HomeMy WebLinkAboutTERMITE TREATMENT CERTIFICATEFort Pierce, FL 34982 772-462-2172 Fax 772-462-6443 RECEIVED 1UN 2 5 2019 Permitting Department_ St. Lurie County CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CON3TRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT #: BUILDER/C PEST CONI PEST CONTROL LICENSE #: �7-Z I Qi 21 ?_t 1 SCANNED BY St. Lucie Count We, the undersigned, hereby certiry that we have pretreated the above described construction for subterranean termites in accordanc�eC with the standards of the National /Pee(stt,,Control �A��sssociiation. Square feet if area treated: (0 Chemicals used: (&5,5ch Percentage of solution: Date of Treatment: Footing 1' Treatment Re -Treat Driveway SR Treatment Re -Treat Other 1P Treatment —__Re-Treat Total gallons used: IL Time ofTreatnent:- lab lg Treatment Re -Treat Pools >� rreatment qmTreat or Final Inspection na re of Exterminator Note: 7here mustbe a completed form foreadh required treatment orre-irwtmentand thfs form mustbe on the job site to be pfdwd up by the inspector at time of each inspection or the scheduled inspection will fall and a reanspedion fee charged. rew.04.7-0 CrnmtarC urFYL&kLUro 77cobncr c An p k;c ,bun vfA bon d shaflbe provided to receive duplicate Treatment Cw frrvtes as each .required protedive lreabnentis completed, providing a mpyfor the person the permit is issued to and another copy for the bm7ding pennit film The Treabnent Ceirttf ife shall provide the product used, idenW of Me applicator, time and date of the treatment; s2e location, area treated, chemical used, percent concentration and number ofgallons use4 to estabrsh a verifiable record of protective beabment: If the soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used, final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to foal building approval. St Lucie County requires for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on