HomeMy WebLinkAboutGAS PIPING PAPERWORK3232:SE..DIxle Hwy. Stuart, FL 34997 Office 772-287.4330 Fax 772-287.3456 �b�� SOGIan l�- FLORIDA ZIP 2ELLGAS BY lDi�,t, lti ne: - `via%-WAO-rci ,LLATION TO BE MADE IN OCCORDANCE WITH 54:& 68 AS WELL AS ALL STATE AND CODES BTU'S STAGE 622HGJ MEC STAGE 662HSRL MEC 0 APPLIANCE INSIDE BUILDING ENVELOPE, UG LINE 10 PSI/ INUM 1 " TO 13" WC FIR �f�ND ,�•� St. Luce County b-0, cba Ora 4 i✓r^,,a Fi:L, An. At oeo 1,3 rc/ A=�" Z V ti cs J? doh iY S�7 N' F ev.' 64'" ,obac uc.-ram b- /A I %is+c�o.PC I r. A"i?&- 7;0:.( 0 43aa. L va,voa 30 u �o/e .el rd�d :• (L� ASS T `9�`aL§ ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION REVIEWED FOR compP *s BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Building and Code Regulation Division GAS PIPING SCHEMATIC TANK SIZE: GALS. APPLICANCE — TYPE/SIZE Al ,rP 5'0, DO d BTU A2 0 w / .SO D 0 BTU A3 Gine4r hie c w 8 do0 BTU A4 BTU PIPING LENGTH & SIZE -d L1 �-/S FT. INCH DIA. L2 .25 FT. �INCH DIA. L3 30 FT. _INCH DIA. L4 FT. INCH DIA. L5 FT. INCH DIA. L6 FT. INCH DIA. L7 FT. INCH DIA. 1-8 FT. INCH DIA. L9 FT. INCH DIA. L10 FT. INCH DIA. 1-11 FT. INCH DIA. L12 FT. INCH DIA. Revised 7/22/14 BTU BTU (PIPE SIZE WAS TAKEN FROM THE 2014 FBC FUEL GAS CODE - TABLE 402 (--)) Website: www.stludemci 2300 Virginia Avenue - Fort Pierce, FL. 34982-5652 Phone (772) 462-1553 FAX (772) 462-1578 C uL OS MEGR-1122H Compact Series r StageDomestic Regulators PATENT PENDING MEGR.1222H F. POL compact Series These first stage regulators are used to reduce LP gas link pressures for a second stage regulator (normally 10 PSIG). All MEC first stage regulators are red indicating high outlet pressure. First stage full size regulator vents have 3/4" FNP7'tapped ports and H-Z Grip screens located over the outlet. Both the MFGR-11221-1and the MHOR-1622H series offer optimal relief performance that exceeds UL test re- quirements providing double failure overpremure protection when used with MCC MEGR-1622 & MEGR-1652 series second stage regulator. All MEC Excela-Flo domestic regulators feature it 25 year recommended replacement Iilc and the MEC exclusive tear tovay leak check adhesive sticker. MEGR-1122H Series: OlTers at compact first stage regulator design perfect for tight applications such as underground lank domcs. They fc:lure an adjustment range from 9-12 PSIG (factory set 60 10 PSIG), stainless steel internal components, fluorocarbon (FKM) scat discs, molded lip fabric reinforced diaphragms unit large aluminum precision machined orifice In minimize freeze tips while providing superior downstream regulation and maxi ratio corrosion resistance against weather or contaminated gas. Compact series regulators feature 318" FNPT drip lip vent openings. p MEGRA222II Scrics: Offer it compact first stage regulator design perfect for tight applications such as underground tank domcs. They feature an adjustment range from 9-12 PSIG (factory set CO 10 PSIG), stainless steel internal components, fluorocarbon (FKM) seat discs, molded lip fabric reinforced diaphragms and large adumint ii precision machined orifice to minimize freeze ups while providing superior downstream regulation and maxintnl corrosion resistance against weather or contauninated gas. MEGR-162211 Series: Offer all of the same features as Ihu compact MEGR-I122H Series fat a full Size version. Our full size MEGR-16221-1 Series has it large fabric reinforced diaphragm for superior downstream regulation, heavy duty wrench flats, and a large 3W' FNPT tapped drip dip vent to help prevent relief vent blockage. SPECIFICKrIONS Tpe: First Stage Max. inlet Pressure: 250 PSIG Exterior Finish: Red Powder Coat Interior Finish: Red Powder Coat Orifice Size:.150" (Compact) & .219" Full Diaphragm: Fabric Reinforced NBR Molded Lip O-Ring Bonnet/Body Seal Relief Type: Internal Relief - Spring Loaded Bonnet / Body Material: Die Cast Aluminum Seat Material: Fluorocarbon (FKM) Listings: c tit us/ UL 144 Mounting Holes: Standard 3-1/2" Center Pressure Taps: #54 Orifice, 1/8' FNPT, Plugged (2) Relief Travel Stop: Molded in Adjustment Cap - Gray (Compact), Black (Full Size) Tested in the U.S.A I.W0.000 _LWaA(to 1.000.000 - 1.000,000 1/4"I;NPI' 1/4"FNPT - F. POL - F. POL I2"FNM* 1/2-FNCr 112- INi'r 1/2"INI'r 1/2" IaNPI' - 3/4" FNPT 3114"1•NP'f _ _8-12 8.12_ 10 _ V _ 9.12 _ 10_ 9-12 _ I0___ 8-12 dal MH(iR-1122F1-AAJ Compact MEGR-1122H-AAJXB"' MEGR-12221I-11(ila -- Cunlpact — Compact 3/8"FNP1' 318" I:NPI' 3/8"FNPT 3/4" FNIT - 314" FNI'T MEGR-1222H-BGPXB-e Compact M licit. 1622 r-oGJ P„II Slat 2.20xl.txx1 I2" MIT MEGit-1a2211-13Gl Pull sin 2 500,000 114" FNPT 8.12 _.. _ 10 MGGIt-Ia22H-IIRGJ Full Size 2.750,000 - P2300.000 F. POI. �-. P01. 1/2-INI''1' 3W'i°NI"r 3/A"I+"FNNI''1' N-I2 _ 8-12 In i Ill J MEG-Ia22114G.1 -�- ---full Size 3/4PT y (1) Based on 30 PSIG Inlet pressure and 20%droop J (2) Indicates vent odentatlon over pressure laps �(+y�hallEace/yio� CONYERS. GA (800) 241-5652 fit ComEil irts APOPKA, FL (800) 432-1869 'Ruth GOLDSBORO. NC (800) 426-9293 - 51 - erford , EUUil-ME rr - QUALITY ono imo,wers MEGR-1222 MEGR-1252 r Compact Series C &U5 Com act Back Mount MEGR-1622 MEGR-1652 P COL US Full Size Series U U` US Back Mount Series 'these second stage regulators are used to reduce outlet limssures front first stage regulators (normally 10 I'SI) WI I" WC in domestic installations. All MEC second stage regulaalrsarc green indicating low outlet pressure. Second stage full size regulator vents have 3/41P14P'r (upped pans and our exclusive E-% grip screens located over the inlet. All MEC secondslage domestic regulators feature a stainless steel inlet ftlterscreen to reduce debris from passing through the Icgalator. Both the MEGR-1022 and the MEGR-1652 Series offer optimal relief performance that exceeds UL test requirements providing double I'ailure overpressure protection (no more than 2l"S1 downstream pressure) when used with MEGR-1 f 22H and MEGR-16221I Scrics t'irsl Stage regulmnrs, All MEC I-xecla-Flo domestic regulators feature it 25 year recommended replacement life and our exclusive tear away leak check adhesive sticker. SI ECIFIC/YFIONS ----- Type: Second Stage Tested in the U.S.A Max. Inlet Pressure: 10-PSIG Exterior Finish: Green Powder Coat Interior Finish: Green Powder Coat Orifice Size:.140" (Compact) & .219" (Full) Diaphragm: Fabric Reinforced (NBR) Molded Lip O-Ring Bonnet Body Seal Relief Type: Internal Relief - Spring Loaded Bonnet I Body Material: Die Cast Aluminum Seat Material: Fluorocarbon (FKM) Listings: c(@ us/ UL 144 Mounting Holes: Standard 3-1/2" Center Pressure Taps: #54 Orifice 1/8"FNPT Plugged (2) Relief Travel Slop: Molded In Adjustment Cap - Black (Full Size), Gray (Compact) M1499-1222 & MEGIII 252 Series: Offers it compact second stage regulator design perfect for lower BTU applications. They feature an adjustable range from 9.5-13- WC (factory set (C) I I" WC), stainless steel• internal components, fluorocarbon (FKM) scat discs, molded lip fabric reinforced diaphragms and large aluminum precision machined orifices providing superior downstream regulation and maximum corrosion resistance against weather or eontuninatetl gas. '['[to MEGR-I222 Series have both the inlet and outlet in line where the MEGR-1252 series have a rear discharge back mount outlet for convenient wall mount applications. MF,GR-I622 & MR.GR-1652 Series: Offers all ()['[he smlte feadures its the compact MEGR-1122 Series but in a full size, high capacity version. Our full size second stage regulators have a large fabric reinforced diaphragm 1'r r superior dnwnsi cam regulation, heavy duty wrench flats, and it large 314" FNII' upped drip lip vent to help prevent relief valve hlockage. The ME(TR-1622 Series have bosh the inlet and outlet in line where the ME(;R-1652 series have it rear it back mount oullel for convenient wall mount applications. MIXW-1222-IIAF Compact 5110.0)0 112" I:NI9' r 1/2" FNPT 9.5-13 I I MIXIR-1252-BAIs" Back Mount 450M00 I/2" INPI' 1/2" INirl' 9.5-13 I I MI((R-16224WI' lull Size 7101)(00 1/2" INFI' 1/2" FNIrI' -9-13 I I Mli(ilt-1622-CH: Full Size 1.3001000 112"FNIrI' 3/4"I'Nlrr 9-13 If Ma0R, 1622-CIl'x0'. Full Size l3110.000 In-FNIr1' 3/4"FNPT' 9-13 II MBU11-1622-DI1' Full Sizc I:300,W0 3/4" FNPT I 3/4" FNTr1' 9-13 11 ME(iRd622-I11.1:X0"' Full Size I141001c) 3/4-F-SIM' 9/4"FNIrI' 9-13 II ME(;IW6.52-CIP°1 Back Mount Id100010 I2"FNI1I' 3l4"FNPT I-13 II M HIM- 1652-UFF" stack Mount I.0(10.(xxl 3/4" FNIrI' 1 3/4" FNPT 9-I3 I I (I I Bnu:d on 10 NSIG fillet picssurc and 201)f dmnp (2) bulicades back mono configuration (3) indicates veal over outlet ,�ytis6ill E>crel9�or -QD GasCAnnerflaw CONYERS. GA.(800) 241-5652 Rutherford 52 APOPKA. FL (BOO) 432-1869 V tqumMrxr. yuAtn r nnx wtonur-n. GOLDSBORO. NC (8W) 426-9293 M 11 5&111' 11�C1'FJED PETROLEUM GAS CODE 7itble 16.1(n) Polyethylene Plastic Pipe— IPS i Undiluted 3�y Gas: Propane "1 V Inlet Pressure: 10.0 psig Pressure Drop:. 1.0 osie Plastic Pipe '/.s in. SDR '/ in. SDR 11 1 in. SDR 11 1'/t in. SDR l l 1 /sin. SDR I l 2 in. SDR 11 Length(Et.) 9.33(0.660) (0.860) (1007) (1328) (1554) (1943) INTENDED USE: Sizing Benrren n.e...._e o .._.__ _ - - - --�- - —"-" "-s�•�•�• �•••• .•_... AAU1.agc Crow rressure) regulator 30 40 2140 1840 2390 7740 13420 20300 36400 50 1630 3670 3260 6630 11480 17300 I 31200 60 1470 2950 5870 5320 10180 9220 15400 27600 70 1.160 2710 4900 8480 13900 12800 25000 23000 80 90 I2G0 I180 2530 4560 7890 11900 100 1120 2370 2240 4270 4040 7400 11200 20100 125 I 990 990 3580 6990 6200 10600 19000 150 897 897 3240 1 5620 9360 8480 16800 15200 175 200 826 778 826 2980 5170 7800 14000 225 721 778 721 2780 2600 4810 4510 7260 I 13000 250 681 681 2460 4260 6810 64.10 12200 I 11600 275 646 646 2340 4050 6110 11000 300 350 617 617 2230 3860 5830 10470 400 567 528 567 528 2050 .1530 I 5560 9640 450 495 495 1910 992 3300 1 4990 8970 3100 4680 8410 500 468 468 937 2930 4420 7930 600 700 I 424 424 849 2650 4010 7200 800 390 363 390 781 2440 3690 6620 363 726 2270 3430 6160 900 340 340 682 2130 3220 5780 1000 322 322 644 2010 I 3040 5460 1500 258 258 517 933 1616 4390 2000 221 221 1 443 1 498 1383 3750 SDR: Standard Dimension Patio Notes: (1) Capacities aw in 1000 Bun/hc (2) Dimensions in panmtheses are• inside diameter. 2017 Edition PIPE AND TUBING SIZING TABLES 58-115 Table 16.1(m) Corrugated Stainless Steel Tabing (CSST) Tube Size (EHD) Undiluted Inlet Pressure:) 11.0 in. w.c. Pressure Drop: 0.5 in. w.c. Specific Gravity.1 1.50 Nominal Size: %" gip, �n �s/en °ja" In 1" ( 1'/e„ li/�„ IVzn lVq= 2" I 2" Flow Designation: 13 15 18 19 23 25 30 31 37 39 46 48 60 62 Length (ft) Capacity in Thousands of Btu per Hour 5 72 99 181 211 355 426 744 863 1,420 1,638 2,830 3270 5,780 6,550 10 50 69 129 150 254 303 521 605 971 1,179 1,990 2,320 4,110 4,640 15 39 55 104 121 208 248 422 490 775 972 1,620 1,900 3,370 3,790 20 34 49 91 106 183 216 365 425 661 847 1,400 1,650 2,930 3,290 25 30 42 82 94 164 192 325 379 583 762 1,250 1,480 2,(330 2,940 30 28 39 74 87 151 177 297 344 528 698 1,140 1,350 2,400 2,680 40 23 33 64 74 131 153 256 297 449 610 988 1,170 2,090 2,330 50 20 30 58 66 118 137 2`27 265 397 548 884 1,050 1,870 2,080 60 19 26 53 60 107 126 207 241 359 502 805 961 1,710 1,900 70 17 25 49 57 99 117 191 222 330 466 745 890 1.590 1,760 80 15 23 45 52 94 109 178 208 307 438 696 833 1,490 1.650 90 15 22 44 50 90 1 102 169 197 286 414 656 787 1.400 1,550 100 14 20 41 47 85 98 159 186 270 39-11621 746 1,330 1,480 150 11 15 31 36 66 75 1`23 143 217 324 506 611 1,090 1210 200 9 14 28 33 60 69 112 129 183 `283 438 531 948 1,050 250 8 12 25 30 53 61 99 117 Ilia 254 1 390 476 850 934 300 8 11 23 26 50 57 90 107 147 234 357 434 777 854 EHD: Equivalent hydraulic diameter. A measure of the rel:nim hydraulic efliciency benceen ditrerent urborg sues. i nee greener Tile little of eau, Tile greater the gas capacityof the. tubing. Notes: (1) Table includes losses for four 90 degree bends and nro end fittings. Tubing runs with larger ntmrbers urbendsand/or flliryg shall be increased by an equivalent length of tubing to the following equation: L= 1.311, where Lis additional length (fat of utbing it,d n is the munber of additional fittings and/or bends. (2) .VI table entries are rounded to 3 significant digits. 2017 Edition 2/14/2019 177421_184826_1.jpg (800: XBS3 XSPR xBS1 (346 ; xam XBS2 XGAR (315 ) XBS2 XGAR (168 ) f eel � b& y 7iiro�yLi d ` d�ei+✓e .30 ` XOPR XOPR (180 ) /Zerykove.. //L$. /G r4P hops!/www.paslc.org/ImageSketches/sketch/177/177421_184826 1.jpg 1N