HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENTS - 2--------------------------------------------- PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES RECEIVED .._ r.F_ _:., :r... Building &-Code Compliance Division MUM- - - - - p- e -•• - - BUILDING PERMIT _ _ -ST. Lucie Coun , Perrrlittin _ SUB=CONTRkCTOR AGREL+MENT,: _ : _ - - - � - - —� 9 - - - - SCANNED ------------ ...._.------ B - - .. rgtludieCounty ------------- -------- -- ----- ape SfoP Cos2lina and Heating LLC-------------- have ,earl to b e. (Company NameAndividual Name)_ '_the Mechanical/FiVAC Sub -contractor for NVR, INC: dba RYAN HOMES- — -- . (Type of Trade) - - (Primary Contractor) - — - --- - Fortheprdject.1ocatedat_'�y32;1 `Dak\anAIGtkrCSLr\Pt�t�'I rce PL �I 151 . (Project Street Address. or Property Tax ID If fi Cluderstood thatif tlieie is any change of status regarding our project, the Buildingtfad Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie C filing of a Chal3al<ot Sub,coAtractor notice. 3-\ a 45 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State ofFloildn, County of PALM BEACH. 'h - The foregoing instrument was signed before mctht5 (D Jay >a4ArU., - 2011b SWVkSarn(-�, .Faber Who ispersonalty known or fins produced a ldeqPM1T1Ication. - STAMP Signature o 'otaryPublic Print Nart Revised I111G201G KEVIN STINE be advised pursuant to the PRINT NAME 29939 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Stale of Florida, County of ORANGE _ The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 23 day of,-- ' FEBRUARY ZcLby KEVIN STINE .who is personally known �//\ ar has produced n 11)t�r --- J4y'•--NotaNP.u@c-Stale`ot.FloncFa ubl f Andrea Lambert•� a My Commission GG 1P.4517` Expires 02/20/2022 as Identification. - i STAMP Signature of Notary Pu j Notary Public - Slate of Florida: Commission # FF 978034 My Comm. Expires Apr 412020 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------5a :.. ................. PERMIT# -- _-- — _-_ISSUE_-;TE__---_- -- — -- --- PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division ItGC SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT __RIDGEWAY__P_LUMBING_.,__.____ Itting- - - SQANNED _. _ �it- Lucie County - --- - -have agreed to -be - - — --- — {mom any-evamefinarvmaat t`ramnpg -- the PLU ING Sub -contractor for-. , N RVELh, � S (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor)- - For the project located at 3� C7G\��c�na �12 ( ort Fi �iP rL� �L� 3� --- - - (project Street Address or Property'Tax I -" - — —It:is:understood-that,-if-there-is any -change of -status regarding.our-participation=with the -above mentioned- = • - project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Soh -contractor notice. - CONT2R S 'N (Qualifier) ' SeXAt.Sary)CS i 6Lbfr I�t�feMru:��at� 31 a15 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUNIBER Jfyy - $fate of Florida, County of Qi &CLC.h The foregoing instrument was signed -before me this O U day of — -= who is personally known _or has produced a as identification. STAMP -Signature of Notary Public �yar N Notary Public State of Florida Andrea Lambert N� My Commission GG 184517 •Tp� Expires 02120/2022 Revised 11/162016 SUB -CON SIGNATURE (Qualifier) GARY KOZAN PRINT NAME 17-6826 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of FLORIDA The foregoing instrument was signed before me this ZkLO day of - -- - - --- �_TvhA , 2012, by GARY KOZAN who is personally (mown X or has produced a as idenfifiration. iL%'v 7"1 STAMP Signature of Notary Public KATHLEEN 87. HALL�`�}j t., Notary Public - Slate of Florida �- '�'' , •_ My Cann. Expires Jun 17. 2018 jElf, COnal!osion N Fr- 133586 1' Bonded Through Nettenal A!niary Assn. j ------------------ —------_--------------------------- ----- PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES =i �� - --- -- — ---- -- -- - -RECEIVED .e:.:r :.: _? i Buildim, & Code Compliance Division -BUILDING PERMIT- _ _ _ ' J U N 2 9 2019-- - SUB-CONTR_ ACTOR AGREEMENT ST. Lucie Co&tK r •2g ---- --- - - ' B� -- St. Lucie County -(Coiiipany Name/Individual Name) the - For the project located at 4!)a —. - - (ProjectStreetA Sub=contractor for I It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Buildiapand Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be. advised pursuantto the filing of a ChgAup:of Sub-qontraotor notice. - - I /)///, - CO. i C—r N (Qualifier) -CONTRACTOR SIGN&TURL( diner) Sc rry-F mimes Fdbe- r PRINTNAME PRINT NAM COUNTY CERTMCATIONNUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER • State ofFlorldn, Countyof PALM BEACH State ofllorfdn, County ofPwab&(L)L1gA " Th..a�,l+eregoiugiustr�entwas signed before me thfsc 11yuf - Thefm'egoinginstrubtent was signed tiofaie methis1(�day of -- JU .20�by c i tllo!g 20bYS"hri5�>� vrho is personally hnoryn_er has produced a who Is personally knourn�r Ties produceda alez n den�raRon. asiden�tiyricntlon.�'7� - - - - - - _ STA11dP ! ��i • riL/) 7� tii�SC.I.LSI.� STAMP gnnturc ofNataryPublic Signature of Notary Public - PnutNamc of Notary Public 1rbrt Name ofNofary Rublic- - _ - - ---- $�•Ok Notary Public State of Florida Andrea Lambert +� wrl s xp commission GG 184517 Expires OW20/2022 ps .lunan K. ('Clair ;�q 'F= Oommisslon 06151707 `= Expires: October 15, 2021 Revised 11116201E . �' •'•,o�° Banded thin Aaron Notary rrin ItUP� -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ==moo - _ ISSUE DATE PLANNIING & IlDE IVElLOPMEN171 8ERVI CE,S ®� -- Evildilmg s'& Code -lCo>rf PHance Division- -- - - OWN- - - - -- - - -----svvLni>ac PERMIT— -- RECEIVED - - SUWCONTRACT0R. GREEMERT --_- -- - -- - - -- ------------ JUN 2 8 2019 - St. Lucie_ _ 'Court -- _---------~PetersenDean Roofing And Solar Systems Inc. -- 1- ;�,, A - t — fhe _Rooflng''' Sub -contractor for NVR, INC- dba RYAN HOMES Crype Of -Trade).--- . _'_ _ : _ (Primary Contractor) For the project located at�1P(Le FL iqs) (Project Street Addressor Property -Tax ID #) - --It-is-understood that; ifthere is -an chartga ofstausain ure6rdorparticipatioii with he abov—e —mentoned project, the BuildinpiiJ Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a QhanZa of Sub-Ontractor notice. 9 - CO AGT(!R .10: RI; (Qualifier) - l •.Uh�'{L1CrUR 51CNATUR@ — '— - (Qualiricr) r� Vb{'S Fatbe Byron Keith McStoots PRI, iT 1.-1FiE 3 + a y 29024 CUl1,'\'Tl` CFG'LRTIRIC:A'PfU1 iVCAiBRR CUlk�i I Y MIT IlkI xrIo.N.N 'MBER StmeofPlmtda,Counp•of PALM.BEACH tt��.,, Sclteof Florida Countyof Palm Beach The foregoing instrument Whssigncd beforemethis4'da7-uf - ' - - - The IUnl;oine instrument was sjJ tied bcfoFe mE[fiis 22 Uay of --aety--''-4� by'3. cx�'R-jaraes !Fa 1O—ef February _„B 981,,. Byron Keith McStoots Who is perso,)ally known _or has produced a who is Personalty knosrn Ur has PrnU4iced a otiQcatiop• asidentirication. Signature .,d2 Notary Pu61ie —'— Srk11P - - -- - - - - -- - - - STAMP - - - 1 signature of:Notary Public Beth Wagrier _-- _ --- Print lsmrufNatary. Public- $+YAY, Notary public State of Flatide MLambert Lambert �,yv My Commission GG 184517 nePY Fxpires o2/20/2022 =-'an.-olo, WAGNER IGN fFGG 0AtU27RzviszU II/Ifi/2U]G: g6r1113,2U21 Publb Undenml:rs