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To: PermMng , PRge 2 of 3 _ 2019-06-24 16:57:40 (GMT) From: Robert P. Dudley 5 JSMZp.H Z. SXTTH,, CZMFX OP THH:OIR=Z7--00=T - nASNT-LCC39 CQ(RxTT ''Fsi.B' 4'4.$935,47 'QH'noOR 4200 P"Ir. 2020. Ro4or4ed 0612.0/241.9 . .. prepared Dy: Return w; �.. ... .. RobertP.'Dudlcy_ Thomas M Mayridos St t111• y�/1 Q7 V 961917nelnve Circle ' Port Saint I-ucie, FL, 3A4$6,. , . NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Tha undersiam-d berelry gi,eRaticc that:improvements witl jm made towt .<c[n r<al. " • Opperxy, and inn<eonianca with Chapter 713, Plurida StnCutc5, t114'X4ltawing, inYcnmation 'is provided in this Notice ofCommoncert(Cnh iprion dfprnpeety,(legnl description and•:Uavaiiabe I:nelava Rescrsc VIreetrutdrrts): .ay.0 a[.31ry LD7: 9 {9aak 4179 agc'2668) ' ` Pnrgei'2Fft1322-800-0017,000-I 2: Genera) dc5crip?iart:New Contraction of. Ncw }lonae .... ., Owhcr'jnXorniation( Thomas M,Mayrides'ubd Miriam R.bloyrldes 961.9 .F.RC,t1Ve CIreI< Port Sabn.Lucir, FJ..34486. ' '' U. interlKIinprgperw:Fee$lropl- .... b,, Nnmeand address of feo simplarldeholdcr, (Xotper xhepr [Bruner;"N!q ,_ " Cantractci rjlmcm?d pedresst'"Hade)twConstrnetinn Co, G ' 142S.Sa( Gm Drive ' F9rt Se(it Luoio, F7. 34952;, ., ' ,' -f, Su(cty:(Noto: Atraclt,Sopy afbon¢:ifapplicable)e 3;t/A .. .. . .. -S. Lcndcr;nuoennd addtesa:'N/A 6; N,ararand,wldrexges of.pi:rsons,W[dr)ti the Statoa!'Floiide.desi(pwted byOwrw. - „ ,., _ uppn.wEtom.'noti<es orpther documents.tnuy lx amce.as.pmvide¢by Sxdon ' ' 7)3,13(t)(n)7., Y•loridO Staru?cs;,N/A' , ' 'T.- in Uddilion. to i?scil; Ova?Grd<9lgrtptea'dle LendcFm=onh:m paxtrarapb sii (6) above axN gv;,,toilow'jng Yo:es;ch,xectivc a capy'oL`.1. eaoF's Nairn as provided in _ . ' Soclian 7)3.19(tj(b),'Fion'da:Statµtds: N(A ._ ., . #. ':nhc.axpta"tion.dq(c,bf'this notiee'atcamm<nc<mrnt is, vna (i) yoor i*ozn fia.0 ':.. ' date of reearding unjpyN a ddfe(em.dstS 19 herejnatlei a peciRcd;_ . .... .. .. .... ".: Fii.;am AP4H¢ , raootaa m a teen . ... STA'TE.O,F: FEurWtr COUNTY OF( Sokol w. ,,, .b beeribod aad dchnow."*9d,betareN. .. '{Prior. type orstatnp corn sioarAnatnonXNataey Fublic) .. ' _" )'Crsopelty known __�irr p+bdueed idnmifidalipn ^• .. .. 1 Typeofi atlll�epdw+ od'deed' .. .. .. .' .,tt I r errwEa:atamtd,Tam .. . pebm Is'si Dd'gi[a11y. ati4red by 'The ronur4bie Joeeph D. Smith "aec- 2a119.0o 1.1t53:21 •OAjAO .20 1 Rao Abu Cerx.t'xad .Copy " f.(A¢pilan; ; 20rsontes/1j•. 201 .3aan vch Znd£8ixir 'Dr, rom.Pierte, $1. 3"" '