HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT EVALUATION REPORTR R W Building Consultants, Inc. L7 Cansuhingand EngincsrifoSavi= for the Buikling(n¢us" JL7 C P.0.eot27011a1Rco.FL3)M OAMODAW--9197 Fwri4a aovo of PrCn5sP0a� Enslrm5 Li!niTsale aFAal�ion Na 981 } SCANNED BY St. Lucie County Product SubCaiagoly ldanufatluter Produt:tName Phslprob11L 66xedlRbORPS3 DOOM Door ExtWor t� Extsdorpoor 6=WCENTURYBLVD. hffiwinommawFnS DO" Assemblies LOSARC.Eh.ES,CA9DD45 -tWlx t' 9698773 Scope., This is a Produd Evaluation iepost issued by R W Building Consuftwft. Inc. and Lyndon F. Schmidt, B.E. (System ft) If 1"8) for inaslpro Inc. based on Refs Chapter No.81D2f63, Me" IDof f $We of Florida Product Approval, Delmamew of Business S fmilessIM4 Regubilon. RW Blaldlsg Consultants and Lyndon F. schmidt P.E. do not here nor will smWre financial interest in Ore Wmpany memsf aturi ig or diWkkdng the pr Mud or in any QVW entityi WMVsd in the appmvat process of the prethsd named herein. LIMIMftonsr 1, 1'tua ptodud hasbeen evaktebd and is in OOthpliait03 Sti4dF Ole 2016 Fiodda SuRdltg Cods (FBC) Stmsdtual requirmnersis e><[inping lee ifsgh VetOcdy Eitmrce4te Zane" (sfvlfz). ., 2. Product sachors shall bees listed end spacsd as chosen M&Ws. Anchor embedment to base material stM11 be beyond wegdress'slg of shscco. -. 3. When used i s areas regoidng wind borne debuts pmteotion Rb product complies with Section 1609.1.2 of the F$C and does scot require an ialped resistant wrenng. Tlris pra8ud meets missile level Tb and wCkm;Ns %Mnd Zone 4 aS defined In ASTM TRIM and Seelion 1609.1,2A of Ore FBC. 4. For 2R stud (rank* constntcdon, antiselasg of grew units shag be the same as Osat shown for 2x buck masonry eonsuoction. S. SILO eondi5onr, Mat dWiM tram the deleft of dtaw¢sg Ff:17184.24 reqLE.re hadser enonesang wvgya s by a licensed engineer or tad arrldted. 6. See drawing FL471"24 for size and design pressure Mftfions. Sapportlog Dacameors. 1. TestReoortNor TEL 01=0243 TFL 01390.M 2. Msamt Dade PM 144)423A7 3. DMKWSNo. No. FL-17184.24 4. CalcttfeUtusa Anchoring TestStaadard TestirmLaboratery Snnedbr TAS 201. 202 and 2173-04 Testing Evahsation Leb.3m, Wendel[ W. Halsey, P.E. TAS 201, 202 and 20&94 Testing Evakiation Lab.,Ino. LyMon F. Srhmidl P.E. Mitartats 7estlnq SeflesjD PVB irderepra (Eastman Chemical Company) PPMEFAM RW Bulf tug Constdt rils, Inc. (CA =131 EMM .$S RW t3Ming Consultants, hlc. (CAN98131 5. Raaslhr Assuranrx Cerbecate of PaniL QUW issued by National Aotm mwW1sclmasg Orwtscis wAhio a quaky assurance 17020Aad Qufde PF 1779 Sheel 1 of 1 ned Lyndon F. SohmiA A.E. is ion F. Schmidt, P.E. FL PE No.43409 8f27/1014