HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVALFlorida Building Code Online Page I of 5 Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Plaslpro Inc. / Nanya Plastics Corp. Address/Phone/Email 5200 %V CENTURY BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CA 90045 (440) 969-9773 EXt 16 nckw@ rwbld0Wr1Shctants.(om Authorized Signature Vivian Wright rwkw@rwbldgcon5ultan1:s.com Technical Representative Stott Johnson Addrees/Phnne/Email 5200 W Century NO - Los Angeles, CA 90045 (440)969-9773 ENL IS scottJo h nson @ plas tproi nc-com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Exterior DOore Suben"ory Swinging Exterior DootASoemblies Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect pre ucensed Florida Professional Engineer 9 Evaluation Report- Hardcapy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Namewho developed Lyndon F. Schmidt, P,E- the EVafuation RepRE@ 7qAPt'. °'� ort Florida License PE-a34c9 Quality Assurance Entity National Accreditation Ib Menay®fy��t j{�Itute Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/3112010 P7/i (0 2015 Validated ey Ryan J. King, P.E. EZ �I,rd PEyP1�°�ii4 T-,-w' � Validation U9oklist - bI u rce�rvOd cle L;GUAI,Y, FL Certilicate of Independence 5 ty164 RO )ndAcenderce ffif Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) MACIOUA Yjpu , AAMA/WOMA/CSAI(IVZ.S-2/A440 no ASTM E1886 2005 ASTM Mali 2002 ASTM E1996 2002 ASTM e1996 2006 ASTM E1995 2005 ASTM E330 2002 TAS 201, 202,203 1994 https:l/floridabWdWg.org/,pr/pr_app_ Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 5 "uiVafenCO of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Date Submitted Dabeyandated Date Pending FSC Approval Date Approved Date Rewsed Summary of PF*dU�%ft �p Go to Page = tar Method 1 Option D 08/25/2014 08/2812014 09103RD14 10/15R014 W2712015 10 0 Page 213 0 0 PL A Model, Number or Name besraipt4an 17la4.21 u. Fiberglass Door Up to a TO x 678 Glazed 'Impact' Fiberglass single Door (X Configuration) InswinglOutswing Limits of Use Inst iltatton Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ; No M17184 :to It INST I7104 Ltlf Approved far use outside MVHZ: Yes Verified BY: Landon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Inrpaet1tesistam: Yes Created by IndeDendam Third Party. Yes Design Pressure: NIA Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 17194.21 f0rany additional use Ftv.ZtllE FR-AFF EVAL 17184 21�=R' IlgOdoons, iastallatian instructions and product Particulars. Created by Independent TNrd Party: Yes 171114.22 V. Fiberglass Door Up to a TO x 678 Glazed 'Impact' Fiberglass Single Door with a Siderite COX cr XO Configurations) InswingjOutswcng Limits or use Installation Instructions Approved far use in HVHZ: No F!, um RO t1 tN$T 17184.22atdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon P. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Reslstam: Yes Created by IndependentThlyd Party: Yes Design Pressure: WA Evaluation Reports Other. See INST 17RK.72 for any additional use p,17� Ro A EVALf 384 7'LOdf Ilmltavons, installation instructions and product parbculars. Created by Independem Third Party: Yes 17194.23 w. Fiberglass Door Up tO a TO x 68 Glazed impact' 5berglass Single Door with a Sidefit0 (OXo COnfiduraoon) Inswing/0utslwng Limits of Use Instaltation Instructions Approved for use Zr NVHZ. No f111184 RD 11 INST (7(by �,3pgi Approved for use outside KV : Yes Verified 8yi Lyndon F. Sdimidi, P.E. 43409 impact Resistant, Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: WA Evaluation Reports en See INST 17184.23 for any additional rss V_)j 1 yg Rn AE FVAL t71 j.odf ita0 installation instructions and product particulars. Created by Independent Third Patty: Yes 17184.24 x. fibarglass Door Up to a 6'O x 98 Glazed'ImpWV fiberglass Double Doar(XX Configuration) Inswingloutswing Lim$s of Use InstaVEtlon Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ; No F.17109 NO Ii INSr 171fl4 7d oaf Approved far use outside NVHZ: Yes Verified 6y! Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact SLesistard: Yes Created bif Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: NIA Evaluation Reports other. See INST 17184.24 forany additional use tlt7194 RQ AU EVAL 17184.24udf finlitattons, installation instructe i s and product particulars. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 27384.2S V. Pberglass Door Up to a b'0 X ES gazed 'Impact' fiberglass Double Door with Sldelites (OXXO Configuration) Inswing/Cutswirlg Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HYHZ: No , _ N F Approved for use outside HVMZ1 Yes Verified ay: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.t• 43409 Impact Remstaut: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design PreSSVrou WA Evaluation RepOrt9 Other: Sea INST M114.2S for any additional use F„_171�."P,&VAL. 17184.25.or(f limitations, installation mstrucuan; and product valltcWare. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 1718d.26 L FiberglassDoor Up to a nominal 3-0 x 7-0 MOn-lrrpact' Glared Fiberglass Single Door with or witheut'Non-111rpact' Sldelites ()(, Xo or ox, OXO Configurations) Inswing/ouMwing https:llfloridahuilding.orglpl%'pi app_dtl.aspx?paten=wGEVXQtvtDgvCo3Eapi1lBW4u9O,.. 5/13/2015 Florida Building Code Online Page 3 of 5 Limits Of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ' Yes Impact Resislazub No rm,94 RO 2: INST t71S4.26.odf Verified By. Lyndon P. Sch"It, P.E. 43409 created tqr Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: NIA Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 17184.26 for aAy additional use &A]] 84 &0 F r AAI t71�6 ndf limitations, installation instructions and produc particulars. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17144.27 air. Fiberglass Dour Up W a nominal 6.0 x 710 "Non -Impair Gazed Inargiass Double Door with or without "Non-ImpaCr Sidelites (XX or OXXO Configurations) Inswing/Outswing Limits of Use Installation Instructions Appreviad for casein HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes F-71 Verified by: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: NIA Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 17184.27 for any additional use 9,,,&7,7184 Rn AE�ML 17134.27.01' limitations, insfallatmn instructions and product particulars. Created by IndapendentTnim Party: Yes 171&1.28 zh. Fherglass I7opr Up to a nominal3'O x 70'N6n-Impact' Opaque Frherglass Single Doorwith or withaut'Non-Impact Sidelaes (X. XO or Ox, OXO Configurations) Inswingloutswing Limitsoruse Installation Instructions Approved fur use in HVHZ: No Approved for me outside HVHZ: yes &L7184 3d IT INST 17184.28.odr Verified By: Lyndon F. Sdvnidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by independent Third Party. Yes Uesign pressure: NIA Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 17la4.28 for any additional use Fj,171F4 Re AE £VAL 171&],2&i; f limitations, installation Instructomis and product particulars. Created by independent'Rdrd Party: Yes 27184.29 x. Fiberglass Door Up to a nominal 60 x 70, "Non-Impacr Opaque Fiberglass Double Ooarwith Or wlthoVt "Non -Impact Sidelites (XX or OXXO Configurations) Iagwing/Outswing Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No F-Mel RO' f Approved for Use outside HVHZi Yes Impact Resistant: No Verif9ed sy: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Cleared by Indepondent Tiiird Party- Yes Design Pressure: NIA Men See INST 171E6.29 Tar airy additional use Evaluation Reports F t7LRdU0 AE USI,,]u71A4.29 ndf Iimitat,ons, ipstallatan inswctians and product particulars. Created by independent Third Party; Yes 17194.30 Zd. Rherglass Door Up to a nominal TO x 7.O °Impact" Glazed Fiberglass Single Doorwith or without'Impatt" Sidelines (X. XO or OX, OXO ColrggVrations) Intwing(Dulswing Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for Use outside HVHZ: Yes Installation Instructions cn771 ° uQ Tf INST IZIB4.36,odlf Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Thum Party: Yes Design Pressure' NIA Evaluation Reports Other- See INST 17184,30 for any additional use F1.171PA R tr r f lindtarl his, installation inStNQions and pmduct parbeulam. Created ty, Independent Third Patty: Yes 17la4.31 ze. Fiberglass Door Up to a nominal 60 x 7'0 "Impact" Glated Fiberglass Double Door with ar witnout'Impacr Sidelees (XX or OXXO Configuration) Inswing/Outswing Limits of use Installation Instructions Approved for casein HVHZ: No j,7l.fsa an ri INST f716d.37,-ndf Approved for use outside HVHZ: YeS Impart Resistant Yes VerlfiM By: Lyndon P. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressuue: NIA Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 171B4.31 foraty additional use F„g,71gq 4 AE EVAL 17 31 Mf limitabons, installation instructions and product particulars. Created by Independent Third Party Yes 17184.32 ff. fiberglass Door Up to a nominal TO x 7.0 -Impact" Opaque Fiberglass Single Door with orwithout `Impact" Sidelites (X. XO or OX, OXO Comigurallom) Inswing/OVtSwing Limits of Use Approved for We rn HVHZ: No Installation Instructions -F'd�7L(i4 •jl' IT rHST I7154.32 odt Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon P. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact ftesismnt: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes ollegn Pressure: NIA Other' See INST 17104.32 for any additional use limitatrans, installation instructions and product particufars. Evaluation Reports Fi17164 RC AE +[Iy(, 171Ca 32 ndf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17184.33 z9. Fiberglass Door Up to a nominal 6.O x YO'fmpecl" Opaque fiberglass Double Door with or without "Impact" Sidelites (XX or OXXO CWgurations) InswinglOhtswing htips:/lfloridabuilding.orglprlpr app_dt3.aspx?param=NvGEVXQwtDq►"Co3EapiliBW4u90... 511312015 Florida Building Code Online Page 4 of 5 limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in Hill No "17t84 RO If INST L711 rdf Approved for use outstde NVNZ: Yes Impact Ressistaant: Yes Verified W. Lyndon F. Schmidt P.E. 43409 Created by Independent Thud Party: Yes Design Pressure: WA Evaluation Reports Other See INST 17184.33 The any additional use Ei37184 R0 AE EVAL 17184 j iza limitations, Installation instructions and product Particulars. Created by Independent Therd Party: Yes 17184.34 yh. Fiberglass Door Up to a nominal TO x 90 -Non-Impact' Glazed Fiberglass Single Door with orwithout •Non-Impat:C Sidelltva (X, XO.or_ OX, OXO Configurations) Inswing/Outswing Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in M i.• No t.3.Ti i� k0 tic INST 17184 3a mdf Approved 1Or Use OUtslde Fill Yes Val ey: Lyndon F. Sdurn t, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Repal Other; See =T Mill for any additional use Fuujl4 Rid_( 13`AL. i,7184 34 odr IinnitHUone, instailation instructions and product particulars. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17184.36 zi. Fiberglass D00( Up to a nominal6'0 xI0 "Non-Impacr Glazed Fibergtass Double Door with or mthout "Non -Impact' Sidelites ("or OXXO Configurations) Inning/Outswing Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in ±)VIM No Approved for use outside Hl Yes F 171E: R IO i IN53,17fa4 35 odr Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.C. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 17284.35 far any additional use F 71E4 ctQA Itmitabans Osballation instructions and product partieWars. Created by Independent Third Party' Yes 27184.36 zj. Fiberglass Door Up to a nominal 70 x VD "Non -Impact Opaque Fiberglass Sinale Dow with or without "Non -Impact" Sidelites (X, XO or OX, OXO Configurations) InswinglOut5ydng Limits of Use Tnstallat'ron Instructions Approved for Use in FTYMZ. No Approved for Use outS:de Iii Yes F' 17111 R0 if NCT 171wAa4JAAlof Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact ResisYdM: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design PreS Ufe: N7A Evaluation Reports Other; See INST 17184.36 for any additional use Fl,17164 R0 AE EWE 171R4 38 ndr amitabans, installation instructions and product particulars. Created by Independent Third Party! Yes 17184.37 zk. Fiberglass Door Up to a nominal 6'0 x IM "Non-Impact7 Opaque Fiberglass Double Door %ith or without'Non-Impact' Sidell (XX or OXXO Configurations) InsYing/Dutswing, Limits or Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in Hill No F(,j-++(+4 RO IT MY, 17264.32-ndr Approved for use Outside Will Yes VerlT+ed by: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant; No Created by Independent Third party: Yes Design pressure: NIA Evaluation Reports Other See INST 17184.37 for any additional use psi 7194 Re AC limitations, installation tnSbuccons and product particulars. Created by Independent Third Parry: Yes 27184.38 IL Fiberglass Door Up t0 a nominal 3'0 x ST "Impact" Glated Fiberglass Single Door with or without "Impact" Sidelites (X. XO or OX, OXO Configurations) Inswing/mutswing Limits of Use Installation instructions Approved for use in 1l No F1A7f84 gq-11 IRB1J7t 1A4 ndr Approved for use outside MVIM Yes VedOed By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P,E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure. WA Evaluat:On Reports Other, See INST 17184.38 (or any additional use 4171wi Rp A- EvAL 17NA4 34 cite limitations, instigation instructions and product particulars. Created by Independent Third Party. Yes 17184.39 11Ira, Fbergil Dow Up to a nominal CO x 8'O "Impact Glazed Fiberglass Double jDoor with or without "Impact' Slderites (Xx or OXXO i Configurations) Iasyring/OutSwing Limits of USE Installation Instructions Approved for Use in Ill No FL1718.4 k0 11 'NST'I,7f�4.39 odr Approved for use outside NVHZ: Yes Verl By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Thud Party: Yes Design pressure: N/A Evalustinn Reports Other. See iNST 17184.39 for any addtratlal use fl RO f limitations installation instructions and product particulars. Created by independent Third Party: Yes 17184.40 za. Fiberglass Door Up be a nominal 3'0 x VO `impact' Opaque Fiberglass Single Door with or without "Imbact' Sidelines (X, XO or OX, OXO Configurations) Triswing/outsming https.-/./floridabuilcling.org/prlpr app_dd.aspx?pararn=-GEVXQN,-M vCoMapiilBW4u90... 5/13/2015 Florida Building Code Online Page 5 of 5 Limits of Use IpStallat-. n Iestructions Approved for use in HVHE: No P., 17184 QD 11 114ST IZAI-9 9 Approved for use outside HVi12: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Scl midt, P.E. 43499 Imp$ct Resistant. Yes created by Independent Tldrd Party: Yes design Pressure: WA Evaluation Reports Other: See IHST 17184.40 For any additional lise F-�f limitaba". installation instrucNard and Dmduct Danlwt9 . I Created by Independent TPdrd Patty: Yea Go to Page Q is Page 2130 aacn nu L4rmalb :: 990 noMMa+�-±e �t=' �s i�CsiP' n 3zvw rnr..:. nee-aer-iP2a 1tc 5taredFlonpp i5t�ry�'SOYarEr.f^vimn4HU-fn�a 6aeedr'nrtla-�0.iva[v SlaMx�l ifame'�".a'��Y^� :1' P{m�duel Aor,mvaI AmDlsi MM zreditSA�FE https.ilfloridabuilding.orglpr/pr App_dtl.aspN?paratn=•+GEVXQwtDqvCo3EapillBW4u90... 5i13/2015 plastpro $200 W. CENTUAY BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CA 90045 GLAZED MBERGLASS DOUBLE DOOR INSWING / OUTSMNG "IMPACT" QEMERALH0Tq 1. Th4 Product hoe been evaWradcad h In conVr;omewih tha mio ftiop muii*g coda ffvq StNetrcalsaquicrmah antuft the Idgh VoleMilurkVie ZQW JWMJ�. MaWkshc9be beyadd wag digAMof sk=o. I Ilia cordilard" d&&% fortherepubee*v anclos -Altmorcomm Uwe 9MMMM 2 s M-0101-14MMM Z.- rNSWW 74AWxaw mstiraizirl OMWNG 7"rxamw 2%Wxa,7r ft LFS FL—TMU4 i MrM� =OR PANEL J40MU W.r MA)L DJ.LO. HEIGH I q ER T- O.Q pu H !piu: Mp Eli L. :7 � ] \:� § SO 1.5v I-W i �4=Q3 ! \ F� -T E, KASM M T Om 0,-- 9ZTPA WA7 1 1-IMMIN• 4 4 FM&RYPA E G 21 20 C 4R d'49 d 1 v54$ x 7 a EXTERIOR qp @ a gg S ® 3 J INMIOR 10 N !•V q 10 y C 4 HOM-=AL CROSSsMIT ON E - 3 ShaWnw/l%mbhuck � I-0IdMN. A + 4 1-1irmN. Lg1 g Ehta.IlYP.j dA�{nP.I a C C'S1 R SIN C + D L pyp•1 C'7115 �'P•1 � L o _ 20 zl zt zo f0 i d 40 EXTERIOR (, fai al� qq F)CfERfOR d+ F • • L 10 - 10 INTERIOR 27 25 INTERIOR 10 L °z YYYu @ q q 10 @ •s aro a 25 is 9 'S .ws N,7S. + MGM AL E QM nlQHORiMMAt CROSSSECTION �7 _NORIZONTAi CROSS SECTION a�HORIWMAI CROSS SECTION a �hms�gsFrnvn-w�.4vs'np 3 hPvArgfipvm-oulaNrvg S In,xenCshpmt-aulamaP R-171@d.24 a • 4ko oPP d CYO CpPIa'/Pd 7sO GOPIO'/Pd n d m -J- Y.U-hGbnMuenfet»sWrd:ml_tim,PF lrNtn¢Netdv.�l141rISi31-]7 u m m A m n PW `I� % P� • c' fn '} ® • i/i � V A. ' 11YPd 1-US'iAt+. fio8. (IYPJ .6 E A n m = Ya O l•IKI.1¢s- U9 mi 1-IMP MIN. EAA. �7'IPJ ..P O as au � z `II = �{Onj� c I o ' � A •P• p m I (R am. j ate, mrJ � '4 m FTNWOLAS5 W6Z ¢op: mn4ATwrt" NC. �a om ¢.iu mnm R aina � Ma: olxaaP.a�>a y m � y x.wn a� n en sa.e eos�. c� aulr m astHan wEgnm CRMsrOWS C.wElvm p o0.. mii p��y annsroNs � r. � � ,a .srm G li "a II SEEOEfAIL TYP. HEAP] 11 r 8IAMBS I1 MASONROPENING II OPENING {{ II �� -J. LATH& oYAUmCFmut F ASTRAGAL II I� FRAME-,"ASVAGAL /..ff! 3y 2RDUCK-� SHGYINFOR 1 g NHOW FO ,j 4REFERENCE -All g 7X BUCK ONLY I I `� ONLY 11 F w q {I '� 11 N tYP. {I sEBaEEAL II DILL ,o .I„ 11 19 F DUCK An[NOAING JNgL44MD FALNfA7ICkUY1NG Af}&AOAlAR1TE lAMD ^•• M(aanryax WGk GOMDVGA'aA � � �� MMgf DETAIL � L 3 c a Amu 9 _Con5 ETCANC.NORNOTfY: FEDLE , F. CDnuele anch�arNco wins o} Ilrecarraen mayh9agYsled IDmCTmm11 Ule DIRx 3FU' UM. edge DytpnGa eomedorjdnu. 2 Ga kWn thncha 040aM=M 0 M"OTIL I. OTI CENIEAAmI I O DdNsla a < MCYWthe mFn.edged6mnca TD. ONCE TE"damrm%acra notamcmds ' � moyCaTegWrd to MFWG llIC'AUW.OM CENTER"dYnaraYanelD nDl exceeded. .p 3 CDrtcrofocnchor fcBfc: � 87y HOEE B 75 �'' D N.T.S. 5 afrAl[Lr WANE ,�; AL � Iwnmg CmngUroiee dusstt6ng conllgurmnn ; Dw: e F1.-171Dd.4d v °x MAY. CLEARANCE- Mr %AY+4Nglt;: .�. ......:::.. ::.....::.:............-.. .....'Kl.0Ai!SQNA7.`i:;, i::?..u..�:F.0..'JSC:[ri TYP. HEAD & MASNNO ONAY IJAMBSOPE IT SEEMAIL \—ASTRAGAL SNDVM FOR II REFERENCE ONLY fl II SILL HrNGEJAMS RAWANCMUIFM A qtlxbmlccav I. cartcrdtearicnwmCpitans atMoCMDUP Mr"ba OdAAW fa M0010M ftAft T. 0 ==f4modoplumb. may Concrete reancharrobis: N.Mmw.... -'A ... ....... ... AMC f7w IAPCO96 r v ELCO UUMOON' lie? 1-1/11' 1. C FUN * rAPCON Pr --, n to C .7 AFRAGALMIJAMB RMCIMAM HOLE Bfy Du. MAIL I oubmu wn%mvan FL-17194.24 ays^ � Larva a (';lCvxc � cPmR�ap6oi ac 001kmlr" N' [t he MaupT 1.4Y A!LL OFMATFAlAIS� HEAL OESCE1rnpN MATRIAL REM DESCRIPTION MATEiNAL A 1XE CKSGKDSS WOOD 21 POLYRHERCOMPOSITE JAMB POLYFIBFR n$ B 2XBUCKSG>-0.55 WOOD 23 #8X3"PFHWOODSCREW STEEL S( 7 C _ _ 11'r MU. SWLMSPACE - 27 IAICH STRIKEPLAIE STEEL y+•":a E D 14'X23 A- PFHELCO OR ITW CONCREIESCREW STEEL 2B DFADBOLTPLATE STEEL E MASONRY-3,DW PSI MAL.CONCRETE CONFORMINGTO ACI 301 OR HOLLOW BLOCK CONIOWMTNG TO ASTM C90 .,.� ..-, ........................ ....,...,...�. 114"X2-!'PFH ELCOOR ttW CONCRETE SCRE'N CONCREE 10 DOOR SLUE@P _ - � e'v Ti 31 OUTSWING THRES 0011Y OLP M. 00 „T, F IEEL 77 ADA THRESHOLD ALUMINUM G 3115"X34U4'PFHITWCONCREIESCREW STEEL 33 INSWINGIHRESHOIb BYDLP ALUM.I WOOD IT?` IJ4'K3,114-PFWELCOORIIWCONCRDESCREW STEEL 40 DOOR PANEL-SEEDOOR PANEL OETAILSHEEI FOR CONSTRUCTION DETAILS - 88E 1 114'X34JA"PFHELCOORTIWCONCRErESCREW STEEL 41 DOORSKIN MIN.O05-THICK PLASF-PRO)NANYA Fy =11R53 PSI MIN. FIBERGLASS t R10X-117PFHWOODSCREW STEEL 42 TO RAIL CELLULAR PVC IN1/4' X 13/4' PFH ELCO OR RW OONCREIE SCREW STEEL a3 1 H L LUNGE STILE ..� _ CELLULAR PVC S 3 ASTRAGALSTRIKE PLATE@HIM REINFORCEMOWOODFOR LOCKS WOOD d� SFALANi SILICONE 45 BOTTOM RAIL CELLULAR PVC 7 WEATHERSISLP FOAM 46 FOAMCORE POLYUREIITANE 9 CRINGE 47 LATCH& INGE STILE REINFORCEMENT LVL 10 #10 X.WePFH WOOD SCREW STEEL 51 ODL LITE FRAME ALUMINUM � 20 JAMB FINGER -JOINT -PINE WOOD 52 #10i 4"PFH SCREW STEEL �$ $ �- <.Se �45A'� a e Y 9A .>amo 9! v' 'mpme ' 4W g I ILIj •''� 91 OGLN J] 9C 53 GLAZING COPOUND REDISEAL BY ODL POLYMERIC FOAM STRUCIURALSIUCOHE OOW419PS " 55 SCREW PLUG 60 ASTRAGAL 6G*T5 AL UMINUM BY DLP 1 CONC FOSTIFFENER V A MIN MBYPLASIPRONC. 52 SLIDE SOLT ROD 63 88 X 2' PPH SCREW V'roLA13 t BRED S3 SAMPLALi 53 E3 DI 6unRGnFmt PIMERIC IICONE - ALUMINUM ALUMINUM STEEL STEEL GLt441HK. UrTFMPEREDGLASS -•" AIRSPACE I/rANNEAIEDGLASS aWV3MLMPVS INRRIAIER 118'ANNPALEOGLA33 X I {, rd a a b' g y R $ z ertc R S 14 �c NXI m. Rn AL w an Lr5 .wncm rt-vTea.z4 La-L