HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LVCIE COUNTY FILE N 4559308 OR HOOK 4261 PAGE 918, Racordacl 04/26/2019 12:01:18 PM Ju1281503:06p Comfort Cover Systems Inc `0504%°"°� FaielPo®i YteeHrreaLm Number. /306-/I f SCANNED. "ocbf-aoo-U Prepaadby: Do.,:�t w :lr�.r BY Rehmta: Co S rr-C s 5f� s �.. St. irr ,Ur, ,r 5e` y ' Lucie County Cfe-.r.�d{er r ��756 uf�yg�r_c rti rrm®rn®m-__, _ FL torepalne rwnw or canvnane.mom oau dmi my rna berwr. s .... -a Ce^c!�.r...-.eN��snwrm�v�+tlf�./oNxi�eNer1/AvaDa('r `.�r�B�'B TraB� rr.e ann.maa raa ewra me rots �_ my or�Yb�2aay r<-Fc rr_.. ce r6,.,-t-_ � acGr,oYneaaea ae dMKI� Y45®VISC �yL�6: .fiY+rw��..rw �!'[SY v y Rr04.-bLme O[FbnCY / FrYrl. tl9S er 61�uG KP=?v v A.Smith blk` Gary A. Smith ✓/ OR, Pvwucau (a7'_ AN A' Cammisslam 0 GG02903G ?z Upires: August 23. 2020 •� d ran Nolari. FBmmnd mr j,,.n.. Digitally signed by The Honorable Joseph E. Smith 00 ,err nrmspsnuvraru.me/ m V... my ooanwr $, �6 Date: 20Elect on ca:ly Ce Certified Reason: Electronically Certified Copy Location: 201 South Indian River Dr, Fort Pierce, FL 34950 Ji Electronically Certified Official Record I HEREBY ATTEST THAT THIS CERTIFIED DOCUMENT IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF AN OFFICIAL RECORD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY. BY: ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE DATE: 4/26/2019 12:02:19 PM Agency Name: Clerk of the Circuit Court: Date Issued: Unique Reference Number: Instrument Number: Requesting Party Code: Requesting Party Reference: HOW TO VERIFY THIS DOCUMENT: Clerk of the Circuit Court, St. Lucie County, Florida The Honorable Joseph E. Smith 4/26/2019 12:02:19 PM BAA-CABI BEAGCBCGEB-BCBBB-EFFJ DAI-HFGB- A 4559308 20181406212641 freemanc@stiucieclerk.com This electronically certified Official Record contains a unique electronic reference number for identification printed on each page. This document is delivered in PDF format and contains a digital signature identifying the certifier and a tamper proof seal indicating whether this document has been tampered with. The second page of this document contains a digital signature indicating the certifier as the St. Lucie County Clerk of the Circuit Court. Open this document using Adobe Reader software to verify the digital signature of the author. Visit https:/Nerify.Clerkecertify.comNerifylmage to learn more about validating this certified copy.