HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGREEMENT - INSTALLATION - MONITORING OF SENTRICONHomeTeam PetT Dtrenp'e• AccamtNo_ SAINT LUCIE COUNTY USE ONLY 0 A. THISAGREEMENT PROVIDES FOR RETREATMENT OF A STRUCTURE AND THE REPAIR OF DAMAGES CAUSED BY WOOD DESTROYING ORGANISMS WITHIN THE LIMITS STATED IN THIS AGREEMENT. AGREEMENT FOR THE INSTALLATION AND MONITORING OF THE SENTRICONS COLONY ELIMINATION SYSTEM FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Section L GENERAL INFORMATION. NIDneOU-1bK Cam" McAolowood Service Address:TJ30l okiye.I fJa3A C+- City. Fort Pierce State: FL Zip Code: f3 y 1s Location dTremuasdda• Panel 210 BillingAddress:.SRO n/W Meeecivl+;Jo- tll City: +— /w•@ Stele: JF�L Zip Code:, 3SM19,11 Home Phone: — Work Phone: 222 - 9;�3 1-4-/) 1i—FaatagaafS wluvs(d• Tr=m Type Oconee," 0pmendvo SCANNED Section IL SERVICE COMMITMENT. AN HamaTeam past Dofama, Ins. (the Kampmy) will. in compliance with oppli." federal, urea and low lava, der and regulations: BY A himll tiro Samimo kneim hair stations (the aamtiom7' Roil or tMpmkmaof"mumert(s)(sm Roseland graph) loured d theSerrieeAddna above (the fortdo irpdudm rears ID ull er St. Lucie COunty.,, B. Manitisribe Stations in mmrdoce wish over libel afremme for a period oftwelve 02) months kanediddy, following inaeligim ofthe Stations for an annual fee of$ C. Tow aver rat the radyear afbmdluimand Manlmmg$Zero D. That AmuWRemwd Fmdtadwrnuy=$300.00 E Dorkal6o mmibrbrglwrlad, add and tammslteauit®tarmibboit rmmae stotime mappraprimc F. Dmivethetmmilaringpaiod,mdn�vdlawioaa inmMeeehta mo6rio4 Section UL CUSTOMER UNDERSTANDING OF PERFORMANCE OF SENTRICON SYSTEM. Calmxroderdand,duc A The Smuicm Sys�kvarw kmlWims and madtming, mlorry direimdm efth Rmmh teenier boa• end subumag omoitming fmennrmoom prmegon & ha4aau offremnfawvaxbWimammraymahould be apsetedbdweac L faalktim ofrNSmtdrmu®avcaedudB®ttamimmtivaymdlowtha ddnian vfamvir mvute heir. ad a AdditimofRmdfranitabaiL C Den lying dmetvdlstuawe ldgnwg may mSmimu mdcnmplemdich as applications, corvenia0.amdmrada availmato com;Weabte involving a lwaml muaord danmgw may scan Additional services airs m Rpm .adbutiom of can colony l minweida oro araBable to combat tamiaa erhe a ve u gr diand, •inseam vain iyom Is, bmmetgr growth re Tread will uh a ire progra kamiw terey a from and D. �aI) ireShcem in Bin Sermiron Syaemum ksmt SowhregvlRtorlRmdt)dmfpnvmmwadm termite lions mailing (Maldvg is avid menlany E lneemtbmaemduaedm Reath Dow AamSeian LLC,Bmmm&MwaofPe itabw davi't� ofvaylowlavebafinemma vet wgo*m verybiahlevelsduslagu s F. Ttaanem is prevdd ageing the ere& ofabarmeem /emdaa Maicueaamm app.. Hetamamer spp. and Coptotmms Wp. (Fonmtm). This Agreemml don tml provide for the Bedasm of ay other pasts, pum, mioul or mgangro dxy Bins uch tamita. The Cmnpu y hum Inspected or surgd the semuuef0 for hablKeiddmoldsorfungL By law• the continent, ism qualified. milmrivedalicensedto mspat faheaabrclued rmMe orfmgi. O. The Compmry trsskmmtepmami®teSudmg the lmmim mnmnber ofany dstkBta,mlue mudm Section W. DOW AGROSCIENCES LLC OWNERSHIPOFSENTRICON SYSTEM COMPONENTS. CmromadmmderuandaBmt: A The Semdemt Symrm and W afthe emtpmmd afthe Scurken System VCompoame) have been designed by Dow AgtoScemm LLV The Compmanm uemd Will mtmindw pta" ofOowASaSeimm LLC. Cmtomahm m riabtswah,ayea m any ortSG Compmen%athadm the right mand, ere a iuWd by Bm Cmnpmy m tiro Cummef. pooch ooda this ASeemmt B. On eap[mim a tamivnden afthis Agr®ant, the Cwnpmy and flaw Agragdarm rd.0 an their respective rryraedntiva we mhorired M Cvumpa to fddm fmm CuWmefs pumices dm Shtkm and elver Cempmarm fen mppmprim dispaoium In ddi ion, if Iles Campury, fen whdaa rams, emaa w a gonomy vaunna e. Is OnaCLstamatSedtamivoofddwmkBRdiffamt Tam oftrnoirc pMedma temmmkeDde AgraoeenC e Cris'atheCmamafms knpcdfmbmmryaaeeivcd,ifoppmpddm d. Refund m tha Nuomv mnmmmt equal m the fa paid fen service am yes raaved HOmoma deed to dismndnm tba relationship, or if the Cmtrymy tanaal oRa an eEeerivo ohanative fore of mratim protection: and a Rmicv%waIIewDowAgroScienm LLC erica rcpermntivestamne6laacamm the panties fm the retrieval ofthe Componmtcad iL Omomvwilb w Grant$ tN Oc pang and Dow ASoSeima t LLC ar their respective tepomtdivm ceamnebla man m the pcedsm for the revievd of the Compmmtc and b. Tithe agnewith lbaCampay anthe %seofan alternative fomaftantWcmmrol artamimrclhisAgrmmant PAYMENTMETHOD. OCnh Ochd, OCreit Card Hprykg M adilemd or rosuniVri t(romyaorbmk mmmL plmummpkte the awhd Authorimion faltmAnnagd Prymeu. This AlVaorenl eoatalm agate Ilmlmdaa, sonfrom saledmkm on The CompaW, obllaukvs. Plan rod the todraAgrermma bermshigng In oa®derdan the the Company performing the smvlm specified above and subject to the tares and conditions of this ASeemat. Llrmvm agree m maim the pgyama mdimtd above. Cumma srkmddgm mdpt ate signed copy of title ASamant This Agrewnaa is test bidiaa maim Company umil cStd by ae eatlimired ma,vga or eaatdvs aRma a[ the Campmy. CUSTO HOMETEAM PEST DEFENSE, INC. S®Wmu • / � Sigmmrc ';jtD pisdN. VOID/ FOR PRESLAR APPROVAL ONLY vmdr.rd2196aadasilynkti -e-r-66M EEmf.,D,te,NONEFFECTIVE THEREMOVAL OF THE BAIT OR BARING SYSr'EN MAY RESULT INA LACK OF TERMITE PROTECTION SeatlmlPsamuW Bewbeawreduad tmkm,4ofDmApmSdmrm lA.0 lr2asb SYW RId C IlmJfam Rg Dafmar, lm lap l r Steam V. CUbTOb1EB Cob rtumWning the Trend Promise, all, be boy responsible for ideal the Company as do CSumm r t Conducive thatvme net timely a Compmy. m its into discretion, Candlemas. Omura spree to AS TO yang and mrtauopCoditims Conducive. TI MY ofthe above mnditimu done non altar O closed, including any Coalition, Candxire m comim n the Agremant or to require O MY cooVreta with the Company during der ifs items may beamed below us'Ad"ared ( ;nwi1Fm Conducive 0dde, but ere rtm lid emouml problems, including, but am limited ClIm" pclyaprme a myrdmm melded fen ground coveting; led farmed. us* lumbar, for sent& hid he cthe wart. Inatm witty (here S. The Company S. The Company is men ropondltoM fa the n Agreement. The Company does non bummb Agreements. The Company call gnot be rmpc faQawlet the lam spy or Agreement a domg at van s Property w Purple that soy Saelo WagPA MEET. Te lbeCaur Company Seeder IX. PAYMENT. The ay each p obt . above. Omamera fdlme b pry axis prim adischarged1.th, Sep Eni ihy. All comma paid, i n the dime (too idtiti.uvice. The renewal amueireetntm the tmpaid bdmCo th mane ntoesurf b miles nary mmarre elm the Con )LIVE TO INFESTATIONS. The Cmbmer arms b be solely responsible (ea Salomon (•Condaiout Cmdudve.• see bedew for explanation). The Curmmer apses mapoosibgip reM tentatively with the Customer, not with the Campmy. Failam of IommY responsibility alder this Section. In ddilia, the esismee of my Coalitions fisting ben not visible n the time of the esmmim of this Alp m,L will permit the t>Aer to P-d— any additional Waaueom acquired an a vault of the Condmam mom of this Agreeam. and apexes an maintain the eme(s) baited fine from such ,. mme (SectionXV). d tw rcefleoke, improper wra lmbq forty plumbing, and was leaks or iotrmun in o OTHER CHANGES. This Agmmnm tore, Oe Somea (s) identified in Satins I ns of the data tithe initial .'amp. try in "Ifial(1) prior tithe Swaa,(t) bring uumurelly rmGf4 allow or othenvib rhmgd, (2)Print to aim army, swim (3) if oil bmmoved orddd around the foundation afro Souemre(s) or (p my tevgvmg el h- y In w hollofany event End above my void the Agreement. Additional Mains required by my WW byP®y m CLaomm'rexpeamad mry,gwm an adjustment in tMrcmwl fw. ES The Compny will etmclsa den rem while pads memg sauciest hocander to mcrnpt to avoid damaging nary pan no fummsti eas will the Compay be rcepoemble for damage sued by the Camps" an the time tin weak is mH mewscom of elm Company. Conomr/h repeonble, 0 Cuaanm's sate apmb, fen refurbishing Customers WwnofrbeStedoea 38LIGATION. Conemer leltleit .Subject general the getams and conditions ofthis Agreement,if= and or000sens) during thetmm oflAhAgreement, the Company will mtrat the men ofinfonnun rem dditiond d mditiom ofthia Agremere, the Gompmy wia repaint a its cost cow I=h, damage to the treated stmcmn(a). ry am expender year the Imo d(i) S2m000 a (ii) the fair market raiw or the trentd sauoun(.L err esued aanmL imddime onensma and rmmvels Mdw caapmsm0, or tontegxmid dentopes relmivg an elm admenere of Subterranean lemmas a Subtmrawn 6usmess mtvmpimn, diminmimofvalm many •H jece- damagedmto the Wamm ofsubtananssetmmhanor ml*es then the Cempaty is performing a smvies and amp fa Mom damage ,pain sc1 feats above and my in the me(ommm of in asrvimw Customer woivea any claim far proposal damage, and &area that ender no ,mum gamer than the amount paid by the Gurtomer to Company for thews den service on be performed. aldry mq coatis.. 1. be prams b a adverse. for a period oftime rellowiug bemmmt. The Company Is net smWla ern of the miair5 but any to the enere that the IoW mammble ern arum repots. fs or will be twilled to sclaal the mmscmr wbo wig Pat= the add repanre to the award or Wool to provide the Company . Copy aflha Imposed moment mwrinm bid Ifthe Cempmy the Would m.aurc(s) W a mntronm designated by the Clammy fen the pulp= Sob oiling a air wok. Customer aBooWadgm Wm the Corrymy reserves the right to m1a1 the Marta, to edge (mtd an the mmchd inspection graph) or hidden damage mining a tithe done of this sd an the m,ehd iolatmn graph reFr ell of the asisthtg damage on of We data of this ga awed by tumites to the seated strmtare0) or the concrete thereof arblag prior to or m Incurred by Customer a a malt of my web damage. Cmtoma watvss erg claims par lady from se.in, provided by the Company. whb the at* satellites ofchd sfor challenges this Agreement is mnd'vimd open C mamera payment I. full of the Vim sel forth to Section It gmcmmt m mnommlmly and m rewimeH common in lit entire v and We Coleman will he Ideal herein, the ponies ogre, that Use initial tam ofthi. Agreement wdil be lot twelve (12) months and will be imd twat" (12) month period, for a smmfimmt dram (a) additional twelve (12) month periods, fallowing the lad in section Ili ofthis Agree men (ubje= to djusmnent an provided in this ubsoui m), mlemeweer pay dmly (30) days pier b the and dtbethem anent name. This Agreemem may be terminated by the Company or an wilm Maim m the other potty an bou thitly (3D) days prim to each lanniman . Althe and ofthat five (S) the c med canmi ofboda pe tim, end. thereafrr, tither party ray terminate the o iea with win, anti. a a lore. The Compaq reemv the light b humm a the pia du.ice. This Agreement nary be tmomated by didn thirty (3b) days falladagCasemate. mrdpt dthefertile ofh u men. LSY OR CLAIM ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT OR ANY OTHER AAA Sachs. XLL CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY OR SPECIAL HEALTH CONDITIONS. IfClstom= belierm that Coolant anther ottupan0 tithe arced ttm m, oe an may, (A) be sensitive to patiddeJhmniticides or tledr dos ar (B) low other health eadident that may be affected by pwieidech rwiticida V their dam, Computing, omtommds do yen cot ham m initial or subsequent service performed at your Fraction used you how mmeated with you family physics At year «qma, CceOsmy will provide information about thee5wiale an be used in treating the prertius BY pumittivgdw treaanen4 Cusa mu um aset the ride and wives my and cot claims option the Company In tonwctim with an& sensitivity or con idon At your regaaC she Company •rill provide information about the chmdealc b be and m memi.s the pemisa SeeOm XIIL ASSIGNABILITY. Thin Agreement is Moulanblo b a tens, owner of den pro" located d the Service Address pwided due the row oea of die progeny cote, free an maleBmim and continuing agreement dth the Company. The Company resovo the little to chase a llando fa, adjuo too normal eenewd raw and change the tans efthe Compmy)e ahligatkm and= this Agreement upon my each tnnata. Upon the close, (the who afthe Property located. the SmWm Add,m a Win Agramat wll temiona Seeder XIV. ENTIRE AGREEMENT AND SEVERADILITY. This Agreennanl and the attached graph mmueme the embe agreement buween the patix img!p maslp wss,ms ad repr=enb dent ie maim this mrnenL Cuuamah resdy cord fully an faith i. this Apameot. Ifspy afthia Apcmem isthis Apemmml will ,min m fell face eel cOest. semis of Wo Aipreigmd by • Caporma Olfim of Campmy. No omployees or egmueves, tom m b Ism pmayap6 on ARBRRATIOf she tcreeree palthis Agnemc � goal epim a loud to he id o mafaaea6laADDITIONAL C0111MENT& Samos game and fldwheso mdmnd mdmvrbofDoo Ag,frkam LLC OR®eTeamhn Oefine.lew2a11 (Slam SYMHO