HomeMy WebLinkAboutSITE PLAN2x4 "rat -runs --------- ------ ----- ----- ------ ----- --------------; w/(2)led to each truss I , 1 u , U ' N u I double 2x4 bracfng to gable and --_ 1 1 I 1 r 1 i re ' o' a' at I I I "ts N ' Hols- 4 L k�A♦AA H AA.A�''ttQ _ �Q �� V�. Qi \ XY M, q �•� .'� . �'ZCC - a� . � .i•LCp I 1 I I I I r I � 1 r � i I I I I T 1 � E I O 1 N 1 I I ' u - -l9 1 � L9 U4 N )1- I r full flefglit 2x4 studs 0 V 4" ale — 11/4" x 21/2" "Panelmatd Shutter studs 0 6" a/c all around shutter double 2x8 header 2x4 faxc(a all around built-up endwatls par Emdwail Detail p built-u wood trusses a 2' 011 o/c E - 1/2 plywood fastened UNDER trusses wl 10d roof ovcrhame rfng-shank Malls &D 6" a/c IP 1 I 11 , 11 t . OH 8o sa to Y i t .� � p q� � � ate' / � ,r• Header Fabricatfom - Buflt up 2 x's w/solfd 1/2" CDX plywood flitch - glue & and nail w/ double row of 16 d each side a 6" c/o Scale -1/4`° 1' D" r 1: i. ; I� 1: t 112" recess for OH door 161 0 It Qi.�i tr Q 1 Scale-1/4"=1'011 slab shall be 4" - 3000 psi Flbcrmesh reinforced (11/2# pr CY) concrete over .006" poly vapor barrier oil treated, compacted cioam sand fill. -1 l' 6" t x 12" wide fntcgrai footfmg w/ (2) #4 cdmt & 30" x 30" corner bars ----------------------------------------------- I 1 1 I 1 1 --------- ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 1 � Q I ' T 1 r------------------ 1 T Q -- 1 ridge l ----- "-''"•---- ---- ------------- `u O --—_—•_._—^�. ? N (X"'� Cl l I I 1 F• I� t i 1 1 1 i I I I 1 I I 1 i 1 i 1 I I 1 1 i 1 i9 1 I 1 , I 1 I I ' t 6070 OH 1 , I , 1 , 1 , I roof overhang $1011 i 8' D it 110, typ, OH `r 161 0 11 R OI double, 2x4 top plate 2x4 rat runs beyond / 1/2" CDX plywood fasten to first alum. SH window .'P .. .... ..V0.i.' A..'i.14. I. ' ui' -'�' �tlf r. �i•. � 1i 0 rl ._ii•. 'r. -: two trusses w/ 104 ring -shank nails P' /a 6" o/c along bottom cord L) Top Plate ledgar w/ (2) 20d to each stud 1 architectural grade Fiberglas a each shfngles over 30# felt & 5/6" stud CDX plywood fastened w/ 10d ring -shank nails 0 4" o/c along trusses & fascia each ^~ truss-------- - window, header - (2) 2x6 s w/ solid 3" aluminum drip 1/2" CDX plywood flftchplate demountable 5/8" COX aluminum fascia storm panels 1/2" 5CX plywood w/ 2" df� ( 0i f screened vents 0 24" o/c 04 top of wall Wockime at d 2x4 wall blockfng interior 1/2" CDX plywood all around rT 2x4fp##dplkAA ring -shank malls 0 6" c/o 1/2" x 6" anchorbolte n. F[oor p-i I Fr 1 me Scale -1/2" =11 D" 12 gage gaiv. stoat roller htn@o fasten to stiles w/ (6) es, #14 x 3/4" self -taping sheet metal 1' 0 „ screws \ 12 4 u t— u r u e Scale -1r21' 1i all Truss members from #2 5YP,1/2" CDX plywood, Tlghtbond wood glue Minfmum (6) 8d x 11/2 gaiv nabs In each member 0 each connection Allow minimum (7) days curing time prior to fnstallatfom it r umlmum window head flashing 4 R5 cedar window trim ?pact rated um, 5H window nyl efdfng & trim rut an FM. Floor -------------------------------------- ii� lcvatlQi� Scale -1/411=1'D7t " asphalt shfmgles to match dxfetfng residence Sx4 K5 cedar trim T-111 plywood sfdng 6070 OH door 26.7# (-) 30,2# •X-4 ea. side OH door �uflt uzp v�fi0" old 2x4 °°rat ruffs rues s `I -double 2x4 top plate w/ (2) led to �X _2 each truss &� each stud 1/2" CDX plywood - fastem to first two trusses w/ 104 ring -shank nails a 5" o/c along bottom cord 2x4 stuffs 4D114" olo ---••--®_ 5/6" CDX plywood 2x4 solid blocking (top 0 4' 0" AFF) L typical fascia °osA & soffit > o o v aim P a. -6 10 r g uL g+�U solid 2x4 blocking 4 0 diagonat 2x4 braces L u X a'n s m w/ 1/2" carrfage bolts s +'L. 4 thru stud os� 2x4 rat -runs w/ u, 3 v® L 1/2" x G" carrfage a a +3 L % L L S to u 6; bolts thru studs ®v 10d rfngshank 3 a ° u,1 malls04"ale �s1���� �raoam .c, 2*6ledgar w/ (2) I. L W a U A L i s god to oath stud o U U u g _Ci�xPQ p" i-wNUOIj )Q Interior 1/2" CDX plywood all around `q L - fastem w/ 6d rfng-shank nails 0 6" ale u 5/6" CDX plywood sheathing - MID prime bottom 12" w/ ofl-base KiLZ primer, double coat IL N 2" HD rollers w/ hardened [timer bottom edge '~ & outer races Q 2" gaiv. steel track - fasten to X`3 track brackets w/ 1/4"-20 x 1/2" each stud gale. steel bolt & mute O ID double PT 2x4 plate all around 12 gage gaty, steel track w/1/2" x 10" anchor bolts � double row of IN rfng-shank o QL brackets at 12" o,o. 1' 4'" olc malls to double baeoplate 3/8" x 21/2" gale. tag screws see Fd'n. I lam for all around (n & aftstde CDX to Jamb framing 6D each bracket slab & ft'g. data 1/2" CDX plywood (below) - hold back 3" from R.O. of vapor barrier aluminum (4) 2x4 Jamb poly p end elite - - 1 x R5 cedar framing ♦/ Y�/ r♦/ i♦i�:*'. r' `' : _"s: trim s i ` X'4 below Ix4KScedar w/5/8 x8 AB ///// :'.a:'. •a,:' : ///// trim n /� ♦/ %/ %/i /! f i // // // / % 5/8 T-111 pty Exterior woodsheath(ng ♦ ;. ♦ ♦ \ ♦ /♦ double row of 12d gale. ring-shamk nails around OH door opening 04" ale G r e Door it i Ccr 1i el Scale-1/4"1'D°' Frofit lcva Vi0f`) Scale-1/4"�11 ®n it I [ N1'S r' Kear similar w/o OH door East 150' of the West 306.01' of Lot 16, dock C, Hidden P;nas Estates 5/D - Plat Book 17, Paga 21 - Public Izecorde. of 5t, County, Florida IN 1 Wa �i G !®�1 Scale-3r4ii^1io'i E��IwalC ect, Woodam It's4i Extcrior Exterior framffr2xE Matertai Notes w N alum. flan a typpo Window Slits -Hand select straight grain ;a 00) window sib fraA momolfthtc glass 2x8 fir, verify alum. slit dimensions & out % o #12 x gg' 55 screws 1/4" shims 1x4 RS cedar trim axt rlar to profile & interior trim -out shown, {� Q, cs z er mfr s FL# Install fill cro s w/ 5/ " T-111 seaamt Sealant _ono art olurethane caulking +U' Fl ill hold W/ sealant) wale role wcad p p g L wooden s!t[ ut sl Ing alum. 5WIt-up truss glue - "Tltabond" wood gtue. < `7 .2 from fir 2xt3 ^�----- 1/4, w " x 3116" apply W/ 1/8 v-notch trowel to mating 1 1/411 w It 5/16' shrfnkago cuts wind surfaces. Q 0 drip out Priming & Painting Sfdfng & Trim 1 v u 1x4 R5 odder 3/411 reveal ggx4 The both sides of the bottom 8"' of T-111 � �' o`.. trim 1J2" CD to framing „ pl weed sidtne shall receive two full coats 1/4" shims takfnAL cadre to double cow the botimom & L T 111 plywood 48" AF a eldthe 2x4 wall framing sfdd edges of individual panels, O _ Eva t 3/4" reveal J I 1 x trim Also, the top 8" of T-111 under window slits !! o u t i/2"d I shall be primed as noted above. Fasten window to wood framtng w/ All siding, soffits & trim shall receive two n 01 E prime & paint wood slit #12 x 3°` max 5"from corners & futl coats of first quality exterior grade, p before installation a 12" o/c elsewhere sarn(-gloss tatex house paint. i a a L Winci0w ai[t scale -2"=1"Do. Wi+ieiow Jamb Scale-211=Io, Ali connectors are products of Simpson -Strong -Tie Mf'g Co,. DO NOT SUBSTITUTE TYPE OR NUMBER lrldex Allow # Actual # Fasteners kemarks Mark Typc uplift p1 F2 U lift p1 p2 i:3M/PL Truss/15eam X-1 MT5.12 660 250 250 475 250 250 (7)10d x 11/2" (7) IOd x 11/2" wrap over truss )(-2 5F 4 535 425 (8)10d x 11/2" top plate cone. all around x-,3 VH4K 1240 725 (f0)10d X 1112" (2)1od bottom plate comp, all around )(-d} HTT16 30&0 1725 5l8" x &I anchor bolt (18)16d a each side of OH door O(MIDDIM 0QDP01PME1JfL(J:!13 - Florida Building Code - Kestdentiai (F8C12) 2017 - ASCE 7-10, Klok Category 1T' - "Auxitllary structure" - i°rojoct Address - 6793 Lonsome fines Trofl, Ft. 10ferce. (St. Lucia County) Florida Occupancy - Kos. Aux, Daofc Load Fac'tore Type of Conetructfon - 115 - Unprotected, uneprtnkied Par FBC rabla 1004.5 project auildlmoo are "Catagory 11 " - Houalmo Overall Building Area ;192 SF.1 story Internal Pressure Coefficient = Ma (per FB @action 1608.4) Components & Claddlme not specifically tlstod below to be + or - 75 pef. - 160 mph - Exposure "B" - 3 -second burst, Kf@k Catdgory IT'Uve Loade - lZ.esfdence interior floor live toad . 40 pof Buildfng Deafened as - main structure - enclosed Roof Live Load mtninlmum = 30 psi (and (ncreasod per r5c Table 1609.66) Overhang = 1°4" Koof Pitch 4112 Moan building helght = 10' For FBCK Table K301.2(1) weathering = negligible, termite damage = very heavy LF'L1BMIIDiI]' DOD WiIiMla�iI7MAWL A1.1F171l®A1,7 T11r — (DOMAoQAM13MV0 tit CL"TIeAAMODTIfi9G Product Manufacturer Modal # FL # Impact Method of Attachment pr®f�"4ere • frrsSSu v a OH Door Clopay #73 - 25 Sago steel pan 15279.36 yes 3/6" x 3" Lag bolts a 1' 4" o/c 26.7 (-) 30.2 +30.0 - 32.0 SH Alum, Window Jeld-Won rr. Atlantic AL 11120.1 yes #10 x 3" pan -head screws 010" olc +44,3 -44,4 +60.0 - 60. Asphalt Shingles CaralnTead Landmark 5444.1 N/A (6) esiv. roofime halls per shingle 150 mph vinyl Siding Mina", Inc 13992,1 Rt N/A 1W x 11/2" rir,e-shank rooflne nails w/ 5W Alm. heads 0 WO/0 alone each Stud (doubla 0 corners) + -75 Soffit WA 1/2" l3CX plywood N/A N/A #5 ring -shank 0 4" o/c alone each rafter +- 75 10r "I have rcviewcd the above components & cladding & have approved their use in the strutrlaqt These products provide adcoluatc resistance to the wind loads & forces specified by c *�code provisions." John M, Foster - Architect - Moms /9oc/-o6/S REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE 6T. LUCIE COUNTY BOCC &� FILE COPy