HomeMy WebLinkAboutALLTERRA ENGINEERING TESTING3866 PROSPECT AVENUE • SUITE 9 • WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33404 • (561) 881-1939 April 1, 2019 FILE Y ry Vanden Built Enterprises 5343 SE Mitchell Lane SCANNED Stuart, FI 33497 BY St. Lucie County RE: SOIL REPORT — Proposed One -Story (Approx. 2,606 Sq. Ft.) Residence - Indian River Estates - LOT #16, BLOCK #47 - UNIT #7 - SUNSET BLVD. - PCN 3402-608- 0245-000-8 - Ft. Pierce, FI (Allterra Job No. 18-475) Gentlemen The following is a report of the soil investigation for the proposed structure on the above referenced site. The testing is in accordance with accepted Engineering practice and certain requirements of chapter 18 of the 2017 Edition of the Florida Building Code. A total of two Standard Penetration Tests were advanced at finished grade to the depth and at the location as noted on the attached boring logs. As can be seen from the attached soil boring logs, the majority of the foundation soils consists of a Grey, Brown and Tan Fine Sand, trace of marl. The water table was noted as occurring approximately 3 feet below the existing ground elevation immediately upon completion of the borings. Based on the "blow count" of the Split Spoon Sampler, the foundation soils are generally in a "very loose to loose" state of relative density. Due to the relative density of the foundation soils, the following recommendations are made to achieve a minimum soil bearing value of 2,500#/ft.2. 1. Complete normal clearing and grubbing operations over the entire building pad area. (The building pad area is defined as a minimum of five feet beyond the proposed building lines). 2. At this elevation, apply a heavy, smooth -drum vibratory roller with a minimum of four overlapping passes. 3. If required, using a clean, suitable fill material, fill the building pad area in one -foot lifts to the finished pad elevation using the same compactive effort noted above. Proposed One -Story (Approx. 2,606 Sq. Ft.) Residence - Indian River Estates - April 1, 2019 LOT #15, BLOCK #47 - UNIT #7 - SUNSET BLVD. - PCN 3402-608-0245-000-8 - Ft. Pierce, FI // Vanden Built Enterprises 4. Test the completed building pad area to ensure a minimum density of 95% of the modified proctor. Following the above procedures, a minimum soil bearing value of 2,500#/ft.2 can be anticipated for the proposed structure. This value is based on a footing width of 16" to 36" with the bottom of footing located a minimum of 8" to 24" below the finished pad elevation or standard monolithic slab construction. Note should be made that this investigation may not depict variations that possibly exist intermediate of the attached test boring locations, or in untested areas of the property. Should variations become evident, this office must be contacted to re-evaluate our recommendations based upon on -site inspection and/or testing of the variant conditions. It shall be the responsibility of the owner or contractor to maintain the building pad in a manner that will preclude soil erosion. Note should be made that "proper consideration by the owner or contractor shall be given for the protection of the adjoining buildings and properties, prior to the commencement of work." This investigation was for structural purposes only. Environmental conditions and/or water quality are not part of this investigation. Our report has been prepared specifically for this project. It is for the exclusive use of our client and their representatives. Authorization for publication of statements, conclusions, or extracts from our reports is reserved pending our written permission. Our work has used methods and procedures consistent with local foundation engineering practices. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. We do not guarantee project performance in any respect, only that our work meets normal standard of professional care. If you have any questions concerning this report, or desire any additional information, please feel free to contact our office. Sincerely, Allterra Engineerin ` p -co, Florida G ofAuthor bbd�'Sf •'•.,'90 No.35551 Abdel Karim -Conrad tr ' w Senior Engineer - Fl6yQA1ice?iWgRfirnbei�b551 AKC/ cge "7,SZOIVAL t���` 3866 PROSPECT AVENUE • SUITE 9 • WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33404 . (561) 881-1939 PROJECT Indian River Estates -LOT #15 BLOCK #47 -UNIT #7 -SUNSET BLVD. - PCN 3402-608-0245-000-8 -Ft. Pierce, FI LOCATION Northwest Comer of Building Area (Approximate) BORING NO. 1 PROPOSED ONE-STORY (APPROX. 2.606 SQ. FT.) RESIDENCE DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL Sample No Blows Par Fool ser.x 1 — -- - - 0'-2.5' Grey Fine Sand 2.5'-4' Dark Brown Fine Sand 4'-8' Brown Fine Sand, trace of marl 8'-13' Tan Fine Sand 13'-14' Dark Grey Fine Sand 14'-15' Dark Brown Fine Sand 1-1- 1 2 2-3 2 3 4-5 3 e 3-4 5 6 1-2 6 2 7 8 2--33 8 9 2-3 10 3-3 10 11 1-1 11 12 2-1 12 13 2-3 13 14 2-3 14 15 4-4 116 6 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 2 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 2 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 CLIENT Vanden Built Enterprises JOB NO. 18475 DRILLER DB/RC WATER TABLE 3' DATE 3/28/19 TEST DATA In general accordance with ASTM D-1586 These Soil Boring Tests are Representative of and Apply to the Exact Location and Depth of the Boring. AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. 3866 PROSPECT AVENUE • SUITE 9 • WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33404 • (561) 881-1939 PROJECT Indian River Estates -LOT #15, BLOCK #47 -UNIT #7 -SUNSET BLVD. - PCN 3402-608-0245-000-8 -Ft. Pierce, FI LOCATION Southeast Corner of Building Area (Approximate) BORING NO. 2 PROPOSED ONE-STORY (APPROX. 2,606 SQ. FT.) RESIDENCE DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL Sample No Biows Per Foot oevrx 1- 0'-1.5' Grey Fine Sand — 1.5'-5' Dark Brown Fine Sand 5'-13' Tan Fine Sand 13'-14' Dark Grey Fine Sand -14'-15' Dark Brown Fine Sand 1-2 1 2 2-2 2 3 3-4 3 4 4-6 4 5 6-7 5 6 2-3 6 7 2-3 7 8 3-4 8 9 5-6 10 7-7 10 11 2-1 11 12 1-2 12 13 2-3 13 14 3-3 14 4-3 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 48 4 X5047 49 49 50 CLIENT Vanden Built Enterprises JOB No. 18-475 DRILLER DB/RC WATER TABLE 3' DATE 3/28/19 TEST DATA In general accordance with ASTM D-1586 These Soil Boring Tests are Representative of and Apply to the Exact Location and Depth of the Boring. AUTHORRATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. 3866 PROSPECT AVENUE • SUITE 9 • WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33404 • (561) 881-1939 REPORT OF AUGERS PROJECT Indian River Estates -LOT #15, BLOCK #47 -UNIT #7 -SUNSET BLVD. - PCN 3402-608- CLIENT Vanden Built Enterprises - 0245-000-8 -Ft. Pierce, FI SAMPLED BY DB/RC DATE 3/28/19 JOB NO. 18-475 *WATER LOCATION DEPTH DESCRIPTION TABLE PROPOSED ONE-STORY (APPROX. 2,606 SQ. FT.) RESIDENCE Northeast Corner 0'-1' Grey Fine Sand of Building Area 1'4' Dark Brown Fine Sand 4'-5' Brown Fine Sand, trace of marl 5'-10' Tan Fine Sand 3' Southwest Corner O.A. Grey Fine Sand of Building Area 1'4 Dark Brown Fine Sand 4'-5' Brown Fine Sand, trace of marl 5'-10, Tan Fine Sand 3' Center of 0'-1' Grey Fine Sand Building Area 1'-5' Dark Brown Fine Sand 5'-7' Brown Fine Sand, trace of marl 7'-10' Tan Fine Sand 3' (ALL LOCATIONS APPROXIMATE) . Immediate Water Table These Soil Boring Tests are Representative of and Apply to the Exact Location and Depth of the Boring. Authorization for publication of statements, conclusions, or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. 3866 PROSPECT AVENUE • SUITE 9 • WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33404 • (561) 881-1939 tgoy -non July 1, 2019 Vanden Built Enterprises 5343 SE Mitchell Lane Stuart, FI 33497 RECEIVED JUL 15 2019 Permitting Department St. Lucie County SCANNED BY St. Lucie County RE: Proposed One -Story (Approx. 2,606 Sq. Ft.) Residence - Indian River Estates — LOT #15, BLOCK #47 - UNIT #7 - 5002 SUNSET BLVD. - PCN# 3402-608-0245-000-8 - STEMWALL FOOTINGS - Ft. Pierce, FI (Allterra Job No. 18-475) Gentlemen: This is with reference to the compacted building pad on the above referenced site. The building pad has been prepared, examined and tested in accordance with accepted Engineering practice and certain requirements of chapter 18 of the 2017 Edition of the Florida Building Code. Based on the results of the attached test reports, the one or two story building pad area (finished grade) has been developed to a minimum soil bearing value of 2,500#/FT.2. (The building pad area is defined as an area a minimum of five feet beyond the proposed building lines, locations and dimensions as given by others). It shall be the responsibility of the owner or contractor to maintain the building pad in a manner that will preclude soil erosion. If you have any questions concerning the above, please feel free to contact our office. Yours truly, Allterra En ineeri g Florida Certificate of AL itho No. 35551 del Karim-C do, P ATE OF �4' Senior Engineer rid c t e M �Er 35551 b1�8.• 0 AKC/ kns �NAL Sli 3866 PROSPECT AVENUE . SUITE 9 . WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33404 . (561) 881-1939 REPORT OF DENSITY TESTS JOB NO. 18-475 PROJECT Indian River Estates -LOT #15, BLOCK #47 -UNIT #7 - 5002 SUNSET BLVD. - PCN# 3402 CLIENT Vanden Built Enterprises 608-0245-000-8 - Ft. Pierce, FI NUMBER OF SAMPLES 6 TESTED BY JF DATE 6/27/19 SOURCE In Place Material REPORTED TO Client INTENDED USE Compacted Soil - Building Area - STEMWALL FOOTINGS SPECIFICATIONS GOVERNING 95% of AASHTO T-180 / ASTM D-1557 LOCATION DEPTH DENSITY PROCTOR % DENSITY PROPOSED ONE-STORY (APPROX. 2,606 SQ. FT.) RESIDENCE Northwest Corner of Footing Area 0'-1. 108.3 110.0 98.5 Northeast Corner of Footing Area O.A. 109.1 110.0 99.2 Southeast Corner of Footing Area 0'-1' 108.0 110.0 98.2 Southwest Corner of Footing Area O.A. 107.9 110.0 98.1 Center of East End of Footing Area 0'-1' 109.5 110.0 99.6 Center of West End of Footing Area 0'-1' 108.3 110.0 98.5 These tests are representative of and apply only to the location and depth shown above Authorization for publication of statements, conclusions, or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval 3866 PROSPECT AVENUE • SUITE 9 • WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33404 • (561) 881-1939 REPORT OF PROCTOR ANALYSIS JOB NO. 18-475 - - —PROJECT Proposed One -Story (Approx. 2,606 Sq. Ft.) Residence - Indian River Estates - LOT #15, BLOCK #47 - CLIENT Vanden Built Enterprises UNIT #7 - 5002 SUNSET BLVD. - PCN# 3402-608-0245-000-8 - DATE SAMPLED 6/27/19 SAMPLED BY JF Ft. Pierce, FI DATE TESTED 6/28119 TESTED BY MS SOURCE In Place REPORTED TO Client SPECIFICATIONS GOVERNING 95% of AASHTO T-180 / ASTM D-1557 111.0 110.0 DRY WEIGHT 109.0 mil 107.0 REMARKS/DESCRIPTIONS OF MATERIAL T-180 / D-1557 Compacted Soil Dark Brown and Grey Fine Sand STEMWALL FOOTINGS 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 % MOISTURE MAXIMUM DENSITY 110.0 POUNDS PER CUBIC FOOT OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT 12.0 PERCENT MOISTURE/DENSITY CURVE MAY NOT REFLECT LABORATORY CONFIGURATION Authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval.