HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSthe (Type For the project located at PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Complisince Division SCANNED ' BY ' BUILDING PERM— St. cie County SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT kECEIVED P p 2 4 `'Oi9 S1, Lucie �,LCo °m/, Permitting ` Dave agreed to . e !dual Name) • Sub -contractor for (itJa,Ant 4 el e— (Prtm Contractor) (FrCiect Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned` project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. . CONTRACTOR MONATURE (Qaardier) �cvz:� COUNTY Cmxw xCATLONNUMBER State ofFlorido, County of sj I� O •( � The foregainglostromeatwas signed before me Hds\� dayof t who is personally Imowa—y—or has produced a asidentifiration. Cr t/l.e STAMP S�gnadtre fNotaryPabhc PrsatName of Notary Pablo - NoteNPUEflcS.lals of Fbdda Kea1 Budka MgCammifF 97es43 e seloa Revised11/162016 or�d? Ices05725120Za 6 4RAORSWIGIAT: (Qualifier) .1t~L-L"f--f"7&-C V. 5wGhf PRINT NAME D. 9 Z-/1_� COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, Countyof�\i_ The foregoing iastrameottw signed beforeme tW•1 d�yof �\� who isperseeallyhnowa aL-or has produced a as �idde�atiacation. p (� S�gaa \ p e 8Q STAMP re 0Pr,MName oFNatatyPahlic ,��,. +" :, LAURAR CUBBECCiE _.� .:Ccrnnlissidn#GG. fl2Z076 *� `p�Ezpiles0etcber21;2D20 •9.!GtR'4' Bon�714ni7nryFsfifUpuhace8 Go•3B57Dt9 A WYE-mg F RECEIVEa APR ST.. ucie'County, tting . . . . . . . . . . . I wMe., I -A DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY 06MMISSI ON#GG030145 O.N . - Fl., 1: 1 , '. w Go9mg EXVIFES:Octobdr2.2020 F2 AERMIT# I5SUE DATE CC'U NTY r L o.ri i n a rol PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES building & Code Compliance Division RECEIVED y S, V j AI'R 2 4 %U?9 G B� Fo ST_Lucle County, Permitting Cie�o4�h HUMD1NQ PERM T SUR-CONTRAMRAGRE NT have agreed'tp'be •. the HVAC Sub-cbntractorfor Wynne Development Corp. eme ofTlade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or iaropef ty Tmc ID #f) It is understood that, if there is any change of statum regarding our participation with the above.mentibned.. project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie "County will be advised puisuant.to the fling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONrancr�oasl A�'vaEienaBstrl. Matthew Lyle Wynne FRINTNAM COUNTYCERTIFICATiONNQMER - Seen, orPtorida,covanyor .LVC V4.>, T eforegoinginstrneteutwass%pcdbefdremethitx_ yof J\_-QrA 2V it��y�MQ wpolspereanaayknown �orhasprodaceda ' * 1 t BASKIN # GG 030145 Revised 11/162016 8288 COUNTY cMnMCATXON NUMBER 5 4"fFtorida.ComtyotS ��1CG� 2 TV 'day of ;.. n� t0?�+by-�Jt_t�� %ssa.A.•nR_��'v/�QS'� who is produced a as identiffcation. STAMYW STAMP SiguamreofNatatyPnBi Do ROMI Y /!A/A[ �A_ S e..4 Print Name of Notary Pnb1k ;i:✓dy- DDROTHYANN BASKIN .. • WCOMMIS$ION#GG030145 E%'• EXPIRES: October2,2020 ' $:'...Bonded hmNotaryPobOcUndennimm L66-J ZOOQ/ZOOOd t•LO-1 898L8L8ZLL d.Ioo Bu i p i i n8 euuAM -WOa.9 9 L=Z L 9 L e-60-Z L :N. fmvvm�r6 wow Doir MAW' -.4WA) 13.4.SA:ji? DOROTHYANNBASKIN COMMISSION+#GG03 D145 DOROTHYANNSAWN IRES:Ocbber2,2020 COMMISSIONA GG 030145 L Delobar2,2020 . . . . . iiW