HomeMy WebLinkAboutEVALUATION REPORTSDIVISION: 07 00 00—THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION SECTION: 07 2100—THERMAL INSULATION SCANNED BY St. Lucie County REPORT HOLDER: DEMILEC (USA) INC. 3315 EAST DIVISION STREET ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76011 EVALUATION SUBJECT: AGRIBALANCE® SPRAY FOAM INSULATION ICC- ICC M � ICC ���C"�) 2014 Recipient of Prestigious Western States Seismic Policy Council (WSSPCI Award in Excellence" A Subsidiary of ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, express or implied, as to any finding or other matter in this report, or as to arty product covered by the report. Copyright 0 2018 ICC Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved. ANS►�� nccncortco ICC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-2600 Reissued February 2018 Revised May 2018 This report is subject to renewal February 2019. www.icc-es.org I (800) 423-6587 I (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council® DIVISION: 07 00 00—THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Section: 07 21 00—Thermal Insulation REPORT HOLDER: DEMILEC (USA) INC. 3315 EAST DIVISION STREET ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76011 (817)640-4900 www.aemitecusa.com EVALUATION SUBJECT: AGRIBALANCE' SPRAY FOAM INSULATION 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE 1.1 Compliance with the following codes: ■ 2018, 2015, 2012 and 2009 International Building Code (IBC) ■ 2018, 2015, 2012 and 2009 International Residential Code® (IRC) ■ 2018, 2015, 2012 and 2009 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) ■ 2013 Abu Dhabi International Building Code (ADIBC)t 'The ADIBC is based on the 2009 IBC. 2009 IBC code sections referenced in this report are the same sections in the ADIBC. ■ Other Codes (see Section 8.0) Properties evaluated: ■ Surface -burning characteristics ■ Physical properties ■ Thermal resistance ■ Attic and crawl space installation ■ Air permeability 1.2 Evaluation to the following green standard: 2008 ICC 700 National Green Building 'StandardTM' (ICC 700-2008) Attributes verified: See Section 2.0 2.0 USES Agribalance' spray foam insulation is used as a nonstructural thermal insulating material in Type V-B construction under the IBC and dwellings under the IRC. The insulation is for use in wall cavities, floor assemblies, roof/ceiling assemblies or attics and crawl spaces when installed in accordance with Section 4.4. Under the IRC, the insulation may be used as air -impermeable insulation when installed in accordance with Section 3.4. 3.0 DESCRIPTION 3.1 General: Agribalance' is a spray -applied, semi -rigid, low- density, cellular polyurethane foam plastic that is installed as a nonstructural component of floodoeiling and wall assemblies. The material is a two -component, open -cell spray -applied polyurethane foam plastic system. The product is a water -blown foam with nominal density of 0.7 pot (11.2 k?,/m3) and installed density of 0.6-0.8 pot (9.6 - 12.8 kg/m ). The polyurethane foam is produced in the field by combining a polymeric isocyanate (component A) and a resin (component B). The products have a shelf life of one year, when stored in factory -sealed containers at temperatures between 50OF and 100OF (100C and 380C). Agribalance® spray foam insulation is an air -impermeable insulation in accordance with 2018 IBC Section 1202.3 (2015 IBC Section 1203.3) and 2018, 2015 and 2012 IRC Section R806.5 [2009 IRC Section R806.4], based on testing in accordance with ASTM E283. The atbibutes of the insulation have been verified as conforming to the provisions of ICC 700-2008 Section 703. as an air impermeable insulation. Note that decisions on compliance for those areas rest with the user of this report. The user is advised of the project -specific provisions that may be contingent upon meeting specific conditions, and the verification of those conditions is outside the scope of this report. These codes or standards often provide supplemental information as guidance. 3.2 Surface -burning Characteristics: The insulation at a maximum thickness of 5.5 inches (139.7 mm) and a density of 0.6 pot (9.6 kg/m3), has a flame -spread index of less than 25 and smoke -developed index of less than 450 when tested in accordance with ASTM E84 (UL 723). There is no thickness limitation when installed behind a code -prescribed 15-minute thermal barrier complying with, and installed in accordance with, IBC Section 2603.4 or IRC Section R316.4, as applicable. 3.3 Thermal Resistance, R-values: The insulation has thermal resistance, R-values, at a mean temperature of 75OF (240C), as shown in Table 1. ICGF.S Fraluanon Reports are not to be comotted as repmmefing aesthetics orany olherattributes rmrspec fcally addressed nor arc they it, be amassed as on endorsememofrhesubJectofthe reponorarecommerdauonfontsme. There Ism, unrranlybylCCE4almetion Servire. LIXC express ar implied as t to anyfinding orather matter inthir report, orm loanyproducl covmedbyrhereporr. m= — Copyright 02018ICC Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 4 ESR-2600 [ Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 2 of 4 3.4 Air Permeability: Agribalance spray -applied polyurethane foam insulation, at a minimum of 3.5 inches (89 mm), is considered air -impermeable insulation in accordance with 2018 IBC Section 1202.3 [2015 IBC Section 1203.3] and 2018, 2015 and 2012 IRC Section R806.5 (2009 IRC Section R806.4) based on testing in accordance with ASTM E283 and ASTM E2178. 3.5 Blazelok1t' 11341ntumescent Coating: BlazelokTM' 1B4 intumescent coating, manufactured by TPR2 Corporation, is a one -component, water -based liquid coating. Blazelok' 1B4 is supplied in 5-gallon (19 L) pails and/or 55-gallon (208 L) drums and has a shelf life of one (1) year when stored in factory -sealed containers at temperatures between 45OF (7°C) and 90OF (320C). 3.6 BlazelokTM TBX Intumescent Coating: BlazelokTM TBX Coating, manufactured by TPR2 Corporation (ESR-3997), is a one -component, water -based liquid -applied intumescent coating. BlazelokTM' TBX is supplied in 5-gallon (19 L) pails and 55-gallon (208 L) drums and has a shelf life of one (1) year when stored in factory -sealed containers at temperatures between 45OF (7.2°C) and 950F (350C). (3.7 _ DC.315 Coating: DC 315 Coating (ESR-37021, manufactured by International Fireproof Technology, Inc., / Paint to Protect, Inc. is a water -based intumescent coating supplied in 5-gallon (19L) pails and 55-gallon (208L) drums. The coating material has a shelf life of one (1) year when stored in factory -sealed containers at temperatures between 50"F (10°C) and 60°F (27C). 4.0 DESIGN AND INSTALLATION 4.1 General: Agribalance spray foam insulation must be installed in accordance with the manufacturers published installation instructions and this report. A copy of the manufacturers published installation instructions must be available at all times on the jobsite during installation. 4.2 Application: The insulation is spray -applied on the jobsite using a volumetric positive displacement pump as identified in the Demilec application manual. The insulation can be installed in one pass to the maximum thickness as specified in Sections 3.2 and 4.4.2. The foam plastic must not be used in electrical outlet or junction boxes or in contact with rain, water, or soil. The foam plastic must not be sprayed onto a substrate that is wet, or covered with frost or ice, loose scales, rust, oil, or grease. Agribalance resin (component B) must be stored in areas where the ambient temperature is between 50OF and 100°F (10°C and 380C). Agribalance must be used in areas where maximum ambient temperature is equal or less than 180OF (82°C). The insulation must be protected from the weather during and after application. 4.3 Thermal Barrier: 4.3.1 Application with a Prescriptive Thermal Barrier: Agribalance® spray foam insulation must be separated from the interior of the building by an approved thermal barrier of %-inch-thick (12.7 mm) gypsum wallboard or an equivalent 15-minute thermal barrier complying with, and installed in accordance with, IBC Section 2603.4 or IRC Section R316.4, as applicable, except when installation is in attics and crawl spaces, as described in Section 4.4. There is no thickness limitation when installed behind a code -prescribed 15-minute thermal barrier. 4.3.2 Application without a Prescriptive Thermal Barrier: Agribalance® spray foam insulation may be installed without the prescriptive 15-minute thermal barrier described in Section 4.3.1 when installation is in accordance with the following: The insulation must be-mvered on all surfaces (with a fire protective coating at the minimum thickness set (forth in Ta61e-21 The maximum installed thickness of the insulation must not exceed the thickness set forth in Table 2. The coating must be applied over the insulation in accordance with the coating manufacturers instructions and this report. 4.4 Attics and Crawl Spaces: 4.4.1 Application with a Prescriptive Ignition Barrier: When Agribalance insulation is installed within attics or crawl spaces where entry is made only for service of utilities, an ignition barrier must be installed in accordance with IBC Section 2603.4.1.6 or IRC Sections R316.5.3 and R316.5.4, as applicable. The ignition barrier must be consistent with the requirements for the type of construction required by the applicable code, and must be installed in a manner so the foam plastic insulation is not exposed. Agribalance insulation as described in this section may be installed in unvented attics in accordance with 2018 IBC Section 1202.2 (2015 IBC Section 1203.3) or 2018, 2015 and 2012 IRC Section R806.5 (2009 IRC Section R806.4). 4.4.2 Application without a Prescriptive Ignition Barrier: General: Where Agribalance insulation is installed without a prescriptive ignition barrier in attics and crawl spaces in accordance with Sections 4.4.2 and 4.4.3, the following conditions apply: a. Entry to the attic or crawl space is only to service utilities and no storage is permitted. b. There are no interconnected attic or crawl space areas. c. Air in the attic or crawl space is not circulated to other parts of the building. d. Attic ventilation is provided when required by 2018 IBC Section 1202.2.1 12015, 2012 and 2009 IBC Section 1203.2] or IRC Section R806, except when air -impermeable insulation is permitted in unvented attics in accordance with 2018 IBC Section 1202.3 [2015 IBC Section 1203.3] or 2015 and 2012 IRC Section R806.5 (2009 IRC Section R806.4). e. Under -floor (crawl space) ventilation is provided when required by 2018 IBC Section 1202.4 12015 IBC Section 1203.4 (2012 and 2009 IBC Section 1203.3)] or IRC Section R408.1, as applicable. f. Combustion air must be provided in accordance with International Mechanical Code (IMC) Section 701. Application with BlazelokTM I134 Coating: In attics, Agribalance® insulation may be spray -applied to the underside of roof sheathing and/or., rafters; and the underside of wood floors and/or floor joists in crawl spaces as described in this section. The thickness of the foam plastic applied to the underside of the wood floor and roof sheathing must not exceed 11114 inches (286 mm). The spray foam insulation applied to vertical wall surfaces in ESR-2600 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 3of4 attics and crawl spaces must not exceed 9r/4 inches (235 mm) in depth. The foam plastic surface must be covered with a minimum 5-dry-mil [9 wet mils (0.23 mm)] thickness of BlazelokT 1134 intumescent coating as described in Section 3.5. The intumescent coating must be spray -applied over the insulation in accordance with the coating manufacturer's instructions and this report at a rate of 1 gallon (3.38 L) per 175 square feet (16.3 m2) to obtain the recommended minimum dry film thickness noted in this section. Surfaces to be coated must be dry and clean, and free of dirt, loose debris and any other substances that could interfere with adhesion of the coating. Application with DC 316 Coating: In attics, Agribalance foam insulation may be spray -applied to the underside of the roof sheathing and/or rafters and in crawl spaces. The insulation may be spray -applied to the underside of wood floors as described in this section. The thickness of the foam plastic applied to the underside of the top of the space must not exceed 11'/2 inches (292 mm) and the thickness on vertical surfaces must not exceed 71/2 inches (191 mm). The foam plastic surface must be covered with a minimum nominal thickness of 3 dry mils (0.08 mm) [4 wet mils (0.10 mm)] of the DC 315 coating described in Section 3.6. The intumescent coating must be spray -applied over the insulation in accordance with the coating manufacturer's instructions and this report at a rate of 1 gallon (3.38 L) per 401 square feet (373. m2) to obtain the recommended minimum dry film thickness noted in this section. Surfaces to be coated must be dry and clean, and free of dirt, loose debris and any other substances that could interfere with adhesion of the coating. 4.4.3 Use on Attic Floors: Agribalance® spray -applied insulation may be installed exposed at a maximum thickness of 7 /2 inches (191 mm) between and over the joists in attic floors, when covered with the DC 315 coating described in Section Agribalance spray -applied insulation may be installed exposed at a maximum thickness of 5 /2 inches (140 mm) between and over the joists in attic floors, when covered with the BlazelokTM TBX intumescent coating described in Section The insulation must be separated from the interior of the building by an approved thermal barrier. The ignition barrier in accordance with IBC Section 2603.4.1.6 and IRC Section R316.5.3 may be omitted. 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE The Agribalance spray -applied foam insulation described in this report complies with, or is a suitable alternative to what is specified in, those codes listed in Section 1.0 of this report, subject to the following conditions: 5.1 This evaluation report and the manufacturer's published installation instructions, when required by the code official, must be submitted at the time of permit application. 5.2 The products must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's published installation instructions, this evaluation report and the applicable code. The instructions within this report govern if there are any conflicts between the manufacturers' published installation instructions and this report. 5.3 The insulation must be separated from the interior of the building by an approved 15-minute thermal barrier, except when installation is as described in Section 4.3.1 or in attics and crawl spaces as described in Section 4.4. 5.4 The insulation must not exceed the density and thicknesses noted in Sections 3.2, 4.4.2 and 4.4.3 of this report. 5.5 The insulation must be protected from the weather during and after application. 5.6 The insulation must be applied by contractors authorized by Demilec USA. 5.7 Use of the insulation in areas where the probability of termite infestation is "very heavy" must be in accordance with IRC Section R318.4 or IBC Section 2603.8, as applicable. 6.8 The insulation has been evaluated only for use in Type V-B construction under the IBC and non -fire - resistance rated assemblies in dwellings under the IRC. 5.9 Jobsite certification and labeling of the insulation must comply with 2018 or 2015 IRC Sections N1101.10.1 and N1101.10.1.1 (2012 IRC Sections N1101.12.1 and N1101.12.1.1 or 2009 IRC Sections N1101.4 and N1101.4.1)] and 2018, 2015 and 2012 IECC Sections C303.1.1, C303.1.1.1, R303.1.1 and R303.1.1.1 (2009 IECC Sections 303.1.1 and 303.1.1.1), as applicable. 5.10A vapor retarder must be installed when required by the applicable code. 5.11 The insulation is produced in Arlington, Texas and Boisbriand, Quebec, Canada, under a quality control program with inspections by ]CC -ES. 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 6.1 Data in accordance with [CC -ES Acceptance Criteria for Spray -applied Foam Plastic Insulation (AC377), dated April 2016 (editorially revised April 2018), including testing in accordance with Appendix X. 6.2 Reports of room comer fire tests in accordance with NFPA 286. 6.3 Reports of air leakage tests in accordance with ASTM E283. 6.4 Reports of air permeance tests in accordance with ASTM E2178. 7.0 IDENTIFICATION Components of Agribalance spray foam insulation are identified with the manufacturer's name (Demilec USA), address and telephone number; the product trade name (Agribalance); use instructions; the density; the flame - spread and smoke -development indices; and the evaluation report number (ESR-2600). Each pail of BlazelokT IB4 intumescent coating is labeled with the manufacturer's name (TPR2 Corporation), the product name and use instructions. Blazelok TBX coating is labeled with the manufacturer's name and address; the product name; the date of manufacture, the shelf life or expiration date; the manufacturer's instructions for application and evaluation report number (ESR-39971. International Fireproof Technology, Inc. / Paint to Protect Inc., DC 315 coating is labeled with the manufacturer's name and address; the product name; the date of manufacture, the shelf life or expiration date; the manufacturer's instructions for application and evaluation report number (ESR-37021. 8.0 OTHER CODES ., In addition to the codes referenced in Section 1.0, the products described in this report have been evaluated in accordance with the following codes: ESR-2600 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 4 of 4 ■ 2006 International Building Code (20061BC) ■ 2006 International Residential Code (2006 IRC) ■ 2006 International Energy Conservation Code® (2006 IECC) ■ 2003 International Building Code (2003 IBC) ■ 2003 International Residential Code (2003 IRC) ■ 2003 International Energy Conservation Code (2003 IECC) The products comply with the above -mentioned codes as described in Sections 2.0 through 7.0 of this report, with the revisions noted below: ■ Application with a Prescriptive Thermal Barrier: See Section 4.3, except the approved thermal barrier must be installed in accordance with Section R314.4 of the 2006 IRC or Section R314.1.12 of the 2003 IRC. ■ Application with a Prescriptive Ignition Barrier: See Section 4.4.1, except attics must be vented in accordance with Section 1203.2 of the 2006 and 2003 IBC or Section R806 of the 2003 IRC, and crawl space ventilation must be in accordance with Section 1203.3 of the 2006 and 2003 IBC or Section R408 of the 2006 and 2003 IRC, as applicable. Additionally, an ignition barrier must be installed in accordance with Section R314.5.3 or R314.5.3 of the 2006 IRC or Section R314.2.3 of the 2003 IRC, as applicable. ■ Application without a Prescriptive Ignition Barrier: See Section 4.4.2, except attics must be vented in accordance with Section 1203.2 of the 2006 and 2003 IBC or Section R806 of the 2006 and 2003 IRC, and crawl space ventilation must be in accordance with Section 1203.3 of the 2006 and 2003 IBC or Section R408 of the 2006 and 2003 IRC, as applicable. ■ Protection against Termites: See Section 5.7, except use of the insulation in areas where the probability of termite infestation is "very heavy" must be in accordance with Section R320.5 of the 2006 IRC or Section R320.4 of the 2003 IRC. ■ Jobsite Certification and Labeling: See Section 5.9, except jobsite certification and labeling must comply with Sections 102.1.1 and 102.1.11, as applicable, of the 2006 IECC. TABLE 1—THERMAL RESISTANCE (R-VALUES) THICKNESS (INCH) R-VALUEI ('F.ft'.h/Btu) 1 4.5 2 8.9 3 13 3.5 16 4 18 5.5. 6 27 7.5 33 9.25 41 9.5 42 10 44 11.25 50 11.5 51 14 62 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm; 1 T.ft?.h1Btu = 0.176 110-K.m2M/. 1R-values am calculated based on tested K-values at 1-and 4-Inch thicknesses. TABLE 2—USE OF INSULATION WITHOUT A PRESCRIPTIVE THERMAL BARRIER (TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 286)' INSULATION MAXIMUM JMAXIMUM. COATING TYPE & MINIMUM MINIMUM APPLICATION TYPE THICKNESS (in.) 0 THICKNESS (In_) THICKNESS (Applied to all RATE OF COATING Vertical Surfaces r Overhead Surfaces) Foam Surfaces °•0 • Agribalance® 51/z Blazelok TBX 15 mils DFT 1.23 gal / 100 fe 23 mils WFT Agribalancee 716 11% •,--DC 315,1 j 12 mils DFT- -18 mils WFT - For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm; 1 mil = 0.0254 mm; 1 gallon = 3.38 L; 1 ft` = 0.093 m`. Notes: 'See Section 4.3.2. $ee Section 3.6 and 3.7. 3DFT = Dry Film Thickness; WFT = Wet Film Thickness DIVISION: 07 00 00—THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION SECTION: 07 30 05—ROOFING FELT AND UNDERLAYMENT SCANNED BY St. Lucie County REPORT HOLDER: POLYGLASS USA, INC. 1111 WEST NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE DEERFIELD BEACH, FLORIDA 33442 EVALUATION SUBJECT: POLYSTICK IR-Xe, TU, TU PLUS, TU P, TU MAX, DUAL PRO, TILE PRO, MTS PLUS AND MU-X ROOF UNDERLAYMENTS AND POLYSTICK P AND POLYSTICK MTS ICE BARRIERS ICC Ice ICC Look for the trusted marks of Conformity! "2014 Recipient of Prestigious Western States Seismic Policy Council ■iu lll (WSSPCI Award in Excellence" A Subsidiary of cmolCOux�cic ICC-ES Evaluation Repots arc no to he construed as representing aesthetics or anv other attributes not specifically addressed. am nrr th.: r to he c•nnstrned as or endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendationfin- its use. There is no it arrann• .hv ICC Evalration Service, LLC, express or implied, as V uocc no to an/finding or other nrracv in uric report or as tonnv product covered by the report. Copyright ® 2017 ICC !:valuation Service, LLC. All rights reserved. ICC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-1697 Reissued November 2017 This report is subject to renewal November 2019. www.icc-es.oru 1 (800) 423-6587 I (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council® DIVISION: 07 00 00—TIIERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Section: 07 30 05—Roofing Felt and Underlayment REPORT HOLDER: POLYGLASS USA, INC. 1111 WEST NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE DEERFIELD BEACH, FLORIDA 33442 (800)894-4563 www.00l•r ir3 a—s.us 'akin ,Eejvrtlass.cotn EVALUATION SUBJECT: POLYSTICK IR-Xe, TU, TU PLUS, TU P, TU MAX, DUAL PRO, TILE PRO, MTS PLUS AND MU-X. ROOF UNDERLAYMENTS AND POLYSTICK P AND POLYSTICK MTS ICE BARRIERS 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE 1.1 Compliance wi0t the following codes: ■ 2015, 20t2. 2009 and 2006 International Building Code' (IBC) ■ 2015, 2012, 2009 and 2006 International Residential Code`" (I RC) Properties evaluated: ■ Physical properties ■ Water resistance 1.2 Evaluation to the following green standards: ■ 2012 and 2008 ICC 700 National Green Building Standard*'" (ICC 700-2012 and ICC 700-2008) Attributes verified: ■ See Section 3.1 2.0 USES 2.1 Roof Underlayment: Polystick IR-Xe, TIJ. TU Plus, TU P, TU Max, MTS Plus, MU-X, Dual Pro and Tile Pro are self -adhering membranes used as alternatives to ASTM D226, Type I and Type II, roofing underlayment specified in IBC Chapter 15 and IRC Chapter 9 IRC. 2.2 Ice Barrier: Polystick P and Polystick MTS are limited to use as alternatives to the ice barrier specified in IBC Chapter 15 and IRC Chapter 9. Polystick IR-Xe, TU, TU Plus, TU P, TU Max, MTS Plus, MU-X, Dual Pro and Tile Pro roof underlayments may also be used as alternatives to the ice barrier specified in IBC Chapter 15 and IRC Chapter 9. 3.0 DESCRIPTION 3.1 General: Polystick IR-Xe, TU, TU Plus, TU P, TU Max, Dual Pro, Tile Pro, MTS Plus and MU-X roof underlayments and Polystick P and Polystick MTS ice barriers are self - adhering, modified asphalt membranes constructed as described in Sections 3.2 through 3.12 of this report. The attributes of the Polystick membranes have been verified as conforming to the requirements of (i) ICC 700-2012 Sections 602.1.13, 11.602.1.13 and 12.5.602.1.14; and (ii) ICC 700-2008 Section 602.10 for ice barriers. Note that decisions on compliance for those areas rest with the user of this report. The user is advised of the project -specific provisions that may be contingent upon meeting specific conditions, and the verification of those conditions is outside the scope of this report. These codes or standards often provide supplemental information as guidance. 3.2 Polystick IR-Xe: Polystick IR-Xe is an APP-modified-asphalt, fiberglass - mat -reinforced membrane having a fine granular mineral surface. The membrane has a nominal weight of 27 pounds per 100 square feet (1.3 kg/m2) and is supplied in various lengths and widths. 3.3 Polystick P: Polystick P is an SBS-modified-asphalt, unreinforced membrane having a polyethylene film surface. The membrane has a nominal weight of 31 pounds per 100 square feet (1.5 kg/M2) and is supplied in rolls of various lengths and widths. 3.4 Polystick TU: Polystick TU is an APP-modified-asphalt, fiberglass -mat - reinforced membrane having a coarse granular mineral surface. The membrane has a nominal weight of 64 pounds per 100 square feet (3.1 kg/m2) and is supplied in rolls of various lengths and widths. 3.5 Polystick TU Plu Polystick TU Plus is an APP-modified-asphalt, fiberglass - mat -reinforced membrane having a polyester fabric surface. The membrane has a nominal weight of 31 pounds per 100 square feet (1.5 kg/m2) and is supplied in rolls of various lengths and widths. Ky'-ES viralcon++;NLp: au ur: rr•!r u+ M1t+'nn•r.vm/a.. nprrs'vnru:g •rr.!rfreri.•.r ur unr nlhrr allri6nmsvmLgxe Jimllp oddrevsed rmr ore llrey ro 6e cansPued ffi a) m' an ender rmcrrl++J'.hr ard•u.v a/!he r.7nrn nr a m%unrnrn,lmion /ur Us use. Then- lr nn vmmnm by fCC Bnlnarion.Serviee, l.f.C, express or implied, as m mpf..dmp... ... 1. mnucrnr the!rep.!...... r+. urn•pn.dnn currreJ hr tfn•r,•pnrl. 17g3 W_ Copyright 020'17ICC E.+31ua!i011 Service, LLC Alinghtsreserved. Page f of 3 ESR-1697 ! Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 2 of 3 3.6 Polystick MTS: pressing the membrane into ola end seams must Polystick MTS is an APP-modified asphalt, fiberglass -mat- verTapped- a minimum of 6 inch (152 mm).(Ed e e over appe 3mches (76 mm) or as reinforced membrane having a polymer film surface. The 'indicated on product su Sequent courses of membrane has a nominal weight of 33 pounds per 100 square feet (1.6 kg/m') and is supplied in rolls of underlayment are applied parallel a the ee-la from the various lengths and widths. lower edge of the roof upwards in ( shingle -lap manner. For slopes greater than 4:12 (33.33 percent), the 3.7 Polystick TU P: membrane may be laid in a strapping fashion (length of roll arallel to slo e) Polystick TU P is an APP-modified-asphalt, glass -fiber and polyester reinforced membrane with a granular surface. The membrane has a nominal weight of 80 pounds per 100 square feet (,3.9 kg/m`) and is supplied in rolls of various lengths and widths. 3.8 Polystick TU Max: Polystick TU Max is an APP-modified-asphalt, polyester reinforced membrane self -adhering membrane. The membrane has a norninal weight of 25 Ibs per 100 square feet (1.2 kg/m2) and is supplied in rolls of various lengths and widths. 3.9 Polystick. Dual Pro: Polystick Dual Pro is an APP- modified -asphalt, glass fiber and polyester reinforced self -adhering membrane. The membrane has a nominal weight of 31 pounds per 100 square feet (1.5 kg/mz) and is supplied in rolls of various lengths and widths. 3.10 Polystick Tile Pro: Polystick Tile Pro is an APP-modified-asphalt, glass fiber and polyester reinforced self -adhering membrane. The membrane has a nominal weight of 33 pounds per 100 square feet (1.6 kg/m) and is supplied in rolls of various lengths and widths. 3.11 Polystick MTS Plus: Polystick MTS Plus a SSS-modified-asphalt, fiberglass reinforced self -adhering membrane having a polymer film surface. The membrane has a nominal weight of 29 pounds per 100 squa!e feet (1.4 kg/mz) and is supplied in rolls u- various lengths and widths. 3.12 Polystick MU-X: Polystick MU-X is an SBS-modified-asphalt, fiberglass reinforced self -adhering membrane with a polypropylene film surface:. The membrane has a nominal weight of 31 pounds per 100 square feel (1.5 kg/m') and is supplied in rolls of various lengths and widths. 4.0 INSTALLATION 4.1 General: Installation of the Polystick roof underlayments must comply with the applicable code, this report and the manufacturers published installation instructions. The installation instructions must be available at the jobsite at all times during installation. Prior to application of the underlayment, the deck surface must be free of frost, dust and dirt, loose fasteners, and other protrusions. Damaged sheathing must be replaced. Installation is limited to plywood substrates. The underlayment must be applied only when the ambient air and substrate temperatures are above 40°F (4.40C). The underlayments are cut into 9- to 15-foot (2743 to 4572 mm) lengths and rerolied. The release film is peeled back approximately 1 to 2 feet (305 to 610 mm) and the membrane aligned with the lower edge of the roof and set in place. The remainder of the underlayment is applied directly to the roof deck by removing the film and firmly If the underlayment becomes misaligned, the roll is to be cut and restarted. The underlayment is pressed firmly into place, from the center to edge. After application, the underlayment must be inspected, and any defects repaired. "Fish mouths" are slit, pressed flat, and covered with a patch of membrane of sufficient width and length to overlap each side and end of the slit a minimum of 3 inches (76 mm). Membranes should be installed in a manner that water will run over or parallel to all laps. Installation of the roof covering can proceed immediately following application of the underlayment. The underlayment should be covered by an approved roof covering as soon as possible. For reroofing application, the same procedures apply after removal of the existing roof covering and roofing felts to expose the roof deck. 4.2 Ice Barrier: When used as an ice barrier, the Polystick IR-Xe, P, TU, TU Plus, TU P, MTS, TU Max, MTS Plus, MU-X, Dual Pro and Tile Pro membranes must be installed as prescribed in IBC Chapter 15 and IRC Chapter 9 where an ice barrier is required. The membranes must be installed in sufficient courses to extend up the roof for a minimum distance of 24 inches (610 mm) inside the exterior wall line of the building. When used as roof underlayment in the field of the roof, the underlayment products recognized in this report must overlap the ice barrier. 4.3 Roof Underlayment: Polystick IR-Xe, TU, TU Plus, TU P, TU Max, MTS Plus, MU-X, Dual Pro and Tile Pro underlayments must be installed as prescribed in IBC Chapter'16 or IRC Chapter 9 where an ASTM D226, Type I or Type II underlayment is required. 4.4 Flashing: Flashing must be in accordance with the applicable code. Flashing around protrusions must be over the lower course of the underlayment and under the upper course of the underlayment, to prevent water backup. When used, metal drip edges must be installed beneath the underlayment at the eaves and over the underlayment at rakes. 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE The Polystick roof underlayments and ice barriers described in this report comply with, or are suitable alternatives to what is specified in, those codes listed in Section 1.0 of this report, subject to the following conditions: 5.1 Installation must comply with the applicable code, this report and the manufacturer's published installation instructions. In the event of a conflict between this report and the manufacturer's instructions, this report governs. 5.2 Recognition in this evaluation report is limited to installation on plywood substrates. 5.3 Installation is limited to roofs with a slope of 2:12 (16.67%) or greater. ESR-1697 1 Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 3 of 3 5.4 Installation is limited to use with roof coverings that do not involve hot asphalt or coal -tar pitch. 5.5 Installation is limited to use with roof coverings that are mechanically fastened through the underlayment to the sheathing or rafters. 5.6 Installation is limited to roofs with ventilated attic spaces. In accordance with the requirements of the applicable code. 5.7 The underlayments and ice barriers must be installed only when the ambient air and substrate temperatures are above 40°F (4.4°C). (editorially revised December 2015). Specifically, data in accordance with Section 3.1.1 of AC48 (ASTM D1970) for Polystick IR-Xe, Polystick TU P. and Polystick MU-X. 6.2 Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Self -Adhered Roof Underlayments for Use as Ice Barriers (AC48), dated February 2012 (editorially revised December 2015). Specifically, data in accordance with Section 3.1.2 of AC48 for Polystick P, Polystick TU, Polystick TU Plus, Polystick MTS, Polystick TU Max, Polystick MTS Plus, Polystick Dual Pro and Polystick Tile Pro. 5.8 Installation is limited to structures located in areas 6.3 Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance where nonclassified roof coverings are permitted or Criteria for Roof Underlayments (AC188), dated as a component of a classified roofing assembly when February 2012 (editorially revised December 2015) specifically recognized as such in a listing approved for Polystick IR-Xe, Polystick TU, Polystick TU Plus, by the code official. Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Max, Polystick MTS 5.9 The membranes are produced in Fernley, Nevada, Plus, Polystick MU-X, Polystick Dual Pro and Hazleton. Pennsylvania, and Winter Haven, Florida, Polystick Tile Pro. under a quality control program with inspections by 7.0 IDENTIFICATION ICC-ES. 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 6.1 Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Self -Adhered Roof Underlayments for Use as Ice Barriers (AC48), dated February 2012 The Polystick roof underlayments and ice barriers described in this report are identified by a label, on the container of each roll of membrane, bearing the Polyglass U.S.A, Inc., name, the product name, the manufacturing location, and the evaluation report number (ESR-1697). RONALD I.OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET #443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT'RIO-2684-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie com SCANNED BY St. Lucie County PROJECT RIO-2684-17 ENGINEERING EVALUATION REPORT FOR ATTACHING JAMES HARDIE® BRAND FIBER -CEMENT SOFFIT PANELS TO WOOD AND METAL FRAMED WALLS WITH VARIOUS FASTENERS JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 10901 ELM AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92337 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE COVER PAGE 1 EVALUATION SUBJECT 2 EVALUATION SCOPE 2 EVALUATION PURPOSE_ 2 REFERENCE REPORTS 2 TEST RESULTS 2 TABLE 1, RESULTS OF TRANSVERSE LOAD TESTING 2 DESIGN WIND LOAD PROCEDURES 3 TABLE 2.. COEFFICIENTS AND CONSTANTS USED IN DETERMINING V AND p 3 TABLE 3, ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN C&C PRESSURES EXPOSURE B 4 TABLE 4, ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN C&C PRESSURES EXPOSURE C 4 TABLE 5, ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN C&C PRESSURES EXPOSURE D 4 TABLE 6, ALLOWABLE WIND SPEED (MPH) FOR HARDIEPANEL SIDING 5-6 LIMITATIONS OF USE 6 AS PRODUCT EVALUATOR, THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFIES THAT THE LISTED PRODUCTS ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ASCE 7 - 10, THE 2017 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE,_AND THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE. PREPARED BY: RONALD I. OGAWA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET #443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX RONALD I. OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET #443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714447.4595 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2684-17 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS. INC. 1-888-542-7343 inPo@jameshange.com EVALUATION SUBJECT Hardle5offit0 Panels James Hardie Product Trade Names contends! in tbfs evaluation: HardleSoffil® Panel, CentSeffl" Panel EVALUATION SCOP - ASCE T-10 2017 Floddn Building Cede z,L•i Inlemalicnal Emidn9 CotlaPJ EVALUATION PURPOSE: This analysis Is to dolcrmine the mastmmn design 3-secand gust wind speed to be resisted by an assembly of HardieSoMl (Cemsoffrt) panel fastened to mad or metal framing will nags fir screws. REFERENCE REPORTS: 1. Irdertek, Repori 3009913. (ASTM C I1130) Material propotes HadieSatBt Panels 2. Ramtech Laboretodo, Inc. Report 11436-99/1608 (ASTM E330) Transverse Lead T.eL 1/4'Thick by 16 inch Ads Hart i.S.I tt Vented Panels Installed on 2X4 SG=OA vmod studs spaced at 24 inches an cenier Mh a 1-112 61ch lmq tp• D.093 mch share diameter by 0.187 inch head diameter nn9 shank nail 3. Ramtech Repent IC-1;28-93 (ASTM l:3101j Ininsverso Load Test, W Thick by 48 inch wide Han ieBackee Panets handled on 2X4 Hum -Fir mad studs spaced at 16 Inches on center Mh a 6d eomrneri nail 4. Ramtech Report 1G1054-89 (ASTM E330) Transverse Load Test 1W Thick by 48 Inch wide HardRax' Baseboard inatafted on 2X4 20 gauge metal studs spaced at 16 inches m center with a No. 8 X V Long X Ran' Head Diameter Pugle Head Siao v 5. Ramtech Report IC-1055-89 (ASl M E330) Transverse Lead Test 1/4-Thick by 48 inch wide HerdRex• Baseboard inshOld as ZX4 20 if metal surds spaced at 24Inclnes on center svdh a No. 8 X I- Long X 0.32 Head Diameter Bugle Head Saaw 'HardI.Sackera:ui HaMTcm Rands and I-InNeSollp panels are blenbcal in composdon, dimension, and manurecterm, method. The Mom. results forTmraverseLoad tests on HardrtBaoker lj and HardiTox, appy to HarS.eSaffa TEST RESULTS: Table 1, Results of Transverse Load Testing Fastener Sloven, M1 Alowabte Fame Ugmade Design Thickness Width Speong Perimeter Field Lend Load' Re art Number Test Agmcv tin.) (in.) FrameType (m.) Supports Supports FastenerT a (PSF) PSF) IW4 S_W608 Rannoch 0.25 16 _ 2X4 wood SG-0A0 24 8 8 1.51n. long X 0.083 In. shank X -249 -83.g 0,187In, HD, ring shank mail 10.1228-93 Ramtech 0.25 48 2X4 wood Hem -Fir 16 6 6 6d common mg -140 -46.7 No. 6 X 1 W. long X 0323 in. C-ios"9 ReMae), 0.25 AB 2X4 20 gauge metal 16 6 6 head diameter ribbed bugle -169.9 -56.6 head screws No. 8 X 1 In. long X D.323 be IP1055-89 I passed, D.25 48 2X4 20 gauge metal 24 6 6 head diameter fibbed bugle 41.9 -30.6 head scam, 1. Mawable Load is the Ultimate Lend divided by a Factar of safety of 9. 2. Hard1e5o0tt Panel comp8es Mth A5TN1 Cl186. Stanlnd Spactficafiw for Gmde 11, Typo A Non•asbestos Fiaer-Gamest Rat Shoots. I RONALD I. OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET #443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-8474595 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2684-17 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-BBO-542-7343 Info@jameshantie.com DESIGN WIND LOAD PROCEDURES: Plaseconent sidm0 Vansve,sc Innd,.,dty (wind load capacity) is detmmlrwd via compliance testing to loomVeave load national lest standards. Va the bensvane load testing an atlueable design bad Is determined basal un a bctur of palely of 3 applied to the ulgmale last load. SbKe the agswable design load Is based an factor of safety of 3, allowable design loads on gbe,cement siding correlate directly to required design pressures for Allowable Sbess Design, and members should be usA Mth cmbinagmi loading equations for Allmrable Strays Design (ASD). By using the combination loading equations for Allowable Stress Design (ASO), the tested agowabie design loads for f3er-cement siding ere aligned with the nand spored requirements in ASCE 7- 10 Figao 26.5-1A Fig. 26.61B. and Fimue 26.5-1 C. For this analysis, to calculate the pressures in Tablas 3, 4, and 5, the load combination will be in accordance with ASCE 7-10 Section 2A combining nominal loads using allowable sinass design, load combination 7. Load combination 7 uses a load factor of 0.6 applied to the wrid vefuch r pressure. Equation 1, q,=0,011256'K'IC,i K,,'V' (W.. ASCE 7.10 Wasson 30.3-/) a, Velocity pressure at height a K,, min,ily press.. cxsi codilcienl eueluatad at height K,,, topographic factor Ke , wind dractionalityfador V , basic Wind speed (3cacad goal MPH) as detemmned from 120151BC, 2017 FOCI Figures 160.3(1), (2) or (3); ASCE 7-10 Figures 25.5-IA B. or C Equation 2, V-Vs (mt. 20151BC 8 2017 FBC Section 160.1 deflaftes) Vw . d(imale desgn MM speetl. (bsecond gust MPH) determined from 1201.518C, 2017 FOCI Figures 1609.3(7), (2) or (3); ASCE 7.1D Fguom 26.5-IA. B. or C Equation 3, p-q, (CG,-GCp) (re/. ASCE 7-10 equation 306-1] G v , Product of a dan:J presnare mefhciem and gust -aged factor GC„ , prwlud of internal pressum coefficient and gust<gM factor J\ in . design pmaaum (P.SF) far siding (allavrable desgn load for siding) To determine design pmssum, sabslitali a, me &luaann 3. Equation,&. p=00025u'KK,{K�V,a''(GCpGCy) Allowable Stress Davin, ASCE 7-10 Sechnn 24. a rpadizarGnnbs,7 Equation 5, n.GD t 0.6w pet ASCE 7-10 nation 2.4.1, Mad combination 7) D . dead bad VJ , wind load To determine the A9awabla Semss Design Fressum, apply the bad factor far W(wlnd) from Equation 4 fa p (design pressure) dalennbedfmm equation 4 Equation 6, P'0.6'[p) Equation T. p„d=O.fi'IOA025G'KJK,�KfVN Equation 7Is used topopuMto Table 9. 4. and 5. To determine the e/N.bM u0imale basic r•:.nJ sµncd for Hmdo Soling in Table 6, actm Equation 7 for Vie, Equation 8, V,4•-(pn,4t0.G'O.00lSE'K,:Kr Kf(GC7-GCa))ss Apienceble to moihaes swi➢olio Exceptions t Puraph 3 of (2015IOC. 2017 FBC] Section 1609. 1. 1., M demotions, lids acmable nommol design wind speed (Vasil) brNardM Siding in Talm 6, si the cenrersou bmrula below, Equation 9, V. i, a Van. (0.6)0i fret. 2015 ISO B 2017 FBC Section IW9.3. 1) V,,,,a, Nominal design wind speed(3-second gust mph) (mt 2015 ISC B 207 FBC Sedan 1602. 1) Table 2, Coefficients and ConsNnts used in Dolarinfning V and p, K, waa2ono5 Helght(0) EVB Else Esp Y. Ye GC G 0.7 L05 1.03 V60 1 0.85 .-IA 0.18 _ 20 0.7 .9 1.08 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 O7 _ 1,12 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 30 _ 0.7 0.98 1,16 1 0.65 -IA 0.18 35 0.13 1.01 1 0.85 -1.4 0.19 40 0.76 1.04 1 0.85 AA 0.18 45 0785 1A65 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 50 0.81 1.09 M1.20 1 OJIS -1.4 0.18 55 0.83 1.17 1 0.115 -1.4 0.18 60 0.65 1.13 1 0.85 -1.4 018 N00 _1 0.85 pGAWq iO--, OV••- 'PF* FL0R10�, ��` •............ __=SSIONAI- RONALD I. OGAWA ASSOCIATES. INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET 9443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 02649 74,4-292-2602 714-847-459.5 FAX /\ PROJECT: RIO-26B4-17 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-888542-7343 Infoo@lfameshordte.com Table J, Allowable Stress Design - Component and Cladding (C8C) Pressures (PSF) to be Resisted et Verlous Wind Speeds -Wind Exposure Category B, Wind Speed 3-socantl o4 100 105 110 115 120 130 140 IN 160 170 In IN 200 210 Haight 01) H B B B B B B B 8 B B B B B 0-15 1 .14A -15.0 -17.5 -19.1 -20.8 -24.4 -0.3 32.5 a7.0 41.7 46.8 -52.1 -57.8 5 .7 20 14.4 -15.11 -17.5 -19.1 -20.8 -24.4 -28.3 -32.6 a?�l 741.7 46.8 -52.1 S7.g -63.7 25 - - -14.4 ----14A - -15.0 -17.5 -19.1 -20.8 -24.4 -28.3 _ 32S ZO 41.7 46.8 •52.1 -57.8 30 -15.9 -17.5 -19.1 -248 -24.4 -28.3 a2.5 -W.0 41.7 46.8 52.1 57.8 -63.7 35 ASA -16.6 -10.2 -19.9 -21.7 -25.4 -29.5 319 -38.6 43.5 48.8 54.4 40.2 40 1 -15.7 -1713 -19.0 .20.7 -22.6=�0_57.36 -35.3 40.1 45.3 -W.8 56.6 -62.7 49.1 46 .16.2 .17.9 -19.6 -21A -23.3-36.4 41.5 46.8 52.5 58,5 -64.8 -71 4 50 716.7 ARA -20.2 -22.1 -24.1-37.6 42.8 48.3 Sd,l - 0.3 46.8 -73.7 55 -17.1 .18.9 -20.7 -22.6 a4.7-3" -03.8 49.5 -55.5 4i1.8 - 88.5 -75.5 6 -1 I.3 .2 -23. -2 23 . ,8 f3.3 - - .3 100 -'15.d 8.2 31.0 -318 -36.9 -57.6 fi5.5 -]4.0 -829 -92.d -002.4 -112.9 Table 4, Allowablu Stress Design -Component end Cleddln0 (CBC) Pressures (PSF) to be Resisted at Various Wind Speeds- Wind Exposure Category 0, Winds eetl(}sewn�msll iOn 145 1 110 1..15 120 1 139 140 IN 160 170 1 180 1 190 200 210 Height (h) _ 0-15 1.5 -i0.3 .21.2 C -23.2 C -26.2 C -29.6 C -34.4 G -39.5 C C-t 50.7 C -56.8 C 53.3 C -70.1 C -U.3 20 1 -18.116 � -25.6 -27.9 -31.4 -38.0 - 47.3 56.0 - -70.0 -77.6 A1.9 25 .21.5 -JT--19.4 17.4 .23.5 -13.5 -25.6 -27.9 -32.8 -38.11 -0:f.e J; -56.g 8 -62.g -70.0 -77.6 -85.5 30 _ 20.' 2.3 35 --2118 1 -23.0 -24.5 1 45,2 -26.7 -27.6 -29.1 -30.0 -34.2 .46.2 -39.6 40.8 45.5 46.9 rSt.B -W.3 .58./ -60.2 -65.5 -67.5 -73.0 -752 30.9 -83.3 -892 -91.9 40 _ 21.6 1 -23.7 -26.0 -28.4 30.9 36.3 42,0 45.3 5 .9 -62.g -69.5 -77.4 -85.8 -9f.6 45 -22.0__ -24.2 -26.6 -29.1 31.6 -37.1 43.1 49.4 56.2 -63.6 -71.2 --79.3 SD 32.`" -24.E -27.2 -23.7 32.4 ae.D 44:1 -50.6 S].6 -65.0 -729 31.2 -89.9 A92 - 55 22.4 -5 2 -13. -0TS- 27.7 i -.2 -30.3 -30. a3.0 - 38.] =d9.4 -0d.9 45. 51.5 -58.8 -662 -742 32.] -91.6 - 2 -101.0 - 28 100 _ d't.0 35.0 L_'3.4 43.1 -06.9 55.0 -63.8 -T3.3 33.4 -94A -105.5 -117.6 -130.3 -143.6 Table 5, Allowable Stress Deign. Component Fled Clsddblg (f,BC) Pressures (PSF) to be Resisted at Various Wind Speeds -Wind Expowre Category 0, Wmtl Speed 3-second Qwt) 100 105 L11D 115 120 1 130 14D IN 160 170 1B0 IN 200 210 Height(P,) 0 - : D D D D 0 D D 0 D D D D 0.15 20 _�'�22.3 712 -23.A -24.6 - a -27.9 -29.1 -29.5 -30.6 a2.1 a5.9 -37.7 41.6 43.7 4Y.8 - 0.1 -54.4 S .il -61A -64A -68.8 -722 -76.7 40. -86.0 -89.1 -0.7 -982 25 -� _ -23.1 255 -'.9.0 410.6 -33.3 -39.0 45.3 a -52.0 59.1 - 66.8 449 - A -92.4 -101.9 20 3.0 1 -26.4 J -20_0 31.6 -34.5 40.4 4u -53.8 -61.3 S92 -T7.5 486.4 -95.7 -105.6 35 -X4.5 T -.7.1 ::9.7 -1',5 45J .41.544Z5� -62.3 -70.9 -79.5 488.6 -98.2 -108.3 40 -26.2 j -273 3,5 a3.3 736.2 42.55 f A -72.7 41.5 -90.9 -10g] -111.0 45 -75.7 "S.3 _ -31.1 -:X0 17.0 -43A8 -65.7 442 -83.2 -92T -101.7 -1113 50 ti _ I -25.9 -31./ 34.6 -17.7 -44.39 fi7.1 -75.7 -84.9 -94.6 -104,g -115.5 55 60 _ 26.ti -2%. r 293 -R-,�-T� I = 22 352 - r -30.3 aa. 45.00 E&1 2 -76.9 - 8.1 -862 .6 -96.1 A . -106.4 -117A - 9.2 10D -3%.0 -00.8 -44.] -46.9 -531 -62.5 -94.6 -tOfi.B -119.8 -133./ -147.9 -163.0 Tables 3.4. and 5 era based un ASCF, 7-10 and conslsmw Wm the 20151BC.20151RC and the 2017 Florida Bvllding Code I�\.OGAWq Tk `• STAVOF ?�'•FCORI'D �SS�ON'A RONALD I. OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET Y443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2684-17 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-888-542-7343 inlo@Jemeshardie.eom Table 6, Allowable Wind Speed (mph) for HardlaSo(fil Panel (Analytical Aluthod In ASCE 7-10 Chopfer30 CSC Part 1 and Part 3)° Design Nand. Speed, I Design Wad, Speed, as VAVW4S speriaetlm RD1519G, Nets metlrods 2017 FB01 Section °cee5� in EacepSms 1 1600.1.1. as determined by TFBC12015IN, Ff9ares Ismail), ea ar d. 1609.11. Product Produd Tard", Qnhe;) \N1tl1n Inches) 1 Fastcncr Type Fastener Sparing Frame Two Shad $paring (inane-) Building Heipht4n (Feet) B C D B C D _.N. Design load IPSFl E0.7 FOSD F1gD W 16 GC, HaMieSoffilW 1F 10 t 1.5 in. Fong X 0.083m -irankX 0 1a: m HO. rgW shook. nail B 2X4 wood SG=0.40 i6 OwI0Gcv 240 211 193 166 169 150 -no 0.85 La1 hffA 1 0.85 -1.4 .1 0.1B 20 20 240 211 183 1fi6 ifvi 150 4R0 %7 0.] 0.9 1.OB 1 0.85 -L4 41e 25 240 207 190 186 160 147 -no 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 4a5 4.4 0.18 30 24U 203 186 186 157 144 -Me 0.7 0.98 116 1 9.85 -L4 0.1B 35 235 200 184 182 10 142 -eg0 0.73 1.01 1d9 1 0.85 -1.4 418 d0 23D 197 182 178 152 141 4UA a76 1.M 122 1 t -1.4 MIS 45 226 194 ISO 175 151 139 -Bg0 0.785 1.065 1245 1 am -1.4 0.18 50 223 192 178 173 149 136 4i30 ae1 1.0 127 1 0.85 -1.4 118 55 220 190 177 171 147 137 -ago am1.11 129 1 0.85 60 218 189 175 169 146 136 81.0 0.85 1.13 131 1 0.85 -14 a1a 100 ISO i60 160 139 124 116 -no am 126 1.,13 N60 11 0.85 .1.81 418 HaMieSaRl® 114 1 l ib u!.Icng� x d.D63 in.• shark X O.1G' I'O. rb!9 shunkned I 8 F 2X4 wood �.--n 40 IY i i 24 0-15 240 198 186 169 153 - o a7 M85 1.03 base 1 0.85 AA Qla 20 241 2 11 193 186 1" ISO -83.0 a] Me i.OB 1 p.a5 -14 O.1B 25 240 190 166 160 147 -6g0 0.7 0,94 112 1 MeS -lA M18 30 240 303 186 iBfi 157 114 413.0 0.] 0.98 1.16 1 1 0.85 0.85 -1w AA 0.1e a18 i5 235 200 184 182 155 142 -no a73 1.01 119 40 230 197 182 178 152 141 -no 0.76 LW 1.22 1 0,85 -1.4 0.18 45 - 226 194 180 175 151 139 4:10 0.765 1.085 1165 1 0.a5 -1./ ate �50 223 192 176 173 149 138 -no Mel 1.09 127 1 ON -14 a1B F 55 220 ISO 177 171 147 137 -93.0 am 1A1 1.29 1 0.65 AA alb r 60 218 189 175 169 146 136 mnO ON 1.13 1 11 1 485 -i4 ai8 100 180 160 150 139 124 116 -me am 126 1.4, Jew 1 0.95 .1.8 10.18 NaNieSaRl® 1;: I 48 44 common ! 6 I 2X4 wood Hernr i I 16 - 5 180 163 148 139 12B 115 -467 0.7 Mile 1.00 hop 1 O.BS-1.4 DAS r 20 lea 159 145 139 123 112 -48.7 0.7 49 Im t am -lA 0.18 I 25 180 155 142 Ike 120 110 r 7 0.7 a94 1.12 1 ON -lA 0.19 30 180 152 1411) 139 118 108 -467 0.7 am 1.16 1 1 0.65 a85 -IA -lA 418 0.18 (%5 IY6 ISO 138 136 116 107 -45.7 Mn 1.01 119 40 173 148 13E 134 114 706 -46.] D.]8 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1A a18 46 170 146 135 _ 132 113 161 aa.] 0.]65 1.065 1215 1 1 485 a85 -1.4 -1.6 0.18 0.18 50 167 144 134 129 112 IM3 -4a] aBt LW 117 55 165 143 132 128 111 103 48] 481 1.11 129 1 0.85 -t.d a18 60 163 142 131 126 110 102 Ja] am 1.13 '1.31 1 495 -tA 0.18 100 135 120 ilk 105 93 87 AGY 0.09 126 19 N60 1 OAS -1R 0.18 HertlieSofOt® 1/4 4p Min. No 3 X 1 1, loop X 0.32J in head tliamelc! ribbed bugle hee svcv 6 Min. No. 20 Usage X 3.625 in.X 13%5 in molai said I6 0-15 198 780 161 i53 190 126 546 0.7 on Lei new 1 465 -1.4 a18 20 108 175 159 163 135 123 _%6 0.7 0.0 lm 1 485 -1A MIS 25 199 171 157 153 132 121 fie.6 0.7 0,94 1.12 1 265 -1.4 a16 30 198 167 154 153 130 119 -566 0.9 0.08 1.16 1 1 485 0.85 4.4 -1.4 0.18 0.18 35 194 165 152 150 128 118 588 473 101 119 40 190 102 150 147 126 116 S&S a76 1.04 122 1 485 -1.4 a.18 45 187 1G1 148 145 17.4 175 -56.8 0]85 1.085 1.245 1 485 -1.4 M18 50 164 759 147 143 123 114 WS Mel 1.69 12] t 465 -1.4 a10 55 182 15] 146 141 122 113 Sa6 0.93 1.H 129 1 685 -1.d 0.10 BO lea 156 145 138 121 112 S a am 1.13 131 1 0.85 AA 0.18 100 149 732 724 115 102 e6 -588 0, f 1 465 -1A 0.18 PROJECT RIO-2687-17 ENGINEERING EVALUATION REPORT FOR ATTACHING JAMES HARDIE® BRAND FIBER -CEMENT PLANKS AND NOTCHED SHINGLE PANELS TO ASTM C90 CMU WALLS WITH VARIOUS FASTENERS SCANNED BY JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. St. Lucie County 10901 ELM AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92337 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE COVER PAGE 1 EVALUATION SUBJECT 2 EVALUATION SCOPE 2 EVALUATION PURPOSE 2 REFERENCE REPORTS 2 TEST RESULTS 2-3 TABLE 1, RESULTS OF TRANSVERSE LOAD TESTING 2 TABLE 2A, WITHDRAWAL LOAD BLOCK NAILS 3 TABLE 2B, ALLOWABLE DESIGN LOADS BY PLANK WIDTH 3 TABLE 2C, HEAD BEARING AREAS 3 DESIGN WIND LOAD PROCEDURES 4-12 TABLE 3, COEFFICIENTS AND CONSTANTS USED IN DETERMINING V AND p 5 TABLE 4, ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN C&C PRESSURES EXPOSURE B 5 TABLE 5, ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN C&C PRESSURES EXPOSURE C 5 TABLE 6, ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN C&C PRESSURES EXPOSURE D 5 TABLE 7, ALLOWABLE WIND SPEED FOR HARDIEPLANK (FACE NAILED) AND 6-9 HARDIESHINGLE SIDING (BLIND NAILED) TABLE 8, ALLOWABLE FASTENER SPACING FOR HARDIEPLANK (BLIND NAILED) 10-12 LIMITATIONS OF USE 12 AS PRODUCT EVALUATOR, THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFIES THAT THE LISTED PRODUCTS ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ASCE 7 -10, THE 2017 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, AND THE 2015INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE. PREPARED BY: RONALD I.-OGAWA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET #443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-908-1815 FAX OGA r �p FLOVt 11 RONALD I. OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET lJ443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-908-1815 FAX \ PROJECT: RIO-2687-17 J JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-88&542-7343 infogameshardie.cem EVALUATION SUBJECT a e an ate Siding; ardieShinglo®NotOhed Panel ------------------ James Handle Product Trade Names eovemd In this evaluation: Hard) ePleM®Lap Siding, Cempla W Siding, Prevail n' Lap Siding, Hardie5hingle® Notched Panel Siding EVALUATION SCOPE: ZE ing Cade Building Cotle® EVALUATION PURPO This analysis is to determine the mesimum design 3 second gust wind speed to be resisted by. essmnblyof Hadi.Plank (Cemplardk Prevail lap) eidlg and HardleShal,le Wailed Panel Siding lastened m ASTM DO Gomela, Masonry Unite CMU). REFERENCE REPORTS: 1. mtertek Report 3()67913 (ASTM C11t16) Material properties HardiePlan& Siding and Hardie3hingle Siding 2 Applied Research Laboratories ofSouth Florida, Report 29P&UD1 (ASTM 01761) PWI tort testng ETBF Nall (ET 8 F No. ASM-14/-125, heed tlia = 030 in., shark tlia = 0.14 in, length =1TS In long). 3. mlartek Repdn 3MWW (ASMf D1161) Pullout testing El'3F Block Nail (ET 8 F No. ASM-144125, head tlia = 0.30 in, shark dim = 0.14 In, length =1.25-h long) and Max USA Cdp Block Nail (CP-C 832 W7-ICC, head tlia. = 0.30 in, d erik die. = 0.145 in, length =1.25 mJ 4, mlertek Repor(3117855-001 (ASTM E469) Pull ad testing Aerasmith® Surepin Nail (5323HP, head tlia = 1301n., shmk dim = 0.144 m., length, 1.nn.) and ETV Block Nail (ET 1s F Na ASM- 144-125, head dm = 0.30 in, sheik dim = 0.14 in, length =12 m, lotg) 6. Ramlech Laboratories. Inc. Report IC-1034-68 (ASTM E330) Transverse Lead Test, SHB Thick by 9.5 inch witle HardiePladl late Siding itsstalled on V4 Hem-Fbwoed studs space at 16 intlRa on center with a Number 11 gauge 1-314 inch long galvanized rodmg nail 6. Related, Laboratories, Inc Report 2144-07-10 (C) (ASTM E330) Transverse Load Test, 5116" Thid1 by 8.26 inch wide H.MiaPtaN1 Lap Siding Inst.Red on 2X4 Doug -Fir -Larch wood studs specs at 16 inches on center with an But ring sheik box nail, 0.113 inch shank by 0.260 inch head diameter by 2375 inch long 7. Romblon Lebaetori , Inc. Report 1143 9911603 (7 TM E330) Transverse Lead T.I. 114• Thick by 40 men wide Hardi.Shvgle Notched Panels imtailed an 2X4 Wood Studs SG = OAO spaced at 16 Inches on renter with a 1-IQ Inch long by 0.083 inch shark diameter by 0.187 inch head diameter ring shaNe nail TEST RESULTS: Table 1, Resulte of Transverse Lord Tasting re m a vis er d t.5 W;in m 2X4bllnd HadlePlank IC-1034.88 Remlech 0.3125 9.5 wood 18 8.25 nail Bvough top No. 11 ga X 1-3r4"long -146.6 -18.9 0.917 d4.8 _ Hem -Fir edgedialark Reofmg nail HardlePlenk 2149f17-10 (C Rear ech 0.3125 8.25 2X4 wood 16 7 face nail Waugh Bd ring shank boxnal, 11117ahad1X(X2 HD -2% -93.7 Q778 -76.7 DFL plank avai X2375"L 2X4 13 he lag X 0.0831n HardieSNngle Noched Panels 1143&9911603 Remlerh )L25 48 wood 16 7 bfmd nailed M stud Shed1 X 0.187 h NO, ring -192 - Lo 0.778 4U SGaO 0 shank nail 1. Allmvable Design Load is the Ultimate Load divided by a Fodor of saferyd i 2 Hardi.Plark Lep Siding cemplieswilm ASTM C1166, Starro3ret Spscificeh'on kr Grade 11, Typed Nomaabeafav Fiber -con a iq Had Sleets 3. HardieShingle Siding complies with ASTM C1186, Standard Spsefidd1enfor Greda It, TypeANOna star Fiber -Cement Flat Sheets. Pug ed valves for ST black oafs In Table 2e, reported by Applied R hearh Labaataies tW. UD7) and her mr s ddy et A and embedment into ASTM Cn f black d between 314 mch are 1 inch when shot with aepedal lad. Using a feria d salary N ✓3 the; withdrawal is net a concern fran conuete masorvy units meeting ASTM C90. 21 .* r '•• AZE OF FFSSif��lAl(E 14 RONALD I. OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET 11443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-908-1815 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2687-17 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-888-542-7343 Info@jamesharefie.com Block Nail Witherewal Loads HardieShingle Notched Panels in Table 1, Report 11436-9911601, achieved en of imme teed pressure d-192 pN, the fa iise is "Mares, by fesfener wi0drswal from timber eall fastener head pull - through one fiber-cemem. The closable design lood is bIpsf (-192pd diaded by a solely factor d 3). The trailed fastener is a 1.5 in long X ILM in. shank X at in head diameter, ring ahank real, with a tested fastener load of 49.6 ponds. Since the HardieShingle Notched Panel fastener load of 49.8 pounds par fastener is below fire black Will ellavable fastener load d Be pounds par fastener, the block nails in Table 2. can be substituted tar the 1.5 in lag X 0.083 in. shank X D.IV in MW diamter, into shank nail in Table 1. TNs can be done si. the beadng area M the block Mile Table 2C is greater then bearing wen far the 1.5 in. long X 0.083 in. shank X 0.187 in. head Mani ring shank nail Table 2C. Table 7 cvntalns the mstare. allowable wind speed M1a HardieShingle Notched Panels an.clied to ASTM C90 CMU walls. For fare nailed application. Hardiefelank lap Siding Table 1, Report C 2149-07-10 (C ), achieved an ultimata test press. of -2g6 pd. the fdil. is gowemed by fawner head pull4brough the fiber-com.L The allowable design lead is-98.7psf (-296pst divided bye safety factor of 3). The tested fastenar is anW ring shank box nail, 0.1IW shank X 0.26D" head dia nder X 2375" long, with a tasted laden¢,- land d 767 pounds. Since the HardiePlank lap siding fastener load d 76.7 pounds par fastener is below the block nail agmable fastener toed d W pantie par fastener, the block nails in Table 2a can be subsbtuted for the W ring shank box nail- 0.113" shank X0.260' head diameter X 2375' long nail in Table 1 ITable 2B. This con be done sece Me bearing Mad for the blocknails Table 2C is greater than bemni g area forthe 8d ring shank box nail, 0.11W shed, XLhead diameter X 2375' long nail Table 2C. For Table 28 the designs loads will be seculated by propanismW the Vibhhary Wee to each fastener, thereby design load to each fastener will be kept apemAd By doing so, fife allowable design load for eadcus Hare iePlank widths and said spacings will be determined The closable design loads in Table 28 will be need to determine the ma na m allowable wind speed in Table 7 for HardiePlank lap siding descried to ASTM C90 CMUs. Table 28, Allowable Design Loads Based on Constant Fastener Load, ed (24I9"L) ring shank box nail, DFL Studs, fasteners exposed (tern nall) Black nails from Tablo 2A are substituted into Table 2B in order to populate Table 7. Check fm results using 8,25 inch plank values from Report Number 2149-07-10 (C). Design load = ultimate failso IoadIFOS =-29 P.0=-nit pd Egeabve aIDutary= ((plank width exposed to weather X stud spadng)I144) _ Ba.2 1.25) X Isy144 =4T/8 sgR Fosterer load =design load X Vibutery area =.98.7 X 0.778=-7674 pounds 2 "y at �s „ y + 3n an `p_I Hardiepladr WidM inches ti 5 at I a 5.25 16 04444 mllrZe -76.74 625 16 05556 43b.13 -76.74 7.25 16 0.6667 -115.11 -7674 7.5 16 0.6944 -11051 -7674 9 16 0.75 -102.32 -76.74 fl25 -298 1i6 0.7T78 -98,67 -76.749.25 16 O.SMS I -86.33 1 -76.74 8.5 16 09167 A372 46.74 12 16 IASM 1 6425 1 -78]4 to be calculated Far blind nailed lieliratiagfhe black nail beming area under the fastener head is lees then the 11 gauge roofing nail. Therefore in order tp use the black nails in Table 2A as a 1111e for the 11 gauge erg nail, the specing must be adjusted to ocoamodde the bled mirs smeller bearing area Attending to report 1G103 88, 0ne failure or the concealed fastener system was by fastener heed pug Waugh the fiberament (HanpePlslk). Therefore won Mad to melyie the bearing stress an Me nail head and compute a new allowable design load. Table 2C Faeteeer H-A B.... ne.=„ru..�ae Fastener Shank 5=meter ShankArea Head Diameter Head Area Beadnit Aide Inches(sq.In. inches(sq.in.(sq.in. 1.5 in, long IC in. shank X 0.187 In. HD,. Ong ng shank nail 0.0830 0.0054 0.1870 0.0275 0.0221 Bd ring shank box nail, 0.113" shank X 0.1310 0.0135 0.2810 0.0485 Block nail,head die.= 0.30in.,shank din. 01440 0.0163 ,0.0620 11, = 0.144 in., length =1.25 in 0.3000 If9 7 I1 /1 �0.05/4 No. 11 ga. X 1-3W long Rooting nail 0.1200 0.0113 0.3750 11 (111 `-' g74V4 "'••• 0 1 From Table2C the beming area for the 11 gauge roofing nail is allMI indws and the bearing area for the bled nail is O. 5 . From Table 1, thataded fastener load for the 1.75 inch 11 gauge coding nal is 44.81bsnaslener. We ratio thelastener load aceordeg to the ratio dbeadng area meter the fadenerhead. Beating Area(sq.ln) Fastener Land(hufastener) 11 Merge ring nail Q0991 "1.8 BlocliMa 0.0544 U.6 The block rug allowable fastener lead fwnlh smfetyfador 3 applied) is 24.61bRassineq this fastener Ind will ee used with Equation 10 (below) b ` T STASE cc, uIMw Tlihi ............Ii RONALD I. OGAWAASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET #443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-908-1815 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2687-17 JAMBS HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. i-80&542-7343]343 Info@jameshardie.com DESIGN WIND LOAD PROCEDURES: Fiber-cemerd siding transverse lead capacity (wind load coppery) is determined via compliance tes5ng to transverse load strand teststendards 1ha mebmrsverse load tes" m allowable design bad H determined based on a factor, of sefety 03 applied to the ultimate test load. Spice the allowable design lead is based on factor of safely of 3, allowable design foods onfiber-cement siding correlate directly to neg1 design pressures for Allowable Stress Design, and therefrom should be used with combination loading equations for Alai Suess Design (ASD). By using the com biratiot loading equations for Alowable Stress Design (MD). the tested allowable design loads for fiberremem siding ere aligned win tle wind speed ree t iranends in ASCE 7-10 Figure A.&1A Figure 26.5-1 B. and Figure 26.6-1 C. Fergus analysis, to celuAate the pressures in Tables 4, S, and 6, the load sembnon. will be In socnrdence with ASCE 7-10 Section 24 combining nominalloada ua, allowable dress design, load combination]. Lead combination] uses a lead factor d0..6 applied to the wind velocity pressure. Equation 1, gf0.00256'K.'Kr I(.V fief. ASCE 7-10 isomer. 30.XU q, , velocity pressure at height? K, , velocity pressure asposwa coefficient evaluated at height x 1 a .topographic factor Km , .,no direclionality factor V , basic wind speed (bsesond gust MPH) as determined ham [20151BC. 2017 FBC] Figures 1609.3(IL 1869.3(2), or 1609.3(3); ASCE 1-10 Figures 26.5-1& B,orC Equation 2, V=V.a (lei. WfS18C 62017FBC Section 16021 defiN0ons) V. , uigmale designvnnd speeds (3-sacond gust MPH) determined ham [2015 OC, 2017 FBC] Figures 16M3(1), 1609.3(2), or 1609.3(3); ASCE7-10 Figures 26.5-1A B. arC Equation 3, p=q.•(GCo GCq) (reL ASCE 7-10 equesuse W&il CC,, pmducl of erdemal pressurecacMident and gust-e0erd factor GCm , product of ater me pressure coaRiuent and gust-cfact facm p . design pre Va (PSF) fm siding (allowable design load forsldirg) To determine design pressure, substitute q. into Equation 3, Equation 4, p=000256'Ki-Ka•IGV,a1'(GCp GCn) Ni Sbass Design, ASCE 7-10 Section 24. 1, foodearrWra0on 7, Equation 5, 0.60si (reL ASCE740secAan24.1, badeomdnatoo 71 D , dead load W , wind lead (load due towintl pressure) Todeferminethe Allowable Stress Design Pressure, ep{tlyfhefoadlaciarloW (vdrMJ hem Equator d by (dadgn A-essurel detemrinredymm equatpn d Equation 8, P..=0.610 Equation 7, p,.a= 0.6T0.G0 Wr,'Ke'K1•Vus•(GCo GC„ )I Equation 7is nesdlppopalak Table 4, Aand, 6. Toddeeldne the athowebh ultimate basic MMspmed WheNie Siding in Table 7 sew Equation 7for Vw, Equation 0, Vm=(F..146'0.00266'ICjKs'14,'(GCo GCp)los Applicable to methods speatedin Empolov s i through 3d (10f518C, 2017FOC1Section f60g 1A, to detenduse the &gamble nomiraf design uindspeed(Vai for Hanle Sidrgin Table 7, apply the mnverdon fomula below, Equation 9, V==V..*m6)os (reL. 20f5IBC 62017FBC;c``'pold"8AV"� Vm,4, Nominal design wind speed(3-secend gust mph) fret. 20f5a 62017 FQ395 Palo its Equation E1 q0uation f0 fro detarmiFS. =Fnlaad fastener spacing Lan HerdePlank attachadlo ASTM G90 CMU bock wells et various wl'rrd speeds tie Tas}ee is 63 Equ T144/(Pw•PW) \\ yy \ T FSau. block nail fastener spacing to resist wind speed \ FLw, , bbck mil fastener load 2461bgasts eer PW , plaNe widN nayosed toweather J. i '9�FFSSI0NP`�(�jsJ �� RONALD I. OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET 9443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714292-2602 714-908-1815 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2687-17 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-888-542-7343 Into@Jameshardie.coln Tablo 3, Coef iclente and Constants used in Determining Vend p, 14 W¢42one5 Heigbt (fl) Em B I Exo C Em D Ks K4 GcsG 0,15 07 0.85 1.W I 0 1 Q85 -1A 0.18 20 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 CN -1.4 0.18 25 07 0.91 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.16 30 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 35 0.73 1.01 119 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 4D 0.76 1.04 -T.-V I 0.85 -1.4 0.18 45 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 CBS -1.4 U.18 50 0.61 1.C9 1.27 1 085 -1.4 0.18 55 CM 1.11 t29 1 am -1.4 0d8 60 0.65 1.13 1.31 1 (185 -1.q 0,18 100 ON1.26 1.43 tP60 1 DIM -1.8 &18 ���FFSSIONP�- t'� Table 4, Allowable Stress Design -Component and Claddln0 (C&C) Pressures (PSF) to be Restated at Various Wind Speeds- Wind Eimosure Category D Wind S eed &contl ual se D ilk 110 115 120 130 140IN15D 160 170 IN 1 200 210 Hei M fl B B B B B B B B B 8 B B B B -14.4 -15.9 -17.5 4111 -20.8 -24.4 -28.3 42.5 47.0 413 46B 521 -57.6 E3.7 20 -14.4 -15.9 -17.5 -t61 -20.8 -24A -2113 a2.5 417.0 41.7 -46.8 -52.1 b .e -63.7 25 _144 -159 .17.5 -19.1 -2D8 -24.4 -28.3 32.5 47.0 41.7 4Lll 52d 5].li q7 30 -144 -16.9 -17.5 -19.1 -20.6 -24.4 -2&3 425 -37.0 41.7 46.8 S21 57.8 E3] 35 15.1 -16.6 -1&2 -19.9 -21.7 -25.4 -295 4&9 48.6 415 411.6 E A £02 E64 40 -15.7 -17.3 -190 -2&7 .22.6 -26.5 -307 3S3 40.1 453 v B -5E6 E2.7 E9.1- 45 -16.2 -17.9 -19.6 -21.4 -23.3 -27.4 -31.7 4 A 41.5 4 e S2.6 S&5 E4.8 -71.4 50 .16.7 -1&4 -20.2 -221 .24.1 -28.2 -327 47.6 428 - 8.3 54.1 EO3 E8.8 -7&7 55 -17.1 -1&9 -20.7 -226 -24.7 -2&9 -3&6 4&5 4 A 49.5 5.5.5 E1.8 5 5 -7&5 60 -17.5 -12.3 -21.2 -23.2 -25.2 -29.6 -34.4 495 41.9 507 S&8 E33 -70.1 -77.3 100 -25.6 -28.2 41.0 43.8 46 9 43.3 502 57.6 E5.5 -74.0 E2.9 -924 -1024 -1129 Table S, Allowable Stress Design- Component anA Cladding (CSC)Pressures(PSF) to be Restated at Various Wind Speeds Wlnd Exposure Category C, 31 Wind Speed 3-seamd us[ 100 105 110 115 110 1 30 14D 150 160 0 1 1W 200 210 He N n C C C C I C C C C C C C C C 0-15 -17,5 _19.3 -21.2 -232 -25.2 -29.6 4 A 49.5 50.7 S6.a 53.3 -70.1 -77.3 20 40.6 -20.5 +226 -24.6 6.6.7 -31A 46.4 41.8 47.5 -MY {A.2 E.D -74.3 -81.9 25 -194 -21.1L -235 -256 -27.9 -32.8 48,0 43.8 56.0 -62.8 -70.0 -77.6 -855 30 -2&2 -22.3 -24.5 -26.7 -29.1 44.2 49.6 45.6 51.8 5 A -65.5 48D -809 E9.2 35 -20A -2.30 -252 47.6 -30.0 -3&2 ADA 469 53.3 -60.2 E7.5 -752 -&43 431.9 40 -21.5 -23.7 -2 D -2114 -309 45.3 42.0 48.3 -54.9 4i20 E9.5 -77.4 d.Il -94.6 45 22.0 -24.2 -2&6 -29.1 -31.(i -37.1 43.1 49A 56.2 _WS -71.2 -79.3 -87.9 -969 50 -22.5 --.4.8 -27.2 -29.7 424 4&0 44.1 50.6 57.6 -65.0 429 -812 -69.9 -992 55 -229 -25.2 47.7 30.3 410 48.7 44.9 51.5 4&6 E62 -742 442] 41A -101.0 60 -23.3 -25.7 -28.2 40.8 -33.6 49.4 457 52.4 597 E7.4 -755 4 .1 - 1.2 AM8 1N 42.£ 1 459 1 -33A 471 469 1 E '8 773.3 E3.4 -94.1 705.5 717.6 -130.3 -1436 Table 6, Allowable Stress Design -Component and Cladding (CSC) Pressures (PSF) to be Restated at Vadous Wind Speeds- Wind Exposure Category D. Winds eed 3-secalJ nu3tIl 100 1D5 110 115 120 IN 140 150 160 170 IN 19D 2110 210 Haight fl D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 0.15 -21.2 .23.4 -257 Be.1 40.6 45.9 41.6 47.8 -54.d -61.4 58.8 -76.7 450 43.7 2D -M.3 44.6 -7.7.0 -295 42.1 47.7 43.7 5 Ll 57.0 E A -72.2 E04 E9.1 -98.2 25 -23A -25.5 -28.0 3D.6 43.3 49.0 45.3 520 591 E68 -74.9 4 A - A -101.9 30 -23.9 -26A -29.0 -31.6 44.5 40.4 469 538 51.3 419.2 -77.5 -B&4 -95.7 ADS5 35 -245 -27.1 -29.7 42.5 463 -41.5 4&1 552 E2.8 -70.9 -79.5 438.6 -98.2 -1083 40 -262 .27.7 40.5 -333 46.2 -425 49.3 556 E A -]2.7 E1.5 -90.9 -1007 .1 11.0 45 .25.7 -28.3 41.1 -34.0 47.0 4 A -60.3 -67.8 ES7 -742 4S2 -92.7 -1027 -113.3 50 .6.2 :8.9 41.7 34.6 47.7 4L:t 51.3 -68.9 -67.1 -7&7 -64.9 54.6 -iDL8 -1155 55 _ _26.6 -29.3 422 -352 48.3 45.0 -622 599 E8.1 -769 E62 -9&1 -1064 .117.4 60 -27.0 -29.8 -327 45S 38.9 45.] -53.0 50.8 E92 -78.1 -91 41Z6 -108.1 -1 99.2 100 1 -37.0 140.9 44.7 4&9 53.2 525 72.5 -832 -94.6 I -ma I -119.8 -133.4 Tables 4, 5, and 6 are based on ASCE 7.10 and consistent with the 2015 VIC, 20151RC end the 2D17 Florida Building Code. RONALD I. OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 15835 ALGONQUIN STREET 0443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714908-1815 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2687-17 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 11-9118-542-7343 M @lameshartlie.wm pGAW_ C1411,j1`-\ Table 7, Allowable Wind Speed (mph) for HardiePlank Lap Siding(Analylical Method in ASCE 7-10 Chapter-30 C&C Part 1 and Part 4 ' 1.21 2015 Me. 2017 MC 2015 /8C, 2017 MC PA C, E AOOwaUs Ultimate Design Wed. Speed, c Allowable. Nominal Design Wind, Speed. �. ❑ 2 STATE OF NAIL1 V� (3-sesimd ustmph) (3-second gust mph) AppiceiaetamethNs spedfiedin[101519C, kppfi a e0 mismeds spe:fed in Fmpdmsl `!;'~' ••. 1•tLfl'\�,• i s -"'••1-f 2017FBC]6eNm 1609A.1.asdetaminadby mrmgh3(SadISC, MCI 2017 C] Se ion r-uytf Ild1j12 Fi9meR -s15Oo3(1),Lm (3). Coe111ciems used in Table 6 ca1w1ations for Vag Pmdud Pmdud Thickness (incims) Width Width 9nches) Fastener Type Fastener Method Frame TWe Fastener 9nches) Building Height;) (teat) B C D B C D A3owable Design IaM (PSF) EWB EMC E191D Ire V. GC, G HardiePlank 5116 5.25 Sloc Nail' Facenall ASTM 090 emu 16 U-15 346 314 265 268 243 221 -172.7 0.7 1 0.85 COG h4'd 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 2D 346 305 278 268 236 216 -170.7 0.7 1 0.9 1.09 1 85 0. -1.4 0.15 25 No 298 273 268 231 212 -17d7 0.] O.N 1.12 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 30 346 292 269 268 226 208 -17L7 D.7 O.eB 1.1fi 1 0.85 -LC 418 35 339 288 265 262 223 205 -1727 0.A 1.N 1.19 1 0.85 -1A 0.10 40 W2 284 262 257 220 203 -172.7 0.78 1.041 122 t 0.85 4A 0.18 45 327 280 259 253 217 201 -1T2.7 0735 1.p85 1245 1 0.85 44 119 50 321 277 257 249 215 199 -172.7 o.e1 Too 127 77.9 -IA M18 55 318 275 255 1 246 213 1 197 I -1727 am 1.11 129 1 0.85 -IA ale 60 314 272 253 243 211 IN AM7 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.¢ 0.18 100 260 230 216 201 178 167 -IM7 0.99 129 '1.49 Moo t 0.85 -1.0 0.18 HaNiePlank 5116 6.25 Biota Nail` Few nail ASTM C90 CMU 16 0.15 309 281 255 240 217 IN -138.1 0.7 0.85 1.03 Irmo t 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 309 273 249 240 211 193 ASIA 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 25 309 267 245 24U 207 189 438.1 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 485 -t.d 0.tB 30 309 261 240 2d0 202 186 -138.1 0.7 ON 1.16 1 A05 -1.4 ale 35 303 257 237 235 199 1IN -lMI 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.B5 -IA 0.18 40 297 254 234 230 1W 181 -1m.1 0.78 1.N 1.22 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 45 282 251 232 226 1N 180 n381 0.705 1.Os5 )245 1 0.05 -IA 0.18 50 288 240 230 223 192 176 -1381 gal 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 55 286 246 228 220 190 /76 -1981 0.8i 1.11 t29 1 0.05 -1.4 ate 60 281 243 226 2Tl 189 175 -138t o.m- 1.13 L31 1 0.05 -1A 0.18 100 232 206 IN IN 160 150 -1381 0.99 1.26 t43 h-80 t ass .1.8 0.18 HaNiePlank WIG 7.25 Block Naill Faeenall ASTM C90 CMU 16 0-16 282 226 233 219 198 180 -116.1 0.7 0.85 1.03 hese 1 0.85 4A 0.18 20 282 1A9 227 219 OTM 176 -1154 0.7 0.8 t08 1 0.95 -1.4 0.18 25 282 T2J 219 173 415.1 0.7 am 1.12 1 0.85 -1.0 0.18 30 282 239 219 219 165 170 -115.1 0.7 ON t.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 35 276 235 217 214 182 10 -115.1 an 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 40 271 232 214 210 179 166 -115.1 4T8 IN 122 1 0.85 -1.4 ais 45 267 223 212 207 177 IN .115.1 1786 1.065 ).245 1 E -IA 0.18 50 262 225 210 203 175 162 -115.1 a81 1.09 tZ] 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 259 224 208 201 174 161 1 -115.1 0.0 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 alB 60 256 222 206 1% 172 160 1 41511 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 ON -1.4 0.18 100 212 188 176 IN 146 137 -11&1 ON 1.28 1,13 M60 1 10.05 -1,6 0.18 HaNiePlank 6116 7.5 Block Nail` Faeenail ASTM C90 CMU 15 0.15 277 251 229 214 IN 177 -110.5 17 185 1.03 Iefl0 1 4B5 44 0AS 20 277 244 223 214 IN 173 -110.5 1 0.9 1 0.9 1.08 1 55 AA 0.18 25 277 239 219 214 IN 169 AIDS 0.7 0.N 1.t2 1 0.85 -14 0.18 30 277 234 275 214 191 166 -11A5 D9 0.88 14fi 1 D.BS -IA 0.18 35 271 230 212 210 178 164 -110.5 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 40 265 227 210 206 176 662 -11a5 Aga 1.N 'L22 1 185 .4 0.18 45 261 224 207 202 174 161 -lims 0.785 l.M 1.145 1 ads -L4 0.18 50 257 222 205 199 W2 159 -110.5 a01 I. 137 t 7BS -1A 0.18 55 254 220 204 197 170 158 -1t0.5 a81 1.11 129 1 0.85 774 718 60 261 218 202 IN 169 157 -NU.5 0.65 1.13 1.31 1 am -IA 0.18 100 20B IN 173 161 143 IN Alas ON 1.4 1.d3 10,50 1 0.05 .1.8 M10 HaNiePlank 5116 8 Block NaO' Facenail 1 ASTM C00 CMU 16 0-15 266 242 219 206 187 170 -1023 17 0.05 1.03 h,60 1 0.85 -1A 0.19 20 266 235 214 206 182 166 -1013 0.7 ae IN 1 0.85 -1.4 a18 25 266 230 210 206 178 10 -1023 0.7 0.N .12 1 0.85 -1.d ate 30 266 1 225 1 207 1 206 174 160 -1D23 D.7 OW 1.16 1 0.65 -1A 0.1E 35 261 222 21A 202 172 158 -1023 on 1.01 1.19 1 a85 -1.4 0.18 40 255 21B 202 198 169 156 AM3 0.78 1.N 122 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 45 251 216 200 195 167 155 -102.3 ;785 1.065 t245 1 0.85 -IA 418 50 247 213 198 192 165 153 -102.3 get 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 - -Fig 55 244 211 196 189 1N 152 -102.3 onill 129 1 0.85 .1.4 0.10 60 242 210 155 111 162 751 -1023 0.05 i13 1.N 1 0.85 -1.4 4tB 100 200 1 177 1 168 1 155 137 129 -1D23 0.99 12g 1.d3 M6D 1 0.85 -1.9 a18 RONALD I. OGAWAASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET #"3 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-908-1815 FAX PROJECT. RIO-2687-17 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-888542-7343 info aCjameshardle.com Table 8, Allowable Fastener Spacing HardiePlank Blind Nailed to ASTM 090 CMU Walls Black Nail Fastener Load Used in Calculation Ib#astener -24.60 Allowable, Ultimate Design Wmd, Speed, Vulls, g x c >= 20161BC, 2017 FBC C9e10dsNa used In Table 8®Ialations to Vy Plank Width in inches installed to ASTM C90 Block Wall (inches) 5.25 1 6.25 1 7.25 1 8.25 1 9.5 (3-second gust c Exposure K m h) ce B C D B C D B C D B C D B C D Eve EvC Expo K. W OCy 604 Vuu 0-15 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 22 24 22 18 0.7 D.85 1.03 hes0 1 0.85 .1.4 cis 105 20 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 21 24 21 17 ¢7 4s toe 1 0.05 -1.4 0.1s 105 25 24 24 21 24 24 24 24 24 23 24 24 20 24 20 fl 0.7 0.91 i12 1 405 -1A 0.18 t65 30 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 22 24 23 19 24 19 16 ¢7 0.8E 1.1B 1 Om -1.4 ¢18 145 35 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 22 24 22 19 24 19 16 0.]9 1.01 1.19 1 on .1.4 0.18 105 105 40 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 2t 24 21 18 24 18 15 ON 1.04 1.22 1 0.e5 -1A U.tB Am 45 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 21 24 21 18 24 18 15 0.785 1.065 1245 1 am •1.4 ¢1B IDS 50 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 20 24 20 18 23 17 15 a.B1 1.D3 1.27 1 am .1.4 0.18 IDS 55 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 23 20 24 20 i7 23 17 15 a.e3 1.11 129 1 M .1.4 0.1e 105 60 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 23 20 24 20 17 22 17 14 O.Bs 1.13 1.31 t 0.85 -1A 0.18 105 100 24 24 22 24 20 17 21 16 14 18 14 12 15 12 11 0.99 130 1 1.43 hM0 1 0.85 -16 0.1E 105 0-15 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 23 24 24 20 24 20 17 0.7 0.85 t03 Ivan 1 am -1.4 0.10 110 20 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 22 24 TO 19 24 19 16 0.7 0.8 1A8 1 485 -14 0.18 1t0 25 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 21 24 22 18 24 18 15 47 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1A 0.10 110 30 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 20 24 21 17 1 24 1 16 15 0.7 0.50 1.16 1 ¢85 -1.4 0.1B 110 35 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 23 20 24 20 17 24 17 14 a.T3 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 AXIS 110 110 40 24 24 24 24 24 23 24 23 19 24 1 19 17 23 17 14 0.76 1 1.a4 1.22 1 ¢as -1.4 0.18 IM 45 24 24 24 24 24 23 24 22 19 24 19 16 22 16 14 RNs 1.em 1545 1 am -1.4 Me 110 50 24 24 24 24 24 22 ZA 1 22 19 24 19 16 21 16 14 &at 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Ila 55 24 24 24 24 26 2I 24 21 18 24 18 16 21 15 13 om 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1A 0.1a 110 60 24 2d 24 24 24 22 24 21 18 24 18 /5 20 15 13 085 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 110 100 24 22 ZO 23 18 16 19 15 13 16 13 11 14 11 1 10 1 ON US 1.43 hM0 1 I 0.85 1 -1.8 10.18 110 0-15 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 21 24 1 22 18 22 19 15 0.7 0.85 1.03 M1eS0 t ass .1.4 0.18 115 20 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 20 24 21 17 22 17 15 0.7 0.9 tout 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 115 25 24 24 24 24 24 23 24 23 19 24 20 17 22 17 14 0.7 D.94 1.12 1 am -1A We 115 30 24 24 24 24 24 22 24 22 19 24 19 16 22 16 14 0.7 0.98 1.18 1 0.85 -1.4 0.1B 115 35 24 24 24 24 24 22 V 21 18 24 18 16 22 16 13 an 1.oI 7.19 1 a.05 -1.4 M18 115 115 4D 24 24 24 24 24 21 24 21 18 24 18 15 21 15 13 0.76 1.W 1.22 1 79 AA 0.18 115 45 24 24 24 24 24 21 24 20 17 24 17 15 20 15 13 0.785 1.065 lletS 1 Gas -1A 118 115 50 24 24 24 24 1 24 20 24 20 17 23 17 15 19 14 12 0.61 ALM 12 1 485 -lA 0.18 115 55 24 24 24 24 23 20 24 19 17 22 17 14 19 14 12 DO 1dt 1.28 1 0.85 A.4 0.18 115 GO 24 24 24 24 23 20 24 19 17 22 16 14 19 14 12 0.05 1.13 1J1 1 0.85 -lA 0.18 115 100 24 21 18 21 16 14 17 14 12 15 12 10 13 10 9 D.D9 1.28 1.43 hua0 1 am .1.8 0.18 115 0-15 24 24 24 24 24 23 24 23 19 24 20 tt 21 17 11 0.7 0.85 1.03 Arctic 1 0.85 -1.4 0.181 120 20 24 24 24 24 24 22 24 22 18 24 19 16 21 16 13 0.7 0.9 1.03 1 0.65 •1A 0.18 IN 25 24 24 24 24 24 21 24 21 18 24 1 18 15 21 15 13 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -lA ¢18 120 30 24 24 24 24 24 21 24 20 17 24 17 15 21 15 12 0.7 O.Ba 1.16 1 O.BS -14 0.18 in 35 24 24 26 24 24 2a 24 20 17 23 17 14 20 14 12 0.79 tat .19 1 coos AA 0.18 120 120 40 24 24 24 24 23 20 24 19 16 22 16 14 19 14 12 0.78 1.04 1.22 1 Does -IA 0.18 120 45 24 24 24 2d 22 19 24 19 16 22 16 14 18 14 12 0,78.5 1.0e5 1245 1 Ras -lA 0.18 120 50 24 24 23 24 22 19 24 18 16 21 1fi 13 18 13 17 O.Bt t09 1$] 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 120 55 24 24 23 24 21 18 24 18 15 21 15 13 17 j 13 11 0.09 1.11 1.29 1 am -lA 0.18 14 60 24 24 23 24 21 18 23 18 15 20 15 13 17 1 13 11 am 1.13 7.31 1 0.85 .1.4 0.18 120 100 24 19 17 15 1 15 13 16 13 11 1 14 11 10 12 9 8 0.59 1.26 1.43 M1+fiO 1 D.e6 .1.8 0.181 120 0.15 24 24 24 1 24 24 20 24 20 16 1 21 17 14 18 14 12 0.7 485 1." M1e0 1 am -lA 0.18 130 20 24 24 24 24 23 19 24 19 16 21 16 13 18 14 11 0.7 0.9 LOB 1 D.BS -14 048 130 25 24 24 23 24 22 16 24 1 18 15 21 15 13 18 13 11 0.7 0.9d 1.12 1 DO -1A 0.18 139 30 24 24 22 24 21 18 24 17 15 21 15 13 18 13 11 i16 1 ¢85 .1.4 0.18 130 35 24 24 27 24 20 17 23 17 14 20 14 12 1] 12 10 1.19 1 O.BS -1A 0.18 130 130 40 24 Z4 27 24 20 17 22 16 14 19 14 12 16 12 10 1]2 1 ¢BS •140.1t45 24 24 20 24 19 16 22 16 14 18 14 12 16 12 10 $a731 1245 1 D85 -1A 50 29 23 20 24 19 16 Z1 16 13 1tl t3 11 15 11 10 1.27 1 D.BS •1A .1855 24 23 Z0 T4 18 18 20 15 13 17 13 11 15 11 10 129 1 ¢85 -1 41B 13d 60 24 22 19 2.4 18 1G 20 15 13 1T 13 11 14 11 9 7.31 1 0.05 - 418 •1 100 20 16 14 16 13 11 14 11 9 12 9 8 10 B 7 0.99 1.28 fA9 M1>BO 1 485 .8 0.1T 1 \ C� pGAWq BEN A •.• STATE 0 4 10 ,FSSim A� N 1 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-858-542-7343 trrto@?Iameshardle.com RONALD I. OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET M43 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-908-1815 FAX PROJECT: RID-2687-17 B L I W O W Allawsble, 20151BC, 2017 FBC Ultimata Design a' Wild, Speed, xe Plank W1dlh in inches installed to ASTM C90 Block Wall inches Vults, ws 5.25 6.25 7.25 6.25 1 9.9 C d.nb used In TW. B raW.U. tm r (3-second gust = Exposure w mph) m' B C D B C D B I C D I B I C D I B I C D jExBjEuCjEDj K. K. GC. GCy v,4 0-15 29 1 24 21 24 1 21 17 21 17 14 18 1 15 12 15 12 10 0.7 0.45 10 5560 1 0.95 -1.4 0.18 140 20 24 1 24 20 24 19 16 21 16 14 18 1 14 12 15 F12 10 0.7 DS 1.08 1 ORS -IA 41a IQ 25 24 23 20 24 19 16 21 16 13 18 13 11 15 11 9 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 Q05 -1A 0.18 140 30 24 22 19 24 18 15 21 15 13 18 13 11 15 11 9 47 ON 1.16 1 1185 -1A 0.1a IQ 35 24 22 18 24 17 15 20 14 12 17 12 11 15 11 9 0.73 t.m 7.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 140 140 40 24 21 18 23 II 14 19 14 12 16 12 10 14 10 9 0.70 TW 1.22 1 6a5 -1.4 418 140 45 24 21 18 22 i6 14 19 14 12 16 12 10 14 10 9 4765 1.O65 1245 1 0.85 -lA 0.18 140 50 24 20 17 22 16 14 18 13 11 15 11 10 13 10 8 Ost im 127 1 O.eS -lA 0.18 id0 55 24 20 17 21 I6 14 18 13 11 15 if 10 13 10 6 0.63 1.11 129 1 0.55 -1A 0.18 140 60 24 19 17 21 18 13 17 13 11 15 11 10 12 9 8 ON 1.13 1.31 1 1185 AA 0.1e 140 100 18 14 12 14 11 10 12 9 8 10 8 7[13 7 6 0.99 1.26 1A3 5M0 1 0.g5 -1.0 0.18 140 0-15 24 22 19 22 18 15 18 15 12 16 13 11 11 9 0.7 0.65 1.03 h560 1 405 -1A 0.19 150 20 24 21 18 22 17 14 18 14 12 16 12 10 10 9 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 oM 4.4 0.18 1W 25 24 20 11 22 16 14 18 14 11 16 12 10 10 8 q7 e.94 1d2 1. 0.85 AA 0.18 150 30 24 19 16 22 16 13 18 13 11 15 11 9 9 8 0.7 ,98 1.16 1 4B5 -IA 0.18 150 35 24 19 16 21 15 13 17 13 11 15 11 9 9 a on t.at 1.19 1 0.B5 -1A 018 150 150 40 24 18 16 20 15 13 17 12 10 14 10 9 9 8 096 1.W 122 t 0.85 -1.d 416 150 45 24 18 15 19 14 12 16 12 10 14 10 9 9 7 4785 LOBS 1245 1 405 4A OAS 150 W 24 18 15 19 14 12 16 12 10 13 10 9 8 7 O.al t0s 1.9 1 155 -IA Q18 150 55 23 17 15 18 14 12 15 11 10 13 10 8 8 7 083 1.11 1.2a I 0.65 -IA 0.16 150 60 22 17 15 18 14 12 15 11 10 13 10 8 8 7 nay 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 .1.4 M18 150 100 15 12 11 12 10 9 10 8 7 9 7 6 7 6 5 0.% 128 lA3 h� I 0.85 AS 0.18 150 0-15 24 20 16 19 16 13 16 3 11 14 11 9 12 10 8 0.7 a.85 1.03 nseo 1 0.85 .1.4 0.18 160 0 24 19 16 19 15 12 16 12 10 14 it 9 12 9' 8 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 QM -1.4 n18 t60 24 18 15 19 14 12 16 10 14 10 9 12 9 7 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 180 30 24 17 14 19 14 12 16 11 10 14 10 8 12 8 7 OJ 0.9a 1.16 1 485 -1.4 0.1e 160 35 23 1] 19 18 13 11 15 11 9 13 9 8 11 8 7 o.7a L01 1.19 1 0.05 -1.4 0.18 160 1fi0 40 22 16 14 18 13 11 15 11 9 13 9 8 11 8 7 On 1.Oc t22 1 ass -1.4 0.18 180 45 21 16 13 17 13 11 14 10 9 12 9 8 10 6 7 1785 1.065 1245 1 0.65 A.4 q18 160 50 21 15 13 17 12 11 14 10 9 12 9 8 10 7 6 O.a1 1.09 1.27 1 l85 .1.4 lilt t60 55 20 15 13 16 12 10 13 10 9 12 9 7 10 7 6 0.63 II1 L29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.1a 1W e0 20 15 13 i6 12 10 13 10 9 11 8 7 10 7 6 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 .1.4 0.15 160 100 14 11 9 11 8 7 9 7 6 8 6 5 7 5 5 0.98 1.26 1.43 fn 0 1 0.85 .1.8 0.18 160 0.16 21 1 17 14 1 17 14 12 14 12 10 12 10 8 10 8 1 7 03 0.65 1.03 toN 1 0.85 AA 0.18 170 20 21 17 14 17 13 11 14 11 9 12 9 8 10 8 7 O 0.9 1A0 1 0.85 .1.4 0.18 170 25 21 16 13 17 13 11 14 11 9 12 9 0 10 8 6 03 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 170 30 21 15 13 17 12 10 14 10 9 12 9 7 10 7 6 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 170 35 20 15 12 16 12 10 14 10 8 12 8 7 10 7 6 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 m -1.4 0.16 170 170 40 20 14 12 16 11 10 13 10 6 11 8 7 9 7 6 0.76 1.W 1.22 1 0.B5 -1.4 0.18 1]0 45 19 14 12 15 11 10 13 I 9 8 11 8 7 9 7 6 UJ85 1.0E.5 1245 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 170 50 18 14 12 15 11 9 12 9 8 10 8 7 9 7 8 0.81 1.W 1.27 1 nas .1.4 419 In 55 18 13 12 14 11 9 72 9 8 10 8 7 9 6 6 033 1.11 t29 1 U. .1-4 419 1T0 60 17 13 11 14 11 9 12 9 8 10 8 6 8 6 5 0.85 1.13 T. 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 170 100 12 9 8 10 0 7 8 6 6 7 5 5 6 5 4 099 L26 1.43 hM0 1 0.85 -L8 0.18 170 D-15 19 16 13 15 12 10 13 10 9 11 9 7 9 8 6 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 t 185 .1.4 41e 180 20 19 15 12 15 12 10 14 10 8 11 8 7 9 7 6 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -lA 0.18 180 25 f9 14 12 15 11 9 13 9 8 11 8 7 9 7 - 6 0.7 0.94 L12 1 o. -IA 0.16 160 30 19 14 11 16 11 9 13 9 8 11 8 7 9 7 6 0.7 0.80 1.1fi 1 O.m -1.4 0.18 IN 35 18 13 11 15 10 9 12 9 ] 10 7 6 9 6 5 0.73 tOt 1d9 t 0.65 -lA 418 180 100 i7 13 it 14 10 B 12 8 7 10 7 6 8 8 5 0.76 t04 -I12 1 0.05 -tA O. /(Q d R 12 11 14 10 9 11 8 7 10 7 6 8 6 5 l7a 1.065 1.245 1 085 .1 6 E45 15 12 1013 10 8 11 8 7 9 7 6 6 6 5 0.61 IN 1.77 1 0.85 18 16 12 1013 10 8 11 8 7 9 7 6 8 6 5 0,W 1.11 1.29 1 0. .1. '18 40 16 12 10 12 9 8 10 8 7 9 7 6 8 6 5 oW 113 1.31 1 0. AA 1 t00 1I 8 7 9 7 6 6 5 6 5 4 5 4 d 0.0 1.26 1A3 h� 1 d.e '4 1 i :3 11 �'1L WA 1 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. I 1-888-542-7343 infis@jannesbardie.com Block Nail Fastener Load Used in Calculation IbMaslener -24.60 RONALD I. OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16836 ALGONQUIN STREET k443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-908-1815 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2687-17 Allav7eble, Ultimate Design Wool, Speed, Vull3, v :< .9- 2016IBC, 2017 FBC C xfifderus used in Table 8 WMalMis we Plank Wdlh in Inches installed to ASTM COO Block Wall inches 5.25 1 6.25 1 Z25 1 8.25 9.5 (3-second gust 2 Exposure ,N, m h m B C D 0 C D B C D B C D B I C I D Eva c EVD jr.1 6 JGC,143Cy v,e ' 0-15 17 14 1 12 1 14 1 11 9 11 9 8 10 8 7 8 7 6 0.7[1.25 1.03 h$60 1 0.05 -IA Rig 190 20 17 13 11 14 11 9 11 9 7 10 0 6 8 6 5 0.7 LOB 1 -6.05 i4 mie 190 25 17 73 11 14 10 8 11 8 7 10 7 6 8 6 5 0.7 712 1 o.es -1.4 D.18 190 30 19 12 10 14 10 8 11 8 7 10 7 6 8 6 5 0.7 1.18 1 0.95 dA mis 1W 35 16 12 10 13 9 8 11 8 7 9 7 6 8 6 5 0.73 1.19 1 0.05 -14 0.16 190 19D 40 16 11 10 13 9 8 10 8 6 9 7 6 0 6 5 D.76 111 1 (6M -1.4 118 led 45 15 11 10 12 9 8 10 7 6 9 6 5 7 5 5 m765 1145 7779 i4 o5s 190 5D 15 11 9 12 9 7 10 7 6 8 6 5 7 5 5 0.81 L27 1 0.95 -1.4 0.18 is0 55 14 11 0 11 0 7 10 7 6 8 6 5 7 5 4 0.03 119 1 0.05 -t4 0.16 190 60 14 11 9 11 8 7 9 7 6 8 6 5 7 5 4 :E. 1.31 1 0.H5 -tA -11-IT-11-1 100 10 8 7 8 6 5 6 5 4 5 4 4 5 4 3 0.98 1.43 lhia50 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 190 0-15 15 13 10 1 12 1 10 8 10 1 8 7 1 9 7 6 7 1 6 5 09 1 0.85 1.0 hs60 1 Di -1.4 0.18 200 20 15 12 10 12 10 8 10 1 6 t 1 9 7 6 7 6 5 0.7 0.s 1.08 1 085 -1.4 M18 200 25 15 11 10 12 9 8 10 8 6 1 9 7 5 7 6 5 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0,85 -1A 0.1e 2DO 30 15 11 9 12 9 7 10 7 8 1 9 6 5 7 5 4 0.7 D.99 1.16 1 0.65 AA 0.18 200 35 15 11 9 12 9 7 10 7 6 1 8 6 5 7 5 4 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.05 -1d 0.18 200 200 40 14 10 9 11 0 7 9 7 6 1 8 6 5 7 5 4 0.78 1.04 112 1 0.65 -1.4 0.18 200 45 14 10 9 11 8 7 9 7 6 1 8 6 5 7 5 4 0.785 Lass 1145 1 0.s5 -IA 0.18 Zw 50 13 10 a 11 8 7 9 7 fi 1 8 6 5 6 5 4 o.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 o5a 200 55 13 10 B 10 8 7 9 6 6 ] 6 5 6 5 4 o.83 1.11 1.20 1 0.B5 -1.4 0.16 200 60 13 9 6 f0 8 ] 8 6 5 1 7 5 5 6 5 4 11 1.11 1.31 1 0.85 -IA 0.16 200 100 9 7 fi 7 5 5 6 5 4 1 5 1 4 3 4 3 3 1 0.99 1.26 1,43 1+60 1 DBS -1.6 0.18 200 0-15 -14 14 9 11 9 8 9 8 6 8 7 5 7 6 5 0.7 0.e5 1.03 area 1 0.55 -11 0.18 210 20 JIf 11 9 1 11 9 7 9 7 6 8 6 1 5 1 7 1 5 4 0.7 0.9 1.00 1 185 AA 0.16 210 14 10 9 11 8 7 9 7 6 8 6 5 7 5 4 W 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 AA 0.16 210 30 14 10 8 11 8 7 9 7 6 8 6 5 7 5 4 17 O.eB 716 1 6.65 -L4 0.18 210 35 13 10 8 it 8 7 9 6 5 8 6 5 6 5 4 0.73 1.01 719 1 0.a5 -1.4 mit 210 210 40 13 9 8 10 7 6 9 6 5 7 5 5 6 5 4 0.76 1.D4 1.22 1 0.e5 AA 0.18 210 45 12 9 8 10 7 6 8 6 5 7 5 4 6 4 4 o.J6.5 1.065 1.245 1 0.8$ -1.4 0.18 210 50 i2 9 8 10 7 6 6 6 5 7 5 4 6 4 4 0.81 1.09 117 1 0.85 AA 0.18 210 55 12 9 8 9 7 6 8 6 5 7 5 4 6 4 4 003 _1 11 119 1 puts 4A 0.18 211 60 11 9 7 9 7 6 8 6 5 7 5 4 6 4 4 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 10 AA 0.15 210 100 8 6 5 6 5 4 5 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 0.99 1.26 1A3 h 8 I 1 10&5 -1.0 0.1H 2tD Notes to Table: 1. Block hall is blind noted at spacing in Gable, block nails shag be: ETBF Fastening Systems [ET 8 F No, ASM-14"125, head tlia. = 0.M in., shank tlia. = 0.144 In., length =1.25 in.], Max Usa Corp [CP-C 832 W -ICC, head dia. = 0.30 in., shank tlia. = 0.145 in., length a 1.25 in.], or Aemsmllh Festering [5323P, head diu. a 0.30 in.. shank ago. = 0.144 in., length, 1.25 in.] 2. Applicable ro methods sperHetl in (201518C. 2017 FBCI SerLon 1609.1.1. as determined by (20151BC, 2017 FBC] Figures 1609.3(1),1609.3(2), or 1609.3(3). 3. V,4= Orree design wind [peed 4. Building height= mean roof height rin feet) ore building. except that ante height shag be used for mof angle B less than or equal l0 10° (2-12 mof dope). 5. Interpolation to address building height V 60 it) and other HarCePiank witlth is permitted. 6. Wad speed design assump0onn per Analytical Method in ASCE 7-10 Chapter 30 tmC Pod 1 and Part 3: K=7, Xs=11.85, GCo=lA instill, GCp 1.6 (ha60)sG� LIMITATIONS OF USE: O.Q. jlAw/� 1) In High Velocity Humrane Zones (HVHZ) install per Miami -Dade County Florida. NOA 17-0406.06 \\ 4 �3A9�'••..FLOR��e-' "-FFSSIONA 1 1 12 Evaluation ServfceO PER-07021 Pei Evatuatim Service" is an accredited ISO Standard 17065 product Certifier, Initial Approval Re -Approved accredited by the IAS. This Product Evatnation Report represents a product that September, 2007 May, 2018 Pei ES has Evaluated. This product has a Product Evaluation Service Agreement 8 Follow-up Inspection service Agreement. This Product Evaluation Report In no way implies warranty for this product or relieves Aerosmith Fastening Systcmc of their liabilities for this Product. This PER is an official document if it is within one year of the See all Pei ES Listings at www.p-a-i.com initial or re -approval dale. •per,.,, Aerosmith Fastening Systems vl oa Indianapolis, IN 46241 Product $urePlno Pneumatic Fasteners Approved Manufacturing Locations Pei ES has on file a list of each approved manufacturing location and which product is approved to be manufactured at each location. For Evaluation Report Questions www.aerosm ithfasteni ng. com Aerosmith Contact: Robert Shluzas Phone: (800) 528-8183 General Details The SurePin® Fasteners are manufactured by independent companies. Any company manufacturing product for Aerosmith, that is intended to be evaluated by this PER, has an agreement in place and has been previously inspected by Pei and approved by Pei ES. Listing Details SurePin° Fasteners are pneumatically driven steel pins used to attach cement fiberboard siding and sheathing materials direct to concrete block. The smooth portion of the shank must be embedded into the concrete per requirements of Table 1 of this evaluation report for approved depth penetration into the concrete. Product Description The SurePin° Fasteners are manufactured from AISI 1060 steel, heat treated to a Rockwell C hardness between 52 - 55 for the core and a R45N surface hardness between 39 - 50for the surface, have a minimum tensile strength of 66,000 psi. The pins are electro- zinc plated with a chromate rinse or are mechanically zinc plated or use a nickel alloy electro-plate. The SurePin® Fasteners are designed with a smooth shank or smooth step shank profile and a ballistic end point. The pins are manufactured per the nominal dimensions shown in Table 2 and Table 3 of this evaluation report. The pins are identified by thetrrt��[[--------�----��—�Ijj�� Aerosmith logo head stamp shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2 of this evaluation report. The pins are collated for powered nail gun L� application. General Product Usage and Limitations 1. The SurePin® Fasteners are limited to use in resisting negative wind forces evaluated in this PER. 2. Fire Rated assemblies are outside of the scope of this PER. Code Compliance ling Code 20121nternabonal Building Code 2015 International Building Code Section 1404.10 -- fiber cement Siding to meet ASTM C1186, Type A or ISO 8336 Category A (min. 1/4" thick per table 1405.2) and must be I en Ified on label listing an approved quality control agency. Section 1405.16 - Fiber cement siding shall be installed in accordance with the approved manufacturer's instructions. Section 1405.17 - Shall be securely fastened using zinc coated or other approved corrosion resistance fasteners per Table 2304.9.1 / 2304.10.1 (for wood construction) or manufacturer's instructions. 2012 IRC Masonry Walls MUST conform to IRC Sections R606 - R609. Exterior wall coverings must conform to IRC Section R703 R703.4 / R703.3.2 - Wall covering attachment per Tables R703.4 / R703.3(1) for attachment to wood framing or with approved corrosion resistant fasteners. R703.10 - Fiber cement siding to meet ASTM C1186, Type A, minimum Grade II or ISO 8336, Category A, minimum Class 2 with installation per approved manufacturers instructions and Section R703.1. Note: Designers, Engineers, and installers shall install the fasteners at a spacing that meets the wind pressure requirements of the applicable code. �.r a.0 Page 1 of 3 PER-07021 71 2015 IRC Masonry Walls MUST conform to IRC Sections R606. R703 - Wall covering attachment per Tables R703.3(1) / R703.3.2 for attachment to wood framing or with approved corrosion resistant fasteners. 2010 NBC Section - Attachment of Cladding - Sheet Type Cladding - 2" Minimum fastener length for Cladding that exceeds 7mm thickness, Max Spacing is 12". (z 7mm thick cladding minimum fastener length is 1.5") Section - Nails or staples for the attachment of cladding and wood trim shall be corrosion -resistant and shall be compatible with cladding material. Section - Fasteners for cladding other than that described in Sentence (1) shall penetrate through the nail -holding base or not less than 25mm into the framing. Tested to ASTM E488-96 Section 5.2 - Standard Test Method for Strength of Anchors in Concrete and Masonry Elements. Approved Fastener 1'2 Minimum Ultimate Load' Design Load Penetration Depth (Ibf) (Ibf) Aerosmith 5323HP - 1-114" Smooth Galvanized Pin 3/4" -1" 1165.51 233.10 Aerosmith 55D3HP - 2" Smooth Galvanized Pin 1-1/8" - 1-3/16" 1168.83 233.77 Notes, 1. 5323HP Pin installed using the MAX HN-120A Pneumatic Nail Gun. 2. 5503HP Pin installed using the Hitachi NR 90AE--3-1/4'Round Head Framing Nail Gun. 3. Ultimate load is based on installation of the fastener embedded into concrete block at web center. 4. Design load is based an installation of the fastener embedded into concrete block at web center calculated with a 5.0 factor of safety. Length Head Stamp Head Thickness n Head Diameter E [r:1 ShankDiameter Figure 1 - Profile of Approved Smooth Pins Per Table 2 Table 2-Aerosmith SurePin® Smooth Pin Nominal Dimensions' Approved Pin Head Diameter Head Thickness Length Shank Diameter 5193Z Smooth Galvanized Pin 0.300" 0.070" 0.750" 0.145" 3Z Smooth Galvanized Pin 0. p " _ 0.070" 1.000" _ 0.145" 5323 moot avantze m - 0.300" 0. 50" OW 5383Z Smooth Galvanized Pin 0.300" . 0 0.145" 5453Z Smooth Galvanized Pin 0.300" 0.070" 1.750" 0.145" 5503Z Smooth Galvanized Pin 0.300" 0.070" 2.000" 0.145" 5573Z Smooth Galvanized Pin 0.300" 0.070" 2.250" 0.145" 5633Z Smooth Galvanized Pin 0.300" 0.070" 2.500" 0.145" 2253Z Smooth Galvanized Pin it 2O0" 0.060 1.000 0.102" E21E 1. Z - Zinc Coated Smooth Pin Page 2 of 3 Head Stamp Sttamp Head Thickness LJ Head Diameter �f PER-07021 Shank Otameter Figttre 2 - Profile of Approved Smooth Step Pins per Table 3 Table 3 -Aerosmith SurePin° Smooth Step Pin Nominal Dimensions' Approved Pin Head Diameter Head Thickness Length Step Length Shank Diameter 5323ZST Smooth Step Galvanized Pin 0.300" 0.070" 1.250" 0.795" 0.145" / 0.12t 5383ZST Smooth Step Galvanized Pin 1 0.300" 0.070" 1 1.500" 1.045" 1 0.145" / 0.128" 5503ZST Smooth Step Galvanized Pin 0.300" 0.070" 2.000" 1.545" 0.145" / 0.128" ote t. ZST- Zinc Coated Smooth SS tep Pin j Product Labeling Each Box of fasteners shipped, that are covered by this PER, must have a label attached with at least the following information: 1. Aerosmith Fastening Systems name, address or website. 2. Fastener designation 3. This PER number & Per ES Logo 4. The catalog number 5. A tot number & Manufacturing Plant Identification / Traceability 6. A Trademark head stamp by ge.msniw) as shown below in Figure 1 and Figure 2 Product Documentation A Product Evaluation Service Agreement between Pei Evaluation Servicee and Aerosmith Fastening Systems A Follow-up Inspection Service Agreement between Progressive Engineering Inc. and Aerosmith Fastening Systems A Quality Control Manual- Dated: 7/7/2017 A SurePin® Fastening Guidelines for Cement Fiber Board - Dated: August, 2006 A SurePin® Concrete Connection Technical Bulletin A SurePine Plywood Subtloor Installation Bulletin A Technical Data Sheet for Aerosmith Fasteners for Hardie Siding Applications A Intertek ETL SEMKO lest report No. 3117855-001 - ASTM E488-96 with SurePin® Fasteners attaching Hardie Siding in concrete block - Dated: March 30, 2007 if/�r ✓�/�% fr= h# ,,'g��t.�� � � � �� Fiaue 3 - SurePitre plastic collated form Figtne 4 -SurePin® in collated form Page 3 of 3 I E DIVISION: 06 00 00—WOODi PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES SECTION: 06 12 13—CEMENTITIOUSREINFORCED PANELS DIVISION: 07 00 00—THERMAL AND MOISTURE;PROTECTION SECTION: 07 45 00—FIBER-REINFORCED CEMENTITIOUS+PANELS REPORT HOLDER: JAMES HARDIE BU SCANNED BY St. Lucie County UCTS, INC. 16001 ELM AVENUE;' FONTANA, CALIFORNIA'92337 EVALUATION SUBJECT: HARDIESOFFIT® AND CEMSOFFIT® EXTERIOR SOFFITPANEL IC�-�, IC�� ICC c PIVIG ('' LISTED Look for the trusted marks of Conformity! "2014 Recipient of Prestigious Western States Seismic Policy Council (WSSPQ Award in Excellence" A Subsidiary of /CC -ES Evaluation deports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not "`coin specifically addressed nor are they to he construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a \\ G recommendation for its use. ]'here is no warranty by !CC Evaluation Service, LLC, express or implied, as eosc,rms to any finding or other maser in this report. or as to any produce covered by the report. ems;= Copyright ® 2017 ICC Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved. IMES Evaluation Report ESR-2273 Reissued June 2017 This report is subject to renewal June 2019. www.icc-es.ora 1 (800) 423-6587 1 (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Councilo DIVISION: 06 00 00—WOOD, PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES Section: 06 12 13—Cementitious Reinforced Panels DIVISION: 07 00 00—TFIERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Section: 07 45 00—Fiber-Reinforced Cementitious Panels REPORT HOLDER: JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 10901 ELM AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92337 (800)942-7343 info(@4a;)iesbardie.com EVALUATION SUBJECT: HARDIESOFFIT' AND CEMSOFFIT9 EXTERIOR SOFFIT PANEL 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE Compliance with the. following codes: ■ 2015, 2012 and 2009 International Building Code' (IBC) ■ 2015, 2012 and 2009 International Residential Code® (IRC) Properties evaluated: a Physical Properties o Strud•:ural ■ Noncombustible Construction ■ Surface -burning characteristics ■ Thermal Resistance ■ Weather Protection 2.0 USES Hardiesoffit® and Cemsoffit® panels are used as exterior soffit covering of buildings of non -fire -resistance -rated construction. 3.0 DESCRIPTION Hardiesoffit® and Cemsoffitm panels are single -faced, cellulose fiber -reinforced cement (fiber -cement) sheets manufactured by the Hatschek process and cured by high- pressure steam autoclaving. The exterior soffit panels are identified as Hardiesoffit". (Cemsoffit panels and may be vented or unvented. ber-cement sheets co yyy STM 1 Type A, i'a'tle-If!"`dritl'tiave apflame-spread index of 0 a smoke developed index of 5 when tested in actor ante wit e s s3lf9ft noncombustible w an es a in accordance with ASTM E136. Thermal conductivity (K) and thermal resistance (R) values for the unvented products are shown in Table 2 based on ASTM C177 tests. When tested in accordance with ASTM E96, unvented products with a thickness of '/. inch (6.4 mm) have demonstrated the permeance value given in Table 3 of this report. Soffit panels are available with either a woodgrain texture or a smooth unsanded surface. The exterior soffit products may be supplied unprimed or primed for subsequent application of a compatible primer and/or exterior -grade topcoat(s). Nominal soffit dimensions are noted in Table 1. 4.0 DESIGN AND INSTALLATION 4.1 Design: The maximum wind speeds, building het hts and exposure categories applicable for Hardiesoffit and Cemsoffit® panels are noted in Table 5. Vented soffit panels provide net free ventilation area as presented in Table 4 of this report. 4.2 Installation: Installation shall comply with this report and the manufacturer's published installation instructions. A copy of the manufacturer's published installation instructions this report must be available at the job site during installation. All panel edges must be supported be framing members. Panels must be attached with corrosion -resistant fasteners installed with a minimum 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) edge distance and minimum 2-inch (51 mm) clearance from corners. The panels must be installed with the long edge of the panel perpendicular to the joist framing and must be attached with fastener types, lengths, and spacings described in Table 5. Framing must include a subfascia, blocking, and/or ledger board to provide a nailing base along the dimension of the soffit. 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE The Hardiesoffit® and Cemsoffit® exterior soffit panels described in this report comply with, or are suitable alternatives to what is specified in those codes listed in Section 1.0 of his report, subject to the following conditions: / V, M Psnh.1 Report. o¢nnl ,h.rnnnrocd as ,prcs.nling./heoes ar run•alher ourihlnes aolspeci/ically addressed. nor are they to be construed as on endnxemew grlhe suhle, i of M, rx pan nnr rceurnnrendotlon Jirr its arc. There fs nn uvunann• br• ICC Llnhmtinn.tiervim. U.C, upnss or implicrJ, as t In unyfinding nr nrhrr nnnna m rids report, or m m m,pradki rnv.rcd hr the report. •@�. .-..;�.« Copyright ® 2017 ICC Evaluation Service, LLG All rights resorveo. Page 1 of 3 ESR-2273 I IViost Widely Accepted and Trusted 6.1 The Hardiesoffite' and Cemsoffit° panels must be installed in accordance with this report and the manufacturer's published installation instructions. In the event of a conflict between this report and the manufacturer's published installation instructions, this report governs. 5.2 The Hardiesoffite and Cemsoffif9 soffit panel are manufactured under a quality control program with inspections by ICC-ES at the following locations: 5.2.1 Pulaski, Virginia 5.2.2 Tacoma, Washington 5.2.3 Waxahachie,Texas 2of3 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 6.1 Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Fiber Cement Siding Used as Exterior Wall Siding (AC90), dated June 2012 (editorially revised September 2015). 7.0 IDENTIFICATION Hardiesoffit® and Cemsoffite panels shall be identified by a stamp or label on the board bearing the name and address of the report holder (James Hardie Building Products), the product name (Hardiesoffit® or Cemsoffite), and the evaluation report number (ESR-2273). TABLE 1—STANDARD NOMINAL SOFFIT DIMENSIONS Product Width Length Thickness Type (inches) (feet) (inches) Hardiesoffit® Smooth 4, 5, 6, 10. 12, 16. 24. 36 & 48 8.9. 10 & 12 (unvented) Hautlesof8lg Woodgrain 4. 5'1.. 5'1.. 6, 6'/., 7%.8, 8%, 9%. 10, 11'/, 111/a 12, 8, 9, 10 & 12 unvented 151., 16, 24, 36 & 48 Hardiesoffit® Smooth 4. 6, 9%, 10, 11 %. 12.16 & 24 8 & 12 vented HardiesoffitO Woodgrain q, 5'1„ 5°/q, 6. 6'/a. %'/s, 8, 8'/., 9'/2, 171/2, 12, 16 & 24 8 8 12 (vented) Cemsoffit® Woodgrain (unvented) 4, 5, 6, 10. 12. 16. 24, 36 & 48 8, 9, 10 & 12 1/. CemsoffitlD Woodgram 4. 511_65 1a, 6, 6%, 7%. 8, 8'1., 942, 11'12, 12, 16 & 24 8 & 12 1L (vented) 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 it = 304.E mm TABLE 2—K and R VALUES FOR UNVENTED SOFFIT PRODUCTS Product Thickness Actual Thermal Conductivity (Ke1r) Actual Thermal Resistance(Btulh-ft - F) (inch) 1/. T80 0.13 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 Btulh-It2 `F = .5.678 Wle-K TABLE 3—WATER VAPOR PERMEANCE VALUES FOR UNVENTED SOFFIT PRODUCTS Product Thickness inch Permeance(perms) '/. 1.75 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 perm = 57 mg/(s-m2•Pa) TABLE 4—VENTILATION RATES FOR VENTED SOFFIT PRODUCTS Width (inch NET FREE VEN N(in 2 / linear fit) 5°10 and over 5.0 (64 a62/m) 4 3.0 (64 cm2/m) 1 inch = 25.4 mm N ESR-2273 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted TABLE 5—MAXIMUM WIND SPEEDS FOR EXPOSURE CATEGORY (mph)' Page 3 of 3 20121RC, 2009 Cs 201618CIIRC, 2012 IBCIIRC, 2006 IBCIIRC Speed (BaslcVW'A., (Ultimate Design Wind Speed, V„n") Iind EXPOSURE EXPOSURE CATEGORY CATEGORY Product Dimensions (in.) Fastener Fastener Frame Stud Builiin Product Spacing Spacing Height IS D B C D Type (in.) Type (in.) (fi.) Thick Max. Width 0.15 111 100 91 143 130 118 HardlesoffitO 1/4 48 8 2x4 20 771 98 89 143 126 115 common, wood 16 1'/,in long 40 106 91 - 137 117 - 60 100 87 130 112 0.15 94 86 - 122 110 - Hardiesoffd® +!. 45 8 2x43 20 94 - - 122 conuwq wood 24 iii 1 % in long 40 90 117 - - 60 88 110 6d siding nail 0.092- 0.15 139 126 114 179 162 147 HeMiesoffts '/, 48 in shank 4 2x4s 20 139 122 112 179 158 144 2long x wootl 24 0.23Sin 40 133 114 105 172 147 135 Hp 60 126 109 101 162 147 131 0.083-in shank 0-15 185 168 152 239 217 197 Hardiesoifd® 1/ I 0.1137" HD 2 x 4 20 185 163 149 239 r2711 192 76 x 1%An 8 wootl° 16 40 177 152 140 229 �196 181 long ring shank nail 60 168 146 135 217 lea 175 0.063-in shank 0-15 186 169 153 240 218 198 Hardiesoffd® 1/ 0.187' HD 2x4 20 186 164 150 240 211 193 15 1 x 1 I1-in 8 wood3 24 long ring 40 178 152 141 230 197 182 shank nail 60 169 146 136 218 189 175 0.083 r shank 0.15 ice 95 87 137 124 113 HaMiesoffd�l 'G 24 0.187' HD 8 2 x 4 22.5 20 105 93 85 137 121 110 l x 1'/3: in wood max 40 102 87 BO 131 112 104 long king shank nail 60 96 83 - 124 108 - siding siding 6d s a 0.092- 0.15 144 131 119 186 169 153 Hartliesoffd® 1 /. 24 in shank x 2 x 4 24 20 144 127 116 186 164 150 2-in long x wood[ 40 138 118 109 178 152 141 0.23Sin HD 60 131 113 105 169 146 136 6d common 0-15 150 136 123 193 175 159 nashan b HaMiesaffit�' '/, 24 in shank x 4 2 x 4 2.4 20 150 132 121 193 171 156 wood s + 2-in Iona x 40 744 123 113 186 159 146 0. 66 m 60 136 118 109 175 152 141 HO No 8 x 1-in long x 20 ga Min D-15 116 106 96 150 136 124 0.323 in 3s/ m x HardiesofftO 11. 48 HD ribbed 6 1%in 16 20 116 103 94 150 133 121 bugle metal C- 40 112 95 88 144 123 114 head I stud 60 106 92 85 136 118 110 screw 1 it = 305 mm, i inch = 25.4 man. 1 mph 0.44 m/s. 'Wind speed design assumptions pe: Section 6.5, Method 2, of ASCE 7-05: 1 = 1.0. K4 = 1, Ka= 0.85, GC, = 0.18, GC, =-1.4. 2Installation must be in accordance with Section 4.2 of this report. 3Values are for species cfwood having a specific gravity of 0.42 or greater. 'Vasil = nominal design wind speed. 3Vult= u9imate design wind speed sWind speed design assumptions per Section 30.4, of ASCE 7-10: K4 = 1, I(. = 0.85. GC,, = 0.18, GC, = -1.4. '2015 and 2012 MG Section 1609.3.1. Eq. 16-33. V„a=V„I,vo6 "Building height equals the mean rear height (in feet) of a building, except that save height shall be used for roof anglo 0 less than or equal to 10* (2-12 roof slope).