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{tQllIRED _ , .:'��j, pate .�� ►m�. _ r l . PROJECT ADDRESS: SITE PLAN/PROJECT NAME: 'LETS SHADED AREAS. DATE: 5-191�gl LO Y. 3 ' TY . . PROJECT INFORMATION 93 14AY 19 FM 3: 49 SUBDIVISION: „o.�ns(Imr, TTn; t I LOT: A BLK: 19 It 100x150 irr. SCANNED <E iy y / X BY -(,/o St. Luce Countj PROPERTY TAX ID#: /y/y 701 0r81/ ODD-? PARCEL SIZE (ACRES OR SQ. FT.)- 10,000 sq . ft . + - LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lc t. A Rik 19 Unit 1 Queens Cove - Cat } OWNER NAME: _M4R-f- a Schmid , JYJ�� �,e C>� ADDRESS:_ Lindenweq 10, w-8481 _CITY: -tTATE: ZIP: PHONE #: IF THE FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDER (PROPERTY OWNER) IS DIFFERENT FROM THE OWNER LISTED ABOVE, PLEASE FILL IN NAME AND ADDRESS BELOW. FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDER: �� { .ADDRESS: s, A CITY: STATE: ZIP: f Ci iPkC't"E:' Res, to OCCIJPJ�' SPI 3ifiq»I # .m_ tlsfAlRSYS: sp���,�u Frames—St.UCCO ME"iiy,FQ.? Fig q 5 ft. ;;IICaQfa i q £ANIU #"A(ii 2 Car Garage C S t E�Rl 1 "RDW OOE% OF? OFil� t AEz O/ d ;G FOR OFFICE USE ONLY REQUIRED VEGETATION DATE RECEIVED NOT REQUIRED. F� ENVIRONMENTAL t ]] PLANNING/S[TE PLAN CODE ENFORCEMENT USA t ]. 1, TAZ ] . WATER SUPPLIER SEWER SUPPLIER DER CERTIFICATION [ ] t%9 "• ..-,.FL DNR (CCCL) y n;FLDOT SLC STORMWATER PER I MANGROVE ALT t ] SEA TURTLE PROT REQUIRED FEES SCANNED BY BP VALUE $ /t .z l/ St. Lucie County PLANS. REVIEW FEE $ -S RADON FEE $ 96 5 C OF C FEE_ $ a66 RCPT # loa6ag JS [ ] ROAD IMPACT FEE ROAD IMPACT DISTRICT_� ROAD IMPACT ZONE _ ROAD -IMPACT CREDIT- YES[ ] NO( ] ALTERNATE DEV FEE : $_ /�/ %A ALT. DEV. FEE. ZONE SCHOOL IMPACT FEE TT�— SCHOOL BOARD APPROVED-� SPOOL IMPACT CREDIT YES [ ] NO [ ] POLICE IMPACT FEE $ FIRE IMPACTFEE$ SUB PERMITS REQUIRED''- NOT REQUIRED GAS [ t AIR CONDITIONING ELECTRIC PLUMBING [� `SCREEN'ENCUFENCE [ ] t ROOFiY , DRIVEWAY - . / ZONING CHECKS BBL ✓ LOT COVERAGE EASEMENT r� LOT'SPLIT$ r ,J (A STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ..AND REHABILITATIVE SE.lrF11VNED ONSITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL. SYSTEM -_ SITE EVALUATION AND SYSTEM'. SPECIFICATIONPV §t LUCB COUIII AGENT PERMIT ,# +`f' Ztb V.4\A I VU)"" J r d' Al I J Vr Q-F--IC,{ i F"--- LOT: /1 BLOCKS �Cl SUBDIVISION: /t �; ( (-SUEelQS (_6UE• QA_)r-rM= J PROPERTY ID#:. [Section/Township/Range/Parcel No. or Tax ID Number] TO BE. COMPLETED BY -ENGINEER, HEALTH UNIT EMPLOYEE, OR OTHER QUALIFIED PERSON. ENGINEER°'S'. MUST PROVIDE REGISTRATION NUMBER AND SIGN AND SEAL EACH PAGE OF SUBMITTAL. COMPLETE ALL ITEMS. PROPERTY SIZE CONFORMS. TO SITE ,PLAN. [ WYES. I ] NO NET USABLE AREA AVAILABLE: ACRES' TOTAL ESTIMATED SEWAGE FLOW: y j0 GALLONS PER DAY [RESIDENCES -TABLE 1 / OTHER -TABLE 2] AUTHORIZED SEWAGE FLOW: law GALLONS PER. DAY 11500 GPD/ACREOR 2500 GPD/ACRE] UNOBSTRUCTED AREA AVAILABLE: - SQFT UNOBSTRUCTED AREA REQUIRED: -, SQFT BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT. LOCATION ELEVATION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM SITE THE MINIMUM SETBACK WHICH CAN BE MAINTAINED ,FROM THE PROPOSED SYSTEM TO THE FOLLOWING FEATURES: SURFACE WATER: >�-:n FT DITCHES/SWALES: -,7 15 FT NORMALLY WET? [ ] YES ,'[j,"O WELLS: :PUBLIC: 7;;;j-Yj.FT LIMITED USE: i/LYE _AFT PRIVATE:) 7C5 FT WON -POTABLE: FT FT BUILDING FOUNDATIONS:. _ FT PROPERTY LINES: > II FT POTABLE WATER LINES: �.I�FT SITE SUBJECT TO FREQUENT FLOODING: [ ] YES [%..�NO '10'YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION. FOR SITE: FT MSL/NGVD SOIL PROFILE INFORMATION SITE 1-, �J SOIL Muns 11l- Color: Texture iDe th ] to to to 1� to to =meµ to - to f * to to USDA _ - 10 YEAR FLOODING? [° ] YES [ L.]--NG- '�SZTE ELEVATION FT MSL/NGVD tOFILE,INFORMATION SITE 2 Munsell.#/Color Texture Denth to ,SOIL SERIES: to to to �OBSERVEDRWATER TABLE,: 2( 7 INCHES [ABO / BELOW EXISTING GRADE. TYPE: [RER i/ APPARENT] ESTIMATED WET SEASON WATER. TABLE ELEVATION: INCHES [' ABOVE / BELOW ] E%ISTING._GRADE. IGH,WATER 'TABLE VEGETATION: [ ] YES [O MO 2NG: [ ] YES [✓]'0 DEPTH: INCHES' SOIL,'FE%TURE/LOADING RATE FOR SYSTEM SIZING: DEPTH OF EXCAVATION: INCHES RRAINFIELD CONFIGURATION: [. ] TRENCH' [ ] BED [ ] OTHER (SPECIFY) _. 'REMARKS/ADDITIONAL CRITERIA: SITE EVALUATED BY: : 3 a/l -93 HRS-H Form 4015,Mar 92 (Obsoletes, previous el (Stock Number: 5744-003-4015-1) be used) Page 3 of 3 INSTRUCTIONS PERMIT N: Permit tracking number assigned by CPHU. ' APPLICANT: Property owner's full name. ' r AGENT: Property owner's legally authorized representative. LOT, BLOCK, SUBDIVISION: Lot, block, and subdivision for lot. <<—PROPERTYrIDN:. -- --r.:�-27_-chameternumber-f rpmperty -(property:appmiserlD # or section/township/range/parcel-number):--- - e PROPERTY SIZE: Check if property size at site. conforms to submitted site plan. Record net usable area available -lot area exclusive of all paved areas and prepared roed beds within public righisof-way or easements and exclusive of streams, lakes, normally wet drainage ditches, marshes, or other such bodies of water. SEWAGE FLOW: Record the estimated sewage flow For the establishment from Table I (residences) or Table 2 (non-residential), Che'yter 1OD-6, FAC. 'Record the authorized sewage flow for the lot based on net usable area and water supp!y (1500 gallon per day per acre for private water supplies and 2500 gpd per acre for public water supplies). If authorized sewage flaw does not equal or exceed the estimated sewage flow, the application must be denied. UNOBSTRUCTED AREA: Record the square feet of unobstructed area available and he amount required. Unobstructed area must be. at leas: 2 times as large as the drainfield absorption area and at least 75 percent of the unobstructed area must meet minimum setbacks in Chapter I0D-6, FAC. The unobstructed area must be contiguous to the dminfield. BENCHMARK INFORMATION: Record the location of the benchmark.. If using a surveyor's benchmark record the actual elevation. Record the elevation of the proposed system site in relation (above or below) to the benchmark. MINIMUM SETBACKS: Record minimum setbacks which can be meetto all listed features. Actual measurements must be recorded or "NA" for ran applicable features. Features on site plan or within 75 feet. of he applicant lot most be measured. The location of any publicdrinking well within 200 feet of the applicant's let must also be. verified. FLOOD INFORMATION: Record information on lot's subject to flooding. For lots subject to flooding record 10 year flood elevation for site. aml actual site. elevation. SOIL PROFILE INFORMATION: Two soil profiles within the proposed absorption area to a minimum depth of 6 feet or refusal are required. Soil identification will use USDA Soil Classification methodology (Munsell colors and USDA soil textures). Refusals must be clearly documented. Provide USDA soil series if available, record "UNK" if the series cannot be determined. WATER TABLE SOIL TEXTURE: DEPTH OF EXCAVATION: DRAINFIELD CONFIGURATION: ADDITIONAL CRITERIA: SITE EVALUATED BY: Record the depth of the observed water table. at the time of the evaluation. Mark "perched" or "apparent" as appropriate. Record the estimated wat season water table elevation based on site evaluation, USDA soil. maps, and • historical Informstion; Indicate if there ishigh water table vegetation present. Indicate if mottling ispresent and depth Record soil texture or loading rate for system sizing. If applicable record depth of excavation required. Record "NA" if not applicable. Check, drairfield configuration required. if other, specify type. Record any additional remarks pertinent to she or installation. Ex. dosing required. Signature of evaluator, title, and date of evaluation. Professional engineers must seal all documentation submitted. ELEVATION WORKSHEET ELEVATION OF BENCHMARK / REFERENCE POINT IS: _ BENCHMARK. SITE I SITE 2 SITE 3 [+] SHOT: H.I. H.i. ' H.I. H.I. [-] SHOT [-] SHOT [-] SHOT STATE OF FLORIDA PERMIT # DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES DATE PAID ONSITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM FEE PAID $ CONSTRUCTION PERMIT RECEIPT # Authority: Chapter 381, FS & Chapter 1OD-6, FAC CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FOR: [-]-.New System [ ] Existing System [ [ ] Repair [ ] Abandonment [ $PPLICANT• `1,1 - ^'- PROPERTY STREET ADGR� Holding Tank [ ] Temporary/Experimental Other(SpeciEy). AGENT: A ;F ©6 1 � ED aaa q LOTSBLOCK::SUBDIVISI-Np / y' St. Lucie County PROPERTY ID #: [SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE/PARCEL NUMBER] Ll -- - [OR TAX. ID NUMBER] SYSTEM MUST BE CONSTRUCTED IN .ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS OF CHAPTER 1OD-6, FAC, REPAIR PERMITS AND HOLDING 'TANK PERMITS EXPIRE90 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUE.. ALL OTHER PERMITS EXPIRE ONE. YEAR FROM THE DATE OF ISSUE. HRS APPROVAL OF SYSTEM DOES NOT GUARANTEE SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE FOR ANY SPECIFIC PERIOD OF TIME. ANY CHANGE IN MATERIAL. FACTS WHICH SERVED AS A BASIS FOR ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT..i REQUIRE THE APPLICANT TO MODIFY THE PERMIT APPLICATION. SUCH MODIFICATIONS MAY RESULT IN THIS PERMIT .BEING MADE NULL AND VOID'. --------------------------- SYSTEM DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS ` T [i0scj <EEEN / GP. .SEPTIC TAN AEROBIC UNIT CAPACITY MULTI-CHAMB IN SERIES, A [ [GALLONS/ GPD] - CAPACITY MULTI-CHAMBERED/IN SERIES:[ ] N [. - ] GALLONS GREASE INTERCEPTOR CAPACITY [MAXIMUM CAPACITY SINGLE TANK: 1250 GALLONS] K. [ // ] GALLONS PER DOSE DOSING TANK CAPACITY DOSE RATE [ ] PER 24 HRS NO. OF 'PUMPS: [ ] D [ (p(�].SQUARE FEET' PRIMARY DRAINFIELD SYSTEM 'R [ ] ,SQUARE FEET - SYSTEM A TYPE SYSTEM: q/ [ ] STANDARD [] FILLED [ ] MOUND [ ]_� I CONFIGURATION:/V )` ( [, ] T _NCH BED [�G] j� 'F 6 5 X G N F LOCATION OF BENCHMARK: f 1 I`d -1 ELEVATION OF PROPOSED SYSTEA SIT'E [ �, ]. -11^1 FT�OVE'f'BLaBQW'p-Bi7N@HMP+3t•R�`R�' ' E.. BOTTOM OF DRAINFIELD TO BE [' �,'1(y)[INCHES/FT] [ABOVE/BELOW].BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT INCHES O T wH E R EXCAVATION REQUIRED: •SPECIFICATIONS BY: TITLE: APPROVED BY: TITLE: DATE.. ISSUED: INCHES 4 CPHU EXPIRATION DATE: /// HRS-H Form 4016, Mar 92 (Obso(etes previous editions which may not be used) (Stock Number: 5744-001-4016-0) Page 1 of 2 INSTRUCTIONS: PERmrr NUMBER: Permit tracking number assigned by CPHU. •' n APPLICATION FOR: Check type of permit, if 'Other specify type in blank. t ra APPLICANT: Property owner's full name. TELEPHONE: Telephonenumber for applicant or agent. AGENT: Property owner's legally a•;Lko:ized represeetative. MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. box or street mailing address forepplieant or agent ` LOT, BLOCK, SUBDIVISION or PROPERTY ID#: 27 character id number for property. (CPHU tray require property appraiser ID N or section/towasbip/range/parcel number) , SYSTEM DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS: TANK: Minimum specifications from Chapter IOD-6, FAC. DRAINFIELD: Minimum specifcatioos from Chapter IOD-6, FAC. - OTHER: Other specifications, such as operating permit requirements, low -volume flush toilets, variance provisos. SPECIFICATIONS BY: Name of individual providing specifications. If designed by a registered engineer must be sealed. APPROVED BY: County Public Health Unit (CPHU) personnel reviewing and approving permit. DATE ISSUED: Date.permitt is issued by CPHU. EXPIRATION DATE_: One year from date issued if the system has not been installed: Permits for system repairs become void 90 days from the date issued. .r _ �a APPLICATION FOR: [ L, gNew system • [ JI Repair STATE OF FLORIDA PERMIT # _ / DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES DATE PAID ONSITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM .FEE PAID $ -' APPLICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT RECEIPT # . -°- Authority: Chapter 381, PS & Chapter 1OD-6, FAC Y ! ` [ ] Existing System [ ] Holding Tank ( ] Temporary/Experimental ['- ] Abandonment [ ] oth aoEG) APPLICANT: ) s BY TELEPHONE: n-k 1 A�A�z r� 74 / St. LUde County "'AGENT:' .A �E .IrY NAMING ADDRESS: ;2_70 '-->f. NtIRN 9�'i )r 1 (ACIC - -- TO BE. .COMPLETED BY APPLICANT OR, APPLICANT'S AUTHORIZED AGENT. ATTACH BUILDING PLAN AND -TO -SCALE SITE PLAN -SHOWING PERTINENT FEATURES REQUIRED BY CHAPTER. 1OD-6, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. PROPERTY INFORMATION [IF LOT IS NOT IN A RECORDED SUBDIVISION, ATTACH LEGAL DESCRIPTION OR DEED] ,LOT: .�"`� BLOCK: SUBDIVISION: /� DATE OF 4 0y-5US C�C)UL- )"F1 - SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY ID #: [Section/Township/Range/Parcel No.]ZONING: PROPERTY SIZE. ACRES [Sgft/ 3560) PROPERTY WATER SUPPLY:, [ ] PRIVATE '[ LjiPUBLIC PROftR_TY STREET'ADDRESS: - DIRECTIONS TO,PROPERTY: 5 BUILDING INFORMATION [ ] RESIDENTIAL [ ]aCOMMERCIAL Unit Type of No. of Building # Persons no Establishment Bedrooms Area Saft .Served �1 a I^^M7 1 AImo/F _fa)LL1 72z1 2 3 4 [ (. Garbage Grinders/Disposals [ ]Spas/Hot Tubs [ ] Ultra -low Volume Flush Toilets [ ] Other (Specify) Business Activity, For Commercial Only I [ ] Floor/Equipment Drains APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE: [..fr-" E, DATE: 3_1&'e 9 ? ` HRS-H Form 4015, Mar 92 (Obso(etes previous editions which may not be used) - Page 1 of 3 (Stock Number: 5744-001-4015-1) _ - INSTRUCTIONS: Y APPLICATION FOR: Check type of permit, if 'Other' specify type in blank. , APPLICANT: Property owner's full name. it TELEPHONE: Telephone number for applicant or agent. AGENT: Property owner's legally authorized representative. MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. box or street, city, state and zip code mailing address for applicant or agent. LOT, BLOCK, Lot, block, and subdivision for lot (recorded or unrecorded subdivision). If lot is not in a recorded subdivision, a copy of the lot A SUBDIVISION: legal description or deed must be attached. 4 DATE OF SUBDIVISION: Official date of subdivision recorded in county plat books (month/day/year) or date lot originally recorded. Dividing an approved lot into two or more parcels for the purpose of conveying ownership shall be considered a subdivision of the lot. e' PROPERTY IDq: 27 character number for property. (CPHU may require property appraiser ID N or section/township/range/parcel number. PROPERTY SIZE: Net usable area of property in acres (square footage divided by 43,560 square feet) exclusive of all paved areas and prepared road beds within public rights -of way or easements and exclusive of streams, lakes, normally wet drainage ditches, marshes, or other such bodies of water. Contiguous unpaved and noncompacled road rigats-of-way and easements with no subsurface obstructions may be included in calculating lot area. WATER SUPPLY: Check private or public. PROPERTY ADDRESS: Street address for property. For lots without an assigned street address, indicate street or road and locale in county. DIRECTIONS: Provide detailed instructions to lot or attach an area map showing lot location. BUILDING INFORLfATION: Check residential or commercial. TYPE ESTABLISHMENT: List type of establishment from.Table 11, Chapter IOD-6, PAC. Examples: single family, single wide mobile home, restaurant, doctor's office. ` NO. BEDROOMS: Count all rooms designed primarily for sleeping and those areas expected to routinely provide sleeping accommodations for occupants. .. BUILDING AREA: Total square footage of enclosed habitable area of dwelling unit, eyclu6ing garage, carport, ex°erior storage shed, or open or fully screened patios or decks. Based on outside measurements for each story of structure. q PERSONS: nr Number of persons residing, using, or working in establishment. For residential estnblirhmsnt, 2 persona per bedroom are assumed. BCSINESS ACTIVITY: For commercial applications only. List number of employees, shifts, and hours of operation, or other information required by Table 11, Chapter IOD-6, FAC. FIXTURES: e Mark each listed fixture with number installed or 'NA' if not applicable. SIGNATURE: Signature of applicant or agent. Date application one day submitted to the CPHU with appropriate fees and attachments. + ATTACHMENTS: A site plan drawn to scale, showing boundaries with dimensions, locations of residences or buildings, swimming pools, recorded easements, onsite sewage disposal system components and location, slope of property, any existing or proposed wells, drainage features, filled areas, obstructed areas, and surface water. Locatioa of wells, onsite sewage disposal systems, surfacewaters, and other pertinent facilities or features on adjacent property, if the features are with 75 feet of the applicant lot. Location of any public well within 200 feet of lot. ' For residences, a floor plan (residences) showing number of bedrooms and building area of each unit. For nonresidential establishments, a floor plan showing the square footage of ,die establiatmem, all plumbing drains and fixture types, and other features necessary to determine composition and qua ility of wastewater. t. t-. EMPIRE ENGINEERING & TESTING INCH P.O. Box 776 50 Fifth Court Vero Beach, Florida 32961 SOIL DENSITY REPORT MODIFIED Vero Beach, Florida 32962 Date: Job #: Permit #: Client: ROCTOR TEST ASRM-D 2922. June 16, 1993 9.30912 ll' 1 Cn 5 u D 9 _ .n25■.�. JUN 2 81993 South East Grading, Inc. j { 4,',!uNITY DEVELOPMENT Contractor: Louran Development Inc.----"".1EbU " ' Job Location: Lot A, Block- 19, ..Section 1 SCANNED 131 Queen's Road BY St.LUC@COU�Y Queen's Cove, St. Lucie County, FL Test Test. Sample Depth Pen. In Place Moisture Density % Com No. Location Res. Dry Density Relationship pacted Test -No.. Maximum Dry Density - Slab Foundation Density Below Slab Grade 1. S.E. Section 0'-1' 109.2- 1 109.4 99.8% 2. S.E. Section 1'-2' 108.6 1 of 99.2% 3. S.E. Section 2'-2 1/2' 104.8 1 It 95.7% 4. S.W. Section 0'-1' 106.4 1 It 97.2% 5. S.W. Section 1'-2' 105.8 1 it 96.7% 6. S.W. Section 2'-2 1/2' 105.5 1 it 96.4% 7. N.E. Section 0'-1' 108.2 1 If 98.9% 8. N.E. Section 1'-2' 108.2 1 If 98.9% 9. N.E. Section 2'-2 1/2' 108.0 1 It 98.7% 10. N.W. Section 0'-i' 106.3 1 It 97.1% 11. N.W. Section 1'-2' 105.5 1 " 96.4% 12. N.W. Section 2'-2 1/2' 109.2 1 " 99.8% 13. Center 0'-1' 108.0 1 " 98.7% 14. .Center 1'-2' 107.5 1 " 98.2% 15. Center 2'-2 1/2' 108.2 1 " 98.9% VERO BEACH (407) 569-0153 FAX (407) 569-8408 Submitted: FT. PIERCE (407) 467-1570 ST. LUCIE (407) 337-7911 MELBOURNE (407) 676-9956 ley, P.E. ., . ,y ,. s ' SOIL DENSITY REPORT _,. nulr)IUKC UMNZb117 KMI-HIIUMI"Ar Date: .June 16, -. 93 Job - #: 930912 SCANNED =` Permit #: 93 02725 BY S_tclude County _ pl.ient:' South East "Grading, Inc. Contractor"5 Louran Development Inc. Job Location:' Lot A, Block 19, Section 1 131 Queen's Road Queen?s Cove, St. Lucie County, FL Sample In Place Optimum Max. Dry Soil Test Location Moisture Moisture Density Description No. Composite 12.2 ' 109.4 Brown Slightly Clayey A :--, Fine Sand ----------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +- + + + Dr-y + + + + + + _Density ----------- +---------+---------+---------+---------+ Cbs. + +, + + + • -+ Per, + _+ + + + + Cubic + + + + + + Foot 110+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ + + + + + + 109 +---------+--- - +---------=-------+---------+ + +" + + + + 108--------------- -------+---------+=_------+---------+ + + + = +- + _ + +=------+---------+---------+-------==+---------+ 12 - 13 14 Moisture % Dry Weight EMPIRE ENGINEERING & TESTING INC. � Y � � '� i � i"' I' � - � 4 � }�. .. � i � � .. � 4` { � I ' 1 �'� � � � ,�. '. a . ,.ly t, ti� � • > 5�" f `/ ter. � I. x �"t i "` � I ` ,i _ ' t, 4 ,� _ �, �. � ,, _ , � .. � a� ; -r � ;, � • �� � 1 � �..Y •. • � � ..�, � �� • Y.. ` � � r I �' � l 4 I J � toy y "�. i i r � P � � � F. � �� r n .« _ . I �. 74 I;44 �-,/ +%wF K K 1n.1�•. FROM EMPIRE ENGINEERING TO 14974681735 EMPIRE l EINGINEERING &°_DES_ TIN INC. P.0- Box 776 50 Fifth Court Vero Beach, Florida 32961 Vero Beach, Florida 32962 SCANNED BY St. Lucie County FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET i A NO.: 1-468-1735 Lmm of St. Lucie County Building Dept. ATTENTION:F. Debbie a w n 9 JECT� ePPErfltit NO. 6 BANDER: k � `UMBER AQF PAGES: ? (including this cover sheet) NO.: (407) 569-8408 S: Hard, Sealed Copy to follow in the U.S Y� Al - Mail If all pages referenced are not received, please advise us. � 6 f A VERB BEACH t407) 569-0153 FAX (407)3b1)-8,U81 V .1f1116f 31t ,/ ST. ! UCIE (407) 337-7911 MELBOURNE (407) 676.9956 EMPIRE ENGINEERING TO 14074681735 P.02 ,NGINEE■ ING & TESTING INC. 25 SOIL DENSITY REPORT MODIFIED PROCTOR TEST ASTH D 2922 1993 t Grading, Inc. lopment Inc. lock 19, Section 1 n's Road Cove, St. Lucie County, FL 50 Fifth Court Vero Beach, Florida 3296E SCANNED BY St. Lucie County Pen. In Place Hoisture Density % Com Res. Dry Density Relationship pacted Test No. Maximum Dry on Density Rab Grade '-1' '-2' '-2 1/2' 1 -2' e 2r 1-2' rlwf��- 109.2 1 109.4 99.8% 108.6 1 " 99.2% 104.8 1 " 95.7% 106.4 1 " 97.2% 1 105.8 1 " 96.7% 10�5 1 " 96.4% R` 108.2 �i " 98.9% 108.2 ] " 98.9% 108.0 1 " 98.7b roe3 1 971% 5.5 1 " 96'.4% 109.2 1 " 99.8% 108.0 1 " 98.7`d 1 " 98.2% *01 9 04l �I 1� v 3 t Submiked FT. PIERCE ('40- 57-1570 S'' LU ;707) 337.7911 l V OU 1 .07) 676-9956 arley, P.E. .r r? IRE ENGINEERING TO 14074631735 F.03 SCANN ED EDSOIL DENSITY REPORT St. Lu B Counhi 1� 01STURE DENSITY RELATIONSHIP Grading, Inc. _pment Inc, t. . 9, Section 1 'd t. Lucie County, FL r�.. Max. Dry soil Test Density Description No, ' F9t,14 Brown Slightly Clayey A r, r" Fine Sand --------------- ,,'i '" , + Dry rt P ' Density KN �.r + i#� ii++i"• it + �r q ...zt + FrSotP dt flip + Ir Wk - ----- ynix � it + $-ENERGY.:;:: rl. -For detailed information ' Af the EPI rating number - 'or for any ITEM listed,.. ; ask your Builder for 9 ."DCA Form 600A193 - 00orm.600B-93 + _ 0 10 20, :A ..'30O <:. SOexcellen6070.80`90P�100 v The maximum allowable EPI is 100. The lower the EPI the more efficient the home. JEN I IAL ENERGY PERFORMANCE RA ITEM WINDOWS ::...:. INSULATION ................... Ceiling R-Value ... ................ _F Wall , R-Value .........:...........:.... Floor ';: R-Value ...........................' . AIR CONDITIONER. ........ ......... SEER /.EER .................. :..................... " HEATING SYSTEM ..................... Electric - COP / HSPF................... Gas AFUE WATER HEATER ...,................. Electric ? ,:.E . Gas > `EF::. Solar EF ... ;:OTHER FEATURES . u Fri. HOME VALUE Low Efficiency . - SINGLCLR - - - High Efficiency DBLTINT _ R•10 R30 10.0 SEER 17.0 9.7 EER 16.0 8.8 HSPF 12.0 .78 AFUE' .90 ,. rA ". .40 .80 . c 4. 1 certify that these energy saving features required for the Florida Energy Code have been installed in this house. Builder ! "Address: Signature: "Date: City/Zip _ Florida Energy Code for Building Construction-1993 Florida Department of CommOot Affairs FL-EPL CARD 93 ' SCANNED BY St. Luce County Department of Community Affairs SN: 5048 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FORM 600A-93 Residential Component Prescriptive Method A PROJECT NAME: (BUILDER: Vanguard Builders AND ADDRESS: (PERMITTING !CLIMATE !OFFICE: St.Lucie ZONE: 411 511 OWNER: !PERMIT NO. !JURISDICTION NO 1+ New construction or addition r^_. Single family detached or Multifamily attached 3. If Multifamily -No. of units 4. If Multifamily, is this a worst case (yes/no) 5. Conditioned floor area (sq.ft.) 6. Predominant eave overhang (ft.) 7. Porch overhang length (ft.) 8. Glass area and type; a. Clear Glass b. Tint, film or solar screen 9. Floor type and i__nsulation: a. Slab on grade AR -value, perimeter) 10.Net Wall type area and insulation: a. Exterior: 2. Wood frame (Insulation a. Adjacent: 2. Wood frame (Insulation 11.Ceiling type area and insulation: a. Under attic (Insulation R-value) 12.Air distribution systems a. Ducts (Insulation + Location) 13.Cooling system 14.Heating System: 15.Hot water system: 1. New Construction 2. Single -Family 3. 0 4. 5. 2284.O0 6. 1.00 7. 16.00 CENTRAL 61 661000 CK Single Pane Double Pane 8a. O.Osgft 0.00sgft ---- Bb.281.4sgft 0.00sgft _-__ 9a.R= 0.00 , 228.00 ft __-- R-value) 10a-2 R=11.00, 1805.00sgft____ Imo -value) 10a-2 R=11.00, 292.90sgft____ 16.Hot Water Credits: (HR-Heat Recovery, DHP-Dedicated Heat Pump) 17.Infiltration practice: 1, 2 or 3 18.HVAC Credits (CF-Ceiling Fan, CV -Cross vent, HF-Whole house fan, RB-Attic radiant barrier, MZ-Multizone) 19.EPI (must not exceed 100 points) a. Total As_Built points b. Total Base points • -------------------------------------- I' Hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by this calcu- lation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. PREPARED BY: .... JAW. , =AM09 r-- DATE:------- .o =U_=4ll----------- I hereby certify that in compliance with the Code. this building is Florida Energy lia.R=30.00 , 2284.00sgft 12a. R= 6.00 , uncond 13. Type: Central A/C ---- EERt 10.00 14. Type: Strip Heat --- COP: 1.00 15. Type: Electric ---- EF: 0.90 16. 17. 2 18. CF 19. 97.64 19a. 44942.72 19b. 46026.84 -___ -------------------------------------- Review of the plans and specifications covered by this calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. Before construction is completed this building will be inspected for compliance in accordance with Section 553.908 F.S. OWNER/AGENT: DATE: BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: El ** INFILTRATION REDUCTION PRACTICE COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST ** COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH PRACTICE CHECK PRACTICE #1 606.1 COMPLY WITH ALL INFILTRATION PRESCRIPTIVES. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows 606.1 Maximum of 0.34 CFM per linear foot of operable sash crack (includes sliding glass doors). - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exterior &. 606.1 Maximum of 0.5 CFM per sq. ft. of door area° solid. Adjacent Doors core, wood panel,insulated or glass doors only. -A ---- -`-'-------------'-----'----'-----------------'---------------------------------- Exterior Joints 606.1 To be caulked, gasketed, weather-stripped or other-. & Cracks wise sealed. PRACTICE #2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 606.1 COMPLY WITH PRACTICE #1 AND THE FOLLOWINGa Exterior Walls 606.1 Top plate penetrations sealed. Infiltration barrier• & Floors installed. Sole plate/floor joint caulked or sealed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exterior Walls 606.1 Penetrations, joints and cracks on interior,surface. & Ceilings caulked, sealed or gasketed. Ductwork -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 606.1 Ductwork in unconditioned space must be sealed. Fireplaces 606.1 Equipped with outside combustion air, doors and flue °` dampers. Exhaust Fans 606.1 Equipped with dampers. Combustion devices see 606.1.A.2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Combustion 606.1 Be in unconditioned space (except direct vent), draw Appliances air from unconditioned space, exhaust to outside: Cooking appliances shall be dampered and use intermittent ignition. ** OTHER PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES (must- be met or exceeded by all residences.) ** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Water Heaters 612.1 Comply with efficiency requirements in Table 6-12. Switch or clearly marked circuit breaker (electric) or cutoff (gas) must- be provided. External or built- ----------------------------------------•----------------------------------------- in heat trap required. Swimming Pools 612.1 Spas and heated pools must have covers (except solar & Spas heated). Non-commercial pools must have a pump timer. • Gas spa & pool heaters must have a minimum thermal efficiency of 78 percent. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shower Heads 612.1 Water flow must be restricted•.to no more than 3 gal- lons per minute at 90 PSIG. TO q' HVAC Duct 610.1 All ducts, fittings, mechanical equipment and p,ilenum Construction chambers shall be mechanically attached, sealed, ins - Insulation & ulated and installed in accordance with the criteria Installation of Section 610.1.ABC.2 & 610.1.ABC.3. Duct in attics must be insulated to a minimum of R-6. Air handlers shall not be installed in attics unless in mechanical closet. �i�cr uwo�a� �..n teal oy��vw. _---..-___________________________________.-___-__--------------_-----_.---------- ,Insulation 604.1 Ceilings minimum R-19. Common Walls - Frame R-11 or 6o2.1 CPS R-3 both sides. Common ceiling °x floors R-11. --'--------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMER CALCULATIONS --= BASE __- __= AS -BUILT GLASS---------------- ORIEN AREA x BSPM = POINTS 1 TYPE SC ORIEN AREA x SPM x SOF = POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'N 26.00 62.2 2137.2 1 SGL TINT N 13.0 51.5 .96 - 642.7 1 SGL TINT N 13.0 51.5 .96 642.7 E 87.20 82.2 7167.8 1 SGL TINT E 26.0 107.1 .94 2617.5 1 SGL TINT E 30.0 107.1 .58 1857.2 1 SGL TINT E 23.2 107.1 .96 2381.2 1 SGL TINT E 8.0 107.1 .80 688.3 SE 31.20 82.2 2564.6 1 SGL TINT SE 23.2 110.3 .94 2409.7 1 SGL TINT SE 8.0 110.3 .75 661.8 S 44.00 82.2 3616.6 1 SGL TINT S 27.2 98.3 .25 668.4 1 SGL TINT S 8.4 98.3 .90 745.9 1 SOL TINT S 8.4 9B.3 .91 748.7 SW eo.00 82.2 6576.0 1 SGL TINT SW 80.() 110.3 .26 2264.5 W 13.00 82.2 1068.6 1 SGL TINT W 13.0 107.1 .90 1259.3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------_---- .15 x COND. FLOOR / TOTAL GLASS = ADJ. x GLASS = ADJ GLASS 1 GLASS AREA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA FACTOR POINTS POINTS 1 POINTS .15 2,254.00 281.40 1.217 23,131.08 28,161.72 1 17,587.91 NON GLASS------------ 1 AREA x BSPM = POINTS 1 TYPE R-VALUE AREA :t SPM = POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WALLS---------------= 1 Ext 1805.0 1.0 1805.0 1 Ext Wood Frame 11.0 1805.0 1.90 3429.5 Adj 292.0 .7 204.4 1 Adj Wood Frame 11.0 292.0 .70 204.4 DOORS---------------- 1 Ext 112.0 4.8 537.6 1 Ext Wood 112.0 7.20 806.4 Adj 16.0 1.6 25.6 1 Adj Insulated 16.0 1.60 25.6 CEILINGS------------- 1 UA 2284.0 .6 1370.4 1 Under Attic 30.0 2294.0 .60 1370.4 FLOORS _--------------- 1 SRb 228.0 -31.8 -7250.4 1 Slab -on -Grade .0 228.0 -31.90 -7273.2 INFILTRATION--------- 1 2284.0 10.9 24895.6 1 Practice #2 2264.0 10.90 24895.6 --------------------------- TOTAL SUMMER POINTS 1 ---------_-__------- 49,749.92 1 41,046.61 ---------- ----- TOTAL x x SYSTEM = COOLING 1 TOTAL x CAP x DUCT x SYSTEM x CREDIT = COOLING SUM PTS MULT POINTS 1 COMPON RATIO MULT MULT MULT POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49,749.92 .37 18,407.47 1 41,046.61 1.00 1.070 .340 .860 12,842.17 WINTER CALCULATIONS -_= BASE ___ 1 __= AS -BUILT GLASS---------------- 1 ORIEN AREA x BWPM = POINTS 1 TYPE SC ORIEN AREA x WPM x WOF = POINTS ---------------------------- N 26.00 -3.4 -88.4 E B7.20 3.4 -296.5 SE -31.20 -3.4 -106.1 S 44.00 -3.4 -149.6 SW 80.00 W 1w+.00 .15 x -3.4 -272.0 -3.4 -44.2 -------------- ------------------------------------------------ SGL TINT N 13.0 9.6 1.02 127.3 SGL TINT N 1.3.0 9.6 1.02 127.3 SGL TINT E 26.0 -2.0 .66 -34.5 SGL TINT E 30.0 -2.0 -1.50 89.9 SGL TINT E 2-s.2 -2.0 .76 -35.2 SGL TINT E 8.0 -2.0 -.07 1.1 SGL TINT SE 23.2 -9.7 .94 -211.9 SGL TINT SE 8.0 -9.7 .72 -55.9 SGL TINT 5 27.2 -10.2 -1.09 302.4 SGL TINT S 8.4 -10.2 .94 -81.0 SGL TINT S 8.4 -10.2 .95 -81.2 SGL TINT SW 80.0 -9.7 --.79 613.2 SGL TINT - W -------------------------------- 13.0 -2.0 .49 -12.6 COND. FLOOR / TOTAL GLASS = ADJ. AREA AREA FACTOR GLASS = ADJ GLASS 1 GLASS POINTS POINTS 1 POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .15 2,284.00 281.40 1.217-956.76-1,164.84 1 748.96 NON GLASS------------ 1 AREA x BWPM = -------------------------------------------------------- POINTS 1 TYPE R-VALUE AREA x WPM = POINTS WALLS---------------- 1 ---------------•-------- East 1805.0 1.1 1985.5 1 Ext Wood Frame 11.0 1805.0 2.00 •=,610.0 Adj 292.0 1.8 525.6 1 Adj Wood Frame 11.0 292.0 1.80 525.6 DOORS---------------- 1 Ext 112.0 5.1 571.2 1 Ext Woad 112.0 7.60 851.2 Adj 16.0 4.0 64.0 1 Adj Insulated 16.0 4.00 64.0 CEILINGS------------- 1 UA 2284.0 .6 1370.4 1 Under Attic 30.0 2284.0 .60 1370.4 FLOORS--------------- 1 Slb 228.0 -1.9 -433.2 1 Slab -on -Grade .0 228.0 2.50 7,70.0 INFILTRATION--------- 1 ' 2284.0 4.1 9364.4 1 Practice #62 2284.0 4.10 9364.4• TOTAL WINTER POINTS 1 ` 12,283.06 1 17,104.56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL x SYSTEM = HEATING 1 TOTAL x CAP x DUCT x SYSTEM x CREDIT = HEATING WIN PTS MULT POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 COMPON RATIO MULT MULT MULT POINTS 12,28:3.06 1.10 13,511.37 1 17,104.56 1.00 1.070 1.00) 1.000 18,301.98 r WATER HEATING BASE ___ __= A5-BUILT NUM OF x MULT = TOTAL 1 TANK VOLUME EF TANK x MULT x CREDIT TOTAL BEDRMS RATIO MULT 4 3527.0 14,10S.00 1 40 .90 1.000 3449.7 1.00 13,79S.67 SUMMARY BASE AS -BUILT COOLING HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL 1 COOLING HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL POINTS + POINTS + POINTS = POINTS 1 POINTS + POINTS + POINTS = POINTS 18407.5 13511.4 14108.0 46,026.84 1 12842.2 - 18301.9 13798.744,942.72 • * EPI = 97._64 ',,W93-02725 . ELEVATION CERTIFICATE y+ O.M.B. No3e671993 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY P.P'resMay3r 993 NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ATTENTION: Use of this certificate does not provide a waiver of [he (toad insurar>ce purchase roqulremenL 7NIs form is ttsod only to { provide olovotlon Information necossary to ensure cempllance with flood Ible community pu determine the proper insurance premium rate, and/or to supportdy fioodplain management ordinances, to ( ; a request for a Letter of Map Amendment or Revision (LOMA or LOMR). ' Instructions for completing this form can be found on the following pages. SECTION A PROPERTY INFORMATION BUILDING OWNERS NAME FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE SCHMID, MANFRED BY POLICY NUMSER STREET ADDRESS (Ind udng APL, Unit; Suite andior Bldg, Number) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NUMBER - - 131 QUEENS RD COMPANYNAICrjt/MBER OTHER DESCRIPTION (Lot and �A'& , et¢ 11. LOT i C19��U�eensove S/D Unit 1 ory Ft. Pierce, STATE % ZIP CODE FL. 349.9 SECTION B FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION_ Provide the following from the proper FIRM (See Instntctionsl: I. COMMUNITY NUMBER 120285 2 PANEL NUMBER 410 35UFFl7k d. DATE OF flRM INDIX S FIRM ZONE 6. BASE ROOD ELEVATION G 11/4/92 AE fm Ao zones ase aePtn) 6 -- -- - ---•• •• ��•�^` �7�.0,,, usca 4N F1 A or V. 9 rltiM tar Base Flood Elevations (BFE): LI NGVD 2g ❑Other (describe on bade) 8. For Zones where no BFE is provided oti the FIRM, and the community has established a BFE for this building she, indicate the community's BFE: I 1 1 1 1 LU feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum -see Section 8, Item 7)• SECTION C BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION 1. Using the Elevation Certificate Instructions, indicate the diagram number from the diagrams found on Pages-5 and 6 that best describes the subject building's reference level " 2(a). FIRM Zones At-A30, AE, AH,"and A (with BFE). The top of the reference level flogrfrom the selected diagram is at an eleva6oiS Of feet NGVD (or othecFIRM datum -see Section B, Item 7). �'/?o / / Q;T (b). FIRM Zones Vt-V30, VE, and V (with BFE. The bottom of the Lowest horizontal structural member of the�reference level from the selected diagram; is at an elevation of I I ' I I I I,(J feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum see Section B; Item 7). •'i (0). FIRM Zone A (without BFE). The floor used as the reference level from the selected diagram is'UJ.0 feet above❑" or below ❑ (check one) the highest grade adjacent to the building. (d). FIRM Zone AO. The floor used as the rot +i erenoe level from the selected diagram is w.0 feet above ❑ or below ❑ (check one) the highest grade adjacent to the; uildmg. It no flood depth number is available, is the but �ng s lowest floor _ (reference level) elevated in accordance with the communhys floodpfain management ordinance? ❑ Yes No ❑ Unknown i 3. Indicate the elevation datum system used in determining the above reference level elevations: I NGVD *29 0 Other (describe under Comments on Page 2). (NOTE If the elevation datum used in measuring the elevations Is ddfenent than that used on - the FIRM (see Section B, Item 4, then convert the elevations to the datum system used on the FIRM and show the equation under Comments on Page 2.) conversion / 4. Elevation reference mark used appears on FIRM: ElYes 2 No (See Instructions Page on 4) 5. The reference level elevation is based on: 0 actual construction ❑ construction drawings i (NOTE: Use of construction drawings is only valid if the building does not yet have the reference level floor in place; in 'which s case this cerdricate will only be valid for the building during of the course construction. A post -construction Elevation Certificate will be required once construction is complete.) 6. The elevation of the lowest grade immediately adjacent to the buildin Is: Section B, Item 7). g U UJ •U feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum -see .ae. SECTION D COMMUNITY INFORMATION .1. If the community official responsible for verifying building elevations s pedfies that the reference level indicated in Section C, Item 1 is not the lowest floor as defined in the community's flood plain management ordinance, the elevation of the building's "lowest _ �;floor'.as defined by the ordinance is: 1 I I I I•U ' feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum -see Section 8, Item 7). - Z Date of the start of construction or substantial improvement 7 `fEMA.farm 8.1y+3,7, MAY 90 REPLACES ALL PREVIOUS EDITIONS SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR CONTINUATION ' i k 4n. SECTION E CERTIFICATION This certification is to be signed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect who is authorized by state or local law to certify elevation Information when the elevation information for Zones At—A30, AE, AH, A (with BFE),V1—V30,VE, and V (with BFE) is required. Community officials who are authorized by local law or ordinance to provide floodplain management Information, may also sign the certification. In the case of Zones AO and A (without a FEMA or community issued BFE), a building official, a property owner, or an owner's representative may also sign the certification. Reference level diagrams 6, 7 and t - Distinguishing Features —If the certifier is unable to certify to breakaway/non-breakaway wall, enclosure size, location of servicing equipment, area use, wall openings, or unfinished area Feature(s), then list the Feature(s) not included in the certification under Comments below. The diagram number, Section C, Item 1, must still be entered. I certify that the information in Sections B and C on this certificate represents my best efforts to interpret the data available. I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under 18 U.S. Code, Section 1001. CERTIFIER'S NAME LICENSE NUMBER (or Atrix Seal) EN TITLE COMPANY NAME (ow" ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP %70 /�RiUr/AN L� or Sr lucre �=L SIGNATURE DATE PHcE eel-e&" %�-E/rc f1-�6- 93 40�) 3r/o-yU3Z� Copies should be made of this Certificate for:1) community official, 2) insurance agent/company, and 3) building owner. COMMENTS: ON WITH ON PILES, SLAB BASEMENT. PIERS, OR COLUMNS A v A A' v ZONES ZONES ZONES ZONES ZONES REFERENCE REFERENCE 80.5E LEVEL FLODD LEVEL - REFERENCE lF'EL ELEVATxx! fY� .ADJAO BASE BLASE FLOOD .. .. :i, ^F`� PEFLEVEL- ELE ATpN ' REFERENCE • A6IACEM EIEVAl1DN . �)Ay • GRADE The diagrams above illustrate the points at which the elevations should be measured in A Zones and V Zones. Elevations for all A Zones should be measured at the top of the reference level floor. Elevations for all V Zones should be measured at the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member. Page 2 f . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - DEVELOPMENT DI RECTOR I M P O R T -A N T ST_ LUU�C�,IE COUNTY FLOOD HAZARD NOTICE BUILDING PER MIT4 & `/, " %A S TERRY L MRTA, ALCP SCANNED BY; �1 Wde County CONTRA R � CL-2,pC.L —,C -�XpD J.�p��p ^��syC�.p 71 leg - LKJ . OWNER t-<<-/�/G,1 J� Gl'� ✓-lCi��,",/_"! [� ... N. O,T I C E . THIS NOTICE' IS TO INFORM YOU THAT'- YOUR PROPERTY IS IN A FLOOD HAZARD ZONE- A THIS S-THAT THE ELEVATION OF THE FIRST FLOOR MUST BE -.SET —AT.'," FEET, NGVD (MEAN SEA T•R EL) OR-.18' ABOVE THE CROWN OF -THE ROAD, WHICHEVER IS GREATER:.. NO CONSTRUCTION IS TO-PROCEED'BEYOND THE 1ST`FLOOR/SLAB INSPECTIOt[ OR JUST PRIORTOTHE SECOND FLOOR POUR OF A MULTI=STORY STRUCTUREe = UNTIL THE REQUIRED ITArWATION CERTITMCATION HAS -BEEN.COMPLETSD,BY A REGISTERED SURVEYOR, AND iECEIVED AND -APPROVED BY, THE BUILDING DIVISION OF THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVEMPMEET DEPARTMENT-,,; VIOLATION OF -THE 'REQUIREMENT w= RESULT IN THE SCHEDULING OF 8 "PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE -THE ST- LVCIE COUNtY CODE ENFORCEMMT BOMW- 4 THE BOARD IS EMPOWERED TO LEVY A FINE NOT TO EXCEED $250-oo PER,FOR_ EACH DAY THE'"VIOLBTION CONTSRUES:•: FINE OF NOT TO EXCEED, $500-.00 PER DAY MAY BE LEVIED I^OR A EEVEAT VIOLATION. - THE FI1m imzLT 3 . , BECOME -A LIEN UPON THE HE OR PERSONAL PROPERTY OF -THE VIOLBTOR- r THE ELEVATION CER` IFICATION' -MAY BB SUBMITTED - ANY : TIME WITHIN, 21- CALENDAR DAYS FROM .THE ABOVE] HOWEVER,.'NO-FURTHER- CONSTRO:CrEON - - SHOULD .TAKE PLACE, NOR WILL ANY MUSPECTIONS .BE kil)E UK= THE REQUIRED CERTIFICATION HAS BEEN RECEIVED AND—APPROVED- ..'3zf •s, SIGNATURE DATE N, VW L FENN. O:ufa No. t - HAY CIAPFPPE[l UmFa tb- 2 . JAICK KS*GOk Om.:a tf -a .0. Mt.E 7PFFFI.fQk 0a.,a No- a . N.t /N1m- Omr a No- 5 C.Adm:ni .` — )AFM1F$ V. 00_U Jw - 2300 NruginiO Avenue r Forr Pierce_ FL 34982-5652 - Oicea - (407) 468-1590 - CUilemg: (407) 468-1553 - Plannirzg-,(407) 468-1576 ' Zoning: (407) 468-f 553 - Code Enfo CeFnenf: (407) e68-157 f PORT ST. IUrJE TELEPHONE NO- (407) 878-4898 F,F C-Lc✓.. r PICR-w,4LL ELc�'j /,00' .. ,- Wn7�E✓- L, 1 4tz SCANNED BY St. Lucie County M.SCHMID LOURAN DEV; CO, a Y o•L SC A� BC.¢7 C/fpa'NEL -o Lor c1 Gor i� �GJr/ ju ti1/, SCREE/✓ 2�ry P.-aov.;eA SivGCE F.9m2 � ,cES�. Z ZZy So.Gr) �V ^.s r s L-6' V /9.67 -j/`M W C. So - i 1z,, BASJN _ El. >.C^ L Zn- PAVFD) tQ 0 0 O i Lv ALLEN E. BECK SETS A ! CAP MARXED PLS /3690 1 HEREON. SAID MARKER I. 3-cs-93 BASIS or BEARIncr/mom LINE or zee4i- .Co ABBREVIATIONS: IC) CALCULATED. (M).MEAS (D./U.E.).DRAINAGE AND/O'. (P.C.)-POINT Or CUR' (P.R.C.).POINT OF REVERS CURVATURE. (FD.).FOUMD. PIPE AND CAP. (LA.CJ• a .CEITERLINE .Q'.PONER O .UTILITY PEDESTAL O (N.M.).NAT= METER. ALLEN E. BECE DOES NOT ANT EASEMENT, RIGHT OF i OR SIMILAR MATTERS NOT PHYSICALLY VISIBLE ON S BENEFIT OF ABSTRACT TITI RETEltRED TO AN ATTORNEY. THIS SURVEY IS NOT VALID JURISDICTIONAL AREAS, WZ ANY HAVE NOT BEEN LOCATED, -THIS SURVEY IS FOR THE US TO HEREON, AND NO OTHERS. ACCORDING TO THE FEDERAL I rx D INSURANCE RATE MA! O- COMMUNITY PANE -o - BASE E DATUM OF ELEVATIONS SHOWN IT IS TILE RESPONSIBILITY ( PROPOSED AND EXISTING LIT rC_ SHOW1 HEREON'PRIOR TO cow L LOT A Q uacN. S RECORD �ouNDA,ey sIl.evey S. CERTIFIED TV RE VIM T nTTV ANT T VIT rn TnTr, n�_....� A s a LO/ .16 (CC( I/pl,-b) n�csEd s�-.�T/c o \ L \\ M � Sf2EE/✓ j I'i 7 �' L /2.QJ ,S-�.vGcEiflm2 y o a 5. 1.2 4 ` EIS° et.S.GG' E1 `a e CA e BS1N A51" n '1 s[. o ALLEN E. BECK SETS A STANDARD MARKER OF A J'• IRON PIPE AND A CAP MARKED PLS13690 AT ALL CORNERS. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON.-03SAI MARKER IS SHOWN AS- • AND -FIELD SURVEYED ON 3 �33D BASIS DF BEARINGS/�®t DEING THE CENTE.Q • - LINE OF ,eEGAL ,t0/TA PER RECORD PLAT. • ABBREVIATIONS: ' _ _ ' (C)-CALCULATED. (M)-MEASURED. (P)-PLAT. (D)-DEED OR DESCRIPTION. ' (D./U.E.)•DRAINAGE AND/OR UTILITY EASEMENT. (R/W).RIGHT OF WAY. (P.C.).POINT OF CURVATURE. (P.T.)•POINT OF TANGENCY. (P.R.C.).POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE. (P.C.C.).POINT OP COMPOUND CURVATURE. (FD.)•FOUND. (C.M.).CONCRETE MONUMENT. (I.P.C.),IRON PIPE AND CAP. (I.R.C.)-IRON ROD CAP. (E/P).EDGE OF PAVEMENT. - �Z .CENTERLINE Gr,POWER POLE. —&—.OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES. 'T •• .. - ®UTILITY PEDESTAL 0 •WELL.a, SATELLITE DISH. LOT 0 (W •M.) •WATER METER. ' ALLEN E. BECK DOES NOT GUARANTEE OR ASSUME .ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY EASEMENT, RIGHT OF WAY, SETBACKS, RESERVATION• RESTRICTION• OR SIMILAR MATTERS NOT SHOWN OR REFERRED TO ON THE PLAT, OR Q('(a1P/Cu) PHYSICALLY VISIBLE ON SITE. THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED WITHOUT l C (� �i•L - �, & BENEFIT OF ABSTRACT TITLE, AND ALL MATTERS OF TITLE SHOULD BE REFERRED TO AN ATTORNEY. THIS SURVEY IS NOT VALID UNLESS IT IS IMPRINTED WITH AN EMBOSSED JURISDICTIONAL AREAS, WETLANDS. AND UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, IF ANY HAVE NOT BEEN LOCATED, OTHER THAN SHOWN. 'THIS SURVEY IS FOR THE USE OF THE PARTIES SPECIFICALLY CERTIFIED TO HEREON, AND NO OTHERS. ACCORDING TO THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATIONS (FEMA) ' FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAPS, THIS PR_OpERTY LIES IN FLOOD ZONE A NITY O COMMUPANEL / /Z!!Md OO�'�C DATED BASE ELEVATION DATDM( OF ELEVATIONS SHOWN IS VC V b AND IS SHOWN IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL SETBACKS PROPOSED AND EXISTING UTILITIES, AND ALL PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS X/� YOJ[e/f,/ 6j�T&'p /�t/y SHOWN HEREON PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 49tf dnit St. Luce Environmental Health' LEG.4L 1JESG.2/Pr./O/V — )re Plan Approved For Construction OT 'A ' BE_.00K !9 OF Suercedes All Previous Site Plans T . OSDeSW# _( C�)!/N 014CL-MS COVE UAW) i 1 S RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK // PAGE /zs V Ey OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF cr / .. _ , rni INTY. FI nPTnA CERTIFIED TO t — " !/shvcuAeb 8u/1bee 1I CANNED BY St. Lucie County SURVEYOWS 'CiERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY TO TkF`'BEST I!F MY SE1SEF THIS MRVEY MEETS THE MINIMUM TECHINIC-AL STA`:DARDS FOR SURVEYING AS PER CHWPTER'214H-613V THE-F..C. SUBJECT TD ALL NOTES AND NOTATIONS'ShbW HEREON. V ALLEN E. BECK P.L.S. i#3690 DATE REVISIONS BY DATE 5/7LZ L,,"N .46;9 3 csn3 I(M(;-v" rE s Lcrt ,cn E%3 3-/643 ALLEN E( BECK PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR 260 BANYAN DR. PORT ST. LUCIE, FL. (407) 340-1432 311957Z SCALE / " _ 74' JOB NO 93- 997 F.B,IsEE F/L5) PAGE CSEF