HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSPLANNING & DEVEL®PAMNT SERVICES . Euiidig & Code Compliance ]3ivisiion Sub -contractor for For the project located at SCANNED BY Lucie County v-y---�o..,.......a.waaar raVllpi [y laX lLiF) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the abovementioneil' -` project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contracwr notice. . CONTRACTORammalORE (QmGr[er) COfiNrYCERTlF[CAT[ONiY06�ER Ste to of Florida, County If The foregoiagiostrummtwag signed before me tbis�sy of by who is personally known 1Kor has pradamda as idendlicafioe. STAMP aWalureofNotaryPublic k-�' O-rz,r ,i E:6 PtvntName ofNotary Pnbhc ,NomN•Pub°eS>la4h ai6rodda c*l wl Revsed1UIG2°l6 g mml5do8zo87asa3 OF E Co O RACMSMNAT (QuaiGer) �. I--crree PRWNAME . COUNTYCERTIFICATIONNUMBER State of Florida, Glaoatyof �Al,kc •ZQ, The foregoiag mstrmaeatwas signed before me Chia �-d yef , — mom` by_%a\Z who is persmai(ylmowa jLor has produced as idealif[eadoa. SaofNbtar91—P Gc aQ STAMP Pnnt Name of Notary PabGC jr'a� �AURAR.CUBBEOpE =`.r`� nComadsston#Gfafi22076 'xR ExA1rB8 Octdber 21; 202D mG BabedlptuimyFafiiNsiuiewdpp585�1D19 fG ✓J ap�� a�ar�iansav?��tas �•q Maw Imp 66 n6 a-.- M. w411m . . SSNJBBB�lBFFf$§v.6'NNNi�'Na�C�\'• \���yw•,,� . Ne�doaBn, . :�(gd—e31-2-.oYYfy�%�niiv Ni6'r! it. Tom ............ ...._-.-- ' •" M411 DOROTHYMN WK19 . e MYGOMMISSi.ONOGGW8145 Fa WIRES:OctoBdr2.2020 ft*B94i/l61OBondedmNHdaryPu6llcUnda.M7tes bSP1MM, B�BFtJ?y S�BNBtj'BI"�' B VA fBtegB➢&\$➢�geN arasatgr+e��tBiB.m&�fs� Bf . _� . `:... 89l 6Y t�i bF��IUI�4 Rs3�iJsxsSBm • • sag �� •. s'� �- A7Y�s'IMI�liEiAi�'789 Y$ � Fpr=pmll-;% ISSUE DATE k PLANNING & DEVELQPN ENT SERVICES. SCANNED Building & Code Compliance Division 11 Lucie C(tj%3t . )3Un DING PERWITT SM�-CONTPAC oRAGREEMNTF RECEIVED !APR. 2. i3 %019: uciecope ' . tYr PerR]Ittin(o, Comfort Control of St. Lucie County, Iric. Luc' Lucie a •. (Company Name/Individual Name) the HVAC Sub-obntractorfor Wynne Development Corp. ('lope of Trade) C Q (Rhmary Contractor) For the project ldeated at It is understood that, if there is any change of status, regarding our participation with the above. mentioned.. project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie'County will be advised puisuatitto tha filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONT"Crolt S=ATM (QuaBSety Matthew Lile Wynne PRINTNA M 08898 8288 COUNTY CERTHWATIONNUaffi COUNTY CMKMCATXQXM ISER Smm orFtorida, Coaaty or�.i.Ve,�� steinormorias.cana�ats��.�1C-�-� eforegoingiastromentwass;Enedhefdrzmethia� day of T to regaiap iashvme�attig was Mae me thit� day of ��Cp 1M who is pertoa41]y lanowp i/er has prodaceda who isperseaanyhaowa eGrWF0dateda ' �aeide�eafian. //n/ �/finnj (�VVIM CJflS STAMP - Rerraed IIW2016 STAMP ftnature of Notary PabV �o go—r d y MAJ �ASKi,d PriatNamaofNomryPabBe 'rrd�dr•. DOROTHYANN BASKIN • ;_' MYCOMMISSIOMr,030145 ='r ro EXPIR58:Octoher2,2020 ''•:;p.!�. ` E4ndedThmNo"Publio UnderffftD ' L68-9 Z000/Z000d VL0-1 999L9L8ZLL d.Ioo Buipiin8 auuAM -wWJ W-U 9Lr-60-U q a TaO?7F�A'�: 'u�,�aaR�k:n44mm_epta?�gC5d6eP4xe�g�5.. �!.::�dago�, .. }Ufa?S.1llLeSP110ui�Okw,A..1/nFf��'i:: .... '�£AD.1nF fs APR 23 2019 ST. Lucie County, Permitting a SCANNED BY St.. Lucie County �©11�L1T�4 . pA�pAfiMS�" ' sxaecoibnaaau' orr `.. : �#U.a'�a.�diahi�teAt'3y",�Yd I�ibreS�e•:tffi:£�� 2f£. . WhhLiRppYSo5011[�;ltliioA'� ✓ ..b��(9'�jfYQBife$.a"�. �•i11€4AGe9tidlc .. . •���t2o(`f' lnrW kJlFSKe N '(?'o'17a`� aRlYbi29y?Pa1aBc ' ' 7YnuPDtamc+ . `pfi10 n�h�� . �t'"• DOROTHYANNIIASKINj MY COMMISSION#GG030EXPIRES Oatober2.2020IS$ION#GG030745 ,'f$1�2�` BontlsdfimNoFu.Nie•UEXPIRES:OOMber2,2020 1e0'PubtixlJndenwoo i` 8�?i171.wNg