HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSPERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUR DING PERMIT g a R 17 2019 SUR-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT sT. Lutaecoun[yjpe,[� BY St. Lucie County l lit r �i Uil DM c F VCyr1 Ma., 1Lm. have agreed to be (Company Namellndividuai Name) -1VInyc Sub -contractor for Dave Ry)n 17r-N Vlf mcs (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at Property Tax It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. IAicie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a CWge of Sub -contractor notice. /Z S3/ COUNTY CER'r1rtCATTON NUIsrOER state o[riorida, County of Theforegg . g�iu/ �t�ment wa signed before me this �7 day of whoolspersonahytmown✓ orhosprodnceda as Identification. _�clL SUIT-COMRACTOR s[G (Qualifier) h�lt�n /,t ilt 10--I� PRINT NAME 3o) COUNTY CERT4TCATSONNU BER State of Florida, Countyoi. Tndiab P i v-egr The foregoing instrument was signed before me this ` day -of �l z0�,hy 54Yn� W f) i-1-c.Z.a K o is persoreag l=or has produced DL asideatirradon- STAND : v+% RICHARD �PdD Signature ofNatary h c signature qLigetaflividtic "-"�' 't`Y-CtAdhOS51OM#GG088407 EXPIRES Aped 03,2021 Richard A Newland GAS€N 5. NIELSEN Print NomeofNataryPubli io`" o�ti: State of riori&-'Notary Public Pr[nt Name o£NotaryFatilic 7" Commission # GG 207484 My Commission Expires June 12, 2022 Revised 11/1612016 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT.SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUaDJNG PERMTT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT M have agreed to be For the project located at (44 / 3Z _; .y6 0 00 0 7 0 0 0 0 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing 2aCange of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SFGNA'I'URE (Quallfler) -41i1WIVO COUNTY CERTIFICATION 3/�'.q C/3G/Z S State of Florida, County of TL ✓C/.Q �1 Theforegoin 'nstrument was signed before me / day of 1 x/ 2� byt�Ay i p�"1Cr 111F,r who is personalty known ✓ o/r has produced a Z:: UB C� SIGNATURE (Qoalifier� PRINT NAME COL: Y CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of t . u i tJ The foregoing instrument was signed before me this _ day of who is persanaltyy known i/G has as ideutifrcatio . as identification. .. Sl•AMP /.f./Yi 1'1 ��L. I [Af-CllkJl.U(O STAhn' Signatare of NotarylFablic Signature of Notary Public I iXY1Fky/(�/1�.�(�(llLQiE—�r�11 ,�:9AREN S. NIELSEN Print Name of Notary PublicI� _� �' lorida-Notary Public 1Mat Name of Notary Public ;; — a Commission # GG 207484 �, 'r �,.� My Commission Ex ices June 12, 20: Revised 11116MI6 �pw'A, Notary Pub ieState of PWrida Landa`F Sanderson gg My CammissimfiG 211256 `Fan Expaes 179126=22 -PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT APR 17 2019 SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEM ENT ST. Lucie County, Permitting SCANNED BY St. Lucie County S&W Electirie Inc have agreed to be (Company Name/tndividuatName) the Electric Sub-coTrtractor for Dave Golden, Homes (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at IN, or 000ed? Do0 6 It is understoodthat, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a ChqAe of Sub -contractor notice CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (lQnalifler) !i/ 1v L PRINT— NAME tyl�cz3/�R�q COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUa. E State of Florida, County of Th/einregoinginstrument was signen bblerom wet(/a��/� �d�a.{ryj or ,- v i.20hy/[L.Jll�l�l \1/411LP�_ _ who/ispersonallykmown Orhasprodureda STAMP -� ,State of 1`10003-No18ry ru01'c = mmrssteo 0 GG 207484 My commission Expires %auuo� June 12, 2022 _ Revised I1/162016 Z41e:5'_ — SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Lawrence Stubbs PRINT NAME 29442 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of - l e rTThhe� foregaing instrument was signed bMore me this ) 3 day of , who ispersonany known 's� or has produced a I�asidentifration. r1th N, ryP'� STAMP Priat Name of NebuyPublie LAURAP LCUBBEDGE E. ` Commission It GG 022076 `.; Expires (Mober2l, 2020 . -,pew°a`'Bmrid7fNTmyFEtnLasTent88063&i7019 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE m the PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division W For the project locatedat BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT SCANNED BY St, Lucie County RECEIVED APR 17 2919 ST. Lucie County, Permitting V I D i. ' /� JJhaave agreed t be Subcontractor for i�/l!t/ 1O,11 � � f'S (PrimaryContractor) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building -and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Chang of Sub=contractor notice. l�/�c / �—y ff COUP77Y:l:ERT[FI T10NNUMBER SpuofFlori_da,.Coantyof Thtforegologiustromentwts' be[ort me dayof 42? .20�Lby l wbo is personally known Xchuproductda u idtntscadou: STAMP ft.t... Nattry publie �L -SUB-CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualilil PRINTINAME aCtb2y `5 L'Qr,1jYfY ERTTP[CATION, 'MBER State orriorida, County of th vD Cq TheforegoinginammeetwseeignlefdebUore me this �a=�-"day of who is personally knbwa _or has prroduced e as ideadSeadom Adi Ah- 'STAMP Cinmtun of Notary Publle VAQEN S. NIELSEN A �+4o%�-- r—�--- Print NaneofNotary Publi 9e'�`Fz Ste a of Florida -Notary Public Priat Nameo , otary bee ylil� Commission # GG 207484 J o, `FQISoNo,P; My Commission Expires ,rune 12, z022 i)?f, ; I(ELLY AGILBERT p�.. k¢v: ' MY COMMISSION N GG052067 EXPIRES December 01. 2020 Revd 11/1ti2016 VOAN