HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGREEMENT - INSTALLATION - MONITORING OF SENTRICONHYy TRISAGREEMENT PROVIDES FOR omeTeam RET'REATMENT OF A STRUCTURE FIST DeriRSS, AND THE REPAIR OF DAMAGES SAINT LUCIE COUNTY USE ONLY CAUSED BY WOOD DESTROYING ORGANISMS WITHIN THE LIMITS SCANNED STATED IN THIS AGREEMENT. BY Aacmmt Not: AGREEMENT FOR THE INSTALLATION AND MONITORING St. LUCle County OF THE SENTRICONS COLONY ELIMINATION SYSTEM FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Section L GENERAL INFORMATION. Name 6)2PSK C-Hw 012AolOWooel Service Address: '210Z QCYI" F :PI I t City. Fort Pierce State. FL Zip Code: 3 q jE I Location of Tr astmmlSticker. Panel lam Fomagma(Som mosY210 Billing Address:,12LO City: a .14 I Z,"e State: 'rL ZipCode:a3y9AL Home Phone: Work Phone: 772- 9:�3-1-4-1) T®mere Type 0 Canemiw 0 pmvmdve Section IL SERVICE COMMITMENT. Ho T—Pem Dclo e,Ina.(the'Cmmetry')vdll. bmmpliaa wnbappliceble(deal. seem and local lea, rule and rcgulatiam: A wsml we Sentriaotemiw bah smions (tM'Sladow7fP'�L ma Iq� that pedmaa oflha moctorc(O (rat nmelmd gape) load m dasavimAddrm draw(theaStruccam(sT)forduirmdho fad$ BIO buell er B. MaalterasSmtiom io aamrdance with the label directions ran posterior twelw(12) months wmedimely following installation ofdm Stations for an murud forof3i C. Tested mmfaraefeatym oflaitdlelionrmd Monitoring$Zero 0. Ths Amrud Remwd rota allathv fumymrf 300.OD R. Dooiagdhe manilorbg palod. add and remwep<wuit®teamileWit ram the smdam mapprapeimq P. Dadagthc monuorbg period, moindda dlSmtensinamlmablema&tlao; Section IIL CUSTOMER UNDERSTANDING OF PERFORMANCE OF SENTRICON SYSTEM. Canmmamdamdathm A. The Sen rican System involves inmalladon and manimrina. colony elimination WM Recruit Interim bail. and subsequent nm,titering formnMmns protection C. During the imcrvd(s) bemwea installation ofthe Station and oorroplem elimination ofeuming luau, olwia,ter®te leading within W Structures, Possibly involving additional asu urd dwaga, may aeon Additional services earth Is spot applications of canwodonal temritieidea are available to combat termite activity an a localized. ahorricrm basis ifdc*cd, Ism aanm needed faadwill not contribut®r It, tmnitemlony eGmiwion. D. The sections ingredient in the Seaman System is m boas growth regulator(Recruit) that prevents wader termites firm cooli 6(Meldng is ethical to mlany amvival.) E. In teat than it eadaad on Round. Dow AgmScimces I.I.C. eb manafommmofRxni, observed evidence cfvmy low howls ofmarcromim lmucry onym nay high lm mlkofmWeems. P. Treatment is provided agoinm the attack of subtermnesn termite (Retimditemwa rpp.. Hammerman spp. and Copmemer apes. (Formorenk This Agreement does not provide for do tammmt of my other pease, plat, animal or organism other than web temeita. The Compete, hat am inspected or amd No stwmme(s) for henBMalmed molds or fungi. By law. the Camps" is Fee qualified svgmriad or licensed w Impact fat hetilbeelaed mote afmgi. O. Tie Company make= representatives, crouches she euctlocmion aonmb,areas existingtermiteacIam". Section IV. DOW AGROSCIENCES LLC OWNERSHIP OF SENTRICON SYSTEM COMPONENTS. Mmmmat anderatandaam: A 7tw Senldam Symem ad all ofthe mmponma of the Scaeicon Syston eCoepoamaa) hove hem designed by Dow AgroSciam ea I.I.C. The Compormm, awedwinmmainthswmpMofDowA"cimm LLC.Cate hamdgWwM reslxot w any order Campanm4 other gar the tight to win mans installed by gm Company an the Customers preatiaes enter this AgmemmL B. On cogitation a termivagan ofddg AgrmnmL the Company and Dow AgroSrisnm LLC a their respective rcprembtive, are augmded by Cnsmma w teuimo from Cugoads premisos the Steam and ahcr Components fa appapdms disposition, in addition. if the Company, fa whatever rearorL «ass to farmoftmnim protection a conducting Stet Agreement oxal d if Mama stab to dismadnm the aladanship, a if the a Rmiaw, wallow DowASmSetmces LLC a its repmwnmtivaremanableaeeauto the prandtts far the retrieval ofthc Companenmad fi. CvmommwilC a Grad also Company and Dow AgroSeianm LLC or thou rmpmtive apeamemim mono mbla access to the padre fa got «bevel of the Compaome; and h. Eider etoeovdd weCampanymdeum ofan dtamdvo formohermitmantrol mtamvetelMSAgaanaa. PAYMENTMEIROD. OCnb Qcb k OCredit Cod [fPayk18by aduad armvrdagdebufrotmyourbankocmanL plememmplete lheaaschdAulhodwtionfat PrtArrangd PaymtrN. This Apemml meat amain limitations, mndlllans sod eeelwione ao lbe Company's oblipl4m. Phaw reed the endue Agceemmt befurealpbg. a mmtemtim fa we Company pemmMng Ilro arvieea apedad oboes and subject des tide tame and conditions of this Atonement. Commerce space to rake the payments indiatd above Custemor admowldgm radp da signed ropy ofshe Ajr—L Tds Agramem ism biding an the Company mall signed by an ambotiud rmmga m esceudw amen of tM company. BOMETEAM PEST DEFENSE, INC. Silpmvre palted Nam. VOID/ FOR PRESLAB APPROVAL ONLY Eabaita Dale. NONEFFECTIVE :EL TIIISTAAPMCTIONATANYTINEPRIORTO MIDMGHrOF rHETNIRD RUSINESV THEATTACHED NOTICSOFCANCELATIONFORANEKPIANATIONOFTHIS RIGHT. THE REMOVAL OF THEUMT OR BAITING SYSTEM MAY RESULT INA LACK OF TERMITE PROTECTION Smaiwo,Rew and Debate In nsbawd mdm,daofTwo AgmSdcares LLG CPG Tem Peamfmm,Ia.2DD (52986$YR)3113 Sedloo V. oared as Otherme w Subtmmmn termite dmmga. T damage to the weapons caused ehomsmncd shill Company be L Doe to mbles reoeao lermita r AS TO CONDITIONS CONDUCIVE TO INFESTATION& The Oetoetef agrees m be solely respomoble fee my emdWm conducive to temme Wadim ('Conditions Coducive,'sm balm for esplamtivn). The Glummer agrees Meeting Conditions Conducive. The responsibility mn exclusively with the Cahoots, not with the Company. FWlam of share codiems does non War Customer's raponsibgiry under this Section, In oddities, the marm of any Conditions :Iodine my Conditions Conducive edailrB bon nos vwTly at the time of 1ha aatgien of this Agmwent will permit Nv le the Ageemmt or to require Cemmer to pwehmv eery ddlloW trtmraem required ns a remit d the Covddons rate wiN the Company during de" Imo of thh Agewen; ad agree m 1WnWn the uev(q hilted Gee from oath n%be.led IrAoW u'Addldm d Commemf (Smtim XV). Cedudro i does bee meow [.-'adt0. reef Yaks, improver vmtihila4 faWry plumbing, and wow leaks m intrmion is roblem, inelud'mL 6m non limited m, wad m grotmd cosmos mmmry fularn, and mUlemw d tiro fo=dailm, Ipam Aysryrena w `-'memo melded fwndwim ryamu, ddinV CmclWiog vinyl. wood mW meal) if withb 6 iaehd of the ,urine: and Gnwaad, unsh lamb., Woad, muleb, Nrubr, vine; =d who protedimgmmd wvaing ifwilldn 6 irtaEes of S, AND OTHER CHANGES This Agreement coven the Saomam(s) identified in Section I as of U. due of the mi iil 7deralism f kt writiog(O priamilwmovedno)bedsemaauallemodifead,otmrdo0otherwim(4)sm,,r"i"to he localism pangSectiin w(31 ingaisnreordored a areuod shed the Areafter Smaure(s)erpea%Iiredbygy a ro Iodide the the Cmy bt a Custeeny event Se. a dbe , rnsY raid the Agreement. Addidmal awicoa required d> my aproWdd by CCoatpmYll CLaomefe op mu, and rem, inSsamadjmmmein themmvW Sm. R dcr no The Compnyy will t e Cm dun me while perfuming aervie caused by to Comp to oath derailing wry Pm )mesa sit damumunee will the Compaq 6e ar a responsible far dmugo rimed by No Compaq m the time rim week is )om grou nofihe Sl io rim Cwpmy. Cuaonm u rmpomiblo, a Ovtomvl pale mpem, fat mfur6lNhg CLaoawfs nts ENTOLIG The N. Cus ENT OBLIGATION. Customer lalthb_ .Subject to Negmad tmna and madWom of this Ageemm;Um aais, rem ==IY. or mme4usolial dam es relaing to the mdmm of Subterranean talmiaa er Scbmrmem bmlm0 iatmruptio4 dimimm. ofrehv, or my •i ftme' dmuga doe to the preteens of Sublcnmcm termites or mledges that the Company is performing a smice and except fm termite damogo .pain at forth ebe" and my in the performance of in swim; Cas omer wairces my claim for propary denoge, red aged Nw under no warned gratin thanthe com mt paid by dwCumemor m Company for that emdes unimm beperfolmd. dlrlly cop mulaw 1t be presents [a a drueluro fora period oftl.e(oUOaiag l t.ML The Cempan7 It not loolong an Remet tvmrto but us one ormom tanm, bait anions lommd a the Service Address, the Cate my's techuc m is mcable he laca4 far a Period athree comavilw urrim vidum Nv Senior Addnat a%lion tamnv in m7 of thervmity boil aariem laud m thegervim Addrma Ifoew demr®4 d vvidmred q tlro plas me: of live lsmc ter, ocean while the Compan)ee obligation to repair termini ductile is in lane, following atrium n0tifiectim fore Customs: and an inspection by tins Compmy, the Campury `gas to rdmbwm Caucasus for the remmmble con afthe locum, but only to the evotm thin the told ass sable cod ufsaah apurs is ins tbaa SS00, W 0 is my ore odmdw yes, 4. Subjee to tins rmmidng provhims of Nit Sailoo VIVA. Comma will M collies w ulcer Ne commmr who wiE perform rim roxdd mpsm to the stressed strmmre(a) Prier m ea=ivg rmo a wnbad wish aoatwactor, Cmom. agree to provider Ne Cominmf a copy oflM pmpomd cmtrmf m wrimn Wes, If the Company ride=hies ilu hid ro bee massive, Otaemu ogre. so gent vaveto rim treetd tlmaurc(al so 0 ocoasuwdwitmad by the CwpmY Teethe pmpm of obtaining a second bid fee the soak. In cam wbae Dine my mllipla Wds fee rtpeir vwk GLdomu ackaowldgea 11mt rim Compmy res.as tb<right to .led the mntrew ar to perfa=Ihe ogress. 1. The Company h nee responsible fee the npuir of either asiblo danaSe (wtd m the amchd wpmlian graph) or hidden damage exiting ns of the time of this Ageemau. Thv Campmy dee eel guamtm gut rim dormge dhdosd an Der ataehd Wapcaiao geph reprwau WI of the missug homage m o! the time of this AgreanmL The Compmy rill veI Des eepomWe far (q o% Wmrp mined b7 Wmita Iv the lrmtd dmctere(Q w Ibe mauou Nermf orWag clam o to r faUedag the le.a of Nb Agreement m G) oaf coals or dPevw bco.ed by Cesmmn m t tools of my oak damage. CPtlwa vulva erg dolma err damaae to Ike peePerry w peeple Ihal eery resell directly arlaOeeeDY from fenlee ProHdd b1 the CampmY. rlth the solo esceplim ofctsime fee d[meges doe m Negroes eegligmevefthv Comps%fines/or W ampl%ter. SecUm IX. PAYMENT. The CompanYaobbBation to parfo=undo Nis Agrevnees ie wndiliond upon Cunoeah prymmt in futl of the mint e. forth in Section 11 ebora Cusarda fmh m pry ouch prim a fuH will come IWs Agrdmml m ItutomaiaHy and immrdiavly «mtbme i0 iu mtirdy aW Ne Company will be . diaNugd afaU 4ebihryAll anmaan mid. if err. wiU 6eeom Nee momsb of she Cemaw m SaWdstcd data¢d hemuodn. Me imW Winn lee ie rim eves mmable a 1be bore ofthetdticl awios Tim reaeuml fm tadu aeeue iNeten en the=paid bdmm d aloe equal mi aemswy to coilocs my amaam rive the Cwpmy, Nv Inad6Doe m ag otmundieu mmuresdeedw Comea, herein, the parties egree that the inhid tom of this Agreement Ali be far level. (12) months and will be twdro (12) month Period, for a madrems of fans (4) additimd twelve (12) month Period%following the t THE AAA FOLLOW I OF This Agemnmt eery bo ttrrdnucd by ae. AGREEMENT OR ANY OTHER TIME ERRONEOUS STANDARD. THE AWARD OF THE APPEAL TRIBUNAL SHALL BE FINAL AND BINDING. JUDGMENT MAY BE ENTERED ON THE AWARD IN ANY COURT HAVING JURISDICTION THEREOF. CUSTOMER AND COMPANY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT THIS ARBITRATION PROVISION IS MADE PURSUANT TO A TRANSACTION INVOLVING INTERSTATE COMMERCE AND SHALL BE GOVERNED BY THE FEDERAL ARBITRATION AR. Smilm XIL CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY OR SPECIAL. HEALTH CONDITIONS. If Casement belimw that Custmner ce other oomperm efthe tread mvctum w w o%(A) be smdDm la pdtiddedlannitimdd ortheir don m (B) hens other hwhh wndiilod tha m%be headed by pdtieidesgemduddm w Dair odor, Coagan7 eecommtds Dee you cot haw m imnu m o wbmquenl earice padomrd a yaw premiers uaill you hove onnsdsd with Yam family phydeisn AI Your regoea, Company will provide infarmaion sbml theahwiWe b be uses in Ireatiag the mwiux By pvminivgtha tromml Cunoma mum. Ih<ridrad wsiros any eel aide agaim No Company in ewmectionwilA auN seWilviry or mdiiloa AI yam request Ute Company will provide infemmtien ahM law chanieWs m M and W ermieg thaPremira. Samoa X114 ASSIGNABILITY. 76is Aglmnunl is Irndero6lo m •new aura of Ne mapeny loved d the Suvim Addrm mmidd then Na cow mow d tha propmy mint into m WvoSmom and ame taoB ogamem with the CampmY• 7ha Company resmvm tha right to chwee • trwfer fa. `Qua Nee auaW maawd ram, and change the cam afNe Cwpmfh abIw—mesa Nis Agreement rpm my rvehtrander. Upon the etoung afthe We ofdropopeery lemtd d Dro Service Add thisASammcot wiII termimta See Rao XIV. ENTIRE AGREEMENT AND SEVERABILITY. This Agreement and the muchd Smith mmtitum the .the ogmernml bemea the pmim CuRomw dpmuly wumms and rryreunn Nd, io muiryt Nh Agremtant Cluswoer 6 nee relying an any mamim, ogrecmmt or wtemenL whcth. and w wlanat Ilmthmt<t�nerdy mdfWlY a. forth is thh Agmmmr.ifa%pm ofStia ASrcemmt is held mSe WvsGd or tmeafoneable far myrmson, thermainirtg term and mathEma afDdf Agnemw vn71 tools in fWl faro and hero. Thv teem of cbe Ayreemw and bavin may era 6e emedd w dtad unku a waitlO cSenBe h spprovd aml dgod by a Cuporueo ORrow of Companyy. No other employee err egmu of Compny have outhoriry m wad or aka any port of Nit AgrammL Rovided, paweva, tha m m the peragrvph ern ARBITRATION, if the sanmev pralud'mg We mbitrum lions mdmieg an mbitretbn praeding m o ciao; ddrep m his And �omay gcanl action is fames ter be invCd w =mfaambla then the cmirery of she ARe1TRATION puagaph shill 6e dared to b Shim XV. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS. Smekm, pence Led -.dock are eoalrund mdomAevfDas Agmfdmost LLC Ifivlf f1R11/0 OH®eToam Pat lhfese,1=20U .� 1 a y U 33 wo ne,ntma RECEIVED An I tam ev moon oese SAWLUOECOUMYUMO Y me �s JUN 0 7 2019 �,�• u ----------..,_....�.................e.v� sT. -uelc K;aynEYi Pert UrvlwAdbea S-191 BW± 'PtYW il I A6. fk SCANNE FMPIM sw;, i � ZIP BY IL zlpCwmyKi H=°"=C— St. Lucie Cc t4Cdomnm=mmfd=F=d , mi]-1��� ,=F*mw d9m=9 *210 tam smtanuL aBzon�vewmsrnnmuroao�amr�axe�.n*n*�+. a a ® a Ow63 wtnw-ra!®YCvmd mpd.o R+ �ra+som�yam.'o PRdW .dd@a vsnUrMUM Dam Ctma Gaud mrm�,a��em�smmmm��tamma��mmeamocam+�amam�m.m�wm� �yK.®m�mmotirc�m�®aaames„®aammpmy. m�.wmma memR.nAp�mme �+� ew�rcaea �esrnaom� etc. V= FOR FREMM AFFRO VAL GMY .......... NOMWFECTNE ,a�ovu.ce,ese�u.oaau�nvaro� n.,r t�mam.ur:w,®mtnv� amomav T, _