I'efi,w 9--11 oY , 044
Name: Dave Golden
Permit -
Planning & Development Services
Building & Code Regulation Department
2300 Virginia Ave
Fort Pierce; FL 34982
772-462-2165 Fax 462-6443
Pierce Florida 34951
SEP 2 5 'pig
ST. Lucie County,
The undersigned hereby certifies that insulation as been installed at the above described property as follows:
1. ExteriorCBS walls have been insulated with ............................ { } Spray on cellulose
which thickness, awarding to the manufacturer: " ( ) Rberglassbiankets
(Density N/A) Will yield an "R" value of ( )Aluminum Foil
( ) Other
Exterior Frame wail have been insulated with ........................
To a thickness of,N/n Inches,. which thickness, according to
the manufiic(iirer, FFai1 (Density N/A) will yield an
R" value of: 4.1.
2s Ceilings — Level - have been insulated with ....:.............._,...,...
to a thickness of L ylncies, which'thickness, `accordng tb
the fianufacturer,- M climote Pro , (Density N/A) will yield an
.Fe value of 3e
Ceilings— Cathedral — have been insulated with ...................
to a thicknessof'_, inches, which thickness, according to
the manufacturer, `-. Density (N/A).will yield an
"R"-value of
3 Intaaar.kre traUsi ave bit tnsc tate<i w tit m.. .
to a'thickness Of --12-- inches. which thickness,. according to
the manufacturer, certoiweea (DensrLy N/A) wilt yield an
"R" value of 38'
Garage. partition walls: of conditioned living areas have been
to a thickness of3.5` inches, which thickness, awDrdinb to the
manufachlrer, -ceriolnieea , (Density N/A) will yield an
"R" vaide of'i i
{) Spray on cellulose
{) FiLergiass'blankets
() Aluminum Foil
{) Other
() Rherglass blankets
(} Rhemlass loose fill
{ } Aluminum Foil
O Other Cellulose SAB
(} Fiberglass blankets
()Fiberglass loose,fli 1
() Aluminum %oil
() Other Cellulose SAB
(x) Fiberglass blankets
O Polyurethane
(} Spray on cellulose
O Other
(x) Fiberglass blankets
{ } Spray on cellulose
(} Polyurethane
{ } Other
Lucie Countv
MULTI,FAMILY, RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION ONLY: The common.(party) walls separating different tenants shall be insulated as
follows — Frame/Metal-stud walls R-11(Min); CBS or Concrete walls R-3 (Min) by Energy Code requirements. See Energy Code
,Rev.1/87,.paragraph 903,2(b), on pages9-17,latestedition. These 'minimum levels of insulation" are not included the Energy
CakWations, but shalt be installed to the field..
NOTE: Densitles,of sprayed.on, loose fill, or any other composed -on site insulation shall be the PCF (lb/fr3) average of t€iree (3)
"DRY SAMPLES-` of actual installation.
MER Enterprises, LLC
Prit' Name of l-nslllation Contractor - SignatureSeoof Insulation Contractor
26202 8/13/19
r#ficaatfo4 Number Date of Certification
Nth iiiiz`
r.. < t'Ll.10 h
1➢C0^r. Exrir; Jul'. 2o22
"adndad;rt'Ugh ta:'w-ra',