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.' PERMIT NUMBER. a :, Installer 2,., / LicennseeJ# Address of home being Installed ) .rl— �m'•' I �p' Pva Sap Manufacturer fl/bvyyc1 " Length x width Sq ' + S< NOTE., '!f home is a single wide fill out -one half of the blocking plan If home Is a triple or quad wide sketch in remainder of home I understand Lateral Ann Systems cannot be used on any home (new or used) s where the sldewall ties exceed 5 it 4 in. 2 Installers initials Typical pier a acing. 2, .E__� IateN Show locations of Longitudinal and Lateral Systems (use dark lines to show theca locations) martin• wall PI.M WWn2 d and ct home , .--.. N SCANivtD PERMIT WORKSHEET St. Lucie County page I of 2 New Home Used Home ©� Home installed to the Manufacturer's Installation Manual ❑ Home is Installed In accordance with Rule 15.0 Single wide ❑ Wind Zone II a VvInd Zone III ❑ Double wide ' 0--' Installation Decal # ss3 03 Triple/Quad ❑ Serial # � e. Y/ 3 'P IF? PIER SPACING TA8LE FOR USED HOMES Load 4earing capacity Fizer size (sq In) IISIX, 16' 181/2'x181/2' 20'x20' (256) (s42 400 ) ( ) 22'x22' 4e4 f )' 24'X24' (676)• 26'%26' (676) 1000 s a II 00 6 6 8 000 s 6 8 8 2 00 s 6 8 B g 8D00 s 6 au s 8' ' PIER PAD SIZES . I-beam pier pad size 1i " SC.21 Perimeter pier pad size rrx Other pier pad sizes x ' (required by the mfg.) (: ®Draw the approximate locations of marriage wall openings 4 toot or greater. Use this symbol to show the piers. List all marriage wall cpenings greater than 4 foot and.their pier pad sizes below. POPULAR PAD SIZES �Li3L'SWIFM 0kly if�[y�ysa�lW]1JI =;=W!.tLS]i Ii ->EfiNOW 3'� ... III f►►K fR� �[yfp BttL4f(� �i/ilyL�-K 1 itifE►i►Ei (Cii �FII �W -1r, 'MW III I111111L I ANCHORS Oft Sit FRAME TIEe within 2' of and of home spaced at 5' 40 oo OTHER TIES Longitudinal Stabilizing Device D) Sidewall N mbar Manufacturer A�:'M'7 CCnoov Longitudinal Longitudinal StablIkIng Device w/lateral Arms Marriage wall ManufacturerwH�'' shearwail Opening Pierpad:slze X2A ti 12'' X 2t " TIEDOWN COMPONENTS PERMIT NUMBS ... ,,;;IK POCKET P ETROMETER TES Thepbcket penetrometer tests are rounded to pal or check hereto declare 1000 lb. soll w hout testing: X— X_ X POCKET PENETROMETER TESTING METHOD I. Test the perimeter of the home at 6 locations. 2. Take the reading at the depth of the .footer. S. Using 500 Ib. I6crements, take the lowest reading and round down to that Increment. X__ X_. X_ 70ROUE PROBE EST - The results of the torque probe test Is 'Xq Inch pounds or check here If you are declaring 5' anchors without testing _ - A test showing 275 Inch pounds or less will require 5 toot anchors, Note: A state approved lateral arm system is being used and 4 ft. .anchors are allowed at -the sidewall locations. I understand 5 It anchors are required at all centerline tie point,; where the torque test reading Is 275 or less and where the rgobile home manufacturer may requires anchors with 4DDD holding capacity, GG.. Installer's Initials ALL TESTS MUST// BE PERFORMED BY A LICENSED. INSTALLER Installer Name /'��e!/JP• 2e �pg�� Dale Tseed EleeVlcal IbnnW electrical conductors between multi -wide units, but not to the main power ouroe. This Includes the bonding wire between mult•wide units. Pg. cnnect all sewer drains to sn existing sewer tap or septic tank Pg, onneot all potable water supply piping to an existing water meter, water tap, or other idependent water supply systems. Pp. PERMIT WORKSHEET Page 2 of 2 site Preparation Debris and orpanlo material re_moved Water drainage: Natural L-- Swale Pad Other ' Fastening multi wide on is Floor Type Fastener 1,4 Length: Spacing: /�2 Walls: Type Fastener, p Length: B Spacing: ,7_ Roof., Type Fastener. .a Length: 5t , Spacing: For. used homes a n. 90 gauge, 8° wide, galvanized metal 'strip will be centered over the peak of thaToof and fastened With gals. roofing nabs at 2° on center on both sides of the centerline, ' ' Oasket {Wenaferprooilna rwuhe,nanH .. I understand a properly Installed gasket Is a requirement of all new and used homes and that condensation, mold, meldew, and buckled marriage walls are a result of a poorly Installed or no gasket being Installed. I understand a strip of tape will not serve as a gasket Installer's initials 2_ Type gasket �Ov9v� Installed: Pa. Between Floors Yes Between Walls Yes ✓' Bottom. of ridpebsem Y t . weatherproofing The bottomb card will be repaired and/or taped, Yesy- pg, Siding on units Is Installed to manufacturer's specifications. as Fireplace chimney Installed so as not to allow intrusion of rain water. Yes l �� Skirting to be Installed. Yes ✓ No Dryer vent Installed outside J sidrtinp• Yes e—� WA Range downfiow vent instalied•outede of skirting. Yes WA L— . Drain lines supported at 4 foot intervals. Yes L-- — . Electrical crossovers protected. Yes f� Other: Installer is accurate and true based on the DatezL '