HomeMy WebLinkAboutSURVEYSaccording 3o the piat there4 as recorded ' - in Plot floidk�23 Page 14 of'thwPublic ftcords� of St�.'Lulei 6. County.— F-for-idd. ,LOT a FY.E. =J DATE: Ll LOT 3 FFE 1.4.98! *4 SFft OVER' 75' �401 01 -Ilfadius�or curve -,Length of icii'r Ve De.1 ' ' 6 C iy:0l IF-OV, ur S roeasured' 1dr o to'nr-rof-P in= of is I'LY, DOX d) ' FF,Ikel.11 RAN. of'_,foy, Draiiiage'.Proposed and. Existing PALV TREELOCATION I of thi, LBZ40 A NE,Jan3en,BecW.81vd. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 LAST r;l SURVEYORS. NOTES:; Ira Unless §IhOwlgd� n Vid'on.lv, alatted ;66semdhts are ,sho*n,hereon-. 2; 'All Lot ;dimensions PAP�shqWore 011,14t j6lgj6l - Qther*ise'sho*n. 3. Nq: underground ut-1-1 ft ieg; or-llmprovemenrs *pre located, unl'ess at This' site Lies , w , Flood.insurance Rate.vop Zone j x_VbpB 12111CUM Ddtbd.- 2-16"12 6. ti6od'Zone:shoWwtiefeon Is on interpretation by' the'!*s-3'- v#y'o.r9­q.d� jit provided -as a courtesy. . The Hood' zone should, be ver4jiA& by .q- defermin.ationAgency. 6; Bedrings ihdi*n hereiri! ' cfre tios&d on theiXenter . I I ine. of - REFUGE LANE osbeing N61*30.*00.0E___ according ito' the': Plot 'described hereon'. 7. I , k.U:6� t' * de�ofesi Pub.11c Ut,I 14timand Drainage Edserndhlo A The,accuracy, '9f t,his,su-rve-y',-is'-premis6d,bn' th ijp66td_d'usa',,of jh4-survey. The ,expected use;/ :purps surve ,, caBae of thiy., is'hor�e construction. ' i _cy foot 'i n� 7,500 f set! 'or' be t tWr 9 Wit ions or-- Del at iqns; to, thisp surv6y'ifiap by; other I - r, than the; signing � surveyor is.; prohibited; AV ed to: Jame cositu It '0TJ F7 MUM MIN. FRONT SIDES. CNR S' SCANNED BY St. Lucie Countv REQ. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Supplied by Client) EDEN'S REFUGE according to the plat thereof as recorded in. Plat Book 23 page 14 of the Public Records of St. Lucie County„ Florida. = Set 5/8" irons�Gbar Lyy�it 0*, Cdp'morked, iPSM, 554V ound 5%8 Iron Reboi- E.=Finished Floor Eleydt'i OH--0H-= Oyer Head _Wires =Value at platted =.Radlus, of curve = Length of aur'ye Delp of Curve, AS; = Measured' NC. = Concrete P.= Conc{{ppte,Pod! -ater Meter` otyer Pole = Ut i'1 IN Bax ® . well. R 0: . Right of -way fin:= Drainage Proposed ;and Existing ='PACV TREE IOCAT.10N t LUi3J P t°POSnt a�Pr P. AND'e IJDPa D�EM APPitdV4 LOT 8 F.F.E. = .11 CV SURVEYORS NOTES: I e Unless otherWise noted'69ly'plotted edsements are,sho�n he'reom. 2-. All Lot.Aimenstons tsho*ln :are•per. plat unless. otherWise,shotyn. , _ 3. No'underground utilities or'mproyement`s Were .located unless other*ise shoWn. 4' Thi's site I'i-es,Within'Flood Insurance'Rate Ma Zone X M80 12111C0313J ,Dated.; 2-16=12 5. Flood Zone,shotyn:hereon is.an inferpreiat.ion by: the surveyor end',is provided os, d; co_u`rtg_sy The flood, .zone should be vei-i-fled by' :a determination' -agency. 6: Bearings sholyit hereon, pre based .on the' -Center line of REFUGE LANE as being N61'30'OO.0E according da the'PI'ot descr'ibed hereon'. 7. P.U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and,brainog Easement. 6. The accuracy of this ,suryey 'i s; premised on th 'expected !se:'of the suryey. The .expected.us@ / :oI this sur;vey.is;home construction. purpose Accuracg:=it 'toot tn,:7. 500 feet':or bett'er, 9. Additions or! Deletions 4o this,suryeyrrlup.by, other than lheisi,gning,suryeyor lis prohioiied HE of Nami ko SOM PACELS CertitI,ed to: G SCALE: 1"--40, Atlantic Land Designs of the Treasure Coast`, LB7468. 7m NE Jensen Beach Btyd. Jensen Beach. FL 34957 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beach. FL 34958 ALD5543@gmail'.com (7,72)395=4290' 1 .hereby'.eerti'ty thl and is based on acts suryey meets the flit Florida achinistratl James A. Cesiro.k NOT VALID WITHOUT SIGNATURE AND AU DATE: 3/14/1 7 DRAM: SW\JC 2017-0149 DATE: REVISIONS 5r�n7 Ro b/31/17 6lPkn rerEM irejfay/ pod' LAST FIELD DATE5/25/f8 '"yticu't°0D LOT 1 FFE = 314 c ILLI WE ,L. tgnniccheri ne survey shaWn hereon!is ,true and correct measeurements lakelT in ,the held This in Technical' Standards oh Chapter bJA7 � ca code. ip pigrany:igneil Ly3ainesA cesirsi3r. PS\I55, is DN:mcslgn sA: Cesin Jy o=Anantk pa `land pesigns of theTC,ou; — rr _Mail-1im15543ragmalLmm,wUS.' pate 2d19.03.0)1)Oa39-05'00' *ya EiaRW M LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Supplied by Client) EDENrS REFUGE according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 23 page 14 of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. V�o4-01ts LOT 8 F.F.E. =K1. OOO O / / ABBREVIATIONS: SET = Set 5/8' iron r�GGbar yy�ith yelloly cap marked "PSM 5543" FD=Found 5/8" Iron Rebor F.F.E.=Finished Floor Elevatio OH —OH —OH-= Over Heod Wires X--X--X-= Chain Link Fence -0-0-o-= Plastic Fence 0-0--0-='food Fence JS,= FPL Transformer Pad PL=Value as platted R = Radius of curve L = Length of curve Delp of Curve EAS. = Measured CONC. = Concrete C.P.= Carer le Pad EB= -(aler Teeter �= Polyer Pole = Utility Box ®_ ell R.O. . = Right of Way Drainage Proposed and Existing = PALL TREE LOCATION RECL1Vt_v JUN 19 Z019 oVV ST. Lucie CounEV'r I'erli11tt109 5P vpcP a 56���01 SURVEYORS NOTES: 1. Unless otherwise noted only platted easements are sholyn hereon. 2. All Lot dimensions sholyn are per plat unless otherlyise shoyln. 3. No underground utilities or improvements Were located unless otherwise shofyn. 4. This site lies Within Flood Insurance Rate Mar Zone X Vapy 12IIiCO3i3J Dated. 2-16-12 5. Flood Zone shofyn hereon is an interpretation by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. The flood zone should be verified by a determination agency. 6. Bearings shown hereon are based on the Center line of REFUGE LANE as being N61'30'00"E according to the Plot described hereon. 7. P.U.D.E, denotes Public Utilities and Drainage Easement. 8. The accuracy of this survey is premised on the expected use of the survey. The expected use / purpose of this survey is home construction. Accuracy = 1 foot in 7,500 feet or better. 9. Additions or Deletions to this survey mop by other than the signing surveyor is prohibited Without *ritten consent. 1.5ag 6 1 GtrlF•J'l'��"P,tOpP oH� � O 21 #LLn`° LOT 1 FFE = 3.14 TIVE ®.,-A EL1 u pOCFSS �I& 12 LOT 3 FFE = 14.98 s WELL / SEPTIC \\ \ OVER 75' s �8 to PRGE\ 1� 0001 r1 0 R A O S�agSa6 QR C�oSSS� 0 REy1R90N 10/2%18 STE4 *'ALL TOREBOARD TEE IN REhs04 8/23/18 FOOTER FORA BOARD TIE IN a\\ REVISION 5/29/18 ADD FFE OF NORTH AND SOUTH PARCELS REFUGE LANE Cert i f ied to: Geoffrey LoBerge & Anne L�lanniccheri ANNE® SCALE:1"=40� Atlantic Land Designs BY D14 17 of the Treasure Coast, L97468 DATE: / / 75A NC Jensen Beach Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 31957 I hereby certify that the survey sho*n hereon is rue an corr ct DRAWN: SW\JC Mailing Address: and Is bas d an actual measeurements taken in the field. This P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 34958 survey mee s the Nini Technical Standards at Chapter 5J-17 2017-0149 ALD5543@gmail.com (772)398-4290 Florida.. inistr live de. a,e,°grf° DATE: REVISIONS r gnedbylames0.Cesirolr. PSM 5543 James D cn=James A.CssiroJn,o=Atlantic 5/31/17 reyala dr6t a / pool tan Designsofthe TC..., 12/5/I8 GARAGE F BOARD SURVEY eslr0 J ern =Jlms5sa3rigmall.com, c=u5 sunov i ate:2019.05.181632:54-0400' o LAST FIELD DATE 6/18/19 NO VALID WITH TAfAUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SIGN RE AND UTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL a"tD csuxve+°Au'