HomeMy WebLinkAboutTERMITE TREATMENT CERTIFICATEFort Pierce, FL 34982 772-462-2172 Fax 772-462-6443 SCANNED CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT BY CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREIA' MENT St. Lucie County PERMIT #: se, 19ay-o<�SX JOB ADDRESS: LSoZI'. Lt.S 0AWAS W!? j PS BUILDER/CONTRACTOR: 9rn T PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR: RAm;pie 6-tF,e„,-ra4in, PEST CONTROL LICENSE #: q 8toy We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. Square feet if area treated: AO Percentage of solution: a5 Date of Treatment: S- am =I q Footing 1 t Treatment Re -Treat Driveway 1s` Treatment Re -Treat Other 1� Treatment Re -Treat Chemjcals used: G'H-ram ff Total gallons used: �v2 Time of Treatments / - a0 )C Slab k Is'Treatment Re -Treat Pools 1'tTreatment Re -Treat Perimeter for Final Inspection Signature of Exterminator Note. There must be a completed form for each required treatment or re -treatment and this form must be on the job site to be picked up by the inspector at time of each Inspectlon or the scheduled inspection will fail and a re -inspection fee charged. FBC104.2.6CertificateofProtectiveTreatmentforpreventionoftermites. A weather resistantjobske posting board shall be provided to receive duplicate Treatment Certificates as each required protective treatment is completed, providing a copy for the person the permit is issued to and another copy for the building pennit files The Treatment Certificate shall provide the product used, identity of the applicator, time and date of the treatment, site location, area treated, chemical used, percent concentration and number of gallons used, to establish a verifiable record of protective treatment. If the soil chemical barrier method for termite preventon is used, final exterior treatment shall be completed poor to final building approval. St Lucie County requires for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on 05/21/2019 14:25 7724673849 PAGE 01/01 SCANNED BY St. Lucie County Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772-462-2172 Fax 772-462-64, 3 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TRVATMENT PERMIT #_szc T9o4o6az JOB ADDRESS: 5521 LAS:"PALHAs WAY PORT sT rtrCxE BUILDER/CONTRACTOR: RMJ CONCRETE PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR: - PATRIQX EXTERMINATING. TNC. PEST CONTROL LICENSE #:__ r r,a _ We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above described construction far subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association, square feet if area treated: 72n Percentage of solution: .25% bate of Treatliient: 0 / 21 / t 9 .,__._Tooting 1" Treatment Re -Treat Driveway 1& Treatment Re -Treat Other. PATYo 1*1 Treatment —_-_Re-Treat Chemicals used: rvar.R rpr Total gallons used Time of Treatment: . slab Treatment Re -Treat ' Roots 1" Treatment Re -Treat. Perimeter for Final Inspection Signature of Ekterrninawr Note" There must be a completed form for each mqufmd treatment or re-trea# ",7nd this folm mustbe on the sffe to be picked up by the liMectar at tfine of each fnspectlan or the scheduled Inspection will fait and a retinspectjab ob fee charged FOCIO4.2-6 Cerbricateofproieoym7-reatmentforpreventlonoftenhltes AweaMerfes/slantjcbsftepostirrgboard shsGbe provided to tt"h a duplicate Treatment CertiJi-BieSaS each required protectfve ireatmarrtis completed, prnvldlrhg a dcPY hbr hte person tfhe penult is hssued io and another copyfor the building permit Ales. The livatment Ceria"rcete shaliprovide the product used, fdendty of the appllcatar, t/me and date of the trea[men4 sfte lacatlor� area treated, ahemkal used, percent concentratlomarhd number egallons used, -to a labllsh a Verhisahle fecord of protective treatrrhent' V the soli chemical barrier method rbrtermite pmven&m is used, final extarwrtreatment shall be mmpletad prior to Frnal building approval. St Lucie County requires for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on