HomeMy WebLinkAboutSURVEYSh �: LEGAL DESCRIPTION unaratlnd - o a Lot 3, RIVER BRANCH ESTATES, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plot N89'50'56"E 196.66' �' Book 28, Page 2, 2A-28, Public Records of St Lucie County, 'Florida FI toLimits of Plot I t SIRC SURVEYOR'S REPORT f 1 This Survey shall not be valid unless sealed with an embossed Surveyor's Seal c I 2 No underground improvements have been located as -part of this Survey. _ 3 The tort_field da.te_of_-this Survey was: 2-27-18. 0- �Se 4 This Survey was prepared using the Plat of Record only. No other documents ep r were provided and no search of the public records was y <�o �• '�' p performed b this office. 5 The Survey shown hereon meets the requirement for field accuracy in a 3�+ d-------------`rBfi - ' -'-o suburban area as set forth by the Minimum Technical Standards 3512 '°0D` (5J-17.050-052FAC). ;a� `sn 6 Left Blank. n m 4 tie' a �o ~ 7 Unless other wise noted ail bearing and distances ore in accordance with the o, record plot and hove been verified b field measurements. See mo for bearing _— dell d��s. m.-.tB.4'------- G base. y P 9 4 -�! �'S0 ,-- -d0.0--------- e�� .o�w2 00. nl 8 Parcel/Lot line locations have been based on found survey, control along the �sfac 0g•.T %0. center line of Cherry Palm Way. 4. 9 LEFT BLANK. + 10 The Legal Description shown hereon was provided by the client and/or e rjl _ his/her representatives. 1 i No ownership of fence lines has been determined as part of this Survey. N �-' 12 Off set calls to found survey control are relative to the nearest property oo _ _ _ w _ _ _ _ _ nRc corner, intersection of lines, point of curvatures (PC), point of reverse curvatures Sit. Bench Mark 1L— °n' FIRC `+� a Io.o.7 NAVE) FlR 5' FPL Easement ' I �+ -' — No la (PRC) or other identifioble_,point. ' ?+ No to, 45-E _ __-- 13 Compliance with local zoning requirements and or with requirements set forth _ _ S89"50'56"W _128_22' 5 FPL Easement P o , �V79'43'_- �� _ _ _ g q q ( 50.00 lairr( by other, State, Public, and/or Private entities has .not been verified as part of �_- O(cu�i�ird - n _ - ft this •Survey. Rio 14 Elevations shown are in accordance with the North American Vertical Datum r. of 1988 ' o m FEMA Flood Zone data snown here on is based on the visual _ f I- inspection of the digital ;Flood Hazardous Mops provided by the LEGEND I 'I Federal Emergency Mono emenf Agency FF_MA and is limited I c/1 - Concrete F ad to the accuracy of suc.1maps. - CUR SME3 G7C - catch nc Pad will. Nr CnmGYanm7 LEGEND 7 " "' CB - fCo ele - Flood . a: land AE with Base Flood Elevation 7, Community CBS - Co al Block Shucnnp rCM - Found ' laun Pipe Monument 1202Q5, Panel : 276 Suffix: J, Date: 2. 16.2012 'f.MP - Cmagafed unfol Pitpaa nP - FonnA !' Imn Pipn _ CPE - fpnnnIn Pad .41. Paa' r,uipmnnl ❑PC - round Imn P"pr Wth Cop CIV - Coble w Box ss p y n nR -found /5 4ho Rod \tlG® t i ' o b FTr - rAMe.4 nm„ a"alirx, ear. -sand /5 Iran Rod .ire cap SOP PREPARED FOR: 6 m 11 - Water Cola 4t SIRr, - set 5 Iron Rnr1 with Cap 1R 7157" 5 m1 - re Ilydram ! P ! • BYC }�� Mr. and Mrs. Lawson. T�CN 0' li9nl Pda FIIY; --Found f/$' lrnn' rpa xnb Cop Qu��y - [.r,-- I,p,:rd rcholnum !Y - Fnm,d Nng Ned �+t.L"Cle ��/ C First international Title lnsuronce Company a/l. - auerheod Il(ddy I.Inn, Im - rm,.d Mop Nail �013 INsk - S O'[�Re. o r - ItluMr, rN - caned Nat fill Old Republic National Title insurance Company PP - Pnrn Pale FNrr - Found Ned wilh Nn cab n o Mill - Snnllury sn" Nnnhole rPY. - rmmd Px fled ' Seacoast National Bank NA l0 1CB - Telephone Cpmmrmknitnm Rnx MRS - round PR Nod ,dlb,alsk �">` Ic - I/elep Bm rPKD - round PR Rnnd lh:V y Wlf - Wntrr Melrr /Ca to Pourmenl Ca,l aid i P F .Prepared 8y: Regina C. Karner, FySM�/4363 FPKD River Branch Dric E0 Kamer Surveying, Inc. L8117357 . _ — _ -_ __ _ Gnnfni Lmo-- Prepared For: Mr. & Mrs. Lawson Coun KARNER SURVEYING, INC. Residential & Comm Iercial Surveying Services 2740 SW Martin Downs fllvd.#333, Palm City, F1.34990 Phone: (772)288 7206. - Fox:(772)223 8181 :n r.• RrHSW, or:aheu,. anon tl t J9.y�(a.TS- Add Draino a as�n_nn — 12.213_1B_ 1 .19 Changa-Bld �fE .Idg F Codes_! i rmboorc ^� NrBoundarySurvey 'bi i•-�o• ra R nT .'I. �� ••mow n:. fMa-I IG9 fuse-n 0 Re_RMdva:ch sllRMerweeho]_SP BOUNUAFZY SURVEY LEGAL'DESCRIPTION: (Supplied by Client) LOC3 BRANCH ESTATES ACORINRIVERHE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 28, PAGES 2, 2A THROUGH 28, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TH = FOUND 5/8 IRON = IGHT OF WAY = MEASURED = PLATTED ION UH—UH—UH— = UVGb X-X-X- = CHAT LI Ir"o-o-= PLAS IC 0-0-0- = WOOD FE CONIC. = CONCRETE C.P.= CONCRETE P COV.= COVERED �IJLr..- DRAINAGE SURVEYORS NOTES: I 1. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 0 LY PLATTED EASEMENTS ARE SHO HEREON. 2, ALL LOT DIMENSIONS SHOtj�(N ARE PER.PLAT UNLESS OTHER ISE SHOjyN. 3, NO UNDERGROUND UTILITIES OR IMPROVEMENTS WERE LOCATED UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN, 4. THIS SITE LIES *THIN FLOOD INSURANCE RATE VAP ZONE X VAP# 12ilICO276 J DATED: 2-16-12. 5. FLOOD ZONE SHOWN HEREON IS AN INTERPRETATION BY THE SURVEYOR AND IS PROVIDED AS A COURTESY. THE FLOOD ZONE SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY A DETERMINATION AGENCY.+ 6. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE CENTER LINE OF DEGAN DRIVE AS BEING N54WO3eE • ACCORDING TO THE PLAT DESCRIBED HEREON, 7. P,U.D.F . DENOTES PUBLIC UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT, U.E. DENOTES UTILITY EASEMENT. B. THE ACCURACY OF THIS SURVEY IS PREMISED ON THE EXPECTED USE OF THE SURVEY, THE EXPECTED USE/PURPOSE OF THIS SURVEY IS FORMBOARD LOCATION, ACCURACY=1 FOOT IN 7.500 FEET OR BETTER. 9. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THIS SURVEY MAP BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE SIGNING SURVEYOR IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE OF THIS SURVEY IS TO LOCATE POOL (OR DECK) FORMBOARDS IN RELATION TO THE PROPERTY LINES OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION, TAX PARCEL 3404-312-OD01-000-4 N89'50'52"E 196,66' 4f p Qd � I � � q i 49.46' O o tict O iJ p O N f g� CD 00 CTI 27.8S V I . - 38.101 d=�0 z4a \ 2g 2B \ 3rFL0R5nX PO R Irin LIGHT E-E E T— i N89.50'56"E 128.22' FD. 0 PO = I LOT 4 i rI I N � < I st. uc a co. L SCANNED o n Date It pro BY St. Lucie County <1 1 5144 CHERRY PALM WAY SCALE: i"-40 Atlantic Land Designs of the Treasure Coast, LB7468 764 NE Jensen Beach Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 34958 ALD5543@gmail.com (772) 398-4290 DATE:10/10/19 DRAWN: 1 j C 2019,,-0892 DATE; REVISIONS I I LAST FIELD DATE:10-9-19 tified to: 337-9713 BP# 1904-( I hereby certify that the survey sho*n hereon is true and correct and is based on actual measeur emenls taken in the field. This survey meets the Minimum Technical Standards of Chapter 5J-17 Florida administrative code. cg"i,r'°qre PSM 5543 ' µwhrn,AfeLmA. o-Nlanu[I.nG WJV+aI James A. Cesiro ' mmxoialan meemam c sureor NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC F 'Los,,a� SIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL 'Ea s.ve+iQ IV "t i, .,.. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Supplied by Client) LOT 3 IN RIVER BRANCH ESTATES ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 28, PAGES 2, 2A'ITHROUGH 2B, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. '-ABBREVIATIONS: Y0�SS"IRON NM54WITH ELLCAPMA3 FD,=.FOUND 5/8 IRON REBAR D Ail RIGHT OF WAY MEASURED P = PLATTED C I = CALCULATED = RADIUS OF CURVE L = LENGTH OF CURVE D= DELTA OF CURVE FFE = FINISHED'FLOpR ' LEyyATTON OH-0H-0H- = OVERHEAD IRES X-X-X- = CHAI LINK FE CE [}= PLAS IC FEND 0-0-0- = WOOD FENCE CONC. = CONCRETE C.P.= CONCRETE PAD COV.= COVERED -- U% = DRAINAGE PR DPDSED I AND EXISTING SURVEYORS NOTES: 1. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 0 LY PLATTED EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN HEREON. 2. ALL LOT DIMENSIONS SHO)j�(N ARE PER PLAT UNLESS OTHER SISE SHOWN.' 3. NO UNDERGROUND UTILITIES OR IMPROVEMENTS WERE LOCATED UNLESS 4. THIS SITE LIES WITHIN FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP ZONE x MAPB 121lICO276 J DATED: 2-16-12. 5. FLOOD ZONE SHOWN HEREON IS AN INTERPRETATION BY THE SURVEYOR AND IS PROy1DED AS A COURTESY. THE FLOOD ZONE SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY A DETERMINATION AGENCY.+ 6. BEARINGS SHOWN. HEREON ARE BASED ON THE CENTER LINE OF DEGAN DRIVE AS BEING N54-0503-E ACCORDING TO THE PLAT DESCRIBED HEREON. 7. P.U.D.E. DENOTES PUBLIC UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT, U.E. DENOTES UTILITY EASEMENT. B. THE ACCURACY OF THIS SURVEY IS PREMISED ON THE EXPECTED USE OF THE SURVEY. THE EXPECTED USE/PURPOSE OF THIS SURVEY IS FORMBOARD LOCATION. ACCURACY=1 FOOT IN 7.500 FEET OR BETTER. 9, ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THIS SURVEY MAP BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE SIGNING SURVEYOR IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE OF THIS SURVEY IS TO LOCATE POOL (OR DECK) FORMBOARDS IN RELATION TO THE PROPERTY LINES OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION. TAX PARCEL 3404-312-OOD1-000-4 N89'50'52"E 196.66' 5144 CHERRY PALM WAY SCALE:1r=4o, Atlantic Land Designs of the Treasure Coast, LB7468 754 RE Jensen Beach Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 34958 ALD5543@gmail.com (772) 398-4290 DATE:1 d�10/19 DRAWN: I C 2019-0892 DATE:1 REVISIONS 11 11 19 pool deck tie in LAST FIELD DATE:11/11/19 ified to: SCANNED BY St. Lucie County Pools by t hereoy tern ty that the survey shoyrn hereonis true and correct- " and is based on actual measeurements taken in the field. This survey meets the Vinimum Technical Standards of Chapter 5J-17 M cts Florid adminisl rot the code. ce°�r°,c're PSM 5543 aas�Mav+ayn�AwA✓. pGaHLtttA40ol. MJVN[ W Ryiud � mumiau.n rsavumvs � srnreov am A. tesiro NOTVALID ITHOUTAN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC rr°<axt pe0.4� NATUR AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL