HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLANSPROJECT DESCRIPTION: 11x295 SOLARWORLD SW-295 MODULES ROOF MOUNT SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES SYSTEM SIZE: 3.25 kW DC STC ARRAY AREA #1: 198.44 SQ FT. EQUIPMENT SUMMARY 11 SOLARWORLD SW-295 MODULES 01 SB3.0-1AV-40INVERTER SHEETINDEX A-00 PLOT PLAN & VICINITY MAP A-01 SYMBOLS & SYSTEM DESCRIPTION S-01 ROOF PLAN & MODULES S-02 STRUCTURAL ATTACHMENT DETAILS E-01 ELECTRICAL LINE DIAGRAM E-02 WIRING CALCULATIONS E-03 SYSTEM LABELING DS-01 - DATA SHEET DS-02 DATA SHEET DS-03 DATA SHEET DS-04 DATA SHEET ST.LUCIE COUNTY PLAN REVIEW BLDG,. DATE- ELE;/2kg ' DATE. r PLUMB: DATE: MECH: DATE: FILE CC)py 195% I I I I AVE J. I o m GOVERNING CODES: FLORIDA RESIDENTIAL CODE, 6TH EDITION 2017 (FRC) FLORIDA PLUMBING CODE, 6TH EDITION 2017 (FPC) FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, 6TH EDITION 2017 EDITION (FBC) FLORIDA MECHANICAL CODE, 6TH EDITION 2017 (FMC) NEC 2014 CODE BOOK — — — — NOTE TO INSTALLER: FIELD ADJUSTMENTS CAN BE MADE TO THE LAYOUT OF THE ARRAY _PLOT PLAN WITH ROOF PLAN A-00 I SCALE: 1/16" = V-0" I&JI, wm-"' s. (E) MAIN PANEL - ROOF #1 (11) SOLARWORLD SW-295MODULES COPYRIGHTED BY CASTILLO ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLC 1 2 HOUSE PHOTO A-00 SCALE: NTS PROJECT SITE 1 11 ;Lilclp�.+1 4' 03F' ' v-nue,J; ,I ,I L' �, Castillo Engineering C os s�oNso ro rsarlr. CASTILLO ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLC COAG2p 5 N25 W. STATE ROAD 434, SUME111 LONGWOOD, FL 32]79 Te�l4opze9.25zs ERiwcrwTes e. cnsnuo - a cs sssm REVISIONS DESCRIPTION DATE REV PROJECT INSTALLER Amerlean Poner3oloffena liC ```quuuc e� 0 52 90 S TE Ao P . ". �019 z ApR � LIJ M IY Q U 0 Of W Q oa D- LLI � O � LL LL SHEET NAME PLOT PLAN & VICINITY MAP SHEET SIZE "+ - SCANNED;—J ANSI B BY 11 " X 17" 3 VICINITY MAP St.. Lucie County SHEET NUMBER A-00 (� /1 SCALE: NTS A-00 .I 'm Symbols: /� Sheet where Section .............. / X \section is located X-�' Detail ID Letter Elevation ........... 4Sheet where X.xx section is located Detail ID Letter Detail ................ X x-xx Sheet where section is located Detail ID Letter Detail ................ Area to be enlarged (Enlarged Plan) x_xx Sheet where section is located Keyed Notes .......... O Keyed note designation on applicable sheet Ground Terminal..... Grounding Point/rod.... 16 Solar Panel......... or 00 odule with Source Circuit number Combiner Box.......... Cg DC Disconnect.......... DCD Main Distribution MDP Panel ...................... Fuse ...................... Overcurrent Breaker.. � Inverter .................... Transformer ............. F Automatic ............... jATs; Transfer Switch "----i Abbreviations: AC Alternating Current APPROX Approximate AWG American Wire Gauge __ CB Combiner Box DC Direct Current DCD Direct Current Disconnect DISC Disconnect (E) Existing EL Elevation EQ Equal JB Junction Box MCB Main Combiner Box MFR Manufacturer MIN Minimum MISC Miscellaneous (N) New OCPD OverCurrent Protection Device POCC Point Of Common Coupling PV Photovoltaic SF Squarefoot/feet STC Standard Test Conditions TBD To Be Determined TYP Typical VIF Verify In Field WP Weather Proof System Description This system is a grid -tied, PV system, with PV generation consisting of 11 SOLARWORLD SW-295 MODULES (295W) MODULES PV modules with a combined STC rated do output power of 3,245W. The modules are connected into 01 SB 3.0-1AV-40 INVERTER. The inverter has electronic maximum power point tracking to maximize energy captured by the PV modules. The inverter also has an internal ground fault detection and interruption device that is set to disconnect the array in the event that a ground fault that exceeds one ampere should occur. The inverter has DC and AC disconnect integrated system and labels are provided as required by the National Electric Code PV Modules Junction Point of O Box Inverter utility Connection Centralized AC to DC Inverter Figure 1: PV System Block Diagram Meter When the sun is shining, power from the PV array is fed into the inverter, where it is converted from DC to AC. The inverter output is then used to contribute to the power requirements of the occupancy. If PV power meets the requirements of the loads of the occupancy, any remaining PV power is sold back to the utility. When utility power is available, but PV power is not available, building loads are supplied by the utility. The inverter meets the requirements of IEEE 1547 and UL 1741. This means that if it detects a loss of utility power, it will automatically disconnect from the utility. When utility voltage is restored, the inverter automatically reconnects to the utility grid after verifying utility voltage and frequency stability. On a day with average Florida sunshine, this system outputs 13.85 kWh per day on site. COPYRIGHTED BY CASTILLO ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLC Castillo Engineering oesloMlo *o rrerLr+ CASTILLO ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLC m #a s 2925 W. STATE ROAD 4M, SURE 111 LONGWOOD, FL 32779 nE t4I)283Z75 ERM]CMTE9 E. G^9I LLO-FL PE MW REVISIONS DESCRIPTION DATE REV PROJECTINSTALLER amerfean Pb,rersorutlens etc Pp •ENS. 0 5 9 it o S E OF N All— °° t LLI nerve°�°°OO W v � J U) we Q U �Lu 0 w Q w O w ILL LL SHEETNAME SYMBOLS & SYSTEM DESCRIPTION SHEETSIZE ANSI B 1 V X 171, SHEET NUMBER A=01 MODULE TYPE, DIMENSIONS &WEIGHT Castillo GENERAL INSTALLATION PLAN NOTES: NUMBER OF MODULES = 11 MODULES MODULE TYPE = SOLARWORLD SW-295 MODULES s EnO�ineerin b g WEIGHT = 39.7 LBS / 18 KG. 1 DRAWINGS SHOWN MAY NOT REFLECT FIELD CONDITIONS. °eaoRe° .o ri�i+ MODULE DIMENSIONS = 65.95" x 39.4" = 18.04 SF CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CASTILLO ENGINEERING w a UNIT WEIGHT OF ARRAY = 2.20 PSF INSTALLATION. SERVICES, LLC ARRAY &ROOF AREA 2) CONTRACTOR MAY LOCATE PV MODULES TO DIFFERENT conazyvs z9zs W. SURE illTE 43a, CALC'S (ROOF #1) s LOCATION THAN SHOWN, BUT SHALL NOT PLACE PV MODULES IN LONGWOOD, FL 32779 ML(Q?)263Z° ARRAY AREA = 198.44 SQ. FT. WIND ZONE 3. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE IN NOTE 3 BELOW. ROOF FACE AREA = 781.84 SQ. FT. REVISIONs DESCRIPTION RED 198.44 / 781.84 = 25.38% OF ROOF -- _ 3) ROOF ATTACHMENTS TO SYP RAFTERS SHALL BE INSTALLED FACE AREA COVERED BY ARRAY AS SHOWN IN SHEET S-02 AND AS FOLLOWS FOR EACH WIND ZONE: DESCRIPTION (ROOF #1) ROOF TYPE - METAL ROOF (E) FRO NT YARD WIND ZONE 1: 6'-0" O.C. WIND ZONE 2: 2'-O" O.C. ROOF TILT -22.6° PROJECT INSTALLER ROOF AZIMUTH - 180° WIND ZONE 3: 2'-O" O.C. RAFTER SIZE - 2"X4" @ 24" O.C. SEE SHEET S-02.1 FOR SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS. (E) MAIN DISTRIBUTION PANEL 4) EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDING IS ASSUMED TO BE A WIND ZONE 3 (TYP.) WIND ZONE 3 (TYP.) METAL ROOF FINISH WITH MEAN ROOF HEIGHT LESS THAN 30 FT �- 61 1-211 AND SYP 2X4 WOOD ROOF RAFTERS SPACED 24" O.C. EXISTING ROOF SLOPE FOR SOLAR SYSTEM RETROFIT IS ASSUMED TO BE BETWEEN 7 TO 27 DEGREES. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY 7_7 �O AND SHALL REPORT TO THE ENGINEER IF ANY DISCREPANCIES EXIST BETWEEN PLANS AND IN FIELD CONDITIONS. _ S11 . I CERTIFY THAT THE INSTALLATION OF THE MODULES IS IN71 COMPLIANCE WITH FBC: RESIDENTIAL CHAPTER 3. BUILDING STRUCTURE WILL SAFELY ACCOMMODATE CALCULATION WIND LATERAL AND UPLIFT FORCES, AND EQUIPMENT DEAD LOADS. ' TAT OF •:I —011 4'-01I 0 ,T�.. 4 1 o P �,�` —011 ���''SS/ON A1.�� .•��• / ME ? (E) UTILITY METER PROJECT NA W q a� z (N) AC DISCONNECT (IF REQUIRED) 3 9'4 I pQ� 8. o 60 / 0 s (N) PV METER (IF REQUIRED) z l� CM Go (N) SB3.0-1AV-40 INVERTER W v 3/4" PVC CONDUIT RUN 0) -� -1 0 \ _ L. (N) RAPID SHUTDOWN BOX co LLI � W LL O QV SOLARWORLD Q 0 d 4'-011 SW-295 MODULES ROOF#1 LEGEND W (11) SOLARWORLD SW-295 � O MODULES LL RSD RAPID SHUTDOWN LL (N) IRONRIDGE XR 10 RAIL (TYP.) ARRAY#1 (33) PV ROOF ATTACHMENT @ AZIM-2180, INv -INVERTER Dc -INTEGRATED DC DISCONNECT 24" & 72" O.C. MAX a WIND ZONE 1 (TYP.) PM - PRODUCTION METER R& WIND ZONE 2 (TYP.) MDP MAIN DISTRIBUTION PANEL WIND ZONE 3 (TYP.) O ❑ -VENT, ATTIC FAN (ROOF OBSTRUCTION) SHEET SIZE O - PV ROOF ATTACHMENT ANSI B (E) BACKYARD -RAFTERS 11" X 17" 1 ROOF PLAN & MODULES COPYRIGHTED BY CASTILLO ----- CONDUIT [7STHEETUMBERS-01 SCALE: 1/8"=V-0" ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLC 01 STEP l: DRILL 3/16" PILOT HOLE IN RAFTER. ENSURE AREA SURROUNDING HOLE IS FREE FROM METAL SHAVINGS AND DEBRIS. STEP 2: ATTACH METAL ROOF BASE TO RAFTER WITH 5/16IN LAG BOLT. TORQUE TO 10-16 FT LBS. STEP 3: THREAD METAL ROOF BASE CAP ONTO METAL ROOF BASE BOTTOM. TAKE CARE TO ENSURE THE BASE DOES NOT TWIST WHEN CAP IS TIGHTENED. ENSURE CAP IS FULLY SEATED TO BASE. STEP 4: ATTACH L-FOOT TO STUD IN METAL ROOF BASE CAP WITH FLANGE NUT. SNAP N RACK L FOOT 5/16-18 X 1" (OR 1.25') S.S. BOLT AND SPLIT WASHER 5/16" X 3/4" STAINLESS WASHER METAL ROOF DECK RAFTER, TYP. SNAP N RACK METAL ROOF BASE BOTTOM 1_ATTACHMENT DETAIL S-02 NT VI SCALE:NTS 5/16-18 STAINLESS FLANGE NUT TORQUE 10-16 FT-LBS IRONRIDGE XR 100 RAIL IRONRIDGE XR 100 RAIL 5/16-18 X 1" (OR 1.25") S.S. BOLT AND SPLIT WASHER 5/16" LAG BOLT WITH 3/4" WASHER UPPER SEALING WASHER - SEALS METAL ROOF BASE CAP TO BOTTOM _ LOWER SEALING WASHER SEALS METAL ROOF BASE BOTTOM TO ROOF SURFACE METAL ROOF PANEL, TYP. SNAP N RACK METAL ROOF BASE BOTTOM SHEATHING, TYP. RAFTER, TYP. SNAP N RACK METAL ROOF BASE CAP 5/16" LAG BOLT WITH MIN 2.5' EMBEDMENT TYP. ENSURE LAG BOLT IS FULLY SEATED TO METAL ROOF BASE BOTTOM TRUSS SPANNER SHEATHING, TYP. SNAP N RACK L FOOT SNAP N RACK METAL ROOF BASE CAP 2.5" W INTO ROOFING TYP. S.Y.P. 2X4 LOCATE BETWEEN TRUSSES AND NAIL WITH 2-16D NAIL PATTERN AT EACH END TO WOOD TRUSS q " DIA STEEL ALL-THRD ROD W/NUT- WASHERS - LOCTITE ALL NUTS TYP. ALL CONNECTIONS 2X PT S.Y.P. WOOD OR -L-� C UNISTRUT CONT. ALONG COLLECTOR TYP SPANNER CONNECTION DETAILS (IF REQUIRED) Castillo Engineering YESIOHEO 10 �EIMIT• CASTILLO ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLC f C 20 5 N25 W. STATE ROAD 434, SUITE 111 LONGWOOD, FL 3V79 T (Q7)2892M Eg I3AT Ef STUO-FLPE5 W REVISIONS DESCRIPTION DATE REV PROJECT INSTALLER —JG;i r Amer/ean Ponor Sofatlons LLC or<nayug $pal No 52590 Y � ST TE �` 61 lilts, U n Z W v M 7 J LL of Q U r 0� 0 w Q C)a � W W O w LL LL SHEETNAME STRUCTURAL ATTACHMENT DETAILS SHEET SIZE ANSI B 11" X 17" SHEET NUMBER S-02 Wind Speed Ult(m h) Risk Cate orVWind 110, Speed ASD (m h) Exposure Category rB� Mean Roof Height (ft) 25 Roof Slope (degrees) �25M Module Area (sq ft) INFROM Krt I i Height Adjustment Factor, A 1 1 Roof Zone Pnet (30); 1 16 -27 2 16 -44.6 3 16 -67 P_net=K2K]-& P_(net(30)) Roof Zone Pnet 1 16 1 -27 2 16 -4T6 3 16 67 COPYRIGHTED BY CASTILLO ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLC Roof Slope Calculator Rise Run Slope (°) IIIIIIIIr7 12 22.6 Maximum Uplift per 'fastener Wind Zoned — 4455 Per American Wood Council - NDS Max Withdraw Load for 476 5/16" LAG with 2.5" Embedment *Roof attachementsw2railsat: L6,ft0/C Maximum Uplift per 'fastener Wind Zone 2 245.3 Per American Wood Council - NDS Max Withdraw Load for 476 5/16" LAG with 2.5" Embedment 'Roof attachements w 2 rails at: U ft O/C Maximum Uplift per *fastener Wind Zone 3 368.5 Per American Wood Council - NDS Max Withdraw Load for 476 5/16" LAG with 2.5" Embedment *Roof attachements w 2 rails at: ( 2Ift0/C 115 130 -- ---- --- —'149. a _..% 140 -- -- 150 140 µ IW _ .. na . 160 .,1. values ore Ililhoala desigr. 3-seteld bus! - - files M" 170 ' Tint speeds in pee sav (ys) at 33 — (t i1d), abora'erouM far. Faposure C tat= pm _. . gcorr. spew ' 2. Linear iataryolatim be .'.tours 160 — 3. islwWasd'coastal areas mtside the lest cmtole• shall use the lilt rind. spew 170 'm ccaa* of the.. cstal urea. - . oa I 4.' Nouotainmis tomato' cartes.. urea" - pmoitorle9, and'special „ind a i.a xa,' shall` to esaa pcd for owaw] kind Conti. - ' S. xind speeds mrsespmd to�apprmlwately 1ti9- m . a 7x probabilxCy of eXceedaAe in 50 Yaws (Aanoal'Eaceedinte probability,- 6 eM43.. { ,. Pe Y"M • - FIGURE 1609.3(1) ULTIMATE DESIGN WIND SPEEDS Vuln FOR RISK CATEGORY 11 _BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURE.S Castillo( Engineering YESI.. EO EO P..MIT. CASTILLO ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLC CQS P925 W. STATEATE ROAD 434, SUITE ill LONGWOOD, FL32]]9 iEL: (i0]f t9915i5 FRMJCRATE5EG45TLL0-FLpE5t5W REVISIONS DESCRIPTION DATE REV PROJECT INSTALLER amarlean Poarer soratlona uc `tLLtllll ff�f♦ 1V SF. o 5259 ST OF A' .T•• r N�•' o ♦♦f� �)ENA� Etta. z W v 0 M —3 J LL 0' Q O Z oW Q va LLI LLI O W LL LL L T M ESHEET SIZE ANSI B 11" X 17" SHEET NUMBER S-02.1 C SOLAR ARRAY (3.25 KW -DC STC) TOTAL (11) SOLARWORLD SW-295 MODULES TOTAL (01) STRING OF 11 MODULES CONNECTED TO MPPT #1 iWg15N].Pl111e1 GROUNDING SYSTEM (1)#12 AWG USE-2/PV WIRE +Red RAPID SHUTDOWN CONTROLLER (1) #12 AWG USE-2/PV WIRE- Black MOUNTED OUTSIDE IN ACCESSIBLE EGC #10 BARE CU IN FREE AIR LOCATION NEXT TO ELECTRICAL METER I OR OPTIONAL PV AC DISCONNECT I 0 (4) #18 AWG THWN-2 _ + (N) SMA RAPID IN 1/2" PVC CONDUIT RUN I SHUTDOWN BOX INTERCONNECTION l 120% RULE - CEC 705.12(D)(2)(3)(b) I I I I I I I (1) #12 AWG THWN-2 + RED (1) #12 AWG TH WN-2 - BLACK EGC #10 AWG THWN-2 IN 34' PVC CONDUIT RUN USE METAL RACEWAYS FOR ANY DC CIRCUITS ENTERING BUILDING PRIOR TO INVERTER DC DISCONNECTING MEANS PER 690.31 1 ELECTRICAL LINE DIAGRAM E-01 SCALE: NTS (N) INVERTER: #1 SB 3.0-1AV-40 OUTPUT: 240 VAC, 16A 97% CEC WEIGHTED EFFICIENCY NEMA 3R, UL LISTED, INTERNAL GFDI WITH INTEGRATED DC DISCONNECT UTILITY FEED + SOLAR BACKFEED 200.0 A +20A = 220A BUSS RATING x 120% 200.0 A x 120% = 240A (N) AC DISCONNECT: (N) PV METER 240V. 60AMP NON FUSED (IF REQUIRED) NEMA 3R, UL LISTED (IF REQUIRED) L1 L1 L1 -�� L1 L2 00°o L2 L2 �� L2 N N N N — — GI IE— — — r. r. (3) #10 AWG THWN-2 (1) #10 AWG THWN-2 GND IN 1/2" PVC CONDUIT RUN NOTE: 1. SUBJECT PV SYSTEMS HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NEC 2014, AND THOSE SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDA SOLAR ENERGY CENTER CERTIFICATION, INCLUDING MAXIMUM NUMBER OF MODULE STRINGS, MAXIMUM NUMBER OF MODULES PER STRING, MAXIMUM OUTPUT, MODULE MANUFACTURER AND MODEL NUMBER, INVERTER MANUFACTURER AND MODEL NUMBER, AS APPLICABLE. 2. RAPID SHUT DOWN BOX IS A COMBINER BOX WITH GROUND FAULT PROTECTION AS PER NEC 690.5, ARC FAULT PROTECTION AS PER NEC 690.11, RAPID SHUT DOWN PROTECTION AS PER NEC 690.12, AND MANUAL DISCONNECT AS PER NEC - 690A7. TO UTILITY, GRID Li �L2 N BI-DIRECTIONAL 0 UTILITY METER 1-PHASE, 240V L1 L2 N lam mKilus 'ism Now WIN & wM1450 LL (E) MAIN DISTRIBUTION >f: PANEL, 200A RATED, 240V. (E) MAIN BREAKER 240V. 20OA/2P 1 EXISTING GROUNDING COPYRIGHTED BY CASTILLO ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLC Castillo (-1 Engineering D I I1..—.1. van m-1F. CASTILLO ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLC CM02a s 2925 W. STATE ROAD 434, SUITE 111 LONGWOOD, FL 32779 TEL:1aDnzssssTs FgM1»UUTFS E G95iILL0-FL PE 4590 REVISIONS DESCRIPTION —DATE REV PROJECTINSTALLER Amedcan PowrS InHone LLC I I11's r 11 • Ls�� yny� >� N 52590 YC STATE F .40 1 O 111111111\\ W z AQEI v W m �_j W UL � Q U r- Lu O W Q F LLI O � LL LL SHEET NAME ELECTRICAL LINE DIAGRAM SHEET SIZE ANSI B 11" X 17" SHEET NUMBER E-01 DC CONDUCTOR AMPACITY CALCULATIONS: ARRAY TO RAPID SHUTDOWN BOX (INV #1): EXPECTED WIRE TEMP (In Celsius) 33' TEMP. CORRECTION PER 310.15(B)(2)(a) 0.96 NO. OF CURRENT CARRYING CONDUCTORS 2 CONDUIT FILL CORRECTION PER NEC 310.15(B)(3)(a) 1.0 CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR SIZE 12 AWG CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR AMPACITY 30A REQUIRED CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR AMPACITY PER NEC 690.8(A&B) 1.25 X 1.25 X Isc 15'78A DERATED AMPACITY OF CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR PER NEC 310.15(B)(2)(a) TEMP. CORRECTION PER 310.15(B)(2)(a) X 28 8A CONDUIT FILL CORRECTION PER NEC 310.15(B)(3)(a) X CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR AMPAC17Y Result should be greater than (15.78A) otherwise less the entry for circuit conductor size and ampacity DC CONDUCTOR AMPACITY CALCULATIONS: FROM RAPID SHUTDOWN BOX TO INVERTER (INV #1): AMBIENT TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT FOR EXPOSED CONDUIT PER NEC 310.15(B)(3)(c) +22' EXPECTED WIRE TEMP (In Celsius) 33'+2Z = 55' TEMP. CORRECTION PER 310.15(B)(2)(a) 0.76 NO. OF CURRENT CARRYING CONDUCTORS 2 CONDUIT FILL CORRECTION PER NEC 310.15(B)(3)(a) 1.0 CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR SIZE 12 AWG CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR AMPACITY 30A REQUIRED CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR AMPACITY PER NEC 690.8(A&B) 1.25X 1.25XIse 15.78A DERATED AMPACITY OF CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR PER NEC 310.15(B)(2)(a) TEMP. CORRECTION PER 310.15(13)(2)(a)X CONDUIT FILL CORRECTION PER NEC 310.15(B)(3)(a) X CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR AMPACITY 22 8A Result should be greater than (15.78A) otherwise less the entry for circuit conductor size and ampacity AC CONDUCTOR AMPACITY CALCULATIONS: No. OF INVERTER 1 EXPECTED WIRE TEMP (In Celsius) 33' TEMP. CORRECTION PER 310.15(B)(2)(a) 0.96 NO. OF CURRENT CARRYING CONDUCTORS 3 CONDUIT FILL CORRECTION PER NEC 310.15(B)(3)(a) 1 #1 CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR SIZE 10 AWG CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR AMPACITY 40A_ INVERTER OUTPUT CONDUCTORS REQUIRED CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR AMPACITY PER NEC 690.8(B) 1.25 X MAX INVERTER OUTPUT CURRENT 20A DERATED AMPACITY OF CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR PER NEC 310.15(B)(2)(a) TEMP. CORRECTION PER 310.15(B)(2)(a)X 38.4A CONDUIT FILL CORRECTION PER NEC 310.15(B)(3)(a) X CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR AMPACITY Result should be greater than (20A) otherwise less the entry for circuit conductor size and ampacity ELECTRICAL NOTES 1. ALL EQUIPMENT TO BE LISTED BY UL OR OTHER NRTL, AND LABELED FOR ITS APPLICATION. 2. ALL CONDUCTORS SHALL BE COPPER, RATED FOR 600 V AND 90 DEGREE C WET ENVIRONMENT. 3. WRING, CONDUIT, AND RACEWAYS MOUNTED ON ROOFTOPS SHALL BE ROUTED DIRECTLY TO, AND LOCATED AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO THE NEAREST RIDGE, HIP, OR VALLEY. 4. WORKING CLEARANCES AROUND ALL NEW AND EXISTING ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL COMPLY WITH NEC 110.26. 5. DRAWINGS INDICATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF SYSTEMS. CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH ALL NECESSARY OUTLETS, SUPPORTS, FITTINGS AND ACESSORIES TO FULFILL APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS. 6. WHERE SIZES OF JUNCTION BOXES, RACEWAYS, AND CONDUITS ARE NOT SPECIFIED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SIZE THEM ACCORDINGLY. 7. ALL WIRE TERMINATIONS SHALL BE APPROPRIATELY LABELED AND READILY VISIBLE. 8. MODULE GROUNDING CLIPS TO BE INSTALLED BETWEEN MODULE FRAME AND MODULE SUPPORT RAIL, PER THE GROUNDING CLIP MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTION. 9. MODULE SUPPORT RAIL TO BE BONDED TO CONTINUOUS COPPER G.E.C. VIA WEEB LUG OR ILSCO GBL-4DBT LAY -IN LUG. 10. UTILITY HAS 24-HR UNRESTRICTED ACCESS TO ALL PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM COMPONENTS LOCATED AT THE SERVICE ENTRANCE. 11. MODULES CONFORM TO AND ARE LISTED UNDER UL 1703. 12. RACKING CONFORMS TO AND IS LISTED UNDER UL 2703. 13. CONDUCTORS EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT SHALL BE LISTED AS SUNLIGHT RESISTANT PER NEC ARTICLE 300.6 (C) (1) AND ARTICLE 310.10 (D). 14. CONDUCTORS EXPOSED TO WET LOCATIONS SHALL BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN WET LOCATIONS PER NEC ARTICLE 310.10 (C). DC PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCE TO BE INSTALLED AT INVERTER #1 PER NEC 690.53 & 690.54 OPERATING CURRENT 11.81A OPERATING VOLTAGE 346.5V SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT 12.63A MAXIMUM SYSTEM VOLTAGE 506.0V SOLAR MODULE SPECIFICATIONS MANUFACTURER SOLARWORLD MODEL # SW-295 PMAX 295W VMP 31.5V IMP 9.45A VOC 40.OV ISC 10.10A MODULE DIMENSION 65.95"L x 39.4"W x 1.26"D (In Inch) INVERTER #1 SPECIFICATIONS MANUFACTURER SMA MODEL # SB 3.0-lAV-40 NOMINAL AC POWER 3.0 KW NOMINAL OUTPUT VOLTAGE 240V NOMINAL OUTPUT CURRENT 16A PERCENT OF VALUES NUMBER OF CURRENT CARRYING CONDUCTORS IN EMT 0.80 4-6 0.70 7-9 0.50 10-20 COPYRIGHTED BY CASTILLO ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLC Castillo Engineering o Ello x(o To llk... CASTILLO ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLC NA 2925 W. STATETE ROAD 430, SURE 11 LONGWOOD, FL 32]]9 lEL Ia0]) 20925)5 EHMJCMIES E GSTLLO - FL PE 62550 REVISIONS DESCRIPTION DATE REV PROJECTINSTALLER Amerlean PomrSoluBuna LLC NSF•.,. ��G 52590 STAT OF T F ONA1 E\\\% Z W M J LL.. Q U r- I)f O W_ Q 'd D W lY W O w LL LL SHEET NAME WIRING CALCULATIONS SHEET SIZE ANSI B 11" X 17" SHEET NUMBER E-02 ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD IF A GROUND FAULT IS INDICATED NORMALLY GROUNDED CONDUCTORS MAY BE UNGROUNDED AND ENERGIZED LABEL LOCATION: DC DISCONNECT, INVERTER (PER CODE: NEC 690.35(F)) [TO be used when inverter is ungrounded] ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD THE DC CONDUCTORS OF THIS PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM ARE UNGROUNDED AND MAY BE ENERGIZED LABEL LOCATION: DC DISCONNECT, INVERTER (PER CODE: NEC 690.35(F)) [To be used when inverter is ungrounded] ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD DO NOT TOUCH TERMINALS TERMINALS ON BOTH LINE AND LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION AC DISCONNECT, POINT OF INTERCONNECTION PER CODE: NEC 690.17(E), CB ADHESIVE FASTENED SIGNS: • THE LABEL SHALL BE SUITABLE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT WHERE IT IS INSTALLED. WHERE REQUIRED ELSEWHERE IN THIS CODE, ALL FIELD APPLIED LABELS, WARNINGS, AND MARKINGS SHOULD COMPLY WITH ANSI 7635.4 [NEC 11(.21(8) FIELD MARKING]. • ADHESIVE FASTENED SIGNS MAY BE ACCEPTABLE IF PROPERLY ADHERED. VINYL SIGNS SHALL BE WEATHER RESISTANT [IFC 605.11.1.31 LABEL LOCATION: AC DISCONNECT, POINT OF INTERCONNECTION (PER CODE: NEC690.54) LABEL LOCATION: POINT OF INTERCONNECTION (PER CODE: NEC 705.12(D)(7)) [Not required if panelboard is rated not less than sum of ampere ratings of all overmnent devices supplying it] INVERTER#1 LABEL LOCATION: OC DISCONNECT, INVERTER (PER CODE: NEC690.53) LABEL LOCATION: AC DISCONNECT, DC DISCONNECT, POINT OF INTERCONNECTION (PER CODE: NEC690.56(C)) CAUTION: POWER TO THIS BUILDING IS ALSO SUPPLIED FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES WITH DISCONNECTS LOCATED AS SHOWN AT:® METERANDMAIN DISTRIBUTION PANEL AC DISCONNECT PV METER INVERTER MARKING CONTENT AND FORMAT • RED BACKGROUND • WHITE LETTERING • MINIMUM 3/8" LETTER HEIGHT • ALL CAPITAL LETTERS • ARIAL OR SIMILAR FONT, NON -BOLD • REFLECTIVE WEATHER RESISTANT MATERIAL SUITABLE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT (DURABLE ADHESIVE MATERIALS MUST MEET THIS REQUIREMENT) COPYRIGHTED BY CASTILLO ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLC Castillo ffzL Engineering onwveo ro Puv,m CASTILLO ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLC 00A.20 S 2925 W. STATE ROAD 434. SURE 111 LONGWOOD, FL 32779 TEL(wl)asnM ENhJCPAtESE.0 IUO-FLPE535M REVISIONS DESCRIPTION DATE REV PROJECT INSTALLER An-rN,n P• rS*Won•LW CAS ell.• (0� No 2 A E O Z PTOJ f $IN^ ' LU Z LU <Y (M � J LL Q O Z o51 W Q �a 7. LI LLI O Of Li_ LL SHEET NAME SYSTEM LABELING SHEET SIZE ANSI B 11" X 171. SHEET NUMBER E-03 TUV Power controlled: tirvmmre Lowest measuring tolerance in industry Every component is tested to meet 3times lEC requirements ONDesigned to withstand heavy accumulations ofsnow and ice J NN Sunmadule Plus: M� J Positive performance tolerance 25 1� a 25-year linear performance warranty and 10-year product warranty v® Grass with anti -reflective coating --�_ J World -class quality Wmn4ac.an a .aucaam Fully -automated production lines and seamless monitoring of the process and D°E a� ;;,'°°""• .ate '" a„eanm material ensure the quality that the company sets as its benchmark for its sitesSus worldwide. Rn.a,m,vnv UL 1703 Satinwood Plus -Sorting ®•�m.a Plus -Sorting guarantees highest system efficiency. SolarWorld only delivers modules L ❑ looI IM that have greater than or equal to the nameplate rated power. C N.;"�;9 ma,°im- 25yearlinear performance guarantee and extension of product wil"ID 10 yams ` SolarWorld guarantees a maximum performance digression of0.7% p.a. in the course of25years, a significant added value compared tothetwo-phasewarranties common ✓ GNP in the industry, along with our industry -first 10-year product warranty** Solar cells manufactured in USA. or Gemany.Modulm assembled in U.s . •'in accordance with the applicable SolarWorld Umtted Warranty at purchase wwwsolan mld.mm/wanzoty soMADE IN USAlarworld.com mvseuuaarmwms Sunmodulp% Plus SW 285-300 MONO (5-busbar) PERFORMANCE UNDER STANDARD TESTCONDMONS )STC)' SW 235 sw"D sw 295 SW 300 Maximumpawer p,,,,, 285Wp 290Wp 295 VIP 300Wp Opencmadt"Itage V- 39.7V 393V 40.OV 40.1V Marimumpowerpolntvoltoge V„- 313V 31AV 31.5V 31.6V shortriro itommo I. 9.94A 9.WA 10.10A 10.23A Maximumpowerpolotmrrent I„re 920A 933A 9.45A 957A ModAeefcienry rim 11.00% 1730% 17.59% 17.89% • STC:1000 W/W.25 T. AM 15 PERFORMANCE AT800 W/Ma, NOCT,AM1.5 5W 285 5w 290 SW 29s SW300' Maaimumpower P„, 213.1 Wp 217.IWp 2205 Wp 2243 Wp Open decuit voltage V� 36.4 V 36.6 V 362 V 369 V Maximumpowerpointw/toge V,ae 283V 28BV 28.9V 31.1V 5hortdrtuftmnent la 7.96A 8.06A 8.17A 8.27A Maximumpowerpoloteurrent 11 7.43A 754A 7.64A Inn Wine moxth.nIneffiuer, under partial load aMibome n'"t no w1W.100%ofihe STC effden, 0000 W/10 sad,ier d. 'pmairmsaryvalues.mbied to change. COMPONENTMATERUUS E t000 w/m+ CeOspermodule 60 Rom 1mv-uontempemdglass 90D W/mr with ARC (EN 12150) 3 600 W/m• Monooysfailine Cell type 5-busbar Rome Clear anodized aluminum e 400w/mr 617inx6.l7in Cell dimemiom 0 75x156.75mm) µ'eight 397lbs(18.0 kg) S 2W W/m• THERMMDIARACTUt1511C5 ADDITIONALDATA toow/mr NOCT 46•C PowersoNng-OWp/+Swp aaa�h.wnm % 0.o4 %/•c L8ax IP65 3Z8 (961) TC. -030%/•e connector PVwireperUV703 with R4/OTX connectors ago Oo - Module fireyerfarmanm (UL1703)Typel 0a665) aay Operating temp -40 toa85•C Dag Daggs) MAL PARAMETERS FOROPTISYSTEMINTEGRATION OQ35(9) Max7mumsystemvoltageXHINEC 1000V S Mmrimumreversemment 25A Numberofbypassofodes 3 8 N Design loads' Temmasystem M psfdownward, 64 psf upward es uDesign loads• Threemilsys4m 178 psfdownward, 64 psf upward Design loode Edgemounting 178 psf downward, 41 psf upward 'Please rcrertothe5unmodukimbllaliun hnbu consf n me details assodis ed with these load oasex t�--•i • Compatible with both Sop -Down* • pJo35(9) • and'eottoW mounting methods -Grounding Locations: (e7so) T.5 ,yV4 L a -4latians along the length of the I module in the extended flange. --39.a Dom-•{ 130(33) L I~ wins AO un0xprwided are imperial. Sl units provided in paremheses. Slow- AQresenes the rlgN to mate sperlfiation changes withusi mute. SW-01-751OUS160324 Castillo((-� Engineering ocsio R kl-roro ererrte CASTILLO ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLC CMe24Xs 2925 W. STATE ROAD 434, SUITE III LONGWOOD. FL 32779 tEL(40])219 m ERMYJCR/TESEC45TLL0-FLPE53s- REVISIONS DESCRIPTION DATE REV PROJECTINSTALLER Am er/eam Poser biolOtlens 12C \\\1111111 / 1j, �I \\ Ci 52590 ST E ' ,1j� 111111\\ bj W V 0 M � J 1L 10' Q U Z ow Q C:)a 2 1-- LU Of LI O L.L LL LL SHEET NAME DATA SHEET SHEET SIZE ANSI B 111r X 17r1 SHEETNUMDER DS-01 SUNNYBOYG3.01y 3.6/4.0/5.0 including SMA SMART CONNECTED What's new: The complete solution for 100% ease and comfort StW1Smart Conneiied��--yto Use --1; �— Everything.alia Glance • brveshrenl sewny included 1afe plug and ploy installation I i • Free the maa id g • Automatic mondpillg by SMA .'I • Comm:sswwsg Ma smarlphono or • PJ syslem'damvimwblavia • Proaaive hJometion and oulom.He ruble) smartplwna seM. • WIAN and intuitnewebzerver Future-pr6of • SMA starage solutions, ietelrigent energy management and Smart. module fedmology can be added .)anytime • Dynamic feedul..W SUNNY BOY 3.0 / 3.6 / 4.0 / 5.0 More than just an inverter. Smaller, simpler and more convenient with SMA Smart Connected The new Sunny Boy 3.0 - 5.0 succeeds the globally successful Sunny Boy 3000 - 5000TL It is more than just a PV inverter. with the integrated SMA Smart Connected service, it offers alkound comfort for PV system operators and installers alike. The automatic inverter monitoring by SMA analyzes operation, reports irregularities and thus minimizes downtime. The Sunny Boy is ideally suited to solar power generation in private homes. Thanks to its extremely light design and location of the external connections, the device can be quickly installed and easily commissioned thanks to the intuitive webserver. Current communication standards mean that intelligent energy management solutions as well as SMA storage solutions can be flexibly added to the inverter at any Nine. Efflclency NrVe IIX 9f 9! 91 - ua 9( � vs a� -- fat lVw'1]S VI Nw 365 V) N.•S9oVI - i]5 300 Y..M 88 86 0.0 0.2 GA -OA 0.8 1.a Oufput power/ Roled power Technical data Sum;Boy3.0 Sunny Boy 3.6 Sunny Boy4.0 Sunny Boy SO Input (act _ ____ _ _ S500VJp_ _7 _ 5500 Wp -, 7500.WP 7500.Wp_ _. _. Max mpMvdldga _ ._ _ _ _ __ IIO VIo_300V _. t{130,Vb500V _; 140Via600V ,_175VIO SOON , _. Rated iepNwlkrge _ V___ . _ - :-Mat. mpuf whage/. n9iol-mpuTvoliaga. _ - - -_ 100,V/125V 1 Mox mpui armNinpNA/inpNB _, - __ - -- 15A/15�A_ .___... 15A/ISA- _-.__ I- tJum6erof mdeperldeni MPP iiyuls/shRgz per MPP inpui. � -- -�- ;' - �-2/A2j&2 output (Act Rat edpower(ai230V,50Hz) -- 3000W _ 3686W.--- 4000W.-- - 5000VV� Mon appvm4poner AC --_ ,_ ---- - - 3000VA- J. _3680VA 4000VA __ - 5000VAA NwmmlACrdbge/mrge -_ 220 V 230 V 240V/180Vro280V - ACpov,<+fiequenry/mllga SOH&6OHL/-5HZb 5H2._ _ Ruled power frsguenry/rakd gridwhoge -� f _ 50Hz/230V -- 22A^ _ 22 A? AdN4able displacenmlpvwmlaaoi _ _ _ . ._ _. __ � _ _ O.B orvdtd io 0.8 �mdmez6'kd _. _ Feedin phases/mmeaion phones nBdssy _ _ _ _ l J0uu,. n; /Eumpeon EiB emy _ - - 970%1964% 97.0%/965% .970%/96.5%, I 970%/96S% Pvotedive devtom r_GFwrdfuuYmonBormg/gnd mg •/� _ - ....- Proi dass (a� per IK 62103I / overvohage colegorylaccodmg to j • - _ - _._ _ _ _ _1 1 III Gamcal data D,mem'vss (Y//H/Dt - 435 cam/470 cam/176 cam (17.1 ircJws/ 18,5 iind.169,ka.l _ __ ____-. •`..Ope,smg Mnpechne.9e -, -_ --25]CIei60 CI-13•Flo+14WF) -----------'---25 d81A1 --- `--- -- 5el[aonsum on at d hi _ .- _ _ _ rr Degiee of W.H.l(m—____ per,lEC 60529I_=_... IP65. 4K4M �_Mmc permissmle wtue farmlaEve humidey lnonmrdensiig) _ ._ - ._------ _ Equipment !-Iniedoas: WIAN, CauEmUs and dppmals Imura-avmloble upon iryufiil) A54777, CIO/11, CE; CEI0.21, EN 50438, G59/3, G83/2, DIN EN 62109 % IK 62109, NB4EN5D438,RD7699,SI4_77_7.UTEC1571Y,VDFARN_41GS,VDE01261-I,VFR2014 IEC61777,N8$,097-bY { Cmaey cvoilobViN of SMASincM ComeUed. _ _ __. _ _ - AU, AT, BE, CH, DE, Es. FR R W, NL UK •Stamford feotems OOplianal feotems- Net awilaWe Data el nominol eDd4iom States: May 2017 1144Eq W / 4500 VA vm&e b V GBM�N 41 az 2I a547)]:21JA Tn'o desgiwfion SINIAIAN ll S83.6.1AVA0 SB4AlAV-40 SB5.0-,1AV40 DESIONFa Ill FEDMIT• CASTILLO ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLC 00A.ZBUS 2925 W. STATE ROAD 434, SURE 111 LONGWOOD, FL 32779 tEL (407) z9935T5 MWCMMs E CA5TILLo-FL PE 5i590 REVISIONS DESCRIPTION DATE RE\ I PROJECTINSTALLER I o 5'Loa � gTA fl\OP•�\=lU •c11111111t•- LU z W v 0 M LL � Q U IY O LLI Q va UJ Of O LL 11 SHEET NAME DATA SHEET SHEET SIZE ANSI B 11" X 17" SHEET NUMBER DS-02 /lr IRONRIDGE Solar Is Not Always Sunny Over their lifetime, solar panels experience countless extreme weather events. Not just the worst storms in years, but the worst storms in 40 years. High winds capable of ripping parcels from a roof, and snowfalls weighing enough to buckle a panel frame. XR Rails are the structural backbone preventing these results. They resist uplift, protect against buckling and safely and efficiently transfer loads into the building structure. <,/1'' Their superior spanning capability l requires fewer roof affachments, reducing the number of roof penetrations and the amount of installation time. i \ Faroe-Stabflizing Curve �\\ Sloped trials generate both vertical and lateral �. forces on mounting rags which can cause them _ \ to bend and twist. The curved shape of XR Rags is spedally designed to increase strength in both directions while resisting the twisting. This unique feature ensures greater security during extreme �._ Weather and a longer system lifetime. Compatible with Flat & Pitched Roofs XR Rags are IronRidge agars compatible With a range of till leg RashFooland options for flat other Pitched root ■�■ roof mounting _ _ attachments. applications. XR Rail Family Corrosion-Resfstard Materials All XR Rags are made of mamrograde aluminum alloy, then protected With an anodized flnsh. Anodizing prevents surface and structural corrosion, while also providing a more attractive appearance. XR Rails O XR10 Rail XR100 Rail XR1000 Rail Bonded Splices A low -profile mounting rail for regions with light snow. • 6'spanning capability • Moderate load capability • Clear and black finish Clamps & Grounding p UFOs Universal Fastening Objects bond modules to rails. • Fully assembled & Tubed • Single, universal size • Clear and black finish Attachments O FlashFoot2 The ultimate residential solar mounting rail. • 8'spanning capability • Heavy load capability • Clear and black finish Stopper Sleeves Snap onto the UFO to turn into a bonded end clamp. • Bonds modules to rails • Sized to match modules • Clear and black finish Conduit Mount L A heavyweight mounting rail for commercial projects. • 12'spanningcapability • Extreme load capability • Clear anodized finish CAMO Bond modules to rails while staying completely hidden. • Universal end -cam clamp • Tool -less installation • Fully assembled Slotted L-Feet All rails use internal splices for seamless connections. • Self -drilling screws • Varying versions for rails • Forms secure bonding Grounding Lugs Connect arrays to equipment ground. • Low profile • Single tool installation • Mounts in any direction Bonding Hardware [ILI no rAW W if t q Flash and mount XR Rails with superior waterproofing. • Twist -on Cap eases install • Wind -driven rain tested • Mill and black finish Resources Flash and mount conduit, strut, or junction boxes. • Twist -on Cap eases install • Wind -driven rain tested • Secures 3A" or 1"conduit Drop -in design for rapid tall attachment. • Secure rail connections • Slot for vertical adjusting • Clear and black finish Bond and attach XR Rails to roof attachments. • T & Square Bolt options • Nut uses 7/16" socket • Assembled and lubricated _ ___ _ _- = Design Assistant NABCEP Certified Training N Go from rough layout to fully N" ABCEP' Earn free continuing education credits, ' engineered system. For tree. while teaming more about our systems. Go to TronRfdge.com/design Go to IronRldge.com/training Castillo Engineering DESIGNED To PLYMI» CASTILLO ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLC COA4 MISS 2925 W. STATE ROAD 434, SUITE 111 LONGWOOD, FL 32779 GASTELL. TEO1 'LP... ERMJLRATES E GSTILLO � REVISIONS DESCRIPTION DATE REV PROJECT INSTALLER r, AOSNENE,kan PametSolmdema LLC `tul 1111. IN o 5259 q. S AT E 4u �♦ ' ♦ t 11 N A ,` GIs O N ��' ��ttt itl Its ss W Z j0�9 LU IX a UN [— Q 'LI va W W W O LL SHEET NAME DATA SHEET SHEETSIZE ANSI B 111I X 17" SHEET NUMBER DS-03 The SnapNrack line of solar mounting systems is designed to reduce total installation costs. The system features technical innovations proven on more than 20OMW of solar projects to simplify installation and reduce costs. Metal Roof Base Simplified The Metal Roof Base provides a robust self-sealing mounting base. for common corrugated metal roof -1 profiles. The base seals to the roof with an integral EPDM Rubber Washer and a sealing top cap. The completed assembly has a 5/16" stud compatible with existing SnapNrack components and has been tested to over 4,000lbs of uplift force! The MRB can't be beat for ease of installation and reliability over the service life of the system. Patent Pending 6 •! Metal Roof Base in 3 Simple Steps: 1) Drill hole in roof over beam, rafter, or purlin.• 2) Secure MRB base to the roof with lag bolt or tek screw. 3) Install and tighten MRB cap Make sure that the roof and gasket are free of debri or metal shavings. _ Place order through your SnapNrack distributor, which can be found at www.snapnrack.com/contact SnapNrackni PV Mounting Systems Metal Roof Base Assembly 811f4G YPIOIL Tek screw or lag is not provided SnapNrack Metal Roof Structural engineering Base Technical Data in all fifty states Materials 6000 Series Aluminum Material Finish Clear anodized aluminum Weight 0.4 Ibs Design Uplift Load 1.008 lbs Uplift Design Ultimate Load 4,033 IDS Uplift Warranty 10 Year material and worksmanship Metal Roof Base for Commercial Installation Metal Roof Base Dimensions 1-316- CAP v 1-5/8' 80.5E 5/I6-18 X 5/6° SnapNrack- PV Mounting Systems (877) 732-2860 www.SnapNrack.com p Printed on re ti,d paper using say based ink. 0 W13 by SnapNrack PV Mounting System All rights reserved. Castillo Engineering peslonrp m vswlr. CASTILLO ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLC C .2,,s N25 W. STATE ROAD 434, SUITE 111 LONGWOOD. FL 32779 ERFLCRNTEs EfASn-FL1`E52550 REVISIONS DESCRIPTION DATE REV PROJECT INSTALLER f ArgediadisomrSolufforks lLC ``1ltruueglr� �,si @yuampt• I �j IN No 90 STATE •\ F ``. 'rrrll@Irn A 0 M LL IX Q U O W Q v a LU IY LL � LL LL SHEET NAME DATA SHEET SHEET SIZE ANSI B 11" X 17" SHEET NUMBER DS-04