HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLANSV 9 1 —, 8 1 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 _ 3. 2 A B C D E F u GOLDLINE CC)rgM1)LSe /tem EIektro:nik NOTES: "IffNC® Cotnfo/•tesotUtow AM12(Yy4Ty W A r E R H E A r E R 5 SCOPE OF WORK: Solar water heating system Improvement/Retrofit The scope of work is to verity that the solar water heating system specified in this document meets the requirements set forth in Florida Building Code Residential, 6th edition (2017), FSEC standard 104-10 and Florida Statutes 377.705. CONTRACTORINPUT• Property Address UT/b W\ncu fq Customer Name: 0 This solar domestic water heating system is open loop or direct as defined by the 2017 FBC R202. Circulation is by AC powered pump and a differential controller. Main system components include: Solar Collector; AE series by Alternate Energy Technologies, LLC in sizes 3x7, 4x8, and 4x10. Collector consists of a copper absorber, closed celrinsulation, low iron glass and 6061-T6 aluminum extruded side wall. Collector has been tested to 102 psf. American Water heater tank or approved equivalent in sizes of 50, 66, 80, and 120 gallon capacities. Tank is a solar/electric combination that uses a single 4500 watt element during periods of inclement weather to ensure an adequate supply of hot water. TACO stainless steel circulating pump Goldline GL30 differential controller with 2 qty 10,000 ohm thermisters Steca TR 0301 U differential controller with 2 city 1,000 ohm sensors 1. Wind load calculations based on 2017 FBC 6th Ed Table R301.2(2) Roof Pressures, which is a modified components and cladding adjusted to .6 factor for ASD. 2. Wind force estimates are collector area dependent. The table provided on p2 was developed using the smaller area of the AE-21 collector giving slightly higher pressures for the larger panels. This complies with FBC to use the area of 1 module or collector for wind pressure calculations. 3. The design of this installation is based on requirements of the 2017 (6th edition) Florida Building Code (FBC) and referencing equations set forth by ASCE standard ASCE/SEI 7-10 and testing of the solar collector in accordance with TAS 202-94/ASTM E330. All aluminum structural members to be 6061-T6 with all structural steel to be low carbon galvanized steel and all hardware to be Type 304 Stainless Steel. 4. The Solar Collectors installed per these drawings are for the Alternate Energy Technologies (AET) listings; AE-21, AE-32 and AE-40, with a maximum uplift of 51 psf for 4 mounting points and up to 68 psf (AE-40 horizontally mounted) when using 6 mounting points. 5. Collector(s) must be mounted using AET mounting hardware per the manufacturer's instrucions in order to obtain the listed wind rating. 6. Wet collector load is under 5 psf total for all models. 7. When flush mounted to the roof with AET mounting hardware, the air gap between the collector and the roof is between 2" to 10" thus eliminating the collector from being considered as part of the building envelope. 8. In all cases, the installation contractor must comply with any local AHJ requirements. 9. Piping to be Type L copper Hard or annealed,1/2" dia. INDEX OF DRAWINGS Page Title . Content Rev Date Notes A-101_ C>rid,Love�r'page - l- Site plan, index, notes 00/00 1 A-102y ��Wi`oad�2a1--� `Developed chart for 2017 FBC Table R301.2(2) Roof Pressures 00/00 1 P-i.01, Plumbin ':.`. rSystem schematics 00/00 1 5-101 Attachments Mounting hardware, (lashings, attachments 00/00 1 S-102 Attachmertg s Mounting details 00/00 1 S-103; Aftachnnents� Flat roof mounting details 00/00 2 S-104 Attachlne�l�s' .y ;AET collector, HWHZ 51<PSF<68 00/00 2 Z-101 FSEa ) "". 'Certifications 0-50-21 and 066-32 00/00 2 Z-162 _ FSEC=�.'.�� ""' Certifications 0-80-40 and 0-120-64 00/00 2 Z-103 FSEC Certifications 0-120-80 and AET letter 00/00 1 Z-104 Lag Bolt Lag bolt evaluation APPLICABLE CODES, STANDARDS, and CERTIFICATIONS - 2017 (6th edition) Florida Building Code. Specifically chapter 14, solar systems - ASCE 7-10 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures - NSF/ANSI 61 relating to lead standards in Potable water systems - Florida Statute Section 377.705 requiring FSEC or approved certifications - FSEC 104-10 "Florida Standards for Design and Installation of Solar Thermal Systems" NOTES 1. Drawings, calculations, tables developed requiring a PE seal and signature 2. Support documents, cut sheets, tables, reprints from publications such as ASCE 7-10, and shop drawings that do not require a PE seal and signature ENGINEER: JOHN ALGER 4105 SAINT JOHN'S PARKWAY SANFORD, FL 32771 PH 800-929-3919 X1411 Ialger@theleveredge.com State License # 74730 LAWN BY: HNALGER, PE Effigh" OGE DAre:11AM18vau AM 109hA3r 3155fi0 1 LDR-0-AC-AE fRev. 12.15.17 A: 31930 CONTRACTOR REQUIRED TO INDICATE SYSTEM SIZE BY SELECTING THE CORRESPONDING BOX BELOW. Select one from the list below: ❑1 0-66-32 FSEC# FSEC# 300511 FSEC# 300512 ❑0-80-40 ❑ 0-120-64 FSEC# 300510 FSEC# 300504 0-120-80 FSEC# 300505 Where O=open direct system first numbers are tank size, second numbers are array area. All are AC active pumped using a different controller with sensors. REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOCC VVnIVI' r� , ? ? BY ,`..,.1,;.xE, St. Lucie r, 14 InIQQ. A-101 A B c C E F A-1 Table R301.2(2) interpolated to effective area of igty 21sq ft module or collector Exposure 8, mean roof height 30 ft and under, Kd e.85, Kzt w 1 roof Roof 1301 1 1401 150j 1601 1651 1 170 1 1751 pftd3 Zones down uplift 1dmvn Juplift down uplift down uplift down uplift down uplift down uplift 1 10 -17 1 10 -20 9.2 -23 10.6 -26 11.3 -28 11.9 -30 12.6 -32.1 0-7 deg 2 10 -26.9 10 -30.8 91 -29.8 10.6 40.8 11.3 -43.3 119 -45.8 12-6 -49 3 10 -37.6 10 -43.6 9.2 -495 10.6 -565 113 - 0.5 111-9 -64 A its -69A 1 10 -16 11-1 -19 12.7 -21 14.4 -24 15.4 -25.5 16.3 -27 17.3 -29 8-27deg 2 10 -25S 11.1 -30.9 12.7 -35 14A 49.8 15.4 A2.3 16.3 44.8 17.3 -47.9 3 10 -39.9 ILI 45.9 1.7 -52.8 14A -59.8 15.4 -63.8 163 -67.8 17.3 -714 1. 16.2 -17 2&B -]99 2L6 -229 2A.6 -25.9 26.2 -27.4 27.7 -2&9 29.4 3L9 2B-45 deg 2 16.2 -20 I8,6 -23 2L6 -269 24.6 -30 26.2 -32 27.7 -33.9 29.4 -363 3 162 -20 18.8 -23 2L6 -2&9 124.6 -30 26.2 52 1 27.7 -319 29.4 -36.5 I IExposurec, mean roof height 15ft and under, Kde.85, Krt w land Lambda(adjustmentfaaor) n 1.211 i roof Roof 130 1401 1501 1601 1651 1701 1731 pitch Zones down uplift down uplift dmwn uplift down uplift down uplift down uplift down uplift 1 at -20.6 12.1 -24.2 LLl -27.8 12.8 -31-5 13.7 -33.9 14.4 -36.3 15.2 -38.8 0-7 deg 2 1L1 -325 lil -57.3 11-1 -36.1 12.8 -49.4 13.7 -52.4 14.4 -55.4 15.2 -59.3 3 12-1 -45.5 121 -52.8 11-1 -59.9 12.8 -68.4 13.7 -73.2 14.4 -775 15.2 -82-8 1 12.1 -19.4 13.4. -21S 15.4 -25.4 17A -29.0 18.6 -309 19.7 -32.7 209 -35.1 8-27deg 2 121 -31-3 13.4 -37.4 15.4 424 17.4 48.2 19.6 -51.2 19.7 -54.2 20.9 -SS.D 3 12.1 48.3 13.4 -55.5 ISA -09 17.4 -72.4 18.6 -771 19.7 -810 20.9 -97.6 1 lJ'.6 120.6 2L7 -24.1 26.1 -27.7 29.6 -3L3 3L7 -332 }35 -35.0 35.6 38.6 78-45 deg 2 19.6 -24.2 2L7 -27.8 26.1 -325 29.8 -3&3 3L7 -3&7 335 -4L0 1-16 -44..2 3 19-6 -24.2 227 -27.8 26.1 -325 29.9 -36.3 3L7 -3&7 335 -0LO 35.6 44.2 i [Exposure C. mean roof height L5-30ft, Kd n 95, K2t"1 and Lambda (adjustment factor) "1.4 i i i roof Roof 1301 1401 1501 1601 165 1701 1751 pitrtdt Zones down uplift down uplift dawn uplift down uplift down uplift down uplift dawn uplift 1 14.0 -2.3.8 14.0 -28.0 229 -312 14.8 -36.4 15.8 -392 16.7 -42.0 17.6 -44.9 0-7 deg 2 14.0 -37.7 14.0 -43.1 12.9 -41.7 14.8 -57.1 15.8 -6116 16.7 -64.1 17.6 -68.6 3 14.0 -52.6 14.0 -61-0 129 ffl.3 14.8 -79.1 15.8 -94.7 16.7 -90.2 17.6 -95.8 1 14.0 -22A i5S -25.2 17.8 -29A 201 -33.6 216 -35.7 22.8 -37.8 24.2 -40.6 8-27 deg 2 14.0 -36.3 15.5 -033 17.8 A9.0 20.2 -55.7 2L6 -59.2 22B SL7 24.2 -67.1 3 14.0 -55.9 15.5 -64.3 17.8 -73.9 20.2 43.7 2L6 49.3 22-8 -94.9 24.2 -10L4 1 2i7 -23.8 26.3 -27.9 30.2 -3L1 34A -36.3 361 -38A 38.8 .40.5 4L2 44.7 28-45deg 2 22 7 -2&O 26.3 -32,2 302 1 -37.7 34.4 -420 36.7 -44.8 38.8 475 4L2 -51.3 roof Roof 130 140 ISO 1601 165l 170�%-(&92S.4 175j Pitch Zones down uplift down uplift down uplift down uplift down uplift dawn uplift 1 14.7 -25.0 14.7 -20.4 135 -33-8 15.6 -38.2 16.6 41.2 175 -471 0.7 deg +._ 4- - 14.7-, j 89.5 14.7 _'s 45.3 115 -43.8 15.6 -60.0 16.6 -63.7 17.5 -72-0 _ 3 14.7- , -55.3 14.7 -64.1 13.5 -7L8 15.6 -83.1_ 16.6 4A.9 17.5 -1005 ' ' 1 -' 14.7 ^--23.5 46.3-'. -1-265 18.7 -30.9 2L2 -35.3 22.6 57.5 24.0 -42.6 8-27deg.' i.`2 -'14,7 -38.1 t1&3 P-45A 18.7 51-S 212 -5&5 22.6 -62-2 24.0 -70.4 3 14.7 -58.7 163 '47.5 181 -77.6 21.2 -97.9 226 -93.8 24.0 4 -10&4 23.8 -25.6 27.6 -29.3 31.8 -33.7 36.2 -38.1 38.5 -40.3 40.7 -425 43.2 46 28-45 deg 2.9 BERM'] 23.8 -29.4 27.6 -33.8 31B -39.5 1 36.2 -44.1 38.5 47.0 40.7 -49.8 43.2 -53.7 3 23.8 -29.4 27.6 -33.8 31-8 1 -39.5 1 36.2 -44.1 1 39.5 1 47.0 1 40.7 -49.8 43.2 -53.7 i I Exposure D, mean roof height IS to 30 ft. Kd - .85, Ktt w 1 and adjustment factor=1.66 roof Roof 1301 moo ISO 1 1601 1651 170 1 175 pitch 7nnes dmhtan ' 1{plift3 . down uplift down uplift down uplift down uplift down uplift dawn uplift -.•1' `}k,6i -_ ,16.6 -112 15.3 -38.2 17.6 -412 18.9 -4&5 19.8 -418 20.9 533 0-7 deg 2 16.6 _, - 16.6 -51-3 15.3 49.5 17.6 -67.7 18.8 -719 19.8 -76.0 209 -81-3 16`.6 - E?S.6, -72.4 1&3 -82.2 17.6 -93.8 18.8 -100.4 19.8 -105.9 20.9 413.5 - 1 ,16,6 -26.6 . 18.4 ` -29.9 2L1 .94.9 23.9 -39.8 25.6 -42.3 27.1 -44.8 28.7 48.1 8-27deg 2 '' 43.0 -,t8,4 ' -51.3 21.1 -58.1 239 -661 25.6 -70.2 27.1 -74.4 2&7 -79.5 16,6' -66.2 38.4 - -76.2 21.3 -87.6 23A -",3 _ 25.6 -1059 27.1 -112.5 28.7 -120.2 " 1 '26.9"' �' =28.2 : 3L2 - -33.0 359 -3&0 40.8 43.0 43S a15.5 46.0 -48.0 48.8 53.0 28-45 deg ';>.,2">,•;'2[+, ,�31-.2� .,-312`-1 -38.2 35.9 -44.7 40.8 �I9.6 43.5 -53.1 46.0 -56.3 49.8 50.6 26 t33.2,- ;'3L2 -381 35.9 -44.7 418 59.8 43.5 53.1 46.0 -56.3 48.8 -me Per Florida Bulldjti4fode'rptRicilr+e�w'=3 tgDe taken as the surface area of 1 module of panel Tabfesinterpcla€edfrdin 201 T.'O�gtilldlog Code-Restdenda4 Gth Edition12017) Page 25 as ailovred for effective area Table values have been adjusted and recalculated for height and exposure using adjustment coefficients In Table 3012.3 Table values have already been multiplied by1.6 to covert component and cladding pressures to AM .� . HOW TO USE THIS TABLE AND FIGURE: 1. Determine wind zones on roof from figure. "a" is 4 ft in all cases, 2. Obtain the wind speed from the local authority having jurisdiction. 3. Note roof pitch and mean elevation (height) of the roof and round up. Example: mean roof elevation is 16 ft, use 30 ft. 4. Pick the table that fits the exposure and mean roof height. Example: Category C exposure - site conditions with some flat areas and 15 ft means the mean roof height is no taller than 15 ft. Mean roof height is the average of the ridge and eve heights. 5. Locate the column for the wind speed and circle the down force and uplift pressures for the three roof pressure zones. 6. Uplift pressures up to and including 51 psf can use standard mounting hardware with 4 mounts per panel. 4x10 can only be mounted on the 10 ft long sides due to panel deflection. For panels mounting in roof zones 52 psf to 68 psf, high wind mounts for the 4x10 panel, 6 mount attachments must be used. y'!iWr l ri _ `.' f i 8s7 s8' 8 G6olE ROOP3 Note: ft .4*a Will eaks. hWrt m T<Ds2r ENGINEER: JOHN ALGER 4105 SAINT JOHN'S PARKWAY SANFORD, FL 32771 PH 800-929-3919 X1411 jalger@theleveredge.com State License N 74730 PROVIDER: THE IEVEIIEDGE 14M Gmm Highway Odessa. R.33556 G13-0m 51m CE1GSgte of 41h0ruaVm P.31930 .14 LDRAWN BY: JOHN ALGER, PE __J DPlE 11/C/2a18930 PM L LDR-O.16.17 Rev. 0-AC-A NOTES: 1. Pressures shown are applied normal to the surface, for exposure B, at h=30 ft (9.1 m). Adjust to other - conditions using Equation 30.5-1. 2. Plus and minus signs signify pressures acting toward and away from the surfaces, respectively. h: Mean roof height, in feet (meters), except that eave height shall be used for roof angles <10°. 0: Angle of plane of roof from horizontal in degrees. I I TYPICAL "AC" PUMP SYSTEM TYPICAL 'DC' PUMP SYSTEM DIFFERENTIAL TEMPERATURE CONTROL CIRCULATION F ISOLATION VA TKERKWETER W TO FIXTURES -4 Y// AIR VENT RELIEF VALVE PRATE KN VALVE VALVE(S) —ANTI-SIPH13H VALVE, ELECTRIC �— CV FROM SERVICE ISOLATION VALVE 'I Ili!OLIIII CIRCULATION F ISOLATION VA THERKMTTER KW T13 MATURES - AIR VENT RELIEF VALVE PROTECTION VALVE VALVE(S) —ANTI-SIPHON VALVE, MECHANICAL --jk� ev FRW4 SERVICE ISOLATION VALVE l T / SENSOR LITTHER DRAWDR N j4Lt VALVE SOLAR STORAGE TANK SOLAR STORAGE TANK V/ ELECTRIC BACKUP W/ ELECTRIC BACKUP Meets requirements of 2017 Florida Building Code 6th edition Residential Section 2802.1 for mixing valve and temperature indicator at the mixing valve outlet. REVISIONS PIPING SCHEMATICS ay FM! �:� VLM AC AND DC PUMPED SYSTEMS P-101 P-101 ALTERNATE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES, LLC SOLAR COLLECTOR INSTALLATION DRAWINGS (MOUNTING HARDWARE ALTERNATIVES) 7 I' I� � l�"! ay. f�P+pYoawmea..•.unoe• a.•aTisotl..vlNn 1 j, r wn{eq are. w-e•q.m.e.. STANDARD MOUNT ,p,_ tL MOUNTING CLIP OPTIONS RACK MOUNT FLUSH MOUNT OFTIONALHURRICANEMOUNT FOR HVHZZONES f j A INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS 1) THE SOLAR COLLECTOR INSTALLATION AS. DETAILED IN THIS DRAWINGS I FOR THE INSTALLATION OF ALTERNATE ENERGY w TECHNOLOGIES AE-SERIES SOLAR COLLECTORS ON STRUCTURES SUBJECTED TO A MAXIMUM UPLIFT PRESSURE OF 68 POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT (PSF} O U 2) THE DESIGN OF THIS INSTALLATION IS BASED ON REQUIREMENTS OF THE 2017 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, ASCE 7-10 AND TESTING OF THE SOLAR COLLECTOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH PA 202 (TAB 202.94), ASTM E 330 3) THE INSTALLATION SHALL UTILIZE HARDWARE PROVIDED BY THE MANUFACTURER AS DETAILED IN THIS DRAWING. 4) ALL ALUMINUM STRUCTURAL MEMBERS TO BE 6061-T8. ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL MEMBERS TO BE LOW CARBON GALVANIZED STEEL, AND ALL HARDWARE (BOLTS, NUTS, ETC) TO BE STAINLESS STEEL PER FBC 2017 6th Ed., COLLECTORS MUST BE SRCC OG100 LISTED. AE -SERIES COLLECTORS MODEL ABSORBER WIDTH ;. LENGTH SRCCN AE-21 SELECTIVE 351875 85.1$75° 1000i840 SELECTIVE 1 351875 97.1875" i 10001943 _AE-24 AE-26 I SELECTIVE 47.167 ! 77.1675' 12011058A AE-32 SELECTIVE 1 47.1875' 97.1875' 1 10001858 AE-40 SELECTIVE 47.1875' 121.1875° 110DD1820 DESIGN WIND PRESSURE MAXIMUM SUCTION UPLIFT: 68 PSF j TYPICAL INSTALLATION DETAIL (STANDING WAIJ METAL ROOF) Y 10.1'14A RKKKIxT � 4aPe06Y/m ap FUiWMIB( 9K YIIEZ CIPKlRW � YY.UeYi'IQ CAPBS' YWWI � RMluL181 Cx OQQ QWIRl O 6liDAl@ �f1iGGAEn9 - tlMlLtII Ia/ �NS1q CfAM YEtiKPOCF QATEFY1b� CONNECROTJ DETAIL \ ucHoaNASAomwRNfGFNs \ RRPJYyLEL.BALM� 'E'er �0f8 DESIGN WIND PRESSURE PAAXIhNM SUCT}DN UPtIFT: &EI PSF SOVAC9LLECTOR Sa4ea1'HEKCAPSCRw W1FIATWASHBR AETRAC LOMTHOM lA1lRRCJ0CHA114Li. SEAMFDMETALROOF 0vTL Iw" SHO w L- RDUF CECKHO SECTION VIEW A:A SEAMED METAL ROOF LAG BOLT MOUNTING Rtr.AliTyU Four ItYnTIOD -= Rapr. I0.T IAA 90.T ! - - z.r 't .. IPL159 LAG BOLTS ARETO BE Tr DUVAETERAND MUSTPEtt`tt -'TPATETHE RAFTER MElffi RAMINIMUMOF7. PILOT HESO)D BE Bm4LET @ILO THE CENTERLINE OF THE RAFTER AND STIOLILD BESETdtEkF1� $¢TS c OF THE BOLT D7AMElER APPLY; ,SUPfd.1 OF�R¢OP SEALANT CR A SEAIfJLT PAD ARO W D TNES!>rh7NG? bbRR E4'URW(C�jHF MOUNTING BiTACKET. 'ALL' ({ IVARE(BDLTS B'VfASHERS}TO BESTAWLESS STEEL, :THIS DETAIL SHOULD BE SPECIFIED BYnr1E DESIGN ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER .T0SECAPABLFIHA4,ww.,.i ADDMONALLOADS. HNl�D51M IYrJBK I?HE% '�' HiPBDiE// tRWtdKN1 �-•� L0'•fe%1JN'IEX LET � � GP6CREW IADtl DAAUFAa'RAATL9NARDA'ARE Fg2rARNL68A01MG1 owcvaaaaro /2'THRFiADEDROD URETHANEROD R�� OR HEX CAP SCREW' I TAMGLILARMOUNRNG SPANNER Md0l'4V87E�.mill � SPACER ROOF 03 RFOUIRED) nTa v*n OF ^� SPACER —.�. BLOCK � SPACER � BLOCK 1-ISO EW AT EACH f ATEACHSPACE BLO AT EACH RAPIER _ J!/ AT EACHS('ACER BLOCK rXrSPAWtER(18'OCRAf•TERS) STAINLESS STEEL RAT. rxC'SPAIVAR(24*OCRAFTERS) `--- WASHBR LOCK WASHER 2F 2A 3tIWSTEEL AH.'T, ESPAN'HER - AND NU[T SPANNER BOLTS TO BE 1/2" DIAMETER, STAINLESS STEEL, WHERE HEX CAP SCREWS ARE USED IN PLACE OF THREADED ROD, THE SCREW LENGTH VARIES WITH THE ROOF CONSTRUCTION AND SPANNER MEMBER USED. SPACER BLOCKS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN 1"OF THE THRU-BOLT WHEN THRU-BOLT IS WITHIN 2"OF A RAFTER. ONLY ONE SPACE BLOCK WILL BE REQUIRED ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE BOLT, AWAY FROM THE RAFTER. TWO SPACER BLOCKS ARE REQUIRED WHEN THE BOLT IS MORE THAN 2" FROM THE RAFTER. WHEN THE MOUNTING PROVISIONS OF ADJACENT COLLECTORS ARE INSTALLED SIDE BY SIDE AND THE THRU-BOLTS ARE 1 1/2" OR MORE APART, IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO HAVE AT LEAST ONE SPACER BLOCK (OR RAFTER) BETWEEN BOLTS. SEALANT IS REQUIRED BETWEEN MOUNTING BLOCK AND SHINGLES/ SHEATHING. BOLT HOLES SHALL BE SEALED TO PREVENT MOISTURE PENETRATION. SECTION VIEW A:A SPANNER DETAIL �eY'P�sMMY 6TAYYTet 6IR M1 �/ Y1 G'I W64 N TYPICAL INSTA WTION DETAIL (INCUMEDTRE ROOF) ORHLJLCk^ iIWVY aUeBEReFFINET 1RIOFKiaMLkWNrRG LSTArAESCSTE6) —� BPAC1h1' SIAN(mFFSPACER CLAY=/'-iAR REOIAra:D} �dmlRiR1t L � uJlTlr fA:gK1A'M�I r aaaaaw AP.WWBi .wh!�3�•tOKt.W NR BC1NRAl dW6CtLV! 1-I*B A CRSOREIV \ � i•ODHALORSCaEYt ATSAW RAFTER ATEACHSPAC ROLOCK ` fitrR'ANWEItN�Oa RATYB2S1—' STiVFLES3SiEELFLAT. 2X6-SPA>,CMAROCRAPTD WASHERLOCKWASHER 2Y Sa S1b'SlE0. MCif 6PANI6M 5t ARDIWT / ,.\ Hoalces REVISIONS a^"'+A aroRvwT`ov LE: • ` .T{,�NUdeM+netNueywaxd REV I DATE I BY I- AESCRB`Dd MTC tQLRCtr �f • hYE iflIou .IU fPAnN BM -w<PmYFdrhY4wReyiM'aia aal:E' RTS IOa.im k namA `1A.R�w In~Le..aHa S-102 eraam�lda:�L 4rwr.�A-+z CONNECTION DETAIL DBAaLLNxsftBIA HAWXV FaaPaawa m nWx RNXB m INSTALLATION DETAILS - FLAT WOOD FRAME ROOF 3B'-16 FINISHED HEX NUT 1' a T-x 1JB' ALUMINUM SOVARETUBE 1" X1" X 1/9' SQUARE ALUMINUM TUBING (2 FOR STANDARD MOUNTING TO 51PSF, a CITY FOR HVHZ WIND ZONES MAAMUM LENGTH OF TUBING TO 2W FOR A 30 DEGREE ANGLE AND HORIZONTALLY MOUNTED COLLECTOR IN HVHZ ZONES. TYPICAL INSTALLATION.DETAIL (FLAT WOOD FRAME ROOF) LAG BOLTS INSTALLED INTOTHE CENTER OFA RAFTER OR TRUSS MAYBE USED IN LIEU OF 11V ALLTHREAD ROD AND SPANNERS WITH BLOCKS SEE LAG BOLT MOUNTING DErA1L PITCH POCKET WITH SPACER BLOCKS MUST BE USED IN THE SAME WAY AS WITH THE ALL THREAD ROM 3M" DAX 3" MINIMUM EMBEDMENT LAG BOLTS MUST BEUSM HIHGEMOUNT CUP HEX 1/4' 20X U2- HEX- CAPSCREW TRUNSULAR MOUNTING BRACKET _ XB%ISX4'HEX GAP SCREW 3fV-16 X 1214' HEX CAP SCREW TRLANGULARMOUNTING BRACKET CONNECTION DETAIL ' 'i.( koANUFAGTUR'Ii POD%/) FORTILTEO moJNrr,DN FpArrioOfG: ti; i pricm PAN - C� rpq\pm„rawamurm P:wry^ImeL..-aeon m.u,� Od"sk FFry 35M MNm.^w1A,F. ak+eut U, OGnsgR $3669 e tesEH4 813d1n.S100 �'"01pfOfld4 HINGEMOufir CLIP 114'$0 X YY REL CAP SCREW SW-16 X 4' HEX CAP SCREW SPACERBLOCK AS REQUIRED PITCH POCKET (PAN) CONNECTION DETAIL FOR MOUNT ON FLAT ROOFS USE PrrCH PAN IM THREADED ROD OR HEX CAP SCREW (STAINLESS STEW ROOF 1 STRUCTURE 1- IDD KAIL OR SCREW AT EACH RAFTER 2Y 4' SPANNER (I6' CC RAFTERS) 2'a B'SPANNER (24' CC RAFTERS) Zx Zx 3riW STEEL ANGLE SPANNER. OR BUM TRIANGULAR MOUNTING BRACKET _ SPACER (AS REQUIRED) 1-SD NAIL OR SCREW ATEACH SPACER BLOCK STAINLESS STEEL FLAT- WASHMI-OCKWASHER AND NUT 1 Spacer Blocks shall be installed within 1" of the thru-bolt. 2 When thru-bolt Is within 2" of a rafter, only one spacer block will be required on the opposite side of the bolt, away from the rafter 3 Two Spacer Blocks are required with the bolt Ismore than 2" from the rafter/truss. 4 When the mounting provisions of adjacent collectors are installed side and the thru-bolts are 1-1/2" or more apart, itwill be necessary to have at least one spacer blockor rafter between bolts 5 Sealants are required between mounting block and shingles/sheathing. Bolt Holes shall be sealed to prevent moisture penetration. 6 Steel Angle Spanner (2"K2")0/16") may be substituted for wood spanner. 'Hex Cap Screw length varies with roof construction and spanner design. GENERALNOTES 1 The Solar Collector installation as detailed In these drawings is for the installation of Alternate Energy Techniologies AE-Series on structures subjected to a maximum uplift pressure of 51psf for a 4 paint mounting and standard mounting hardware and up to 68 psf for horizontal mounting with 6 mounting point and HVHZ hardware 2 The design of this installation is based on requirement sof the 2017 Florida Building Code, ASCE 7-10 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and other Structures, and testing of the solar Collectors in accordance with PA.202.(TA$ 202-94), ASTM E 330 3..The installation shall utilitze hardware provided by the manufacturer as noted in these drawings 4 All aluminum structural members to be 6061-T-6. All Structural Steel members to be low carbon, galvanized steel, and all hardware (bolts, nuts, washers) to be stainless steel 1W THREADED ROD OR HEX CAP SCREW SOLDER T;OOUE' (STAINLESS STEEL) LAP PITCH D PER — PAN FEEDI RETURN � BUILT-UP PLUMBATG APPLY ROOFING SEALANT ROOF FLASHING DETAIL APPLY ROOFING SEALANT TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE FLASHING BASE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION TRIANGULAR MOuNnNG BRACKET r-- PITCH SPACER AS REQUIRED PITCH PAN DETAIL RAFTER MEMBER REVISIONS 0"%ow0amum Tha La"FEd9e Certificate of Authadzafion: DESIGN WINO PRESSURE RiN mn I BY oFBfAi"tiQ, wTE >nir6lt 1423 Gunn Highway 31930 MAxiMUM L04.IFT PRESSURE e.^ Od"-M FL 33SSS 61 PSF WITH 4 POINTMOUNRNG AND STANDARD HARDWARE acue p, x.rs 813-4904400 State ucense 9- 66 PSFWIfH 6 POINT MOUNTING AND LNHT HARDWARE $ -103 74730 S-103 INSTALLATION DETAILS - HIGH -VELOCITY WIND ZONES (HVHZ) (DADE 8 BROWARD COUNTIES, WIND PRESSURES 51 TO 68 PSF) TYPICAL INSTALLATION DETAIL (INCLINED SHINGLE ROOF) (FLUSH MOUNT ONLY AS SHOWN) THE COLLECTOR ATTACHMENT HARDWARE (AE-CUPS) SHALL BE MOUNTED ON THE LONG SIDES OF THE SOLAR COLLECTORS AND SHALL BE CONNECTED IN THE LOCATIONS SHOWN IN THE ABOVE DIAGRAM FOR THE ILLUSTRATED MODEL NOTES: THIS DRAWING DETAILS THE INSTALLATION OF A HORIZONTALLY MOUNTED, AE-00 SOLAR COLLECTOR N HIGH -VELOCITY WIND ZONE AREAS. THESE FIGURES SHOW THE HARDWARE PROVIDED BY THE MANUFACTURER THAT HAS UNDERGONE TESTING AND SHALL BE USED TO ATTACH THE SOLAR COLLECTORS TO THE STRUCTURE PROPERLY. NO SUBSTITUTIONS SHALL BE PERMITTED. THE COLLECTORATTACHMENT SHAD. BE AS INDICATED IN THE MANUFACTURERS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS AND THESE DRAWINGS. THE AE CUPS THAT ARE ATTACHED TO THE SOLAR COLLECTOR SHALL BE WITHIN 112 INCH OF THE INDICATED DISTANCE LISTED BELOW AND SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE INSTALLATION METHODS DESCRIBED IN SHEETAE$ OF THIS DRAWING SET. INSTALLATIONS MAY REQUIRE ADDITIONAL ROOF BRACING. THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD CONSULT A STRUCTURAL ENGINEER FOR SPECIFIC BRACING REQUIREMENTS. THE INSTALLING CONTRACTOR SHOULD FOLLOW ACCEPTABLE CARPENTRY / ROOFING PRACTICES WHENEVER ADDITIONAL BRACING IS ADDED. THIS INSTALLATION METHOD IS LIMITED TO LOW-RISE, RISK CATEGORY II ENCLOSED BUILDINGS, EXPOSURE CATEGORY C OR D WITH MEAN ROOF HEIGHTS OF 30 FEET OR LESS AND ROOF PITCH ANGLES 45 DEGREES OR LESS AS LONG AS THE PRESSURES ARE 68 PSF OR LESS. FIGURE 1. COLLECTOR ATTACHMENT' (SECTION VIEW A:A) HINGE MOUNT CUP TRt4HClRAR iW'•mxtlCSS MOUNiPtO \1` HEXC{WSCREW RAC BKET YH'-16 P HIXCAP SCRSCR t`W T"REE'AE..CLIPS ARE TO BE INSTALLED AT EACH CONNECTION POINT WITH THE TRIANGULAR BRAOTTAS SHOWN IN THIS OETAR FIGURE 2. ATTACHMENT HARDWARE MINCE MOUNT C-mxyr HEX AP SCREW W-16 FDOSHEO HIXNUT 3$'.16 X 4'ITEX CAP SCREW TRIANGULAR MOOM..._ BRACKET' TtIREE'AU-CUP5 ARE TO BE REQUIRED TOATTACH THE COLLECTORS TO THE STTBICTURE PROPEgY WHEN USINO THEMOLE BRACWT. NOSUBSTITUHONSARE ALLOWED. NDTI C F 6: REVISIONS CRAAIWO vSOwtATFWI [Ev- v. Te. D,wyw rk Wn•a.....e REV DAT6 05/ DOSCRNTKYI DATE TClmn -- nw-abn. r. va a.cmin tnAxH Or: x MPrD'NTb l..l,Ccd,TM®. Htd td23 Gunn etCwu nmTwldnatPM co "EaT EflTrw.S-104 Odeui 558 MFmcromlawteaNlt. 4naa p.mtnM. 613dp3.6103 CERTIFIED SOLAR THERMAL SYSTEM SUPPLIER: MODEL: 0.50-21 The LeverEdge THERMAL SYSTEM Pumped, Direct 1423 Gunn Highway -TYPE: Odessa, FL 33656 USA www.theleveredge.com CERTIFICATION#: 300511 Original September 22, 2014 Certification: Expiration Date: September 22, 2034 This system was evaluated by the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) in accordance with the Florida Standards Program for Solar Domestic Water and Pool Heating Systems (FSEC Standard 104-10) and was found to meet the minimum standards established by FSEC. The calculated Florida Energy Factors (FEF) for this system am: FEF North (FEF,) FEF Central (FEF,) FEF South (FEF,) 1.70 1.70 1.70. Option Collector Panel Collector Farrel Collector Panel Quantity Total Panel area Total Panel area Manufacturer Certification Number Model Number 1 Alternate Energy Technologies 00081 N AE-21 1 1.93 (ml) 20.77 (W) 2 Alternate Energy 00213N MSC-21 1 2.00 (m2) 21.5 (it -)Technologies Tank Manufacturer Model Capacity Type Ectulvafard Tank may be p bs6tued UL listed conventional 3052 Existing gallon tank retrofitted for solar 1971iter Solar YES application Pump Manufacturer Model Number Power Draw Type Grundfos Pumps Corporation UP 15-18 B5 2!!! Centrifugal TACO 003-BC4 50 W Cenaifugal TACO 003 VTBC4 152W Centrifugal Controller Manufactuner Modal Number Type Goldiine Controls, Inc. GL30 Differential Slecca TRO301.1-"U Differential IMC SOLR-2ELC-10 Differential Independent Energy CM30/C30 Differential Resol DeltaSol BS/1 Differential Freeze Protection 1: Recirculation Freeze Protection 2: Freeze valve REMARKS: -•� (, 1 I t L- T hnicalq)(eC(oi/ .." • ., > • `r -``'. Print Date: September, 2014 �, , �.© 2014 University of Central Florida. FSEC/UCF ♦ 1679 Cleadake Road ♦ Cocoa, Florida 32922 ♦ (321) 638.1426 Fax (321) 638-1010 www.fsec.ud.edu CERTIFIED SOLAR THERMAL SYSTEM SUPPLIER: MODEL: - 0-66/32 The LeverEdge THERMAL SYSTEM Pumped, Direct 1423 Gunn Highway TYPE: Odessa, FL 33556 USA wwwtheleveredge.com CERTIFICATION #: 300512 Original September 22, 2014 Certification: Expiration Date: September 22, 2034 This system was evaluated by the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) in accordance wth the Florida Standards Program for Solar Domestic Water and Pool Heating Systems (FSEC Standard 104-10) and was found to meet the minimum standards established by FSEC. The calculated Florida Energy Factors (FEF) for this system are: FEF North (FEF,) FEF Central (FEF,) FEF South (FEF,) 1.70 1.80 1.80 Option Collector Panel Collector Panel Col�rpenel Quantity Total Parcel ama Total Panel area Manufacturer Certification Number Model Number 1 Alternate Energy 00089N AE-32 1 2.96 (mx) 31.91 (0'9 Technologies 2 Alternate Energy 00214N MSC32 1 3.36(W) 36.05(it-) Technologies Tank Manufacturer Model Capacity Type Equivalent Tank they be substituetl UL listed conventional 66 Existing gallon tank retrofitted for solar 250liter Solar YES application Pump Manufacturer Model Number Power Draw Type Gmndfos Pumps Corporation UP 15-18 B5 25 W Centrifugal TACO 003-SC4 50 W Centrifugal TACO 003 VTBC4 162W Centrifugal Controller Manufacturer Model Number Type Goldline Controls, Inc. GL30 Differential Stecca TRO.301-1-B-00 Differential IMC SOLR-2ELC-10 Differential Independent Energy CM-30TC30 Differential Resol Deltasol BS/1 Differential Fmeze Protection 1: Recirculation Freeze Protection 2: Freeze valve REMARKS: qwzA 1%2d.F Technical Director Print Date: September, 2014 ® 2014 University of Central Florida. FSEC/UCF f 1679 Cleadake Road ♦ Cocoa, Florida 32922 ♦ (321) 638-1426 ♦ Fax (321) 638-1010 • www.fsec.ud.edu Z-101 FSEC CERTIFIED SOLAR THERMAL SYSTEM SUPPLIER: MODEL: The Leverfdge THERMAL SYSTEM 1423 Gunn Highway TYPE: Odessa, FL 33556 USA waw3heleveredge.com CERTIFICATION 4: Original Certification: Expiration Date: )+�FSEC �-'1 //''�� CERTIFIED SOLARTHERMAL SYSTEM 0�040 .ns F \ L. �N SUPPLIER: MODEL: Pumped, Direct S L The Gunn dgeHighway THERMAL SYSTEM �' 1423 Gunn Highway TYPE: Odessa, FL 33556 USA 300510 —" www.theleveredge.com CERTIFICATION 4: September 22, 2014 ` Original Certification: September 22, 2034 Expiration Date: This system was evaluated by the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) In accordance with the Florida Standards Program for Solar Domestic Water and Pool Healing Systems (FSEC Standard 104-10) and was found to meet the minimum standards established by FSEC. The calculated Florida Energy Factors (FEF) for this system are: FEF North (FEF,) PEP Central (FEF,) FEF South (FEFs) 2.10 2.20 2.20 Option Collector Panel Collector Panel Collector Panel Quantity Total Parcel area Total Panel area Manufacturer Certification Number Model Number 1 Alternate Energy Technologies 00090N AE-40 1 3.70 (m') 39.79 (W) 2 Attemate Energy Technologies 00215N MSC-40 1 3.76 (mg) 40.52 ($-) 3 Alternate Energy Technologies 00081 N AE-21 2 3.86 (m° 41,54 (0') 4 Alternate Energy Technologies 00213N MSC-21 2 4.00 (m 43 (111 Tank Manurachaer Model Capacity Type Equivalent Tank may ba substitrled Rheem 181VRBOU 303 liter Solar I YES Pump Manufacturer Model Number I Power Draw Type Gmndfas Pumps Corporation UP 15-18 B5 25 W Centrifugal TACO 003-BC4 50 W Centrifugal TACO 003 VTBC4 152W Centrifugal Controller Manufacturer Model Number Type Stead TRO.301-1-B-00 Differential Goldline Controls, Inc. GL-30 Differential ]MC SOLR-2ELC-10 Differential Independent Energy CM-301C-30 Differential Reset OeltaSol BS71 Differential Freeze Protection 1: Recirculation Freeze Protection 2: Freeze valve REMARKS: Technical Director Print Date: September, 2014 © 2014 University of Central Florida. FSECIUCF ♦ 1679 Clearfake Read ♦ Cocoa, Florida 32922 ♦ (321) 63B-1426 • Fax (321) 638-1010 ♦ www.fsec.ucf.edu 0-120.64 Pumped, Direct 300504 September 22.2014 September 22, 2034 This system was evaluated by the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) in accordance with the Florida Standards Program for Solar Domestic Water and Pool Healing Systems (FSEC Standard 104.10) and was found to meet the minimum standards established by FSEC. The calculated Florida Energy Factors (FEF) for this system are: FEF North (FEF,) FEF Central (FEF,) FEF South (FEF,) - 4AO 4.40 4.40 Option Collector Panel Collector Panel Callectorpanel Quantity Total Petrel area Total Panel area Manufacturer Certification Number Model Number 1 Alternate Energy 00089N AE-32 2 5.93 (MI) 63.82 (8-) Technologies 2 Altercate Energy 00214N MSC-32 2 6.70 (mr) 72.11 (ftj Technologies 3 Alternate Energy 00081N AEQ7 3 5,79 (m-) 62.31 (it') Technologies 4 Enesergy 00213N MSC-21 3 5.99 (m') 64.51 (it-) TechnologiAnemate Tank Manufacturer Model capacity Type Equivalent Tank may be substiNed Rheem I SIVR120U 1451 liter Solar YES Pump Manufacturer Model Number Power Draw Type TACO 003-SC4 sow Centrifugal Gmndfos Pumps Corporation - UP 15-10 B5 25 W Centrifugal TACO 003 VTSC4 52 W Centrifugal Controller Manufacturer Model Number Type Stecca TRO.301.1-B-00 Differential Goldline Controls, Inc. GL-30 Differential IMC SOLR-2ELC-10 Differential Independent Energy CM-30/C-30 Differential Reset DeBaSol BS71 Differential Freeze Protection 1: Recirculation Freeze Protection 2: Freeze valve REMARKS: JAA6 Technical Director - Print Date: September, 2014 6 2014 University of Central Florida. NUMMEW FSECIUCF ♦ 1679 Cleadake Road ♦ Cocoa, Florida 32M ♦ (321) 638-1426 ♦ Fax (321) 638-1010 ♦ www.fsec.ucf.edu Z-102 CERTIFIED SOLAR THERMAL SYSTEM SUPPLIER: MODEL: The LevetEdge THERMAL SYSTEM 1423 Gunn Highway -TYPE. Odessa, FL 33556 USA w .themveredge.com CERTIFICATION#: Original Certification: Expiration Date: 0-12"D Pumped, Direct 300505 September 22,2014 September 22, 2034 This system was evaluated by the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) In accordance with the Florida Standards Program for Solar Domestic Water and Pool Healing Systems (FSEC Standard 104-10) and was found to meet the minimum standards established by FSEC. The calculated Pierce Energy Factors (FEF) for this system are: FEF North (FEF,) FEF Central (FEFc) FEF South (FEF,) 4.40 4.40 4.40 Option Collector Panel Collector Panel Collector Panel Quantity Total Panel area Total Panel area Manufacturer Certification Number .Model Number 1 Alternate Energy Technologies 0009ON AE40 2 7.39 (ml) 79.68 (ft-) 2 Alternate Energy Technologies 00215N MSC40 2 T.53 (m) 81.04 (ft-) 3 Alternate Energy Technologies 00081N AE-21 4 7.72 (m-) 83.08 (fn% 4 Alternate Energy Technologies 00213N MSC-21 4 7.99(m2 86.01(8.) Tank Manufacturer Model Capacity Type Equivalent Tankmaybe substitued Rheem I 81VR120U 1451 liter Solar I YES Pump Manufacturer Model Number Power Draw Type TACO 00343C4 saw Centrifugal Grundfos Pumps Corporation UP 15-10 BE 25 W Centrifugal TACO 003 VTBC4 52 W Centrifugal Controller Manufacturer Model Number Type Stecca TRO-301-1-B-00 Differential Goldline Controls, Inc. GL-30 Differential I= SOLR-2ELC-10 Differential Independent Energy CM-30(C-30 Differential Resoi Dellasol BSft Differential Freeze Protection 1: Recirculation Freeze Protection 2: Freeze valve REMARKS: qodeA `ka&l.."LV %J1 Te •hnicai Director' Print Date: September, 2014 m 2014 University of Central Florida. MUZZENM FSEClUCF 1679 Clearlake Road ♦ Cocoa. Florida 32922 ♦ (321) 638-1426 ♦ Fax (321) 638-1010 • www.fsec.ucf.edu Mar3120 7 MEMORANDUM- RE'.W indaoad Evaluation To Whorn itmayconcern file No.;95=1249_ Windloid Test (ASTM.E 330)' load Defledlon , fpi6 in" '25 ' 1.33 -51, i2D ,=68 2.79 -102 3,,72 0 ealcuiaiions, e ALTERNAI{'LNCROYtELNNOLCGreS, tAC' :13/5f.rvji Cwii 0-'Gxirn+C . FpM91 rk 1,VVJ-=871$1V01 �➢adOrV.rlYa LLC psf-ata (odor df' Z-103 2017 FBC specific code references: M2301.1 General - covers general requirements of solar water heating systems for potable water. 607.5 Piping on the cold and hot water connections to the water heater must be insulated with 1/2" wall thickness Elastomeric tube insulation M2301.2 Complies with the design installation requirements set by the manufacturer M2301.2.6 No expansion tank required for the solar system as it is an open system whereby potable water is circulated through the collector. Water expansion is factored into the hot water system of the dwelling unless CPVC pipe is used. In this case, a 2- gallon expansion tank must be installed on the cold water inlet to the tank or as may be required by local AHJ's. M2301.4 Prohibited heat transfer fuids does not apply to these systems which use potable water in the collector loop. M2902.5.5.3 Solar water heating system complies with requirements set forth covering direct system where potable water comes in contact with system components. P2801.6 and P2801.6.1 references water heater drain pan size and drains. Drain not required if not previously installed. Drain pan supplied by others, must comply with this section. P2802 is a new code relating to solar water heating mixing and isolation valves. P2802.1 relates to water temperature control and requires a thermostatic mixing value. P2802.1 relates to isolation valves on the cold water feed to the water heater. LAG BOLT ANALYSIS: ASSUMPTIONS: 1- Assume highest rated collector pressure of 68 psf 2. Assume 6 point HVHZ mounting 3. AET AE Series collector with factory mounting hardware 4. 3/8" x 3" embedment Steel Lag bolt A. PULLOUT (Withdrawal} 68 psf x collector area (40 sq ft) x 50% (area for center mounts) x 50% for 2 mounts = 681 Ibs per bolt lag withdrawal: Refer to the National design Specification for Wood Construction 2012 Edition Table 11.2A for lag bolts Assume SG for southern yellow pine at.55.3/8" dia x W embedment (352 Ibsen) x 3 inches =1056 lbs. 681 lbs x 1.5 safety factor =1022 lbs < 1052 lbs, GOOD B. SHEAR Assume the side wall area on the 10 ft side for affected area for lateral loading (worst case) Area = (121.1'87" x 3.13711) / 144 = 2.64 sq ft Shear force = (2.64 sq ft x 68 psf) / 6 mounting points = 29.92 lbs per mount Refer to the Seismic Design Manual 2003 edition page 842 3/8" x 3" allowable shear load = 432 lbs 29.92 lbs, GOOD Conclusion: 3/8" x 3" embedment lag bolt is adequate for this application up to the rating of the collector. LAG BOLT MOUNTING I.IOUIM4 FOOT ROOFING. jl SEAUUiT —� I ,I l—SKINO1.E8 P504.1 for antisiphon is met by use of a small hole in the cold water inlet pipe as listed in Code. ROOFlNO ECIUNG ✓ {. f/ LAO FELT f 8O1T ij 1 3-x� TRUSS LAG BOLTS ARE TO BE 3/8" DIAMETER AND MUST PENETRATE ,,11, THE RAFTER MEMBER A MINIMUM OF 3". I, PILOT HOLES SHOULD BE DRILLED INTO THE CENTERLINE OF THE RAFTER AND SHOULD BE BETWEEN 50-75% OF THE BOLT DIAMETER. ;°;�; +., : s• NOTICEW REVISIONS FZ-104 aomenrrur i %�.rlt, L _. =�. tMebm9N. cbiewnpw.e kEY CAT@ Cr I PES{H Iaq 11=7 4` 4 } Iq"WiN�.Cu.ahYw —,N.T6. \Nm',bawvmmnw.