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P THERMAITRU' THERMA TRU DOORS I IS INDUSTRIAL DR.: EDGERTON, OH 43517 TEL.(4TB)a98.174D 3'0" X 618" "SMOOTH STAR" FIBERGLASS SINGLE DOOR INSWING / OUTSWING "IMPACT' GENERALNOTES I, Thh product has been evaluated and Is In compliance with the 2Dl0 Florida Budding Cade (FOCI structural requirements excludIng the "Ifgh Velocity Hurricane Zone' JHVHZJ. 2. Product anchors shag be as Wed and spaced as shown on details. Anchorembeciment to boss material shot be beyond well dressing orstucco. 3. When used In areas requiring wind bome debris protection this product complies with Section 1609.12 of the FBC and does not require an Impact resistant covering. This product meets missge level V and excludes Wind Zane 4 as defined in /STM El996. 4. For 2s stud framing construction, anchoring of these units shag be the same as that shown for 2r buck masonry construction. 5. Site conditions that deviate from the detalk of this drawing require furtherenglneering anctyshbya BcensedengineerorregisteredamNte t, TADIE OF CONTENIS SHEkTI DESCRIFIION 1 Typical eiMMM, designs pressures 6 general notes 2 DOcrpaneldelcgs 3 Horizontal Doss sections 4 Vedkalcrazoctions 5 Buck and kame anchoring-2X buck masonry construction 6 Frame mschaing- 1X buck masonry construction 7 Ba of Materials& Components FRAMEWIDTH 36.00' MAX PANELWIDTH `• OVERAL4 -,DESIGN PRESSURE (PSF) SWING "'FRAME -- '' ."„.AIMENSION „_;eq TIVE,NEGATIVE; INSWING 37.59"x 82.19" +67.0 -67.0 OUTSWING 37.69'x80.69' +67.0 I axen LFS 3 OMNINO NO.: p FL-5891.2 0 O w 7 10 ,1 EXTERIOR 46 w @ V ¢ 43 44 O INTERIOR %11 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECHON '1' �•T;•t mm � LIB• � `:'i d:4 colon -1 9 ED a z g EXTERIOR INTERIOR �I a e0 � � noox FRA A 1[71 � '•j'`�'ti Rr.. . «7 O H N � Smaat. itm �:'M•:'.ni IN VERHCAL CROSS SECTION Q 8 a a 2a 0e evaa N.T.S. N H GF IF u BfA1 tt um en AL ooc w'� US ; ownm rma e e fi-5891.2 °o �aai 6 J 4 4 E ga `j)'_� 9 H g " i9 l ® ® INTERIOR 10 10 �:... id- d Ja;l ay, 17 EXTERIOR •.. Ll 3 40 7 d 3 8 E 20 C A ' 1•1/PMN. D _ eea. ppi K fi � 4 C5IHORISOMAGCROSS SECTION L ' snwmwnxwoc�xx < & y7 9 INTERIOR INTERIOR TO 10 o a' 0 R o: •',`r 7 EXTERIOR EXTERIOR.•, =a 40 •10 m � •° D X K •20 p4loa 0 6 1.1/CMM. BBB. Rrr l E 1 NORISOMAL CROSS SECifON HORROMAL CROSS BECKON ENB.IfYP.I a 3 InmNg conaaumaon 3 InsNna, Ilan °J ..° D E a A C FJ d C@ ^� 40 19 40 T9 0 INTERIOR D URIOR 8 8 INTERIOR EXTERIOR 7 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION �1 VERTICAL CROSS SW N q! N ng mvg°roli°n Q bi wflxw a If n i� INTERIOR EQERIOR EXTERIOR INTERIOR 40 32 7. P. 33 TO 40 E E ^� •.p°. a • .,. ... .. n ;• .. Y' - . • e ,• o d 0 4123108 MN AL ° 3 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION 4QVERITCA CRO °S C11ON m an LFS # q wmw a WNIgNOAWI q OulswNg °nllgumlion cww° xo. d FL-5891.2 0 ewer -A- a 7 IQ Tr r -T ?a MASONR >Tiw L MASONRYMASONRYM YTV 7 OPENNG OPE NG JAMBS LlFitM1E & JAIV 2XBUCK —\ O. MUCK =KANCHOM SMnMJAMA fRAAIEANCIIORWO MWPJAMB X CONCRETEANC ,f,=canasta anchors from a cffffmntwppffermay have dftmntedge dWancocndcwdwcWcmwiuWYumonfL Z Ca=sfe at Me toners maybe odftMed tomaInken the min. edge dirtn tomofftwMftdaonaeto=ctwkcgrommtedW'MAY-ONC64Wmtatba L 28 x adAnted to mafntcM fhe mh edge dWance to modar)ohft, cdcftnclaonvato anchon dd maybe mqtdmd fa enwre the WAX ON C&aWcOmernbro are notexcoodad 10 3. CG=atGcmchwtabkV K 27 we 4123108 -AMe. CEW. N. T�.S. OM M AL 9w ix mx 2.i/r r US —5891.2 a ELCO 11r 1-1/lr Ir HINGEMAR LA=ADEAUMTDETAR "FL2 7 R 5 MASONRY ¢ § OPENING € d 28 G 8d TYP. HEAD & ;gy JAMBS 4 4 0 IXBUCK R r- IAMMACUMOLTIMAIL §z 6' a. MEJAM% ERAMEANCffOEM6 HINGEJAME a Mmomy I%buctcarsWdbn R CONCREfEANCHOR NOM' E ¢ 1.3uR hdlonofequdmro feonchoafromodffe fAMUffmayha dfxemntedge dhfance and cenferdafance mge6emenh, 2 Concrete and"Jocatfara at the cameo maybe adNxed to mdntdn the min. edge H 9 w dhtance to morlorfolnh Rmngete androrlocafbmrwted as MAX ON CENIErmuA be adAefed to matnfafn the mh edge defaxe to mattar(oMh addSonal concrete anchors 1G 10 — may berequdedfoemvethe WAX ONCENIET'd(mendamare rwtesceeded. m = 3. Cor=efeanchor fable: e an 4 2J gB a asue N.7:S. 9 am en e PoNGEaEfAR om en US ; o uwa w d Fl-5&91.2 JL 0 0 am 0 riNCHtlR� �:aNCN01t � �� �rrL MrN, c►eaxn��ce� nnrNi:C.R�A#rtANc�.r�r�: ...;,NIASpNRY'E,flGE AR,7A..:CEHiANCNgJl:-. f14V 1/A• 1a/A' 1n/s r BIuoFMATERws ITEM DESCRIPTION MATERGL A 1%BUCKSG>=055 WOOD B 2X BUCK SG r-0.55 WOOD C MAX. 1/4"SHIM SPACE W000 D 14'X2.T 4'PRI ELCO OR RW CONCREIESCREW STEEL E MASONRY-5,192 PSI MIN. CONCRETE CONFORMINGTO ACI 301 OR HOLLOW BLOCK CONFORMING TO ASIM C90 CONCRETE G 3/16'%31/S PRiRW CONCRETE SCREW 51EEL H 1/S:3.1/S PFHRW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL J IM'%33/4'PEN IIW CONCRETE SCREW STETS K 48X2.1 PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL L OlOX2' WOOD SCREW STEEL 7 SHORT REACH COMPRESSION WEAR19t4iRiP TRU FOAM B LONG REACH COMPRESSION WEAIHERSIR� 7RU FOAM 9 4'%4HPIGE JNTIHK. ERMM STEEL 10 O10X3/4'PRi WOOD SCREW [HINGETO FRAM STEEL 17 KWACSETSIGNATURE S9t�5 PASSAGE LOCK SRC 18 LOW PROFILE OUTSWING BUMP FACE THRESHOLD ERMA-TRU J150'WALL AL ALUM./WOOD 19 HEADER JAMB 4.65SX129'iHERMMTRU,PM WOOD � SIDE JAMB 4.656' % I.9SIHBLNA-IRU, PINE) WOOD 21 KWIKSEf51GNATURE5ERU3 80 DEADBOLT 51Ea 27 LATCH STRIKE PLATE STEEL 28 OEADBOLT PLATE STEEL 32 DOOR BOTTOM SWEEP PVC 33 SHFADJUSTING INSWPIG SADDLE THRESHOLD .4.4 WALSS L AL-.OPO°WALL VMYL ALUM.COMP, 40 FIBERGLASS DOOR PAN9.•SMOOTH STAR 41 7HHtDOOR MORTRU 557F1 151RET1GIH W (AUNB� =4J700 MI SMC 42 TOP RAIL COMPOSITE 43 LATCH STRE LVL WOOD /4 HMGE511LE WOOD 45 BOTTOM RAIL COMPOSITE 46 POLYURERNNE FOAM CORE -BASF 1.9 LB5. DENSITY FOAM 47 LOCK BLOCK REITIFORCEMENT W000 g �— ' --,ssy $ I � 296' nC $E 19 29 LI-�° -1 1 F y� ��/.62'� I I EI i.1LOW PROHIECUMMG INPE9 �. m 57S+I R m 33 SRFAOfIRONGSAWWTREEPMW ^i 4 2J 08 6 N.T.S. °e oen Rn AL m' as an LFS 3 wvo Rm a FL-5B91.2 n oar 7 w 7 4 R W R W Building Consultants, Inc. B Consulting and Engineering Services for the Building industry C P.O.Box 230 Vdrim, FL 33395 Phone813.659.9197 Florida Bond of Pmienional Fnpnem Ceni6®le ofAuthodmtion No.9813 Product Category Sub Category Manufacturer Product Name Swinging Themra Tro Corporation "Smooth Star", "Fiber Classk' Exterior Exterior Door 118 Industrial Drive "Classic CmW&"Classic Craft Rustic' Doors Assemblies Edgerton, OH 43517 Glazed Fiberglass Single Door Phone 419.2SIL1740 Inswing IOutswin "im eel" Scope: This is a Product Evaluation report issued by R W Building Consultants, Inc. and Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. for Thenna Tm Corporation based on Rule Chapter No. 9N3, Method 11) of the State of Florida Product Approval, Department of Business & Professional Regulation. RW Budding Consultants and Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. do not have norwill acquire financial Interest in the company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity Involved in the approval process of the product named herein. Umlfations: 1. This product has been evaluated and Is In compliance with the 2010 Florida Building Code (FBC) structural requirements excluding the "High Velocity Hurricane Zone" (HVHZ). 2. Product anchons shall be as listed and spaced as shown on detai s. Anchor embedment to base material shall be beyond wall dressing orstucco. 3. When used in areas requiring wind bome debris protection this product complies with Section 1609.1.2 of the FBC and does not require an impact resistant covering. This product meets missile level "D" and includes Wind Zone 4 as defined in ASTM E1996 and Section 1609.1.2.4 of the FBC. 4. For 2x stud framing construction, anchoring of these units shall be the same as that shown for 2x buck masonry construction. 5. Site conditions that deviate from the details of drawing FL-7630.1 registered architect 6. See drawing FL-7630.1 for size and design pressure limitations. Supporting Documents: 1. test Report No. TEL 06-0831-1 2. Miami Dade NOA 08-0206.01 3. Drawing No. No. FL-7630.1 4. Calculations Anchoring Test Standard ANSVAAMA/NW WDA 1011LS2fA440-05 ASTM E1996/1886-02 Materials Testing Safiex HP Glass Intedayer Prepared by RW Building Consultants, Inc. (CA#9813) Prepared by RW Building Consultants, Inc. (CA #9813) 3 ►bet- ©X 8 c aS91c, Testing Evaluation Lab.,inc. Wendell W. Haney, P.E. Signed & Sealed by Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. Signed & Sealed by Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. or 5. Quafriv Assurance Certificate of Participation issued by National Accreditation and Management Institute, certifying that Thenna Tru Corporation is'manufacturing products within a quality assurance program that complies with ISO/IEC 17020 and �,� Guide 53. PF 1007 Sheet 1 of 1 Lyndon F. Schmidt. P.E. FL PE No. 43409 6212012 THERMA11RU 40 THERMA TRU DOORS 1 1 6 INDUSTRIAL DR., EDGERTON, OH 4351 7 TEL. (419)295-1740 "SMOOTH STAR", "FIBER CLASSIC", "CLASSIC CRAFT" & "CLASSIC CRAFT RUSTIC" GLAZED FIBERGLASS SINGLE DOOR INSWING J OUTSWING "IMPACT' GENG AL NOTES 1. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the 2010 Flodda Bsnlding_Code (FBC) shuctwd requirements exclL dng the"lUgh Velocity FMsicone Zone (HVHZI, 2. Pmduct anchors shol be as fisted and spaced as shown on details Allctrorembedmerd to base material shch be beyond wag dressing orstucco. 3. When used In areas requiring wind home debrispmtection this product complies with Section 16M.12of the FBC and does not requhe an ImpactresBtant covering.Thts product meets missile level MP and Includes Wind Zone 4as dented In ASTM E 1996 and Section 16M.12A of the FBC, 4. For2x stud framing cordtrudlon, anchoring of these units shop be thesome as that shown for 2x buck masonryconstnx8on, 5. Site conditions that deviate from thedetads of this drawing requke further engineering analysis by a licereed engineer awghtered arWfecL 7ASIECFCCMENIS SK&Ta DESCRI WN I Typical eleyagons, dosign & general notes 2 Smaom SlRdoorpanel8glcrksgdefdb 3 f8xr(7asic door egiaring deloss 4 DassICD00(CJASdCDdlIMllc dop panel.& gluts dorMts S HMmntdaossecUas 6 Vergcd arms sections 7 Buakond frame anchoring- 2Xbuck masoruycansldlclbn 8 Esameanchaing-mbucRmoscmyconshucHon 9 Componanh 10 BDo1MdeMa 36.WMA)L PANEL WIDTH 'SMOOTH S1AX,'EBER CLASSIC "CLASSIC CBArr &'CLASSIC CRAFT RUSTIC "MIN- � 1)ESIGNPBESSOR�(�PSF)s ?!S NAP INSWING�p,�sOVERdI�� 37.75'x98.0T 21.W178.7S" +50.0 -50.0 OUTSWING 37.75'x96.75" 21.00'x78.75' +50.0 .50.0 g!Ml a ao,cr -=x 3d •ViWvs •! w°nw� SIIVO 9MNp W SNOB 8000 HV1S HLOOnS V Ma 'wl n cdwwo MI' J8! OIOZ OL 31Wdf1 ZI 1 B t O y C �9d9 WMe1dd N• aOMeld 'Ad N� d H Z r� b 181Cmg 1 �N Wald l mmc v dlwn as me va N000 StiYIOHiBI� 032YU m 9w slNa,NSNw U% sywau u �j aanuona $ O @ z Z yN 19 ZZZ H N Q� �pl U ZE W 3 � ¢ OLl I T !n u Aft s a � v L n I I A n �V K gipp.. N aF O O s "5 �d $o •o"raxvwstat �6 n [2'oNY3�t'OOC4fOBf 0[0liL00IIQW0i[•TIXIt lddl4gppd IIafoMsIDf^tl' NY Lr1SP�{ J—rIze-1 I T- r u L ss D M m QHORIZOMAL CROSS SECTION 3 CELLULAR I GLASS 811E f CTNK GIATAPE ZING I GLASS TAPE IXTEMPERED DRTERIOR GLASS AIRSPACE 5/37ANNEALED I GLASS .W°' PVB INIERLAYER INTERIOR [BY SOLUT1Ai DOW 995 2 I/B'ANNEALED OR GLASS SIKA 552 3 SWIGGIE GLAZING SPACER GI —�I 1.21' 4.11' -�I�rccc�l -w—I °a''—� L L 51 NINGE A UfCN DRERIOR INTERIOR (I VERTICAL CROSSSECRRON FL-78J0.1 n S a in 6 6 50 60 INTERIOR 17 G E a B 5 X 5 .. gga 17 5 7 E%1ERIOR 0 •�•v i E 20 m 6 6 8 C A E ID =Ys L I-Vrf✓,w. R EM& (IYP.I '••'v • C 50 60 %31 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION INTERIOR 17 4 :• �:. 9 10 40 5 s w/fxwbbu7x SO 60 27 • v •• 'm •''d 1040 IN19210R . v o 0 7 EXTERIOR .•.,. • •. . 7 •o'�,� ® EXTERIOR B .•.a� ^� s 20 - a .v 0 L L 20 v• MFL-760 ea'(IYP� ECROSSSECIION �1NORQOMAl CROSS SECTION I-I/rm'OucMvg also appaveB 5 hswPgshowa-OustwM9 soopp� FMB. IrrP• eon+ w as awwao a �.w/[ Z�'mL •9 9101LM SSOYJ V oP+•e ' �f OIOZ O! 31VWn L[ t 9 t Fvl•, ya t am LBW 03" w es¢x v mvw" o¢ •oe '1/' Nll—NPH3N1 _ . 9 _ 4' [9'�V5�1919hY�]9f 9IM(ppSWippll-SOpt WMIaOPil pa(uylsIIajoy-H'M MASC Ope SEE HINGE SUCK ANCHOENG ffINGEJ"l DErAIL CONCREIEANCHOR NOTES. 1. SubstM&mofewcdcmmteanchwtmmad'tffemntwpplermayho diffemntedge distance and mmterdstancerequirements. 2 Concrete onchorlocaffom of the cameo maybe ccfustad to mahtcln the m1n. edge distance lomaWlaInts. llconmte anchorlocattm notados MAX. ON cenwmmi be adfwfedfo molntdn themk). edge crhfunce to mortarlotnts. odcationcdco=ate anchors nmybomqL&ud to eraure the MAX ON CENIFR`c&wnsPaw are not exceeded 3. Concefeanchor tabhn wow FTW Elco 2X � — & JAMBS — BUCK 40 MASONRY OPENING \ ]I— (P,. SILL EA 22 gd!X buckMlnecibn HINGEDEWL SMUJAMS Ho u M AL I i LATCH A DEADOOLTOETAIL FL-7630.1 — I— -L w-M F T TYP. READ & JAMBS gp Ix BUCK 28 .4 !2 MASONRY27 LATCH& DEADBOLTWAIL OPENING IF TYP. SILL It SEE NINGE DETAIL HINGEJAAUI SMKFJAMB vs CONCRETEANCHOR 9 1. Subsffftdion of equal con=to onctm ham 0 diflefUnt RPpgw maYhova different edge 10 chiance and confordIstancemqukemerifs. 10 2. CDncmte awhorlocall" at the comers maybe acyusted to mainfoln the min. edge oblance to morfarldnis. Itw=B10 0nchvbCathW Wed as MAX ON CENTER"MUStbe cdJustedtomaIntaLn the m1n. edge clisfame lomortarjobts, addiflandcowmte anchors 10 maybe mqulmd to amwe ffie"MAK. ON CENTERcalm nylons cm not exceeded 3. Cb=et9cnchoftab4e:- -0 -A 5120108 .... ....... .... . .. ... N.T.S. C., HINGE DETAIL ..... . ....... .... . .. .... .. ... ... . . ..... . ....... ..... AL E F. ITW 114- 2-11T 3* ;- LFS ITIN 3/le 1-114- 2-slir RFLZi .1 - n2- 1 n; 4-547 IAT 1.37 US T- �T r F2 41& — log I A US I if ..... . F. . . . . . . to nmNdC OWE WS, Tq Lai 5120108 N.T.S 77 ma en AL LFS-� BILLOFMATERIALS ITEM A DESCRIPTION IXBUCKSGr OES MATERIAL WOOD ITEMI 40 DESCRIPTION FIBERGLASS DOOR PANE. -SMOOTH STAR MATERIAL _ " :gRR n B C D 2X BUCK SG> 0.55 MAX,1/4'SWMSPACE 14 X ZW PFH ELCO OR IIW CONCRETESCRE4 WOOD WOOD STET 41 42 43 FIBERGLASSSMC3 ON 0mrTHICKNESS TOP RAIL LATCH STILE SMC COMPOSITE WOOD/LVL � � i �P6 I p pp E F G MASONRY-3,192 PSI MN. CONCRETECONFORMNGTO ACT OR HOLLOW BLOCK CONFORMING TO ASTM CPO I/4' X 1-31r PFH ITW CONCRETE SCREW 3/16'X3.1/4"PFHfIWCONCRErESCREW CONCRETE SIM STEEL 44 HINGE SATE WOOD301 F[all li 45 46 50 BOTTOM RAIL POLYURETHANE FOAM CORE• BASF I.9 LBS. DENSITY FIBERGLASS DOOR PANEL • FIBER CLASSIC FOMµPQSjItE H I J K I/4'x 3-14 FFH FIW CONCRETE SCREW IIfX 2.14' PFH ITV CONCRETE SCREW I/4X 4 PFH FIWCONCREfESCREW 88X2-I PRL WOOD SCREW STEEL SI®. Sm SHE. 31 52 53 54 FIBERGLASS SMCSKN MIN ODWTHCKNESS TOP BAIL LATCH SLUE HNGEMIE SMC COMPOSITE WOODILVL WOOD L 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 010 X 2-11T PFH WOODSCREW INTWOR IFE FRAME IMERIORl11E FRAME HTE FRAMETRIM 010X I-Iff PFN SCREW MEDIUM REACH COMPRESSION WEATHERSTRIP fIHERMA-RUI LONG REACH COMPRESSION WEATHER-MV WSW.ATRUI 4'X4'HINGE JN7'1FLK ERMI1- STEEL ALUMINUM ALUMINUM PVC STEEL FOAM FOAM SI!$ 55 56 60 61 62 63 64 65 BOROMRAIT. POLYUREIHANEFOAML�- IULSF 13 LB5. DENSITY FBI ERGIAiS b00R PANE.•QA451C CRAFT NLCLASSIC CRAFT RUSTIC FIBERGLASS SMCSKIN MPIOD9U'iLBCKN6S TOPRAIL LATCH SITE HINGESME BOTTOM RAIL COMPOSITE FOAM SMC COMPOSITE WOOD/WL WOOD COMPOSITE i 10 17 YIO X3/4 PFH WOOD SCREW HINGE TO FRAMEI PASSAGE LOCK• KWRSETSIGNATURE SERIES Sf83 STEEL I 66 POLYURETHANE FOAM CORE- BASF 1.91BS. DENSITY FOAM B 18 THRESHOLDOUISWING ALUM./WOOD 19 HEADER JAMB 4JS6'X121^iHERMMTRU, PINE) SG>=0.42 WOOD G1 I 20 SIDE JAMB 4.65BX 127 THERMA-IRUI SOxBA2 WOOD 21 27 DEADBOLT- KWIRETSIGNAHIRESERIES LATCHSTIBKEPLATE STEEL STFa B. 2B DFADBOLT PLATE 32 DOOR BOTTOM SWEEP PVC 33 INSWING THRESHOLD Aw COMP. 34 INSWING THRESHOLD CS ADJUSTABLE AWMJCOMP.INSWNGYHRESHOUDADJUSTAME S3 36 INSWING THWESHOLD ADJUSTABLE ALU MP, e 37 36 INSWING THRESHOLDSEF ADJUSTABLE INSWINGTHRESHOLDN/PERULL AWMJCOMP. Aw COMP. t? g _g nw 3 20 08 cwa MT.S oso, m AL m ooc m Lrs i Iaanu w. d FL-7MI u a¢T 10 PJ,Q D R W R W Building Consultants, Inc. B Consulting and Engineering Services for the Building Industry C P.O. Box 230 Valrico, FL 33595 Phone 813.659.9197 Florida Board of Professional Engineers Certificate ofAulhoriration No.9813 Product Category Sub Category Manufacturer Product Name Swinging Swinging Therms Tm Corporation "Smooth Star', "Fiber Classic" Exterior Door 118 Industrial Drive "Classic Craft' & "Classic Craft Rustic" Doors Assemblies Edgerton, OH 43617 Glazed Fiberglass Door Phone 419.298.1740 Inswing IOutswin "Impact' Scope: This is a Product Evaluation report issued by R W Building Consultants, Inc. and Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. for Thenna Tru Corporation based on Rule Chapter No. 9N3, Method 1 D of the State of Florida Product Approval, Department of Business & Professional Regulation. RW Building Consultants and Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. do not have nor will acquire financial interest in the company manufacturing or distnbuting the product or in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product named herein. Limitations: 1. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the 2010 Florida Building Code (FBC) structural requirements excluding the "High Velocity Hurricane Zone" (HVHZ). 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details. Anchor embedment to base material shall be beyond wall dressing orstucco. 3. When used in areas requiring wind bome debris protection this product complies with Section 1609.1.2 of the FBC and does not require an impact resistant covering. This product meets missile level "D" and includes Wind Zone 4 as defined in ASTM E1996 and Section 1609.1.2.4 of the FBC. 4. For 2x stud framing construction, anchoring of these units shall be the same as that shown for 2x buck masonry construction. 5. Site conditions that deviate from the details of drawing FL-7640.4 require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect 6. See drawing FL-7640.4 for size and design pressure limitations. Supporting Documents: 1. Test Report No. TEL 06-0718-1 2. Miami Dade NOA 08-0206.01 3. Drawing No. No. FL-7640.4 Test Standard ANSVAAMA/NW WDA 101A.8.2/A440-05 ASTM E1996/1886-02 Materials Testing Saflex HP Glass Interlayer Prepared by RW Building Consultants, Inc. (CA #9813) Testing Laboratory Signed by Testing Evaluation Lab.,lnc. Wendell W. Haney, P.E. Signed & Sealed by Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 4. Calculations Prepared by Signed & Sealed by Anchoring RW Building Consultants, Inc. (CA #9813) Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E, 5. Quality Assurance Certificate of Participation issued by National Accreditation and Management Institute, certifying that Therma Tm Corporation is manufacturing products within a quality assurance program that complies with ISO/IEC 17020 and Guide 53. PF 1078 Sheet 1 of 1 Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. FL PE No. 43409 8121/2012 THERMANTRU ID THERMA TRU DOORS 1 1 B INDUSTRIAL DR., EDGERTON, OH 4351 7 TEL. (419)298-1740 "SMOOTH STAR"; "FIBER CLASSIC; "CLASSIC CRAFT" & "CLASSIC CRAFT RUSTIC' GLAZED FIBERGLASS DOOR INSWING / OUTSWING Rtmii Pr GENERAL NOTES 1. This product has been evaluated and bin compliance with the 2010 Florida Balding Code (FBq structural requirements excluding iheMgh Velocity Humcane Zone' (HVHif. 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details. Anchor embedment to base material shot be beyond well dressing or stucco. 3. When used In areas requiting wind bane debris protection this product compiles with Section 1609.12 of the FBC and does not require an impact resistant covering. This product meets hill level "W and Includes Wind Zone 4 as defined in ASTM E 1996 and Section 1609.12.4 of the FBC. 4. For 2r stud framing construction, anchoring of these units shall be the same as that shown for2x buck masonry construction. 5. Site condfiom that deviate from the details of this drawing require further engineering analysis by lcensed engineer or registered architect. TABLE OF CONIFHM SHEErf DESCRIPTION I lypicol elevations, tle n ssures 8 general notes 2 SmooBl Sfadoorpanel8 glossing details 3 FiberClaoic door panel BgWLng details 4 Classic Cmft/Classic Craft Rustic door panel &glamg details 5 Hodzomal cross sections 6 Vertical cross sections 7 Buckanchcring 8 Flame anchoring- 2X buckmaonry construction 9 Fmme anchoring - lx buckmasorvy construction 10 BIBaf Matecis6Componems 36.00'MA1L PANEL WIDTH / X -SMOOTH STAR', -FIBER CLASSIC - 'CLASSIC CRAFT" 8 "CLASSIC CRAFT RUSTIC" OVERALL ;OVERALL - DESIGN PRESSURE.(PSFj SWING FRAME =D,LO ' M ,Fs lr VDIMENSION. „DIMENSION.; P031fNE NEGATNEa INSWING 74.50"x82.OI1" 21.00"x63.25' +47.0 "53.0 OUTSWING 74.50"x80.67' 21.00"x6326' +50.0 -50.0 FL-7640.4 MA-Pmf WmjaP d—lPmf W-11OMPUM7010 MCVL-H.1-SAM, 34 632Y MO. D.L.O. 0 �--} O.B1C y"'t> yi: y O O N o� O-ff g i s � P T T �154"-�{ 1 m v s m s J 0t-J Po onn � A 0 y "oGTla D521L1 G rp� K4 NNr Z Z z Om D D G i i m Z T T V O mA 0 8 Y Ir O 4 • 1�� 1 A w T A ao 0 nA r; n NT Z A Z N a z w N g Q PROOUCf: �w� ai+ F.f _7A u+0 COxsu�n+n" iNG i GVSm FMERFlBERCl/SS DOOR PMn�PJl. e� zu vmnw PL SSws IN Na: 01165B.BIB) °p' y N PARf OR ASSDJBIV: �^^ R^^^� of Pmfemimd Erp41 o D f/1 0 1 6 11 12 UP04iE TO 2010 FBC JK uw:� M HoimUon BSIS �• `-' 0° NO DATE BY SMOOTH7NPANEL REVSIONS I1G DETAILS /1•/L 4r�n semuat P.E �+a awe O aooe a.w. eu�eno co.euv....e i.e. RM-PAIaEAP led Hdm\Prq 1001-1100\010=010 E8C\R.-7010.1-5.dn, 3A &325'MA)L D.L.O. d li0" c O t 1T o$ o£ � F e � 1.75• F� P S I� ED P 010 �C) y V O A A Q E m 4 A A S N_ N A N N a {� 5 A f _ n W R o y y i uH. nC m R Am _Tyy 0 0 -0 DNm O FFFIII /LLLiii 2 9 D 9 Em i n D Z �n 10 u s 4 a+ mA O NT N g PRODUCT: M..0 P..pm 6 THERMA—TRU �p wo wRsuiTAR1s, �xa GLAZED RBERGLASS DOOR&MA%a�+ae a y y N JK PART ON ASSEAIBLV: IE TO ilarl0o Dmd a1 Rotmlonal Opinean 9 in o 1 B 11 12 UPOA2070 FEC Cart1xO0� ae Au x w1l a m 10. DATE BY FIBER CLASSIC DOOR PANEL. s�.s.. REVINUN5 & GLAZING DETAILS c........ ... 66 1 GI EXTERIOR bb 2 s 0$ D.LO. INTERIOR 1 ^, / 2 E K 6 2 4 3 0 1 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION O 4 3 O ao v o e $yz 112,CELLU�^ / GLAZING LAR GLASS SITE 1 I'TNK.- m GLASS TAPE 11TTEMPERED d EXTERIOR GLASS AIRSPACE c 7p 5/32'ANNEALEI EXTERIOR INTERIOR .moo GLASS aortic Oo08 .090" PVB INTERLAYER i m amoc aoH Rusfic (BY SOLUTIAI G7 INTERIOR DOW 995 2 1/B"ANNEALED OR G� �149"�{ SIKA 552 SWIGGLE GLAZING o SPACER 4 z 01 Ui1N OflAll ""' m L�,.1, a � D.LCO' NINGESIYLF L r--, 'HINGESIDE SRfE CORE MATERIAL: LVL OR ISI 4122108 ALTERNATE CORE MATERIAL'PONDEROSA, RADL #;r ' FINE, DOUGLAS OR TAEDA OR,CEDA SUGAR �, ¢i; AL m' PINE, OOUGIAS OR WHITE FIR, CEDAR, INCENSE IAKX S1YlE 63 OOORTOP RAII DOOR BTM. RAIL qy LFS ; CEDAR OR REDWOOD. di 65 �2VER71CAL CROSS SECTION176 m q EL-7B40.4 °o srtcr 4 or 10 O �IMM E 1 6 e 6050 9 a y D 40 INTERIOR 10 H 10 w Lrrlu�l.1 w NOTE /,/� 1. ( REM L AGARETAINING SCREWCREW LOCATEDTED@3/4°. T, 31/4", v:••$g�a ii 4-1/2", 18-7/6". 41-7/6". 60-7/6", 743/4', 76°, 77-1/4° & 78-1/7 yy y 3 uY g FROM TOP OF ASTRAGAL. 21 I € E S 4 aF i@@ 5 o X e e X 3 5 EXTERIOR 5 4 Z 17 5 B 20 ' � o J AIAMMIK o 1-1/'°MIN. EMI, jIYI, 1-11r MIN. 8 Y VMI••) d b �41 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION'') E 5 Sh W/IAW"Uck E & L C 9 50 60 60 50 60 50 9 C L 10 40 27 40 10 1p • a. INTERIOR 40 K 4 SEE NOTE INTERIOR 10 o •P o � 4° N � Z K Z EXTERIOR Z EXTERIOR Z ••"' • 77 a y u N B B 8 96 3 a L L e �a n : 20 • •� 0 0.15" 20 o.IS P. I .e ... • o 0 z u nor+ 4 22 08 ? sr�t N.T.S. I-�C p )IYP-) CSINK m P•1 --..{ B wro. av: AL o LFs ; �11 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION �21 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 3 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECHON 01°'"N0 H a 5 Inswng configuration 5 Inswingconfiguratbn 5 Iruwing confgurotion 6 FL-7640.4 °o — 5 rK 10 O R:W-Pr-] nWmlea PtlC TM I001-110M1p110)6\2010 FBM-7M.l-S.Mq, 6.4 1-1/4'MM. EMB. jIYP.I m [ta] g o m C P4) O Pr A_ P A O OG � A G pe T �a my • a•- ,: a �" an n Z A Z A • m o' m m n a. I-1/de MIN. EMB. IIYP.) 1.1/4'MIM EMB.(TYPJ m g o � •...� • PO A O a PA PN A • .. � G T v � tti A £e- � n w iea-'•e! in � 2.e N A • O' I-1/4'MRI. m EMB, MP.) g Q PROf)U4T. Oacunml. A.Pmd A': Ij P7 THERMA_iRll p a GLAZED FlBSWAASS DOOR UY Z em aw v=w< rt u+na Pl:on. Ro: eussaatRl m � z ry N PARE OR ASBENBLY: y il PswtJn msa w PM�Ymd Payn•.n ca:m�t. m euo oats 1 UDE M 2010 rH to a m VERMAL NO6DAT�E Y CROSS ELR/ONS `�G•/3 lr:e•a F sv:: PE. w Z REVISIONS 4.0' �a�JE IYP. HEAD ASTRAGAL y 9 MASONRY 6JAM B5SHOWN OPENING FOR I REFERENCEd 55� qq I I a m0 2X BUCK � I I �� i II II �� 9 BUCXANCHORMG o n CONCREIEANCHORNOIFS: I. Substitution of equal conrlefe anchors from a differentsuppfermayhove different edge distance and center distance requirements. k 3 2. Concrete anchor locaflons at the corners may be adjusted to maintain the min. edge "MAX. g °z distance to modnrjolnts. If concrete enchorlocations noted as ON CENTER" must be `r adjusted to maintain the min. edge dutance to modarjolnls additional concrete anchors may be required to ensure the 7AAX. ON CENTER'dlmensions are not exceeded. 3. Concrete anchor fable: ' u o ANCHOR o ' z u° oar: 4 22 08 sv t N.T.S. ° ura. W. AL 6trot en. LFS 3 °swsty° su: e FL-7640.4 0 TYPE ANGIIORMIN.CAEpRANCEiP SIZE �> EMBEOMEN[ MASONRYEGGE �MIN.ClEAR9VGEiP; :AOZACENiA�NGKQR.:'; ITy/ 1/4' 1-1/4" 2-1/Y T ELCO 1/4' 1.1/P 1" 4" ggg6 3. 461 L SEE DETAIL t MASONRY ttP. HEAD' €, d $ 8 OPENING _ 8 JAMBS FRAME P �0 1 LATCH A DEADeOLT DEUII 2K BUCK ttP. SILL o ¢�3 SEE DETAIL ao 9 6- to 70 0 HINGEJAMR FRAMEMCHORMG ASTRAGAL Masonry 2X buck comtluctlan K 97 L HINGE DETAIL i • • • c o n Os � CONCRETEANCHOR NOTES: DETAIL I $ u I. Substitution of equal concrete anchors from a different suppllermayhove different edge n ` distance and centerdistance requirements. 2. Concrete anchortocotions at the comers may be adjusted to maintain the min. edge C a distance to modarjoints. It concrete anchor locations noted as'MAX. ON CENTER" must be adjusted to maintain the min. edge distance to madarjolnts, additional concrete anchors m o 0 may be reqused to ensure the MAX. ON CENMr dimensions ore not exceeded. * Concrete anchor table: • • • wm 4 22 08 i stun N.T.S. ° s en A m P ASTRAGAL ax. er. S DETAU2 BOLT HOLE DETAIL ASTRAGAL sxuwmo xo.: OutsvAng Inswing BOLT HOLE FL-7640.4 c aw — o AN'WORM JYYE € ANCHt1RMIN, SNE EA4EEOMEM;::; CLRARA)MCE JR MASgNRY:ED6E A!I(J. CLFs1RkNGE 7q ADlAC'ENTANCHOt[: N MASONRY OPENING 5. Ix HINGEJAME J SEE DETAIL I _ - nP. HEAD 8 - JAMBS F =nP, SILL SEE DETAIL 2 d' FRAMEANCHORING Masonry IX buck construction CONCREfEANCHOR NOTES: 1. SubstiWRon o/equal concrete anchors from a differentsuppRermay have dHerent edge distance and centerdlsfance requiremenk 2. Concrete anchorlocatlons at the comers maybe adjusted to maintain the min. edge distance fo morfarJainh. If concrete onchorlocnHons noted as MAX. ON CENTER"must be adjusted to maintain the min. edge distance to modarjaints, additional concrete anchors may be required to ensure the MAX. ON CENIER'dimemions are not exceeded. 3. Concrete anchor table: ANGNdtt TMP� = ANCHOR 51;E ;: HILN. EMBEDMEM M1N. C[FARANCE iO :: MASONRYtEDGE MINCIFARANCE;TOi ADJACETLiRNGNOR.i ................. iTW 1/4" 1-1/4' 2.1/2' 3" GPI 3/id" 1.1/4' 2.5/8" 1.1/4- ASTRAGAL g '07 J o• DETAIL 1 F ASTRAGAL DETAILS BOLT HOLE OutsWng LATCH A DEADCOLTDETAIL HINGE DETAIL GAL Inswing BOLT HOLE FL-7640.4 10_ BILLOF MATERIALS d ITEM DESCRIPTION MATERIAL REM DESCRIPTION MATERIAL n A IXBUCKSG>=0.55 WOOD 40 FIBERGLASS DOOR PANEL -SMOOTH STAR B 2X BUC SG>=.55 OOFIBERGLASS CSKIN MIN 0.065"THICKNESS SMC C MAX. 1/4"SHIM SPACE WOOD 42 TOP RAIL COMPOSITE W D 14''X2-31A' PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL LATCH STILE WOOD �c HIS E MASONRY - 3,192 PSI MIN. CONCRETE CONFORMING TO ACI 301 OR HOLLOW BLOCK CONFORMING TO ASTM C90 CONCRETE 44 HINGESTILE WOOD > ` ! BOTTOM L WOOD F I/4"X 13/4' PFH ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 46 POLYUREIHANE FOAM CORE -BASF 13 LBS. DENSITY FOAM G 3/16'X3-1/4' PFH ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL LOCK BLOCK REINFORCEMENT WOOD Evav� H 1/4"x3-1/4" PFH ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 50 FIBERGLASS DOOR PANEL -FIBER CLASSIC - a�� I 1/4'X2-1/4"PFH ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 51 FIBERGLASS SMC SKIN M ICKNESS SMC 82 J 1/4"X33/4"PFH ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 52 TOP RAIL COMPOSTIE N K #8 X2-1/2'PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL 53 LATCHWOOD �+� L #10X2-1/7 PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL HINGESTILE WOOD 888 I EXTERIOR LITE FRAME ALUMINUM 55 BOTTOM RAIL COMPOSITE 2 INTERIOR LITE FRAME ALUMINUM REMANE FOAM CORE -BASF 1.9 LBS. DENSITY FOAM 3 LTIE FRAME TRIM PVC 57 LOCK BLOCK REINFORCEMENT WOOD +x 4 R10X 1-1/7 PPH SCREW STEEL FIBERGLASS DOOR PANEL -CLASSIC CRAFT &C IC CRAFTRUSTIC - �3^ 7 MEDIUM REACH COMPRESSION WEATHER-STRIP ERMA-TRU FOAM FIBERGLASSMC SKIN MIN OMU I iHICKNEM SMC B LONG REACH COMPRESSION WEATHER-STRIP ERMA-TRU FOAM 62 TOP RAIL COMPOSITE' Y' 9 4"X 4"HINGE.097'THK. (rHERMA-TRUI STEEL TILE WOOD 10 #10X3/4" PFH WOOD SCREW HINGE TO FRAM STEEL 64 HINGESTILE WOOD iERq 12 #10 X 2'PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL BOTTOM RAIL COMPOSITE m 17 PASSAGE LOCK- KWIKSET SIGNATURE SERIES STEEL 66 PO URETHANE FOAM CORE - BASF 1.9 UBS. DENSITY FOAM o IS THRESHOLD OUTSWING HERMA-TRU ALUM./WOOD ALUMINUM ASTRAG 0 TS (THERMA-R ALUMINUM & 19 HEADER JAMB 4.656" X 1.25'THERMA-TRU, PINE SG>=0.42 WOOD AS TRIKEP T STL3:L 20 21 27 32 33 SIDE JAMB 4.656" X 1.2S' THERMA-TRU SG>=0.42 DEADBOLT- KWIKSETSIGNATURE SERIES 780 LATCH STRIKE PLATE DEADBOLT PLATE OR BOTTOM SWEEP INS WING THRESHOLD HERMA-TRU 533 IiM1eSlN WOOD STEEL STEEL ITEEL PVC ALUM.VC 456T N o TB hehaltlG 6, j �j I--0554" J�— �� UTE RAME S Tfm 0.126- o OA63" I 1.I 96 GAL IA2 131W ^ " �) 7 EXT LIIE I I. UTE 1 Rane R Fmne 4563','� I e �2359'—�{� HEADA D' 19 20 Jamb N H a o — nTc422 OB s'u' N.T.S. m: AL cwc ar: LFS owrm xov FL-7640.4 s 10 or 10 ifI R W R W Building Consultants, Inc. B Consulting and Engineering Services for the Building Industry C PA Box 230 Vdrim. FL 33595 Phonc813.659.9197 j Florida Bond of Professional Engineers Certificate ofAutharization No.9813 Product Subcategory Manufacturer ProductNamo Category TMnnaTru Corporation -Smooth Star-,'FfberClassic- Ext_ gfrig Exterior Door 11a1ndusnhl Drlva "Classic Cralf"&"Claufe Craft Florida" Doors Dom Assamb0as Edgorton, OH 43917 Wearied FTMrglass Door Phone 419398.1740 InswIngloutarwhanolimpacr Scope: This is a Product Evaluation report issued by R W Building Consultants, Inc, and Lyndon F. SchadilL P.E. for Therma Tru Corporation based on Rule Chapter No. 9N-3, Method 1D of the State of Florida Product Approval, Department of Business & Professional Regulation. RW Building Consultants and Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. do not have nor will acquire financial Interest In the company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product named herein. Limitations: 1. This product has been evaluated end Is in compliance with the 2010 Florida Building Code (FEC) structural requirements excluding the "High Velocity Hurricane Zone" (HVHZ). 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details. Anchor embedment to base material shalt be beyond wall dressing or stucco. 3. When used In areas requiring wind bome debris protection this product compiles with Section 1609.12 of the FSC and does not require an Impact resistant covering. This product meets missile level TO and includes Wind Zone 4 as defined In ASTM El996 and Section 1609.1.2.4 of the FBC. 4. For 2x stud framing construction, anchoring of these units shalt be the same as that shown for 2x buck masonry construction. 5. site conditions that deviate from the details of drawing FL-7640.1 require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect 6. See drawing FL-7640.1 for eke and design -pressure limitations. Supporting Documents: 1. Teat Report No. TEL 08-0716-1 2. Miami Dade NOA 08-0206.01 3. Drawing No. No. FL-7640.1 4. Calculations Anchoring Test Standard ANSIIAAMAftNMDA 1011I.S.21A440-05 ASTM ElMI1886.02 Materials Testing Safiex HP Glass Intedayer Promarad by RW Building Consultants, Inc. (CA 99813) Priaparod by RW Building Consultant, Inc. (CA 99813) Testing Laboratory Signed 6v Testing Evaluation Lab.,ine, Wendell W. Haney, P.E. Sinned & Sealed by Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. Signed & Seated by Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. S. Quality Asaumaeo Certificate of participation issued by National Accreditation and Management Institute, certifying that Thamma Tru Corporation is manufacturing product within a quardy assurance program that complies with ISOAEC 17020 and Guide 53. 1. L�- ( y� sz— PF 1078 Sheet I of 1 Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. FL PE No.43409 W112012 111,14 N A, THERZviA TPFU D00FZ8 I IS INCLISTMAf. DR., EDGEHTON: OH 43517 TEL. f4191296-174D "SMOOTH STAR "FIRER CLASSIC". "CLASSIC CRAFT" & "CLASSIC CRAFT RUSTIC" GLAZED FIBERGLASS DOOR INSWING / OUTSWING "IMPACT 1. Thb product has bemn akcted DidishComplarcDwifh the 2010 RWch BLddmg Cade Rq *UCIWdreq*wnefds ex*&rg me1G0h VdocilyMmicaN ZonegMsia. 2 ROdsdandlaa sfrdbe as 8dedanA spaced asaYraum on deto7s. Arxhorer�edmwlflotxae matedd st1oB be beyaW wa1 dt0u4t2 a st ucco. 8. When usedhweas mgd&g wvW bans debrsprotectbri IN* praductcca*s vAths fm 16W.13dlhe FBCond doesnotregra an Grlpacl reSdantcwaUq.ItkpaduelmeelssrvssSe bvd'O°aMl61dudes WirW 7Orro 6 asdeSledihASIM E 199band Sertion 1b09.124 d Iho F-0C. 4. Fbr2tslud hwfrDlgoorafr ctIm ranchaftafteroudis stdl be Bwsdma m tharshom fa9x bud:moonycmftdtwr. S Me mhdgmthafdevlde tram ffm detc& of his dmalnp require tudhereAgjmrailgondysis by a lensed etdneerorregbterad arctiled. TAKIEWCOMMM star/ DESCWFeON I F IWd0vWloMd%0nV= s69oWtdnoIm Y LnoofhSfadow aw9A9'adngddol: 3. lbagmTl<dowpond6g'.[on detws 4 _ OVSSIeCrolt/CloafeCmd R.a9edcapm'N 6Camm'itletah 6 Hwimntdaoa sacforo 6 V woa om 7 eurYandhwmwscsaA.•��2(Wrkmasorrrconshocthn 6 Frameandwring-IXbszklmsx� xrulwm 9 RRw6Wt &corrgwsea-�rs X 'SMOOTH STAR, Wilk CIASW *CLASSIC CRAW VCIASfIC CRAFT RUSTIC asW1F{G1 �"��; •2, "�iSiEMSiC �, 2k, DU9Ek31�'l+;s (PSq roar: ��. INSWING 37.7b" x 8200- 21.00' x 63.W +47.0 -53.0 ' OWSWING '37.7Wx80.6Y 2hWx632r +50.0 -50.01 en try ; FL-064MI 6' W- 1 A ,Zv 18 ou4�RBm a48 DOOR Sa1Wri 57AR DOUR PANEL a GP iT, fzv-Tg ��.- YolOtl NIIAM1T� ML' W 00. bn Sm V.trm ft bs]] %wUo Boma ]� Pide>amv-1 E.�� x-a 1 G1 64 INIHaOR 2 4 8 (11 lfCMZONfARCROSSSCCMN 8 1/2- CEluw Omen OLADWTA9E� RiIERtOR ' c OM993 OR WA $52 GI IRoprLA , 1' T"r 'GLASS - Iff TRAPERED GLASS - AIRSPACE 3/32'ANNEALED CLASS - .WTPV8 R.7ERtAYf R 49Y SOLO" - 1/PANNEALEO GLASS �ISP "I I$IP r F-23iS� 121P jr r 2 VEIMCAI CROSS SECG!ON 3 DMOR 11 ]if INTI JN EL-7640.1 -MdGESR)ESTRE CMMAT89AL:LYLORLS1. ALIERNMEODREMATERIA -POWERONA, RAM&R M L411OTRL TAMA OR SUGAR PINEDOUMMORW RIEFMC BDAA MC84SE C®ARORR87NOOD. S GI off ff"Im L; 2 4 �3 t/2• cum-M �Cr1A5S DIfE GIA9NG F]REgOR JNHWR IN ww "5 OR N VA552 S NORqOA7AP, Cfi'OSY SCLIJON 0430" 1"IK. GLASS — IB"TEMPHtW GLASS — AIRSPACE — W3ZAIINMED GLASS — A7B MINTERUYER (BY SOLUTIA) — IMAN*ALED GLASS N U i62 .B-�ORTOtRAR �. R RA J 1011 x VERRMAtQOS!;jlKTdn_ W. FI-7N-0. i a � / -- I_. 17 e— m # ` ,. ■�S�I �e» ' ` ! , _ -- � ° ` ' | i> i §\\ ' � ` - © §\ c� ! K 2/ c n _ , _, _c m� aVOM- ' . © � __ . so AO 2 . , G 22 _ 3 �. .. § (\ k , ® , | - �• | \j i k « | \ o . � ■ /j $� - ~ I � #\� 1 �_=_c_ 0 « ! ` ©\ mm- 1.1/CMK r' v •Dr a I _ � x . w yy �.mPa ta/rtxri, > _ PN or a� 4 ' •'�ii��A yl� � i � t 6�o.{md m $ , e aazm anon 9 -A per m gl ztro ww.�. w., eu.ma.ota� i99 --� F0.Ci QI: �V'•evw�, Clr.!ee Geav °! rxrostxc `�`C-'-.a�.-e Hax — Grllllwt. mfa.rtnewasn M. "15 )lm OP LCK&AKWOMG WNrEJAMB CONCREMARCHOR 1. eqvcj�je dlf�tedgo &.022-.2ceAfff cgs frn wj ken W!L 2 =andwboothwa of ft�wmWbeo*.Wed to widnlobbbomK edge tomorforjdnfa Uoorwef& mchwbcaq"fWedw WAX 0NCR4WnvA bo 07dm ';%MASONRVEQGe ITW I-1pr 2-1/7' 3. 4. 4 A 77, MASOMY & JAM CMING RA191 —1 1 ZI j;�� PMEWAn aaJAMA ""CH a armleffamm 3 MASONRY �„ 28Y II OPRIUNG W. Imo a JAMBS IXSUCK-\ F H TYP.SU AMa a FLAME ANCHORING P-MAN M=my 1xouckcwaRpmbm CONCROFANCHORHOIEL 10 10 Z Comadoondw1ocaff= cfftarnelsmoytec*Lftdfo nxkfth1hanft ocf�-* 10 dldO f000lafoh& Ucan=M andwbcWbmrWodw`MAXONCeMWmmfbe ono malb&MquMd fooma LM IMAXON CNWdknw4aw=mfexoeedod. 3. Concrofocnebmtobla: l ag A04,10 S' Rw vor 1.i/,r 2-IM r ffw 2-SYS' FFL JL Al alLi,xianit�t?rus —' REM _ OECRIPT.OAt � AIATERIAL iflfil Dc'BCFRY, A 1X 81fC'I: WO 7C - to F+gr•'Ig5s1D )CF PfMI S1dCOTNSTAR —� ; . i.; " �tJ B 2X tiUCK SC r 0'i �� WO(Z AT fIDFRG:A5iSt-C .IUNNJIJO MS MN03- ., C MWC Iie5H1AiTnt'I: YYOKJD 42 TOI'R/TL �. I CCMFOSIE LS J D 1 d•X23 A F<H CCiC' 4(f rC X.P'aTFIES'N �_ STE1L __- A3 IA(CHSTAI _ '^_._. I WOOD Jig $�' ? 312r511CF1C Nt RFF:&)ARaNNGTOAQ 4/ 1ANGE OW WOOCi "" E MASONRY 3DIORHOILOWELCCKCCtIFOWdiGTC!LiIWC1D cowcuE.. iS „l`l it _, _. BOTOIAR\IC WOODSjuy�l f 1'rX1.9/4FFti IPro Ot•^I'r31 CR 1'i STEFU— W MDi YUItET11A�E f{Us1C�)kE BvSF t�91.$5 t7@i511Y FOAM G 3/lS X1114°fPr EN!LONC+LTt SCREI SiEEc' 77 LOXk1.01 KENFC ICENE.df WOODgg . H _ _ IN•X2.1/4'PFl1d(Y W t.RI IE <C�Ih� SIF11 73 PoB RCdA<i D]O-P/h FIS�CLLSSC o E9 !; 1 1!'X24 WTN ,' CO' RTE",=9r S1FR 51 RHIRG'JS..St 1C <KIN 1Al12D 765'TN. $GC SMC —"' p a •T ! 1/CX A F51t 3E E Ol COWMOPEQ1Ft f K 'w—�—'-- S8X2-1/XFFIIW0ODS'RE/ S1EL 5 ATCH aT L 1; 910X24 'P1H C:'6Y _..V.-_._ GD WOOD_ — - I EX(ERICRLIM(Qt.t.lE ALUMIN111% 55 60M RAL COMPOS1f 2 RGENORUIEFRAFE ALUMINIFI'.4 � 'i POII YUIlED41N cF{lAA1 CCDRE. 815F9fl195.,LENSRY FOAM-'—_ 3 EFRAM�FhYM WC -- 37 LC't]: i.LQ 7C+Ei14fDICE✓CJdT WOOD A 91DX I-1j fdH�t IM — V W-U d3 SNjCLA§jClrKR..PF YA'L LIAR'S7CCRAn%CLAfSTCCRAFTRWC 1 7 M8XII/d REACIii QFIPRE slula IfA MEt KT11P 3LHiRiAA•(RUI PRAM dl PlgLRC AS>Ct iC.:KiN /Nit0+99G'1167(11E5S_ 1 SN.0 _i 8 TONG REACH X AFFESS'ON WF ATIIER mUr ERMA-TRUI FOAM L2 T01 RA% COMPONTE 9 RXA°FNICE )9TDit i�diWi (kit Sr, L. $TELL d3 a1 CI1511� W00D ; ` 10 010%3/`fR1 W.�O_SY:!.E'71 iINC_TCifR,een SiEFl dt S11vGF'. ;tilt WOOD 17 PASSKCELOCr fi+Y:fff sic-W11UKS-.ma STUL ti BO'-10-ARA�L COMPQSI"E � � 1� 18 OIRBHOLD Cll156,aNC1-i62WiTP1L AtUMJWCCiC_ Li iOLYULIIAP f<7p'1.I'CURE-B/SF IA IBS.08.6Ttt FOS,AhI 3 19 WOOD N 42 S�EJAM9 A.L id'.C-; ItrN,�iEl <a'x0.12 WOOD 21 OEADB(W-K177t:3SiG�'A7lIRE!St3 j7�`_ S1EI:i 27 LATCH M WE FLIC OSI OLT'Pie. _,.____.__._...___._..__ .NSWING STH1. 9Ar }-- � 191(r28 jl j TF._ x R �2Wr �i� /04 er:u[+ N.T.S AL RIME PTO riO i9 20 D ca: Ua" \�'JTirc .tame \1• R W R W Building Consultants, Inc. B Consulting and Engineering Services for the Building Industry C P.O. Box 230 Valrim, FL 33595 Phone 813.659.9197 Florida Board of Professional Engineers Ccrtiliale ofAu hadenion No.9813 Product Category Sub Category Manufacturer Product Name Therms Tm Corporation 'Smooth Star", "Fiber Classic' ExterioSwinging Exterior Door 118 Industrial Drive "Classic Craft" & "Classic Craft Rustic" Doors Doors Assemblies Edgerton, ON 43617 Glazed Fiberglass Door Phone 419.298.1740 Inswing IOutswin "Impact" Scope: This is a Product Evaluation report issued by R W Building Consultants, Inc. and Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. for Thenna Tm Corporation based on Rule Chapter No. 9N3, Method I of the State of Florida Product Approval, Department of Business & Professional Regulation. - RW Building Consultants and Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. do not have nor will acquire financial Interest in the company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product named herein. Limitations: 1. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the 2010 Florida Building Code (FBC) structural requirements excluding the "High Velocity Hurricane Zone" (HVHZ). 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details. Anchor embedment to base material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. 3. When used in areas requiring wind bome debris protection this product complies with Section 1609.1.2 of the FBC and does not require an impact resistant covering. Thisproduct meets missile level "D" and Includes Wind Zone 4 as defined in ASTM E1996 and Section 1609.1.2.4 of the FBC. 4. For 2x stud framing construction, anchoring of these units shall be the same as that shown for 2x buck masonry construction. 5. Site conditions that deviate from the details of drawing FL-7640.1 require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered archkect 6. See drawing FL-7640.1 for size and designpressurelimitations. Supporting Documents: 1. Test Report No. TEL 06-0718-1 2. Miami Dade NOA 08-0206.01 3. Drawing No. No. FL-7640.1 4. Calculations Anchoring Test Standard ANSVAAMAINW WDA 101/I.S.2/A440-05 ASTM E1996/1886-02 Materials Testing SaBex HP Glass Intedayer Prepared by RW Building Consultants, Inc. (CA #9813) Prepared by RW Building Consultants, Inc. (CA #9813) Testing Laboratory Signed by Testing Evaluation Lab.,lnc. Wendell W. Haney, P.E. Signed & Sealed by Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. Signed & Sealed by Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 5. Quality Assurance Certificate of Participation issued by National Accreditation and Management Institute, certifying that Therma Tm Corporation is manufacturing products within a quality assurance program that complies with ISO/IEC 17020 and Guide 53. - 1k.11 l.. yL- Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. FL PE No. 43409 6212012 PF 1078 Sheet 1 of THERMAITRU . THERMA TRU DOORS 11 S INDUSTRIAL DR., EDGERTON, OH 43517 TEL. 14 1 9.129 B-1 740 "SMOOTH STAR"; "FIBER CLASSIC'; "CLASSIC CRAFT" & "CLASSIC CRAFT RUSTIC' GLAZED FIBERGLASS DOOR INSWING / OUTSWING '7MPAcr GENERAL NOTES 1. This product has been evaluated and Is In compliance with the 2010 Florida Building Code. (FBC) structural requirements excluding the "High Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ). 2 Product anchoasha5 be as Fisted and spaced asshownondeta9s.Anchorembedmerdto base material shall be beyond waft dressing or stucco. 3. When used In oreas requiring wind borne debris protection INS product complies with Section 1609.1.2 of the FBC and does not require an impact resistant covedng.Thls product meet$ missile level "D-and Includes Wind Zone 4 as defined in /STM E 1996 and Section 1609.1.2d of the FBC. 4. For2xstud framing construction, anchoring of these units sholl be the some as that shown far2x buck masonry construction. 5. Site condi8om that deviate from the details of this dravAng require ludher engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect. TABIBOFCOMENIS SHET:T# DESCRIPTION 1 Typical elevotlore, desi9r prBSR1re66 general notes 2 Smooth Stordarparrel8gl®ng tletaRs 3 Fiber GlassktloorparlRl6glarkg dela8 4 oassic CraO)GasskCaIf Rusfic doorpanel 6 glaring detdb 5 Harlmntal crossredlom - 6 Vedicalcroasectiom 7 Buck andtrarne anchartrlg-2X buck maarvy construction 8 Tranre ar¢haing- Ixbuccmmonrymnstruciton 9 BB of Materials 6 Components 36W MAX i / V "SMOOTH STAR'. "FIBER CLASSIC "CLASSIC CRAFT' 6 "CLASSIC CRAFT RUSTIC" '1-`� ' � byQli/fTL. � GVpE1RAALR�a DES(GNPRE9SItRE(PSF�i b...' ,"91M�N3tRtG `,alnnkNSJQ "'NA AGE Nr ttryrF INSWING 37.75"x 82.00" 21.00° x 63.25 +47.0 -53.0 OUISWING 37.75"x80.62" 21.00"x63757 +50.0 -50.0 FL-7640.1 R:N-PrOa X OI�FtlOvslVmf=1-11001MMWOLO IBCWL-7 41-5dvq, 21 025 MAX D.LO. d _L 00 J N ,r0 t OM 22 N A N DU N O a N � O � nv N V S v L� A a C A A rS4 n L p p y p q PRODUCE. Oea.nnb P�m.a ey: r� gf�e R a bt d TIIER6a_TRu cD ow,z..Rrs. we GVSm FlBERGIAS$ DOOR JL P.o. e>. Sao ve.m FL aasm N V � 2 N PMn� Rv B1a.6�Y.RIP/ + in o 1 6 If 12 UPOATE TO 2DI0 FHC JK CeBIIONv m Ro./ema C° ND GATE $Y &TMNGLOG DDEEfAILS¢ REVISION$ Lymm� F. P£ Ra aiwv O rISr � Paan O m Will © o ol o ... v SS SELTON CELLULAR GlA551SS BRE 1°TNK. GLAZING GIASS TAPE I/e°TEMPERED IDIRMOR GLASS e4^' AIR SPACE 5/3TANNEALED GLASS .D90'PVB INTERLAYER INTERIOR (BY SOLUTIA) DOW 995 2 1/8'ANNEALED OR GLASS SIKA 552 SWIGGLE GLAZING SPACER GI 1 --I 1.21x' I+ I--2375•—+{ —°i 1ZIPTA] TIM Fm I-- isr• I I I I I I r .,� n 51 IE 57 J K 5J ufCx lE EXTERIOR 11 111 INTERIOR 32 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION ft LFS rim xw: EL-7840.1 J 3 a 9 J 1= 60 A L C�c Cm B CI®e Oca Rustic • TRNGESIDESIRE COREMATERIAL• LVL OR LSL ALTERNATE CORE MATERIAL PONDEROSA. RADIATA, PUW, ELUOMI, TAEDA OR SUGAR PINE, DOUGLAS OR WHITE RR, CEDAR, 94CENSE CEDAR OR REDWOOD. 66 EXTERIOR 64 INTERIOR GLASSSITE CELLULAR IS*OR ,•THKGIALNGTAPE I/L TEMPERED EXTERIORGV35 AIR SPACE 5137 ANNEALED GLASS WO' PVB INTERLAYER INTERIOR�BYSOLUTIA) DOW1/@'ANNEALED GLASS SIKA 552 SWIGGLE GLAZING SPACER GI ZI y9h. �,{�.( }i f 0 411✓le.�TTl dJ u7C/lSry� 0 BS D RBTM. RAIL EXTERIOR 11 111 INTERIOR 2 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION 4 n FL-76,0.1 M:4-R.JmM R°JM Frdd..%"10W-1100'XfW76VO1° FWA-7 .l-SAW, 5.1 A aa N a .a �3 n a� N Q s z P O [aT�f N N A A L N C O P O A 'O -AO JOO $C- O.. V �= n mi � '• a a N P O N N m Z A O A 0 A °n e w V N � n 0 z m ° O s° f� R S4 PRMUCf: THERW-TRU w.omsa A': rm mhsu�n+nS We OlAZm FlBERGI/SS DOOR Prb w�rwzmwaeio��� 'R $ y r�wao auam m P�ee..aaa °ro.�e PORT (Ni ASSDIBLY: OPMTE TO 2010 rsc RO I Gi?.iZ NO DATE BY f" S SEC CROSS�� REVISIONS O ao°s °.w. ........ ..... a:V,-vmleeslnoka fadeaNwol lam->.wmPrloTeuolo wM-nw.l-s.e..a. bl 1-1r4'MIN. E MB. QYP.1 z $ m PW 0 Pr a O N A cyC 4 ^ • v o n . FA FA O A O A Z 0 2 O n e m V m •° n m O e T I -I r"K due. prP.� 1-1/$MIN. PMB. PP.) • • P O •�% O Pp V PN A f iq •o a A m fiUB. �PTP.� TNFUNTAU JI.p��anwa rnawlwrs. de 1I1/ v-0. Bm 2b VaHm R SlM19e 1 � � � y NGIASS GfAZm FlBERG DOOR IY qua µy: e:].63a91a] aE ,-may m vroto:vv: Egx�r. PARE OR ASeENBLY: 1•' o in oWnATE" m �D� IX UPDATE TO 2010 FHC JK Po CROSS SECRONS ynev' P'E n,MSIONS O a00o a.w. eunv:xo aoxou�.�x+e :xn. IYP. HEAD & JAMBS MASONRY OPENING 17 tN 0 TYP. HEAD OPENING RY &JAMBS FRAME E41 SUCK ANCHORING HINGEJAEIS FRAMEANCHORING SMXEJAMS Mosorvy 7X buck comhuation CONCRETE ANCHOR NOTES: 1. Substitution of equal convete anchors from a different suppilermay have c fffmnt edge distance and center cbtance requirements. 2 Concrete anchorlocaHore at the comers may be adjusted to maintain the min. edge distance to mcrtorlofnts. if concrete anchmlornHons noted as MAIL ON CENTWmusf be 9 adjusted to maintain the min. edge distance to modarjoints, adaiNonciconcrete anchors maybe required to ensure the'MAK. ON CEMER'dimemlom ore not "ceaded. 10 3. Concrete anchortable: !,--\4 AA[f�IbR lJNCtfdk LNIM. :<: {HIN CLEARANCEiA�-'<hilN. StFARAAfCE'fCl; TikR SIw.B S; PM6EDMEN[ MASk!NRXEpGE � :`AIIJAGEFIIAMCHQB': ITIN 1/P 1.1/4' 2.1/r 3' ELCO 1/4' 1.1/P 1" 4' HINGE DETAIL LATCH A DEADBOLT DETAIL M MASONRY OPENING TYP. HEAD & JAMBS FRAME Go IX BUCK LATCH A DEADSOETWAIL In IYp. SILL Cy z HINGEJAMS FRAMEANCHORING STRIKEJAMB o 0 Mamrmy IX buck conshc9on CONCRETEAN CHORNOTES' 1. SubstiWon or equal mnmfo Onohoa from a dlllwunttuppgermay have crifferent edge crufance and center date requirement. 2 Concrete ancharlocations of the amen; maybe c4usted to maintain the mh edge distance to mortarjoints. lfconmte onchorlocations noted as mAx. ON CEWER'Mwtbe ccVusted to moinfoln the mh edge distance to moftwjofn?L actaffionalconcreto anchors may be mquh0d to Gn=Q the MAX. ON WilMd7monsform me not exceeded, 3. Concrete anchor table: z .49.50 . j, C . 08 HINGEDETAIL scup M� N.T.S. rem en AL 114"as en LFS t 3/16. 1 0 sir or 9 ANCNOIt ITW BILLOFMATERIAIS ITEM DESCRIPTION MATERIAL REM DESCRIPTION MATERIAL 'I A 1XBUCKSG>=0.55 WOOD 40 FIBERGLASS DOOR PANEL -SMOOTH STAR - C B 2X BUCK SG>=0.55 WOOD 41- FIBERGLASS SMC SKIN MIN 0.06STHICKNESS SMC j�I C MAX. 1/4"SHIM SPACE WOOD 42 TOP RAIL COMPOSITE D 14"X2-34" PFH ELCO OR IIW CONCREIESCREW STEEL 43 LATCH STILE WOOD g 4 E MASONRY - 3,192 PSI MIN. CONCRETE CONFORMING TOACI 301 OR HOLLOW BLOCK CONFORMING TO ASTM C90 CONCRETE 44 HINGE STILE WOOD >^ 8 45 BOTTOM RAIL WOOD F 1/4" X I-3/4' PFH ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 46 POLYURETHANE FOAM CORE -BASF 1.9 UBS. DENSITY FOAM f s G 3/)6°%&1(4"PFH ITW CONCRETESCREW STEEL 47 LOCK BLOCK REINFORCEMENT WOOD1Y6 yyy H 14"X31/4°PFH IIWCONCRETESCREW Sm 50 FIBERGLASS DOOR PANEL -FIBER CLASSIC I 1/4"X2-1/4' PIN RW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 51 FIBERGLASS SMC SKIN MIN 0.065"THICKNESS SMC g F� J I 1/4'X3-3/4' PIN ITV CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 52 1 TOP RAIL COMPOSRE K 1 R8X2.1/2'PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL 53 LATCH STILE WOOD L 010X 2-1 PFH WOOD SCREW - 54 HINGE STILE WOOD 8@B 1 L7(TERIOR LIFE FRAME ALUMINUM 55 BOTTOM RAIL COMPOSITE 2 INTERIOR LIFE FRAME ALUMINUM 56 POLYURETHANE FOAM CORE- BASF 1.9 UBS. DENSITY FOAM z 3 LRE FRAME TRIM PVC 57 LOCK BLOCK REINFORCEMENT WOOD 4 010 X 1-1/2' PR1 SCREW STEEL 60 FIBERGLASS DOOR PANEL- CLASSIC CRAFT & CLASSIC CRAFT RUSTIC 7 MEDIUM REACH COMPRESSION WEATHER-STRIP RHERMA-TRUI FOAM 61 FIBERGLASS SMC SKIN MIN 0.090"THICKNESS SMC q B LONG REACH COMPRESSION WEATHER-STRIP (THERMA-TRUI FOAM 62 TOP RAIL I COMPOSITEFr 9 4' 4'XHINGE.097'THK. ERMA-TRU STEEL 63 LATCH STILE WOOD oa 10 010X3/4" PIN WOOD SCREW IHINGE TO FRAMEI STEEL 64 HINGE SOLE WOOD 17 PASSAGE LOCK- KWIKSET SIGNATURE SERIES STEEL 65 BOTTOM RAIL COMPOSITE qqq 1S THRESHOLD OUTSWING ERMA-TRU ALUMJWOOD 66 1 POLYURETHANE FOAM CORE- BASF 1.9 UBS. DENSITY - FOAM 19 20 21 27 28 32 33 HEADER JAMB 4.656'X 1.25- THERMA-TRU, PIN SG�0.42 SIDE JAMB 4.656"X 1,25".THERMA-TRU SG>=0.42 DEADBOLT- KWIKSET SIGNATURE SERIES (7801 LATCH STRIKE PLATE DEADBOLT PLATE DOOR BOTTOM SWEEP INSWING THRESHOLD �SJLT� - Yt`�. '•,!?`rrY zr<'!';w^�-.L` r 22 tivmnye WOOD WOOD STEEL STEEL STEEL PVC p, ALUM.COMP. I+OSSC S 9 FRAMI I I^-4A63' �i tv IB OM 0 1.42" F— �-I 131e' , 0i � I 1 lad 2 LWJ 1 �I—4563'�� d I�-2357—'i I� 19 20 04 10E N Q o rc' 0 uro 4 21 O8 wic N.T.S. rnm m AL LFS FL-7640.1 9 or 9 R W R W Building Consultants, Inc. B Consulting and Engineering Services for the Building Industry C P.O. Box 230 Valdw, FL 33595 Phone 813.659.9197 Florida Board ofPmfesional Fngnecrs Certificate ofAuihorintion No.9813 Product Category Sub Category Manufacturer Product Name Thermo Tru Corporation "Smooth Star", "Fiber Classic' Exterior Swinging Exterior Door 118 Industrial Drive "Classic Craft" & "Classic Craft Rustle' Doors Assemblies - Edgerton, ON 43517 Glazed Fiberglass Door Phone 419.298.1740 Inswing I Outswin "Impact" Scope: This is a Product Evaluation report issued by R W Building Consultants, Inc. and Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. for Teerma Tru Corporation based on Rule Chapter No. 9N-3, Method I of the State of Florida Product Approval, Department of Business & Professional Regulation. RW Building Consultants and Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. do not have nor will acquire financial interest in the company manufacturing or distnbuting the product or in any other entity. involved in the approval process of the product named herein. Limitations., - - 1.'This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the 2010 Florida Building Code (FBC) structural requirements excluding the "High Velocity Huniaane Zone" (HVHZ). 2. -Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details. Anchor embedment to base material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. - - 3. When used in areas requiring wind bome debris protection this product complies with Section 1609.1.2 of the FBC and does not require an impact resistant covering. This`product meets missile level •D" and includes Wind Zone 4 as defined in ASTM El996 and Section 1609.1.2A-of the FBC. 4. For 2x stud framing construction, anchoring of these units shall be the same as that shown for 2x buck masonry construction. 5. Site conditions that deviate from the details of drawing FL-7640.4 require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect. 6. See drawing FL-7640A for size and design pressure limitations. Supporting Documents: 1. Test Report No. TEL 06-0718-1 2. Miami Dade NOA 08-0206.01 3. Drawing No. No. FL-7640.4 Test Standard ANSI/AAMA/NW W DA 101A.S.2/A440-05 ASTM E1996/1886-02 Materials Testinn Saflex HP Glass Intedayer Prepared by RW Building Consultants, Inc. (CA #9813) Testing Laboratory Signed by Testing Evaluation Lab.,lnc. Wendell W. Haney, P.E. Signed & Sealed by Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 4. Calculations Prepared by Signed & Sealed by Anchoring RW Building Consultants, Inc. (CA #9813) Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 5. Quality Assurance Certificate of Participation issued by National Accreditation and Management Institute, certifying thatThenna Tru Corporation is manufacturing products within a quality assurance program that complies with ISO/IEC 17020 and Guide 53. Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. I FL PE No. 43409 )L / 18l1 62112012 PF 1078 Gas6� THERMANTRU G THERMA TRU DOORS 1.18 INDUSTRIAL DR., EDOERTON,.DFB 43517 TEL. 141 9129 8-1 74(3 "SMOOTH STAR"; "FIBER CLASSIC'; "CLASSIC CRAFT" & "CLASSIC CRAFT RUSTICis GLAZED FIBERGLASS DOOR INSWING / OLITSWING "IMPACT' GENERAL NOTES I. This product has been evaluated and 4 in compliance wlth the2010 Florida Building Code (FBC) structural requirements excluding the °High Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ). 2. Product anchors shag be as fisted and spaced as shown on detalls. Anchor embedment to base material shall be beyond wag dressing or stucco. 3. When used in areas requIring wind borne debris protection this product complies with Section 1609.1.2of the HiC and does not require an Impact resistant covering. This product meetsmissie level "D- and Includes. Wind Zone 4 as defined In ASIM E 1996 and Section 1609.1.2.4 of the FBC. 4. For2x stud framing construction, anchoring of these units shag be the same as that shown fora( buck masonry comimction. 5. Site candiliom that deviate from the detais of this dmMng require further englneering analysis by Iicemed engineer or registered architect. TABLE OF CONTENTS SXEETY OESCWPTION - I Ical elevatlo deli res & general notes 2 Smooth Stordoor panel&glbXng dotage 3 HberUm cdoorpanel&gladng defogs 4 Classic CWH/OassicCraft Rustic door panel&glasfng detch Hokontal cross sections 5 6 Vemcolcross sections 7 Buckanchoring B Frame arlchMng- 2x buck masomyconsruction 9 Frame anchoMg. IXbuckmasorayaomfWon 10 1 Big of Materials& Componenh �F e s+B gggayyk������ 74.SPMA)L FRAME WIDTH7 0.4 u tltltl 36110" MAIL q1116 PANEL WIDTH n Y Y O /\ /\ m q� "SMOOTH STAR". "FIBER CLASSIC" "CLASSIC GRAFT" & "CLASSIC CRAFT RUSTIC" ,,.SN7fG aR ME,„ " 40.R','�';:.,'T?1.�ItESjURE,�P3E �.,„�-.,�.�., x.4tntErfsttgt4�» x��6th3LN51AM"� NRpS�IY�;v .� .�TfY INSWING 74.50"x 82AO' 21.00"x 63.25" +47.0 -53.0 OUTSWING 74.50"-xill 21.00"x 63.25" +50.0 -50.0 m FL-7640.4 1 Gl 41 46 EXTERIOR 43 44 aH �tl� 3 721MMAX. INTERIOR 47 D.I.O.2 4 9 2 11 HM04AL CROSS SECTION 2 S CELLULAR LASS So O GLAZING Glh55 BDE 1 GLASS ya TAPE C'�� 1/8" TEMPERED gG =q a EXTERIOR GLASS o O AIR SPACE' o 5/37'ANNEALED EXTERIOR INTERIOR GLASS 090"PV8 INTERLAYER INTERIOR (By SOLUDAI GI DOW 995 2 11WANNEALED OR GLASS D SIKA 552 SWIGGLE GLAZING SPACER q' H 40 Smoo Skr GI 61Ai1NGD All � 1:18Y I+ I+-2,375� 1.187 II Imo. _I I r iTl ^ 41 �o L` L -� wm 4122108 S 45 scvc N.T.S. �..,.�..�..` oxa. W: AL u IR 1 4S OOORR H N E 17 II'7 M aoc an LFS 3 �!�1 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION 2 FL-7840.4 i m J—wl0 S 4 o GI EXTERIOR 54� t \w w/ © O W I 1 HONZO AL CROSS SECTION 3 112. CEUUo GLASS BITE r I"THK. GLAZING TAPE GLASS gx� O EXTERIOR 1/GLASS e AIRSPACE ig`� O 9 Av � / GLASSANNEALED GLASS 090" PVB INTERLAYER Lt ��� INTERIOR [BY SOLLTIIA) DOW 995 2 1/0'ANNEALED OR GLASS 0 SIKA 552 SWIGGLE GLAZING RPA F SO Rber a. SPACER GI GIANN DEdI 2375 1.210' I� •f"SY l£ti � `` 54ti -`;� � iJ_ L U �L/ l..L/J r 57 OR TOP RAIL 55 DOO B RAIL � XING � LOCK BLOCK SO �� � EXTERIOR 11 111 INTERIOR %1 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION 3 FL-7640.4 a-Lw-Q O m �L m- d_ INTER �w w� © o O 60 Lla3k W1R CI431C Qafl RiWk •MNGESIDES,ILE CORE MATERIAL LVL OR ISL ALTERNATE CORE MATERIAL PONDEROSA, RADNTA, PUW, ELLIOTTIL TAEDA OR SUGAR PINE, DOUGLAS OR WHITE FIR, CEDAR, NCENSE CEDAR OR REDWOOD. 1 NORIZOMAL CROSS SECTION CELLULAR 1L_ GLASS SITE _ T I•TNK. GLAZING GLA55 TAPE IXIH2IOR LJj gAsSERED ® AIR SPACE 5I32"ANNEALED GLASS }�� DOW 99R .09D' PVB INTERLAYER INTERIOR IBrsoLurwl 5 i IIB•ANNEALED OGLASS SIKA 552 SWIGGLEGLADNG SPACER DT t D D AR 67 TCX 62 DOO lOP IGIL DOOR . RAR i T.• mil" w en L" 2 VERT CAL CROSS SECTION pYA1�'01°' 4 FL-7840.4 a¢n�ar 1( e J a d 6 60 50 C $ 40 10 NOTE p INTERIOR H 10 � m r!! 1. �11I OF REM N4 ASTRAGAL RETAINING SCREW LOCATED 03/4. 2, 3�1/4°, �/r 41/T, 18-7/6°, 41-718. 667/e", tltltl N� ds 743/4" 76', 77-1/4' d 78-1/T FROM TOP OF ASTRAGAL 21I igv S x •: I all B 5 e X 5 EXTERIOR 7.•.. > § 9 L 20 o Y A i-1/4'MN.0 di MIN. 3 4 FMB. ITYP.I I-1/4'MIN. Ea!� EMB. Me (TYP I 6 6 %41 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION EMB. (TYP.) E 5 Sn w/1%wbbuck E g S a L C 9 50 60 60 50 60 SO 9 C L 10 40 27 40 10 10 INTERIOR 40 K 4 SEENOTEI INTERIOR 10 e' • 1 o O Ul 4 . •• n N K • °' 9 BMIOR 7 EXTERIOR 7 0 96 R 9 40.1 i Z0 20 0.15' 1 I D ',e.. , CSNK—�i 0 jSIN IYP'1 0 0�4 M22O,8DC'SINK HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 2 HORRONTAL CROSS SECHON 3 HORZONTAI CRO55 SECHON Inswhg configuraNan 5 Boxing congufofgnInsx4g confguafion eol+-� ml se tw�wa -a woe SNOISA98 S-OM7 I 31tl0 ON 1p O y d ^I NI' OIQZ !u 310i1d11 ZI 11 9 1 [l8! b .lm9M :A'18YOAY W 1NVd 4i �+vde P9�Nd m a� wwa 181S6GYiw ITN �eN bl G6GLL V '°19M OCZ m9 4d �y/_� amSSVI&GRU aUrw pp JI 7HI '9HY11IL91m WUQIi Y% (IN(-vrvam Jp~ y 9 LL �a PedW 11�auM :JOIIOONd L ii 3 W u d. NF a m x UU� z rc fi �2 O $ � W Pd.UI'9Y8 N wwl-I (dW SM 'NIW9/I-I , LL p • P ci W Q m v a m O$ O� am a am 0 N Q w W Paul TM 'NhV9/I-I Y9' WT-1'019L-lIV@1 olori 1pmlmwl kAseppa A3@ylswR -MY s MASONRY OPENLNG MUCK TYP. HEAD & JAMBS CONCRM ANCHOR NO 1. Substitution of equal conorefe GaChoff Imm a different suppffer may have different edge distance and center cWance requirements. 2 Concrete anchor locations at the comers may be acyu5ted to maintain the rrin, edge, distance to mortarjoints. If concrete anchor locations noted as MAX. ON C84Mr must be adjusted to ma*1fo!n the nin. edge dVance to moHwJoTnlz cdchional concrete anchors may be laqubad to ensure the MAX ON CIENTEr cknenslow cie not exceeded. 3. Concrete anchor table. INA .. Irw 2-112• r ELCO I/C 1.11C 411' -ar II ASTRAGAL SHOWN FOR REFERENCE II DUCKAKCHORfNG Ld I 4 M IFS MIG WU FL-7640.4 .7—Lwjg SEE L DETAIL I MASONRY lYP. HEAD OPENINGr&JAMES FRAME -/ F 2X BUCK TYP. SILL SILL SEE DETAIL 2 6- HINGIIJAMS FRAMEANCHOWNG Mosomy2X buck canftctlon CONCRETEANCHOR NOTES: I. Substitullon of equal concrete and= from a dilleentwppilermayhavedIfferent edge d1slonce and cenIwcWancemqvkemDnf& Z Concrefeanchorlooations of the comers maybe ocWed to maintain the min. edge atance to mortarjohts. lfconcrefe anchorlocoffons noted as"MAK ON CENTER"mu0be, acrjwted to maintain the min. edge distance to mortaidinfs, addiffonal connate anchors may be required to ensure the "MAX. ON CENTER" dimensions am not exceeded. 3. Concrete anchor table: EMAPP46M :ADIA; A.Wffil ITw 2-1/r r ASTRAGAL o. DETAIL I ASTRAGAL WAR 2 BOLT HOLE OutrwIng HINGEDEWIL GAL nwNig BOLT HOLE FL-7640.4 .7 -b- a-M h HINGEJAMB 6` MASONRY j II TIP' NERD 8 OPENING JAMBS SEE DETAIL I 1%BUCKLL EE ETAIL 2 16- FRAMFANCHORING "'—i Mnsasvy I%buck comWcHon CONCRETE ANCHOR NOTES. I. Substitu Of efequal concrete anchors from a differentsuppRcrmay, hove different edge distance and centermstance requVements. 2. Concrete anchorlocatlons at the comers maybe adjusted to maintain the min. edge distance to modarJoirlfs. H ccrlcrete anchorlocgHom noted as MAX ON CENTER'musf be adlusted to maintain The min, edge distance to modarlolnfs, adNNonal concrete anchors may be required to ensure the MAX. ON CENTER" dimensfons are not a eded. 3. Concrete anchor tohle: hNCHOJT ANGyOR M% MIN CtiARANCETO '.: M1N CtCARATIC4[O :: EMREOMENY MASONRY ECGE 'AIJJACEN7RNCHOH? ITW 1/4" 1-1/4' 2.1/7 3" NW 3/167 i-1/4' I.5/B" 1.114, ASTRAGAL G 97 J DETAIL F ASTRAGAL DETAIL BOLT HOLE Outsvnng MINLA Inswing LATCH L DEADSOLTDETAIL HINGE DETAIL GAL BOLT HOLE Bh LFS slm xa� ET.-7640.4 n 9 W REM DESCRIPTION ' BILL OF MATERIALS - A 1X UCK SG MATERIAL REM DESCRIPTION MATERIAL TM B=OSS S; WOOD FIBERGLASSDOOR PANEL -SM O STAR C MA%. I/4"SHIM SPACE WOOD FIB C K TO RAIL SMC ^ $� y D 1X 2-3/4" PEN ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW 4"LATCH STILE COMPOSITE € E MASONRY - 3,192 PSI MIN. CONCRETE CONFORMING TO ACI 301 OR HOLLOW BLOCK CONFORMING TO ASTM C90 CONCRETE 44 HINGESTILE BOTTOM RAIL WOOD WOOD .� a F 1/4"X 19/4" PFH ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 46 p AM COR F/OOMOsAD G 3/16°X3-1/4"PFH IT CONCRETE SCREW STEEL B KREN yyy lL�Ay H 1/4"K3.1/4"PFH ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL FIBERGLASS DOOREL- BERC WOOD gggS o I I/4" X 2-1/4" PFH ITN CONCRETE SCREW STEEL FIBERGLASS SMC SKI 5 THICK FSS SMC J I/4" X 35/4° PFH IOW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 62 TOP K XBX SCREW STEEL 53 COMPOSITE E L 2-I/'PHWOOD WOODSCREW XITERIOR STEEL HINGE STIIE WOOD I 2 LITEFH FRAME EXTERIORLITE ALUMINUM BOTTO RAIL WOOD COMPOSITE 3 INTERIOR ET FRAME TRIM ALUMINUM EFO F ,0 FOAM 4 #IOXILIFE X10%1.1/T PPH SCREW 11 FVC STEM BLOCKR NFOR WOOD FIBERGLASS DERPANEL-C IC CRAFT&CLASSIC CRAFTR STIC m 7 MEDIUM REACH COMPRESSION WEATHERSTRIP ERMA-TRU T FOAM M SMC k3 8 LONG REACH COMPRESSION WEATHERSTRIP THERMA FOAM 2 TOP RAIL COMPOSITE ' $ 9 4"% 4' HINGE.097" THK. HERMA-TRU STEEL 10 12 X10X3/4"PFH WOODSCREW HINGE TO FRAME STEEL 64 HINGE STILE WOOD WOOD L`o RIO AT PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL IrO RAIL 17 PASSAGE LOCK- KWIKSET SIGNATURE SERIES STEEL POL REf E AMC R -BAS LBS. OEN In COMPOSITE ppgM _ 0 18 THRESHOLD OUTSWING ERMA-TRU ALUM./WOOD I UMASTR AL60 TS ERMA-TR ALUMINUM o 19 HEADERJAMB 4.656"%1.2STHERMA-TRU.PINE SG>=0.42 WOOD 9 AS G RIKEP TE & 20 SIDE JAMB 4.656"X 1.2S THERMA-TRU SG>=0.42 WOOD STEEL 21 5UDOOLT- KWIKSET SIGNATURE SERIES 780 STEEL 27 STRIKE STEEL - 1.4T ISIB" UFAI)bULI I; 32 DOOR BOTTOM SWEEP pTVEECL T .. 33 INSWING THRESHOLD ERMA-TRU ALUM./WOOD. NEF E&F o y --�r-0.126° krona honre Egg! 5� O S F=4S63' ae 4122108 JJ 7hialloltl -1B Threshold 4. 1.91" I o F�---2.369"�� scup N.T.S. 96 G l XEAD a"D 19 90 laf W: AL ML W.- LFS ._ oNewwo No., FL-7640.4 %w JO arm L ECo INC. TILLIT TESTING & ENGINEERING COMPANY WALTER A. Tiurr, ]R., P.E. PRODUCI EVALUX110IN REFORI tilteco@aol.com FL PE Licem Na 44167 FL H.B. Lin=No. 0006719 REPORT NO.: 12-1207.06 DATE: December 7, 2011. PRODUCT CATEGORY: Hurricane Shutters PRODUCT SUB -CATEGORY: Storm Panels PRODUCT NAME: 24 Gage Bertha Galvanized Steel Storm Panel (2" deep) MANUFACTURER: Eastern Metal Supply, Inc. 4268 Westroads Drive West Palm Beach, Florida 33407 1. PURPOSE OF EVALUATION: This is a Product Evaluation Report (revises FL 5351-R1 with Report # 06-0815.01) issued by Walter A. Tillit, Jr., P.E. (System ID # 1906) to Eastern Metal Supply, Inc., manufacturer, based on Rule Chapter No. 9B-72.070, Method ld of the State of Florida Product Approval, Department of Community Affairs -Florida Building Commission. This product is being issued an Evaluation Report as described herein, and has been verified for compliance in accordance with the 2010 edition of the Florida Building Code, and to verify that the product is for the purpose intended at least equivalent to.that required by the Code. This Product Evaluation Report shall be subject to review and revision in case of a Building Code Change that may affect its limitations and conditions. 2. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED: 2.1. PRODUCT EVALUATION DOCUMENT (P.E.D.): Drawing No. 11-226, titled "24 GAGE BERTHA GALVANIZED STEEL STORM PANEL (2" DEEP"), sheets 1 thru 10 of 10, prepared by Tilteco, Inc.; signed and sealed by Walter A.Tillit, Jr., P.E.; dated 12/06/11. This drawing is an integral part of this Evaluation Report. 6355 N.W. 36th Street, Suite 305, Miami, Florida 33166 - Phone: (305) 871-1530 - Fax: (305) 871-1531 PRODUCT EVALUATION REPORT No 11-1207.06 2.2. TEST REPORTS: Large missile impact and cyclic load tests were performed under ASTM E-1886, E-1996 standard as per section 1609.1.2 of the Florida Building Code. Uniform Static Load Tests as per Section 1714.5.3, ASTM E-330. Test reports prepared by American Testing Lab of South Florida, Report No. 0304.01-08, dated May 12, 2008, and signed and sealed by William R. Mehner, P.E. and Henry Hattem P.E., Report No. 1220.01-05, dated July 16, 2007, signed and sealed by William R. Mehner, P.E., and Henry Hattem, P.E., Report No. 0926.01-03, dated January 15, 2004, signed and sealed by William R. Mehner, P.E. and Henry Hattem, P.E. Tensile test reports # 8CM-256, by QC Metallurgical Inc. Laboratory, dated March 21, 2008 and signed and sealed by Frank E. Grate, Jr. P.E., as per ASTM E 8. 2.3. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS: This revision includes new calculations to verify the moment of inertia of storm panel where its end lips include now hemmed edges. Comparison is made in relation to panel with non -hemmed edges. On 24 Gage Bertha Galvanized Steel Storm Panel (2" Deep) for maximum panel length vs. design wind load, as well as maximum anchor spacing vs. design wind load and panel length based on rational and comparative analysis, and in accordance with section 1604 of the Florida Building Code. Calculations prepared by Tilteco, Inc., dated May 12, 2008, signed and sealed by Walter A. Tillit, Jr., P.E. 3. MISSILE EM PACT RESISTANCE: Based on new calculations explained on item 2.3 above, we have concluded that storm panels with hemmed edges comply also with large missile impact under section 1609.1.2 of the Florida Building Code, as per ASTM E-1886, E-1996 Standard. Large missile impact under section 1609.1.2 of the Florida Building Code, as per ASTM E-1886, E-1996 Standards, with missile level "D" (basic protection). 4. WIND LOADS RESISTANCE: 24 Gage Bertha Galvanized Steel Storm Panel (2" Deep) has been verified to sustain wind pressures. Maximum panel length shall be as indicated on sheet 2 of 10 of Product Evaluation Document (P.E.D.), drawing No. 11-226. Maximum Anchor Spacing shall be as indicated on sheets 6, 7 and 10 of 10, of Product Evaluation Document (P.E.D.), drawing No. 11-226. 24 Gage Bertha Galvanized Steel Storm Panel (2" Deep) has been verified for code compliance to work as a non -porous stone shutter assembly, as per ASTM E-1996 Standard. PRODUCT EVALUATION REPORT No 11-1207.06 5. INSTALLATION: Installation shall be performed strictly in accordance with the details indicated on sheets 4 thru 6 and 8 and 9 of 10, of Product Evaluation Document (P.E.D.), drawing No. 11-226. Minimum separation to glass shall be as indicated on sheets 4 thru 6, 8 and 9 of 10, of Product Evaluation Document (P.E.D.), drawing No. 11-226. Shall be strictly in accordance with General Notes and Components indicated on sheets 1, 2 and 3 of 10, of Product Evaluation Document (P.E.D.), drawing No. 11-226. Anchor specifications shall be as indicated on sheets 1, 5, 6, 8 and 9 of 10, of Product Evaluation Document (P.E.D.), drawing No. 11-226.. 7. LEWrATIONS AND CONDITIONS OF USE: 7.1. Shall be strictly in compliance with General Notes No. 1 and 7 thru 12, indicated on sheet 1 of 10, of Product Evaluation Document (P.E.D.), drawing No. 11-226 prepared by Tilteco, Inc. and signed and sealed by Walter A. Tillit, Jr., P.E. 7.2. Product shall not be installed within HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONES as defined on section 1620.2 of the Florida Building Code. 7.3. Product shall only be installed into poured concrete, concrete block, and wood frame structures. : - Product Evaluation Report prepared by Walter A. Tillit, Jr., P.E. (Florida License No. 44167), Presidel�oofoFiltocR Inc. (Florida EB-0006719). w1.-.9P o.d :w If00 . (", NY 3Ndp sww 1flM 9w. 'ON1 'AUMS 7YJ3N Nana 'Jw bJ31w IIwP 3'�N;' 'aN11\, (1'9 53/IXJ NO p3lYJANI SY 3B TIYdS 3OYdpIJNY 'SUNYd iYJnS ON3l3H 3dNJnN15 NNw 3Nl MT13N p1 M0lMM O,," • •• .�1 1JI1 30 PYM SNONOyY 7NM Imaa)iT 3H! 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M•r N �lAM•� HALE PANEL W/ HEMMED EDGES (D STORM PANEL SOLLE J/B• - )• �'��CLY'NLR AYKW3 (3¢ Y� M XIM M .D. DES/ N PRESSURE RUM(.s L AND CORRE EMINO MAXIMUM PAN LW W O (I) Nl1 YVY /LLOM(IB(E PHRI UI4W Pop A 6MN MNI11f Ay6 AM {yy, l-: WA, I40WVt[ PAV¢ IppM /fR A fuifN A{xM A= CL9G' !p) SpMM1£ ALSO O(Y.V10W�IXh� Y1� �PIN6 � 1 • A� ML A3.0. 651G4lpl'4 G[ILbH[YUYMAI gVII IgnM 1 £AOY MW WA1Y1L NIOWA¢F pµ6 (pCM 6 LCWI M M! yydBq pflpWpFD MR N ANVOBBI vnpe �arN M eE x• SCHEDULE / f VALM MR PoURED %NEW[E 2 r1DNDREEE cr QM AND (Msra,A N5 SEE CLOSURE DETAILS ON SHEE1 S SECTION A -A SEE CLOSURE � \ ` J � � OEEAILS ON SHEET 5 MAXIMUM PANEL LENODI 4s' OR Y-. (M.) O A.uw A86 !Qd AAEYBY9a aMp (�) �.eroXOtlror wrma• rNxi AwBM.. ue p•-re• p'-lo• SAO B'-Y p'-10' S60 p'-1• 0'-10' $0 0'-Y B'-10• np a-ro• B'-ro' - 4" A-Y p'_r0• AAo e•-s• a'-e• A'A• Aao -e•-r B'-e• no Y-B• e'D' M.0 ]'-Y B'-0• m0 r-a• Yro• szp r-.• r-+• m0 9'-p' pb• ELOR/DA I—Y I caA mAM.MPB=sosuB9 . I Y� wra STORM PANEL 11e'a TYPICAL ELEVATION N. r. S. .lmazm snms wf 1&41Ln IWMM/!S �f AT lT 6a LN I h �xa»•� T �l scc am 1— epi 1 r— - � E� orm LARGE KEY HO t neo''R _L as ® WASH£R£D WING NUT DIE CAST (ZINC 1 7) NICKEL PLATED ® STUDDED SNAP TRACK ©.FEAA!L£ COLOR CAP C� c* E7 O 'U' HEADER .n 2 r. -=. p Ea7l• ..e.e .az>• ® KEY HOLE WASHER 3105-8154 ALUM. ALLOY COMPONENTS sw[r rn•_1• lLORIDA BUILDING CODE (Non High V.1.11y h onn M160. I.c 21 GCE GLLYANIZ£D RERUN STEEL S. PI (2' DEEP) EASTERN METAL SUPPLY. INC. vaoaiOi '".ia'CO DEL. ea. nuu Burn n vm7 u M Mrl._W-east e . /earl ve-e�m 11-226 a.¢auAV M am . o<ra I'Wn $d.W.1/tlx !0 Cµ54 sac xux min AaE O/+br /M, mew" au � wM.Bm m PM mmsuo- 1FIA5 MEN MM AaE 1/3b.1/E' M4f KIO NK'll/AY SGREIY Wjl11RM AS Pnt MIET Al tr & H I SECTION / PW4ED MA a.P CM'Ca{] aeoulxm SECTION ® ANCHOR SECTION ® STUD S T/OAt II.JfE FOR COYWN9MIN OF EECRONS Ifett/%1004 ✓ounmc sECnCWS 044 BE roueNm 6 6 ��m E aH w aNr wnr ro swr nxr IxsrwAnox. SECTON 0 ANCHOR a; M PoSOUY �) mm mull WALL At FLOOM _MOUNTING /N TALL9TlON SECTION 3 .R A. HuMeons EASTERN VITAL SUPPLY, INC. I'/P1/Ir l4 4L ECO1H.. �m etsr �� ' � Hurt resnxa.e °ae l"...;rvJv7-cw.m., rxaxaxlxo cavp•nr m mu. a.®r c x.u, un>,.r-rvr pNY ecaN n arar vrt peq w-emr rw.(ser) em-neo i 1-116 aarxuw x• i109M IIe. MrC) • . _ STLr a � 10 CEILING &' FLOGR QuffING INSTALLATION - SM170,V a E O. � mCE nSIAI.CE ) es�eE av IroIE Nfl CDNBIANDON N' SELDOf6 WALL/E},pCR/LENNO Iblp/14Y'G SmD1VH fµ Hf couernm 4v our wAr m sunaur u+srAUAmx I POU4m CdMRAG a'. J'..La)'J10.S-xr10.4 LUI AW({ L�CM1Y=EIE H�L� BON -IS ALLCY Cent ANm. AWL—� fHM1E REWIRFO M1IRI I/1 IIPCA4 AWNpPS O /a O. L NiT. I/. IAMPV AVCM6P5 �� / � O IP`Q A `I Jt I/}• LL CASE A (plan) CASE D (Pln) / J^ PtlAim CbSAl�F, vAa as r -UM i2WE ReWrxm x = BUILD OUr OISrANCE DR Ipwe Rewmam a:}' Wom I.11�—I 1 III- 1' S3 SGMFY 9 CASE F#Plan) a e .\ M r/.-PLM,1 r�ss�sowxc Nqp ELRflYS e' • l ,Ola' 1 JCelnf µm MI -Ie AHOY CASf B (Plan) mN,; V. nPmv AwanRs E—sua• ua lM ] a N CASE F (P/M ]' [.]' a .OBe' )O I11EMAT UV LOCIMN " `'01 ENDETAIL D CLOSURES DETAIL 2'AN^[E.d9 1 e!O'SrN-Wrd )ME! NE1AL AMn, gpy( PNIF CASE C (Plan) fLOR/0A BUILDING CDOf (Nan H/gh Valoclfy h ,1,rr,J`'P�'(ER A. •T/(� emn MI= m a} WE G4LV.WIP£O BMW SiE L SrORN A V ✓ = (a' DEEP) �J 9 EASTERN NETAL SUPPLY[ INC. �o�q� ILL ECOIr,�. e,W� A�LSN�E * /'L 6T [rYl[ 1[4liNe t [HMN[[PINO COYP.WY [ —,—a rAs HEa 2 Pleel i )F .� ec+.a�J01i N. N. em xen+,+rm°�'Bv»r �[ryawe rve !Earl mS-eaeAer) W-4 L 11-2Y6 ERIWAV w mao[ro SECTION B-B SGLE : N.T.S. •gif3a I i ., I if : u I' J` I \ t 1. A l l I\ . ffz in.GY IIrAO 1 MAX. A.SA DMW PRESSURE RA71NO o +S7'.D —87.0 P.sf.� ' Hour rmAo 1 nntts.0 FLOR/DA BUILDING CODE fNam IlMh V.1wJhv,NurNcane Zana IMI/ ]It¢a4 MG 21 GCE GLVANREC MINA SfEE[ SIDRM AANEL F.&A[lec (9' =) I caaw en w EASTERN METAL SUPPLY, 7Na 1P wn '� EC-Q INc. uae mrmYnf prre am nwr ]anrq a cxaM /.n cobww n'w� xa rw a.w �u _ _a.®us n anm pl: faaN w-aaa/ a^ MV aee-,so i'1-126 .1w Q SECTION-0 ANCHOR rovAav ♦) SECTION O STUD ALTERNATIVE 2 WALL MOUNTING 1NSTA / AllON AI N@I MIMI 1. 8L9AIUIIOAS ME My MO fDA 1[IX, ASA OE4UN PRMWE Mn Ma PMa[ IENOINS M PER SCNE o aV SHEET 1 (Dapr M NOW) 2. s£f NxNOR SCNmuIF w SNE£I la a ran NAv rvoaa m PINE Na 2. W/ SPECR]C aimry�' a Nw E, ]a Be SOU]HptN Non: ron cauelNanaN or se+ .� WNI,/F].00R NOUNMC SECipNS CW BE LON EO IN MY INIY TO SU/! MY M5)ALLIAaN. . rA sc Wmo s nm ® ANC MV)TON O STUD , )AVtlNS .m" w N 2 V, EASTERN METAL SUPPLY, INC. u MIT a mo (earl xir-e� ru: (.uq see®emc ® 11-226 mwa eP1IM11U M _��—ray 5I�Q1 E v ryNgO�I{f//MpRppC/O�V9gFyWy TpN UI�NtrpYlglfWO�S : (qy " CONHMYD IN ANY IWY�1U SWT A.W W� LUl1A4 A01ES 1. 1NST/.II<TpNS AR£ OVLY VKb FOR 4AX. 450. OESON/'RESSURE pgTy,C A40 PAM1£L'S lE).0lNS AS PFA SCNEONL[S ON SNFfT I (EAOfpT AS NOIEO) . R 5£E /NC//Op SCNFLV/!E ON gN£ET !O. S. FOR NflV WWO fMNE CONSIRIMTpAL N000 Yf4BGRS TO SE SOUTHERN PWE Na 2. N// SPW'e OENSTO' (0) OF 0.S! OR FOWL -=A . M. 01: EASTERN METAL SUPPLY, INC. C 0 INe. Aam At9TApty OY2 ft (m) zv-emi rAr (W; yA_,Jgp 1 11-225 9(F!T 9 O! . ZYO��'