HomeMy WebLinkAboutTERMITE TREATMENT CERTIFICATEPlanning & Development Services Building & Code Regulation Division §CAt 2300 Virginia Ave Fort Pierce, FL 349821�61�f 772-462-2172 Fax 772-462-6443 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT #: tbL1--0qqZ JOBADDRESS: 36 3Z -5?m: r,o 1c-- Ieoc( BUILDER/CONTRACTOR: 1-kn - PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR: EVICT -A -BUG TERMITE & PEST CONTROL INC. PEST CONTROL LICENSE #: JB175775 We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. Square feet if area treated: Zi5cN Percentage of solution:.05% Date of Treatment: 2018 Foote 1st Treatment Re -Treat Driveway 1st Treatment Re -Treat Other 1st Treatment Re -Treat Chemicals used: DOMINION 2L Total gallons used: zza Time of Treatment: P-100 --'Slab 1st Treatment Re -Treat Pools lst Treatment Re -Treat xxxxx Perimeter for Final Inspection PAUL C LUGARA JRr mu:^mie iom�Ioi 2i m�aneana Signature of Exterminator Date Note: There must be a completed form for each required treatment or re -treatment and this form must be on the job site to be picked up by the inspector at time of each inspection or the scheduled inspection will fail and a re -inspection fee charged. FBC104.2.6 Certificate of Protective Treatment for prevention of termites. A weather resistantjobsite posting board shall be provided to receive duplicate Treatment Certificates as each required protective treatment is completed, providing a copy for the person the permit is issued to and another copy for the building permit files. The Treatment Certificate shall provide the product used, identity of the applicator, time and date of the treatment, site location, area treated, chemical used, percent concentration and number of gallons used, to establish a verifiable record of protective treatment. If the soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used, final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval. St Lucie County requires for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover, listing all the treatments and dates of applications. 7izai9nia • Termite Inspection e5�5 Christ is fiord • Termite Pretreatment As fVICt A-BIUg • Pest Control Termite & • Rodent Service Pest • Fire Ant Lawn Service Control, .°72-323-7921 Toll free: l-877 381.9999 fax: 772-349-5998 Email: Evictabug@gmail.com • Whitefly Treatment "C. 4293 SW High Meadows Ave. • Licensed & Insured Llo. JB175775 Palm City, FL 3449 0 Notice of Preventative Treatment for Termites S�ANNED (as required by Florida Building Code (FBC)104.2.6 and Broward County Chapter FBC 105.2.2) BY PEST PREVENTION r I FIRE ANT SERVICE I TERMITE SERVICE I RODENT XCLU ION & REMOVAL I WHI L Nfl Ly DATE OF SERVICE lr 1 L7 TIME i�' °-�Qy t'J 4 r /. DEVELOPMENT NAME (PROJECT) CONTRACTOR'S NP�ME CONTACT PERSON is 1 0.�;_, (1 re ? ?f.D i 1f.C; j'. ^?/i�lr �•'Cn�c.,'� `h•d.7.,d ?i t r:ix, STRUCTURE ADDRESS(LOTJBLOCK) �% i ,1 CITY,STATE "-r ,COUNTY r Y NOTES ' _��. ',i7 i f I ! f' rt',.:✓n•r_ ll:I i il'.Lr A.f;� '%j ZIP CODE (, ❑ FLOATING ❑ MONOLITHIC ❑ CUTOUTS O FOOTER ❑ TAMP &TREAT CI TREAT ONLY {I r ❑ PATIO ❑ FRONT ENTRY ❑ FINAL 0. PRODUCTS ❑ BASELINE .7 DOMINION 2LACTIVE INGREDIENT ❑ OTHER ACTIVE INGREDIENT CONCENTRATION ❑ GARAGE brDRIVEWAY e ❑ RETREAT ❑ BORA CARE TREATMENT ❑ POOL DECK ❑ OTHER ❑ TERMIDOR SC ❑ BORACARE ❑ PREMISE ❑ 5r u IMIDACLAPRID ❑ BIFENTHRIN ❑ STEM WALLIFOOTERS ❑ PLUMBING CUTOUTS ❑ ADDITION ❑ SIDEWALKS SEP 2 5 9019 AR ST. Lucle County, Penn ❑ DISODIUM OCTABORATETETRAHYDRATE ❑ .06% ❑ .1% ❑ .12%/ ❑,25% €3.05% ❑ 23% ❑ 9% ❑ OTHER GALLONS APPLIED C.I SQUARE FOOTAGE > f'. LINEAR FOOTAGE O YES Cl NO JOB READY CONDITIONS MET I❑ YES ❑ NO '❑ MEASURED OR VERIFIED PER PLANS DETAILS As per 104.2.6 FBC • If soil chemical barrier method far termite prevention is used. Final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval. Certificate of Compliance: The building has received a complete treatment for the prevention of subterranean termites. Treatment is In accordance with rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. (Per the Florida Building Code.) If this notice Is for the final exterior treatment, Initial and date this line FINAL STICKER ELECTRICAL PANEL ❑ WATER HEATER 11 PaymentTerms; Payment due at 0me of service. Date W and Pest Control, Inc.) Date www.evietabugpestcontrol.com ,f BOARD OF COUNTY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Building & Code Regulation CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT R 17 2019 ST. Lucie County, Permitting SCANNED Reauired Documents: BY St. Lucie County Application completely filled out with Notarized Signatures ............................ Yes ✓/No_N/A_ Sub Agreements with Notarized Signatures (prior to issuance) .......................... Yes L/No _ N/A_ Owner / Builder Affidavit (signed in office) ................................................. Yes —No— N/A_ Filled Land Affidavit (prior to issuance) ................................................... Yes —No v N/A_ Recorded Warranty Deed, if applicable......................................................Yes_N4;�N/A Recorded Notice of Commencement (prior to issuance or inspection) ................. Yes —No 1-/ N/A_ Utility Agreement or Payment Receipt (prior to issuance).................................Yes_No el N/A_ Vegetation Removal Application with copy of survey.....................................Yes No // N/A Plans. Calculations & Attachments (3 copies commercial, 2 copies residential) Complete set of plans with Engineer / Architect Raised Seal ........................... Yest-"No_N/A_ Truss Plans reviewed and approved by Engineer / Architect ............................ Yes No — N/A - Landscaping and Parking plan (under 6,000 sgft)......................................... YesL---&o _ N/A — Approved Site Plans........................................................................... Yes "No —N/A — Sealed Survey with Dimensions, Finished floor ........................................... Yes t� /No_N/A_ Elevations and Setbacks.............................................................. Yes VNo_N/A Plot plan with Setbacks............................................................... Yes_ZNo — N/A_ 'f Health Department approval stamped on survey and floor plan ........................ Yes-V No_N/A_ Health Department Food Establishment Permit stamped on floor plan ................ Yes_ Manual "P' or Manual "N" Calculations.................................................... Yes_2No N/A_ Signed Energy Calculations (1 set original signatures & signed in 2 spots) ........... .Yes2No_N/A_ Sealed Wind Load Compliance Certification ............................................... Yes jZNo_N/A_ Product Review Affidavit..................................................................... Yes //No N/A Excavating a pond for fill: Site plan showing 25-foot(minimum) set back from all property boundaries, size, Yes_ No_ shape, location and quantities of proposed excavation and fill areas Side slopes not to exceed 4 to 1 to a minimum of 3 feet below water level......... Yes No Depth of excavation does not exceed 12 feet in depth .................................... Yes_ No_ If Hauling fill off site (excess of 100 cubic yards) you must have a mining permit Yes —No — Other: Health Department Permit Paperwork....................................................... CD for Fire Department if commercial or multi -family ................................... DEP, SFWMD or Army Corp of Engineers (dock, seawall, SF on beach)............ Pool Barrier Affidavit.......................................................................... Ground Sign Landscape Affidavit (signs) ................................................... Yes —No Bum Rate for Sign Cabinets.................................................................. I/ RV and Mobile Home Tie -Down Only (2 copies) Permit Worksheet (Tie -Down Diagram) ................................................... Manufacture Set -Up and Installation Manual .............................................. Manufacture Blocking Documents.......................................................... Signed Penetrometer Test (1 copy)......................................................... StairDetails.................................................................................... Mobile Home Inspection Report for Relocation (used only) ........................... Copy of Title for Relocation (used only) ................................................... Private Property not in a mobile home park Class "A" Approval from Planning or file # ................................................ COMMENTS Revised 10/15/18