HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENTS------- A--------------—----------------------------------------------------------------- PERMIT# - ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES TLI -Building* Code Compliance Division— _..... JUN 2 8 2019 BUILDING PERMITT _ - ' SUBC_ONTRACTORAGREEAIENT— ."_' :. ST.LucieC--- ounty, BY - ------ - ------St.-Lucie-County-------- -- viduai Name)_ the (Type of Trade) — For,the project located at .,Sa 5J 5 C) (Project Street Ac _ NVR,, INC: dba RYAN HOMES Sub -contactor for , - -- (PrimaryCohtmctor) -;_—. - or Property Tax ID,#). If is -understood that, if there Is any change of status regarding-ol .project, the.Buildingfnd Code'RegRlation Division of St. Lucie. filing of a Chang�_-ot Sub -contractor. notice. COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Stnto of Florida, County of PALM BEACH �� The foregoing instrument was signed before me (1111ae day or _ 2a h S Z. k 3 s FC'Lbe(- Who ispersonally known Xor lifts produced a /44 ideptIRcafion, - STAMP Signnture of 'otary Public •I�.-Nolary.P_ublic State: m Print Nac bfNotary Pub] Andrea Lambert -- -- - g-My Commission GG1a4517-- d pti@a Expires 02/2012022 Revised 11716201E be advised pursuant to the I KEVIN STINE PRINT NAME 29939 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER 1 SraieofFtoridn'Countyof ORANGE i The foregoing instrument uus signed before methis 23 day of FEBRUARY 20L by KEVIN STINE who is personally known Kor has produced a i as identification. - STAMP SignatureofNotary Pu -� .__ --- -- - --- - - come KELLY WEBSTER Net Public - Stale -of Fl--orid-a- Commission # FF 978034 My Comm. Expires Apr 4, 2020 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT One Stop Cooling and Heating, LLC (Company Name/Individual Name) the Mechanical/HVAC Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) SCANNED BY St. Lucie County For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID It is Understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our pqtrticipation with the above mentioned project, the Buildin d Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie Cotjntyill be advised pursuant to the filing of a C of Sub -co notice. II 1 / ( kz CONTgAGTOR SIGNATURE(QualiSUB-C/ONTRACPO SIGNATURE(Qualifier) ROBERT SMITHWICK KEVIN STINE PRINTNAME PRINT NAME 28917 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State or Florida, County of PALM BEACH The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this • Ip ;"`day of iOt' ,,,ROBERT SMITHWICK is personally known Uor has produced 29939 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of ORANGE The foregoing instrument n•as signed before me this 23 FEBRUARY 20L,by KEVIN STINE who is personally known Kor fins produced a day of .ation. as identification k. ky. ..,r C/l.xJ STAMP STAMP of NotaryPublic Signature of Notary Pu 1 Andrea arnh_ Pri Print Name ofNotary Publ Print Ima$VXo`pry Public KELLY WEBSTER yarfif, Notary Public State of Florida a j. : Notary Public - State of Florida Andrea Lambert z�y�s Commission X FF 978034 a My Commission GG ta4577 - .,+,. gP' M Comm. Expires Apr 4, 2020 awde Expires 02/20/2022 ' °ism•"•� y Revised 11/16/2016 ------------- ------•--------_-------- -------------------------------- ----_-S�. - PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES �82 Building &Code Compliance Division r SUB CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT I .ST. Lucie County,.Permitting J BY - -_=r==_- Of __RIDGEWAYPLUM BING _ .-_-__—_haveagreed-to-be---------- - -t om any-i iame/inalviauar-t`tamel� the PLUMBING _ . Snb=contractor for (Type of Trade) -- - - -- -- • (Primary Contractor) • - - - - - - For theprojectlocated at 5Dd!`T'5' 0606_6_Gi aKP C11GIf� �t 1�iPcc'y FL 3��Si' -" — (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) _ r _ _ _ __ _ - . , _ ,_-_- _ —It is -understood that, if -there -is -any -change of status -regarding -our- participation -with -the above mentioned,;--- - -- project, the Building and -Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-dontraetor notice. / U1 --- CONTZ4 O S 'k Up. (QuamBer)- - `- - - - -- SUB -CO AV SIGNATURE(Qualrfrer) "- CA�-'r James t-a h e r GARY KOZAN PRINT NAME PRINT NAME 31Q-1i5 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of h�&Q_C k --- - The foregoing instrument was signed- before me this otU_ day of --- who is personally known _or has produced a asidentifippcation. STAMP -Signature of Notary Public - fytn Notary Public State of Florida Andrea Lambert My Commission GG 184517 0 Expires 02/20/2022 Revised 11/162016 17-6826 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Stote of Florida, County of FLORIQA ,,LL The foregoing instrument was signed before me this r�8ay of ----- -- -Tt,R .2011, by GARY KOZAN who is personally known X or has produced a as identification. STAMP _ _ - SignatureofNotaryPublic KATHLEEN hl. HALL wy!,� Nolary Fubllc - State of Florida 1^ My. Comm. Expires Jun 17, 2018Commisslon # FF 133586 I' Bonded Tnrougfl National Noiary Assn. j. ` �__ PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division SCANNED BUILDING PERMIT BY SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St. Lucie County RIDGEWWAY PLUMBING h"Sagree6ptsikoP(Cnwi yNGame/Individual Name) v the Sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 5& 5 5 OCtkI Q r,6 LCLU ' Y7 "7 F i ierCo FL 3 `j l 5 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change ofyb-conVetor notice. _Rpi ree rS.ahwiGk PRINT NAME ,Q%9II COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of Lit 4ry . eO-C-k {-- The foregoing instrument was signed before methis a' dhay ofAD y l , 200, by Rober+ Sm 1-�-� l t cr, who is personally known _or has produced a a entiBcation. STAMP �e 'Sinature of Notary Pu li -eod &� L a YVl h-W+ Print Name of Notary Public W ry Public State of Flodda rea Lambert ommission GG 1a4517 %„w es 02/20/2022 Revised 11/16/201 SUB -CON CTj SIGNATURE (Qualifier) GARY KOZAN PRINT NAME 17-6826 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of FLO RI DA The foregoing instrument was signed before me this _ , 20, by GARY KOZAN who is personally known X or has produced a as identirication. {�•yl ` 'n/D ,v FYI Signature of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public KATHLEEN M. AANotary Public -Slate,My Camm. Expires JuCommission # FF Bonded Through National day of STAMP -- -_------------—---=---- --------------- - - - - - - I ------ _-- - - - - -- _------ - - - - -- --•— ANNING &_DEVELOPMENT SERVICE_ — T — Buildiui & C_ode ComnlianceDDivision �- BUILDING PER14I1T : _ - - JUN_21 2019 SUB -CONTRACTOR AGnEE14IENT . ST. Lucie County, Permitting ar-_- --- ----==.___._-_-_=__-__.__-__ __—__-=SCANNED=- ____—____-------------- -----St-Lucie County - For -the project -located at -1—L- It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation -with the above mentioned project, the Buildilan and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of- CbaAgo:of Sub-gontractor notice. ---- CO?Tt 1' S•L' (4ruliricr) - - --- - .. PRINTNAME COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNUMEER State of.Florida, county of PALM BEACH ^I --- - Tho-foregoingins(L antws signed before we tidso- }eyof- ----"- JL", , 201ybbyt/r-Y�'C*—,.!rues, Ii7ah2e )vho is personally loatmm_V rhas produced a 'denl'd'ieatlon. STAMP gnatmo ofNofaryPublic - - - - - PrintName o_f otarg F`�Ii. Notary Public State of Flodda Andrea Lambert as My Commission GG 184517 o,o,l Expires 0212012022 Revised 11/10016 -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (- differ)- ��� �/l�flb1?�• PRINT NAME r3o9a 3 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMEER State ofPlorlda, County of' 11 I) U(} qA The foregoinginstruuuntnlras signed _btef�ore me thisi-0-da of as- nIIr`fL 20Lly CJty7(J-Ad fYT S-- who is personally rmovn-00r has produced a�%C, z as ideuli(icflffon. STAMP Siggnatm•e of Notaryrublic - �04!is.Uyli Junan K. O'Clair ? A- Commission GG151707 '`€ Expires: October 15. 2021 ',��,•'ar- Ap,Bonded ibru Aaron Notary the PERMIT# of Trade) For the project located at ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT SCANNED BY St. Lucie County have agreed to be Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES (Primary Contractor) =A- Pie(-cn-FL_3L It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Buildjl) and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of_ajC�iq£ig<cf Sub -contractor notice. ROBERT SMITHWICK PRINT NAME 28917 COUNTY CERTIITCATIONNUMBER State ofFlorlda, County of PALM BEACH ��-l1 The foregoing instrument was signed Worn me tills _ day of F' 41;41 y R013ERTSMITHWICK who is ,or bas produced asi ahficmile . C STAMP Igunture of Notary lie 4-CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE ( liner) -�Tl�W PRINT NAME e3o9a 3 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of /—�1� I krou The foregoing instrument nas signed before me this,- day of > J nllnrYzaby �i}AcrYt 5 who is personally Imown —Zor has produced n astdentineatlon. S) F (I � LD� STAMP MSfignnture of Notary Public 'And WC-L1.1MW4 � 16nnn PriutName of Notary Public P�htt Name of Notary Public =02J2012022 tate of Florida bert �,� Qi'���,, Junan K• UC1air n GG 1 e4517 , •• . {.2022 =i *: CemmISSIOn A OG151707 EXPINS:October 15, 2021 Revised I1/162016 Bonded thru Aaron Notary iiYq a oP`� ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ L P1L.41�IpPdG �i pDk�rEILOPI�El�I7t S11$�V][C1JS RECEIVED Bnildifig & Code-Cotnpllinilee Division_ — - - -- - - - BUILDING PERMIT -- - - - SUB:CONTRACTOR 4GREEId7ENT - - -_ . ST. Lucie`Count - - - - - — - - - .Yr.?ermlttmg -- St: Lucie Cou_ my —-----PetersenDean -Roofing And Solar S stems lnc - rwa:Iw:y i,mEncnrlaivioual Name) — the Roonng, Sub -contractor fo_r NVR, INC, dba RYAN HOMES — (Type,of Trudg)_ _ , _ {Primary Contractor)- -- r-For the Project located at_�� j �K(�h ��� LirLlel �t ��fJl�--- _ _(Project Street Address or Propetty_Tas ID #) Y- - - -- It is understood that; if there is -any --change ofstatus regarding oni parlicipalioii with the above mentioned project, the BuildinparitJ Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the Filing of a ChaPV of 5ub-edinfractor notice. COi�}TR.ACrClR \A' �RE(Qualifier) -- J��s_ Fade 51 rfr rnatc I-,ONT_RQCrOR SICNATpR6 (Qualifier) .. Byron Keith McStoots PRI\ f NAVIL• 29024 COIi1VTY CI:RI'IPIC:A'P'fU:: -,1°li1•d6RR COOi\'Ty CER'rIPICA'1'10.% �1-,- lIBER suite ofFlorida, County of_PALM BEACH StateorFlorida,Cnmdyof Palm Beach The: foregoing instrument was signed before me this v of " - ' - - — - - - - - ' - _ - - T_ hclilregoin2 inslntmetit nassigiled before me [his 22 day or �r ° -0 ti)tlesa her February1ron Keith M_ cStoots —. _o_8 by B y _ who is perso2ally known or has produced a who is personally known JLor has pradficed a __ . • drifigatinp. _ - . _ . - _ . _ - - - as identification. Sigauture of Nolary Public STANIP _- SI'A.YIP • $i>;natpreoftiotary Public- - -- YG(�L Beth WaBrier -- Pnn}lameofhataq ,Public-- -- nnf �ainrof \otaty Public - -- Notary Public State of Florida 4ln area Lambert My CommissioG 184517 _ Exires 02/2o/2022 - :;;;IVU,., BETN WAGNER _ _ = yI MYCGMMISSIGN�GG °°i°27 Revised 11/Ifd1U1G �;'v' EXPIRES: �8n713, 2621 •';?'�°,•• BondsdRuu Notary Pubflc Undanmf°rs PERMIT# I I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division eon -_- ' '- BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT PetersenDean (Company And Solar Systems Inc. SCANNED BY St. Lucie County RECEIVED APR 10 2019 ST. Lucie County, Permitting ave agreed to be the Roofing Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES ('Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street or Property C_4= e-, +� . P�If cu It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation -%ith the above mentioned project, the BuildrinCode Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Ll -coytfi'actor notice. ROBERT SMITHWICK PRINT (\AJIL 28917 COI11Y'I'1' CLR7"R IC:'t IIoN iV(i\IRGR -- State of Florida, Countyof PALM BEACH Q The foregoing instruments was signed before me this 1� day of 20yby R06RRTSMITHWICzLL_ w o is Personally known or has produced a as'JealiRcatinn. _. ST;km .signature of:.Notary public — r�- Notary Public State of Flonoe Andrea Lambert A My Commission GG 184517 Expires 02/20r2022 Revised II/16f2016 ('1 - 7 NI'FiACFOR SIGNA'PURC (Qualifier) --- Byron Keith McStoots 29024 COT'.\9'Y ('GK7IFICA'I'10\ \lihlRElt State of Florida, Cnnntyof Palm Beach 3`igs ) 'file foregoing instrument was signed before me this 22 _ day of February _,2018,,,. Byron Keith M_ cStoots who is personally known ur has produced a as identification. Signature of.Notary Public 5'1'A]IP Beth Wagner Print Name of.Nofnny public °• "'+ BETH WAGNER P L`- Ml'COMMISSION#GG081027 '•°sv* EXPIRES: A(1n113, 2027 i?n2hge`• BatdadtMu Notary PubYc UnderwriLha