HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSPERMIT# I I q6 V— ^? 3 Z I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division SCANNED BUILDING PERINII'r BY SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREENIENT St. Lucie County AC Quality Electric have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) ,the, Electrical Sub -contractor for GRBK GHO Homes LLC fly,::' (Type ofTmde) (Primary Contractor) Fun the project located at 2 ql�) �� ��Ly/ �� A y-- (Project Street Address or PropertyTax ID 11) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned Project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the I•. Wflig of a Change of S b-contractor notice. William Hand1er1GftBK/GH0 Homes LLC State = CBC051145 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUM BEII. tote of Florida, County or St Lucie 'fiie foregoing instrument u•us signed before me this day of ^Tct -lqby William Handler u•hu � personally immrnk�or has produced at - STAMP a Rebecca 0 1ma GO606i6 e side V9 Aaron NOtaN fteviscJ 11/16/201G SUD-CONTIL�CT RSIG RE (Qualifier) PRIM r NAME rC )300�11�8 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Statc of Florida, County of The foregoing instrument was slgued before me thiszL� of '�u,[ �,:04 by the )-'or the project located at PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division Oo 9 BUILDING PERM11' SUB-CONTRACI'Oli AGRTGNI have -agreed to be Sub -contractor for GRBK GHO HOMES, LLC. (Primary Contractor) (Project Street Address or PropertyThs ID k) ._ It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Buildin .and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be ndvised pursuant to file tiling ofa Change 'Sub -contractor notice. COUNTY C :RTIFICA7'ION NUMBER ,. I r shdr or Florida, count), or. �1 pt • U Ap e, 'I'hrfuregoing Instrument was signed hcforc tar lhlsLg dap of a/L .2d A by c,Ii;1I l n. who Is pmolndly knows, -Zor hus produced a Ruvllcd I VI G201 G s [AII' Reno DGG060076 �a�v"��".��-, Comintss,a uary 92�I �_- Ex4ltes: N �oNotatY „a.' a Booded�+ ggnunP� �-lade; CCC 13z 73Z3 COUN r1' Calt'I'IIY G\'17ON III IILIt smte or Florida, Conn Iy or The forego] n�g�I�nstrumeul wassigned tirrorle�jniirrtt"is^fs izduv or WlJ ItAa l.4 , 20-0. by tritu is pm•auually kopersuilal�ly hnmrn _ur has produced o- ,i�"+- CHRISTINE M KOSAKOWSKI MY COMMISSION p 00001803 •'�jp.ry EXPIRES Juno 13, 2020 .Idr 39t101E3 FlotionNow 9rnkn.rum PERMIT# D ISSUEDATC SCAiVN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES St. Lucie County Building & Code Compliance DivisiFn —RECEIVED 13UILDING PERMIT I MAY '.019 SUa•CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ST. Lucie -k kirt, have agreed to he (Con panyN-etIndlvl al Name) (3RBK GHO HOMES, I.I.Q. the _ _ Sub -contractor for CI'Tpo orTru te) (Primury Corrinnr�raclor) For the project located at (Project Stroct Addrass or Proparty Tox 1D 0) It is understood they if Chore iv any ohango of stntus regarding our partioipation with the above mentioned project, the BLgqorSub-conlractornotice. Code Rogtilation Division of St. Lucie Calmly will be -advised pursuant to the tiling ofu Ch l:DNTRAI Itntlller! 4ll •C: N'l'ItAr:I'nit;il(iNA'I''ltl , llynsllnrq Ind nmNI-NAav1 PIUNTNAMI; -T M-- (:4Y'Y 'Bill' IIUA' IIINNIIM� U&4�qs Ship nri7nrlde, Ownly lit .r The rurepnlnp Inelrnmoni rrsr rlgned before nit this �Lb doy or ,To zr�,by ! i ht,a 4 sw-cl Au 21g S-.z 'OtiNTY ClUrrivira\ IJUN, rMIN111Y11 Stole of Plorldn, Cnunly or cue& Tbtrortiolnitlnrtnlmrnl lrnn rll;ued henne me thb2 doy'or Irliubcprnunullylwmrn,_orhnsprnnnreda_ ,__ osidrnllaeo nn• / /� rt'AniP � Slgmlltu/re urNntnry Puhlle Print NmnauPNohiry I'uunc RebeccaDima 76 c• r Commission l GG0608 tj * = 6 piles: 021 January, Ilevlsed llllGRelh - �-^ Bonded lttri Anon Notary x'rOW �1 VICTORIA L C405 ���y W} MY COMIAIBBbN a Q�re645 d BxPIR2a PtbNlry Or, 2021 I• PERMIT # V L/ I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES St. Lucie County Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERmiT =RECEIVEDSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT if have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) - d the &(-e-CX'riGu-4 Sub -contractor for GRBK GHO HOMES, LLC. (Type of Trade) (Prinmry Contractor) For the project located at or It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursunnt to (lie filing of a Chnng� of Sub -contractor notice. Slate of Fluridn, County or .1 Y- • I l J e The fuTrquuing Instrument was signed before me ihln.2-8dny of �/J(L ,20f,by Ulillln s ersmmlly known -Zor h is produced a STAAII' S .COKI'16CCLOII SIGNA•1•URE(ounlmer) - andu Sfnerrnl� I'll ln-t NA III —�— -:t'a l o-5C� COUNTY CEn•I'IFICATION NIIAfUER Slate of Florida, County of-nf- ) IL ( Q I The e � foregoing Instrument was signed before me this day or who is persunnlly knuseu,Xar basproduccd a �as ideutincmloi "�\ �� (//� �J—ram= STA111' Slgmdnrc or\ntnq• i'u dir 1-5 I'rinl Nnilef Notary I'ublle ," 11 Rebecca Dima I'rinl'Nnme nh'1911 �, Public `y1ej.��/a�� Commission 4 GGO6D070 g, 2021 E SWAN T 8 OMELOWary ryPuhllc-State ofFlorda�' Bonded11INAalan mmhsionaGG26171111 �� mm. Expires Oct.f7, 2022Rcviscd 11716201Erarnmw ough National Notary Assn. PERMIT# ISSUE DATE SCANN l/ V PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES St. Lucie County Building & Code Compliance DiAsion RECEIVED BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT MIAY 1 0 2019 ST. Lucie RID��GppEyW�� AY PLUMBING have agreed to be PLUMBINGame/Individual Name) the Sub -contractor for GRBK GHO HOMES, LLC (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the.project located at or It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. William State CBC051145 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of St Lucie The foregoing instrument was signed berate me thla�� of L4/ ,I0_bby W))I )eyyl A Ard-!i Revised 11/162016 SUXCONTRA7611SI ATURE(Qualifier) GREGO. KOZAN PRINT NAME 19-15354 State CFC0577 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florids, County of FLORIDA 7 The foregoing Instrument waa signed before me thtf-8 day of arL , Io 0 by GREGORY KOZAN who Is personally known X or has produced a STAMP Slg lure of Notary Public Rebecca Dlma commission i eG0D anuAx9� 2 Bonded mroon%darl Print Name of Notary Public �:�+i;�� NATHLEEN M HALL s ,, ?': Notary Public- State of Florida. >':F.`•c`' Commission =C0190510 `arc„� My Comm. Expires Jun 17. 2072 " Bonded through National Notary Assm STAMP