: !0056485 Correctional Risk Services Inc Inmate Medical Expenses C17-10 !0056488 Day Dreams Uniforms Inc J. Branton uniforms and Manpow !0056493 Engineering Design & Construct Professional Civil Engineering !0056494 Famoso Inc Non -Clerical Staffing for Even Non -Clerical Staffing for Even Non -Clerical Staffing for Even Temporary Manpower Personnel Temporary Manpower Personnel Temporary Manpower Personnel Temporary/Non-Clerical Staffin Temporary/Non-Clerical Staffin Laborers (Common Labor) CHECK TOTAL: PAGE 1 TOTAL 20.90 49.00 478.50 55.00 26.06 80.00 701.28 250.46 310.57 1,262.31 1f►d1Mi1 400.00 1,100.00 360.00 900.00 600.00 900.00 1,225.00 320.00 5,805.00 100,051.56 46.25 118.75 720.51 126.90 541.44 695.52 738.52 695.52 177.66 1,396.61 67.68 5,160.36 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 001 - General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056497 Graybar Electric Company Inc Maintenance & Repair !0056509 Manny's Lawn Services Inc Additional tree trimming and s !0056518 Renaissance Business Park LLC !0056519 Ricoh USA Inc Supervisor of Elections Rent Supervisor of Elections Rent Supervisor of Elections Rent CHECK TOTAL: Operating Supplies PO incorporates agreement for PO incorporates agreement for Copier Rental/Lease Copier Rental/Lease Copier Rental/Lease PO incorporates agreement for Ricoh IMC2500 Lease CHECK TOTAL: !0056525 The Roof Authority Inc Release Retainage !0056527 Toshiba America Business Solut Copies Full Service Maintenanc This PO Incorporates the Agree CHECK TOTAL: !0056529 Treasure Coast Courier Service Courier Services 09854438 Adams Remco Inc Copies 09854440 Baker Donelson Bearman Cald C16-01-024 Professional Legal 09854441 City of Port St Lucie Acct #0874055100636/ERD Acct #0759464044881/LIB Acct #0874055307541/Parks SF Acct #0874055287868/Parks SF Acct #0874055044879/Parks SF Acct #0178395222062/2950 SW Ro CHECK TOTAL: 09854444 Evette Plata Utility Deposit Refund 09854445 FCC Environmental Services Flo Check sent to wrong entity 09854448 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #57720-36470/ERD Acct #11710-83155/ERD Acct #15346-00240/Parks SF CHECK TOTAL: PAGE 2 TOTAL 122.94 750.00 5,467.66 24,713.16 3,798.37 33,979.19 17.29 215.00 152.00 1,394.98 119.00 198.57 229.33 172.10 2,498.27 113.62 279.97 393.59 500.00 95.94 1,241.50 131.77 158.37 187.14 35.94 874.91 210.68 1,598.81 88.00 26,000.00 175.85 27.22 32.06 235.13 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 001 - General Fund CHECK VENDOR 09854449 Florida Power & Light Company PURPOSE Acct #64200-50327/IT Acct #48894-52340/Garage Acct #55615-58007/ERD Acct #34137-92445/AG Acct #76225-50502/Parks SF Acct #05407-34167 Acct #54284-74356/Fairgrounds Acct #21835-79537/Parks RG Acct #38017-54593/Public Safet Acct #10032-87289/FAC CHECK TOTAL: 09854452 Gannett Media Corp Acct #1125957 St Lucie County 09854454 Henry, Brent Rent for Jameika Chisholm 04/2 09854456 Levine Kellogg Lehman Schneide C21-10-660 Professional Legal 09854461 Parent Academy of St Lucie Aca Partial Security Deposit from 09854463 Ricoh USA Inc I&P Copier Lease Copies (I&P) CHECK TOTAL: 09854469 Treasure Coast Council Of Loca Membership Dues for 1/l/24-12/ C0032620 All Contractor Services Inc Lift Station Maintenance C23-1 C0032625 Bluetriton Brands Inc Cooler Rental at Recreation 0 water cooler rental Water, Drinking (Including Dis Hot/Cold Water Cooler Rental Cooler Rental Bottled Water Delivery CHECK TOTAL: C0032628 Carlon Inc Tanks: CO2 Tank and Backup tan C0032630 Comcast Comcast Business Acct Ending # C0032631 Commercial Energy Specialist I Preventative Maintenance - Poo C0032633 Decks & Docks Lumber Company I Misc. Preserve Grounds Maint. C0032637 Federal Express Corporation Acct # PAGE 3 TOTAL 5,037.88 241.48 719.00 1,336.41 2,945.67 8,171.34 9,681.63 12,095.13 8,518.10 11,594.93 60,341.57 495.90 4,800.00 120.00 31.00 152.00 133.90 285.90 200.00 1,760.00 2.99 2.99 20.97 2.99 2.99 27.96 60.89 310.60 398.12 844.38 112.00 41.04 37.83 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 001 - General Fund CHECK VENDOR C0032637 - Continued C0032639 Greenberg Traurig PA PAGE 4 PURPOSE TOTAL Acct # 30.12 CHECK TOTAL: 108.99 C21-05-283 Professional Legal 715.00 C0032640 Kauff's of Ft Pierce Inc Other Contractual Services - T C0032649 SiteOne Landscape Supply Holdi Building Maintenance Building Maintenance Small Tools CHECK TOTAL: C0032650 Summit Fire & Security LLC Equipment Maintenance C0032651 The ADT Security Corporation Security and Camera Access Sys Services 04/01-04/20/24 CHECK TOTAL: C0032652 Toshiba Business Solutions (US Operating Supplies Equipment Rental CHECK TOTAL: C0032654 UniFirst Corporation Floor Mat Cleaning Service - L H0004903 Florida Department of Revenue 03/24 Sales Tax 03/24 Sales Tax 03/24 Sales Tax 03/24 Sales Tax 03/24 Sales Tax 03/24 Sales Tax 03/24 Sales Tax CHECK TOTAL: H0004904 St Lucie County Tax Collector H0004906 Internal Revenue Service V0023172 Airstron LLC Resort Tax for Savannas & Fair Resort Tax for Savannas & Fair Resort Tax for Savannas & Fair CHECK TOTAL: Group# 50041851 USABLE - Emplo Group# 50041851 USABLE - Emplo CHECK TOTAL: Equipment Maintenance 01918991I1 31.60 22.05 147.96 201.61 2,869.00 120.00 77.42 42.58 9.64 104.53 114.17 30.50 23.89 2,853.36 2,369.62 159.29 522.11 116.37 468.50 6,513.14 1,705.99 372.94 0.50 2,079.43 131.10 30.66 161.76 991I99II1 V0023173 Carolina Filters Inc Operating Supplies 48.00 V0023175 Comcast Acct #8535 11 514 0519128 218.88 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 001 - General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE V0023186 AT&T Acct #561 N10-0045 045 V0023189 Carolina Filters Inc Operating Supplies Operating Supplies CHECK TOTAL: V0023190 Carolina Filters Inc Operating Supplies Operating Supplies Operating Supplies CHECK TOTAL: V0023191 Airstron LLC Equipment Maintenance V0023195 EFE Inc Misc. Hardware Supplies Misc. Small Equipment Parts & CHECK TOTAL: V0023198 Mometrix Media LLC eLibrary Database for Test Pre V0023200 St Lucie West Services Distric Acct #20-05788-00/560 NW Unive V0023202 W W Grainger Inc Vanguard Engine Drum Aerator A FUND TOTAL: PAGE 5 TOTAL 9,403.28 1,089.00 628.65 1,717.65 47.40 376.20 307.40 731.00 517.71 534.08 516.90 1,050.98 2,528.90 744.00 3,999.99 293,793.76 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 001009- Gen -One Time Funding CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056501 IMS Infrastructure Management Professional Services !0056507 Kimley Horn and Associates Inc Engineering FUND TOTAL: PAGE 6 TOTAL 33,953.75 12,394.13 46,347.88 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 001427- FL Div of Emerg Mgt (EMPA) PAGE 7 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056451 Hawkins, Sonji Hawkins/Orlando/National Hurri 167.00 FUND TOTAL: 167.00 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 001630- US Treasury American Rescue Plan CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056495 Felix Associates of Florida In Infrastructure Retainage CHECK TOTAL: PAGE 8 TOTAL 914,066.13 45,703.31- 868,362.82 FUND TOTAL: 868,362.82 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 001651- FHA thru FDOT SEC 112 MPO/FHWA CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056484 Coco Vista Center LLC Building Rental !0056507 Kimley Horn and Associates Inc Professional Services !0056515 PlaceVision Inc Other Contractual Services FUND TOTAL: PAGE 9 TOTAL 8,754.67 12,470.60 5,040.00 26,265.27 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 001652- FHA Surface Trans Block Grant CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056465 Alfred Benesch & Company Professional Services FUND TOTAL: PAGE 10 TOTAL 13,600.50 13,600.50 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 001656- US HUD Continuum of Care -Veterans PAGE 11 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056473 Brandy Elizabeth McDonald PA PSH-RA/Rent 2209 S 33rd St Apt 822.00 FUND TOTAL: 822.00 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 001660- Comm Svcs Block Grant FY 23-24 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056510 Martin County Board of County Family And Social Services !0056514 Okeechobee Board Of County Com Family And Social Services 09854450 FPL CSBG/Utilities Mary Rooney 09854459 Messier, Raymond Rent for Sylvester Wagenti Ap 09854472 Wynne Building Corporation Rent for Mary Rooney/8 Hidalgo FUND TOTAL: PAGE 12 TOTAL 5,801.60 4,937.12 557.00 3,000.00 1,218.48 15,514.20 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 001834- TCERDA CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056494 Famoso Inc Sunshine Kitchen Staff Clerica Sunshine Kitchen Staff Mainten CHECK TOTAL: C0032625 Bluetriton Brands Inc C0032654 UniFirst Corporation H0004903 Florida Department of Revenue Bottler Water and cooler renta Rug service for the Sunshine K 03/24 Sales Tax FUND TOTAL: PAGE 13 TOTAL 745.20 721.92 1,467.12 2.99 31.42 819.98 2,321.51 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 101 - Transportation Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056472 Brady Industries of Florida LL Janitorial Supplies !0056494 Famoso Inc Temp Labor !0056498 Great Southern Equipment LLC Heavy Equipment repairs / part !0056505 Kelly Tractor Co Heavy Equipment Parts / Repair Heavy Equipment Parts / Repair CHECK TOTAL: !0056516 Ranger Construction Industries Asphalt Asphalt CHECK TOTAL: !0056517 Rechtien International Trucks Heavy Equipment Parts / Repair Heavy Equipment Parts / Repair CHECK TOTAL: !0056519 Ricoh USA Inc Equipment Lease !0056531 Yavorsky's Truck Service Inc Heavy Equipment Parts / Repair 09854449 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #68446-36206/R&B/WQ Acct #32796-85253/R&B Acct #10032-87289/FAC CHECK TOTAL: C0032625 Bluetriton Brands Inc C0032640 Kauff's of Ft Pierce Inc C0032646 Palmdale Oil Company Inc C0032654 UniFirst Corporation V0023177 EFE Inc V0023194 Directv Inc V0023196 EFE Inc Water Towing of Heavy Equipment Oil Uniform Rentals Rental of rags for Heavy Equip Uniform Rentals CHECK TOTAL: Heavy Equipment Parts / Repair Acct #075993849 Heavy Equipment Parts / Repair FUND TOTAL: PAGE 14 TOTAL 476.32 4,367.48 01FA60lMI1 1,116.25 260.69 1,376.94 129.60 90.00 219.60 25.53 199.59 225.12 212.14 or-JAMME 750.22 11,953.12 1,223.88 13,927.22 62.91 472.50 3,291.11 39.78 39.70 39.78 119.26 2,443.74 46.74 366.41 32,796.79 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 102 - Unincorporated Services Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056446 Chavarria Sanchez, Jennifer Sea Turtle Education !0056458 Redden, Byran J Redden/Gainesville/CPTED Train !0056494 Famoso Inc Scanning Project Planning !0056503 Jack Krieger PA C95-09-636 !0056527 Toshiba America Business Solut CONTRACT # 140604 COPIES CHECK TOTAL: 09854452 Gannett Media Corp C0032625 Bluetriton Brands Inc C0032637 Federal Express Corporation Acct #1126024 St Lucie County Acct #1126667/St Lucie County Acct #1125957 St Lucie County CHECK TOTAL: C16-12-691 Acct # CHECK TOTAL: FUND TOTAL: PAGE 15 TOTAL 360.00 270.00 397.44 1,020.00 223.74 291.86 515.60 1,018.30 1,533.44 139.20 2,690.94 K801WI1 33.69 11.41 45.10 5,508.78 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 16 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 102001- Stormwater MSTU CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056507 Kimley Horn and Associates Inc Engineering 8,315.00 09854449 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #68446-36206/R&B/WQ 221.45 Acct #01763-63174/WQ 1,591.01 CHECK TOTAL: 1,812.46 09854452 Gannett Media Corp Acct #1125957 St Lucie County 84.68 09854465 Shenandoah General Constructio Drainage / Road Right-of-way M 50,836.50 C0032623 AT&T Mobility Acct #287272770043 40.99 C0032652 Toshiba Business Solutions (US Copies 24.86 Copier Rental 193.20 CHECK TOTAL: 218.06 FUND TOTAL: 61,307.69 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 107 - Fine & Forfeiture Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056463 Advanced Computer Technologies 3rd Party Billing for Microgen 3rd Party Billing - Okeechobee CHECK TOTAL: !0056472 Brady Industries of Florida LL Operating Supplies Operating Supplies Operating Supplies CHECK TOTAL: !0056524 State Attorney 19th County Acc County Obligations for State A County Obligations for State A County Obligations for State A County Obligations for State A CHECK TOTAL: !0056530 Triad Security Group Maintenance - Security System Maintenance - Security System CHECK TOTAL: 09854449 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #25534-00199/Sheriff Acct #10032-87289/FAC Acct #10032-87289/FAC Acct #10032-87289/FAC CHECK TOTAL: 09854468 Tim Age Pretrial FCAC formal assessmen C0032620 All Contractor Services Inc C0032621 Americas Office Source Inc C0032625 Bluetriton Brands Inc C0032644 Next Plumbing Supply Inc Building Maintenance Misc Operating Supplies Bottled Water Delivery Cooler Rental Cooler Rental Cooler Rental CHECK TOTAL: Building Maintenance Building Maintenance Building Maintenance Building Maintenance Building Maintenance Building Maintenance Building Maintenance Building Maintenance Building Maintenance PAGE 17 TOTAL 1,023.00 238.87 1,261.87 78.61 1,561.72 1,273.37 2,913.70 3,360.78 208.98 96.03 54,080.29 57,746.08 2,070.00 5,835.00 7,905.00 9,434.52 68,493.31 6,286.67 185.93 84,400.43 917'19III 420.00 10WArR 20.97 2.99 2.99 2.99 29.94 69.09 348.55 88.30 1,255.77 50.77 212.66 169.23 203.08 76.69 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 18 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 107 - Fine & Forfeiture Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0032644 - Continued Building Maintenance 440.00 CHECK TOTAL: 2,914.14 C0032650 Summit Fire & Security LLC Equipment Maintenace 305.00 V0023180 Satellite Tracking of People L Global Positioning Satellite E 9,907.60 V0023181 Western Detention Products Inc Maintenance Improvement 6,376.68 V0023182 W W Grainger Inc Operating Supplies 942.93 Operating Supplies 359.90 Operating Supplies 3,559.60 Operating Supplies 996.12 Operating Supplies 453.50 Operating Supplies 113.74 CHECK TOTAL: 6,425.79 V0023183 W W Grainger Inc Operating Supplies 134.52 V0023184 W W Grainger Inc Operating Supplies 575.64 V0023201 St Lucie West Services Distric Acct #14-05128-00/250 NW Count 686.88 FUND TOTAL: 182,109.75 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 107001- Fine & Forfeiture Fund -Wireless Sur CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 09854449 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #38017-54593/Public Safet FUND TOTAL: PAGE 19 TOTAL 2,129.53 2,129.53 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 107002- Fine & Forfeiture Fund-E911 Surchar PAGE 20 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL V0023187 AT&T Acct #561 N10-0064 064 2,343.80 FUND TOTAL: 2,343.80 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 107003- Fine & Forfeiture Fund-800 Mhz Oper CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 09854449 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #38017-54593/Public Safet FUND TOTAL: PAGE 21 TOTAL 2,839.37 2,839.37 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 107006- F&F Fund -Court Related Technology CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056480 CDW Government Inc Dell CTO PE R740 Dell CTO PE R750 Cisco Rack Mounting Kit Cisco FirePower 1010 CHECK TOTAL: !0056523 St Lucie Battery & Tire Compan UPS Batteries for Computers !0056524 State Attorney 19th County Acc County Obligations for State A C0032621 Americas Office Source Inc Misc Office Supplies - Court A FUND TOTAL: PAGE 22 TOTAL 12,455.00 24,830.00 264.37 741.00 38,290.37 373.44 30,463.37 11.48 69,138.66 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 107207- FDMS Region 6 GIS Repository CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 09854453 Geo-Comm Inc GIS Data Hub - Year One Subscr FUND TOTAL: PAGE 23 TOTAL 46,154.83 46,154.83 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 24 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 130 - SLC Public Transit MSTU CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056513 MV Contract Transportation Inc Fixed Route, Microtransit & Pa 655,716.19 !0056528 Trapeze Software Group Inc Data Plan 11,979.00 Core System 44,570.35 Hosting Fees 14,520.00 CHECK TOTAL: 71,069.35 09854452 Gannett Media Corp Acct #1125270 Bus Stop Loc/Com 101.92 C0032625 Bluetriton Brands Inc Water 20.97 Water Cooler Rental 2.99 CHECK TOTAL: 23.96 C0032657 Xerox Corporation Copies 51.62 Copier Lease 166.69 CHECK TOTAL: 218.31 H0004903 Florida Department of Revenue 03/24 Sales Tax 387.24 FUND TOTAL: 727,516.97 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 130143- FTA/FDOT 5311 CRRSAA SFY2023 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056513 MV Contract Transportation Inc 5311 Rural Operating-CRRSAA FUND TOTAL: PAGE 25 TOTAL 23,010.92 23,010.92 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 26 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 130144- FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056494 Famoso Inc Contract Labor 563.00 FUND TOTAL: 563.00 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 130145- FTA 5310 - Travel Training CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056513 MV Contract Transportation Inc Assist for seniors & individua FUND TOTAL: PAGE 27 TOTAL 13,967.00 13,967.00 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 130245- FDOT FY2023 Block Grant CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056513 MV Contract Transportation Inc FDOT Block Grant G2F90 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 28 TOTAL 67,042.00 67,042.00 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 130246- FDOT Micro -Transit Exp. Zone 2 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056513 MV Contract Transportation Inc Microtransit FUND TOTAL: PAGE 29 TOTAL 28,792.96 28,792.96 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 130248- FCTD SY2024 Trip & Equipment CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056513 MV Contract Transportation Inc TD Trips FUND TOTAL: PAGE 30 TOTAL 62,880.13 62,880.13 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 130249- FCTD Innovative Service Dev. Grant CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056468 An Answer to Care Inc Direct Connect Trips FUND TOTAL: PAGE 31 TOTAL 8,877.44 8,877.44 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 132 - Culvert MSBU CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056487 D & M Concrete Construction In Culvert Contractor Payment - C !0056521 South Florida Concrete Service Culvert Contractor Payment - F 09854471 Vides, Jose CAP Contractor Payment-JONES FUND TOTAL: PAGE 32 TOTAL 7,500.00 6,500.00 5,500.00 19,500.00 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 140 - Airport Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056472 Brady Industries of Florida LL Operating Supplies - Janitoria !0056494 Famoso Inc Contract labor - Janitorial 09854442 Convergint Technologies LLC Equip. Mtc. - Access Control C0032625 Bluetriton Brands Inc Operating Supplies- water, cup C0032629 Cintas Corporation No 2 Operating Supplies - Mats, rag C0032634 Dobbs Equipment LLC Equipment Maintenance- Debris C0032654 UniFirst Corporation Uniforms H0004903 Florida Department of Revenue 03/24 Sales Tax V0023192 American Association of Airpor Training - Digicast FUND TOTAL: PAGE 33 TOTAL 26.03 338.40 887.43 83.88 55.12 8,562.60 45.28 3,697.76 1,795.00 15,491.50 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 140001- Port Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE H0004903 Florida Department of Revenue 03/24 Sales Tax W0001216 Guaranteed Florida Title Escro Land Purchase/C23-01-181 PAGE 34 TOTAL 1,743.39 139,400.25 FUND TOTAL: 141,143.64 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 140416- FDOT Security Perimeter Fencing P2 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056471 Atkins North America Inc Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure CHECK TOTAL: PAGE 35 TOTAL 6,950.00 2,250.00 875.00 10,075.00 FUND TOTAL: 10,075.00 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 140426- FDOT 2850 C. King Blvd. Building CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 09854439 Architects Design Collaborativ Building Maintenance -Hoover Bu FUND TOTAL: PAGE 36 TOTAL 20,437.50 20,437.50 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 145 - Mosquito Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056526 The Transit Group Inc Water Quality Sampling - Impou 09854449 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #76397-09018/WQ C0032629 Cintas Corporation No 2 C0032637 Federal Express Corporation C0032654 UniFirst Corporation C0032655 Verizon Wireless Services LLC Acct #76397-09018/WQ Acct #76397-09018/WQ CHECK TOTAL: Uniform Rental - Impoundment Uniform Rental - Inspection Di CHECK TOTAL: Acct # Inspection Division Uniform Re Impoundment Division Uniform R CHECK TOTAL: Acct #723709239-00001 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 37 TOTAL 3,119.00 458.11 436.19 1,480.32 2,374.62 765.85 293.28 1,059.13 mni 74.22 47.74 121.96 1,019.30 7,700.12 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 147 - Bear Point Mitigation Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056522 Southeast Soil & Environmental Bear Point Mit. Bank Exotic Re !0056526 The Transit Group Inc Water Quality Sampling Bear Po C0032655 Verizon Wireless Services LLC Acct #723709239-00001 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 38 TOTAL 4,200.00 192.00 50.00 4,442.00 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 150 - Impact Fee Collections CHECK VENDOR !0056494 Famoso Inc PURPOSE C22-09-710 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 39 TOTAL 1,124.40 1,124.40 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 160 - Plan Maintenance RAD Fund PAGE 40 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09854449 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #38017-54593/Public Safet 709.84 FUND TOTAL: 709.84 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 181 - SLC Housing Finance Authority Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 09854447 Florida Association of Local H 2O24 ALHFA Conference -Silver FUND TOTAL: PAGE 41 TOTAL 1,000.00 1,000.00 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 42 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 183 - Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09854446 Fla Dept of Management Service D86-19375 03/24 2,869.66 C0032625 Bluetriton Brands Inc Water Cooler Rental 116.61 Bottled Water & Supplies 777.73 CHECK TOTAL: 894.34 C0032638 Gerelcom Inc Cabling 1,665.00 V0023188 AT&T Acct #561 N10-0039 039 2,135.10 FUND TOTAL: 7,564.10 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 185021- FHFC SHIP FY2021-2022 PAGE 43 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056506 KIB Construction Corp SHIP Rehab.- 6407 Doris Dr. In 21,150.00 FUND TOTAL: 21,150.00 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 44 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 190 - Sports Complex Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0056494 Famoso Inc Per Contract C22-08-706 639.79 !0056499 Hennis Construction Co Inc Mechanical Room metal door rep 4,950.00 !0056508 Lynch Fuel Company LLC Contract C18-07-472 480.61 Contract C18-07-472 80.33 Contract C18-07-472 118.02 CHECK TOTAL: 678.96 V0023185 Rentokil North America Inc Contract C23-12-903 11,976.00 FUND TOTAL: 18,244.75 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 191 - SLC Sustainability District CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056520 Solar and Energy Loan Fund of Annual PACE Debt Service Payme FUND TOTAL: PAGE 45 TOTAL 2,288.40 2,288.40 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 240 - Port Taxable NonAdValorem Bond2017A CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE H0004903 Florida Department of Revenue 03/24 Sales Tax FUND TOTAL: PAGE 46 TOTAL 5,026.67 5,026.67 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 310010- Impact Fees -Library "North" CHECK VENDOR !0056512 Midwest Tape LLC 09854451 Gale Group C0032627 Brodart Company C0032647 Rivistas LLC PAGE 47 PURPOSE TOTAL A/V for Library 61.56 A/V for Library 46.99 A/V for Library 75.09 CHECK TOTAL: 183.64 Books for all branches 73.60 Books for Libraries 105.01 Books for Libraries 210.73 Books for Libraries 465.84 CHECK TOTAL: 781.58 Annual Magazine Subscription R 4,191.45 FUND TOTAL: 5,230.27 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 310014- Impact Fees -Park "South" CHECK VENDOR !0056470 Apple Industrial Supply Co !0056476 CAPTEC Engineering Inc !0056497 Graybar Electric Company Inc PURPOSE Electrical Supplies Fairground Engineering Services, General Electrical Supplies FUND TOTAL: PAGE 48 TOTAL 63.04 4,676.25 622.56 5,361.85 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 310016- Impact Fees -Transportation "North" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056490 Dredging & Marine Consultants Property Acquisition FUND TOTAL: PAGE 49 TOTAL 2,100.00 2,100.00 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 310017- Impact Fees-Transportation"Central" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056516 Ranger Construction Industries Engineering Retainage CHECK TOTAL: FUND TOTAL: PAGE 50 TOTAL 43,291.78 2,164.59- 41,127.19 41,127.19 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 310018- Impact Fees -Transportation "South" CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056502 Inwood Consulting Engineers In Engineering FUND TOTAL: PAGE 51 TOTAL 999.48 999.48 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 316 - County Capital CHECK VENDOR !0056462 Accurate Control Inc PURPOSE Maintenance Improvement Retainage CHECK TOTAL: !0056475 C&S Engineers Inc Maint. Improvement; Commercial W0001216 Guaranteed Florida Title Escro Land Purchase/C23-01-181 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 52 TOTAL 173,700.00 8,685.00- 165,015.00 20,326.50 3,500,000.00 3,685,341.50 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 319 - Infrastructure Surtax Capital CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056469 Andersen Andre Consulting Engi Engineering !0056502 Inwood Consulting Engineers In Engineering Engineering CHECK TOTAL: FUND TOTAL: PAGE 53 TOTAL 1,156.00 200.34 209.82 410.16 1,566.16 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 37006 - Rainbow Drive I MSBU PAGE 54 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09854462 Ravinia Port St. Lucie LLC Reimbursement for Rainbow Dr 1 23,655.98 FUND TOTAL: 23,655.98 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 37012 - Rainbow Drive II MSBU PAGE 55 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09854462 Ravinia Port St. Lucie LLC Reimbursement for Rainbow Dr 1 128,365.59 FUND TOTAL: 128,365.59 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 382 - Environmental Land Capital Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE H0004903 Florida Department of Revenue 03/24 Sales Tax FUND TOTAL: PAGE 56 TOTAL 43.17 43.17 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 401 - Sanitary Landfill Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056472 Brady Industries of Florida LL Janitorial Supplies !0056477 Caterpillar Financial Services D5 track type lease 930 m w/ grapple CHECK TOTAL: !0056478 CDM Smith Inc WA 23 emergency compliance ass !0056479 CDM Smith Inc WA 1 year 5 of 5 Task 1-6 year 5 Of 5 Task 7 Cell V design, permitting, and WA #22 Phase II reopening CHECK TOTAL: !0056481 City Of Port St Lucie Monthly Revenue Sharing per IL !0056483 Coastal Wire Company Inc baling wire !0056486 Crigler Enterprises Inc Parts as needed at single stre !0056491 eFactor3 LLC !0056494 Famoso Inc !0056496 FPR II LLC !0056505 Kelly Tractor Co C0032624 Big Truck Rental LLC 24 month agreement for work on 24 month agreement for work on CHECK TOTAL: Contracted non clerical labor Contracted labor @ operations contracted labor at single str CHECK TOTAL: Parts and services for CAT equ Parts and services for CAT equ Parts and services for CAT equ Parts and services for CAT equ Parts and services for CAT equ Parts and services for CAT equ Parts and services for CAT equ CHECK TOTAL: Roll off truck rental credit sales tax CHECK TOTAL: PAGE 57 TOTAL 288.49 5,482.38 5,674.68 11,157.06 4,630.00 84,377.50 5,940.00 38,346.00 8,726.25 137,389.75 104,000.00 28,673.17 8,661.64 6,250.00 6,250.00 12,500.00 837.09 5,632.77 38,907.47 44,540.24 355.00 187.60 716.91 115.28 170.27 223.97 338.01 2,107.04 13,573.82 773.82- 12,800.00 C0032641 Midwest Motor Supply Co Inc Single Stream misc parts and s 178.08 Operation misc parts and suppl 178.08 CHECK TOTAL: 356.16 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 58 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 401 - Sanitary Landfill Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0032643 Nature's Keeper Inc side slope mowing no more than 18,150.00 C0032646 Palmdale Oil Company Inc bulk fluids used at operations 9,007.46 C0032653 Total Truck Parts Inc parts/repairs as needed for op 18.00 H0004906 Internal Revenue Service Group# 50041851 USABLE - Emplo 23.49 Group# 50041851 USABLE - Emplo 100.44 CHECK TOTAL: 123.93 V0023176 Conveyor Consulting and Rubber belts for single stream repair 944.13 V0023178 EFE Inc parts and services as needed 7.02 parts and services as needed 279.59 CHECK TOTAL: 286.61 V0023193 Big Truck Rental LLC Roll off truck rental 9,500.00 FUND TOTAL: 405,970.77 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 418 - Golf Course Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056472 Brady Industries of Florida LL Cleaning Supplies Cleaning Supplies CHECK TOTAL: !0056474 BrightView Golf Maintenance In Golf Course Grounds Maintenanc !0056494 Famoso Inc Temporary Labor 09854464 Sharon Young Inc Golf Course General Ledger Nov C0032626 Bridgestone Golf Inc Golf Course General Ledger Nov C0032645 NYX Golf Inc Golf Course General Ledger Nov H0004903 Florida Department of Revenue 03/24 Sales Tax V0023199 Range Servant America Inc 03/24 Sales Tax CHECK TOTAL: Driving Range Equipment FUND TOTAL: PAGE 59 TOTAL 207.76 95.91 303.67 71,465.67 445.30 777.44 113.26 611001C? 22,469.11 80.44 22,549.55 628.72 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 471 - Water & Sewer District Operations CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056464 Alacriti Payments LLC Portal Services Portal Services CHECK TOTAL: !0056472 Brady Industries of Florida LL Janitorial & Field Supplies Chemicals Chemicals Chemicals Janitorial & Field Supplies CHECK TOTAL: !0056492 ENCO Utility Services Florida Mailing Services (Including Co !0056519 Ricoh USA Inc Copier Rental/Lease 09854449 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #74838-64455/Utils Acct #73775-54188/Utils Acct #40875-14180/Utils CHECK TOTAL: 09854470 Turner Industrial Supply Co Hoses & Parts C0032623 AT&T Mobility Acct #287304751585 C0032629 Cintas Corporation No 2 Uniform Rentals Uniform Rentals Uniform Rentals Uniform Rentals Uniform Rentals Uniform Rentals CHECK TOTAL: C0032630 Comcast Acct #8535 11 514 0592448 C0032632 Core & Main LP Maintenance -Utilities Fieldwor Maintenance -Utilities Fieldwor Maintenance -Utilities Fieldwor Maintenance -Utilities Fieldwor CHECK TOTAL: C0032635 Eurofins Environment Testing S Lab Testing Services 9/28/23 N Hutchinson Island WT CHECK TOTAL: C0032639 Greenberg Traurig PA Legal Services C0032640 Kauff's of Ft Pierce Inc Towing 2019 Ford F-350 PAGE 60 TOTAL 548.61 548.86 1,097.47 21.88 149.40 149.40 149.40 355.09 825.17 1,304.65 WMAK8I1 356.43 7,078.63 14,870.04 22,305.10 26.68 62.86 29.79 126.83 21.29 104.22 14.53 139.68 436.34 =6 .1RIBI 2,048.58 716.87 7.54 518.56 3,291.55 45.00 30.00 75.00 5,232.50 95.00 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 471 - Water & Sewer District Operations CHECK VENDOR C0032648 Safety & Boot Center Inc C0032656 Vero Chemical Dist Inc V0023179 HD Supply Inc PURPOSE Safety Shoes Chemicals Supplies & Equipment Supplies & Equipment CHECK TOTAL: FUND TOTAL: PAGE 61 TOTAL 99.90 1,306.00 371.89 59.55 431.44 37,091.67 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 478 - Water & Sewer District R&R CHECK VENDOR !0056489 Deangelo Contracting Services PURPOSE NHIWWTP Cylinder Provide aquatic management ser SHIWWTP Lakewood Park WWTP CHECK TOTAL: PAGE 62 TOTAL 426.00 125.00 171.00 213.00 935.00 C0032632 Core & Main LP Hydrant Kit 1,014.20 C0032642 Napa Auto Parts General Parts/Maintenance Truc 78.22 FUND TOTAL: 2,027.42 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 479 - Water & Sewer Dist. -Cap Facilities CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056479 CDM Smith Inc Infrastructure !0056511 Masteller & Moler Inc Infrastructure PAGE 63 TOTAL 123,479.75 24,692.25 FUND TOTAL: 148,172.00 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 491 - Building Code Fund CHECK VENDOR !0056494 Famoso Inc !0056504 Joe Payne Inc 09854467 Sole Sisters Shoes LLC C0032625 Bluetriton Brands Inc PURPOSE C22-09-710 C23-06-400 WORK BOOTS C16-12-691 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 64 TOTAL 1,048.80 25,667.85 668.98 43.92 27,429.55 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 505 - Health Insurance Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056500 Hulett Environmental Services Pest Control for CareHere Cent !0056519 Ricoh USA Inc Copies Copier Rental/Lease CHECK TOTAL: 09854449 Florida Power & Light Company Acct #10032-87289/FAC 09854458 Medical Cost Containment Servi Monthly Cobra Admin. Fee H0004902 Aetna Behavioral Health LLC EAP $2.89 ACT 0846079 H0004905 The Hartford AD&D Insurance Acct 83094231 V0023174 Comcast Cable TV FUND TOTAL: PAGE 65 TOTAL 68.00 32.63 217.73 250.36 828.74 258.00 3,147.21 2,788.65 109.90 7,450.86 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 505001- Risk Management Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056494 Famoso Inc Temp Services to assist Risk M Temp Services to assist Risk M CHECK TOTAL: PAGE 66 TOTAL 1,682.07 1,638.94 3,321.01 FUND TOTAL: 3,321.01 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 611 - Tourist Development Trust-Adv Fund CHECK VENDOR !0056450 Hardison, Tayler 09854457 Louie Preysz Inc PURPOSE Hardison/ Montreal CAN/Outdoor St. Lucie County - Strategic P FUND TOTAL: PAGE 67 TOTAL 201.29 575.00 776.29 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 630 - Medical Examiner Agency Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056444 Bollinger, Barbara K Contracted Associate Medical E !0056472 Brady Industries of Florida LL Morgue Cleaning Supplies C0032622 AT&T Acct #772 464-1738 455 0451 C0032629 Cintas Corporation No 2 Rug Sanitation Rug Sanitation CHECK TOTAL: C0032636 Federal Express Corporation H0004906 Internal Revenue Service V0023197 Fort Pierce Utility Authority Delivery Services Group# 50041851 USABLE - Emplo Group# 50041851 USABLE - Emplo CHECK TOTAL: Acct #61586430-255175/Medical FUND TOTAL: PAGE 68 TOTAL 1,500.00 509.26 11681 s�' 34.76 34.76 69.52 24.94 113.03 26.44 139.47 2,119.14 4,521.32 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 631 - Victim Services Agency Fund CHECK VENDOR !0056443 Baum, Rebecca !0056445 Cespedes, Taylor !0056449 Hamel, Tracy !0056452 Lentine, Molly PURPOSE Baum/ Local Travel Cespedes/ Local Travel Cespedes/ Local Travel CHECK TOTAL: Hamel/ Local Travel Lentine/ Local Travel Lentine/ Local Travel CHECK TOTAL: !0056455 McGoorty, Siobhan McGoorty/ Local Travel !0056456 Peterson, Sherika Peterson/Local Travel Peterson/ Local Travel CHECK TOTAL: !0056457 Raynor, Rachel Raynor/ Local Travel !0056459 Thelusma, Robin Thelusma/ Local Travel !0056524 State Attorney 19th County Acc Services Rendered/Employee Sal Services Rendered/ Employee Sa Gas Purchased Mar 24 for State CHECK TOTAL: 09854443 District Board of Trustees SAAP Radio Ad's for Nov -Dec 20 09854460 Neon One LLC Maintenance Fee -Sexual Assault FUND TOTAL: PAGE 69 TOTAL 13.35 75.65 9.35 85.00 8.90 186.46 20.92 207.38 10RWA rR 40.50 14.24 54.74 76.54 01 COMA4 9,828.65 9,828.64 124.64 19,781.93 3,950.00 250.00 24,577.81 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 801 - Bank Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0056532 United Way of St Lucie County United Way 09854455 Internal Revenue Service Robert Yardan # 09854466 Social Security Administration L Oranville # H0004901 Internal Revenue Service IRS Payroll Tax Payment IRS Payroll Tax Payment IRS Payroll Tax Payment CHECK TOTAL: H0004907 Florida Department of State H0004908 HealthEquity Inc State of FL Child Support Disb State of FL Child Support Disb CHECK TOTAL: Flexible Spending and Dep Care Flexible Spending and Dep Care CHECK TOTAL: PAGE 70 TOTAL 417.00 80.50 I111991I1 55,868.48 173,382.29 238,886.30 468,137.07 3,999.84 19.50 4,019.34 12,633.13 1,166.45 13,799.58 FUND TOTAL: 486,463.49 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 001 - General Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 11101 511000 Executive Salaries 110000 3,853.00 512000 Salaries 110000 2,962.40 11102 511000 Executive Salaries 110000 3,853.00 512000 Salaries 110000 2,880.00 11103 511000 Executive Salaries 110000 3,853.00 512000 Salaries 110000 3,045.60 11104 511000 Executive Salaries 110000 3,853.00 512000 Salaries 110000 2,423.08 11105 511000 Executive Salaries 110000 3,853.00 512000 Salaries 110000 2,912.80 1210 512000 Salaries 120000 26,934.25 512000 Salaries 130000 14,085.40 515000 Special Pay 120000 600.00 515000 Special Pay 130000 300.00 1211 512000 Salaries 120000 3,578.40 1225 512000 Salaries 120000 17,751.07 514000 Overtime 120000 259.45 515000 Special Pay 120000 300.00 1301 512000 Salaries 130000 22,717.84 515000 Special Pay 130000 300.00 1320 512000 Salaries 130000 11,834.49 1330 512000 Salaries 130000 23,235.79 515000 Special Pay 130000 270.00 1350 512000 Salaries 130000 4,085.59 513100 Salaries -Temporary Employees 130000 3,461.54 1410 512000 Salaries 140000 44,277.32 514000 Overtime 140000 200.63 1420 512000 Salaries 140000 4,227.06 1510 512000 Salaries 150000 1,083.53 1920 512000 Salaries 190000 3,152.74 1925 512000 Salaries 190000 10,205.13 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 190000 8,306.26 514000 Overtime 190000 18.81 1926 512000 Salaries 190000 1,086.24 1929 512000 Salaries 190000 2,297.73 1930 512000 Salaries 190000 30,896.12 514000 Overtime 190000 775.05 19301 512000 Salaries 190000 33,431.33 515000 Special Pay 190000 300.00 1931 512000 Salaries 190000 7,001.69 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 190000 910.36 514000 Overtime 190000 195.46 1955 512000 Salaries 190000 69.36 512000 Salaries 190000 114,570.17 513100 Salaries -Temporary Employees 190000 2,240.00 514000 Overtime 190000 1,974.15 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 2 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 001 - General Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1955 515000 Special Pay 190000 300.00 2300 512000 Salaries 230000 6,853.40 2360 512000 Salaries 230000 10,517.84 2510 512000 Salaries 250000 10,020.32 514000 Overtime 250000 55.43 2920 512000 Salaries 290000 13,671.24 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 290000 3,972.40 514000 Overtime 290000 276.74 3715 512000 Salaries 370000 23,061.48 514000 Overtime 370000 127.65 515000 Special Pay 370000 300.00 3720 512000 Salaries 370000 1,698.40 3920 512000 Salaries 370000 20,552.46 514000 Overtime 370000 4,583.61 3921 512000 Salaries 370000 14,024.87 514000 Overtime 370000 572.40 5310 512000 Salaries 530000 19,129.16 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 530000 5,028.39 5420 512000 Salaries 540000 7,591.06 512000 Salaries 6919 652.45 6420 512000 Salaries 640000 16,723.51 515000 Special Pay 640000 300.00 7110 512000 Salaries 710000 131,624.97 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 710000 1,459.44 515000 Special Pay 710000 300.00 7210 512000 Salaries 7144 43,198.83 512000 Salaries 7145 4,771.20 512000 Salaries 720000 1,220.35 512000 Salaries 720000 1,220.35 512000 Salaries 720000 1,311.73 512000 Salaries 720000 37,573.59 512000 Salaries 7270 5,059.40 512000 Salaries 7511 17,733.41 512000 Salaries 7515 1,743.42 512000 Salaries 7516 1,703.89 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 7144 1,011.84 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 720000 532.50 514000 Overtime 7144 1,117.85 514000 Overtime 720000 515.18 514000 Overtime 720000 515.18 514000 Overtime 720000 553.76 514000 Overtime 720000 3,944.65 514000 Overtime 7511 138.61 72101 512000 Salaries 720000 8,489.97 7215 512000 Salaries 7102 6,184.25 512000 Salaries 7106 6,168.02 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 3 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 001 - General Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 7215 512000 Salaries 720000 10,472.65 512000 Salaries 7220 4,857.76 512000 Salaries 7420 8,112.17 512000 Salaries 7510 7,375.24 512000 Salaries 7910 1,770.31 512000 Salaries 7914 2,034.74 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 7102 1,915.98 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 71022 626.04 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 720000 5,843.99 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 7914 1,694.39 513100 Salaries -Temporary Employees 7106 6,636.86 514000 Overtime 7102 9.50 514000 Overtime 7106 274.54 514000 Overtime 720000 1,072.60 514000 Overtime 7420 861.07 7912 512000 Salaries 790000 10,075.21 FUND TOTAL: 932,160.09 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 001001- Recreation Special Events ORGN ACCOUNT 7210 512000 Salaries 7215 512000 Salaries PAGE 4 PROG AMOUNT 7511 1,926.68 71028 2,383.38 FUND TOTAL: 4,310.06 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 001409- FCTD Planning Grant SFY2024 PAGE 5 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1540 512000 Salaries 150000 125.52 FUND TOTAL: 125.52 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 001497- FDOT SUN Trail Network Prog PAGE 6 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1540 512000 Salaries 150000 1,938.19 FUND TOTAL: 1,938.19 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 001632- US Treasury Emer. Rental Assist 2 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 5420 512000 Salaries 540000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 7 AMOUNT 716.74 716.74 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 001651- FHA thru FDOT SEC 112 MPO/FHWA PAGE 8 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1540 512000 Salaries 150000 10,658.28 FUND TOTAL: 10,658.28 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 001652- FHA Surface Trans Block Grant PAGE 9 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1540 512000 Salaries 150000 4,750.21 FUND TOTAL: 4,750.21 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 001657- US HUD Continuum of Care -Chronic PAGE 10 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 6420 512000 Salaries 640000 268.67 FUND TOTAL: 268.67 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 001658- US HUD Continuum of Care -Family PAGE 11 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 6420 512000 Salaries 640000 895.05 FUND TOTAL: 895.05 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 001659- FHA Coronavirus Response & Relief ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 1540 512000 Salaries 150000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 12 AMOUNT 1,138.02 1,138.02 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 001660- Comm Svcs Block Grant FY 23-24 PAGE 13 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 6420 512000 Salaries 640000 3,796.91 FUND TOTAL: 3,796.91 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 14 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 001834- TCERDA ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3716 512000 Salaries 370000 3,269.23 FUND TOTAL: 3,269.23 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 001835- Artificial Reef Program PAGE 15 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4117 512000 Salaries 410000 2,699.38 FUND TOTAL: 2,699.38 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 101 - Transportation Trust Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PAGE 16 AMOUNT 4110 512000 Salaries 410000 102,529.89 514000 Overtime 410000 593.40 4115 512000 Salaries 410000 51,824.53 4117 512000 Salaries 410000 11,397.06 515000 Special Pay 410000 291.00 FUND TOTAL: 166,635.88 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 101001- Transportation Trust Interlocals ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 4115 512000 Salaries 410000 515000 Special Pay 410000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 17 AMOUNT 3,806.01 9.00 3,815.01 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 18 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 102 - Unincorporated Services Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1510 512000 Salaries 150000 31,315.37 514000 Overtime 150000 52.95 15101 512000 Salaries 150000 10,185.88 515000 Special Pay 150000 300.00 2415 512000 Salaries 240000 99.92 512000 Salaries 240000 19,019.21 514000 Overtime 240000 833.28 3922 512000 Salaries 370000 16,470.68 514000 Overtime 370000 580.64 6240 512000 Salaries 240000 16,728.95 514000 Overtime 240000 535.59 FUND TOTAL: 96,122.47 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 19 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 102001- Stormwater MSTU ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3715 512000 Salaries 370000 2,118.66 3725 512000 Salaries 370000 29,615.43 514000 Overtime 370000 1,007.20 7912 512000 Salaries 790000 1,230.41 FUND TOTAL: 33,971.70 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 107 - Fine & Forfeiture Fund ORGN ACCOUNT 1926 512000 Salaries 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 514000 Overtime 1929 512000 Salaries 514000 Overtime 1940 512000 Salaries 514000 Overtime 2120 512000 Salaries 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 514000 Overtime 2360 512000 Salaries 512000 Salaries 512000 Salaries 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 719 512000 Salaries 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 514000 Overtime 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190000 210000 210000 210000 2053 2054 230000 2053 2054 719 719 719 FUND TOTAL PAGE 20 AMOUNT 8,198.36 2,142.14 33.22 3,932.58 535.87 16,093.94 1,802.66 114,763.06 5,543.32 23,012.41 12,221.21 862.05 36,581.47 2,499.53 592.07 12,142.35 5,551.04 553.14 247,060.42 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 107001- Fine & Forfeiture Fund -Wireless Sur PAGE 21 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 2120 512000 Salaries 210000 16,479.09 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 210000 1,336.35 514000 Overtime 210000 2,439.79 FUND TOTAL 20,255.23 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 107002- Fine & Forfeiture Fund-E911 Surchar ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 2120 512000 Salaries 210000 514000 Overtime 210000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 22 AMOUNT 2,181.33 64.81 2,246.14 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 107006- F&F Fund -Court Related Technology ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 601 512000 Salaries 601 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 23 AMOUNT 21,309.88 21,309.88 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 130 - SLC Public Transit MSTU ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 4410 512000 Salaries 440000 514000 Overtime 440000 515000 Special Pay 440000 PAGE 24 AMOUNT 1,847.90 33.12 60.00 FUND TOTAL: 1,941.02 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 130142- FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant PAGE 25 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4410 512000 Salaries 440000 2,387.66 514000 Overtime 440000 33.13 515000 Special Pay 440000 60.00 FUND TOTAL 2,480.79 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 130144- FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant PAGE 26 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4410 512000 Salaries 440000 3,437.62 514000 Overtime 440000 33.12 515000 Special Pay 440000 90.00 FUND TOTAL 3,560.74 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 130146- FTA 5310 Enhanced Mobility PAGE 27 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4410 512000 Salaries 440000 7,291.09 514000 Overtime 440000 559.13 515000 Special Pay 440000 90.00 FUND TOTAL 7,940.22 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 140 - Airport Fund PAGE 28 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4210 512000 Salaries 420000 25,635.35 514000 Overtime 420000 748.75 515000 Special Pay 420000 300.00 FUND TOTAL 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 140001- Port Fund ORGN ACCOUNT 4310 512000 Salaries 515000 Special Pay PROG 430000 430000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 29 AMOUNT 28,708.68 150.00 28,858.68 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 145 - Mosquito Fund ORGN ACCOUNT 6230 512000 Salaries 515000 Special Pay 6233 512000 Salaries 514000 Overtime 6234 512000 Salaries 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits 514000 Overtime 620000 620000 620000 620000 620000 620000 620000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 30 AMOUNT 13,302.15 300.00 16,677.25 2,472.49 28,866.23 1,588.78 35.69 63,242.59 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 150 - Impact Fee Collections PAGE 31 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1350 512000 Salaries 130000 2,371.87 FUND TOTAL: 2,371.87 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 160 - Plan Maintenance RAD Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 2570 512000 Salaries 250000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 32 AMOUNT 3,509.76 3,509.76 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 33 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 183 - Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 601 512000 Salaries 601 6,643.00 512000 Salaries 605 9,514.62 515000 Special Pay 601 565.17 FUND TOTAL: 16,722.79 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 184 - Erosion Control Operating Fund ORGN ACCOUNT 3710 512000 Salaries 515000 Special Pay PROG 370000 370000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 34 AMOUNT 12,768.54 150.00 12,918.54 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 189119- US HUD HOME PARTNERSHIP FY22 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 5420 512000 Salaries 540000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 35 AMOUNT 318.47 318.47 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 190 - Sports Complex Fund ORGN ACCOUNT 7220 512000 Salaries 514000 Overtime PROG 75201 75201 FUND TOTAL PAGE 36 AMOUNT 34,685.70 6,563.25 41,248.95 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 401 - Sanitary Landfill Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PAGE 37 AMOUNT 3410 512000 Salaries 340000 183.04 512000 Salaries 340000 101,176.72 512000 Salaries 39011 27,200.86 514000 Overtime 340000 4,209.00 514000 Overtime 39011 5,897.87 FUND TOTAL: 138,667.49 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 418 - Golf Course Fund ORGN ACCOUNT 7260 512000 Salaries 513000 Salaries -Part Time W/Benefits PROG 720000 720000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 38 AMOUNT 8,988.20 2,880.41 11,868.61 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 39 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 471 - Water & Sewer District Operations ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3600 512000 Salaries 360000 45,822.29 514000 Overtime 360000 3,011.89 3604 512000 Salaries 360000 33,452.63 FUND TOTAL: 82,286.81 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 479 - Water & Sewer Dist. -Cap Facilities ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 3600 512000 Salaries 360000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 40 AMOUNT 3,618.68 3,618.68 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 491 - Building Code Fund PAGE 41 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 2415 512000 Salaries 240000 352.65 512000 Salaries 240000 89,193.47 514000 Overtime 240000 7,149.49 FUND TOTAL 96,695.61 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 505 - Health Insurance Fund ORGN ACCOUNT 1902 512000 Salaries 515000 Special Pay PROG 190000 190000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 42 AMOUNT 7,766.66 30.00 7,796.66 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 505001- Risk Management Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 1331 512000 Salaries 130000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 43 AMOUNT 4,407.26 4,407.26 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 611 - Tourist Development Trust-Adv Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG 5210 512000 Salaries 520000 FUND TOTAL: PAGE 44 AMOUNT 10,193.60 10,193.60 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND: 630 - Medical Examiner Agency Fund PAGE 45 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 2710 512000 Salaries 270000 56,665.16 FUND TOTAL: 56,665.16 04/26/24 FZABWARR FUND TITLE 001 001001 001009 001409 001427 001497 001630 001632 001651 001652 001656 001657 001658 001659 001660 001834 001835 101 101001 102 102001 107 107001 107002 107003 107006 107207 130 130142 130143 130144 130145 130146 130245 130246 130248 130249 132 140 140001 140416 140426 150 160 181 183 185021 189119 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND SUMMARY General Fund Recreation Special Events Gen -One Time Funding FCTD Planning Grant SFY2024 FL Div of Emerg Mgt (EMPA) FDOT SUN Trail Network Prog US Treasury American Rescue Plan US Treasury Emer. Rental Assist 2 FHA thru FDOT SEC 112 MPO/FHWA FHA Surface Trans Block Grant US HUD Continuum of Care -Veterans US HUD Continuum of Care -Chronic US HUD Continuum of Care -Family FHA Coronavirus Response & Relief Comm Svcs Block Grant FY 23-24 TCERDA Artificial Reef Program Transportation Trust Fund Transportation Trust Interlocals Unincorporated Services Fund Stormwater MSTU Fine & Forfeiture Fund Fine & Forfeiture Fund -Wireless Sur Fine & Forfeiture Fund-E911 Surchar Fine & Forfeiture Fund-800 Mhz Oper F&F Fund -Court Related Technology FDMS Region 6 GIS Repository SLC Public Transit MSTU FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant FTA/FDOT 5311 CRRSAA SFY2023 FTA FFY 5307 & 5339 Super Grant FTA 5310 - Travel Training FTA 5310 Enhanced Mobility FDOT FY2023 Block Grant FDOT Micro -Transit Exp. Zone 2 FCTD SY2024 Trip & Equipment FCTD Innovative Service Dev. Grant Culvert MSBU Airport Fund Port Fund FDOT Security Perimeter Fencing P2 FDOT 2850 C. King Blvd. Building Impact Fee Collections Plan Maintenance RAD Fund SLC Housing Finance Authority Fund Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir FHFC SHIP FY2021-2022 US HUD HOME PARTNERSHIP FY22 EXPENSES 293,793.76 0.00 46,347.88 0.00 167.00 0.00 868,362.82 0.00 26,265.27 13,600.50 822.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,514.20 2,321.51 0.00 32,796.79 0.00 5,508.78 61,307.69 182,109.75 2,129.53 2,343.80 2,839.37 69,138.66 46,154.83 727,516.97 0.00 23,010.92 563.00 13,967.00 0.00 67,042.00 28,792.96 62,880.13 8,877.44 19,500.00 15,491.50 141,143.64 10,075.00 20,437.50 1,124.40 709.84 1,000.00 7,564.10 21,150.00 0.00 PAGE 1 PAYROLL 932,160.09 4,310.06 0.00 125.52 0.00 1,938.19 0.00 716.74 10,658.28 4,750.21 0.00 268.67 895.05 1,138.02 3,796.91 3,269.23 2,699.38 166,635.88 3,815.01 96,122.47 33,971.70 247,060.42 20,255.23 2,246.14 0.00 21,309.88 0.00 1,941.02 2,480.79 0.00 3,560.74 0.00 7,940.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26,684.10 28,858.68 0.00 0.00 2,371.87 3,509.76 0.00 16,722.79 0.00 318.47 04/26/24 FZABWARR FUND TITLE 190 191 240 310010 310014 310016 310017 310018 316 319 37006 37012 382 401 418 471 478 479 491 505 505001 611 630 631 801 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND SUMMARY Sports Complex Fund SLC Sustainability District Port Taxable NonAdValorem Bond2017A Impact Fees -Library "North" Impact Fees -Park "South" Impact Fees -Transportation "North" Impact Fees-Transportation"Central" Impact Fees -Transportation "South" County Capital Infrastructure Surtax Capital Rainbow Drive I MSBU Rainbow Drive II MSBU Environmental Land Capital Fund Sanitary Landfill Fund Golf Course Fund Water & Sewer District Operations Water & Sewer District R&R Water & Sewer Dist. -Cap Facilities Building Code Fund Health Insurance Fund Risk Management Fund Tourist Development Trust-Adv Fund Medical Examiner Agency Fund Victim Services Agency Fund Bank Fund GRAND TOTAL EXPENSES 18,244.75 2,288.40 5,026.67 5,230.27 5,361.85 2,100.00 41,127.19 999.48 3,685,341.50 1,566.16 23,655.98 128,365.59 43.17 405,970.77 96,881.54 37,091.67 2,027.42 148,172.00 27,429.55 7,450.86 3,321.01 776.29 4,521.32 24,577.81 486,463.49 8,006,405.28 PAGE 2 PAYROLL 41,248.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 138,667.49 11,868.61 82,286.81 0.00 3,618.68 96,695.61 7,796.66 4,407.26 10,193.60 56,665.16 0.00 0.00 2,105,980.35 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND SUMMARY- MOSQUITO FUND TITLE EXPENSES 145 Mosquito Fund 7,700.12 147 Bear Point Mitigation Fund 4,442.00 GRAND TOTAL: 12,142.12 PAGE 1 PAYROLL 63,242.59 0.00 63,242.59 04/26/24 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #30- 20-APR-2024 TO 26-APR-2024 FUND SUMMARY- EROSION FUND TITLE EXPENSES 184 Erosion Control Operating Fund 0.00 GRAND TOTAL: 0.00 PAGE 1 PAYROLL 12,918.54 12,918.54