HomeMy WebLinkAboutGEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION REPORTSCANNiD BY St. Lucie County REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION PROPOSED RESIDENCE 703 RAMIE COURT PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA FOR TONY DORAN 2811 SE EAGLE DRIVE PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA 34984 PREPARED BY NUTTING ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA, INC. 1310 NEPTUNE DRIVE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33426 ORDER NO.117.1 JANUARY 2006 /�• NUTTING Geotechnical & Construction Materials ENGINEERS Hydrogeology & Monitoring Wells OF FLORIDA, INC. Engineering • Inspection • Testing ESTABLISHED 1967 1310NEPTUNEDRIVE •BOYNTONBEACH, FL33426 8175WEST 32^AVENUE•SUITE 2•HIALEAH,FL33018 (561) 7364900 • (954) 941-8700 • (305) 824.00M • Fax (561) 737-9975 • (954) 9W-8900 (305) 557-3083 .- FAX (305) 824.8827 NUTTING ®� ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA, INC. ESTABLISHED 1967 January 24, 2006 Mr. Tony Doran 2811 SE Eagle Drive Port St. Lucie, Florida 34984 Phone:772-879-7468 Subject: Report of Geotechnical Exploration Proposed Residence 703 Ramie Court Port St. Lucie, Florida Dear Mr. Doran: Geolechnical & Construction Materials Engineering & Testing • Inspection Environmental Services Offices throughout the state of Florida www.nuttingengineers.com • info@nuttingengineers.com Nutting Engineers of Florida, Inc. has performed a geotechnical exploration for the proposed residence at the above referenced site in Port St. Lucie, Florida. The purpose of this exploration was to obtain information concerning the site and subsurface conditions in order to provide general site preparation and foundation recommendations for support of the proposed construction. This report presents our findings and recommendations. PROJECT,INFORMATION We understand that plans include the construction of a two-story concrete block system (CBS) residence at the subject site and presently the property is vacant land. Based on plans provided to our office the residence will cover a total area of approximately 5,500 square feet. Based on existing site elevations we anticipate approximately one to two feet of fill to achieve final grades. 2 1310 NEPTUNE DRIVE • BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33426 • (561) 736.4900 • Fax (561) 72?-9975 Broward (954) 941.8700 • Pt. St. Lucie (772) 408 -1050 • Miami -Dade (305) 824-0060 GENERAL SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS As part of the geotechnical exploration, we have reviewed the soil conservation service survey maps for St. Lucie County. A review of the Soil Survey for St. Lucie County revealed that at the time the survey was conducted, the soil's at the site were described as Pendarvis sand. This series can be described as nearly level, well drained sandy soils found in knolls and flatwoods. These soils formed in sandy marine sediment. We note that the maximum depth of the survey is six feet. In order to explore the subsurface conditions at the subject site, two Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings were performed to depths of twenty feet. The borings were performed within the approximate limits of the residence footprint as located by the client. In general, the borings revealed a surface layer of loose to medium dense brown to gray sand in the upper four feet, underlain by medium dense brown sand to a depth of ten feet. Below ten feet medium dense to dense dark gray slightly clayey sand was encountered to a depth of twenty feet, the maximum depth explored. The groundwater level was measured at the boring location at the time of drilling. The groundwater level was encountered at approximately seven feet below the existing ground surface. Fluctuation in the observed groundwater levels should be expected due to rainfall variations, seasonal climatic changes, construction activity and other site -specific factors. ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The borings performed for this project revealed that the site may be prepared using conventional site preparation and compaction techniques. Once the site is prepared in accordance with the recommendations presented in this report, the site may be developed with the proposed residence using a shallow foundation system designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,500 pounds per square foot. Once plans are more finalized for the proposed construction, we should review the plans to determine whether additional details or changes to our recommendations are warranted. We recommend a minimum width of 24 inches for continuous footings and 30 inches for individual footings, even though the soil bearing pressure may not be fully developed in all cases. We recommend that the bottom of footings be at least 12 inches below the lowest adjacent finished grade. It is our opinion that the floor slab system may be constructed as a slab on grade. We recommend that a vapor barrier be placed between the soil and concrete. We also recommend that the reinforcing steel mesh be placed at the approximate center of the slab for tensile support. NUTTING 1 3 ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA. INC. ESTABLISHED 1967 Site Preparation All grass, weeds, and root zones should be stripped and removed from the construction area to a lateral distance of at least 5 feet beyond the proposed exterior building limits. A representative of geotechnical engineering should observe the stripped surface. Upon approval by the geotechnical engineer, the stripped surface (no fill added at this time) should be wetted, and then compacted with a vibratory roller having a minimum dynamic force of 15 tons. Also, the surface should be compacted until a density equivalent to at least 98 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D-1557) is achieved to a depth of at least 12 inches below the compacted surface. Structural fill needed to bring the site to construction grade may then be placed in lifts not exceeding 12 inches in loose thickness when using the vibratory compaction equipment described previously. Each lift should be thoroughly compacted until densities equivalent to at least 98 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density are uniformly obtained. Following site and building pad construction as discussed above, the foundation area can be excavated and the footings formed. The bottom of foundation excavations should be compacted after excavation to develop a minimum density requirement of 98 percent of the maximum modified Proctor dry density, for a minimum depth of one (1) foot below the bottom of the footing depth, as determined by field density compaction tests. The floor slab area should also be compacted in the same manner. General Our client for this geotechnical evaluation was: Mr. Tony Doran 2811 SE Eagle Drive Port St. Lucie, Florida 34984 The contents of this report are for the exclusive use of the client, the client's design & construction team and governmental authorities for this specific project exclusively. Information conveyed in this report shall not be used or relied upon by other parties or for other projects without the expressed written consent of NuTTiNG ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA, INC. This report discusses geotechnical considerations for this site based upon observed conditions and our understanding of proposed construction for foundation support. Environmental issues including (but not limited to), soil and/or groundwater contamination are beyond our scope of service for this project. NUTTING 4 ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA. INC. ESTABLISHED 1967 Prior to initiating compaction operations, we recommend that representative samples of the structural fill material to be used and acceptable in -place soils be collected and tested to determine their compaction and classification characteristics. The maximum dry density, optimum moisture content, gradation and plasticity characteristics should be determined. These tests are needed for compaction quality control of the structural fill and existing soils, and to determine if the fill material is acceptable. A representative number of in -place field density tests should be performed in the compacted existing soils and in each lift of structural fill or backfill to confirm that the required degree of compaction has been obtained. If conditions are encountered which are not consistent with the findings presented in this report, or if proposed construction is moved from the location studied, this office shall be notified immediately so that the condition or change can be evaluated and appropriate action taken. Excavations of five feet or more in depth shall be sloped or shored in accordance with OSHA and State of Florida requirements. The vibratory compaction equipment will cause vibrations that could be felt by persons within adjacent buildings. The contractor should exercise due care during the performance of the vibratory compaction work. If such vibrations are not considered tolerable, then alternate foundation modification techniques should be considered. We appreciate the opportunity to provide these services for you. If we can be of any further assistance, or if you need additional information, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, 4GNEERS OF RIDA, INC. Project Attachments: Test Boring Results Limitations of Liability Soil Classification Criteria REP DORAN RES ST-LUCIE CEG NUTTING 5 ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA. INC. ESTABLISHED 1967 Rezz:':—, .E. #60223 Sr. Geotechnical Engineer NUTTING `ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA, INC. Fatabllnh.d 1967 Geotechnical & Construction Materials Hydrogeology & Monitoring Wells Engineering • Inspection • Testing TEST BORING REPORT Depth • Penetration - N Value Feel Description of Materials 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 N Brown quartz fine SAND '--... i ' Q — i _.—T ---—...__—i _-5 I i 5 2 1 Lt. gray quartz fine SAND ;4 Brown quartz fine SAND- I I 8 ! Ltbrown quartz fine SAND', 110 Gray clayey SAND I 12 i Dark gray silty SAND � I1 15 Dark gary quartz fine SANDl 20 Test Boring terminates @ 20 feet i Client: Project Location: Hole Location: Driller: Elevation Reference: _ Casing:Diameter: Sampler -.Diameter: Groundwater depth:lmm SAMPLES WILL BE DISCARDED IN 60 18 23 Blows Sampler Casing 212 315 i 815 1 516 515 1313 116 9111 418 8110 1618 11018 9110 1 13110 1 32 i 15I18 114114 I I� ll I I I 1 Order#: 117.1 Hale #: 1 anna Date Started: 1/19106 K. @ Road crown Date Completed: 1119106 BX Flush Couple Hammer WI`: 280# Fall: 24" x 2' Split Spoon _ Hammer Wf: 140# Fall: 30 3CTED 07HERWISE. by: Rez&-Javida , P.E. #60223 1310 Neptune Drive, Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 Boynton Beach (561) 736-4900 • Pompano Beach (964) 941.8700 • FAX (561) 737.9975 NUTTINGGeotechnical & Construction Materials �® Hydrogeology & Monitoring Wells v ENGINEERS INC. Engineering • Inspection • Testing OF FLORIDA, INC. - � g p 9 EslaEllaftod 1967 TEST BORING REPORT Depth • Penetration - N Value Blows Feet Description of Materials 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 N Sampler Casing 619 10110 919 113110 11111 15117 I :20119 16121 Client: Tony Doran Order #: 117.1 Project Name: Proposed Residence Hole #: 2 Project Location: 703 Ramie Ct Port St. Lucie, FL Hole Location: Approx. SW comer of proposed home Driller. L. Capanna Date Started: 1119106 Elevation Reference: Approx. @ Road crown Date Completed: 1119106 Casing:Diameter: 3" OD BX Flush Couple Hammer WT: 290# Fall: 24" Sampler.Diameter: 2" OD x 2' Split Spoon _ Hammer WT: 140# Fall: Groundwater depth: Immediate: 7' SAMPLES WILL BE DISCARDED IN 60 DAYS UNLESS INSTRUCTED OTHERWISE y�.9 ` by: Rei Javid , P.E. #60223 1310 Neptune Drive, Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 Boynton Beach (561) 736.4900 • Pompano Beach (954) 941.8700 • FAX (561) 737-9975 SOIL CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA RELATIVE DENSITY SHEAR STRENGTH SAND CLAY SPT N-VALUE RELATIVE (blows/ft.) DENSITY 0 - 4 Very Loose 5 - 10 Loose 11 - 29 Medium 30 - 49 Dense >50 Very Dense 100/6" Refusal PARTICLE SIZE Boulder >12 in. Cobble 3 to 12 in. Gravel 4.76mm to 3 in. Sand 0.074mm to 4.76mm Silt 0.005mm to 0.074mm Clay <0.005mm Mao, DMvon, I, Omup SGro., GW ia.- SW Mu - _ S = @ s cp a Uay�ee° w � 3p[[e SW e- L s`a ua �yo sp a i a? Sul S SD ML Fsa 3 cL ply d J� OL S ./e MH r u,€a CH H s ON Hghly Qpank Soil. R SPT UNCONFINED CONSISTENCY N-Value COMP. STRENGTH (blows/ft.) (tons/ft.2) <2 <0.25 Very soft 2 - 4 0.25-0.50 Soft 5 - S 0.50-1.00 Medium 9 - 15 1.00-2:00 Stiff 16 - 30 2.00-4.00 Very Stiff >30 >4.00 Hard DESCRIPTION MODIFIERS 0 - 5% Slight trace 6 - 10% Trace 11 - 20% Little 21 - 35% Some >35% And Typical Namn Cbnrlicaripn Cnl<nt �u' Dp6D,p Grtaly ,nan [ W911-1nEed prvrll and03012 P 8 prvahvnd mourn. i ImM pr no Ines Nn ! ii uv C, • Between 1 and ] pooh Padtd panel. and prvehvrtl mourn. No, mtairq W,h niteria for GW ".1.-no li Ma •V� �uufo 1ph paeh, pmLvnb 3 i e achy "A" hn. 1 Anpkwp fimnaw. Plattingl..., W, minuet . c n U v m - 1 i W i. h.a. a w gagiciry rrNn Ten thtn [ in ,hntim an art AnaMp limit/ pldl ahwt "A" hne I raluki a tle f d.0imt uv of dud a" P..It pa.latn [Iry mi. 1.". ;3 �g8� .td plwkiw i .. peal., Mt. 1 W.W1, yMlyadadaarrt.nd C.•OWDlo Grnvr lhal6 vanNr aladt `a ^, '8 Z ID307 Idd. nr no Tina a Y =JId C. eawwn 1 and d•Z[ PopIY P.d.duMa rrd paellY aada link amlirla i9^ It i,t{ U Sig c- No,mn,i, Wth.6...ia la SW ,tndtiH SUM nM;miaaT Annlrtty Betio plot Glow -A•• on. ANwkaplimitaplatlrq $ o vplalkiry iotaIA ,han tmh.tchedaaa wa 4ordali iOtima el.l'ey utM; wdHry mtahrn a�d Attawk1 wplot ad,we"A"lin Wof uoval duY aM p1mardw i, a"Mtt than 1 rymlah ,n ..,I, vvr rlrn madis, rock tlwr• dlry w gaWr n,H tw,la I mnPnk tlgaol kw+o nedlumplaalk k Pwaly qm. flan. c4ak [illy { [Ter; w, [Im j c Oapnkaill. and aPnk .ilry[leaacit laaa plall[iry InapMk 611k mi[., a dralomecawr. fan aard. w wv. Mark ale Invprrk cl.... I hrgl plaocoy. la nryt onwac qry. q mMium ,o MPr plast..w I'atrw[k,.rtlpma nih" I aua.pra c•m 1. .—`^ r......� Q p nu[^n V EaE V—d Manutl lo-n,rlrc.,gn. at AVM onrprulron 0:.QB, •e.b on IM rwlarr.l parna Ina y w.11}net I,n.a i.ip1ITATIONS OF LIAI'MxrY WA IMMF ' %Vc warrant that the services performed by Nutting linginccrs of Florida, Inc. are rr,ndurted in a nmmner consistent with that level of rare and skill ordinarily exercised by mcillbers of the prufescion currently practicing under similar conditions. No other warranties, expressed or implied, are made. While the services of Nutting Engineers of Florida, Inc. are a valuable and integral part of the design and construction learns, we do not warrant, guarantee, or insure the quality or completeness of services provided by other members of those teams, die quality, completeness, or satisfactory performance of construction plans and specifications which we have not prepared, nor the ultimate performance of building site materials. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Subsurface exploration is normally accomplished by lest borings; test pits are sometimes employed. The method of determining the boring location and the surface elevation at the boring is noted in the report. This information is represented on a drawing or on the boring log. The location and elevation of the boring should be considered accurate only to the degree inherent with the method used. The -soil boring log includes sampling information, description of the materials recovered, approximate depths of boundaries between soil and rock strata and groundwater data. The log represents conditions specifically at the location and time the boring was made. The boundaries between different soil strata are indicated at specific depths; however, these depths are in fact approximate and dependent upon the frequency of sampling. The transition between soil strala is often gradual. Water level readings are madr,at the times and under conditions stated on the boring logs. Water levels change with time, precipitation, canal levels, local well drawdown and other factors. LABORATORY AND FIELD TESTS Teets are performed in accordance with specific ASTM Standards unless otherwise indicated. All criteria included in a given ASTM Standard are not always required and performed. Each test report indicates the measurements and determinations actually made. NUTTING ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA. INC ESTABLISHED 1967 ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS "floe geotechnical report is prep:ued primarily to aId in the design of site work and suucturl foundations. Although the information in the report is expected to he sufficient for these purposes, it is not inlended lu determine the cost of construction or to stand alone as a construction specification. Report recommendations are based primarily on data from test horings made at the locations shown on the test horing reports. Soil variations may exist between horings and may not become evident until construction. If variations are then noted, the geotechnical engineer should he contacted so that field conditions can be examined and recommendations revised if necessary. The geotechnical report states our understanding as to the location, dimensions and structural features proposed for the site. Any significant changes in the nature, design, or location of the site impropements must be communicated to the geotechnical engineer so that the geotechnical analysis, conclusions, and recommendations can be appropriately adjusted. CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION Construction observation and testing is an important element of geotechnical services. The geotechnical engineer's field representative (G.E.F.R.) is the ..owner's representative" observing the work of the contractor, performing tests and reporting data from such tests and observations. The geotechnical engineer's field representative does not direct the contractor's construction means, methods, opera- tions or personnel The G.E.F.R. does not interfere with the relationship between the owner and the contractor and, except as an observer, does not become a substitute owner on site. The G.E.F.R. is responsible for his/her safety, but has no responsibility for the safety of other personnel at the site. The G.E.F.R. is an important member of a teamwhose responsibility is to observe and test the work being done and report to the owner whether that work is being carried out in general conformance with the plans and specifications.