HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE ('nr,7NTy FILE # 3356857 OR BOOK 3L'__' PAGE 1721, Recorded 06/15/2' at 03:09 PM t7@AMNN�® ti NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT c�+yy tl The undersigned hereby given entice that improvement will be made to Certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 7$4-. Lucie COUVAY m Florida Status the following information is provided in the Notice of Commcement I. DFSCRnMON OF PROPERTY (Legal description and street address, ifavallable) TAXFOLlo NUMBER: 0.76 d/S0Q?X060{ sOBnly stoN elL4G�- /V BLOCtr TRAcr tOT' BLDG,--UWrr Z ( / BNTTDNBG(SH ruA,sE awr 2/ 2 CENERAt,D&SCRIPr10N OFIMPHOYEMErrr: 46PI ioA/ To 6q,P.96E 3. owNEBWORMATION: LNeme /N?s//7,p= j iy/Cr�l/�J�f b.Addren /S35-64rrN/ ,,y d Name wd rdd= effce dmple ldahaldw(fatbetthae tl e ) 4. CONTRACTOR'sNAb%ADDRXsSArm PHONE NUMBER: (772,87J.02L. L/BE PTY f/oN1f RMIKAECS 1W 625 .B.¢7ri7oRE -Sr f�er 5. SURETY'S NAMA ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT: 6. LENDER1SNAME4ADDRESSArm PRONENUMRSR: 1/1 7. Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner Upon whom 'latices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13 (1) (a) 7.. Florida Statutes: NAME, ADDRESS AND PRONE NUMRSOU- S. In addition to himself or herself: Owner designates the fallowing to receive a copy of the Lieaor's Native W provided in Section 713.13 (1) (b). Florida Statutes NAME. ADDRESS AND PRONE NUMBER: 9. Expha'an da(e of notice of commencement (the expiration date is I year from the date of recording Unless a different date is specified):��/2 '_�2Wp Slgnatur f vner ar Print Name end Provide Signatory's T1t1dOtEee /-4 Owner's larized Omcer/Directar/Partner/Manager . StateafFlorida Calmly of " St. Lucie /f The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thin .T %�' day of_l �.,,. _ , 20�_ G c By__dyglitr as For Q/ (name �_ (tYpe ofauthanry,...e.g, officer, RUutee, atmmaY in fact) / OisA/ (name of party on behalf of whom instrument was executed) p _ tW J Personally known or produced the fallowing type of identi5cation: g Shirley A. Riall y y � . ' i. Commission#OD462759 !.. (Qma Expires September 28, 2009 ( gnabue of Public) (n 6onaN Tre, iea-0nnnn.lna aM3W019 Under Penalties of perjury. I declare that I have read the foregoing and that the facts in it are true to the best of my knowledge and belief (Section 92.525, Florida Statutes). 9 amre(s)of s r(s)or Owner(s)'Autharked Omced Director/ Parmer/Marager who signed ebovq / B � BYA-L21&0 -,�oit0 Pb�)r✓N Rer.aa-09d7 A rding)