HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBMITTED PAPERWORKApplication / Permit No.S Section 1 - Instructions: STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES DIVISION OF HEALTH Pmt Office Box 210, Jacksonville, Florida 32201 APPLICATION AND PERMIT OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES �/�'L � W S T. L U C I E �n`� (County Health Depa ttment 1. Percolation test data, soil profile and water table ele- vation information must be attached. (Note: Test must be made at proposed location of system). 2. Existing building and proposed buildings on lot must be shown and drawn to scale at their location or proposed location. (Use block on this sheet -or attach plot plan). 3. Proposed location of septic tank must be shown on In plan. 4. Any pond or stream areas must be -indicated on the plan. Section II - Information: , 5. Indicate name and date of plat of subdivision. If not platted, attach metes and bounds description. 6. Complete the following information section. NOTES: 1. Not valid if sewer is available. 2. Individual well must be 75 feet from any part of systemq/rirm 3. Call ��e and give this office a 24-hour notice when ready for inspection. 1. Property Address (Street & House No.) Atlantic Beach Boulevard , 1 Lot 4 Block 9 Subdivision Fort Pierce 'Shores Unit #3 Date Platted Prior 1972 Directions to Job North AlA to Atlantic Beach-3o-Jlevard, south to Seminole Boulevard 2. Owner or Builder -Paul Jacquin & Son, Inc. ,P.,Q. Address 4229 City Fort Pierce, Florida 33450 Septic tank -system to be installed by: Ashton Utilities 3. Specifications: �a049 gallon tank with _SDD square feet of drainfield with at least 4" inside diameter pipe. 0 4. House to be constructed: y _ Check one: FHA VA Cn Conventional This in 0 d is to certify that the project/described this application, and as detailed by the plans and speci- fications and attachments will be -constructed in ac- D 0 cordance with state requirements. n Scale 1" = 50' (Rear) THIS PERMIT EXPIRES ONE (I) YEAR FRE3Sfl'.DATE OF. ISSUANCE i Permit VOID if well or septic system is installed in a location other than area permitted. PRIOR HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Ar)pRnVAL REQUIRED P. 0 °m a ` t I Applicanr:iau!1-Jacq.uin & Son, Inc. Please Print (Front) ' (Name of Street or State Road) :Signature: �L� s'}' Lt^ /v ✓ � D ate: April 18, 1978 Hlexaird'e,r H. Fraser, P.E. 116178 -e �..� • .e'...: . . . • . . . DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE • • • • • • e . • e Section'ill - Application Approval & Construction Authorization - Installation subject to following special conditions.. ;—ZNo.S e.17 s C' e- C4F ct Irnuh cl_ r t The bove signed app}� do s bean found to be in compliance with Chapter 10D-6, Florida Administrative Code, and. onst uction is 1p pro d, subje to the above specifications and conditions. (����//// �. u c I P Data By: County Health Dept. Soctio IV - Final Construction Approval votes: truction of installation approved: Yes = No By: , FHA No. VA No. . • • 42•B • • • • • e • • • • • • e • . . • . a • • • e • • • • e o • • • • • • 0, S, PN ' REV. 3/76 : /Z/Z�� ��3r' CQl ✓ �OC/� / FRASER ENGINEERING AND TESTING FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION SIEGFRIED ',JOLTER PROJECT BLOCK #9, UNIT #3 FORT PIERCE SHORES SUBDIVISION bLOTS #4 AND #5 aCANNED BY St. Lucie County " erm,4 -j;� 0q4 3504 INDUSTRIAL 33RD STREET FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA - 33450 r FRASER ENGINEERING AND TESTING 3504 INDUSTRIAI, 330-d STREET FORT PIERCE, FT,01111)A 33450 August 15, 1977 FORI PIFRGE (305) 461 7S116 VERO REACH 13051 5676161 STUART (305) 283.7711 Mr. Peter W.P. Graulich, AIA 2733 Ponce de Leon Boulevard Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Dear Mr. Graulich: Enclosed are the results of the Foundation Investigation and Per - co - lation Tests for the Siegfried Wolter Project on Block #9, Unit #3, ,Fort Pierce Shores Subdivision, Lots #4 and #5. TEST BORINGS AND PERCOLATION TESTS i Five (5) 15 foot test borings and two (2) percolation tests were taken at locations noted on the Boring Layout Drawing. The materials encountered and penetration resistances are as des- cribed and noted on the individual boring -logs. Drilling'procedures, relative density and consistency correlated with standard penetration resistances, and identification of soils, are described in Attachment "A". i Percolation Tests were performed in accordance with Division of Health, Chapter 1OD-6 "Standards for Individual Sewage Disposal Pac- ilities11. RECOMMENDATIONS The site is suitable for the proposed residential loadings using conventional wall or spread footing foundations. Loose sands occur from 2.5 to 3.0 feet below the surface. The foundation areas should be excavated to a depth of 2.0 feet and the excavated area compacted. The footings may be located on the prepared excavated surface or higher on compacted backfill. Preparation of the excavated sur- face and fill placement should be in accordance with Section II of Attachment 11B". The footings may also be located on the firm materials -which oc- cur at 3.0 feet. This option would depend on the water table dep- lam' SOIL HORINGS CONCRETE, SOIL. & ASPHALT TESTING FOUNDATION INVESTIGATIONS FRASER ENGINEERING AND TESTING August 15, 1977 Mr. Peter W.P. Graulich, AIA Page Two th at the' start of construction. I� With the above criteria satisfied, a soil bearing pressure of ' - 2,500 pounds'per square foot may be .used in the design=of the ;T footings." Respectfully submitted, FRASER ENGINEERING AND TESTING . <S Alexanderi'H -Fraser, P.E. (� AHF:jn ;. Enclosures 41 �,. J Y r:; .. ' jILY ' r s 0 FRASER ENGINEERING AND TESTING PHONES (305) 461.7508 8504 INDUSTRIAL 33 RD STREET FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA • 33450 BORING LAYOUT DRAWING Siegfried Wolter Project Block #9, Unit #3 Fort Pierce Shores Subdivision,. Lots #4 and #5 N P-1 ® P-Z ATLANTIC BEACH BOULEVARD Scale: 1" = 30• ATTACHMENT A DRILLING PROCEDURES Soil sampling and penetration testing performed in accordance with ASTM D 1586-67. The standard penetration resistance is the number of blows of a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches to .drive a 2 inch O,D., 1.4 inch I.D., split -spoon sampler ].foot. RELATIVE DENSITY AND CONSISTENCY CORRELATED 141TH STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE TYPE OF MATERIAL NO..OF BLOWS PER FOOT RELATIVE DENSITY Granular Soils 0 - 4 Very Loose 5 - 10 Loose 11 - 20 Firm 21 - 30 Very Firm 31 - 50 Dense Over 50 Very Dense TYPE OF MATERIAL NO. OF BLOWS PER FOOT CONSISTENCY Cohesive Soils, Below 2 Very Soft 3 - 4 Soft 5 -'8 Firm 9 - 15 Stiff 16 -30 Very.Stiff 31 - 50 Hard , Over 50 Very Hard IDENTIFICATION OF THE SOILS Identification of the soils is in accordance with.ASTM D 2488-69, "Standard Recommended Practice for Description of Soils". p x ATTACHMENT B - PAGE 1 0 SITE PREPARATION EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL SPECIFICATION SECTION I PREPARATION OF THE FOUNDATION AREA A. The foundation area is to be cleared of all trees, roots, vegetation, and any other deleterious material. B. After clearing, the area is to be graded and then compacted with a self-propelled steel drum vibratory roller having a minimum total applied force of ten (10) tons. Sufficient compactive effort should be applied to obtain a minimum of 98% of the maximum density as determined by AASHO T-180. The vibratory compactor should make a minimum of four (4) passes over the entire building area. SECTION II EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL A. If backfill is required over the natural ground sur'-. face, the area should first be prepared as outlined in Section I. The backfill should be placed.in lay-. ers not to exceed 12" loose measure and compacted with , self-propelled steel drum vibratory roller having a minimum total applied force of ten (10) tons. Suffi= cient,,compactive effort should be applied on each layer to obtain a minimum of 98% of the maximum density' as 'determined by AASHO T-180. The backfill material ,should be a granular material with a percentage of fines not to exceed 10%. ATTACHMENT B PAGE 2, B. If excavation or excavation and backfilling is required, the material is to be removed to the required depth. The excavated area must then be leveled and compacted. Backfilling, if requir-.,,, ed, can then proceed to the specified elevation C6mpaction of the excavated surface and backfill- ing shall be in accordance with,Pardgraph A on Page 1. '4 SHEET 1 OF 1 C i BORING LOG ,• I CLIENT: Graulich' j DEPTH (1) (2) DESCRIPTION Very loose, gray fine sand, with sur- .. •5 face orizanics Very loose, brown fine sand,_tracet,of- 2 1.5 fine shell fra ments Very loose to firm, tan fine sand,, trace of shell fragments and 'cemented ; 16 sand nodules 3.5 Firm to dense, tan gray fine sand',',` trace of shell fragments and cemented-s' sand nodules 5 22 39 8.0 Firm, gray fine sand with some shell 17 fragments, trace of weathere'd1lime'" ` stone nodules 10 12.0 Very loose, gray green, clayey fine sand l . 15 15.0 Boring Terminated at 15' l; (1) PENETRATION - BLOWS PER FOOT (2) DESIGNATIONS GROUND WATER 1111� LOSS OF DRILLING FLUID II ROCK CORE 19 UNDISTURBED SAMPLE BORING NO.,— B 1 DATE DRILLED August 12'i '101 .+ JOB NO.: 15964 FRASER ENGINEERING AND TESTING. SHEET 1 OF 1 GORING LOG CLIENT, Gra��h Rm 0i DEPTH (1) "(2) DESCRIPTION .. . Very loose, gray fine sand with sur- face organics 1• • 1.0 1.5 Very loose, brown fine sand Very loose to firm, tan fine sand with trace of some shell fragments and'';cem- ented sand nodules 10 3.5 — Firm to very firm, ''tan gray fine Be id,;,, with trace of some shell fragments;'``;=; 5 21 2 4' 8.0 Firm to very'firm,,gray fine sand'with. 19, some shell fragments • • 1 12.5 Very loose, gray slightly silty fine, s°a n d 3 14.5 15 15.0 Soft, gray and tan mottled sandy clay.- Boring Terminated at 15' (1) PENETRATION- BLOWS PER FOOT (2) DESIGNATIONS GROUND WATER FLOSS OF DRILONG FLUID II ROCK CORE X UNDISTURBED SAMPLE BORING NO.'— _ B - 2 DATE DR ILLED August _12,__19i;:9 JOB NO.: � 15964 • r,r i° r .;a FRASER.,E' NGINEERIN3 AN[1; TESTING` . , - • �_ I SHEET 1 OF 1 BORING LOG CLIENT: Graulich DEPTH (1) (2) DESCRIPTION 0 Very loose, gray fine'sand with sur- face organics 1 1.0 1.5 Very loose, brown fine sand Very loose to dense tan fine sand, trace of some shell fragments 8 iY 5 31 s].. 35 8.0 Firm gray fine sand with some shell fra ments . 21 Very firm, gray fine sand. 10 12.0 -Very loose, gray green, clayey fine sand 2 15 15.0 Boring Terminated at 15' ` a (1) PENETRATION - BLOWS PER FOOT (2) DESIGNATIONS GROUND WATER LOSS OF DRILLING FLUID 13 ROCK CORE M UNDISTURBED SAMPLE BORING NO.*_ B - 3 DATE DRILLED.. August. 1-2s 19Z7 JOB NO.: 15964 FRASER ENGINEERING AND TESTIN SHEET 1 OF 1 BORING LOG CLIENT: Graulich .' DEPTH 111 121 DESCRIPTION Very loose, gray fine sand with 6ur- face organics 1 1.0 1.5 Very loose, brown fine sand Loose to firm, tan fine sand, trace of shell fragments with some cemented 20 sand nodules 5 19 5.0 Very firm to dense, tan fine sand with some shell fragments 41 . 18 9 .0 Very firm, gray fine sand with'some 10 shell fragments 12.0 Very loose, gray fine sand 14.0 Very loose, gray green, clayey fine 1 15 15.0 sand, trace of shell fragments Boring Terminated at 15' (1) PENETRATION - BLOWS PER FOOT 12) DESIGNATIONS -- GROUND WATER ON- LOSS OF DRILLING FLUID UII ROCK CORE III UNDISTURBED SAMPLE BORING NO.,— B = 4 f DATE DRILLEO.. August 12, 1977 JOB NO.: 15964 i FRASER ENGINEERING AND TESTING SHEET 1 OF 1 BORING LOG CLIENT: Graulich { r DEPTH 0) (2) DESCRIPTION Very loose, brown fine sand, trace of organic fibers 1 1.0 Very loose to very firm, tan fine sand with some shell fragments, trace of cemented sand nodules 5 33 25 7.0 Firm, gray fine sand with some shell fragments 17 10 12.0 Loose, gray fine sand 5 14.5 15 15.0 Loose, gray green, clayey fine sand- Boring Terminated at 15' 0) PENETRATION - SLOWS PER FOOT (2) DESIGNATIONS GROUND WATER LOSS OF DRILLING FLUID 0 ROCK CORE IT UNDISTURBED SAMPLE BORING NO.,__ B — 5 JJ DATE DRILLED .-611gt'ar JOB NO.: 15964 f FRASER ENGINEERING AND TESTIN�. SHEET 1 OF 1 BORING LOG CLIENT: Graulich DEPTH (1) (2) DESCRIPTION 0 ' Gray fine sand with surface organics 1 1.0 " Brown fine sand 2 2.5 Tan fine sand with some shell fragments 3 4 4.0 Percolation rate less than 1 minute/inch (1) PENETRATION BLOWS PER FOOT, (2) DESIGNATIONS. GROUND WATER ft- LOSS OF DRILLING FLUID II ROCK CORE 7ft UNDISTURBEDSAMPLE BORING NO'. --August 12, 1977 DATE DRILLED JOB NO.: 15965 FRASER ENGINEERING AND TESTING SHEET 1 OF 1 BORING LOG CLIENT: Graulich �I I DEPTH (1) (2) DESCRIPTION Gray fine sand with surface organics 0.5 Brown fine sand 1 1.5 Tan fine sand, trace of shell fragments 2 3 3.5 Percolation rate lass than 1 minute/inch ' 4 (1) PENETRATION - BLOWS PER FOOT (2) DESIGNATIONS GROUND WATER LOSS OF DRILLING FLUID rI ROCK CORE M UNDISTURBED SAMPLE r BORING NO ------ DATE DRILLED August 1'L� 1977 7 JOB NO.:—_____—.5966 __...-----_--- FRASER ENGINEERING AND TESTING