HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSthe r PLANNING.& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Bandi g & Code Compliance l IMSion For the project located at5 Xn e- SCANNED BY Lucie County have agreed to be Sub -contractor for .1 - 1 /7 �al✓� P� %Cos/ Comractor) MOW StreetAddms or Property Tax ID 4) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the abovementioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. . COA INAGIURSIONATUIM(Qudfiser) COUNTYCERTIFICATIONNUMaER . State ofFfurida, Cooaty of_ .fit` I..I�t The foregoingiostrumeatwas signed before me fhfs�d$yOf who is Qer may rmown-KW has produced asident f mdom . if�1 K RAW SgnatareofNofaryPubGc . Prm A.Me efNomry Pubue _ O HACrOR SIGNATUn (QaaliSer) .111� L-✓r-rn a -e t/' $ T-k&k_s PRiN K - D. ILF t-lz2� COUNTY 1-MmICATION NUMBER State of Florids, Comty of vt. �( The foregoiagioefrumwttw 64aed hefmme this`! "d�yop �zo—ihr J&W14'2Y,,Cd 1�Sz1x who Is personally lmowggLor has predowd a as idenfirkafion. s mo STAMP � Print Name of Notary ILblic NoletYpupOc31,eS9 �' KecdBudka ;�RAR.CU9BEtJpg Oemmissten#GCI D2Z078 a° My Cominlsdorl$p g78543Vt.),;. Ravised1ll162016 �y ,;d evdres:o5f1s1262d t;'E?IA1tesOct6ber21;202D . , a °.�t;:� aoeQaaidn�rnr;�Fa,��celoo-sss>ots . loolivilmon - mom. Wo WW6 =77 11 9mm, -1 - WX W. - 00 brWiva fAm Imph. ant foymas . . . . . . o1wimmon, , 4T, OXA' goggt?fy PA19 lVaNg 99matfixy Fob* DoROTHYANNB.ASK19 My COMMISSION # GG 030145 EXFIRES:Octobor2,2020 Worn INS NOW— o64,t Gi6m Aj w Ffe da m A. LMIT # ISSUE DATE FLANNYATG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES • building & Code eomptiance Division I3UMD1Ik6PERMIT RECEIVED STbFCONTRACTUR AGREMUN APR 2 3 2019 1. ST. Lucie County, per+e(lt�r� %��® ' C� Comfort Control o.'f St. Lucie County, Inc. have agreed't4be0&JMV (Company NarudludMdual Name) the HVAC Sub-0o11t1!2et&for Wynne bevelonment Corp. (rRe of Trade) (Primary Cunt Mr)r) For the project Ideated at `"\ `� �\��e 2— It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above. mentioned.. project, the Building and Code Regulation Divisibn of St. Lucie County will be advised pnisuanttc the Ming of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRA�CI'ORS N�ATURE(Qn Matthew Lyle Wynne PRINT NAME 08898 8288 COUNTY CERTIFICATION RUNNER COUNTY CMTWrCATIONNUM M Slam ofriorida, Coatdy or�.—�4z.\`� Smt'✓:�ofFlarkda, Camtyof7-'r��G`"� Toe foregoingidsd'nm'tntwasAluedbeforcmeWit,� yaf Tb&Aznsiuetrumentwaseigoedbefore met3ie�! 'day of r �y�N�C1...� �.�u�'e L�•(� :. - t�� zo��r QS� Z�a�nw►�.f'�.4'� wpo Is peruooany known i/or has produced a who is personally known ✓r has produced ' a6Sdelatifieasaa/� /n// /�/(� ' ' tnreofNo abric Revised 11/16/2016 as idenh6emfon. Oai/�L�. � �.t_nAi�.- STANll� -6�a'atareofNotaryPnhl' " tNameofNomtyPuhlle DOROTHYANN RASKIN ' " MY COMMISSION d GG 030145 `•% �= EXPIRES: October 2,2020 ' '•% of;�, Bonded'ThwWotmyPublic Undelwrile�s' L66-d ZOOQ/ZOOOd bL0-1 999L8L8ZLL d.lo0 BuiPling auuAM -WOaA WZ6 96,-60-ZI Wpo ....... .. . QP En C, !t ........ . . . . . . . . . ...... �i.— p.pl Ng" APR 9 3 2T9 ST. Lucie County, OUANNED mv g St Lucie i3ountv MAW' AVA) B -AS91 JO ya DOROTWANN BASKIN 01 5'. 1 * A MY COMMISSION #GG 030145 OORO�=7ANNB� 07N Sl WCOM 301 145 Go EXPIRSS:Oebber2,2020 oN#GG IPE Oato t2 �,8�0%WZ2020 No�jy Z 2 ly bt mmi_