HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 DAY TEMPORARY POWER RELEASE12-13-'19 12:50 FROM- 7728787656 T-285 P0004/0005 F-195 Date: [..a I ` AVe ft 1� Smikes olli ef�106ft 6$ M 7724OZ-6443 k4'uest'f46t'3.CF60*'Teltpo'raly- Po'Wer lRdo6se �\ Pffinit Xmlber SCANNED BY St. Lucie Cou* THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELECTRICAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DESaUBED - PROPERTY, FOR A PERIOD NOT -ro EXCEED THIRTY (30) DAYS, FOR THE PURMSE OF TE97ING SYSTEMS AND EO 1114SPECTION- UIPMENTIMPREPARATIODiFORAFMAL ' - IN CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST WE HERESY ACKNOWUH%E AND AG OM AS FMOWS: 1. This temporary Power rOease is tequested'for" above slaMd purpose may, and Um wM berm occum-wof any ", other than that pLanitted by cokisiructior dieing this time period. 2. ::A",AtnW by our 019mftw, We heNbYa9'i9--.tb allde by a term and oDriftons of M agreemerk lnclO&V Building Division Policy which is lncor{ drated herein by reftwoe. 3. All condrdbns:and MWWnib q-ed in the attached d0mment eMad "Requirements for 30 Day Power for TjwUrxf havebeen fuffilled-and the premise is ready for complia=.Inspection. 4. All requests for, an aderden beyond 30 days must be'made in writing to the swicirng official stating the reasod for the request Po.W& may be removed -Trom the sit andfor a Stop Work0rder issued if the Frinal inspection has not beenapprweti �voln 30•d'M. Afee *of$l00X0yfiffb6required tDflit the Stop Work Order. WE HEREBY RELEASEANDAGREETO 14OLD ALL LL611,1TIES AND CLAIMS OF ANY TYPE OFTHisTgANsAcrioN iNcLuDIwAmw DB06A OF ELECTRICAL k TN, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, AND. THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM WHIM KAY ARISE NOW OR ITV THE FUTURE OUT Ti- MAYBEINCURRED -OUETO' THE *OF 14CLATION OF'THIS AGREBUU. DEC 1 3,2019 Permitting . St. L . . epa`rtMe6t U�cle County, FL