HomeMy WebLinkAboutREVISION - BUILDING PERMITOFFICE USE ONLY: s (y� DATE FILED. [sS•?�/• o?O// I� REVISION FEE: A J • G ;yam 1. LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: 2. 3. - PERMIT # --RECEIPT#- PLANNING,& DEVELOPN ENT:SERVLCES- BUILMING & CODE REGULATION DIVISION SCANNED 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE BY -I+0RT�]ERCEJIU11981-5652 I _ -St. Lb66 Co ritF-- --- ---- -- - - - - - - - - (772) 462-1553 _ APPLICATION FOR BUII.DING PERNM REVISIONS ----#ROJECI`INFORMATION - DETAII.ED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT td1�4TE.P fri117T•4inl At1 YFm Sit/ &WeS %L F/,sT/Pe4A/• "�' C STATE of FL REGJCERT. #: BUSINESS NAME: PHONE Sr. LUCIE COUNTY CERT. # 1 STATE: FAX- 010 4. ORWNER/BUH.DER INFORMATION: NAME: III ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE: _ .. _, _ . FAX: _ - - --- ---- - 5. ARCHITE( NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: _1 SLCCC: 923/09 Revised04)26/2010 THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO OOf'I3Y WITM14004A.W BIDEO: _ STATE: r L - — FAX:- TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME : 05/23/2011 10:10 NAME : SLC CODE COMP V FAX : 7724626448 TEL : 7724622963 SER.0 : BROE5J278861 DATE,TIME 05/23 10:09 FAX NO./NAME 917722837540 DURATION 00:00:26 PAGE(S) 01 RESULT OK MODE STANDARD ECM OFFICE USE ONLY: DATE F=I); o / ROL9ION L LOCATIONW E ADDRESS: 4. PERMiT# #//o :o/3j RECI IPT O PLANNING & DEVEI.OP.MWTBERVICIM BUILDING & CODE R]MULATION DI{ISION 2300 VIRGTNIA A_ VWM FURTl'18BC PI3493MM (772)4Q,l&9 AEPLICATION FOR BUII,I)MG PLRMPP REVISIONS PROJECT BWORMTION STATE of FL REGJCERT. #: BUSD4$S4 NAME: QUALT[+fER4 NAME ADnRBSS: o W CITY: A MONE (DAITI1F1E): OW WR/BUTL.DER nffORMATION: -vn/ a7fE-S o2oe4csr�►�- •'y'C• Sr. LUCIE COUNTY CERT. tk FAR: BUILDING PERMIT Planning &Development Services �m Online address: Building 8 Code Regulation Division hftp:/Avv.w.stlucleco.org/planning/permifting.htm 2300 Virginia Avenue Quick Links Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Permit Status Lookup Phone: (772) 462-2172 Fax: (772) 462-6443 Online Building Inspection System Permit#: SLC1101-0137 Conf# 745 Issued: 04/13/2011 Job Location: 6649 S U S 15 City: PORT ST LUCIE Permit Type: Commercial Renovation Job Description: INTERIOR BUILD OUT FOR AN ARCADE; BUILD OUT CONSISTS OF 5 VACANT CONTIGUOUS UNITS WITHIN AN EXISTING SHELL BUILDING; 6649,6651,6653,6655,6657 [ S.F. 8097 A-3 TYPE IIB CLASSIFICATION I Subdiv: Kitterman Plaza Lot: Block: Parcel: 3415-707-0002-00017 Setbacks Left: Right: Front: Rear: Zoning: CG Number of Units: 1.00 Floors: 1 Buildings: 1 Square Footage: 0.00 Minimum Floor Elevation: Flood Map: 28OF Flood Zone: X Elev: 'Contractor JASON F POMA POMA CONSTRUCTION CORP (772) 283-0099 2049 SW POMA DR PALM CITY, FL 34990 Property Owner KITTERMAN LLC 2049 SW POMA DR PALM CITY. FL 34990 (772) 283-0099 Permit holder acknowledges through acceptance of this permit that separate permits must be obtained as required by the Florida Building Code including those for all electric, plumbing, mechanical, roofing and structural work. Further, he/she acknowledges responsibility to comply with all requirements of the 2007 Florida Building Code and the St Lucie County Land Development Code. "Issuance of this permit may be appealed to the St Lucie County Board of Adjustment by an aggrieved party by filing a notice of appeal with the St Lucie County Growth Management Director within thirty (30) days of the issuance of this permit in accordance with St Lucie County Land Development Code, Section 11.11.00., Appeals. Building Permits shall expire and become null and void if work authorized by such Building Permit is not commenced, having called for and received a satisfactory inspection, within six (6) months from the date of issuance of the permit, or if the work is not completed within 18 months (permit by contractor) or 24 months (permit by owner) from the date of issuance of the Building Permit in accordance with St Lucie County Land Development Code Section 11.05.01 (A)(2). NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in ' the records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. s:553:79(30), F.S. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. s:713.135 (1)(a), F.S. Kenneth Arnold Building Official Date SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT ?�CWN11' PLAN REVIEW FORM 5160 N.W. Milner Drive F-ILE �rppp Part Saint Lucie, FL 34983 -3322 x Tele Fax: 772-621--3604322 e Web Address: www.sidd.com Building Dept. Saint Luice County FMO Permit# B-11 A2 Project Name Rio Arcade **Addendum** BLDG Permit# 1101-0137 Address 6649-57 South US Highway l city Port Saint Lucie Contractor IPoma Construction Address 2049 SW Poma Drive city State Florida Zip 34 990 Architect/Engineer Raymond Chladny Telephone City Telephone 772.283.0099 772.631.5709 Occupancy Type Assembly>300 Construction Type IIB Square Feet 8858 Occupant Load >300 Number of Stories 1+MeZZ Access Box Required Access Key Switch I AFS Permit Required FA Permit Required FFP Permit General Notes 1. An electronic copy of the construction documents submitted on a CD is required. The file format shall be.pdf only. 2. All revisions, including the electronic copy must be received prior to permitting. 3. The Fire Marshal requires 24 hour notice on all Inspections. 4. The respective Building Department shall schedule all final inspections through the Fire Marshal's Office. S. Failed Inspections require payment of fee prior to rescheduling of further inspections. 6. Penetrations through rated assemblies shall be of the proper UL design. Design criteria shall be submitted with the construction plans. 7. Fire alarm panels shall be located indoors within air conditioned space. S. Plans and construction are subject to corrections in the Held to maintain code compliance. 9. Automatic fan shutdown is required for HVAC system/s that exceed 2,000 dm design capacity. THE FLORIDA FIRE PREVENTION CODE, 2007 EDITION IS CURRENTLY ENFORCED. . BUILDINGS WITH LIGHT -FRAME TRUSS -TYPE CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE MARKED WITH APPROVED FIREFIGHTER SAFETY WARNING SIGNS IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODES 69A-3.012 AND 69A-60.0081 PRIOR TO RECEIVING A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. Required Revisions *****ADDENDUM TO REVISED PLANS***** 1. A separate permit is required forthe installation of the required fire sprinkler and fire alarm system. Voice evacuation is required. Monitoring is required. 2. Provide the Fire Sprinkler Design Criteria in accordance with 61G15-32 F.A.0 3. The occupant load data listed on the revised COV sheet is incorrect. The occupancy load is greater than 300 persons. Page 1F of I- Reviewed by T. Liento Date 04-11-2011 r o A66k BRACKET DETAIL TYPICAL FASTENING: 1) WOOD STUD: 5EA. 1 r2" X 3.25" LAGS IT 0 0 0 0 2) SOLID BLOCK: 3EA. WEDGE ANCHORS 6" 6" 6" 8" enl-V�vc'l L o C4 to � '- O CL w BY z 2 w J V z 2 0 � BYi r � DOOR R.O.46W x 88"H PLATFORM 37.50" 1 DOOR R.O.46'W x 88"H INSIDE FINISHED 52' WORK BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR 1-PIT LIGHT SWITCH AND WORK RECEPTACLE 2-48" DOUBLE TUBE FLOURESENT 3-BUILD WALL AS PERT SHEET S-12 PLC Yec�A� ', Io 0 Old? 6" BY GC 3 0 OVERHEAD 7'8" DOORS im BY -� 0 SOUTHEAST _w V N n (�} O s w m 2 J LL LL TRAVEL w 8' 7" a CAB 80" J 0 PIT CD CD 8„ 12" 0 n co MODEL- GLIDE 200 HYDRAULIC CAPACITY- 750LBS LANDINGS. 2 SPEED-30FPM OPENINGS- OPPOSITE MACHINE ROOM- ADJACENT OVERHEAD- 7'8" TRAVEL- PIT- 12" CAB. SUGARMILL WOOD. GATES. N/A HANDRAIL- HARDWOOD LIGHTING- STANDARD 3" MINIWAX STAIN - ARCADE BUILDING SOUTHEAST ELEVATOR, INC. 772-461-0030 i PAGE r , { RAIL WALL START AT RAIL WALL CENTER LINE WITH FIRST STUD AND WORK OUT FROM THERE 6" ON CENTER, BOTH DIRECTIONS. STUDS NEED TO BE IN -LINE BOTTOM TO TOP OF WALL, USE PLUMB BOB OR LASER FOR ALIGNMENT 314" PLYWOOD DIRECTLY ON WOOD STUDS FROM TOP TO BOTTOM OF RAIL WALL ONLY, NAILED OR SCREWED EVERY 6" TO 6" 2" X 4" MIN. STUD. 41 4' 4' PLYWOOD FULL WIDTH OF RAIL WALL SOUTHEAST ELEVATOR, INC. 772-451-0030 SHEET S-12 , SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT ��FSAUMY PLAN REVIEW FORM 3 5160 N.W. Milner Drive 7" Port Saint Lucie, FL 34963 k Telephone: 772-621-3322 UIS� Fax: 772-621-3604 Web Address: www.slcfd.com Building Dept. Saint Luice County '.. FMOPermit# 11-1142 Project Name Rio Arcade BLDG Permit # 1101-0137 Address 6649-57 South US Highway 1 city Port Saint Lucie Contractor Loma Construction Address 2049 SW Poma Drive _ _ _ City Palm City State Florida Zip 34990 11 Telephone 772.283.0099 Architect/Engineer Raymond Chladny Telephone 772.631.5709 Occupancy Type Assembly>300 -j_ Construction Type IIB Square Feet Occupant Load >300 _ Numberof Stories it MBzz� Access Box Required 1 Access Key Switch I AFS Permit Required FA Permit Required FFP Permit II 11 General Notes 1. An electronic copy of the construction documents submitted on a CD is required. The file format shall be .pdf only. 2. All revisions, including the electronic copy must be received prior to permitting. 3. The Fire Marshal requires 24 hour notice on all inspections. 4. The respective Building Department shall schedule all final inspections through the Fire Marshal's Office. S. Failed inspections require payment of fee prior to rescheduling of further inspections. 6. Penetrations through rated assemblies shall be of the proper UL design. Design criteria shall be submitted with the construction plans. 7. Fire alarm panels shall be located Indoors within air conditioned space. B. Plans and construction are subject to corrections in the field to maintain code compliance. 9. Automatic fan shutdown is required for HVAC system/s that exceed 2,000 cfm design rapacity. THE FLORIDA FIRE PREVENTION CODE, 2007 EDITION IS CURRENTLY ENFORCED. BUILDINGS WITH LIGHT -FRAME TRUSS -TYPE CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE MARKED WITH APPROVED FIREFIGHTER SAFETY WARNING SIGNS IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODES 69A-3.012 AND 69A-60.0081 PRIOR TO RECEIVING A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. A separate permit is required for the installation of the fire sprinkler and fire alarm system. Voice evacuation is required. mitoring is required. Provide the Fire Sprinkler Design Criteria in accordance with 61 G7 5-32 F.A.0 The entry/exit doors leading from the 108 game area when open blocks one of the means of egress "archway" openings that ids to the main entry/exit door. Only panic hardware may be installed on the exit doors. Page F of 2❑ Reviewed by T. Liento Date 03-14-2011 Interior wall and ceiling finish materials shall be Class W or Class V in general assembly areas and lobbies. Provide a remote test and inspect appliance equipped with an audible/visual indicator for each HVAC duct -smoke detector. Correct occupancy criteria information listed sheet COV. The exit doors located in the "91 Game" side are not remote from each other. The distance between the North door and the =hway opening leading to the Main entrance/exit must be a minimum of 30 feet apart. The plans reference fire extinguishers, however, the locations are not indicated. Page l2 j of 2❑ Reviewed by T. I.IentO Date 03-14-2011 OFFICE USE ONLY: « DATE FILED: PERMIT # _ REVISION FEE:_ RECEIPT # ST.•L'UCIE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTN CODE COMPLIANCE DI 2300 VIRGINIA AVEN . FORT PIERCE, FL 3498 5 (772) 462-1553 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PE PROJECT INFORMATION 1. LOCATION/SITE 2. 3. 4. 5. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REVI IO�NS: ® .. Tom- ♦ I�1 � 1�l r • �\����� �711� ' � 111 UUN'I'RAU I'UR IM UMMA H VIN ST. of FL REGJCERT. # BUSINESS NAME: 2 QUALIFIERS NAR4 �il ADDRESS: O CITY: PHONE (DAYTIME): OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE /CELL: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE(DA TION: TE: FAX: ST. LUCIE CTY. CERT. # FAX: TE: M ZIP: FAX: AAAA/ �; "fW Aor L-Ak 5k- ��i R�(o� �—� 5 �`es wl �� S . AL A I K— 11 Fi�(♦'(j�2U�IC Qj,/B 1'VI@W$)f r Job Number: S109C11 ..°a'u'? 4t Report Descnphon Light Hazard }?'r Jee NumEe+ e, ng be.CIE pinny S109C7 7 Shelly Schuyler J°e Name PMne FPX RIO ARCADE (772)288-0615 (772)288-5122 aabresI sate cemn,a+anamenee Namber (@ KITI-ERMAN PLAZA) 21113900011993 Aaareez2 AHJ S. FEDEFiL HWY. Jt. Lucie County Fire Ci+y Stale Lp Cp@ J°e 5i+e Port St, Lucie, FI. FI LH- REMOTE AREA 1 x tt a Oe 'ry 0 100gprr t2 pea 0A,16u.n �1500.00ft2 (Actual 1746.16f1') Mem andmq E3pinue, Dma nose sreama -- 5 6 K-Factor 21.00 at 14.063 _ 100.00 C.", Per S,,i+4t 21MOW nwmbar of sp,inwem CalcuiMM ---- 12 sya+em Prenme Omen sye+cm Flo. Demand 65.913 320.94 T°tal Demand P,eaeme Remit-------'-- 420.94 a@65.913 +8,703 (11.7%) =Check Point Noy Flow(gnm) Hose Flow(onm) Static(psi) Residual(psi) Identifier Pressure(psi) K-Factor(K) Flow(opm) 9 11353.00 100.00 76.000 64.000 e �t lb i �11V Supply, Nodek1 {1353v(Vj,00 00 7,6°i},00 100 90 ..d 80 j 70 o 0 000 � P ;...._.._.___..._.. 650 2 N 40 30 I° 20 I 10 I a 0 1• . III1®■■■.- II MEN N��� III■0 II, fWO450600 750 900 1050 1200 1350 1500 C' Water flow, gpm L@ M.E.P.CAD, Inc. - 1AutoSPRINK@ VR5 v5.2.6 05/10/2011 8:50:50AM paoc 1 Sraf111T1d "5 "n�'{�' a"''., Job Number: S109C11 �gHy�{�Xaultc ry� llllllir Report Description Light Hazard � +e'Y ri ky' i Y er �fr 1 .Jo a'3-..ai't"ab?�': a'�#ysz +':�9;'i Job NU ads oes,pn smm�em ird S109C11 Shelly Schuyler job Name slarocerurm,dwduevn"rwmber RIO ARCADE 21113900011993 (@ KITTERMAN PLAZA) St. Lucie County Fire Aede".2 Job Sne S. FEDERAL HWY. t LH- REMOTE AREA 1 Coy slue np Colo oramia, Neme Pod St. Lucie, FI. FI Building shell import.cad `_`: „riw:.,.t:« ....r:' sit im;Spriikler Data Mdetoemammnp Sprinkler Data a5.6K-Factor 21.00 at 14.063 ht HazardHeaealonneea ROE� soum• r Area elapPr ndn 100.00 00gpm/ft' 1500.00ft2 (Actual 1746.16ft2) Ald,Wnal Hose Supplies Number Of SpMHas CalaAaou Covempa Per Sp-IM, Node Flow(ggm) 12 210.00f " Merpr3k RervW: pressure For Homes Need) Mirebul To Most Remote Area Telel Hambbeams 100.00 System Flow Demanl To.'- otal Wala Reeu—' naludial Hose Alloure.) 320.94 420.94 Maximum Pressure Unbalance In Loops 0.000 Maximum Valued, AOwe Ground 20.90 between nodes 174 and 182 Maramum velocity U,Mer Ground 7.36 between nodes 6 and 4 Volume espanlr orwe Pips Waredmpaciryvl Orr, Pip" 426.89gal $u�'Ilrx.xY':'��.'±";t§a>»-=�.,.....,.iw`T,c al 4zt':Y. ss.'2..'L?r.'` :d,x,x.._ :'L?«.'�'`*s'�`rr..':L:i-ez�:ii Hose Flow Static I Residual @ Flow I Available @ Total Demand Required Safely Margin Node ( m(psi) (psi) . ( m(psi) m (si (psi) 1 100.00 1 76.000 1 64.000 1 1353.00 I 74.616 420.94 I 65 913 1 8.703 G;ontractor" .°J= w r c :ram A M �. >ti'... .;ktd:'.'L-".oilA. Ta...rx3Yq�Sso-.vxtia...lsr"xa"e--.3F-+...�i`v.a'?d'n?.Y._ti..,Tev.<.es.4:{.i.....:v'Ss.F.:4:b r CaNretlor Number 3109C11 Cooled N.M. Shelly Schuyler drid Pro Project En 1 9. CbnVaUor N.M. Metro Fire Sprinkler Services, Inc. share 772-288-0615 Extu,elm 271 Md., t FM 1501 Decker Ave 772-288-5122 Mdr"s 2 E-mall Unit #522 Ctry Sble LpCse web.site Stuart FI 34994 &@M.E.P.CAD, Inc. ally Auto&RINK@VR5 v5.2.6 05/10/2011 8:50:52AM Paget Job Number: S109C11 Report Desnrinfinn- I inhf Wo,a, i 4 Device Actual Flow m Minimum Flow m K-Factor I K Pressure si S rinkler 108 26.86 21.00 5.6 23.014 Sprinkler 106 24.90 21.00 5.6 19.775 Sprinkler 103 21.37 21.00 5.6 14.557 c> Sprinkler 101 21.00 21.00 5.6 14.063 Sprinkler 107 1 26.33 21.00 5.6 22.106 Sprinkler 105 24.45 21.00 5.6 19.064 Sprinkler 104 21.53 21.00 ---it 5.6 14.777 Sprinkler 102 21.31 2100 - 5.6 14.486 Sprinkler 111 34.60 _ 21.00 5.6 38.166 _ Sprinkler _ 112 36.25 21.00 5.6 41.892 _ Sprinkler 110 31.28 21.00 _ 5.6 31.196 Sprinkler 709 31.07 21.00 _ 5_6 30.776 a> Most Demanding Sprinkler Data _ & © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. j jj AutoSPRINK® VR5 v5.2.6 05/10/2011 8:50:54AM Page 3 }'if�rBU�IrCA1'Ia�ySIS;,;;*,'``a Job Number: Slog Ci1 Report Description: Light Hazard Pi eT pe Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss 1Length Pressure Downstream U stream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Total Length iSummary a�••••• Route 1..... DR 1.1040 Q=21.00 7.04 C=120 0.111045 21'-0'/.' Pf 3.194 101 93 12'-6 24'-0 q=21.00 K=5.6 14.053 12.271 Spr(-14.063) 2E(T-1011.) T-81 Pe 28'-9, Pv -4.986 _BL 93 92 1.1040 24'-0 24'-0 Q=42.37 14.20 C=120 1-2 271 18.372 0.406795 __ 15'-0 Pf Pe 15'-Oi Pv 6.102 BL 1.4520 Q=67.27 13.03 _ C=120 0.251957 15'-0' Pf 3.779 92 91 24'-0 24'-0 18.372 22.152 I Pe 15'-0, Pv BL 1.4520 Q=94.13 18.24 C=120 0.469138 32'-6'/a Pf 20.0 77 91 88 24'-0 24'-0 22.152 42.239 PO(10'-3) 10'-31 Pe 42'-9'/.1Pv FM 2.6350 Q=94.13_ 5.54 C=120 002575E 15'-5%' Pf 0.398 88 139 24'-0 24'-0 _ 42,239 42.637 -- _ Pe 15'-5% Pv FM 2.6350 Q=187.75 11.05 C=120 0.092383 91- '' Pf 2.370 139 165 24'-0 24'-0 42.637 --- 45.006 T(16'-5'/.) 16'-511 25'-7'/<�pv Pe FM 4.2600 Q=320.94 7.22 C=120 0.024006 93'-2Y' Pf 3.186 165 186 24'-0 24'-0 _ 45.00E 48.192 3E(13'-2) 39'-� Pe 132'-Bl;jPv FR 4.2600 Q=320.94 7.22 0=120 0.024006 21'-0 Pf 504 0.104 186 3 2T-0 3'-0 48.192 57.800 21'-01 Pe Pv 9. UG 4.2200 Q=320.94 7.36 C=140 0.018898 6'-q Pf 0.303 3 2 T-0 -3'-0 57.800 60.704 LtE(10'-0Yz) 10'-0% Pe 16- 01/)Pv 2.601 UG 4.2300 Q=320.94 7.33 C=150 0.016443 16'-tT Pf 0.453 2 4 -31-0 -3'-0 6n.704 61.157 LtE(11'-6%) 1^.'-6;%Pe 2T_6Pv O.000 .UG 4.2200 Q=320.94 7.36 C=140 0.018898 Pf 3.188 4 6 -3'-0 -T-0 61.157 64.345 3LtE(10'-0%), BFP(-2.392) 30'-1 % 42'-1 %�Pv Pe -0.000 UG 4.2300 Q=320.94 7.33 C=150 0.016443 53'-11/1 Pf 1.568 6 1 -T-0 4-0 64.345 65.913 GV(T-10), S, T(38'-5) 42'_3Y11 95'4Y%Pv Pe ear.••••• Route 2 ..... DR 1.1040 Q=21.31 7.14 C=120 0.114136 21'-7Y4 Pf 3.345 102 145 12'-6 - 24'-0 q=21.31 K=5.6 14.486 12.846 Spr(-14.486) 2E(3'-10%.) 7'-8/4 29'-3/q Pe Pv -4.986 BL 1.1040 Q=42.84 14.36 C=120 0.415268 12'-0 Pf 4.983 145 144 24'-0 24'-0 12.846 17.829 12'-OPv Pe BL 1.4520 Q=67.29 13.04 C=120 0,252117 14'-d Pf 3.530 144 143 24'-0 24'-0 17.829 21.358 14'-O, Pe Pv BL 1.4520 Q=93.62 18.14 C=120 0.464429 35'-6'/1 Pf 21.278 143 139 24'-0 24'-0 21.358 42.637 PO(10'-3) 10'-3Pe 45'-9'/ Pv ®••••• Route 3 ..... DR 1.1040 Q=21.37 7.16 C=120 0.114652 12'-0 Pf 2.699 103 93 12'-6 24'-0 q=21.37 K=5.6 14.557 12.271 Spr(-14.557) E(T-1 O%.), T(7'-8%.) 11'-6/2 23'-61/� Pe Pv -4.986 �••••• Route 4 ..... .DR 1.1040 Q=21.53 7.21 C=120 0.116253 11'-0 Pf 2.621 104 145 13'-6 24'-0 q=21.53 K=5.6 14.777 12.846 Spr(-14.777) E(3'-101/.), T(T-81/.) 11'-611/ Pe 22'-61ZPv -4.552 ®••••• Route 5 - -�•• DR _ _-AA040 Q=24.45 8.19._ C=120 0.147141 - 11'-Q', Pf 3317 105 144 13'-6 24'-0 q=24.45 K=5.6 19.064 17.829 Spr(-19.064) E(T-101/.), T(T-8%) 11'-6'/ Pe 22'-61/�Pv -4.552 �••••• Route 6 ..... DR 1.1040 Q=24.90 8.35 C=120 0.152209 12'-0' Pf 3.583 106 92 IT-6 24'-0 q=24.90 K=5.6 19.775 18.372 Spr(-19.775) E(3'-101/.), T(T-81/.) 11'-6Y1 Pe 23'-6'12 Pv -4.986 ®..... Route 7 ..... DR 1.1040 Q=26.33 8.82 C=120 0.168742 11'- Pf 3.804 107 . 143 13'-6 24'-0 q=26.33 K=5.6 22.106 21.358 Spr(-22.106) E(3'-101/.), T(T-8%4) 11'-61/ Pe 22'-61/ Pv -4.552 ®••••• Route 8..... 5t © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. Jj AutoSPRINK® VR5 v5.2.6 05/10/2011 8:5055AM Panad Ulm A lalysls" �c tf, A• � � � ' Job Number: S109C11 Report Description: Liqht Hazard Downstream Elevation Discharge veiocr K-Factor I vvc Pt Friction Loss Pn Fittings Length Pressure Upstream E q. Length Summary DR 1.1040 Q=26.86 9.00 C=120 0.1751'40 Total Length 108 12'-6 q=26.86 K=5.6 23.014 S r-23.014 12'-0 Pf 4.123 , 91 24'-0 22.152 E(3` 10%), T(7'-8%4) 23'-6% Pv -4.986 ea••••• Route 9 ..... DR 109 1.1040 12'-6 _ Q=31.07_ 10.41 K=5.6 C=120 0.229157 20'-1 J Pf 7.252 182 24'-0 q=31.07 30.776 Spr(-30.776) 11'-6%� Pe -4.986 BL 1.1040 20.90 33.042 C-120 E(T-10'/a), T(7'-8%4) 0.831317 31'-7'/q Pv 182 24'-0 _Q=62.34 33.042 - 6'-7% Pf 5.507 174 24'-0 38.549 Pe BL 1.4520 Q=96.94 18 16 0.495348 6'-7Y Pv 174 24'-0 38.549 2'-4� Pf 6.228 169 24'-0 44.777 PO(10'-3) 10'-3 Pe 12'-6'/4� Pv FM 42600 Q=96_94_ 2.18 C=120 6-002621 169 24'-0-0 44.777 _ 19'-11 Pf 0.052 168 24'-0 44.829 Pe _FM 4.2600 Q=133.19 3.00 C=120 0.004717 19'-11 Pv 168 24'-0 44.829 --- -- 37'-7'/. Pf 0.178 166 24'-0 45.006 Pe mom ..... Route 10 ..... 37'-7'/ Pv • DR 1.1040 Q=31.28 10.48 C=120 0 232049 1T-10'/i 110 12'-6 q=31.28 K=5.6 31.196 Spr(-31.196) Pf 6.832 182 24'-0 33.042 E(3'-10%). T(7'-8Y.) 11'-6M Pe -4.986 29'-5%, Pv cz ...•• Route 11 ..... DR 111 1.1040 12'-6 Q=34.60 q=34.60 11.60 K=5.6 C=120 38.166 0.279639 1 i'-& Pf 5.368 5.3 1.. 24'-0.... 38.549 Spr(-38.166) - T(7'-8Y4) T-8%I pe 86 ..... Route l2 ..... 19'-2'/ Pv DR 112 1.1040 12'-5 Q=36.25 12.15 C=120 _ 0.304799 14'-5Y� Pf 7.922 168 24'-0 q=36.25 l<=5.6 41.892 Spr(-4'1892) 11'-6Y�' Pe -4.986 44.829 E(3'-10'/a), PO(7'-8'/.) 26'IPe ent,Fipe Lengths of;Valves apd�fithOgs (C ,1��04o01y) � ,~�,? C Value„Mul'tipliert;, y n Actual Inside Diameter 4.87 Value Of C 100 130 140 Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Inside Diameter ) = Factor Multiplying Factor - 0.713 1.16 150 1,33 1.61 CC1114 r-D rAn le.. ❑lOn 06/10/2011 8:50:55AM Page 5 Job Number: S109C11 Description: Light Hazard AO Arm -Over Diameter Inch BL Branch Line Elevation Foot CM Cross Main Flow gpm ON Drain Discharge gpm DR Drop Velocity fps DY Dynamic Pressure psi FM Feed Main Length Foot FIR Feed Riser Friction Loss psi/Foot MS Miscellaneous HWC Hazen -Williams Constant OR Outrigger Pt Total pressure at a point in a pipe RN Riser Nipple Pn Normal pressure at a point in a pipe SP ST Sprig Stand Pipe pf Pressure loss due to friction between points UG Underground Pe Pv Pressure due to elevation difference between indicated Velocity pressure at a point in a pipe ALV Alarm Valve AngV Angle Valve b Bushing BaIV Ball Valve BFP Backgow Preventer c BV Butterfly Valve C Cross Flow Turn 90° cplg Coupling Cr Cross Run CV Check Valve DeIV Deluge Valve DPV Dry Pipe Valve E 90° Elbow EE 45° Elbow Eel 11% Elbow Ee2 22M? Elbow f Flow Device FDC Fire Department Connection fE 90' FireLock(TM) Elbow ME 45° FireLock(TM) Elbow fig Flange FIN Floating Node ff FireLock(TM) Tee 9 Gauge GloV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hvd H,,dranf LtE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Post Indicating Valve PO Pipe Outlet PrV Pressure Relief Valve PRV Pressure Reducing Valve red Reducer/Adapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve Spr Sprinkler St Strainer T Tee Flow Turn 90' Tr Tee Run U Union WirF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z Can © M. E.P.CAD, Inc. 4'1 AutoSPRINK® VR5 v5.2.6 05/10/2011 8:50:55AM Page 6 H1(drauhc Graph x ,,-> t.y Job Number: S109C11 Re ort Descri tion: Li ht Hazard Supply at Node 1 100 90 80 70 F320.964@65.913 s i 1353.00 @ 64.000 60 N tl _ 50 N N N a` 40 System demand curve 30 20 10 0 I'Ll oil I r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...... 50 300 450 600 750 900 1050 1200 1500 1350 Water flow, gpm HydMUhC Graph Supply at Node 1 51a11e Psesaul9 _ 76.000 Haedual Pressure Teal Canducled By 1353.00 @ 64.000 City of Port St. Lucie Utilities AvailaEle PrssameTlmed Tesl Dale of Teq Tlme of Tesl 74.616 @ 420.94 4-21-11 system Demam 11:30am 320.94 @ 65.913 system Demand nn[Iva'ula Ibse P➢wnowl 420.94 @ 65.913 KA- M E P r.An Inc M A..a,.cnnla.,,,- ,... _.. - ..—..._. ._, ..._. l".a0.,1l1P. nIW vno vo.c.o 05/10/2011 8:50:57AM Page 7 .._ - -- ---- w-u l i o.o i.uunrvi rage 8