HomeMy WebLinkAboutSITE SELECTION - PREPERATION/,/��t ®$ryyQy�gg�q�5{ �,.f($�/t /�(�/J�?,� _ 7g ggp /f.�j1(Preparation
q�'m ❑�,c r$p�g/,F�apiJtj���yjSMsiart and t reparation
SC�'�(4P�kf/X : 33. 8, Cd' eff":A" "S�O 1 817 P7 epa atio tl
site selection
5a (1,52 m)
¢ 3i
(0,91 m) O
8 ri
Fi-Om m ck,-- rues
St. Lucie County
fo A marlpiiaa In e
A Top Ofganerafor a. —
Fran tandsod oleatanee I tdmlmum afzardlslances aamtol hichrde shrubSbushes, a-vees.
C 17aar d�aar>m 78si (4S'7 c+nJ rtenGwf4 oie2mnts perNFPgtriog, Ir3,e{tag, aild lfs`ug, an(a55 s€a�o!'7eca1 codes
dcfat2 oihemba
D Windowsand opargags No opera5f V411dows, doors, aropsnings to the wall ars psnjn ged w&D 6—F, (1.52 m);r&n -a]W aW of
ffm gene(eim
R exaabgwaff Oh*-hovrffm raL,4pnssa➢cwdi,,rplammardofN7egmemkrsetcmirumbsforFaslabuor
F Rern&rahlefMw Rem aysbfefancapan eisfor seffxb �gasnnpibeplacad iEssfiae3fr(0.94mjinfroafpfgregaaerafor,
G L3vErheadolea�oe 5u(4,524mtknuraManeefromenpskmfthE,%whang,arproJagvon5aomihav4eA
DONOT inatOLmdervzken d` hsors€rueftmm,tessthisdisb=fsmdfl& nad.
rnnWf9hnn l:rcir}cli...... C—Dn Ui Aflp,ntv4 .
3i`e Selection and Preparation
tr=.stall sf ' qenqre sue, In its �Potar fi ae enclosure e The generator tnt,Jstbe installed �,� l�v�► eu
outceets uahgre adequate cooling and vanti?atir air is r.
*F'ihays aveilabie fay. 1 ha gene�4r must he igvei �� ,tn a g.5 is
(Icf�rn-e �.i}. Consider these i�cfors:
The Install"z.on of the (�3 mrn} all arorn3d.
sWCffy with I00 ]FOG, NFPA�37=NFPA 54 comply The generator is t fcall laced on Via, and NSA SO si�ndards. NFPA con;pacted wit n,'jus st ne or concrele �
° Install the unit where air inlat and outlet o ; Pad, Check local codes see what typo Is
will not become obstrttated by leave,p n rocs required. 1, a ooncmfe pad is required, egappil
eio, If Prevailing winds wiff tame blowing oabte codes should be ioliaw
dri ing, consider using a windbreak to protect iFe Ins` g wn G- Id�Ftt� �� o�aAAP �00d
° Install the generator on hkh ground where Waler NFIRA 37 is the The National Fire Pry plon
levels wide, In rise and eaten b s bats unitshould Association's standard fcr the instailaUrin and use
not cl to in or be subjected star.,ding water; statfonary combustion engines, Its guirer lean flryff the
° Allow s+� , it room on all sides of the goners or ,�! ( n e closed generator seat from a sf
for maintenance and �Jicing This unit must be ruetnit or
nluiedoned in accordance with any locol state, ar NFPA 37, Section 4.9 engines Locsted QUtB'g®13:
efur ��d i�r Irininlunl d/Ancen tj0�n - Engines, and Itheir w9aiH&P T .heu�ing� if Pr@v1d�,
struotures. hat are Installed
a Cleames from the ends and gent of lire generator o gs in s71s and at least a tL Least
5 it
must be 3 i D.9�1 rn . g (f•52 nwaftw openin
)This Includes shrubs, from su stores hating combustibie wags. A mininv m)
brtshes, and trees. Ulearancs from the back of a W'mffon shall not be r�grrired where �g following
generaor Must be a minimum of 18 in conditions exrsc
(Clearance at the top should be a minirnurr o i. The adjacent wall of the structure has a fire
Projecuons fro the ar srruehtre, cvertran9, or resistant;. rating or at least one hoar
° DO NOT install under wooden decks or cQm astibleoof enclosure is constructed of unless Thera Is at feast 5 g structures demonsfra le mafariais and it has been
above the (i.52 %nJ o clearance notes a n're widrin enelostrra7(
generator, ignite combos i61e ° Install the urdt where rain Uut ar dovm spnur, roof enclosure. materials outside the
rvn n , IanclseaAe irriga5on, not o the urrri or AnnaxA--- I�ttaiasly i�lai9rfaf
mP Pump dischm: a does
the enclosure, inciudrng any airinlet oroe... A4. f.4 (2) Kris of demonsftat'n
oP€nings. means of fun scale fire test of t caioulatig co�Jianca are i y
° Install lira unii where services wilt not be affected Procedures.
cause of the limited spaces that are fre+anfly
or obsfructeri including concealed ova fable snr Insfallaiion fr or covered services such as electrical, fuelphone excepiior, (2) could be benelat tar nrnyhas become prasiderfftal
argnt that
sit condriianir� or Qrigaiicn. This could a7rect and commercial lnsfellafions. Wgh that in mvrd, the
warranfycavewa manufacturer contracted S4'l7il all inde
More strong Prevailinglab�tpy � run null s Pendent feSfdtlg
dlrac.'ion winds bfottr 5om errs enclosure wltl not ignite +nmbustibleiO assure that fire
e A face the generator air inlet openings sr the enclosure materials outside
tLng wltldS
lnst�Ili7frageneraA�rasclose aspossbletothe,uel southwest l�
aupplytored dB in Research institute nsti$q roves
THAT uc@ the length ofpiping. I�1°R (4b7 mm) insta ton rrrinimrrm from structure
LAWS OR CODES MAY R€G-aljr— TeiE Apm 3'f G) southhwest research Insti uro Is a
DISTANCEes Phut jng pk QN. In the absance of agenationcy,
r�gnized third party testing and Iisfh{g
focal codes rttttng placement ar clearame, we �gancy,
recommend fob ing fhese guidelines: 7710 InitMla was fo d
)nsfatl the geneWoras close as possible to the �tnd to
gaew inerst ihea Ott; ss V of
transfarswltch. --JRnw r=R THAT r items outside the etOr and tv enclosdatoure at % gra ignii to rT;r of
CODES UAYREGI11AT�,HEDI$71A1CP&1r] ngineendureat tattoos distances.
ire enolasu>e is constructed of noa�conlbusfMle
LOCATION. nafelials, and fhe Msulls and conclusions from rise
W'31 end --It testing lab ind bated that any rwe wlthfn the