HomeMy WebLinkAboutSURVEYSDZIO( C 2., LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 55, 56 and 57 in Block 26 of INDIAN RIVER ESTATES UNIT 5 according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book tO page 50 of the Public Records of St. Lucie County. Florida. ABBREVIATIONS: (4)=Not verified by field measurement Value as platted k field measured F F.E.=Finishgd. Floor Elevation fl/ SET - Set 5/8 Iron r��GGbor With 'PSM y�ello* cap marked 5543' MS=Value as measured in field w OH--OH--OH-= Over Head Fires a� X—X—X-- Chgin Link Fence N FD-F and 5 Iron Robot R.O.yI. 8 - jghl of flay r Ylood Fence o FPL Transformer Pad CO�= p PL=Value as platted R = Radius of curve L - Length of curve �= Della at Curve Site Benchmark EAS. - Measured S.F.=Square Foot CONC. Concrete C.P.= ConcrRto Pad EB= Water Meter = Pof'rer Pole = Bell South ®= We l I SURVEYORS NOTES: I. Unless other8ise noted only platted easements are shorn hereon. 2. No underground utilities or improvements Were located unless other Trise sholyn. 3. This site lies frithin Flood Insurance Rate Mop Zone X. Mapil 12ffICO28IJ Dated 2/16/2012. 4. Flood Zone sho*n hereon is on interpretation by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. The flood zone should be verified by a determination agency. 5. Bearings shotyn hereon are based on the Center line of SILVER OAK DR as being N00'00'00'E according to the Plat described hereon. 6. P.U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drainage Easement. 7. All Lot dimensions shotn are per plat unless othereise shoryn. 0 rn .w ALL ELEYAnONS SHOM HEREON AM BASED ON NDRTH AVEIdcAN Kona. DAn4 or I LOT 54 BLOCK 26 _ N90'00'001 dP\ I tl N E 0b .10 04 tow bt! 300.00' FO IRIPI ko �o- I luw' 0 o MR amLjp. m � rn Comm pard* Wes, O ' 0 C; .0 0 bl 8 8o IYw' !IA aL .Tao `y0 CD I Pbi o I � 5 0' I N90'00'00'E 300.00', raw IT LOT 58 BLOCK 26 LAST FIELD B O U N D A R Y S U F 5001 SILVER OAK DRIVE Certified to: Santoro CCI Buildings SCALE: I'=50' Atlantic Land Designs DATE; 5-1,12-09 of the Treasure Coast 764 NE Jansen Beach Blvd. Jenem Beach, rL 3466] Sy . l DRAWN: SW Mailing Address: P.D. Box 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 3495E I hereby cattily that the surrey sheen hereon is true a and is acted on actual waseurenenls taken In the field 2009-0298 (772) 3984290 ALD554304;moi I.cam turver mile the Ihninm Technical Standards of Chapter Florida odelellit atlee code. DATE: REVISIONS 4/IB/Ir 4/le/N VNo+eJ Padre r BWID R rlJames ueuor� m� ♦ee. A. Cesiro )/Ir/I! Ih4 Rh NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC REAL BY mie C rortect his _17 �Marrr�r PSM 5543 A .l LEGAL DESCRIPTION: An E EVAT104S SHOP HEREON ARE BASED ON NORTH AVEmcAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (N A ya es) Lots 55, 56 and 57 in Block 26 of 300 N90'00'OD"�y LOT 54 BLOCK 26 . UNRIVER ESTATES SET 00' NRP 1° l I`1� UNIT IT 5 5 E--- Jlp according to the plat thereof 61* as recorded in Plat Book 10 'q page 58 of the b a, w 3 I Public Records of St. Lucie 6 Im" County, Florida. b +\ m ABBREVIATIONS: 1° W8 o cd (s)=Not verified by field measurement ra 70,09' waro�nfL"Ike M rn y=Value as platted & field measured ® cdfad¢DMOAr I Cl F.F.E.=Finishgd Floor Elevation P SET = Set 5/8 iron rebar ��yy�th P $ lloyy cap marked "PS M 5543 ye9=Volue as measured in field m 45,75 Raw 914—OH-01-1-= Oyer Head Wires N X—X—X-= Ch9in Link Fence NN 99.06 a $ "nor M FD=F and 5/8 Iron Reber Y ro o$�_ 3t_ R.O.W.= R'ght of Way N c� :0 g IzsO N 0�-o-= �ood Fence v7 0 Z� I FPL Transformer Pod fie p m I .16 ,E PL=Volue as platted --a R = Radius of curve L- Length of curve A= Delta of Curve cm q o I v� Site Benchmark c 153.54 y1zi W fI5T1' 1.9 o Ind MEAS. = Measured S.FF =Square Fool oo '1} +�°>4 z I mat CONC. = Concrete In C.P.= Concrgte Pad = B3= tter Meter ®= opyer Pole � +\1y z`a 0 Bell South 1-1 Nam --- ,50 *ST N90'00'00"E 300.00' N Rp SURVEYORS NOTES: I LOT 58 BLOCK 26 I. Unless otheriy on noted only platted easements are sho{yn hereon. PFOPO ED PLOT PLAN 2, No underground utilities or improvements Were (IduBJEdrm oWndmM HEALTH DEFT., AND BUILD143 DEPT. APPROVAW located unless otheryyise sho*n. 5001 SILVER OAK DRIVE 3. This site lies Within Flood Insurance Rate flap SCALE:1"=50'Atlantic Land Designs Zone X. Mop# 12111CO281J Dated 2/16/2012. of the Treasure Coast 4. Flood Zone sholyn hereon is an interpretation DATE: 5-12-09 764 hE Jensen Beach Blvd, Jensen Beach, FL 34957 by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. The flood be by DRAWN: S� Mailing Address: zone should verified a P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 3495 determination agency. 5. Bearings sholyn hereon are based on the Center 2009-0298 (772) 398-4290 ALD5543®gmoil.com line of SILVER OAK DR as being N00"00'00"E DATE: REVISIONS according to the Plat described hereon. ¢. P.U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drainage "71By19 o0 P(wVe Swop Easement. i< All Lot dimensions sholyn are per plat unless other*ise shofyn. LAST FIELD DATE:4/17/19 BOUNDARY S Y Certified to: Santoro fCCI Buildings BY St. Lucie County I hereby certily that the survey shoyln hereon is true and correct Ind Is based on actual measeurements taken in the field. This survey models the Minimoun Technico tandords of Chapter 5J-17 Florida odmointslraliye code' �Eaivrc�if Ja es A, D —jarneed bylame ACeslro lr. PSM 5543 ^lA\ Wcn=JamesACesire ly o=AtWntic land DesigmofthelCou, r. :ATED ELECTRONIC ELECTRONIC SEAL surzoe LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ALL ELEVATIONS SHOIyN HEREON ARE BASED ON NORTH AVERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (N.A.VD.'BB) Lots 55, 56 and 57 in Block 26 of LOT 54 BLOCK 26 INDIAN RIVER ESTATES N90'00'00"W 300.00' UNIT 5 SET IRc according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 10 Fl 's .0 page 58 of the Public Records of St. Lucie •�`' t.s County, Florida. o4aW� ABBREVIATIONS: C� co IOX]D s¢D IS a 04W" (e)=Not verified by field measurement Q' �� rf 15 B=Value as platted & field measured ® - 4 air F.F.E.=Finishgd Floor Elevation 1% SET = Set 5/8 iron r11gebar ��yyith yelloW cap marked PSM 5543" - MS=Value as measured in field rp e575 OH--OH--OH—= Over Head Wires C-� ( � ;9 X—X—X—= Chgin Link Fence FD=F and 5/8 Iron Rebar. R.O. �j = Right of jay N CN N o j zr 9806' a $- — 9 _Izao 0-0 —0—= ood Fence )= FPL Transformer Pad 1— p DO.�� z _ s PL=Value as platted R = Radius of curve 4 = L = Length at curve 0= Delta of Curve w o 8 Site Benchmark I53& 31.15 Pe �q9 EAS. = Measured o S.F.=Square Fool o CONC. = Concrete N C.P.= Concrete Pad 63= tter Meter - �= Wer Pole Bell South ®_ Wet I .50 ''EST N90'00'00'E 300.00' SURVEYORS NOTES: I. Unless otherfyise noted only platted easements ore shotyn hereon. 2. No underground utilities or improvements Were located unless other*ise sholyn. 3. This site lies Within Flood Insurance Rate Map Zone X. Map@ 12111CO28IJ Dated 2/16/2012. 4. Flood Zone sholyn hereon is on interpretation by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. The flood zone should be verified by a determination agency. 5. Bearings sholyn hereon are based on the Center line of SILVER OAK DR as being N00'00'00'E according to the Plat described hereon. 6. P.U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drainage Easement. 7. All Lot dimensions sholyn ore per plat unless otheryfise shoiyn. LOT 58 BLOCK 26 aWRITE DMOAv 5001 SILVER OAK DRIVE 3CALE:1 "=50' Atlantic Land Designs of the Treasure Coast 754 NE Jensen Beach Bird. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 3495 (772) 398-4290 ALD5543®gmail.com DATE: 5-1 2-09 DRAWN: SW 2009-0298 DATE: REVISIONS e/I8/19 ON ;amaaaae TM pano Eddb Tul aged S SCANNED BY St. Lucie County RECEIVED �' I 0 JUL 3 0 2019 FD IRP — — — ST.1ticie County, Permitting LAST FIELD DATE-4/17/19 B O U N D A R Y S U R V E Y Certified to: Santoro CCI Buildinos I hereby certify that the survey shoyln hereon is true and correct and is based on actual measeur events taken in the held. This sur ye y meels the Oinimun Technical Standards of Chapter 5J—f7 Flgr\'do administrative code. ccaT,orc'>e A ( PSM 5543 JatnN A. 11THOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL srnreor LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 55, 56 and 57 in Block 26 of INDIAN RIVER ESTATES UNIT 5 according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 10 page 58 of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. ABBREVIATIONS: (e)=Not verified by field measurement B=Value as platted & field measured F.F.E.=Finishgd Floor Elevation SET = Set 5/8 iron r`egbar �yylth y el logy cap marked "PA 5543" MS=Value as measured in field co OH--OH--OH-= Over Head Wires a" m X—X—X-= Chain Link Fence C4 FD=F and 5/8" Iron Rebor R.O.W. = Right Way Y av C-1 of 0--0--0-= Wood Fence m ) = FPL Transformer Pad 1- PL=Volue as plotted R = Radius of curve L - Length of curve ,= Delta of Curve Site Benchmark EAS. = Measured S.F.=Square Fool CONC. = Concrete C.P.= Conc{ate Pod EB = tter Meter olyer Pole j= = Bell South ®= We t I SURVEYORS NOTES: I. Unless otherfyise noted only platted easements ore sholyn hereon. 2. No underground utilities or improvements *ere located unless otheryiise sholyn. 3. This site lies yfithin Flood Insurance Rate Mop Zone X. Mopy 12111CO281J Dated 2/16/2012. 4. Flood Zone sho*n hereon is an interpretation by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. The flood zone should be verified by a determination agency. 5. Bearings shown hereon are based on the Center line of SILVER OAK DR as being N00'00'00"E according to the Plot described hereon. 6. P.U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drainage Easement. 7. All Lot dimensions shoyln are per plat unless otherwise shofyn. ALL ELEVATIONS SHOW4 HEREON ARE BASED ON NORTH AVERICAN VERTICAL DANK of ma LOT 54 BLOCK 26 SET Tic N90'00'00"w ie .0 tss 26 0 o I040 SHED rn 7aD9' lf'\ I s� y9a' 01� €l \tee40 3125 le, N90'00'00"E LOT 58 BLOCK 26 300.00, TER FIT TRIP \`o-1 \y1 M I IHl6H' � o � 0 tCFIE>E aeyEljAy rn COMTE DMW#AY I 0 J I Y �4b Q �IReceivro I 3 N oe of i= %n w sSsS sW so I,� \ JUL 3 0 2019 ST., Lucie County, Perry 300,00' FO R LAST FIELD DATE:7 17/19 BOUNDARY SURVEY 5001 SILVER OAK DRIVE Certified to: Santoro CC] Buildinas SCAIVA11W SCALE:1 "=50' Atlantic Land Designs of the Treasure Coast DATE: 5-12-09 754 NE Jensen Beach Blvd. Jensen Beach. FL 34957 DRAWN: SW Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 3495 2009-0298 (772) 398-4290 ALD5543@gmaii.com DATE: REVISIONS am BY St. Lucie County I hereby certily that the survey shoAn hereon is true and correct and is based on actual measeur mints taken in the held. This survey meets the Minimum Technical Standards of Chapter 5J-17 FI 'da administrative code. O zt 1t 11 PSM 5543 nn&s n �A n, wd.0 um ongo, esl : �n�cR ou«�u,sna9s,sesmeemmaa9 aah A19.0),IB e>4i55 GtlT `ems srnre or NOT VALI WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRON IC SIGNAT E ANO AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL se sucvcov LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 55, 56 and 57 in Block 26 of INDIAN RIVER ESTATES MIN. S�P UNIT 5 FRONT according to the plat thereof SIDES as recorded in Plat Book 10 page 56 the ords of St. Lucie Public Records CNRSIDE,S� REAR l County, Florida. 'ZNG. TECH._ ABBREVIATIONS: (•)=Not verified by field measurement B=Value as platted & field measured F.F.E.=Finishgd Floor Elevation SET = Set 5/8 iro0 w�Gilgor ��yyl it hllow cap marked PSM 543" I =Value as measured in field i 00 OH —OH --OH— Over Head Wires C14 X—X—X-= Chain Link Fence r- w FD=F and 5/8" Iron Rebar Right Sy co Y w c_a R,O��j.� of Ovv= Waod Fence m Q= FPL Transformer Pad � CD PL=Value as platted -� R = Radius of curveI L = Length of curve A= Delta of Curve 4b= Site Benchmark YEAS. = Measured SssSSS F.=Square Foot CONC. = Concrete C.P.= Conc[pte Pad B3=Water Meter ®= olyer Pole ® = Bell South ®_ Wei I SURVEYORS NOTES: 1. Unless otherlyise noted only platted easements are sho*n hereon. 2. No underground utilities or improvements Were located unless olher*ise shown. I, 3. This site lies Within Flood Insurance Rate Map Zone X. Mopy 12111CO28IJ Dated 2/16/2012. 4. Flood Zone shown hereon is on interpretation by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. The flood zone should be verified by a determination agency. 5. Bearings shown hereon are based on the Center line of SILVER OAK DR as being N00'00'00"E according to the Plat described hereon. 6. P.U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drainage Easement. -- 7. All Lot dimensions sho*n are per plot unless otherlyise sholyn. Au ELEVATIONS REQ. .50 HEREON ARE BASED O( NORTH AVERT AN VERICAL DARN O' 1988 (N.AV.D.'BB) LOT 54 BLOCK 26 N9oroo'oo"W 300.00' 4000, S w16 0 1HED IS ON WOOD wIPM rfE • Ikq � N90'00'00"E jpL "p1 dg Cd(a2R D's{E'j(Av j \nb 45.75 Raw B 13 3U5 Prim 300.00' LD I LOT 58 BLOCK 26 P RO POs E D PLOT (PLAN LAST FIELD DATE:4 17/19 (0UwHdr To doMAdroR HEALTH DEPT.. AND elnlDiNd DEFT. APPROVAL) B O U N D A R Y SURVEY 5001 SILVER OAK DRIVE Certified to: Santoro CCj buildings SCALE: 1"=50'Atlantic Land Designs ALE Copy of the Treasure Coast DATE :5-1 2-09 751 NF Jensen Beach Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 DRAjjTJ: SWMailing Address: I hereby certify that the survey sholin hereon is true and correct P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 34950 and is based on actual measeuremenls taken in the I field. This 2009-0298 (772) 398-429D ALD5543@gmaii.com survey meets the I�finia Technical Standards of Chapter 5J-17 Florida administrative code. " .nrcc`r^a Er 1T DATE: REVISIONSna James A pigiWllysigned bYlamesA Rsir"Jr. pSM 5543 A. �nN.r"=1amxA rxbn b ..-A,6nW r. :ATED ELECTRONIC ELECTRONIC SEAL crAw.,